Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 18th August 2009:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
01:33:39  <Brot6> Backup done! (Usage: 93M)
01:33:40  <Brot6> NATHAN ... your PARENTS were in a CARCRASH!! They're VOIDED -- They COLLAPSED They had no CHAINSAWS ... They had no MONEY MACHINES ... They did PILLS in SKIMPY GRASS SKIRTS ... Nathan, I EMULATED them ... but they were OFF-KEY ...
02:04:06  <Brot6> opengfx: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
02:52:28  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Feature #125: Sprites 761:840 (80) - Rail wagons @ (by athanasios)
06:06:34  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Feature #438: source release @ (by planetmaker)
06:06:34  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Feature #438 (Closed): source release @ (by planetmaker)
06:10:58  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - toyland_HQ.sav @ (by planetmaker)
06:10:58  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Document: toyland hq testsave @ (by planetmaker)
06:17:24  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
06:17:39  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v ODM
07:05:51  *** LordAzamath has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
07:05:58  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v LordAzamath
07:51:08  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
08:59:43  *** XeryusTC is now known as Xeryus|bnc
09:02:22  *** Xeryus|bnc is now known as XeryusTC
09:47:01  <FooBar_> [11:44]	* Rubidium	[08-18 00:40:48] wonders what the snowy temperate trees do in the ogfx objectives <-- That's because I was too lazy to fix that :P
10:28:02  <planetmaker> FooBar_, what needs fixing there?
10:28:17  <planetmaker> oh, and good morning :-)
10:28:45  <LordAzamath> you need fixing :D
10:28:56  <planetmaker> :-O
10:29:11  <planetmaker> your sprites needed fixing ;-)
10:29:17  <LordAzamath> btw planetmaker the headcastles have some pixel problems it seems from the screens.. That CC is really not CC
10:29:26  <FooBar_> 'morning!
10:29:36  <FooBar_> what needs fixing here?
10:29:50  <planetmaker> LordAzamath, did you try yourself? The screens are from an uncorrected version. And they say so
10:29:50  <FooBar_> I didn't intend to fix anything really...
10:30:12  <planetmaker> those who can read are at a clear advantage :-P
10:30:49  <LordAzamath> planetmaker no I mean the roofs
10:31:01  <LordAzamath> have some weird pixels at left
10:31:14  <LordAzamath> which is not fault of palconverting
10:31:24  <LordAzamath> I guess its the fault of antialiasing :P
10:31:28  <planetmaker> yeah... you did it wrong :-P
10:31:49  <LordAzamath> I did it right at start,but then used antialias
10:31:50  <planetmaker> but you're right... I wondered... then forgot about it....
10:32:01  <LordAzamath> they should be in cc
10:32:20  <planetmaker> k, I'll see what I can do about it. Fixing a few pixels is something which I can do :-)
10:32:39  <planetmaker> The upper wall boundary of the left tower needed extension, too :-)
10:32:45  <planetmaker> *right tower
10:34:59  <FooBar_> oh, by the way, it's more like afternoon right here...
10:35:07  <planetmaker> hehe :-)
10:35:09  <FooBar_> 'afternoon!
10:35:26  <planetmaker> I copied Mark's behaviour to greet with "good morning" like at 18h local time :-P
10:35:33  <LordAzamath> it's leet in 2 minutes
10:35:45  <LordAzamath> heh
10:35:49  <LordAzamath> that's not original
10:36:04  <LordAzamath> I've done it in rl too
10:36:07  <LordAzamath> just hommikust
10:36:14  <LordAzamath> at about 18 or so
10:36:15  <LordAzamath> :D
10:37:28  <LordAzamath> Anyway, its 13:37 here
10:38:06  <planetmaker> one hour earlier here :-)
10:39:33  <LordAzamath> .
10:39:41  <LordAzamath> So it's 13:37 there in an hour
10:39:43  <LordAzamath> :D
10:39:49  <LordAzamath> 39 tho
10:43:16  <FooBar_> then I cannot other than conclude that pm and I are in the same time zone. Which I already knew, but still... :)
10:44:29  <LordAzamath> planetbaker is german :o
10:44:34  <LordAzamath> didn't know
10:44:45  <LordAzamath> FooBar ur dutchie still, right?
10:45:01  <FooBar_> yes, indeed. That hasn't changed lately :)
10:46:26  <planetmaker> :-)
11:25:11  <Rubidium> LordAzamath: but about 3.5 minutes before 13:37 is even more leet
11:36:29  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #482: Industry link table on TT-Foundry website @ (by foobar)
12:04:31  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 211: Update: NewGRF description/credits @ (by foobar)
12:07:46  <Rubidium> FooBar_: I think the comments on line 23 and 25 of the header.pnfo you just changed are incorrect
12:08:49  <FooBar_> I think you're quite right about that :P
12:09:28  <FooBar_> I mend that
12:12:52  <FooBar_> Mended:
12:13:00  <FooBar_> (awaiting Brot6)
12:13:04  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 212: Fix: correct some comments (discovered by Rubidium) @ (by foobar)
14:04:03  <Brot6> firs: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
15:30:22  *** LordAzamath has quit IRC
16:16:49  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:16:59  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v Chris_Booth
16:18:02  <Brot6> 2cctrainset: nightly compile not needed. (r228)
16:18:02  <Brot6> firs: update from r205 to r212, starting nightly compile
16:18:26  <Brot6> firs: compile done (0 errors) -
16:18:26  <Brot6> fish: nightly compile not needed. (r38)
16:18:27  <Brot6> heqs: nightly compile not needed. (r169)
16:18:27  <Brot6> opengfx: update from r198 to r199, starting nightly compile
16:19:25  <Brot6> opengfx: compile done (0 errors) -
16:19:26  <Brot6> opensfx: nightly compile not needed. (r40)
16:19:26  <Brot6> worldairlineset: update from r418 to r419, starting nightly compile
16:20:08  <Brot6> worldairlineset: compile done (612 errors) -
16:57:49  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
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17:06:06  *** Chris_Booth is now known as Booth
17:07:39  *** Booth is now known as Chris_Booth
17:20:24  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
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18:40:20  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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18:51:05  <FooBar_> quite dead on here...
18:53:38  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:53:48  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v Chris_Booth
18:58:20  <ODM> no way
18:58:41  * ODM does a little dance
18:58:45  * ODM sings a little song
18:59:43  * Chris_Booth omg what the hell my eyes and ears
18:59:56  <planetmaker> :-P
19:00:04  * Chris_Booth goes and get dark glases and ear protection from ODM
19:00:46  <ODM> :(
19:00:48  <ODM> how unkind
19:01:03  * planetmaker hugs ODM
19:01:11  <Chris_Booth> i am only messing
19:01:14  <ODM> wait, germans do hugs?
19:01:22  <planetmaker> ... ?
19:01:23  * Chris_Booth goes to write a letter of appoligies to ODM
19:01:28  <ODM> hehe no worries:P
19:01:39  <ODM> just messing with ya pm
19:01:43  <planetmaker> :-P
19:01:45  <ODM> and i wont mention the war, no worries!
19:01:52  <planetmaker> haha :-)
19:02:00  <Chris_Booth> classic faulty towers moment
19:02:04  <planetmaker> The Netherlands are only staging area anyway
19:02:19  <Chris_Booth> i mentioned the war once think i got away with it
19:02:25  <ODM> hehe
19:02:39  <ODM> people always confuse dutcha and deutsch, strangely
19:03:08  <Chris_Booth> everyone who hasnt seen or herd of faulty towers should find then on the internet and watch them
19:03:18  <ODM> its quite wellknown:P
19:05:10  <FooBar_> I have all 12 faulty towers episodes on my hard drive somewhere :]
19:07:11  <Chris_Booth> i have them of DVD and UMD
19:07:46  <ODM> british stuff rawx
19:09:05  *** Chris_Booth is now known as Guest70
19:09:05  <FooBar_> I don't do DVDs and such
19:09:14  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
19:09:20  <FooBar_> wait, that sounded weird, didn't it...
19:09:26  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v Chris_Booth
19:10:35  <ODM> like, you dont acknowledge their existence?
19:10:54  <FooBar_> Anyways, I don't think it's worth to spend money on something you only watch once or maybe twice, still I hold on to every TV series I download :S
19:11:00  <FooBar_> Oh well, something should fill me harddrive
19:11:16  <ODM> that sounds familiar
19:11:28  <ODM> and i rename them in a decent fashion^^
19:11:34  <ODM> currently trying to get 8 out of 10 cats complete
19:11:51  <Chris_Booth> have you tryed
19:12:51  <Chris_Booth> dont bother looking they are not on there
19:12:54  <Chris_Booth> i just checked
19:13:37  <FooBar_> I rename most of the stuff I have; if a season is complete, that is.
19:14:05  <Chris_Booth> i just archive what i have into folders
19:14:10  <Chris_Booth> so name
19:14:13  <Chris_Booth> season
19:14:17  <Chris_Booth> edisode
19:15:13  *** Guest70 has quit IRC
19:15:21  <FooBar_> bye guest70!
19:16:00  <ODM> my singing made him leave!
19:17:42  <ODM> how do you rename anyway?^^
19:18:05  <ODM> i use top gear style, show name - [seasonxepisode] - title/guests/whatever
19:18:29  <ODM> as long as the xvid/group/dots are out of it
19:20:19  *** Frank has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
19:20:24  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v Frank
19:20:53  *** Brot6 has quit IRC
19:20:55  <FooBar_> I pick what is the least work to rename. Be it 01x02 or S01E02 :)
19:21:10  *** Brot6 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
19:21:11  <FooBar_> Anyways, I'm gonna watch something I haven't renamed yet...
19:21:15  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v Brot6
19:22:44  <ODM> hehe
20:39:58  <FooBar_> I'm off, good night everyone.
20:40:25  <Ammler> FooBar_: you need to be on to get off :-P
20:40:34  <Frank> cya /foobar
20:41:00  <Ammler> oh, you were, I wasn't ;-)
20:57:05  *** Frank has quit IRC
21:09:15  *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
21:09:20  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v Frankr
21:09:35  <Frankr> Hi all
21:15:51  <ODM> ellow
21:19:15  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Revision 420: Fix 457, Implemented Rubidium's Suggestion @ (by Frank)
21:19:15  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Bug #457 (Closed): Fix Il62 nfo @ (by Frank)
21:22:56  <Rubidium> oh, silence the warning :)
21:26:01  *** ODM has quit IRC
21:31:11  <Frankr> Indeed Rubidium
21:37:52  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Revision 421: Sorted a number of pcx and png flashing planes @ (by Frank)
21:40:32  *** Brot6 has quit IRC
21:41:05  *** Brot6 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
21:41:10  *** openttdcoop sets mode: +v Brot6
23:11:44  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: World Airliners Set - Revision 422: Added the extra line at the end of the file on Ilyushin.nfo (... @ (by Frank)

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