Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 22nd July 2009:
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01:30:09  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Feature #294: Sprite 4629 - Toyland Church (32bpp, 8bpp) @ (by athanasios)
01:33:56  <Brot6> Backup done! (Usage: 79M)
01:33:56  <Brot6> I like your SNOOPY POSTER!!
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08:05:33  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Feature #330 (Closed): EVA Air MD-90 @ (by FaddyPainter)
08:19:28  <planetmaker> <andythenorth> meh, we didn't solve the line numbers thing did we ?? <--- uhm... what line numberings thing did he mean, Ammler ?
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08:25:45  <Ammler> planetmaker: maybe the counter?
08:27:39  <planetmaker> which counter?
08:27:52  <planetmaker> I have to admit I'm missing a bit context there.
08:28:59  <ODM> mornin
08:31:12  <planetmaker> salut :-)
08:32:02  <ODM> sigh, my firefox is freezing randomly:S
08:35:49  <ODM> time to get a new version
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09:11:33  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: #openttdcoop - Revision 20: [CF] Feature: no need of symlink to web anymore. @ (by Ammler)
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16:18:01  <Brot6> 2cctrainset: nightly compile not needed. (r225)
16:18:01  <Brot6> firs: nightly compile not needed. (r185)
16:18:02  <Brot6> heqs: nightly compile not needed. (r134)
16:18:02  <Brot6> opengfx: nightly compile not needed. (r144)
16:18:02  <Brot6> worldairlineset: nightly compile not needed. (r366)
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16:47:23  <planetmaker> Hello our newest Guest, SmatZ ;)
16:47:52  <planetmaker> hm... I'm behind my time :-P
16:50:27  <ODM> woo guest!
16:52:40  <SmatZ> hello our planetmaker :)
18:27:19  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:29:53  <andythenorth> evning
18:48:06  <planetmaker> salut
19:02:48  <andythenorth> planetmaker: just seen your flyspray for 'buy not build'.
19:02:50  <andythenorth> I like it
19:04:12  <andythenorth> I should kill my inner nerd, instead of feeding it...but this feature would make me feel better about buying a bunch of old locomotives for slow / unimportant service.
19:04:39  <planetmaker> :-) Ah, that entry.
19:04:53  <planetmaker> I was just having a blank shortly :-)
19:04:59  <planetmaker> It occured to me when I was translating.
19:05:07  <planetmaker> It's not consequent in either respect.
19:06:09  <andythenorth> well it would be nice for 'reality'...buying old vehicles is valid.  Building them is generally...not
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19:08:53  <planetmaker> :-)
19:09:10  <planetmaker> Well... also in terms of "realism": no rail company builds their own vehicles.
19:09:14  <planetmaker> It's done by other companies
19:09:47  <planetmaker> As - at least here - also the engines will tell you, if you look closely at the text written near the bottom :-)
19:10:00  <planetmaker> where also axle weight etc are specified
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19:46:18  <Ammler>
19:48:03  <planetmaker> he. cool
19:50:35  <Ammler> cool? :-P
19:50:48  <Ammler> I just googled "opengfx"
19:50:57  <planetmaker> hm... first entry that's bad then
19:51:21  <Ammler> no
19:52:01  <Ammler> <-- that is my first result
19:52:16  <planetmaker> here, too
19:52:24  <Ammler> he nice part is "our" opengfx is before
19:52:33  <planetmaker> :-)
19:52:39  <planetmaker> We should keep it that way :-)
19:54:33  <Ammler>
19:54:34  <Webster> Title: opengfx - Yahoo! Suche Suchergebnisse (at
20:10:52  <andythenorth> I am having an RV cargo refit problem...anyone want to help?
20:14:24  <planetmaker> what's the issue, andythenorth ?
20:15:23  <andythenorth> (1) I banged my head (for real) and can't think straight.  (2) I have forgotten how to use props 16, 1E and 1D properly
20:15:42  <andythenorth> I have a truck only refittable to wood / tropical wood
20:15:46  <andythenorth> it's articulated
20:16:06  <planetmaker> the latter shouldn't matter - but I don't know articulated.
20:16:16  <andythenorth> wood is 80 00 00 00 and trop wood is 00 00 00 40
20:16:48  <planetmaker> it depends upon what cargo translation table you have installed actually
20:17:01  <andythenorth> ^ those are the ones for my table
20:17:11  <andythenorth> it seems to provide the right cargos
20:17:13  <planetmaker> ok
20:17:27  <planetmaker> you want it refittable to other things or just that?
20:17:40  <planetmaker> if it's just that, you don't need cargo classes :-)
20:17:49  <planetmaker> and thus not 1D and 1E
20:17:53  <andythenorth> there are multiple minor problems.  the annoying thing is...I've solved them all before with other vehicles, but I've forgotten how :D
20:18:14  <andythenorth> problem 2 is that capacity in the buy menu is showing as N/A
20:18:25  <planetmaker> No idea about that.
20:18:28  <planetmaker> DJN knows
20:18:31  <andythenorth> there's a fix for that from DJ, but it seems not to be working for this vehicle
20:18:38  <andythenorth> definitely I've done it wrong
20:18:41  <andythenorth> but I can't see why
20:18:46  <andythenorth> and my head hurts ;)
20:18:58  <planetmaker> :-S
20:19:55  <andythenorth> I guess I'll keep trying
20:20:06  <planetmaker> Basically it works (1D and not 1E) xor 16
20:20:19  <planetmaker> where 1D, 1E and 16 are the properties
20:20:59  <planetmaker> you would need to check the results for the single cargos, ofc
20:21:45  <andythenorth> cracked the buy menu problem
20:21:58  <andythenorth> need to remove cargo FF (buy menu) from the Action 3
20:27:04  <planetmaker> cargo FF?
20:35:36  <andythenorth> cargo FF in an action 3 sets the buy menu sprite
20:36:00  <planetmaker> ah... interesting...
20:36:24  <planetmaker> Only "strange" cargo I read of was the regearing cargo
20:36:29  <andythenorth> when I finish drawing the bloody thing, HEQS will have a new log truck
20:36:30  <andythenorth>
20:36:31  <Webster> Title: Kim Loeb Hayes Truck Pictures (at
20:36:49  <andythenorth> it will have an extra nice touch in the loaded / unloaded states :)
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