#openttdcoop @ OFTC stats by Webster

Statistics generated on Wednesday 12 March 2025 - 6:05:11
During this 5028-day reporting period, a total of 4419 different nicks were represented on #openttdcoop.

Stats page | Last 30 days | All known nick alias'

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 PeterT (26 names) PeterT-test, PeterT|iPhone, PeterT|WebChat, PeterT`, PeterTonMib, PeteT, PeterT|Mib, PeterT_, PeterT|BNC, PeterT|WebIRC, PeterT__, PeterT^^, PeterT|Ubuntu, PeterT|Mibbt_, PeterT, PeterT|ChatZilla, PeterT|tor, Peter, PeterT-ghost, PeterT|BNC-Test, PeterT_Acorn, PeterT|onMibChat, PeterT^, PeterT-GeoIPfool, PeterT|Irssi, PeterT-
2 Chris Booth (20 names) Chris_Booth[ph]_, Chris_Booth__, Chris_Booth[LP]_, [2]Booth, Booth{Official_Idiot}, _Booth, Chris Booth, Chris_Booth[LP], Booth, chris_booth, Chris_Booth[ph], Booth_, Booth{1d1ot}, Chris_Booth{not_an_idiot}, Chris_Booth{Bored}, Booth{Bad_Boy}, [1]Booth, Chris_Booth_, Chris_Booth{Dedicated}, Chris_Booth___
3 ZarenorDarkstalker (12 names) Zarenor-Cleaning, ZarenorAlpha, ZarenorDarkstalker #1, ZarenorD, ZarenorDarkstalker, ZarenorD-AFK, Zarenor, Zarenor-AFK, Zarenor-Blackberry, ZarenorDarksalker, ZarenorDarkstalker-SLEEP, Zarenor-SLEEP
4 [com]buster (9 names) [gone]buster, [ghost]buster, [other]buster, [sleep]buster, [brraaainz]buster, [com2]buster, Combuster, [com]buster, [alt]buster
5 Mark (7 names) [3]Mark, [2]Mark, Mark, [5]Mark, [4]Mark, Markal, [1]Mark
6 V453000 (7 names) X_E_QT_R, [2]V453000, V453000, V45300, Sp33D][D3m0n->, V4530000, [1]V453000
7 Ammler (7 names) Zammler, Ammler, Ammler`, Wammler, Ammler-, AmmIer, Amm1er
8 KenjiE20 (6 names) Kenji, KenjiE20, KenjiTest, KenjiE20|mib, KenjiE20|LT, KenjiE20|SSH
9 XeryusTC (6 names) XeryusTC, XeryusTC-, XeryusTC2, XeryusTC #1, XeryusTC_, XeryusTC2_
10 nickman87 (5 names) Nickman87, Nickman87_, Nickman_87, Nickman_2, Nickman
11 Thraxian (5 names) Thraxian|Work #1, Thraxian|Work_, Thraxian_, Thraxian|Work, Thraxian
12 planetmaker (5 names) planetm4kerq, planetmaker, planetmaker|Fjordmaking, planetmaker_, planetm4ker
13 DCritic (4 names) DCritic #1, DCriticOn, DCritic_, DCritic
14 Bennythen00b (4 names) Benny, bennythen00b, Bennythen, benny_
15 Razaekel (4 names) Razaekel, Razaekelbe, Razaekel``, Razaekel`
16 ODM (3 names) ODM, ODMserver, 0DM
17 theholyduck (3 names) theholyduck, Keyboard_Warrior, theolyduck
18 OwenS (3 names) Owen, OwenS, OwenSX
19 Boyinblue0 (3 names) [2]Blue, Boyinblue0, [1]Blue
20 ^Spike^ (3 names) Spike, ^Sp1ke^, ^Spike^
21 Webster (3 names) Webster, coop-9000, mercbot
22 davis (3 names) davis`, davis, davis-
23 Brot (3 names) brot8, Brot, Brot6
24 Osai (2 names) Osai, 0sai
25 valhallasw (2 names) valhallasw, valhalla1w
26 AdTheRat (2 names) AdTheRat, PadThePanda
27 s_m_w (2 names) s_m_vv, s_m_w
28 Thijs (2 names) Thijs, Thijs2
29 tneo (2 names) tneo, tneo_
30 pugi (2 names) pugi, pug
31 Flash3JI0 (2 names) Flash@3JI0, Flash3JI0
32 Vinnie (2 names) Vinnie_NL, Vinnie
33 HDIEagle (2 names) HDIEagle, HD1Eagle
34 maxbilh (2 names) Polytan, maxbilh
35 Cliff (2 names) Cliff, Clifs
36 Ryton (2 names) Ryt0n, Ryton
37 patalnius (2 names) patalnius, new1here
38 Fuco (2 names) Fucoo, Fuco
39 Lord Aro (2 names) LordAro, Lord Aro
40 Seppel (2 names) Seppel, sepp
41 avdg (2 names) avdg[be], avdg
42 satyap (2 names) satyap1, satyap
43 sbn (2 names) sbn_, sbn
44 dr-dinosaur (2 names) drdinosaur, Dr-Dinosaur
45 mitooo (2 names) mitooo_, mitooo
46 De_Ghost (2 names) De_Ghost, De_Ghosty

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 a 125412 ANDREW_
2 V453000 21298 coopserver
3 will 18750 LugnutsK / Hazzard
4 hi 18684 gradiometricChromodynamics
5 see 18128 happpy
6 me 16610 Afdal
7 Train 14636 happpy
8 get 12555 Insom
9 Server 11149 happpy
10 Mark 10679 coopserver
11 Time 8888 Afdal
12 openttd 7915 Webster
13 New 7881 happpy
14 Ammler 6729 coopserver
15 Sylf 6643 coopserver
16 Maraxus 6510 coopserver
17 out 6485 dwarf
18 Jam35 5604 happpy
19 GOT 5234 ExtraRaven
20 dwarf 4964 coopserver
Total number of lines: 2040825.

If you are missing alias' please let KenjiE20 know.
Stats generated by pisg v0.72+CVS
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 10 seconds