Log for #openttd on 15th April 2024:
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01:00:33  *** bertvvvs has quit IRC
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04:44:38  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] eints-sync[bot] pushed 1 commits to master
04:44:39  <DorpsGek>   - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
14:18:01  <merni> _jgr_: But could it still be in some settings/savegames?
14:18:11  <merni> kuhnovic: Quite :)
14:21:20  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pimviergever commented on issue #9830: [Bug]: Impossible to download and update two parts of the game's online content
14:23:06  <_jgr_> merni: No, see the setting min/max values
14:23:41  <_glx_> there's a conversion when loading anyway
14:27:38  <andythenorth> "does anyone use NPF?"
14:27:39  <andythenorth> πŸ˜›
14:28:07  *** gelignite has joined #openttd
14:30:07  <talltyler> That’s why we have a survey
14:30:24  <talltyler> The answer is yes, but not many anyones
14:34:11  <pickpacket> What is "unofficial-breakpad", why is it highly discouraged to compile without it, and how do I install it?
14:34:33  <_glx_> it's used to generate crash dumps
14:35:17  <_glx_> but crash dumps are only usable by us if coming from our own builds
14:36:06  <_glx_> and you need vcpkg to install it
14:38:52  <pickpacket> ah
14:38:59  <pickpacket> then I shall care no more :D
14:40:15  <kamnet> Just a heads up.  Somebody on TT-F posted that they're getting an error of "Map generation aborted, no suitable town locations".  This is the third time I've seen somebody report this error using OpenTTD 14.
14:43:56  <emperorjake> That's because of the change in hidden roadtypes from a while back
14:45:55  <emperorjake>
14:46:47  <talltyler> This is very interesting, it seems over a quarter of 14.0 players are American (or Canadian, I guess, or are otherwise choosing American English). British English is only 17.7%.
14:46:47  <talltyler>
14:48:42  <pickpacket> talltyler: that's blasphemous!
14:48:56  <pickpacket> talltyler: how many choose right-hand traffic?
14:49:52  <talltyler> 94% πŸ˜›
14:49:52  <talltyler>
14:53:17  <talltyler> All that said, I’d bet timezones are seriously skewing the data. The release was on Saturday and Americans had all day to update to 14.0 and play, while it was already evening for Europeans. I don’t think any of this data means anything until two weeks from now.
14:53:33  <kamnet> emperorjake: Maybe, this individual on TT-F started a game in 2077 though, is there a NRT road set that doesn't provide town roads in late game?
14:54:28  <talltyler> Quite possible, NewGRF authors do lots of silly things πŸ™‚
14:54:42  <talltyler> (Speaking as a NewGRF author who has done lots of silly things)
14:55:19  <_glx_> hey it was in the afternoon in europe
14:57:08  <emperorjake> kamnet: Never really played Wasteland, no idea what it does with roadtypes
14:57:32  <peter1138> talltyler: It might just be defaulting to en_US
14:57:40  <talltyler> Wasteland has destroyed town roads that are not buildable by players
14:58:25  <_glx_> NRT allowed silly stuff πŸ™‚
14:58:44  <peter1138> In 13.4, if the NewGRF prevents towns from building road, it would just ignore it and use the first road type.
14:58:56  <peter1138> In 14.0, if the NewGRF prevents towns from building road, it doesn't build road.
14:59:30  <_glx_> broken NewGRF if it doesn't allow any road for towns
14:59:43  <pickpacket> I’m just now upgrading to 14.0
15:00:30  <LordAro> can we improve the error message?
15:00:38  <pickpacket> Hoping very few will opt in to the survey, so that it’ll look like a large percentage plays with Tea Tea Deluxe πŸ˜‰
15:00:42  <_glx_> hard to detect the reason I guess
15:01:45  <peter1138> Main issue is it stalls the world gen, as it tries repeatedly to build roads when it will never succeed.
15:01:57  <_glx_> might be possible to detect if there's no buildable roads before generating
15:02:18  <peter1138> Should be possible.
15:02:27  <peter1138> Unless there's a callback involved πŸ™‚
15:02:36  <peter1138> Don't think there is for this bit though.
15:03:56  <truebrain> peter1138: Yes, all content.
15:04:35  <kamnet> AH! It's an issue specific to Wasteland 0.5.0 that didn't exist in 0.4.0.   If I load another road set after it, problem goes away.
15:05:27  <truebrain> Why you asked Peter?
15:06:48  <talltyler> Wonder if sittinbythefire is aware of the roadtype issue described above πŸ™‚
15:08:54  <kamnet> I'm sure he will be shortly if he's subscribed to his topic. πŸ™‚
15:14:50  <johnfranklin> I am curious about singularly using AuzRattRoad Pt 3 (only industrial roads)
15:15:09  <johnfranklin> Will it cause problem
15:18:45  <kamnet> Only one way to find out
15:23:21  <merni> peter1138: doesn't it default based on OS language?
15:24:04  <_glx_> it tries to
15:24:38  <merni> Every computer I've had here has English (US) as OS language for whatever reason even though English (UK) would be closer to correct and English (India) is also available
15:25:09  <merni> So my openttd also was in US english initially until "railroad" pissed me off enough to change it :p
15:32:51  <johnfranklin> What is the main difference of English (India) with other regions? Are there many r -> l, v -> b?
15:33:04  <peter1138> When I ran windows it would periodically reset the keyboard layout to US...
15:33:30  <peter1138> In India they like to use 'revert' incorrectly πŸ˜‰
15:35:22  <johnfranklin> I think Indian accent is a different thing from English (India)
15:58:11  <Eddi|zuHause> peter1138: i think there are key combos to switch between US and local keyboard layout, something like ctrl+lshif and ctrl+rshift?
15:59:21  <peter1138> It wasn't an accidental keypress, it was usually after an update. I no longer run Windows so I don't care.
16:00:07  <Eddi|zuHause> back in the dos days you'd be trained to type "kezb gr" :p
16:01:17  <_glx_> oh of course you have QWERTZ
16:53:31  <merni> peter1138: Yes, to mean "reply" :P
16:54:10  <merni> We have more English speakers than the UK now though
16:59:59  <FLHerne> emperorjake / peter1138: I thought that change was reverted in ?
17:00:25  <FLHerne> or did I miss it getting unreverted?
22:46:20  *** happpy6024 has joined #openttd
22:46:20  <happpy6024> Not sure if this is the right place for this if not let me know I will remov it  but I like to report a bug in the game we get a lot plsyers get a desync error)
23:09:26  <peter1138>
23:09:37  <peter1138>  <_glx_> they do nasty stuff

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