Log for #openttd on 26th August 2023:
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00:37:24  *** Flygon has joined #openttd
01:44:24  *** Afdal has joined #openttd
01:44:36  <Afdal> Guise I dunno if someone has made a bug report out of this yet
01:45:05  <Afdal> but it seems something added a massive performance loss starting in v13.2 (haven't checked yet) or v13.3
01:45:17  <Afdal> and it's still present in v13.4
01:45:58  <Afdal> I've been running v13.1 for a while now because newer versions are basically unplayable
01:46:51  <Afdal> The performance hit is even apparent when running a headless server and observing the time it takes to run the map generator, so I don't think the cause is graphical
01:50:47  <Afdal> Update: when I run the generic linux binary instead of my own compiled builds, I get the same speed as v13.1
01:50:58  <Afdal> So it seems the problem is with how I've been compiling it lately
01:51:03  <Afdal> Wonder what it could be...
01:53:02  <_glx_> you probably build a debug version
01:53:27  <Afdal> by accident?
01:53:42  <Afdal> I don't normally mess with compile flags when making openttd
01:53:53  <Afdal> is debug the new default...
01:54:16  <_glx_> rerun cmake with `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo` or `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`
01:54:31  <_glx_> by default it's a debug build
01:55:58  <Afdal> hmmmmm my bash history indicates that's how I compiled v13.1
01:56:02  <Afdal> So this must be the problem :)
02:10:06  <Afdal> Yup, that fixed it
02:10:14  <Afdal> another n00b compiler error -.-
02:10:22  <Afdal> Thanks for the tip _glx_
02:10:36  <Afdal> See you guise next time I forget this...
02:10:37  *** debdog has joined #openttd
02:28:42  *** Wormnest has quit IRC
02:35:35  *** Afdal has left #openttd

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