Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 18th September 2013:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:18:00  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #30-push: SUCCESS in 37 sec:
00:34:50  *** oskari89 has quit IRC
05:59:59  *** zooks has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
06:18:07  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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07:19:47  *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC
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08:16:46  *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
08:49:13  *** oskari89 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
09:18:44  <juzza1> what is the max value of variable current_year?
09:25:47  <Rubidium> 5M
09:37:55  <phatmatt> one would hope humanity, or whatever remains of it, has moved beyond trains by then
09:38:13  <juzza1> who knows
09:38:17  <juzza1> maybe we will go back to steam
09:38:42  <phatmatt> steam... powered teleporters, right? right?? :(
09:39:55  <juzza1> :D
09:42:22  <DevZone> Project ISR Industrial Station Renewal build #18-push: SUCCESS in 31 sec:
10:06:33  <dihedral> phatmatt, introduce space travle via the airports ;-)
10:06:46  <dihedral> create a 'helipad' and a very fast 'heli'
10:11:52  <planetmaker> juzza1, you could add that info the the wiki ;-)
10:12:02  <planetmaker> (current_year value range)
10:14:36  <phatmatt> dihedral: ha
10:15:14  <phatmatt> planetmaker: just wanted to say i haven't forgotten about the project you made for me. i feel bad for neglecting it :( but i will get some time to put the worse code you've seen in there soon
10:15:25  <phatmatt> *worst
10:15:29  <planetmaker> don#t worry
10:15:56  <planetmaker> it's there and won't disappear anytime soon :-)
10:16:06  <phatmatt> thanks.
10:28:33  <DevZone> Project ISR Industrial Station Renewal build #19-push: SUCCESS in 20 sec:
10:40:35  <juzza1> pm: it was a literal question, i don't know the answer (assuming 5M was a joke)
10:42:49  *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
10:43:06  <phatmatt> juzza1:
10:43:17  <phatmatt> not a joke :P
10:43:50  <juzza1> oh :D
10:47:18  <planetmaker> :-)
10:54:34  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #31-push: SUCCESS in 39 sec:
11:26:36  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #32-push: SUCCESS in 49 sec:
11:28:22  <planetmaker> @base 16 10 D100
11:28:23  <Webster> planetmaker: 53504
11:30:15  <V453000> over 9000
11:35:34  <phatmatt> @base 10 16 453000
11:35:34  <Webster> phatmatt: 6E988
11:35:50  <phatmatt> now you know.
12:00:09  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #33-push: SUCCESS in 38 sec:
12:04:38  <V453000> 6E988 looks laym
12:20:12  <phatmatt> then it suits you
12:20:14  <phatmatt> oooh burn
12:26:17  <V453000> duh
12:28:39  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #34-push: SUCCESS in 37 sec:
13:36:28  <DevZone> Project Dutch Trainset build #7-push: STILL FAILING in 58 sec:
13:59:43  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
14:00:50  <DevZone> Yippie, build fixed!
14:00:51  <DevZone> Project Dutch Trainset build #8-push: FIXED in 1 min 21 sec:
14:09:13  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #35-push: SUCCESS in 28 sec:
14:15:31  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #36-push: SUCCESS in 30 sec:
14:30:51  *** zooks has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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14:58:23  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:00:34  *** gelignite has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:10:49  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #37-push: SUCCESS in 43 sec:
16:12:55  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure build #30-push: FAILURE in 17 sec:
16:14:08  <oskari89> Hmm, might be that i changed the makefile BASE_FILENAME in addition of REPO_NAME
16:15:16  <oskari89> Since the former FRISS is now changed FRISS - Stations and Other Infrastructure
16:15:36  <oskari89> BASE_FILENAME is now friss-stations
16:16:51  *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:20:30  <DevZone> Yippie, build fixed!
16:20:31  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure build #31-push: FIXED in 27 sec:
16:38:48  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #38-push: SUCCESS in 38 sec:
16:47:51  <DevZone> Project OpenGFX+ BigGUI build #15-push: SUCCESS in 36 sec:
16:54:21  <DevZone> Project OpenGFX build #26-push: SUCCESS in 6 min 29 sec:
16:58:01  *** Jam35 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
17:01:39  <DevZone> Project FIRS Industry Replacement Set build #18-push: SUCCESS in 7 min 17 sec:
17:02:15  *** Jam35 has quit IRC
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17:07:06  <DevZone> Project OpenGFX+ Trains build #7-push: SUCCESS in 19 min:
17:19:06  <DevZone> Project NML - NewGRF Meta Language build #56-nightlies: SUCCESS in 1 min 52 sec:
17:37:44  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #39-push: SUCCESS in 41 sec:
17:45:42  *** tycoondemon2 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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18:18:51  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #40-push: SUCCESS in 34 sec:
18:25:54  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #41-nightlies: SUCCESS in 41 sec:
18:29:38  <DevZone> Project Nutracks build #14-nightlies: SUCCESS in 24 sec:
18:31:00  * ^Spike^ kicks dihedral
18:31:45  <oskari89> Brot6 is dead, long live Brot6 :P
18:32:18  <oskari89> It's been too quiet here anyways :D
18:32:46  <oskari89> Why cannot he resurrect himself automatically :D
18:38:10  <^Spike^> cause i'm too lazy to write a script to do that :D
18:38:16  <^Spike^> and.. we try to get rid of brot6 :D
18:38:53  *** Brot6 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:38:54  <^Spike^> there started :D
18:39:01  <^Spike^> a one-liner from the hypervisor :D
18:39:29  <Rubidium> sudo init 6 ?
18:44:21  <Brot6> Revision 44:0d7ffc77ae11: Fix: 3rd rail offsets fixed for slopes Xjuzza1X @
18:46:56  <DevZone> Project Iron Horse build #170-nightlies: SUCCESS in 40 sec:
18:48:51  <frosch123> planetmaker: do your translation scripts of ogfx also work for osfx?
18:48:59  <frosch123> hmm, or is that actually not hosted on devzone?
18:49:48  <frosch123> ah, osfx and omsx are there
18:58:54  <^Spike^> nah rubi... :)
18:59:03  <^Spike^> that is the final step before i kill Brot6 :D
19:03:59  <DevZone> Project OpenGFX build #27-nightlies: SUCCESS in 6 min 46 sec:
19:40:37  *** ODM has quit IRC
19:47:19  <Brot6> Revision 25:867ac526c038: 2.0.8 RC1 XTadeuszDX @
19:47:19  <Brot6> Revision 26:3c558950c473: New graphics for Res wagon. XTadeuszDX @
20:01:13  * ^Spike^ still hears no complaints from dihedral....
20:01:37  <frosch123> how could he? after you killed his internet?
20:01:52  <^Spike^> eh... i might've killed his server with the iops of the backup
20:01:55  <^Spike^> oh wait he limited that :D
20:10:46  <Brot6> pkp-set-2.0.8.grf XTadeuszDX @
20:29:06  *** Jam35 has quit IRC
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20:36:12  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #42-push: SUCCESS in 42 sec:
20:44:14  <Brot6> Revision 45:4bba3b0bc548: Fix: Added some more railtype labels to the compatibility lists, revert... Xjuzza1X @
20:58:59  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #43-push: SUCCESS in 38 sec:
21:26:28  *** gelignite has quit IRC
21:44:14  <Brot6> Revision 46:3110424a572f: Fix: Space to tab Xjuzza1X @
21:57:26  *** Zuu has quit IRC
22:26:30  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure build #32-push: SUCCESS in 32 sec:
22:38:20  *** oskari89 has quit IRC
22:42:46  <Brot6> Revision 73:498ca1dd766b: Signs and other stuff (untemplated) Xkyosuke1989X @
23:41:10  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
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