Log for #openttd on 30th March 2007:
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00:29:10  *** PandaMojo__ [] has joined #openttd
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07:41:38  <Zuu> Ailure:
07:41:52  <Zuu> Ailure:
07:43:20  <Zuu> Ailure: And yes RC-locos are verry common for goods trains. A few passenger trains still use them, but most of them nowdays are EMUs or just built to fit with their wagons.
07:43:58  <Zuu>  /or just/or is just/
07:44:32  <hylje> zomg, på svenska
07:45:19  <Zuu> A typical passenger train have 3-6 cars here, no german giant trains except for spceial winter sports trains.
07:45:33  <peter1138> has :p
07:45:58  <Zuu> The usual night trains might alsa have more than 6 cars.
07:46:05  <Zuu> peter1138: Dam! :)
07:46:50  <Zuu> hylje: It's a good site, but it didn't seam to have an English translation.
07:47:11  <hylje> its ok
07:47:17  <Zuu> hylje: Just look on the pictures and be a happy boy :)
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09:09:04  <Eddi|zuHause3> "german giant trains"? that is the first time i hear about that
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10:02:50  <Ailure> [09:43] <Zuu> Ailure: And yes RC-locos are verry common for goods trains. A few passenger trains still use them, but most of them nowdays are EMUs or just built to fit with their wagons.
10:02:53  <Ailure> few?
10:03:03  <Ailure> Most passenger trains passing through here uses the RC1 as engine
10:03:46  <Ailure> And the only other passenger trains I see is either X2000 or uhm
10:04:19  <Ailure> X3
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10:04:46  <Ailure> or rather
10:04:48  <Ailure> x31
10:08:05  <Ailure>
10:08:12  <Ailure> heh, this is a such common sight where I live
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12:08:42  <ThePizzaKing> is there a way to change 'wait_oneway_signal' in an already started game?
12:20:57  <Eddi|zuHause3> probably not
12:21:20  <Eddi|zuHause3> except if you modify the loading code
12:25:58  <ThePizzaKing> hmm
12:26:07  <ThePizzaKing> I don't particularly want to do that
12:26:11  <ThePizzaKing> oh well
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12:34:07  <blathijs> Isn't there some console command to do that?
12:34:12  <blathijs> something like "set" or so?
12:34:22  <blathijs> If not, why not? :-)
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12:34:44  <thomas001> hi,i copied all those .gm files to my gm subdir,and there are tracks shown in the music player. but clicking play just skips to the next track. what may be wrong?
12:35:54  <thomas001> openttd 0.5.1-rc2 on linux/amd64
12:36:47  <blathijs> thomas001: Do you have timidity set up properly?
12:37:01  <blathijs> AFAIK timidity is the only way to play midi files one linux atm
12:37:05  <thomas001> huh?
12:37:19  <thomas001> aplaymidi uses my soundblaster wavetable just nicely
12:37:20  <blathijs> though that might have changed since I last looked
12:38:17  *** Ailure [Gamefreak@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:38:20  <thomas001> yes,just tested, aplaymidi -p 17:0 somefile.mid does work
12:38:52  <thomas001> perhaps i need to pass a different midi port to openttd?
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12:40:01  <Wolf01> hello
12:40:15  <blathijs> thomas001: Unsure, when I last looked at midi in openttd, extmidi through timidity was the only option
12:40:27  <thomas001> hmm
12:40:29  <blathijs> I think that may have changed, so I can't really help you here
12:40:47  <thomas001> extmidi is timidity only?
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12:41:07  <blathijs> It means, call an external program for playing MIDI, AFAIK
12:41:17  <thomas001> can i specify that program?
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12:43:06  <thomas001> calling aplaymidi on the gm files seems to work
12:44:07  <blathijs> Last time I checked, the "timidity" part was compiled in
12:44:31  <blathijs> easiest might be to do "ln -s /usr/bin/aplaymidi /usr/bin/timidity" :-)
12:46:10  <thomas001> hmm you need to call it with parameters
12:46:31  <thomas001> there is an extmidi = ... option in openttd.cfg hmm
12:47:52  <blathijs> it seems that extmidi =  should work, yes
12:48:18  <blathijs> but passing args to the program isn't supported from looking at the code
12:48:28  <blathijs> that is, only at compile-time
12:48:36  <blathijs> you could make a simple wrapper script
12:48:43  <blathijs> #!/bin/sh
12:48:58  <blathijs> /usr/bin/aplaymidi -args $@
12:49:02  <blathijs> Something like that
12:50:58  <thomas001> yes just writing that ;)
12:51:28  <blathijs> :-)
12:51:34  <thomas001> hmm openttd could be patched to run extmidi in a shell
12:52:08  <thomas001> sh -c '$extmidi' instead of just calling extmidi
12:52:45  <blathijs> why would that be better?
12:54:08  <thomas001> you could use arguments and shell stuff for the midi programm
12:54:33  <thomas001> aplaymidi -p `get_my_midi_port` or something ;)
12:54:52  <thomas001> just simpler than the wrapper script,but i guess too less people need that ;)
12:55:38  <thomas001> btw the wrapper script works :)
13:01:04  *** Sacro|Laptop [~Ben@adsl-87-102-42-54.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
13:03:19  <blathijs> thomas001: nice :-)
13:03:47  <thomas001> thanks blathijs :-)
13:03:49  <blathijs> thomas001: I agree that it makes it easier to set command name and arguments in one config var
13:03:54  <blathijs> yw :-)
13:05:58  <thomas001> but invoking the shell whould also be more overhead....
13:12:12  <peter1138> if you're using alsa to play, you don't need a wrapper
13:14:20  <thomas001> how without a wrapper?
13:14:59  <peter1138> you can set the midi port as an environment variable ;)
13:18:11  <thomas001> for aplaymidi?
13:20:28  <peter1138> think so
13:20:36  <peter1138> maybe it's pmidi
13:20:42  <peter1138> which is still for alsa
13:21:12  <peter1138> i tried using a wrapped with aplaymidi and it didn't work properly
13:21:23  <peter1138> song changes would leave the old oen running, heh
13:22:12  <Eddi|zuHause3>               For compatibility with pmidi(1), the port specification is taken
13:22:12  <Eddi|zuHause3>               from the ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS environment variable if none is given
13:22:12  <Eddi|zuHause3>               on the command line.
13:22:24  <Eddi|zuHause3> [man aplaymidi]
13:27:41  <Belugas> hello
13:29:15  <Wolf01> hi
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13:35:27  <Thomas[NL]> strange you ever heard of this, I get a subsidy-order for goods from a sawmill to a town, none brings wood there but last months production was 180 goods... and most strange all trees around it for about 15 squares have disappeared :/
13:36:18  <Wolf01> tropic?
13:36:26  <antichaos> yeah, sawmills cut trees and produce goods directly now, even in termperate
13:36:30  <Thomas[NL]> nope temperate
13:36:34  <Wolf01> oh :O
13:37:16  <Progman> sawmills cut trees now? any informations about it?
13:37:19  <Thomas[NL]> it looks odd a square of bare land in the middle of a thick forest
13:37:48  <Wolf01> this is good to spend some money :D
13:38:10  <antichaos> it's due to the new industry behaviour thing, but I'm not sure it should apply to temperate sawmills
13:38:10  <Wolf01> when you have too much money, just plant trees at every sawmill
13:39:33  <Thomas[NL]>
13:41:43  <Progman> hmm
13:41:58  <Wolf01> nice
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13:42:10  <Belugas> oups...
13:42:35  <Wolf01> build some sawmills and you don't need invisible trees
13:42:36  <Progman> build it at a town and you can increase the rating without destroying trees ;)
13:43:27  <Thomas[NL]> btw you got any tips on raising your rating?
13:43:54  <Thomas[NL]> busservices and planting trees off course but any more?
13:44:07  <hylje> would a a sawmill like that produce stuff on its own?
13:44:42  <Progman> Thomas[NL]:
13:44:44  <Belugas> my fault... i will correct that in a few moments
13:44:53  <Belugas> sorry
13:45:27  <peter1138> Belugas: nice one :p
13:45:49  <Progman> declare it as "its not a bug, its a feature" ;)
13:45:59  <Wolf01> yeah, like microsoft
13:46:07  <Progman> or maybe even as patch option
13:46:18  <peter1138> sawmills always did that in tropical, of course...
13:46:27  <Thomas[NL]> hmm so just bribe, planting trees and a good service helps :(
13:46:47  <Belugas> yeah... but in the other hand, it proves how well you can change industry behaviour with negrf :)
13:46:56  <Belugas> when all will be implemented, of course
13:47:40  <peter1138> :)
13:47:42  <antichaos> arg - and I just spent the morning fixing my patch to take account of sawmill woodcutting :(
13:48:02  <peter1138> not that you're doing *anything* newindustry related
13:48:04  <peter1138> of course
13:48:04  <Wolf01> lol
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13:51:16  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: belugas * r9526 /trunk/src/table/build_industry.h: -Fix(9520): a temperate sawmill is not a tropic lumber mill. Thus, it cannot cut trees
13:52:05  <Belugas> no, i'm certainly not doing anything... really oriented toward any specific goal at the moment...
13:52:37  <Belugas> sorry antichaos :) at least, you learned a bit more about the internals :)
13:52:43  <Belugas> so not totally wasted ;)
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13:53:11  <antichaos> yup, I'm getting pretty well aquainted with the industry stuff now
13:54:17  <Belugas> more changes are scheduled, by the way ;)
13:54:59  <Belugas> next step will be the way generation of new industries is done during gameplay.
13:55:01  <Belugas> maybe...
13:55:06  <Belugas> not sure yet
13:56:53  <Thomas[NL]> how far from implanting in the trunk is newindustries?
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13:59:30  <Belugas> there is a lot of work yet to be done
13:59:42  <Belugas> i cannot produce a calendar
14:00:01  <Belugas> my estimate would be way past summer
14:00:37  <Belugas> that is, if i keep on working at the same paste
14:01:16  <Belugas> maybe more... don't know
14:01:44  <Belugas> the oly thing that is sure, is that newindustries are getting closer. step by step.
14:21:26  <Belugas> anyway, i hate commiting a date...
14:21:38  <Belugas> deadlines and me are never really made for each other :S
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14:25:28  <Eddi|zuHause3> if i do not have a deadline, i tend to not get anything done at all
14:37:23  <Belugas> i'm too optimistic on mine... always get caugh pants down by something i've not expected
14:37:26  <Belugas> that is why :)
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16:25:46  <Belugas> mmmh...
16:25:50  <Belugas> uint16 AircraftDefaultCargoCapacity(CargoID cid, const AircraftVehicleInfo*);
16:26:01  <Belugas> uint16 AircraftDefaultCargoCapacity(CargoID cid, const AircraftVehicleInfo *avi) {...}
16:26:16  <Belugas> why is avi not in the declaration?
16:26:22  <Belugas> is this allowed?
16:26:27  <Belugas> is this a "bug"
16:27:28  <ln-> why should it be?
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16:28:15  <Sacro|Laptop> Belugas: its not needed
16:29:22  <Ailure> so uhm
16:29:23  <Ailure> tell me
16:29:29  <Ailure> temperate sawmill acting like tropical
16:29:32  <Ailure> is that a bug or feature?
16:29:46  <Belugas> bug, created by me, already corrected in trunk
16:29:53  <Belugas> sooory
16:29:55  <Ailure> ok
16:29:58  <Ailure> eh nah
16:30:04  <Belugas> thanks Sacro|Laptop
16:30:05  <Ailure> just asking becuse some friend were all excited over it
16:30:10  <Ailure> I thought it was a kinda weird feature addition
16:30:12  <Ailure> :P
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16:30:36  <Belugas> tell them that they will be able to duplicate it when newindustries will be finihsed...
16:30:45  <Ailure> lol
16:30:57  <Belugas> if they care of writing the proper grf ;)
16:31:06  <Ailure> eh he took it well
16:31:07  <Ailure> :p
16:31:17  <Ailure> now, a good question
16:31:32  <Ailure> when will newindustries be implented. ;)
16:32:25  <hylje> Belugas! newindustries!
16:32:28  <hylje> :b
16:33:49  <Ailure> athough of course
16:33:53  <Ailure> newCargos needs to be finished first
16:33:54  <Ailure> heh
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16:35:45  <Belugas> Guys, you know the answer...
16:35:47  <Belugas> When
16:35:48  <Belugas> It
16:35:49  <Belugas> Will
16:35:50  <Belugas> Be
16:35:51  <Belugas> Done!
16:36:04  <Belugas> but...
16:36:23  <Belugas> for general information, bits of it are already in trunk, thus the last bug...
16:36:25  <Ailure> Hey, when did the 3Drealms guys get involved with openTTD? ;)
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16:36:42  <Belugas> first, clean the data, then start to make it more... manageable
16:36:51  <Belugas> 3d?
16:36:51  <Ailure> And yeah, I had the feeling
16:37:02  <Belugas> what where when how why
16:37:05  <Ailure> 3Drealms
16:37:11  <Ailure> aka makers of "Duke Nukem forever"
16:37:17  <Belugas> they are?
16:37:39  <Ailure> yes
16:37:40  <Ailure> who else?
16:37:41  <Ailure> :p
16:37:45  <Ailure>
16:37:55  <Ailure> It's been devoloped since 1997
16:38:05  <Ailure> and they always say "It's done when it's done"
16:38:42  <Ailure> It turned into a symbol of a game
16:38:46  <Ailure> that been in devolopment for too long
16:39:21  <Ailure> However to be fair, that's not the case with newIndustries. :P And also, I'm well aware of the diffrence between volountaring people and people who actually get paid for it.
16:40:31  <Belugas> ho...
16:40:33  <Belugas> a joke...
16:40:55  <Belugas> well...
16:41:09  <Belugas> i work on it about an hour per day, more or less
16:41:22  <Belugas> at home, when my kid is put to sleep,
16:41:25  *** Sacro|Laptop [~Ben@adsl-87-102-42-54.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
16:41:45  <Belugas> and when my wife let me punch the keyboard...
16:42:01  <Belugas> ain't a student with a lot of free time, unfortunately
16:42:39  <Ailure> heh well
16:42:41  <Ailure> as always
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16:42:51  <Ailure> If you want something faster in open source projects
16:42:55  <Ailure> you have to write it yourself ;)
16:43:03  <Ailure> or bribe someone to write it
16:46:21  <Belugas> exactly what hapenned with newhouses.  I've got that project in progress since day one, then Maedhros came with an almost finished product :)
16:46:27  <Belugas> that does help a LOT!
16:46:44  <Belugas> now...
16:47:04  <Belugas> do i feel like an opportunity here?????
16:47:22  <Ailure> :P
16:47:25  <Ailure> Dunno
16:47:27  <Ailure> and reminds me
16:47:31  <Ailure> I really really need to learn C++
16:47:36  <Ailure> I'm a Java guy
16:47:42  <Ailure> and pretty much comfortable doing stuff in it
16:47:53  <Ailure> but even things like header files (I think they are called?) confuses me a bit.
16:48:11  * SpComb was starting to feel comfortable with C and then OpenTTD went along and decided to convert everything to C++
16:48:36  <hylje> im a python head
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16:48:58  <SpComb> python is cool but writing C code feels far more empowering
16:49:10  <SpComb> I do enjoy python as well at times, but there's something strange about it
16:49:13  <Ailure> not like I really have much to learn
16:49:17  <SpComb> SpBotII ended up in a really annoying way
16:49:18  <Ailure> as it's pretty much memory managment
16:49:24  <SpComb> took me weeks to recover from it
16:49:26  <Ailure> that is the biggest question mark for me, when it comes to C++
16:49:37  <hylje> :p
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16:49:38  <Ailure> and I actually done assembly. D:
16:49:43  <Belugas> Ailure, i'm a Delphi guy, all day... So your argument does not apply
16:49:57  <Ailure> Delphi was my first programming language
16:49:58  <Ailure> :)
16:50:01  <Ailure> I forgot everything about it by now
16:50:12  <SpComb> never done delphi
16:50:22  <Belugas> you'r much closer to C++ then I am Ailure :)
16:50:33  <Ailure> I know
16:50:40  <Belugas> SpComb, it's a nice language, believe me
16:50:40  <Ailure> Java is pretty much based on C++
16:50:42  <Ailure> as far I know
16:50:43  <Ailure> and heh
16:50:49  <Ailure> [18:47] <MaxKnight> So... that awesome sawmill behavior was just a bug?
16:50:49  <Ailure> [18:47] <Drag> Yeah
16:50:49  <Ailure> [18:47] <MaxKnight> That's too bad...
16:50:49  <Ailure> [18:47] <Drag> Don't feel too bad
16:50:49  <Ailure> [18:47] <MaxKnight> It's like an instant way to make a city love you...
16:50:53  <SpComb> who needs delphi when you have... batch files
16:51:01  <Ailure> lol
16:51:07  <hylje> from what ive seen, python has surprisingly much in common with object pascal
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16:51:15  * SpComb has several tens of KB of batch file code :P
16:51:35  <Ailure> heh
16:51:43  <SpComb> Nr-TTD has about 1268 lines of it
16:51:44  <Ailure> imagine doing advanced stuff with batch files
16:51:48  <SpComb> :evail:
16:51:49  <Belugas> i should learn python then :)
16:51:50  <hylje> ouch
16:51:52  <SpComb> *:evil:
16:52:03  <Belugas> Poor maxknight  :)
16:52:07  <Ailure> I only used batch files for like
16:52:10  <Ailure> infinite program loops
16:52:11  <hylje> but some people have done hueg stuff with bash
16:52:13  <Ailure> so a program would restart itself
16:52:15  <Ailure> incase it crashed
16:52:21  <Ailure> CLI programs
16:52:37  <Belugas> i use batch files for commiting, diffing, updating and all those alike :)
16:52:40  <hylje> Ailure: then you have progs which leave behind a "omg, crash [OK]" window
16:52:51  <Ailure> not really
16:52:55  <SpComb> problem with windows is that if you want to write something for it your options are a) win32 C/C++ b) VB c) batch files d) py2exe/similar e) make the users install the needed language runtime
16:52:58  <Ailure> more like quitting themself when a crash happens
16:53:10  <Ailure> it was some server program for some game
16:53:16  <Ailure> anyway, gonna get snacks
16:53:20  <Ailure> brb
16:53:31  <SpComb> writing Nr-TTD gives me some kind of evil pleasure
16:53:36  <SpComb> it's a horrible language
16:54:18  <SpComb> variable expansion inside of for loops? Naaaah
16:54:33  <hylje> you perv
16:54:40  <SpComb> ya
16:54:53  <SpComb> but it works and does all kinds of interesting things
16:55:05  <SpComb> and it's the only installer for TTD Patch that exists
16:55:42  <hylje> ouch
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17:02:48  <UndernotBuilder> should we ask to antichaos if he splits the budgets+workforce patch into budgets and workforce?
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17:07:49  <UndernotBuilder> but as all cool patch will be rejected :(
17:14:21  <SpComb> yeah, the devs hate you guys :<
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17:15:01  <Maedhros> yes, yes we do.
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17:17:17  <UndernotBuilder> damn openttd team
17:17:50  <UndernotBuilder> it should be good for openttdcoop
17:18:08  <UndernotBuilder> specially the workforce part
17:19:00  <Noldo> hey keep at it, whining will surely win the day for you
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17:26:26  <Belugas> interesting...
17:26:46  <Belugas> what will be the advantage(s)?
17:29:29  <hylje> might anyone have a list of packages to install for building ottd on ubuntu?
17:30:00  <UndernotBuilder> more interesting games... incremented difficult of the game... a better objective... the things that openttd needs
17:30:23  <peter1138> hmm, it's *ginormous*
17:34:41  <hylje> checking psp-config... not PSP, skipping
17:34:42  <hylje> wait, what?
17:36:52  <peter1138> paint shop pro?
17:37:13  <glx> play station portable
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17:44:54  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: miham * r9527 /trunk/src/lang/slovenian.txt:
17:44:54  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2007-03-30 19:44:17
17:44:54  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: slovenian - 2 fixed by Necrolyte (2)
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17:57:08  <Zuu> In 0.5.0, buses select a bus-station out of available without checking if it is reachable.. I would not say that it is worth fixing.
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18:02:34  <Belugas> UndernotBuilder, that's more a salesman pitch than anything else... can you be more descriptive?
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18:03:52  <Rubidium> hmm, UndernotBuilder wants to make it harder, XKeeper complains it's already 'too difficult'
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18:04:32  <hylje> the workforce patch is haaard
18:04:56  <hylje> it involves a one-way bus/train service to every industry
18:05:10  <Noldo> sounds idiotic
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18:05:23  <hylje> the industries arent going to run without people
18:05:32  <hylje> no advanced robotics at 195
18:05:33  <hylje> 1
18:06:01  <Noldo> the poor bastards never get to go to home?
18:06:05  <hylje> yep
18:06:06  <hylje> :D
18:06:14  <hylje> they are used there until they die
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18:06:18  <hylje> i suppose
18:06:28  <hylje> and at least at a coal mine workforce dies quickly
18:06:52  <Belugas> sounds like out of the scope of the game.
18:07:46  <Sionide> errr... why?
18:07:58  <Belugas> this is a transport game
18:08:00  <Sionide> right
18:08:12  <hylje> not an economy management game? :)
18:08:14  <Belugas> not a world management...
18:08:19  <Sionide> you can transport passengers between cities..
18:08:24  <Belugas> yeah... that's the point
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18:09:19  <Belugas> anyway, if you want people to be transported to industries, wait for newinduistries, make a grf for it and passengers will be required for the industry to work
18:09:24  <Belugas> my opinion
18:09:43  <hylje> mm.. soylent green
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18:10:13  <Noldo> Belugas: and better yet, offer your help with newindustries
18:11:06  <Belugas> well...  didn't i offered it already ?
18:12:00  <Belugas> [12:46] <@Belugas> exactly what hapenned with newhouses.  I've got that project in progress since day one, then Maedhros came with an almost finished product :)
18:12:00  <Belugas> [12:46] <@Belugas> that does help a LOT!
18:12:00  <Belugas> [12:46] <@Belugas> now...
18:12:00  <Belugas> [12:46] <@Belugas> do i feel like an opportunity here?????
18:12:09  <Noldo> Belugas: I ment that people who want that feature should help rather than just wait
18:12:29  <Belugas> Noldo : look above :)
18:12:50  <Noldo> ah
18:16:07  <Belugas> maybe i should post a todo list somewhere..
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18:20:46  <Belugas> or maybe a branch... but i don't fancy adding YET another branch
18:26:53  <peter1138> pompiepom
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18:30:18  <Sacro> peter1138: :o you killed Purno
18:32:56  <LaPingvino> typo on the website: Online transltor for I18n of OpenTTD
18:33:08  <LaPingvino> transltor > translator
18:35:39  <LaPingvino> in fact, even the link is wrong...
18:35:51  <LaPingvino> it should be ...
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18:54:31  <Zuu> Looks so funny when you forget to attach wagons and send a way a tinny locomotive :)
19:04:35  <hylje> choo choo
19:12:43  <scia> shoo shoo
19:15:57  <UndernotBuilder> well, then to wait for newindustries / newcargos
19:17:19  <Patrick> shoe trains!
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19:36:37  <Maedhros> Belugas: i'd like to (try to) help with newindustries, so a todo list would be very helpful :)
19:39:22  <Belugas> ok, i'll prepare one.
19:39:58  <hylje> Patrick: yep, newind/cargo will let you do silly transporting
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19:49:46  <Belugas> the next step i'm heading out is the generation of ingame/random game , much like the house probability stuff
19:49:50  <Belugas> ingame is easy
19:50:12  <Belugas> random not, since it does not get data from anywhere
19:50:17  <Belugas> purely random
19:51:16  <Belugas> of course, the variactional stuff has to be done
19:51:32  <Belugas> the action 00 prop is laid out,
19:51:44  <Belugas> for both industry and industry tiles
19:52:29  <Maedhros> cool
19:52:50  <Belugas> laid out, not active ;)
19:53:07  <Belugas> mmh...
19:57:21  <Belugas> i'm still struggling on how the sound array could be spec-ed  Action 00(industry), prop 15
19:58:01  <Belugas> then, the layaout is not clear , prop 0A
19:58:31  <Belugas> i have not really investigate the latter, to be honest
20:06:30  <Maedhros> hah, yeah, the spec for prop 15 could do with some improvement...
20:06:44  <UndernotBuilder> how far are we of a newindustries / newcargos branch?
20:07:13  <Rubidium> at least one svn cp ;)
20:08:02  <Sacro> whooo, i found 6 quakenets
20:09:51  <Belugas> UndernotBuilder, i would say that it is about 25% done
20:10:54  <UndernotBuilder> 25% done? of the creation or of the completion?
20:10:56  <Belugas> there's already a big job done already in trunk, but it was more about the gathering of the data into workable specs than anything else
20:11:15  <Belugas> same for me...
20:13:00  <Belugas> creation has started a long time ago
20:13:56  <UndernotBuilder> which one has been created? newcargos?
20:15:26  <Belugas> newcargo has been created
20:15:32  <Belugas> but is not finished
20:15:57  <Belugas> although there is not much to do
20:16:15  <Noldo> what is missing exactly?
20:18:39  <peter1138> most of newcargos is in trunk
20:18:51  <Belugas> the magic touch of the Master ;)
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20:19:06  <Noldo> :)
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20:32:44  <Ailure>
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21:18:03  <Belugas> cool, Ailure
21:22:19  <Rubidium> Belugas: what's so cool about it?
21:22:38  <Belugas> documentation...
21:22:49  <Belugas> that is what i findcool,
21:22:56  <Rubidium> from 2005...
21:23:07  <Belugas> oh...
21:23:10  <Belugas> then...
21:23:14  <Belugas> not cool!
21:23:21  <Belugas> i thoug he was making it
21:23:36  <Rubidium> still cool, but Ailure didn't write it
21:23:54  <Ailure> ...
21:23:57  <Ailure> doh it was wrong channel
21:24:05  <Ailure> xD
21:24:34  <Ailure> at least I didn't tell people to check out openTTD in this channel
21:24:35  <Ailure> :P
21:25:17  <Belugas> heheh
21:25:23  <Belugas> anyway, i'm gone
21:25:27  <Belugas> have a nice weekend
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21:41:30  <Wolf01> 'night
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21:58:42  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: glx * r9528 /trunk/src/autoreplace_gui.cpp: -Fix r8610: don't try to modify non-existent widgets (many thanks to Bruce Perence, the libefence developer)
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22:17:50  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: truelight * r9529 /trunk/src/players.cpp: -Fix [FS#705]: when 2 clients joined together, the second asserted on the NewCompany command of the first
22:26:00  <ln-> The OS X port probably can't be compiled as 64-bit binary.
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22:35:16  <Rubidium> ln-: why wouldn't it?
22:47:08  <ln-> no 64-bit QuickDraw, they say
22:47:27  <ln-> on the video
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