Log for #openttd on 14th March 2024:
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00:56:03  *** Flygon has quit IRC
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06:10:06  <locosage> TileX, TileY
06:11:06  <locosage> z in coming from height map but there are several functions for that too
06:12:27  <tramrider> Thankyou! I shouldn't need Z in this scenario. I'm just working within roadstop tile(s).
06:33:51  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Kuhnovic approved pull request #12285: Fix #12280: Allow ships 90 degree turns if only choice
06:44:27  <truebrain> dwfreed: truebrain at openttd dot org will do fine. Tnx πŸ™‚
06:44:37  <dwfreed> ack
06:45:06  <dwfreed> You've got the whole /64, right? even though you use like an /80 for the discord bridge
06:45:15  <truebrain> Yup
06:45:39  <dwfreed> ack, will adjust in a few minutes
06:45:46  <truebrain> ❀️
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07:03:23  <dwfreed> truebrain: you now have effectively unlimited connections
07:04:06  <truebrain> Awesome, tnx πŸ™‚ that should prevent people from not being able to speak πŸ˜„
07:04:14  <dwfreed> heh
07:04:56  <truebrain> Will restart the bridge in a sec, as my bot won't reconnect the puppets in its own πŸ™‚
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07:08:44  <truebrain> That is a long list ... seems thr Discord is getting more and more popular πŸ™‚
14:01:38  *** nielsm has joined #openttd
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14:12:49  <talltyler> michi_cc: πŸ‘€ I don’t know if this motivates you, but if/when you finish that consists patch, I have a fleshed-out push-pull/trains-can-back-up plan that I should be able to implement pretty easily πŸ™‚
14:17:33  <merni> peter1138: Oh man, Indian scripts are even better
14:19:57  <merni>
14:33:32  <michi_cc> talltyler: Why do you think I started the consist branch in the first place πŸ˜› But yes, I have too many much too unfinished branches sitting around πŸ™‚
14:33:51  <merni> merni: or which is impressively detailed
14:34:02  <merni> lots of things in there that I took for granted
14:39:43  <talltyler> Well, whenever you get around to it, I will happily do my part and hopefully make your work worth it beyond simply cleaning up tech debt πŸ˜„
14:40:19  *** Ox7C5 has joined #openttd
14:58:52  <peter1138> Well
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15:58:56  <truebrain> michi_cc: that branch is scary well created; the commits are very easy to read πŸ˜„
16:01:24  <truebrain> and I am out of ideas how to make benchmarking work on GitHub .. the ubuntu runners have all different CPUs, so comparing there is a bit pointless .. and on the M1s I can only use the CPU time, which just fluctuates too much. Meh.
16:01:27  <andythenorth> consists eh πŸ™‚
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16:03:59  <peter1138> My idea was just to use `std::unique_ptr<BaseConsist>` inside Vehicle. IMHO pools only really exist because we didn't have managed containers/pointers back in the day.
16:04:14  <peter1138> Though I guess a consist pool makes it easy to iterate just consists.
16:06:45  <andythenorth> are consists consistent?
16:07:00  <peter1138> There's also more things that can in the consist information, e.g. current_order
16:07:14  <peter1138> and unitnumber.
16:11:01  <truebrain> Makes a lot of places more clear, instead of the endless ->Front() πŸ™‚
16:19:53  <truebrain> peter1138: Should at least be shared_ptr not?
16:20:58  <peter1138> I didn't go all that far, my aim was just to reduce the amount of memory used by vehicles that don't need any of this information. So only the front vehicle has the unique_ptr.
16:21:10  <peter1138> But yes, michi's work is superior.
16:21:18  <truebrain> Ah, like that, gotcha
16:21:27  <peter1138> I was just looking after you commented about BaseConsist being made larger by somebody πŸ™‚
16:21:47  <truebrain> I wouldn't dare! πŸ˜›
16:23:12  <peter1138> You weren't complaining, just mentioned it!
16:24:28  <LordAro> truebrain: dedicated VPS!
16:24:33  <LordAro> (for benchmarking)
16:25:05  <truebrain> Meh. More infra to support 😦
16:25:29  <truebrain> MacOS has kperf, but implementing that without a Mac is challenging
16:25:43  <truebrain> There is no CLI, just a headerfile
16:33:19  <peter1138>
16:33:19  <peter1138> Hmm, better?
16:33:49  <peter1138> Left: master. The number is the group index, so shared across all companies.
16:34:00  <peter1138> Right: pathc. The number is a per-company group number.
16:34:16  <peter1138> (Ab)Using FreeUnitIDGenerator.
16:34:26  <truebrain> Wait, it was global? Clearly I play too much single player ...
16:34:34  <truebrain> Better: yes
16:34:39  <LordAro> definitely less confusing
16:34:42  <peter1138> Also, the first group you create, in single player, is "Group 0"
16:35:52  <peter1138> inspired me and about 20 minutes later...
16:37:07  <peter1138> As it uses the same scheme as unit numbers, if you buy out a company the group numbers will change too.
16:37:29  <peter1138> I imagine most people rename groups anyway, but it still bugged me πŸ˜„
16:40:34  <truebrain> So another branch in the endless sea of your branches? πŸ˜„
16:42:19  <_glx_> don't forget all the patch/diff not in branches πŸ™‚
16:47:59  *** gelignite has joined #openttd
16:48:25  <peter1138> All those random stashes πŸ˜„
16:57:21  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #12296: Codechange: split initiating of joining and identification of the client
17:02:44  <peter1138> > 27 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 405 deletions(-)
17:02:46  <peter1138> A good day coding...
17:15:54  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN opened pull request #12297: Change: Add per-company group numbers.
17:17:19  <peter1138> I knew it.
17:18:55  *** gelignite has quit IRC
17:20:41  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN updated pull request #12297: Change: Add per-company group numbers.
17:21:08  <peter1138> Is it cheating to update the regression test result?
17:23:55  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/website] 2TallTyler updated pull request #307: Add: Blog post about timekeeping in OpenTTD 14
17:24:43  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/website] 2TallTyler updated pull request #307: Add: Blog post about timekeeping in OpenTTD 14
17:26:28  <peter1138> ctest-before-push, pom te pom.
17:29:20  <andythenorth> maybe I should try this again
17:29:33  <andythenorth> although last time I tried to train a model it made literal noise, and I got bored
17:41:57  <_glx_> peter1138: if the change is expected
18:34:23  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #12296: Codechange: split initiating of joining and identification of the client
18:36:28  <truebrain> _glx_: did you happen to test if the vcpkg fix also unbreaks our nightly?
18:45:52  <_zephyris> Generic image synthesis neural networks are useless for pixel art...
18:54:46  <truebrain> You sound surprised πŸ™‚
18:55:37  <truebrain> truebrain: tested myself, just to be sure; and indeed it fixes the issue. So now they just have to merge.
19:01:24  <_glx_> just tested in my docker
19:02:20  <_glx_> hmm icu fails for me
19:03:24  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #12296: Codechange: split initiating of joining and identification of the client
19:03:44  <truebrain> worked for me; could even bake a binary
19:06:09  <_glx_> ```sh-4.4# cat /vcpkg/buildtrees/icu/config-x64-linux-dbg-err.log
19:06:09  <_glx_> configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-silent-rules
19:06:09  <_glx_> ./../src/c-74_1-src-8ca76704fa.clean/source/configure: line 4620: syntax error near unexpected token `0.20'
19:06:09  <_glx_> ./../src/c-74_1-src-8ca76704fa.clean/source/configure: line 4620: `PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG(0.20)'```
19:06:35  <_glx_> but dinner time
19:15:01  <truebrain> enjoy!
19:27:14  <andythenorth> _zephyris: I'm not sure why
19:27:22  <andythenorth> they should be able to learn it trivially
19:27:33  <andythenorth> all my brain is doing is repeating patterns
19:27:58  <andythenorth> and we've both written different kinds of pixel art generators with primitive (ish)  programming approaches
19:28:28  <andythenorth> I guess the problem is knowing whether the patterns mean anything, or are just junk shapes
19:31:18  <xarick> hi
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20:05:19  <andythenorth>
20:05:19  <andythenorth> silly FIRS
20:05:24  <andythenorth> goes it throw out GS?
20:16:06  <michi_cc> truebrain: Did you think of a teaser yet?
20:16:20  <truebrain> I still have a day πŸ™‚
20:28:22  <andythenorth>
20:28:22  <andythenorth> should I add 'choose a random engine' from these variants?
20:28:35  <andythenorth> hmm, no I'll probably run out of varact2 IDs πŸ˜›
20:30:53  <reldred> andythenorth: YES. OH GOD YES.
20:32:41  <andythenorth> kind of wonder if the game should do 'random from variants'
20:32:53  <andythenorth> oh we could do it as a callback, and filter the list πŸ˜›
20:33:58  <andythenorth> so it would be an "engine" in the buy menu, with an ID, but it actually builds another ID, with a pointer to the "engine" ID that originally built it
20:34:03  <andythenorth> (for autoreplace reasons)
20:34:14  <peter1138> Open a discussion on github.
20:34:17  <andythenorth> oh yes
20:34:18  <peter1138> Make a proposal.
20:34:19  <andythenorth> we could
20:34:27  <andythenorth> it has worked before
20:34:44  <peter1138> HouseSpec
20:34:56  <andythenorth> currently playing OpenTTD though
20:34:59  <andythenorth> killing cacodemons
20:41:05  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN opened pull request #12298: Codechange: Shuffle members to reduce vehicle size.
20:43:19  <_glx_> truebrain: I forgot to apply a "cp"
20:43:27  <truebrain> DOH
20:43:37  <_glx_> aclocal stuff is important πŸ™‚
20:45:31  <_zephyris> andythenorth: I suspect its foundational in how the networks are designed... The input format/resolution, the network architecture, the output are all designed around high resolution images. Every output wants smooth pixel-pixel transitions! You'd want to start from scratch. (I've had related problems at work)
20:45:36  <_glx_> with properly configured image it works
20:48:18  <_glx_> it built, everything's fine
20:49:18  <_glx_> I missed <> when pasting into the docker terminal
20:49:22  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth started discussion #12299: Spec for player-buildable 'randomised' vehicles.
20:50:11  <andythenorth> _zephyris: It seems that the vector space for patterns of pixels, in 8bpp, would be relatively low dimension, compared to photo-real images
20:50:16  <andythenorth> (to me at least)
20:50:57  <andythenorth> and also we know there are clear x / y / z orientations in the sprite, which means we might be able to infer faces of the object
20:52:00  <andythenorth> so there might be a relatively small set of vectors corresponding to 'building walls'
20:52:12  <andythenorth> yada yada
20:52:48  <andythenorth> TBH, my real-world experience was with n-dimensional vector hyperspaces for text analysis, which predated LLMs
20:59:00  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #12300: Feature: encrypted game sockets
22:45:15  <_glx_> (openttd cmake)
22:49:42  <salut3585> do you mean /baseset/openttd ?
22:50:12  <LordAro> PATH as in environment variable
22:50:21  <LordAro> or just set the variables
22:50:41  <_glx_> they are cmake variables
22:50:59  <LordAro> not related to openttd checkout
22:51:13  <LordAro> just needs to be somewhere such that running `grfcodec` actually works
22:51:18  <LordAro> (or set the cmake variables)
22:54:07  <salut3585> I will check it. Thank you!
22:58:38  <_glx_> if you can run grfcodec, grfid and nforenum from anywhere, then openttd cmake should find them
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23:14:42  <salut3585> I read that nforenum was added into grfcodec
23:15:11  <LordAro> the repos were merged, they're still separate executables
23:15:20  <LordAro> a very long time ago
23:24:01  <salut3585> do you have a link on githab NFORenum
23:24:20  <salut3585> it does not work
23:24:47  <LordAro>
23:33:26  <salut3585> ok, what do I need to add?
23:33:39  <salut3585> export NFORENUM_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/nforenum
23:33:39  <salut3585> export GRFID_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/grfid
23:33:39  <salut3585> export GRFCODEC_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/grfcodec
23:34:06  <LordAro> they need to be cmake variables, not environment variables
23:34:18  <LordAro> so cmake -DNFORENUM_...
23:34:31  <LordAro> or, if you add your symlinks into /usr/local/bin instead, it'll probably all just work
23:34:39  <LordAro> as /usr/local/bin will likely be on PATH
23:37:12  <salut3585> LordAro: it has not worked I will try to use the make variables
23:49:10  <_zephyris>
23:49:10  <_zephyris> Stylistically this is quite far from standard Hebrew... But I think it matches the serif font style quite well.
23:51:27  <_zephyris>
23:51:27  <_zephyris> I think the sans is is a safe design.

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