Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 29th June 2012:
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01:13:05  <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Feature #3043: freight wagons (oberhuemer) @
01:16:32  <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Feature #3043: freight wagons (oberhuemer) @
01:17:37  <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Feature #3043: freight wagons (oberhuemer) @
02:32:28  <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Revision 693:8e13f86d30d3: Change: Partly reorganize freight cars. Fix:... (oberhuemer) @
02:32:28  <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Bug #4038 (Closed): DevZone compile failed (oberhuemer) @
02:57:49  <Brot6> cets: update from r689 to r693 done (201 warnings) -
05:29:16  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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12:41:25  <Hirundo> 64k spritesets ought to be enough for anybody, right?
12:51:21  <Hirundo> Even CETS 'only' has 7.8k of them
13:15:42  <Terkhen> Does it have sprites for different zoom levels
13:15:46  <Terkhen> ?
13:35:13  <Hirundo> Terkhen: AFAIK yes, but that doesn't matter for action1 (which I'm working on atm)
13:37:58  <Rubidium> not really, they all have the same "sprite number"
13:38:07  <Rubidium> or actually, it isn't even a sprite number but an ID
13:38:40  <Rubidium> grfcodec uses sprite number + 1 IIRC, but you can use any number that's not 0
13:45:57  <Hirundo> Implementation of extended action1 in openttd seems quite bug-ridden, I haven't tested but I think that any grf using it wouldn't even load
13:46:22  <Hirundo> Without fixed, that is
13:51:33  <Brot6> Dutch Trains 2 - Revision 612:1072624a0563: Feature: green livery for NCS 21-30 (Voyager One) (issue... (foobar) @
14:11:15  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Feature #3739: Extended action1 (Hirundo) @
14:33:46  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
15:16:54  *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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17:28:10  <Brot6> dutchtrains: update from r611 to r612 done -
17:30:32  <Brot6> chips: update from r200 to r204 done -
17:54:00  <Brot6> FISH - Feature #2826 (Closed): DanMacK + Andy projects (andythenorth) @
17:59:20  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:27:53  <Yexo> andythenorth: just a heads up: I'm aware that CHIPS #4000 is assigned to me, but I won't get around to it until august
18:28:03  <Brot6> Yexo: andythenorth: #4000 is "Bug #4000: Concrete slab tile can't use templated code - CHIPS Station Set - #openttdcoop Development Zone"
18:28:10  <Yexo> I'm moving house this weekend, next weekend I'm going on holiday for 3 weeks, after that it's august already
18:28:32  <Yexo> I should have a lot more time by then, a lot less travel to work :)
18:28:59  <andythenorth> Yexo: no worries :)
18:28:59  <andythenorth> I've declared CHIPS 1.0.0
18:29:05  <Yexo> yeah, I read that :)
18:29:09  <andythenorth> when you're ready, we can pick it up again
18:29:15  <andythenorth> meanwhile I have new mischief
18:29:42  <andythenorth> it's a nice set, not too big
18:29:42  <andythenorth> thanks for the help ;)
18:29:42  <Yexo> oh, what is it?
18:29:54  <andythenorth> oh I was referring to CHIPS :)
18:30:20  <andythenorth> CHIPS is fun, not too complicated
18:30:37  <Yexo> <andythenorth> meanwhile I have new mischief <- so this wasn't referring to a new set?
18:30:47  <andythenorth> nope :)
18:30:58  <andythenorth> referring to my attempts to get smoke control coded
18:31:02  <Yexo> too bad :p
18:31:04  <andythenorth> or help TB with Bananas
18:31:13  <andythenorth> or devise insane new cargo routing methods
18:31:13  <Yexo> anyway, got to go again, have a lot of cleaning/packing to do
18:32:21  <andythenorth> good luck etc
18:33:02  <Brot6> ogfx-trains: compile of r703 still failed (#4040) -
19:03:33  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
19:05:09  <Terkhen> good luck Yexo :)
19:20:40  <Brot6> FISH - Feature #4041 (New): Requests (andythenorth) @
19:29:32  <Terkhen> andythenorth: don't forget autorefit :)
19:29:40  <andythenorth> I didn't ;)
19:31:21  <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Revision 694:d397dd83069d: Change: Use callback to set some freight car... (oberhuemer) @
19:33:21  <Terkhen> :P
20:07:16  <Brot6> FISH - Feature #4041 (New): Requests (andythenorth) @
20:08:08  <Brot6> FISH - Feature #4042 (New): TWOD not used, remove from cargo table (andythenorth) @
20:58:51  *** andythenorth has left #openttdcoop.devzone
21:17:51  *** ODM has quit IRC
22:26:27  *** Zuu has quit IRC

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