Log for #openttd on 17th May 2006:
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00:13:00  *** Nubian [n=nubian@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
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00:45:04  <rain````> how do u make desert towns grow?
00:45:13  <rain````> i'm giving them food, water, passengers, mail...
00:45:18  <rain````> even diamonds
00:45:23  <glx> water and food normaly
00:45:45  <Tobin> Make suer you have 5 stations and they are each serviced at least once every 20 days.
00:46:04  <rain````> how do u service a station? :P
00:46:11  <Tobin> Water are Food are needed for dessert and snowy areas respectively.
00:46:18  <Tobin> You send a vehicle to it.
00:47:14  <Tobin> rain````: Here's a long explanation
00:47:58  <rain````> ah
00:48:05  <rain````> so it has to receive food/water within 20 days of eachother
00:48:13  <Tobin> No.
00:49:11  <Tobin> If it's dessert or arctic it needs food and water (I can't remember how frequently) but the thing the determines how fast a town grows just needs serviced stations.
00:49:30  <Tobin> They could be coal stations for all the game cares.
00:50:12  <Tobin> Something like this: will make cities grow like mad.
00:53:43  <Magus_X> hey
00:53:47  <Magus_X> it works for any city?
00:54:28  <rain````> ahh i see
00:54:33  <rain````> yep
00:54:42  <rain````> i built a few bus stations and sent 1 bus around, now the city grows
00:54:43  <Magus_X> wow
00:54:45  <rain````> funny how that works
00:54:45  <Magus_X> i will try it
00:55:30  <Tobin> Better to use several busses, otherwise you might not service the five station minimum often enough.
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02:24:22  * Vornicus pooks the forums
02:32:52  * Vornicus pookpooks the forums
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03:10:01  *** Forexs [] has quit ["Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough. - Karl Marx"]
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03:44:39  <Smoky555> morning ^)
03:45:17  <Smoky555> is working? or i can connect to it from russia?
03:50:35  <DaleStan> Forums are down.
03:50:37  <DaleStan> * orudge knows not why things are down
03:50:37  <DaleStan> <orudge> presumably it's just a temporary network disruption
03:50:37  <DaleStan> <orudge> The network connection should fix itself
03:51:08  <Smoky555> ok
03:51:10  <DaleStan> Then again, that was 65 minutes ago.
03:52:29  <DaleStan> And they're back.
03:53:12  <Smoky555> yes, i see :)
03:55:23  *** Tobin [] has quit []
04:06:46  *** Nubian [n=nubian@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
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06:06:10  <rain````> spider intersection:
06:06:22  <rain````> something i thought up today, works pretty damn nice for its cost/effort
06:08:35  <rain````> whatcha think?
06:08:40  <hylje> rather creative
06:11:33  <Vornicus> I have one issue with it
06:12:09  <Vornicus> northeast-bound trains go down-up-down-up
06:12:32  <Vornicus> one hill is common and acceptable; two is less so.
06:13:41  <Vornicus> there's another issue - northeast and southwest bound trains merge then branch.  This tends to cause traffic jams
06:13:58  <hylje> hmm
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06:28:54  <Tobin> You certainly see worse junction though.
06:29:16  * Tobin never really got past inefficient spaghetti
06:29:35  <Tobin> My networks tend to look "organic" though, which I quite like.
06:31:55  <hylje> examples
06:31:59  *** Hinrik [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
06:32:12  <Mizipzor> lol Tobin ... me too
06:33:32  <Mizipzor> i have a question, if a transfer some goods to the main goods drop point on the other side of the map, then take the huge goods train and transport them back across the map to the goods sell station... do i get paid for the double trip?
06:33:52  <Mizipzor> or do i only get small money? caue the stations are in real life very close to each other...
06:34:37  <Mizipzor> im just thinking about how good it really is to have all goods transported to the same place and taken from there by huge trains
06:35:12  <Tobin> Payment is worked out based on how far apart the start and end stations are.
06:35:26  <Mizipzor> Tobin, bird way?
06:35:37  <Mizipzor> that is, not length-of-track way
06:35:38  <Tobin> ... (actually the distance between the two tiles that have the station's signs).
06:35:46  <Tobin> Yes, as the crow flies.
06:36:03  <Mizipzor> thanks :) at least i dont have to wonder then :P
06:36:12  <hylje> what do ufos do
06:36:37  <Tobin> They land on busses.
06:36:45  <Mizipzor> lol :P ufos?
06:36:47  <Tobin> The small ones do anyway.
06:36:48  <Mizipzor> never seen em
06:37:16  <Tobin> The bigger ones land in an inconvenient spot then get bombed. Takes out lots of track and stuff usually.
06:37:50  <hylje> ufos appear in medium+ difficulty
06:38:18  <Tobin> I think they appear in any difficulty as long as disasters are turned on.
06:41:33  <hylje> but disasters are on in medium or hard
06:42:12  <peter1138> or custom
06:42:24  <peter1138> i only ever use custom, heh
06:46:26  <Mizipzor> i only use costum to, to get rid of competitors
06:49:03  <hylje> monopoly ftw
06:49:04  <hylje> ?
06:49:13  <Mizipzor> indeed
06:57:04  <peter1138> well, not really win
06:59:03  *** Schamane_ [] has quit ["Ciao"]
06:59:31  <hylje> you cant really lose without any competition..
06:59:37  <hylje> so its not really lose
07:00:24  *** Prof_Frink [] has joined #openttd
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07:05:33  <Smoky555> does anybody wants to write a patch "more than 2 heliports/aitports in 1 city"? :(
07:05:50  *** RoySmeding [] has quit ["kthxbye"]
07:06:05  <hylje> i could use that too, because i want to move coal around by copters
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07:07:36  <peter1138> heh
07:07:49  <peter1138> multistop for heliports?
07:07:57  * peter1138 > work
07:07:58  <peter1138> hmm
07:07:59  <peter1138> no
07:08:01  * peter1138 > breakfast
07:09:08  <hylje> and expandable heliports too
07:09:21  <hylje> the one landing spot isnt really enough sometimes
07:10:22  <peter1138> hmm
07:10:34  <peter1138> this monitor auto-sizes 1280x1024 to be the correct aspect ratio
07:10:42  <peter1138> i.e. i end up with black borders
07:11:10  <hylje> flat or fat ?
07:11:15  <hylje> the monitor that is
07:11:25  <peter1138> heh 21" SUN CRT
07:12:00  <Smoky555> hylje: use small airport for this :)
07:12:00  <Smoky555> or use 6_airports.patch, it have helistation with 3 landind spot ...
07:12:43  * MiHaMiX has a 19" IIYAMA at workplace with 1600x1200@86Hz
07:13:01  <MiHaMiX> crt also
07:13:48  <hylje> 21" nokia
07:13:50  <hylje> crt
07:14:00  <hylje> got two of these here
07:14:18  <hylje> when these blow up its time to get some real good flatties
07:14:22  <peter1138> i don't think my desk is strong enough for two :)
07:14:38  <hylje> mine is, if not, ill fucking kill the IKEA representative
07:16:01  <hylje> because they emphasize the durability and extensive testing on all the furniture they sell
07:16:11  <MiHaMiX> well, my desk at home barely holds the flat 17" tft and my notebook..
07:16:28  <MiHaMiX> though, that desk is at least 20 years old :)
07:16:52  <hylje> if they sell a large desk, it better hold the heaviest (rather common) equipment there is for a decade
07:16:59  <CIA-3> peter1138 * r4895 /trunk/newgrf_spritegroup.c: - NewGRF: don't allocate memory for any sprite groups until it is actually needed.
07:17:37  <peter1138> bah, where is mr tron when you need him?
07:17:58  <MiHaMiX> hmm.. away from here
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07:26:25  <hylje>
07:28:02  * peter1138 > work
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07:30:13  <MiHaMiX> hylje: :) they are so nice! :)
07:31:10  <hylje> yes
07:31:12  <hylje> <3
07:31:23  <hylje> little black-n-white furballs
07:33:00  <Prof_Frink> hylje: this channel needs more fluff like that
07:33:43  <hylje> ill write a bot in perl that browses /an/ and pastes random images here
07:34:40  <roboman> bye
07:34:40  <MiHaMiX> hylje: and we'll write a bot which will kickban that bot after paste :D
07:35:16  <hylje> then i make the bot msg ":(" to you every time it gets kicked
07:35:31  <Prof_Frink> Nah, make the bot self-aware
07:35:41  <hylje> no
07:35:51  <hylje> if it was self-aware it would find itself in /d/
07:36:05  <MiHaMiX> hogy :D
07:37:53  *** ProfFrink [] has joined #openttd
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07:39:13  <MiHaMiX> s/hogy/hylje/ :)
07:41:22  <hylje> your typos are officially weird
07:49:14  <MiHaMiX> well, sometimes nickcompletion goes wrong
07:49:53  <MiHaMiX> hylje: this time it was not nickcompletion, but workcompletion. I've defined a replacement hash on the most used words.
07:50:42  <MiHaMiX> hylje: and h<tab> resulted (instead of the aimed result 'hylje') 'hogy', since there was a pair in the word-completion hash 'h' => 'hogy'
07:50:51  <hylje> :o
07:51:13  <MiHaMiX> hylje: and the word 'hogy' is one of the my most used words (hungarian word)
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07:55:46  <Darkvater> morning
07:56:00  <hylje> evening
07:56:46  <MiHaMiX> morning?? :)
07:56:49  <MiHaMiX> nahh :)
07:57:03  <MiHaMiX> it's 9:57 am here, far after morning :)
07:57:18  <MiHaMiX> (even though I'm in pijama :)
07:57:21  <hylje> 10:57 foo
07:57:41  <Darkvater> it IS before noon :)
07:57:55  <hylje>
07:57:59  <MiHaMiX> Darkvater: yes, but after the strict morning :)
07:58:14  <Darkvater> isn't it cool? you arrive at work and waste about 20 minutes to boot your computer
07:58:29  <hylje> :>
07:58:51  <MiHaMiX> Darkvater: you can avoid that by not arriving at work :D
07:58:53  <hylje> too bad your workplace doesnt have proper workstations which "boot" in two seconds
07:59:11  <Darkvater> it boots ~7 minutes. Then it installs updates ~5 minutes. Then it reboots again ~7 minutes
07:59:11  <MiHaMiX> I've arrived to my work virtually via an ssh connection :)
07:59:29  <MiHaMiX> Darkvater: that's just 19 minutes! :)
07:59:34  <Darkvater> then after I log in and have everything set up to start some actual work; that's another 10 minutes
07:59:39  <ledow> I arrive at work and turn stuff off...
07:59:45  * ledow is a IT technician
07:59:46  <MiHaMiX> ledow: :D
07:59:47  <Darkvater> my HD is still rattling like an idiot
08:00:21  <hylje> what do you do anyway
08:00:26  <Darkvater> MiHaMiX: not arriving at work is not an potion :)
08:00:28  <Darkvater> eh
08:00:29  <Darkvater> option
08:00:45  <ledow> Darkvater:  comparing your hard drive to orudge just isn't fair when he's not here to defend himself.
08:01:10  <Darkvater> ;p
08:01:10  <MiHaMiX> Darkvater: potion? :) magic one? :D
08:01:22  <hylje> greater potion of slacking
08:01:25  <Darkvater> hylje: I try to do as little as possible while still getting paid
08:01:25  <MiHaMiX> :D
08:01:30  <peter1138> bah, i need to support more stuff to make dbsetxl work ;p
08:01:45  <hylje> Darkvater: ok, let me rephrase: what are you supposed to do
08:01:58  <Prof_Frink> peter1138! newstuff!
08:02:39  <Darkvater> hylje: I have a part-time job at Shell where I do asset-management
08:03:48  <Darkvater> it mainly involves looking at economical series/data/forecasts all day, doing models based on these and try to be smart about it
08:04:04  <hylje> righty
08:04:06  <MiHaMiX> Prof_Frink: shut up! peter1138: utf-8 :)
08:04:18  <hylje> wtf - 8
08:04:24  <Darkvater> yeah we want unicode!
08:04:29  <MiHaMiX> hylje: no, not wtf, utf :)
08:04:36  <Prof_Frink> MiHaMiX: No, it has to be new<something>
08:04:39  <Prof_Frink> so...
08:04:42  <Darkvater> I want to use U+0151!!
08:04:46  <MiHaMiX> Prof_Frink: newutf8? :D
08:04:46  <Prof_Frink> peter1138! newletters!
08:04:50  <MiHaMiX> :DDDD
08:04:55  <peter1138> hehe
08:04:59  *** Scia [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
08:05:11  * Prof_Frink lab
08:05:35  <MiHaMiX> we want u0097 ! :)
08:05:40  <MiHaMiX> ehh
08:05:44  <MiHaMiX> ^Vu0097 :)
08:07:34  <Darkvater> which one is that?
08:08:34  <MiHaMiX> U+0151
08:08:57  <MiHaMiX> or 151 in U+0151 is in hex?
08:09:12  <Darkvater> no the 0097
08:09:13  <MiHaMiX> btw, 151 is this: -- (of course in 1 char)
08:09:23  <MiHaMiX> hex 97 = dec 151
08:09:29  <MiHaMiX> FYI :P
08:09:32  <Darkvater> U+0151 = o"
08:09:36  <MiHaMiX> ahh
08:09:44  <MiHaMiX> I should've thought :)
08:09:54  <MiHaMiX> but I know that char as dec 337 :)
08:10:21  <MiHaMiX> but they are the same :D
08:10:32  <Darkvater> yes but mine's cooler
08:10:34  <MiHaMiX> and U+0150 is O"
08:10:41  <Darkvater> MiHaMiX: what about this debug language?
08:10:58  <Darkvater> we talked about it and you said you can just simply regexp it to create
08:11:04  <MiHaMiX> Darkvater: I should as it from you, since you were that person who accepted to create that...
08:11:23  <MiHaMiX> Darkvater: and I can even prove it with irclogs :)
08:13:29  <Darkvater> yes but you said that you could do it
08:13:33  <Darkvater> so I left it at that
08:13:34  <Darkvater> :)
08:13:43  <MiHaMiX> grr.. let me dig into the irclogs
08:13:50  <SpComb> \o/
08:13:57  <SpComb>
08:14:34  <Darkvater> all I said
08:14:36  <Darkvater> 22:29 <Darkvater> de ha akarod utananezek
08:14:46  <Darkvater> and I did and concluded that you can do it ^^
08:14:53  <Darkvater> SpComb: it was inPM
08:14:59  <SpComb> :(
08:15:16  * SpComb should stop logging this place sometime
08:15:46  <MiHaMiX> Darkvater: what a pity that you forgot to tell me your conclusions :D
08:15:55  <Darkvater> [tfarago@tin 10:15 ~] > du -sh irclogs/
08:15:56  <Darkvater> 14M     irclogs
08:16:08  <Darkvater> got another 20MB of #openttd at home
08:16:20  <Darkvater> MiHaMiX: it got lost in some router probably ;p
08:16:27  <MiHaMiX> [miham@xenon ~/irclogs]$ du -sh .
08:16:27  <MiHaMiX> 199M    .
08:16:44  <MiHaMiX> and I regularly delete them :D
08:16:46  <peter1138> hmm
08:16:49  <peter1138> we have a currency bug
08:17:07  <MiHaMiX> peter1138: tell us more about the bug :)
08:17:15  <MiHaMiX> peter1138: let us get some use of it :)
08:17:37  <peter1138> with the euro changeover
08:17:53  <peter1138> if you join a server after it's switched over, it still joins with the old currency
08:18:13  <peter1138> it'll then switch over at some point later
08:18:37  <MiHaMiX> ahh, nice :)
08:18:37  <peter1138> not major :)
08:18:49  <peter1138> doesn't affect the actual amount of money
08:19:24  <MiHaMiX> ehh :(
08:20:26  * SpComb has 30MB total already
08:20:43  <CIA-3> peter1138 * r4896 /trunk/ (engine.h newgrf.c newgrf_engine.c table/engines.h): - NewGRF: add support for vehicle property 0x25 (user defined data) used by variable 0x42.
08:21:02  <peter1138> (dbsetxl is now usable again, heh)
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08:22:07  <Darkvater> what was wrong with it?
08:22:08  *** roboman [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:25:03  <peter1138> couldn't attach carriages to the ice-3
08:25:10  <peter1138> and possibly other problems
08:26:01  <Darkvater> ah didn't you solve that a week orso ago?
08:26:17  <Darkvater> you got a red-errorbox with 'needs long coaches' or something there
08:27:25  *** leojbg_ is now known as roboman
08:30:20  * MiHaMiX > breakfast
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08:35:33  <peter1138> Darkvater: yeah, partially fixed it. but i only tested with usset, not dbset
08:35:43  <peter1138> dbsetxl uses part i didn't implement then ;)
08:35:58  <peter1138> now the only bit left is common refit cycle, which we don't have yet anyway
08:36:03  <peter1138> though mart3p's done it :D
08:37:36  <Darkvater> :)
08:38:15  <Darkvater> ah
08:38:59  <peter1138> hmm?
08:49:12  *** roboman [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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08:51:58  <Darkvater> quick let's find this guy a terminal
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08:52:43  <Darkvater> good job guys
08:53:05  <MiHaMiX> :DD
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09:10:00  <Darkvater> peter1138: newssl!
09:10:53  <peter1138> o_O
09:13:39  <Darkvater> hehe
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09:55:37  <peter1138> seems the users want elrails optional
09:55:41  <peter1138> fools
09:56:01  <KUDr_wrk> i think because of grahics
09:56:16  <KUDr_wrk> it is really messy
09:56:17  <peter1138> and they're too lazy to upgrade it
09:56:25  <peter1138> the graphics are already replacable
09:56:27  <KUDr_wrk> yes
09:58:24  *** Bjarni [] has joined #openttd
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10:00:00  <Darkvater> peter1138: if you are playing without graphics you don't want elrails at all
10:00:21  <Darkvater> I mean how stupid is it that your rails looke xactly ethe same, yet you can't run electric rails on one
10:00:28  <Darkvater> very, very confusing
10:00:48  *** ^Cartman^ [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
10:00:58  <peter1138> you can't play without the graphisc, heh
10:02:58  <Bjarni> hackers can do everything since it's open source
10:03:13  <Bjarni> removing the catenary is a stupid idea though
10:04:00  *** tokai [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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10:05:07  <KUDr_wrk> but it needs at least to be transparent
10:05:32  <Bjarni> oh, you mean transparent view
10:05:46  <KUDr_wrk> transparent caternary (like 50%)
10:05:57  <Bjarni> yeah, it would be nice to use a shadowed catenary
10:06:00  <KUDr_wrk> it hides lot of details
10:06:01  *** jong [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
10:06:08  <KUDr_wrk> and you get loast easily
10:06:41  *** jong [] has joined #openttd
10:06:59  <Darkvater> I also get toast easily
10:07:01  <KUDr_wrk> i am always lost when elrail + signals
10:07:04  *** Rubidium [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
10:07:08  <KUDr_wrk> heh
10:07:41  <Bjarni> Darkvater: I saw a guy on TV the other day. He had climbed a railcar and touched the catenary
10:07:53  <Bjarni> I came to think of it due to the word "toast"
10:08:08  <Bjarni> amazingly, he survived
10:08:21  <Bjarni> but I don't think he will look completely normal anymore
10:09:02  <peter1138> ...
10:09:13  <Darkvater> *hmmm* tooooooaaast
10:09:19  <Darkvater> I mean
10:09:21  <Darkvater> *yamm*
10:09:32  <Darkvater> eh *yumm*
10:09:35  <peter1138> i always said it should've been 3rd rail ;)
10:09:41  <peter1138> but still
10:09:44  <peter1138> there are lazy people
10:09:58  <Bjarni> I don't like 3rd rail power
10:10:02  <peter1138> i wonder how much would break if we have railtypes 1, 3 & 4
10:10:19  <Bjarni> it makes work at the switching yard pretty hard
10:10:40  <Bjarni> peter1138: nothing if it is done correctly
10:10:51  <Darkvater> ttdp to the rescue!
10:10:58  <Bjarni> o_O
10:11:05  <peter1138> yeah
10:11:14  <peter1138> they combine monorail and maglev to allow elrail
10:11:22  <peter1138> we combine rail and elrail to allow for fucktards
10:12:04  <Darkvater> :)
10:12:37  <Darkvater> actually all we need is make rail behave like elrail but without the catenaries
10:13:01  <Darkvater> or set both bits for normail rail thinking it is elrail
10:14:31  <Bjarni> what do you mean?
10:14:53  <Bjarni> 3rd rail should be a new railtype, right?
10:15:32  <Bjarni> we could also have a 3rd rail AND catenary at the same time
10:16:11  <Darkvater> ..
10:16:45  <peter1138> Bjarni: we're actually talking about the elrail complaints
10:16:57  <Bjarni> o_O
10:17:00  <peter1138> people complaining because they have to upgrade rail to elrail
10:17:00  <Bjarni> complains?
10:17:50  <Bjarni> so catenary should just magically appear or ?
10:18:11  <peter1138> they also complain about how it looks
10:18:14  <Darkvater> it should magically disappear
10:18:20  <peter1138> so presumably they want the old pre-elrail behaviour
10:18:32  <Darkvater> next thing people want is combined rail/mono AND maglev
10:18:34  <peter1138> "don't upgrade!"
10:18:37  <Darkvater> hell, no rails at all
10:19:02  <Darkvater> teletrains
10:19:08  <Darkvater> peter1138: newtrains!
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10:21:06  <warer> How do i get my dedicated server to restart the map when there are no companies left?
10:21:15  <Bjarni> why should we work so hard on elrails and then remove them?
10:21:52  <Darkvater> kill -9 pid-of-openttd && ./openttd -D
10:21:53  <Darkvater> ^^
10:22:01  <warer> hehe :)
10:22:07  *** Rubidium_ [] has joined #openttd
10:22:45  <Darkvater> someone knows I'm sure. /me doesn't remember
10:22:47  <Darkvater> hi Rubidium_
10:23:05  <Darkvater> Bjarni: in dutch we say 'klant is koning' ;-0
10:23:17  <Darkvater> 'the customer's always right'
10:23:49  <Bjarni> customer = somebody, who pays for a service
10:24:33  <peter1138> 11:23 < Darkvater> ^^
10:24:35  <peter1138> err
10:24:51  <peter1138> Bjarni: the thread's in the Problems forum... heh
10:25:11  <Darkvater> I like elrails myself but I can imagine people not wanting to update their whole network just cause the new savvy engine is electric
10:25:22  <Darkvater> and they haul coal with ICE3
10:25:26  <peter1138> hehe
10:25:27  <Darkvater> peter1138: yes?
10:25:29  <peter1138> they can't now
10:25:35  <Darkvater> fix it!
10:25:47  <peter1138> the ice-3 refuses to accept anything but the correct passenger/mail carriages
10:25:59  <Darkvater> I remember my old-old ttdp game with the arcticset. I had turbotrains carry everything
10:26:22  <Darkvater> from oil to coal and livestock
10:26:28  <Darkvater> peter1138: hmm
10:26:29  <Bjarni> it makes no sense, so why should we make it like that?
10:26:39  <Darkvater> peter1138: I should pust a bugreport then about it. I want coal with my ice
10:26:41  <Bjarni> we even worked on NOT getting it to be like that
10:26:44  <peter1138> Darkvater: shut up
10:26:58  <peter1138> Bjarni?
10:27:02  <Darkvater> severity: critical
10:27:09  <Darkvater> importance: high
10:27:16  <Darkvater> annoyance level: immense
10:28:02  <Darkvater> who's with me?
10:28:27  <Darkvater> warer: doesn't the wiki say anything?
10:28:33  <peter1138> Darkvater: what are you talking about?
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10:29:23  <Darkvater> < food
10:34:18  <peter1138> Bjarni: please clarify what "it" is
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10:42:18  <peter1138> or don't, i guess
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10:49:17  <Bjarni> 	<peter1138>	Bjarni: please clarify what "it" is <-- it = elrails
10:49:25  <Bjarni> brb (again)
10:50:11  * MiHaMiX > work
10:50:12  <MiHaMiX> bbl
10:51:04  <warer> Darkvater: not that i could find
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11:20:47  <Darkvater> peter1138: ?
11:21:08  <Darkvater> warer: hmm, perhpas you need brianetta's autopilot
11:21:09  <peter1138> hmm?
11:21:16  <Darkvater> 12:28 <@peter1138> Darkvater: what are you talking about?
11:21:25  <peter1138> you weren't making sense
11:22:34  <Darkvater> but I was. I was filing a bugreport because I can't haul coal with ICE
11:22:41  <peter1138> ah
11:22:47  <peter1138> but you wouldn't want to
11:22:50  <warer> Darkvater: what is that?
11:22:52  <Darkvater> but I do
11:23:13  <peter1138> well, make callback 1D optional ;p
11:23:24  <Darkvater> warer: it extends and simplifies the administration of your dedicated server...I believe
11:23:33  <warer> i will have a look
11:23:39  <Darkvater> YAPO\
11:23:52  <peter1138> well i'm not adding it
11:24:12  * Darkvater threatens peter1138
11:25:18  * roboman urges peter 1138 to do it
11:25:40  <roboman> gnight
11:25:45  <Tobin> Hmm, this is what it'd be like if people drove like the actors in car ads:
11:26:03  <Tobin> Personally I like not being able to move coal with the ICE
11:26:30  <Tobin> And allowing it as an option just means I'll have to put up with people doing it in online games. :)
11:26:48  *** roboman [] has quit ["Leaving"]
11:27:14  <peter1138> same with the BR103
11:27:23  <peter1138> that's a passenger loco :)
11:27:54  <Tobin> Does OpenTTD support the helpful descriptions that are in some sets?
11:28:34  <Darkvater> ok let me rephrase:
11:28:43  <Darkvater> I WANT COAL IN ICE OR ELSE...
11:29:35  * Darkvater is obviously bored at work
11:29:53  <Tobin> Heh, I'm bored at home.
11:30:05  <Darkvater> do something
11:30:16  <Tobin> I am, homework.
11:30:30  <Tobin> ... and talking to random strangers using Skype.
11:30:44  <Tobin> "Skype Me!" mode is kinda fun.
11:30:44  <Darkvater> ah cybering?
11:30:52  <Tobin> Heh, no.
11:31:09  <Tobin> I'm mostly getting calls from people who want to test their headsets or whatever.
11:31:33  <Tobin> You sometimes get calls from pretty Chinese girls who want to improve their English though.
11:31:54  <Darkvater> so cybering
11:32:07  * Tobin imagines there are some Chinese people who have acquired Aussie accents
11:32:29  <Tobin> Darkvater: I'm not sure what you think cybering is, but no. ;)
11:34:06  <Darkvater> ah denial
11:34:10  <Darkvater> it's ok Tobin
11:34:14  <Darkvater> we still love you
11:34:21  <Tobin> Hehe.
11:35:05  <Tobin> I promise you I'm not cybering. It's hard to get aroused when you've got homework that has to do with cache efficiency.
11:35:13  <Tobin> Hard for a normal person anyway.
11:36:01  <Darkvater> who said anything about you being normal? :)
11:36:13  <Tobin> :)
11:36:26  <Darkvater> you don't need to apologise to me though, I understand, it's ok, not the end of the world
11:36:37  <Tobin> I could test myself by reading something on cache policies and seeing if it turns me on?
11:36:53  <Darkvater> rofl
11:37:49  <Darkvater> all I hvae to say
11:37:52  <Darkvater> 20:32 <@peter1138> it sprayed
11:37:52  <Darkvater> 20:32 <@peter1138> over my desk
11:37:52  <Darkvater> 20:32 <@peter1138> keyboard
11:37:52  <Darkvater> 20:32 <@peter1138> face
11:37:52  <Darkvater> 20:32 < [Shaman]> O_O eek
11:37:54  <Darkvater> 20:32 <@peter1138> carpet
11:38:13  <Tobin> O_o
11:38:15  <[Shaman]> O_O
11:38:50  <Tobin> .oO(and these people are the project's leaders...)
11:39:43  <Darkvater> shit, I can barely hold in my laughter
11:40:00  <Darkvater> not a good thing to do at work
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11:44:53  <Tobin> Hey someone's been eating my mints!
11:45:21  * Tobin grumbles
11:45:40  <Tobin> I'll accuse the next person who Skypes me... >:-)
11:46:52  <Darkvater> 13:44 < Tobin> Hey someone's been eating my nuts!
11:46:54  <Darkvater> hehe
11:49:04  <Darkvater> 13:44 < Tobin> Hey someone's been eating my nuts!
11:49:05  <Darkvater> 20:32 <@peter1138> it sprayed
11:49:08  <Darkvater> 20:32 <@peter1138> over my desk
11:49:11  <Darkvater>  20:32 <@peter1138> face
11:49:16  <Darkvater> 20:32 < [Shaman]> O_O eek
11:49:20  <Bjarni> Tobin: nice video
11:49:22  <Darkvater> 13:38 < Tobin> O_o
11:49:23  <warer> :)
11:49:40  <Darkvater> ok I am really bored
11:49:45  <[Shaman]> Darkvater: You enjoy doing that, right?
11:49:56  <Tobin> Darkvater:
11:50:27  <Tobin> Bjarni: The Aussie government has been doing some good ones recently.
11:51:00  <Darkvater> [Shaman]: especially when I'm bored
11:51:06  <Bjarni> I just saw one on TV about not hitting animals
11:51:09  <[Shaman]> Darkvater: Thought so...
11:51:21  <Darkvater> Tobin: I don't think that's appropiate for work, is it?
11:51:32  <Tobin> Darkvater: Probably not.
11:51:39  <Bjarni> oh, then I better click it
11:51:59  <Tobin> Darkvater: It's not actually particularly rude though. No nudity or anything.
11:52:05  <Darkvater> you know what woud be cool
11:52:14  <Darkvater> if everything I said would be composed of quotes
11:52:26  <warer> good luck
11:53:47  <Bjarni> <Tobin>	I'll accuse the next person who Skypes me... >:-) <--- either you will have to accuse the wrong person or I better isntall skype
11:53:57  <Tobin> Hehe.
11:54:15  <Tobin> I'm just happy that I figured out how to turn off it's stupid bloody splash screen.
11:54:26  <Bjarni> heh
11:54:37  <Bjarni> oh there you are
11:54:45  <Bjarni> next thing you should learn is to turn off the camera
11:54:53  <Bjarni> specially when you are dressed like that
11:54:57  <Bjarni> o_O
11:55:04  <Tobin> The best part was being told by a Skype employee that "it's true that the splash screen comes from Windows version".
11:55:08  <Tobin> Hehe.
11:55:22  <Tobin> That'd be funny if the Mac version supported video calls.
11:55:41  <Bjarni> iChat should support video calls
11:56:07  <Tobin> Yeah, I've never been able to try it though.
11:56:33  <Tobin> If you've got a .mac account I'll sign in so we can try it.
11:56:55  <Bjarni> I forgot my .mac account years ago :(
11:57:08  <Bjarni> err, the password to it, that is
11:57:28  <Tobin> Should be the same as your Developer Connection login.
11:57:39  <Bjarni> ok
11:57:42  <Bjarni> hmm
11:57:51  <Tobin> Well, I've just signed in anyway. Has anyone else here got a Mac?
11:57:55  <Bjarni> I wonder what my developer password is :p
11:59:17  <Tobin> beardsnevergooutoffashion?
12:00:15  <Bjarni> you can't see me right now, but nice try
12:00:25  <Bjarni> 1: firewall is not opened yet for video
12:00:36  <Bjarni> 2: I'm still looking for my password
12:00:43  <Tobin> Well, you must have a beard because you're out of fashion.
12:00:57  <Tobin> ... because you're a Mac developer.
12:01:00  <Tobin> WTF?
12:01:07  <Bjarni> I'm not really sure I follow that sentence
12:01:26  <Bjarni> but yes, I don't care about fashion
12:01:37  <Tobin> I messed it up. It should have been "Well, you must have a beard because you're a Mac developer".
12:01:48  <Bjarni> ahh
12:02:33  <Tobin> I think you can reset your password using the ADC login page.
12:02:36  <Bjarni> actually I know a mac developer, who became a mac developer before he got a beard
12:02:49  <Bjarni> that was due to an age thing though and he got one today
12:02:54  <Tobin> But he got a beard in the end right?
12:03:16  <Tobin> Bjarni:
12:03:32  <Tobin> Bjarni: That's got a "Forgot Password?" link.
12:03:33  <Bjarni> you might have seen some of his work. He made the PSX emulator for OSX
12:03:44  <hylje> OSX emulator for PSX
12:03:49  <Tobin> Ahh, that sounds familiar.
12:04:08  <Bjarni> !slap hylje
12:04:09  <jmp_ghli> >Bjarni> Bjarni knows that hylje married a ZETOR long ago.
12:04:17  * Tobin wonders if he should ask the Apple engineers in #WebKit if they have beards
12:04:21  <Bjarni> !whatis zetor
12:04:24  <jmp_ghli> >Bjarni> No match.
12:04:30  <Bjarni> o_O
12:04:47  <Bjarni> jmp_ghli said zetor without knowing what it is
12:05:05  <Bjarni> Tobin: ok, now you are bored
12:05:53  <Bjarni> what is a zetor?
12:06:03  <KUDr_wrk> tractor
12:06:10  <Bjarni> ahh
12:06:32  <Bjarni> so hylje is a wannabe farmer
12:08:15  *** Maedhros [n=jc@gentoo/developer/Maedhros] has joined #openttd
12:08:20  <Bjarni> o_O
12:08:35  <Bjarni> now I can't log in on Apple's developer page
12:08:45  *** tokai|mdlx [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
12:08:45  <Bjarni> the login button appears to be broken
12:09:00  <Tobin> Really?
12:09:06  <Bjarni> that could explain the other page I failed to log into earlier today
12:09:06  <Darkvater> get a real browser like IE
12:09:12  * Darkvater hides
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12:09:26  <Bjarni> I think I better delete all prefs from firefox
12:09:37  <Bjarni> it got a bad cache or something
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12:11:01  <Bjarni> it works in safari though
12:11:02  <Darkvater> I managed to not log into KDE yesterday after deleting a line in my .fonts.cache xm file which lots of applications were complaining about (bad syntax)
12:11:07  <Darkvater> xml
12:11:16  <Tobin> What happens if you type in the wrong password in iChat? It must have a password reminder thingy.
12:11:22  <Darkvater> all the line said was <code></code>
12:14:28  <ln->
12:14:30  *** mikl [n=mikl@pdpc/supporter/active/mikl] has quit ["In the end, all that matters is your relation with God..."]
12:15:49  <Bjarni> Tobin: then it forwards me to a blank page in firefox
12:18:19  <Darkvater> ln-: lol
12:19:10  <Tobin> Bjarni: Just use Safari already! :)
12:20:10  <Bjarni> ln-: I'm pretty sure that he understands a whole lot more after reading this app :p
12:22:52  <Bjarni> screw it, I will make a new .mac account. The other one was a free one anyway (I bet this happened to a lot of people)
12:23:22  <Tobin> Heh.
12:23:43  <Tobin> You'd better hurry, I'm cooling on the idea of finding out what you look like. ;)
12:24:33  <Bjarni> you know what would be funny?
12:24:39  <Tobin> What?
12:24:41  <Bjarni> if I fail to open the firewall after this
12:24:42  <Bjarni> :p
12:24:52  <Tobin> If we look the same?
12:24:55  <Tobin> Heh.
12:24:56  <Darkvater> Tobin: back to cybering, eh?
12:24:59  <Tobin> Hmm.
12:25:10  <Tobin> Oh, go boil your head Darkvater. :P
12:25:12  <Bjarni> !insult Darkvater
12:25:15  <jmp_ghli> >Bjarni> Bjarni tells Darkvater: When you die, you should have your brain donated to science. I hear they're trying to come up with the perfect vacuum.
12:25:38  * Tobin hates that bot
12:25:41  <Bjarni> hmm
12:25:47  <Bjarni> it will only give me 60 days
12:25:52  <Bjarni> what about AIM?
12:25:57  <Bjarni> will that be permanent?
12:26:07  <Tobin> Yeah, an AIM account should work too.
12:26:10  <Bjarni> (also my other account most likely timed out)
12:26:28  <Tobin> I think the .mac is permanent but some features, like e-mail are only free for 60 days.
12:27:38  <Bjarni> no, it didn't time out since the account name is still in use
12:27:48  <Tobin> Ah.
12:29:45  *** Smoky555 [] has left #openttd []
12:30:05  <Darkvater> bleh
12:30:20  <Darkvater> the spam starts rolling into my openttd account
12:32:49  <Naksu> haha :D
12:32:49  <Naksu>
12:32:54  <Naksu> that's harsh
12:33:05  <Darkvater> he C++ guy?
12:34:22  <ln-> wanha
12:34:44  * Tobin waits for Bjarni
12:36:43  <Tobin> I'm actually waiting for a cache simulation to finish running too.
12:37:00  <Tobin> I know you care.
12:37:22  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-230-82.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
12:37:43  <Sacro> afternoon all
12:37:54  * Tobin waves
12:38:23  * Sacro waves at Tobin
12:38:51  <Tobin> What's new?
12:39:06  <Sacro> err, its Tuesday
12:39:15  <Sacro> nope, its actually Wednesday
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12:45:03  <peter1138> Tobin: Does OpenTTD support the helpful descriptions that are in some sets? << yes
12:45:20  <Tobin> Goodoh.
12:45:44  * Darkvater reminds peter1138 of coal-on-ice
12:45:52  * peter1138 stabs Darkvater for his earlier pastes
12:45:59  <peter1138> Darkvater: you're not getting it :P
12:46:00  <Darkvater> hmm I wonder how i would taste
12:46:13  <peter1138> not unless you code yet another patch option
12:46:29  <Darkvater> 13:49 < [Shaman]> Darkvater: You enjoy doing that, right?
12:46:40  <peter1138> we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't, so why bother, eh?
12:46:49  <[Shaman]> not again :/
12:46:55  * [Shaman] thwacks Darkvater
12:47:02  <Darkvater> o_O
12:47:27  <[Shaman]> here i am flying through unsafe space in EVE.. and you're making me jump out of my chair O_O
12:47:27  <Darkvater> ok
12:47:31  * Darkvater gets to work
12:47:35  <peter1138> boo
12:47:37  * [Shaman] turns off irc client music
12:47:46  <peter1138> unless work means "getting iconv working"
12:49:54  <Xeryus|sleep> <Naksu> <- rofl _O-
12:50:02  *** Xeryus|sleep is now known as XeryusTC
12:50:23  * Darkvater kicks CIA-3
12:50:23  <CIA-3> ow
12:50:30  <Darkvater> dammit what's with you, you bitch?
12:50:31  <Darkvater> Darkvater * r4897 /trunk/ (6 files in 1 dir):
12:50:31  <Darkvater> - Fix: Add an option to the settings to disable cargo restrictions. Now people can carry coal with the ICE3 for example
12:50:45  <Darkvater> there
12:50:54  <[Shaman]> o_O
12:51:16  <[Shaman]> cargo restrictions as in, what vehicles? :o
12:51:27  <XeryusTC> what type of cargo they can cary
12:51:30  <XeryusTC> +r
12:51:38  <[Shaman]> cuz i'm dying to try to haul coal in armored vans :p
12:51:50  <Darkvater> no it's just the stupid restrictions
12:51:50  <XeryusTC> so passenger/mail vehicles can now also cary coal as in Darkvater's example
12:51:59  <Darkvater> eg only passangers with pass engines, etc.
12:51:59  <[Shaman]> ah
12:52:20  <Darkvater> it was a really easy fix
12:52:26  <XeryusTC> the vehicle has to be refitable though
12:52:33  <XeryusTC> i guess ;)
12:52:46  <Darkvater> no, just drop a coal-wagon in the list
12:52:51  <Darkvater> it won't complain now
12:57:40  *** angerman [] has joined #openttd
12:57:42  <peter1138> what other features can we disable?
12:58:36  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-230-82.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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12:58:58  <Darkvater> hmm
12:59:37  <Darkvater> we should probably disable resizing windows
13:00:36  <Tobin> I've always hated multistop.
13:00:45  <Tobin> Blasted road vehicles.
13:02:57  *** rain```` [] has quit [Connection timed out]
13:03:18  <XeryusTC> you can already disable it
13:03:40  <XeryusTC> it's called Road vehicle queing (with quantum effects)
13:04:33  <peter1138> that doesn't disable multistop
13:04:42  <peter1138> that actually makes it work better, in some versions, heh
13:05:47  <CIA-3> peter1138 * r4897 /trunk/newgrf.c: - NewGRF: don't allow addition of empty strings in action 4
13:07:58  *** Mizipzor [] has joined #openttd
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13:10:54  <Tobin> Ho hum.
13:10:59  <Tobin> Bjarni: Got it working?
13:18:01  <Tobin> Meh.
13:21:15  <peter1138> hmm?
13:21:25  <Tobin> iChat.
13:21:29  <peter1138> oh
13:21:57  <Tobin> He seems to have wandered of though.
13:22:18  <XeryusTC> w00t, my first million since my company started 23 (!) years ago :)
13:32:03  <peter1138> bah
13:32:10  <peter1138> i made a mod to train_gui.c and i can't find it :/
13:32:30  <peter1138> i can't remember if i did it here or at home...
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13:36:53  *** Belugas_Gone is now known as Belugas
13:37:03  <Belugas> Good day all
13:37:38  <UnderBuilder> Hi
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13:40:45  *** Sacro [n=root@adsl-83-100-230-82.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
13:40:54  <Sacro> hmmm, very snazzy
13:42:10  <peter1138> what is?
13:42:34  <Sacro> xfce
13:42:37  <Sacro> and xchat
13:42:43  <Tobin> My new pants.
13:42:55  <Sacro> though it did tell me off for running as root
13:44:44  <Jango> what does xfce do now that it didn't do before?
13:45:19  <Sacro> im used to KDE
13:45:22  <Sacro> and all its bloat
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13:58:05  <UnderBuilder> I have troubles with my openttd in my linux
13:58:18  <Mizipzor> UnderBuilder, tell us
13:58:41  *** Schamane_ [] has joined #openttd
13:59:50  <UnderBuilder> I copied the binary, the lang files and the data files but when I try to start it the game doesn't find the files (those are in the right place
13:59:51  <UnderBuilder> )
14:00:46  <Mizipzor> the names are case sensitive, checked that?
14:01:04  <UnderBuilder> the names of what?
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14:06:31  <Mizipzor> the files...
14:06:46  <Mizipzor> file.grf is not the same as File.grf etc
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14:20:52  <UnderBuilder> ok
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14:31:50  <Bjarni> <Tobin>	Bjarni: Got it working? <-- err, no. Phone
14:32:00  <Tobin> Fair enough.
14:32:01  <Bjarni> damn, that was a long phone call
14:32:14  <Bjarni> good thing I didn't made that call and paid for it :)
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14:33:57  <Mizipzor> Bjarni, lol
14:34:35  *** ^Cartman^ [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
14:39:48  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-230-82.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
14:40:11  <Sacro> afternoon all
14:41:33  <Naksu> i have a question
14:41:59  <XeryusTC> Bjarni: so how is she?
14:42:33  <Naksu> no wait, nvm
14:43:21  <Bjarni> XeryusTC: it was not like that :(
14:43:31  <Bjarni> it was about uni and exams and stuff
14:43:33  <Bjarni> boring stuff
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14:49:02  <Born_Acorn> peter1138! newsounds!
14:49:08  <Born_Acorn> Be less busy!
14:50:16  <Bjarni> it sounds like peter1138 got plenty to do
14:52:51  *** Brianetta [] has joined #openttd
14:53:29  <Sacro> Naksu: ask away
14:53:46  <Sacro> Bjarni: /ignore Born_Acorn should do it :)
15:00:58  <peter1138> is he saying stuff again?
15:03:01  <Sacro> peter1138: not stuff, just newsounds!
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15:05:12  * Bjarni sets Born_Acorn to ignore
15:05:29  <Bjarni> that is, until he stops talking about sounds
15:06:01  <Bjarni> when I haven't noticed that he have said anything about it for a week, then I might unignore him
15:06:56  * Prof_Frink points out the flaw in the logic
15:07:48  <Sacro> Prof_Frink: i fail to see a flaw
15:07:53  <Naksu> Sacro: 17:42 < Naksu> no wait, nvm
15:08:22  *** Aankhen`` [n=pockled@] has joined #openttd
15:08:25  <Sacro> just s/$Born_Acorn*s!^// should do it
15:09:10  <Sacro> Naksu: ah, sorry
15:09:20  *** WolfLaptop [n=wolf@] has quit ["( :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: )"]
15:10:23  <Tobin> Night all.
15:11:16  *** Tobin [] has quit []
15:13:42  *** Aankhen`` [n=pockled@] has quit ["Look ma, no script!"]
15:14:32  <XeryusTC> there is a big flaw in Bjarni logic there ;)
15:14:48  <Bjarni> have you guys seen "train lord" in the developer forum? He wants to make patches, but he don't know how to code
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15:14:59  <Bjarni> XeryusTC: it took you a while to figure that one out ;)
15:15:06  <XeryusTC> no
15:15:10  <XeryusTC> i just wasnt reading
15:15:24  <Bjarni> I knew it from the start, but nobody noticed the joke on that one
15:15:26  * XeryusTC barely pays attention to irc when he is playing UC
15:15:32  <Bjarni> well, except you
15:15:42  <XeryusTC> i just read Prof_Frinks reply
15:15:50  <XeryusTC> or did you ignore him too?
15:15:57  <Bjarni> oh
15:16:04  <Bjarni> the mind did, but not the app
15:16:06  <Bjarni> :p
15:16:13  <XeryusTC> rofl
15:16:22  <Bjarni> <Sacro>	Prof_Frink: i fail to see a flaw
15:16:34  <Bjarni> well, not everybody noticed this
15:17:09  <Sacro> Bjarni: i just know that he's said nothing important recently
15:17:10  <Bjarni> he is a professor after all and I'm in good practice to ignore those at uni
15:17:11  <XeryusTC> but then, i would have noticed it because i started reading from <@Bjarni> when I haven't noticed that he have said anything about it for a week, then I might unignore him
15:18:04  <Bjarni> which would mean that he will be unignored in a week nomatter what he says during that week
15:18:31  * Bjarni wonders if Born_Acorn noticed any of this
15:18:40  <Bjarni> maybe he is ignoring us
15:19:00  * XeryusTC thinks that Bjarni will forget to unignore ;)
15:19:05  <Bjarni> for what I know, he could have said that he just went on a one week trip
15:19:22  <Bjarni> XeryusTC: nah, I will remember it in 3-8 months
15:19:33  <XeryusTC> btw, he didnt notice anything i guess
15:19:40  <Bjarni> :(
15:19:50  <Bjarni> is he ignoring me or something?
15:19:57  <XeryusTC> i thinkg
15:20:10  <Bjarni> !slap Born_Acorn
15:20:11  * XeryusTC wonders if Born_Acorn ignores Bjarni
15:20:12  <jmp_ghli> >Bjarni> Bjarni knows that Born_Acorn married the bug long ago.
15:20:27  <Bjarni> he will see that even if he ignores me :D
15:20:40  <XeryusTC> yes
15:20:58  <XeryusTC> except of Born_Acorn ignores every line with your name in it
15:21:12  <XeryusTC> which i doubt
15:21:21  <Bjarni> hmm
15:21:34  <Bjarni> how to make a channel script to make all lines start with Bjarni...
15:22:02  <Bjarni> then Janet will get a problem
15:22:09  <Mizipzor> when i ignore people, its usually for a reason :P
15:23:03  <XeryusTC> i only ignore people if they start highlinghting me all the time and don't want to quit
15:24:05  <XeryusTC> btw, can people visit
15:24:05  <XeryusTC>
15:24:20  <XeryusTC> that was supposed to be on one line :)
15:24:24  <Mizipzor> yes i can
15:24:39  <XeryusTC> good
15:25:02  <XeryusTC> i need 15+ people to visit that link
15:25:38  <Mizipzor> you have my support... usually i dont visit sites that end with ?=something :P
15:26:03  <XeryusTC> nice :)
15:26:53  <Bjarni> what is UC anyway? Unusual Creatures?
15:27:01  <XeryusTC> no
15:27:04  <XeryusTC> unification wars
15:27:08  <Bjarni> I mean, it got something to do with you
15:27:28  <XeryusTC> you're a guy that has a galactic empire
15:27:48  <Bjarni> oh, so it's a simulation of my real life
15:27:49  <Bjarni> nice
15:27:55  <XeryusTC> there are alot of races, but you can pick 3 of them if you're not paying to play
15:28:06  <XeryusTC> Bjarni: something like that, yes ;)
15:28:14  <XeryusTC> it does features girls though :P
15:28:27  <Bjarni> no eay
15:28:31  <Bjarni> *way
15:28:41  <Bjarni> those are fictionally only
15:28:47  <Bjarni> so it got nothing to do with real life
15:28:52  <XeryusTC> no they aren't, they are really present
15:28:58  <Bjarni> scrap the game and restart something that could happen in real life
15:29:34  <Bjarni> they are present??? in here?????
15:29:38  <Bjarni> where???
15:29:39  <Bjarni> o_O
15:29:42  <XeryusTC> no, in the game
15:29:50  <XeryusTC> but something that isnt in your live can be in mine
15:30:01  <XeryusTC> like... girls :D
15:30:05  <Bjarni> like STD?
15:30:34  <Sacro> they itch :(
15:30:45  <Bjarni> ...
15:30:52  <Bjarni> it was actually a joke
15:30:53  <XeryusTC> depends on what you mean by it ;)
15:31:13  <Bjarni> I didn't think that any of you actually had one
15:31:21  <Bjarni> (specially not Sacro)
15:31:41  <Bjarni> hmm
15:31:46  * Vornicus blings
15:31:53  <Sacro> what do you mean by that?
15:32:04  * XeryusTC unblings Vornicus
15:32:04  <Bjarni> Sacro: how did you manage to get enough money for a prostitute?
15:32:12  <XeryusTC> rofl _O-
15:32:26  <Sacro> Bjarni: they're quite cheap round here
15:32:42  <Bjarni> that explains the STD
15:32:43  <XeryusTC> Bjarni: Sacro thinks that rl is the same as gta and usually rapes them ;)
15:32:56  <Bjarni> rofl
15:33:26  <Sacro> i have occasionaly got RL and GTA confused
15:33:40  * Brianetta stabs everybody hello
15:33:54  * XeryusTC stabs back
15:34:01  <Bjarni> <Sacro>	Bjarni: they're quite cheap round here <-- to be honest, I have no idea about the price level here or anywhere else
15:34:03  * Brianetta bleeds
15:34:09  <Bjarni> Sacro: are you serious?
15:34:33  <XeryusTC> Bjarni: raping is relativily cheap...
15:34:48  <Sacro> Bjarni: only on a sunday
15:35:15  <Bjarni> so Sacro got a weekend job as a slaver
15:35:39  <Bjarni> or maybe just slave renter
15:36:41  <UnderBuilder> there is something funny with an attachment in the new blender graphics post
15:36:43  <Sacro> you want me to rent you a slave?
15:36:56  <Bjarni> no
15:37:01  <UnderBuilder> search it here
15:37:11  <Bjarni> but that is what you do if you pay for a prostitute
15:37:34  <Sacro> ahh, i dont pay
15:37:39  <Bjarni> they catch them in Africa or Eastern Europe and trade them as slaves
15:37:57  <XeryusTC> <Sacro> ahh, i dont pay <- see, i am right, as always :D
15:38:22  <ledow> Why is it that when you WANT to do something you can't?  I need to test my swapfile performance in Linux so I tried to exhaust my RAM - I ended up opening OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Gimp, Scribus, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror, Dreamweaver MX and loaded up large projects into each of them and STILL I had 100Mb RAM free out of 512 and zero swap in use.
15:38:47  <Bjarni> seriously, they show up in cars and take a girl/woman of the right age from the street and "jail" them and smuggle them to whorehouses in USA/Western Europe
15:39:27  <XeryusTC> Bjarni: actually, they pretend to be a nice guy that just wants a gf
15:39:41  <Bjarni> that happens too
15:39:58  <XeryusTC> they are doing that here in the netherlands too btw
15:40:00  <Bjarni> but there are cases where they just stop a car and grab them from the sidewalk
15:41:13  *** CobraA2 [] has joined #openttd
15:41:18  <Bjarni> NL is weird when it comes to prostitutes and drugs
15:41:39  *** CobraA2 [] has left #openttd []
15:42:07  <XeryusTC> well, actually it makes sense to legalice drugs, you can have a hold of it then and limit the amount better then when it is illigal
15:42:39  <XeryusTC> same thing with prostitution, there are alot of rules for it to protect the prostitutes
15:43:42  <Sacro> hmm, legalised prostitution
15:44:08  <XeryusTC> yes, you don't have to rape them anymore ;)
15:44:52  <StarLite> prostitutes pay taxes as well in the netherlands :)
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15:47:29  <Sacro> even i dont pay taxes
15:48:54  <Bjarni> when Denmark got the EU chairmanship, we had to legalise prostitution before a big meeting (gee, I wonder why). It turned out that it didn't solve the problems involved with prostitutes and the police still have to make raids since they tend to contain women, who aren't allowed to be in the country (and they likely don't want to be here anyway)
15:49:20  <Bjarni> so legalising it is not the same as solving the problem
15:50:08  <Bjarni> <Sacro>	even i dont pay taxes <-- of cause not. You are professional idle person
15:50:25  <Bjarni> getting outside is too much for you
15:52:24  *** Maedhros [n=jc@gentoo/developer/Maedhros] has quit ["leaving"]
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15:52:43  <Sacro> Bjarni: i am a PHP/Ruby On Rails/MySQL kinda guy for a webdesign companyt
15:53:44  <XeryusTC> Bjarni: legalising doesnt solve everything, but it solves some things
15:54:22  <XeryusTC> im off to dinner :)
15:55:44  <Mizipzor> XeryusTC, bon apitite
15:55:50  <Brianetta> Legalising copyright theft would solve a few problems.
15:56:43  <Sacro> unless someone copywrites the idea first...
15:57:30  <Brianetta> erm
15:57:37  <Brianetta> copyrights, shirley?
15:58:29  <Sacro> sorry, theres a signwriting company near where i work called that, always muddles me
15:59:16  <Brianetta> copywriting is what copywriters do with journalists' work at the editor's office
15:59:17  <Jango> maybe we should abbreviate copyright theft to "copyleft" :)
15:59:26  <Brianetta> Jango: Googel for copyleft
15:59:53  <Jango> it's ok, i don't think i need to
16:00:03  <Brianetta> Good, good.
16:00:14  <Brianetta> One might say that said abbreviation already took place.
16:00:25  <Brianetta> Especially when you consider that great copylefted work, OpenTTD.
16:00:34  <Jango> but then we enter deep political waters!
16:00:43  <Sacro> the GPL is copyleft
16:01:38  *** UnderBuilder [i=UnderBui@] has quit [" HydraIRC -> <- The professional IRC Client"]
16:01:56  <Brianetta> Sacro: You don't see the irony
16:02:07  *** Qrrbrbirlbel_ [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
16:02:10  <Brianetta> The GPL has probably been illegally applied to OpenTTD
16:02:32  <Sacro> i think the whole OpenTTD vs Atari thing is like GNU vs Unix
16:02:44  <Brianetta> I'm not sure what you mean
16:03:00  <Brianetta> GNU didn't reverse engineer anything
16:03:10  <Sacro> d'oh
16:03:12  <hylje> GNU is Not Unix ?
16:03:17  <Brianetta> They're quite fanatically proud of the origins of their code
16:05:07  <Sacro> hmm
16:08:57  <Jango> OpenTTD is not Atari
16:09:05  <Jango> i don't think it's very recursive
16:09:27  <Sacro> OINA :|
16:09:42  <Jango> hmm
16:10:27  <Sacro> sounds more painful
16:10:45  <Sacro> and wikipedia already has it
16:10:59  <Jango> wikipedia has everything
16:11:28  <Jango> i showed it to someone earlier because it had a brief and succinct explanation of Rich Black and Registration
16:11:52  <hylje>
16:12:46  <Sacro> lol
16:13:03  <Noldo> Brianetta: do you feel there is something that could be done to make the code more noble?
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16:18:40  <warer> Have anyone from this project contacted those that made Transport Tycoon? Are we in the clear legally (in the US)?
16:19:53  <Sacro> warer: possibly, possibly
16:21:12  <warer> wasn't freecraft stopped by blizzard?
16:21:18  <Vornicus> From what I can tell: while overtures have been made to people who might own TTD itself, nobody has admitted to owning it.
16:22:36  <Vornicus> TTD has several modifications and reverse-engineerings out there:  ttdpatch, which is a set of modifications to the original binary, and openttd, which is, well, openttd.
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16:23:35  <Vornicus> The fact that they haven't come and yelled at us is pretty good news though.
16:23:42  <warer> yeah
16:24:08  <warer> but if they do start bottering openttd, what will happend?
16:24:19  <warer> will the project go on?
16:24:59  <Vornicus> dunno.
16:25:19  * XeryusTC is back again
16:25:41  <warer> well as long as i got a copy of the code it will be possible to copy it :)
16:29:31  <XeryusTC> vondel: they probably didn't start because they haven't discovered yet and/or nobody is making a profit of it yet
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16:52:29  <Brianetta> Noldo: Write it from scratch, maybe
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16:54:02  <MiHaMiX> let's commit
16:54:06  <CIA-3> miham * r4898 /trunk/lang/german.txt:
16:54:06  <CIA-3> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-05-17 18:53:49
16:54:06  <CIA-3> german - 11 changed by Neonox (11)
16:54:31  <MiHaMiX> 4900 is near! :)
16:55:04  <Eddi|zuHause2> what would be special about 4900?
16:55:41  <MiHaMiX> nothing :)
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17:04:32  <Sacro> but 4092 is cooler
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17:05:33  <Eddi|zuHause> you mean 4096? (=2^12)
17:05:54  <zemei> :D
17:05:59  * Vornicus yays more for webtranslator
17:06:20  <Sacro> Eddi|zuHause: yes
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17:15:37  <CIA-3> celestar * r4899 /branch/bridge/train_cmd.c: [bridge] Show a nice explosion again when two trains crash on a bridge
17:18:53  <Vornicus> yey explosions
17:21:42  <Sacro> hehe, crashage
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17:52:05  <Celestar> I need some proper english word for "to wormhole"
17:53:23  <Celestar> no one? ;)
17:53:49  <Belugas> Can you specify a tiny little bit more the context?
17:53:59  *** Aankhen`` [n=pockled@] has quit ["Look ma, no script!"]
17:54:10  <Belugas> Hello, by the way :D
17:54:13  <Celestar> Belugas: I'm looking for a verb what a vehicle does when it drives through a tunnel (in game)
17:54:16  <Celestar> Belugas: hi (=
17:54:40  <Noldo> warp
17:54:46  <Celestar> yeah .. warp
17:54:50  <Celestar> maybe that's the best
17:55:24  <Belugas> Can't think of a better one.
17:56:43  <peter1138> let's do the timewarp again
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17:57:13  <CIA-3> celestar * r4900 /branch/bridge/ (BUGS rail_cmd.c): [bridge] -Fix: The singalling code (especially the one trying to get vehicles out of depots) properly detects vehicles on bridge now
17:57:17  <Celestar> ok guys
17:57:19  <Celestar> request
17:57:37  <Celestar> please thoroughly check the bridge branch for any anomalies you can find and report them
17:57:49  <Celestar> I hope/think that all major bugs have been ironed out
18:02:29  <Celestar> anyone into that task?
18:02:50  <Belugas> Mmm... Tempting task :)
18:02:53  *** Serotonin_ [] has quit []
18:03:02  <Belugas> Will distract me from other projects
18:03:14  <Belugas> YEAH! Wiil test it at home tonight!
18:04:03  <Celestar> ok
18:04:14  <Celestar> drop me an email with detailed problem descriptions (=
18:07:09  <Belugas> ok
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19:01:23  <Rubidium_> Celestar, about the bridge branch: when trains crash on the bridge, the crashed vehicles are drawn on ground level
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19:08:01  <Sacro> Rubidium_: suppose someone had to test that
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19:10:32  <Rubidium_> always test the rare cases first :)
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19:15:47  * Brianetta begins to legalificate his server
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19:23:58  <Celestar> Rubidium_: yes, that's what I'm working on at the moment
19:24:37  <Celestar> Brianetta: ?
19:24:58  <Celestar> Sacro: better test that stuff now than later
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19:26:17  <Celestar> (i.e. better before than after a merge)
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19:28:32  <Celestar> <= Darkvater peter1138 requesting permission to close this report
19:31:24  <Celestar> ok
19:32:02  <Celestar> static void GF_arrive() { me->depart{};}
19:32:41  <Celestar> cu tomorrow
19:34:22  *** DJ_Mirage [] has quit ["Probably doing something else"]
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19:35:41  <Belugas> arrive ???  depart?!?!?!
19:35:59  <Belugas> Celestar, on ami, je te parlerai en francais a partir d'aujourd'hui :DDD
19:37:05  <glx> Belugas: ben la ta phrase est pas claire :P
19:37:40  <Brianetta> Celestar: Legalificate.  The process of legalificatalizing something (making it legal).
19:38:03  <Brianetta> I'm researching all the licenses for newgrfs used on my server, and dropping all those which I cannot legally redisrtibute.
19:38:37  <Brianetta> Unfortunately, grfcrawler is no help here.  No mention of licenses or whatever.
19:40:03  <peter1138> is it me
19:40:19  <peter1138> or is ship pathfinding on crack?
19:40:25  <Belugas> glx : ouin, j'ai oublié un "m", "mon ami"... Sorry about that ;)
19:40:48  <glx> peter1138: what?
19:40:59  <peter1138> my ship is zigzagging along a stretch of water
19:41:09  <peter1138> not just like /\/\/\/\
19:41:40  <glx> I think I already read something about "drunk" ships, should be that
19:41:42  <Sacro> lol
19:42:00  <peter1138> but like \_|\/\_|\/\/\
19:43:24  <glx> peter1138: with NPF?
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19:45:53  <Belugas> no, crack
19:46:14  <hylje> panda
19:51:54  <peter1138> glx: no
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20:14:19  <rain````> if you have ratings higher than 75% for passengers does the city shrink?
20:15:58  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-230-82.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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20:18:53  <XeryusTC> rain````: no
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20:22:39  <Sacro> grrr
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20:49:58  <Sacro> hmm, thats better
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20:52:49  <hylje> .
20:57:40  <Sacro> now to get openttd running
20:59:42  *** Belugas is now known as Belugas_Gone
21:00:13  <Belugas_Gone> Good night for those who are yet not sleeping and thus reading this :)
21:00:23  <Sacro> night Belugas_Gone
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21:12:02  *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ
21:12:30  <Sacro> hellooooooooo Bjarni
21:12:52  * Bjarni hides
21:12:56  <Bjarni> I'm not here
21:13:03  <peter1138> good
21:13:09  <Sacro> hmm, that happens in qutie a few channels lately
21:13:09  <peter1138> but
21:13:11  <Sacro> peter1138: lol
21:13:19  <peter1138> if you're not here, where are you?
21:13:24  <Bjarni> at home
21:13:37  <Bjarni> this channel is in outer (cyper) space
21:13:49  <Sacro> hmmm, freaky
21:14:00  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-230-82.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["Leaving"]
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21:14:52  <Sacro> whoops
21:14:58  <peter1138> that was silly
21:15:27  <Sacro> now how do i autoconnect using xchat
21:17:01  <Sacro> oh well
21:24:03  *** Dos` [] has quit [Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)]
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21:26:15  <CIA-3> peter1138 * r4901 /trunk/ (engine.c engine.h newgrf.h newgrf_station.h sprite.h):
21:26:15  <CIA-3> - Codechange: change 'SpriteGroup *' to 'struct SpriteGroup *' within
21:26:15  <CIA-3> StationSpec and GRFFile struct declarations. Now only code which actually
21:26:15  <CIA-3> references those pointers needs to know about the SpriteGroup struct. Remove
21:26:15  <CIA-3> some unnecessary lingering header dependencies.
21:26:41  <XeryusTC> woohoo, and a thanks goes out to the guy who wrote the rev.c script :)
21:26:47  <Bjarni> <Sacro>	hmm, that happens in qutie a few channels lately <-- then maybe you will eventually get the message ;)
21:26:48  <Sacro> newsounds?
21:27:09  <Bjarni> !slap Sacro
21:27:10  <jmp_ghli> >Bjarni> Bjarni knows that Sacro needs a used pair of superman underpants and gives Sacro dozens of win3.1 screensavers on 5 1/4" floppy disks instead and Sacro never realizes the difference. Haha, what a beginner!
21:27:37  <Bjarni> hmm
21:27:41  <Bjarni> they both suck?
21:27:48  <Sacro> well thanks for that
21:28:04  <peter1138> hmm, newsounds
21:28:08  <peter1138> did i delete that?
21:28:15  <Bjarni> oh, putting something that sucks at that location...
21:28:18  <Bjarni> nice one
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21:31:31  <Sacro> forums seem slow
21:34:16  <peter1138> night night
21:35:18  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-230-82.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["Leaving"]
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21:37:51  <Sacro> back
21:38:49  <rain````> when you pick up cargo and take it to the destination, does the "time" variable that dictates how much money you get go from "arriving" or "departing" from the station you're pickuping up from?
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21:39:15  <rain````> i only ask because i have a fruit generating station thats doing 30 tons of fruit/month, and full load takes months....
21:39:16  <Sacro> presumably departing
21:39:32  <glx> distance is important too
21:39:59  <rain````> ofc distance is important, im just wondering about the time in this case
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21:53:58  <Bjarni> rain````: each wagon got it's own time counter, and if I recall correctly, it will start when the first load is added to the wagon, and not reset when more are added
21:54:42  <Bjarni> so a wagon/month means that the first wagon is around half a year longer in transit than the rear one
21:54:58  <Bjarni> actually that applies to a train with 7 wagons
21:55:01  <Bjarni> bit you got the idea
21:55:07  <Bjarni> s/bit/but
21:55:37  <Sacro> hmm, bbs
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22:03:22  <rain````> yeah thnx bjarn
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