Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 24th June 2009:
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00:07:54  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Revision 221: Updated 7F file @ (by Frank)
00:10:08  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Revision 222: Added 737-400 basic nfo @ (by Frank)
01:33:24  <Brot6> Backup done! (Usage: 60M)
01:33:24  <Brot6> It's a lot of fun being alive ... I wonder if my bed is made?!?
05:27:36  *** andythenorth_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
05:33:15  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 82: Change: have make 'bundle' behave as OpenTTD's one d... @ (by planetmaker)
05:33:15  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244: Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
05:35:40  *** andythenorth_ has quit IRC
05:35:48  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 83: Fix: formatting in make test @ (by planetmaker)
05:42:55  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 84: Feature: detect a mingw environment more independent... @ (by planetmaker)
05:50:25  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 85: Fix (r82): Remove unnecessary target @ (by planetmaker)
05:54:48  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 86: Change (r82): make release doesn't install anymore. ... @ (by planetmaker)
05:54:48  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 87: Change: do r84 also in places where it matters @ (by planetmaker)
06:04:03  <Brot6> firs: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
06:12:49  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 88: Feature: rebuild the grf, if the revision changed @ (by planetmaker)
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08:39:00  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Revision 73: Change: make bundle, install, release behave as OpenTTD does, by default w... @ (by planetmaker)
08:39:00  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Revision 74: Feature: try an automatic detection of the install dir. Will fail on some ... @ (by planetmaker)
09:07:56  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
10:04:03  <Brot6> firs: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
10:04:10  <Brot6> opengfx: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
11:54:22  <Ammler> Hmm, Purno?
11:58:07  <Ammler> does WAS have a license, btw?
13:11:05  *** FooBar_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
13:11:31  <FooBar_> planetmaker: I think the make file is in order now
13:12:17  <FooBar_> I got the tag stuff working as well, so I think its done now?
13:12:26  <FooBar_> Anyways, good job on that makefile!
13:14:53  <planetmaker> thx.
13:15:07  <planetmaker> what tag stuff do you mean, btw? Foobar?
13:15:22  <planetmaker> with using tags on mercurial for releases?
13:15:41  <planetmaker> Anyway... OpenGFX is next with a new makefile :)
13:18:05  <Ammler> possible to make the OpenGFX bundle like ususal newgrfs, just tar the grfs?
13:18:39  <Ammler> (and the obg)
13:19:05  <Ammler> but keep the readme accessable for poor windows user.
13:20:05  <planetmaker> how do you mean? Like firs is now?
13:20:37  <FooBar_> planetmaker: yes, using a tag for releases. I coudn't get it to work yesterday, but it did today after I put a hg update <tag> inbetwixed
13:20:46  * Ammler needs to clone firs and check
13:21:14  <Ammler> FooBar_: tip can never be a tag
13:21:21  <Ammler> hmm
13:21:26  <FooBar_> I noticed :P
13:22:04  <Ammler> maybe it possible with some hacks with strip etc.
13:22:33  <planetmaker> well... I would like to hack hg into using tip for anything else than tip
13:22:40  <FooBar_> I wouldn't bugger, how often do you have a new release? Once every few weeks maybe?
13:22:44  <planetmaker> +argue agains
13:22:46  <planetmaker> t
13:22:48  <Ammler> planetmaker: I try to speak withPurno over msn
13:22:48  <planetmaker> arg.
13:23:37  <planetmaker> Ammler, thx. I have no hopes, though. It was rather an e-mail sent in frustration of his ignorance.
13:24:12  <planetmaker> FooBar_, I agree :) And a hg up isn't really too much ;)
13:26:06  <Ammler> Maybe we should setup a page with license requirements on future hosted projects...
13:26:09  <planetmaker> I mean... latest release can always be gotten by "tails -n1 .hgtags"
13:26:37  <Ammler> I have no issues to make a project private, as long as it is GPL
13:26:57  <Ammler> but ND sucks.
13:26:59  <planetmaker> I mean... latest release can always be gotten by "tail -n1 .hgtags | cut -f2 -d\  "
13:27:12  <planetmaker> Ammler, exactly my point
13:27:38  <Ammler> you should use hg tags
13:28:07  <Ammler> check the hgtags file of heqs, then you know, what I mean ;-)
13:28:08  <planetmaker> was just an example :P
13:28:41  <Ammler> if you remove a tag with "hg tag --remove", it will still be in that file.
13:28:43  <planetmaker> :O
13:28:46  <planetmaker> wow, that file is ugly
13:28:52  * FooBar_ checks hgtags file of heqs
13:29:28  <Ammler> well, #mercurial told me, you should keep them, if you work with different heads.
13:30:02  <Ammler> didn't get it right now, but "hg tags" should work anyway
13:30:09  <planetmaker> yes, it does
13:30:36  <Ammler> also, if you run hg up null, you wouldn't have that file, I guess.
13:35:24  <planetmaker> you don't have that file, if you have no tags
13:37:03  <Ammler> well, you don't have that file, if you have tags, either ;-)
13:37:23  <Ammler> hg up null && hg tags && ls
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14:36:00  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 89: Add: fill ids.pnfo with some pre-liminary defines fo... @ (by planetmaker)
14:40:42  <planetmaker> ^^ I hope you don't mind, FooBar_ - consider it as supplement to the makefile system with introduction of IDs ;)
14:41:10  <FooBar_> not at all
14:41:32  <FooBar_> someone has to do it eventually, so...
14:42:06  <planetmaker> I took the ordering from the website. So... if that's wrong, it's your fault :P
14:42:24  <FooBar_> Otherwise I'd probably added the ids one at a time with each industry, but is fine by me
14:42:25  <planetmaker> or, more importantly, the cargo bits.
14:42:42  <FooBar_> It's not my website...
14:42:52  <planetmaker> well... the project's one :)
14:42:56  <FooBar_> Anyways, if there's an inconsistency, it's an easy fix :)
14:43:03  <planetmaker> yup :)
14:44:34  *** Ammler is now known as Zammler
14:50:32  <Zammler> hmm, doesn't andy already have such a table too?
14:54:01  <planetmaker> Well. Such table exists. But not in the source code :)
14:54:15  <planetmaker> Only thing I did was add it to the source code :)
15:02:15  <FooBar_> isn't there some excel file in the source code?
15:02:45  <Zammler> yes, and andy has soemthing in his DB
15:03:05  <FooBar_> those things might differ actually...
15:03:05  <Zammler> you should maybe merge those infos :P
15:03:47  <FooBar_> The industry IDs from the excel file are the correct ones IMO. For cargo's the website is the correct place...
15:05:43  <planetmaker> urgs.
15:05:52  <Zammler> hehe
15:05:59  <FooBar_> let me check if they are the same...
15:06:00  <planetmaker> it should all be in the repo, IMO. Granted, I didn't look into the excel files :)
15:06:38  <planetmaker> I like plain text files :P
15:07:09  <Zammler> FooBar_: possible to replace a industry with a newer type?
15:07:23  <planetmaker> Zammler, yes.
15:07:26  <planetmaker> afaik
15:07:28  <FooBar_> Ids on the website are the same as in the excel file
15:07:33  <Zammler> can't imagine.
15:07:35  <planetmaker> not an existing one, but new ones with newer graphics.
15:07:55  <planetmaker> FooBar_, the cargo bits? Or the labels?
15:08:01  <FooBar_> industry ids
15:08:01  <planetmaker> or both?
15:08:17  <FooBar_> for cargo the website is the only resource
15:08:21  <Zammler> hmm, pm, I meant ingame
15:08:35  <Zammler> replacing a industry with a modern type
15:09:03  <FooBar_> well, some industries will disappear over time, while new ones appear
15:09:32  <FooBar_> the details of that are still to be decided
15:09:44  <planetmaker> hm... maybe it can be done via some callback magic:
15:10:02  <planetmaker> if year > XX: close & reopen with new graphics or alike.
15:10:06  <planetmaker> But not sure that works.
15:10:31  <planetmaker> or mis-use animation frames... :P
15:11:44  <FooBar_> well, if (year < y) use_livery(1); else use_livery(2); should work
15:12:21  <FooBar_> so when a new industry of the same type appears, it looks more modern
15:12:50  <planetmaker> yes, for new industries.
15:12:52  <FooBar_> we have to be very careful with closing industries: players might not like that
15:12:52  <planetmaker> Sure.
15:12:57  <planetmaker> But for existing ones?
15:13:31  <planetmaker> FooBar_, and I didn't mean to close an industry in the sense of removing it. But building at the exact same spot a new one, with the same cargos, just different look.
15:13:41  <planetmaker> Removing serviced industries... that's bad indeed :)
15:13:43  <FooBar_> I don't think existing ones should change the way they look over time, it's still a game, you know :)
15:15:53  <planetmaker> :) sure it is. But it would IMO be a nice feature :)
15:16:02  <FooBar_> What would be nice though is that early industries essentially would expand. The early industries are usually smaller than modern ones, so add a few bare tiles around it. After a certain period of time new buildings appear on those tiles with production improving slightly
15:16:46  <planetmaker> well... yes. But that would be kinda along the same lines.
15:17:18  <planetmaker> It could possibly be mimiced, if we started an industry straight away with more tiles than it needs initially.
15:17:36  <FooBar_> Indeed, but without the industry magically beeing modernised. Old buildings are very rarely destroyed.
15:17:38  <planetmaker> And later replacing the industry graphics the empty industry tiles could be filled
15:17:51  <FooBar_> [quote]mimiced[/quote] my idea being ;)
15:17:52  <planetmaker> with buildings and other stuff
15:17:58  <planetmaker> :)
15:18:34  <FooBar_> Yes, I like that idea. I'm gonna write it down before I forget it...
15:19:29  <planetmaker> make a ticket on it.
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15:25:04  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #274: industries changing looks over time @ (by foobar)
15:28:57  <planetmaker> <-- I think I can close this, right, FooBar_ ?
15:29:19  <FooBar_> i think so yes
15:29:36  <FooBar_> It worked fine last time I checked, so I assume it still does :)
15:30:22  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #241 (Closed): Make the PCX files a dependency of the build s... @ (by planetmaker)
15:30:22  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #158 (Closed): Makefile @ (by planetmaker)
15:30:52  <planetmaker> <-- I'll leave that though till it really works in the sense that it is used successfully :)
15:31:33  <FooBar_> also make bananas still needs to be implemented, not?
15:32:42  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244 (Closed): Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
15:32:50  <planetmaker> hm... ok, right :P
15:33:07  <planetmaker> I was too quick :)
15:33:35  <FooBar_> oh, I recalled 255 being 560 so I didn't actually click to see :P
15:33:41  <planetmaker> license.txt cannot be uploaded, right?
15:33:42  <FooBar_> well, make a new one for make bananas then
15:34:01  <FooBar_> license.txt can be uploaded, as well as readme.txt and file.grf
15:34:06  <planetmaker> I mean... ideally the whole bundle could just be uploaded.
15:34:09  <FooBar_> no folders and no changlog though
15:34:17  <planetmaker> Well... then we don't need it. Ah. Folder.
15:34:20  <planetmaker> hm, ok
15:34:34  <FooBar_> wait
15:34:45  <FooBar_> did anyone actually test that it didn't want a folder?
15:36:06  <planetmaker> not me :)
15:36:14  <planetmaker> though, I think, DJN
15:36:52  <FooBar_> well, lets check that with him before actually changing the makefile
15:36:56  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #275: make bananas @ (by planetmaker)
15:37:02  <FooBar_> who knows it might not be needed...
15:37:49  <planetmaker> :) and changelog.txt will - hopefully - be accepted rather sooner than later.
15:38:01  <planetmaker> It's at least an assigned and accepted bug report for bananas :)
15:38:24  <Zammler> it should accept just everything or a lot more
15:38:37  <Zammler> like additional manuals
15:39:05  <Zammler> how did andy add his guide?
15:39:07  <planetmaker> it accepts readme.pdf/txt
15:39:19  <Zammler> well, some have both
15:39:26  <planetmaker> so you can make an extensive readme.pdf
15:39:33  <Zammler> or some have have translations
15:41:46  <Zammler> he, make bananas should merge those files :-)
15:41:59  <Zammler> cat readme.txt changelog.txt > readme.txt
15:44:25  <FooBar_> maybe the makefile should merge those then ;)
15:44:39  <planetmaker> :) yes, of course.
15:45:57  <Zammler> what I said :P
15:46:12  <Zammler> nobody does read bananas readmes
15:46:31  <FooBar_> I think you're right about that
15:46:33  <Zammler> I like the idea from eis_os
15:46:57  <Zammler> he added a parameter, which you needed to type to the grf, else it is disabled.
15:47:00  <FooBar_> most people don't even know that there's a readme provided with whatever they download from the content service
15:47:15  <Zammler> the parameter is included in the readme.
15:47:22  <FooBar_> at the very end I hope :P
15:47:25  <planetmaker> haha. Nice idea, Zammler
15:47:25  <Zammler> so only if you read the readme, you know the "code"
15:47:36  <FooBar_> I like that actually
15:48:02  <FooBar_> but on the other hand, a grf should be preconfigured to suit most peoples needs
15:48:06  <planetmaker> well... they want to re-do bananas. Before that nothing will change, I think
15:48:17  <FooBar_> if you want something else, then RTFM
15:48:30  <planetmaker> And they won't work on it before WT3 isn't completely phased-in.
15:49:04  <planetmaker> whereas they = mostly truebrain
15:49:08  <Zammler>
15:49:13  <Zammler> check after the license text
15:49:42  <FooBar_> I don't like the sound of "You aren't allowed to"
15:49:55  <Zammler> [17:49] <planetmaker> whereas they = mostly truebrain <-- I found out, truebrain doesn't want help
15:50:09  <Zammler> he doesn't trust someone else and prefers to work alone
15:50:36  <Zammler> somehow, this sounds familiar ;-)
15:51:35  <planetmaker> FooBar_, yeah. All those control freaks as I like to call them :)
15:51:44  <planetmaker> but the parameter's a good one.
15:51:46  <Zammler> FooBar_: he had to do that, because he didn't like someone using his grfs for openttd
15:52:15  <Zammler> planetmaker: eis_os is a friendly guy, he made also the crawler.
15:52:39  <planetmaker> Zammler, so is truebrain. But both are... special :)
15:52:46  <FooBar_> oh boohoo, someone was using his grf in openttd...
15:52:48  <Zammler> indeed.
15:53:27  <FooBar_> anyways, I'm off to dinner...
15:53:31  <Zammler> en guete
15:53:54  <planetmaker> And I'm off for the night. See you guys :)
15:53:58  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
15:54:11  <Zammler> planetmaker: you too
15:54:12  <Zammler> :P
15:57:19  <Zammler> well, you could make it easy, btw.
15:57:40  <Zammler> like in 2cc use the parameter to enable the regions, instead of disable
15:58:16  <Zammler> 0, no trains, something dunno 1023 to enable all
16:10:18  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
16:12:49  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
16:15:19  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
16:18:03  <Brot6> OpenGFX: update from r72 to r74, starting nightly compile
16:18:10  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:18:31  <Brot6> OpenGFX: nightlies compile finished with 53 errors:
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17:49:59  <Zammler> !rss show DevZone
17:49:59  <Brot6> Zammler: lemme fetch it...
17:49:59  <Brot6> Zammler: using old data
17:49:59  <Brot6> Zammler: Channel : #openttdcoop Development Zone: Activity
17:49:59  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 18:07 :: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
17:49:59  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:35 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #275: make bananas @ (by planetmaker)
17:50:01  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:32 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244 (Closed): Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
17:50:04  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:30 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #158 (Closed): Makefile @ (by planetmaker)
17:50:07  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:27 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #241 (Closed): Make the PCX files a dependency of the build s... @ (by planetmaker)
17:50:22  <Zammler> hmm
17:59:31  <Zammler> !rss show DevZone
17:59:31  <Brot6> Zammler: lemme fetch it...
17:59:32  <Brot6> Zammler: using old data
17:59:32  <Brot6> Zammler: Channel : #openttdcoop Development Zone: Activity
17:59:32  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 18:07 :: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
17:59:32  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:35 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #275: make bananas @ (by planetmaker)
17:59:33  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:32 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244 (Closed): Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
17:59:36  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:30 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #158 (Closed): Makefile @ (by planetmaker)
17:59:39  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:27 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #241 (Closed): Make the PCX files a dependency of the build s... @ (by planetmaker)
17:59:40  <Zammler> why old data?
17:59:54  <Zammler> bugger
18:04:03  <Brot6> firs: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
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19:14:36  <andythenorth_> evening
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19:38:19  *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
19:38:34  <Frankr> Ammler?
19:39:31  <Zammler> Frankr: the site is up, isn't?
19:39:40  <Frankr> yh
19:40:09  <Frankr> Just wondering about this GLP
19:40:55  <Frankr> GPL*
19:42:05  <Zammler> ask :-)
19:43:02  <Zammler> the problem you have is, that with the devzone, your work is already opensouse
19:43:06  <Zammler> opensource*
19:43:15  <Zammler> that is why it needs a license.
19:43:20  <Frankr> I guess it is a formal lisense agreeing to specific terms
19:43:27  <Frankr> of use*
19:43:45  <Frankr> how do we do it?
19:44:13  <Zammler>
19:44:20  <Frankr> we already have an arangement with Pikka and we have credited him in the description with all members of WAS
19:44:41  <Frankr> ok i'll take a look
19:46:02  <Zammler> or
19:46:03  <Webster> Title: Creative Commons GNU General Public License (at
19:46:34  <Zammler> Frankr: that is fine
19:46:44  <Zammler> but you should make something official legal
19:47:18  <Frankr> ok, i'll discuss with beardie
19:47:31  <Zammler> and therefor it is the easiest to make it GPL
19:47:49  <Frankr> i don't want to do anything legal without consultin beardie the WAS leader so to say
19:47:58  <Zammler> we have a very ugly license for the 2cc set, which doesn't allow modification on the images.
19:48:14  <Frankr> whose set is it?
19:48:28  <Zammler> Purno
19:48:36  <Zammler> and coded from djn
19:48:44  <Zammler> this part is GPL
19:48:46  <Frankr> So it's difficult to work thn
19:49:07  <Frankr> changes is a better word actually
19:49:10  <Zammler> andy just left before you joined
19:49:40  <Zammler> he does also use GPL for his work.
19:50:15  <andythenorth_> I am here
19:50:24  <Zammler> oh
19:50:28  <Zammler> :-)
19:50:33  <andythenorth_> use GPL.  But use it right, and make sure you understand it before using it.
19:50:38  <andythenorth_> Zammler: ;)
19:50:53  <Frankr> Well beardie is bck now and when he gets bck from phone i'll discuss it with him and he'll prob pop on here
19:52:38  <andythenorth_> GPL is a headache the first time you read it, but the basics are simple, and it's really an elegant license.
19:52:44  <Frankr> this will help us in a way anyways cos an ex member is creatin a smaller set, and will prob steal our work for his own so thanks for bringing this up ammler
19:53:25  <Zammler> well, GPL would allow that.
19:53:46  <Zammler> but he would need to credit you
19:53:46  <andythenorth_> well if would if he also complies with the GPL
19:53:56  <andythenorth_> typo (it)
19:54:35  <Frankr> yh well he's bein tryin to steal every1's work, callin it his own
19:54:52  <Frankr> that's the main reason we ditched him
19:54:56  <andythenorth_> GPL is a good way to deal with that kind of thing
19:55:24  <andythenorth_> if he violates the GPL the most influential people in the TTD community won't let him use tools like Bananas
19:55:30  <andythenorth_> (or so I believe)
19:55:45  <andythenorth_> if he can't distribute to the community, there's no point in him 'stealing' your work
19:55:53  <andythenorth_> except for his own personal use
19:56:50  <andythenorth_> but under GPL he *can* modify your work, and redistribute it.  But he *can't* claim it's his.
19:56:51  <Zammler> and for that, you can "steal" everything
19:57:20  <andythenorth_> talk to Beardie.
19:57:34  <andythenorth_> Industrial Stations Renewal is GPL.  So are my sets
19:57:37  <andythenorth_> it's easiest.
19:57:52  <andythenorth_> But you do need correct permission for *everything* you include in the set
19:57:54  <Zammler> OpenGFX is
19:57:59  <Zammler> and OpenTTD is :-)
19:58:10  <andythenorth_> And you need to make full source available.  The repo does that for you if properly managed
19:58:20  <Frankr> well most of the work that we have is from the AV8 set
19:58:42  <Frankr> which at the moment i believe beardie has sorted a deal with Pikka
19:58:48  <Zammler> that is why I wrote, pikka needs to give you an ok for GPL
19:58:57  <Zammler> because he doesn't use GPL
19:59:01  <andythenorth_>
19:59:03  <Webster> Title: Transport Tycoon Forums View topic - GPL / Public Domain clarification (at
19:59:13  <Zammler> else you need a License like the 2cc
19:59:20  <Frankr> well then we will need to ask permission of Pikka
19:59:28  <Zammler> exactly
19:59:59  <Zammler> you need to aks Pikka, if it is ok to distribute your set completely as GPL
20:00:09  <Frankr> All the other work is done by the ppl workin in the set and help from DJ
20:00:50  <Frankr> i can't see their being a problem as we have credited Pikka for his AV8 that he has allowed us to use
20:00:56  <Zammler> and you need to be sure, all other constributors are fine with PGL
20:01:05  <Frankr> i will check
20:01:22  <Frankr> obviously Beardie is the first person
20:01:35  <Frankr> wen he gets bck from his phone call
20:01:53  <Zammler> well it needs also a OK from ALL
20:01:59  <Zammler> if once defined, it is clear then
20:02:08  <Frankr> well there are alot of members atm
20:02:24  *** andythenorth_ has quit IRC
20:02:51  <Zammler> yep, well, if the main coders/constributors agree, you post it that way on tt-forums.
20:03:03  <Frankr> Well i am the main coder
20:03:10  <Zammler> so it is clear also for new constributors.
20:03:31  <Frankr> beardie also coders, most others are painters as that is wat takes up a lot of time
20:03:37  <Frankr> sure
20:03:44  <Zammler> and if a constributors disagree, you need to speak with him in personal.
20:03:58  <Zammler> well, the code is GPL
20:04:12  <Zammler> everything else would be useless.
20:04:18  <Zammler> as it is already opensource.
20:04:21  <Frankr> lol
20:04:37  <Frankr> wrong chat sorry
20:14:35  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
20:16:29  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
20:26:43  <Zammler>
20:57:54  <planetmaker> nice graph. But how is it interpreted, e.g. what's on the vertical axis?
20:59:46  <planetmaker> ah. Issues. Not commits :)
20:59:57  <Zammler> planetmaker: no idea, just happy about no black boxes anymore :-)
21:06:55  <planetmaker> :) yeah, I noticed. And that's indeed nice.
21:10:51  <Frankr> Ammler wen did the adverts come on devzone btw
21:11:17  <Zammler> hehe
21:11:34  <Zammler> don't click them, pls. :-)
21:12:57  <Zammler> it is mixing with the collapse menu
21:13:27  <Zammler> Frankr: why do you ask?
21:15:10  <planetmaker> <-- I wonder: what's the difference between planetmaker and planetmaker?
21:15:14  <planetmaker> ^ Ammler
21:15:54  <Zammler> one might be with the email
21:16:02  <Zammler> the stats are from the repo directly
21:16:07  <planetmaker> hm... maybe, yes
21:16:10  <Zammler> mapping doesn't work there.
21:16:19  <planetmaker> same, btw, for foob4r at firs
21:16:53  <Zammler> <-- :-)
21:18:05  <Zammler>
21:18:43  <Zammler> !rss show devzone
21:18:43  <Brot6> Zammler: lemme fetch it...
21:18:43  <Brot6> Zammler: using old data
21:18:43  <Brot6> Zammler: Channel : #openttdcoop Development Zone: Activity
21:18:43  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 18:07 :: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
21:18:43  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:35 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #275: make bananas @ (by planetmaker)
21:18:45  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:32 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244 (Closed): Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
21:18:48  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:30 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #158 (Closed): Makefile @ (by planetmaker)
21:18:51  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:27 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #241 (Closed): Make the PCX files a dependency of the build s... @ (by planetmaker)
21:18:55  <Zammler> hmm
21:19:07  <planetmaker> uhm...
21:19:17  <Zammler> ?
21:20:02  <Frankr> how did brot talk?
21:20:25  <Zammler> I asked him to
21:20:32  <Frankr> lol
21:20:55  <Zammler> but he forgot one
21:20:57  <Frankr> and i was just wonderin i don't remember thm from earlier (relatin to the adverts)
21:21:33  <Zammler> same adverts as on our blog and wiki
21:22:10  <planetmaker> <-- Ammler
21:24:05  <Zammler> planetmaker: do you like it?
21:24:41  <planetmaker> yes, I think it's quite nice to be able to annotate single lines.
21:26:15  <Zammler> ah
21:26:32  <Zammler> I see now, it didn't appear here, because those reviews aren't public.
21:27:36  <Zammler> !rss show devzone
21:27:36  <Brot6> Zammler: lemme fetch it...
21:27:36  <Brot6> Zammler: using old data
21:27:36  <Brot6> Zammler: Channel : #openttdcoop Development Zone: Activity
21:27:36  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 18:07 :: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
21:27:36  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:35 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #275: make bananas @ (by planetmaker)
21:27:38  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:32 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244 (Closed): Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
21:27:41  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:30 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #158 (Closed): Makefile @ (by planetmaker)
21:27:44  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:27 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #241 (Closed): Make the PCX files a dependency of the build s... @ (by planetmaker)
21:32:06  <Zammler> !rss show devzone
21:32:06  <Brot6> Zammler: lemme fetch it...
21:32:06  <Brot6> Zammler: using old data
21:32:06  <Brot6> Zammler: Channel : #openttdcoop Development Zone: Activity
21:32:06  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 18:07 :: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
21:32:06  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:35 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #275: make bananas @ (by planetmaker)
21:32:08  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:32 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244 (Closed): Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
21:32:10  <Zammler> menno
21:32:11  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:30 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #158 (Closed): Makefile @ (by planetmaker)
21:32:14  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:27 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #241 (Closed): Make the PCX files a dependency of the build s... @ (by planetmaker)
21:34:39  <Zammler> !rss show devzone
21:34:39  <Brot6> Zammler: lemme fetch it...
21:34:39  <Brot6> Zammler: using old data
21:34:39  <Brot6> Zammler: Channel : #openttdcoop Development Zone: Activity
21:34:39  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 18:07 :: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
21:34:39  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:35 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #275: make bananas @ (by planetmaker)
21:34:41  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:32 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244 (Closed): Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
21:34:44  <Brot6> feed DevZone had 15 updates, showing the latest 10
21:34:46  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:30 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #158 (Closed): Makefile @ (by planetmaker)
21:34:49  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 89: Add: fill ids.pnfo with some pre-liminary defines fo... @ (by planetmaker)
21:34:53  <Brot6> 2009/06/24 17:27 :: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #241 (Closed): Make the PCX files a dependency of the build s... @ (by planetmaker)
21:34:57  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #274: industries changing looks over time @ (by foobar)
21:35:00  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #241 (Closed): Make the PCX files a dependency of the build s... @ (by planetmaker)
21:35:02  <Zammler> now, I give up
21:35:04  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #158 (Closed): Makefile @ (by planetmaker)
21:35:07  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #244 (Closed): Re-wamp makesystem @ (by planetmaker)
21:35:10  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #275: make bananas @ (by planetmaker)
21:35:13  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Bug #276: Missing License @ (by Ammler)
21:35:16  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Code review: #1 @ (by Ammler)
21:35:19  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Code review: #1: Replies @ (by planetmaker)
21:35:22  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Code review: #1: Replies @ (by Ammler)
21:35:29  <Zammler> oh :-)
21:59:27  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Support #255: using pre-processor to allow using ID_<whatever> in... @ (by planetmaker)
22:27:40  *** FooBar_ has quit IRC
22:53:03  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Bug #277: Change Acceleration Coding @ (by Frank)
23:14:06  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Feature #247: Boeing 737-300 Nfo @ (by Frank)
23:15:53  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Bug #248: Boeing 737-300F Nfo @ (by Frank)
23:15:53  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Feature #249: Boeing 737-400 Nfo @ (by Frank)
23:18:12  *** Zammler is now known as Ammler
23:32:30  <Ammler> planetmaker: did you already switch to WT3?
23:50:27  <Frankr> Ammler is bck, :)
23:51:40  <Ammler> good night :-)
23:55:02  <Frankr> night

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