Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 3rd August 2010:
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00:57:01  *** frosch123 has quit IRC
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16:19:15  <Brot6> nml: update from r640 to r645 done -
16:19:23  <Brot6> Following repos didn't need a nightlies update: 2cctrainset (r573), 32bpp-extra (r38), airportsplus (r52), basecosts (r20), comic-houses (r71), firs (r1098), fish (r386), grfcodec (r188), heqs (r371), metrotrackset (r40), newgrf_makefile (r124), nforenum (r421), nutracks (r90), ogfxplus (r41), opengfx (r469), openmsx (r91), opensfx (r97), snowlinemod (r15), swedishrails (r140), transrapidtrackset (r15), worldairlinersset (r659)
16:20:36  <Doorslammer> Oh, we lost our repo then, did we...
16:20:45  <Brot6> ogfxplus: rebuild of r41 done (Diffsize: 1) -
16:21:07  <Rubidium> what repo?
16:21:19  <Doorslammer> Erm...
16:21:29  <Doorslammer> The BROS one
16:21:36  <Doorslammer> God, even I forgot the acronym
16:21:39  <Brot6> swedishrails: rebuild of r140 done (Diffsize: 8) -
16:21:57  <FooBar> still there:
16:22:10  <FooBar> it just doesn't have nightly/release compile enabled
16:22:13  <Rubidium> it's probably disabled because it failed to compile
16:22:19  <Yexo> Doorslammer: the repository still exists, only the nightly compiles were disabled because it failed to compile
16:23:11  <Doorslammer> I see
16:23:23  <Yexo> or rather they've never been enabled
16:23:35  <Doorslammer> I won't question that, I can't remember that ever compiling anyway
16:23:36  <Yexo> looks like most activity in bros was before the new compiler
16:23:47  <Doorslammer> Ah
16:24:08  <Doorslammer> Wish I had access to our graphics...
16:24:15  <Doorslammer> Haven't seen the site in a month
16:27:43  <Doorslammer> Don't even know if a new host is forthcoming
16:31:08  * Rubidium wonders how often someone from here offered to host stuff :)
16:32:29  <Doorslammer> Yeah, well, that unfortunately had nothing to do with me
16:33:11  <Doorslammer> Wasn't my decision to make
16:34:12  <Ammler> yeah, running bros with the new "tools" fails then I removed the nightly compile again
16:34:32  <Ammler> is is quite easy enabled again
16:35:02  <Doorslammer> Well, nothing really happened on it, so it's not really important for now
16:35:12  <Doorslammer> Just wondered if there was any news on it really
16:36:12  <Ammler> the only news I see from you is that you have again switched forum/irc or whatever :-)
16:36:39  <Doorslammer> Oh yes, that went well I see
16:36:55  <Ammler> I wouldn say "well" :-P
16:36:59  <Ammler> 't*
16:40:57  <Doorslammer> OK, it went
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19:00:46  *** FooBar has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
20:36:46  <FooBar> Ammler: I might have something of your liking here:
20:36:47  <Webster> Title: Download bundles - #openttdcoop Development Zone (at
20:37:25  <FooBar> just a demo for now, but it should give an idea where it can go
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21:41:18  <Ammler> hmm, gone
21:41:33  <Ammler> looks good, if it is stable
21:41:37  <Ammler> static*
21:44:38  <Rubidium> doesn't look like it
21:45:30  <Rubidium> and it ain't non-javascript proof it seems
21:46:18  <Rubidium> thought he was going to look at my handywork
21:49:37  <Rubidium> and even though my handywork isn't fully static, it can be used statically on your server under the assumption that everyone wants the binary file
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