Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 23rd February 2011:
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01:25:18  *** thgergo has quit IRC
01:46:57  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
05:34:48  <Brot6> Bundles Update: gcb136f5e 2011-02-23 cargodist   (
07:40:15  *** SmatZ has quit IRC
07:40:39  *** SmatZ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
07:41:08  *** XeryusTC has quit IRC
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08:44:40  <Brot6> DictatorAI - Revision 71:361c8a120031: - Some bugs corrections about array limits (krinn) @
11:32:39  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
12:37:18  *** thgergo has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
14:00:33  *** Lakie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
14:14:19  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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17:20:15  <Brot6> ttrs: update from r33 to r36 done (7 errors) -
17:20:16  <Brot6> Following repos didn't need a nightlies update: 2cctrainset (r743), 32bpp-extra (r39), ai-admiralai (r75), ai-aroai (r11), ailib-common (r21), ailib-direction (r17), ailib-list (r32), ailib-string (r29), ailib-tile (r16), airportsplus (r73), basecosts (r22), belarusiantowns (r8), bros (r51), comic-houses (r71), firs (r1812), fish (r611), frenchtowns (r6), grfcodec (r821), heqs (r578), indonesiantowns (r41), manindu (r6), metrotrackset
17:20:16  <Brot6> (r56), narvs (r19), newgrf_makefile (r255), nml (r1243), nutracks (r179), ogfx-industries (r3), ogfx-landscape (r34), ogfx-rv (r78), ogfx-trains (r210), ogfx-trees (r42), opengfx (r612), openmsx (r97), opensfx (r97), smts (r19), snowlinemod (r45), spanishtowns (r10), swedishrails (r198), swisstowns (r22), transrapidtrackset (r15), ttdviewer (r26), worldairlinersset (r671)
18:07:24  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:08:37  <andythenorth> hello
18:52:45  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #2355 (New): Primary industries close even if serviced (Terkhen) @
18:53:05  <andythenorth> Terkhen: thanks ^
18:53:13  <Terkhen> no problem :)
18:58:38  *** Lakie has quit IRC
19:01:37  <Brot6> 32bpp-ez-patches: compile of r22130 still failed (#2343) -
19:01:55  <Brot6> clientpatches: compile of r22130 still failed (#2347) -
19:04:57  <Brot6> serverpatches: update from r22127 to r22130 done (2 errors) -
19:33:25  <Ammler> why just 22130?
19:34:09  <Brot6> #openttdcoop Server Patch Pack - Bug #2356 (New): DevZone compile failed (compiler) @
19:43:04  <Brot6> serverpatches: compile of r22132 still failed (#2356) -
19:48:08  * andythenorth is going to Bombay tomorrow
19:48:10  <andythenorth> for 20 days
19:48:16  * andythenorth hopes there is some internet
19:53:28  <planetmaker> sure there is. How else should all those call centres and out-sourced software companies be reached? ;-)
19:59:39  <Ammler> andythenorth: or just take a break from internet :-)
20:57:00  <andythenorth> I need towns to accept food in my FIRS game :(
20:57:09  <andythenorth> and for some reason map gen neglected to build many stores
20:58:40  <andythenorth> maybe I need a better way of generating town industries :o
20:58:44  <planetmaker> play arctic ;-)
20:59:08  <andythenorth> it's *a* solution
20:59:19  <andythenorth> hmm
20:59:36  <planetmaker> use a proper town set ;-)
20:59:36  <andythenorth> if I set probability to 255....then used cb28 to count number of stores per town...
20:59:48  <andythenorth> ...maybe every town would get a store that way
20:59:52  <planetmaker> uh... that's abuse ;-)
21:00:11  <planetmaker> yes. And every village, too
21:00:22  <planetmaker> even if it had 1 inhabitant ;-)
21:00:23  <andythenorth> restrict by population?
21:00:31  <andythenorth> or a town set :P
21:00:35  <andythenorth> hmm
21:00:38  * andythenorth does ponder
21:00:46  <andythenorth> planetmaker: we could get two birds with one stone
21:00:55  <andythenorth> town set + improved OpenGFX houses
21:02:26  <planetmaker> quite indeed :-)
21:13:21  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
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