Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 24th October 2012:
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02:32:34  <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Membership #4435 (New): Indian Town Names XAswnX @
05:00:58  <Rubidium> @calc 2845/11699*797/60*100
05:00:58  <Webster> Rubidium: 323.028321509
05:01:55  <Rubidium> @calc 11699/2845*797/60
05:01:55  <Webster> Rubidium: 54.6227475103
05:02:17  <Rubidium> @calc 11699/1001*312/60
05:02:17  <Webster> Rubidium: 60.774025974
05:02:42  <Rubidium> oh whoopsies... did some math mistakes yesterday ;)
05:03:00  <Rubidium> it's more like 3d to compile zbase
06:23:26  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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14:47:14  <Rubidium> @calc 11699/6681*1382/60
14:47:14  <Webster> Rubidium: 40.3333283441
15:22:06  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:55:45  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:57:21  *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
17:19:42  <Brot6> firs: update from r3060 to r3063 done (3 warnings) -
17:21:07  <Ammler> planetmaker: I let you handle #4435 ;-)
17:28:53  <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Membership #4435: Indian Town Names XAmmlerX @
18:20:52  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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18:39:33  <Rubidium> looks like the 8bpp-ise script just did a lot of small sprites or so; it jumped to over 10k in a mere four hours
18:54:35  <Rubidium> @calc 11699/10504*1629/60
18:54:35  <Webster> Rubidium: 30.238751904
18:56:09  <Rubidium> oh... it's making m2 sprites as well... what would they be used for?
19:08:45  <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Membership #4435: Indian Town Names XAswnX @
20:16:10  <Rubidium> in the end it took only slightly less than 30 hours
20:16:19  <Rubidium> to make the mask sprites
20:16:37  <Rubidium> which seem to be all different for some reason
20:16:48  <Rubidium> ah well, something for Zephyris to clear up I guess
20:17:13  <Rubidium> anyhow... this method takes about two days to compile zbase from scratch
20:19:27  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
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20:19:55  <Rubidium> ooh... upgrades for andy ;)
20:19:59  <V453000> two days? :D
20:20:00  <V453000> lol
20:20:34  <^Spike^> ..... special ipv6 upgrades....
20:37:19  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
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20:38:40  <Ammler> hehe, upgrade failed?
20:49:47  *** frosch123 has quit IRC
20:50:49  <planetmaker> I'll see what I can do about #4435. I guess he'll be happy about using rhodecode, Ammler :-)
20:51:15  <planetmaker> but I shouldn't handle it now... a combined Czech and Japanese evening rose my C2H5OH level beyond healthy
20:53:11  <Rubidium> ah, balloon animal dog ;)
20:53:29  <Rubidium> planetmaker: then might cheer you up ;)
20:53:30  <Webster> Title: Mini moni - Telephone Ring Ring Ring - YouTube (at
20:55:53  <V453000> wtf did I just hear
20:55:54  <V453000> :D
20:56:17  <Rubidium> 3 Japanese and 1 American
20:56:53  <Rubidium> more than a decade ago ;)
21:05:15  *** ODM has quit IRC
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21:13:17  <planetmaker> yeay, I managed to get home ;-)
21:13:30  <planetmaker> and yes, those kinda things are funny now, Rb ;-)
21:14:02  <Rubidium> if you want really bad: night of fire hinoi team
21:14:48  <Rubidium> or the sisters of roboboy in: double you robokiss (IIRC)
21:19:03  *** Zuu has quit IRC
21:19:23  <Rubidium> for what it's worth, Mini moni (the group of the telephone song) had a #1 hit in Japan and the last one is half of Mini moni
21:20:50  <planetmaker> he :-) Kinda one of your favourites?
21:21:37  <Rubidium> it's the memorable stuff from when I researched Japan for that study trip
21:22:15  <planetmaker> :-) Our two Japanese collegues look destinctly different and als dress destinctly different ;-)
21:24:23  <Rubidium> did you notice that there was one American in the first clip?
21:54:42  *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
21:55:21  <planetmaker> thanks :-) Luckily my memory then was right... and Plattdeutsch and Dutch are very close to eachother :-)
21:58:19  *** Guest3046 has quit IRC
22:06:20  <planetmaker> anyway, good night :-)

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