Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 30th September 2013:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
07:21:03  *** Supercheese has quit IRC
08:24:14  *** oskari89 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
10:27:58  <oskari89> planetmaker: Needs hg recovery
10:28:04  <oskari89> AT FRISS Rails
10:29:08  *** zooks has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
11:00:50  <planetmaker> done, oskari89
11:04:11  <oskari89> Thx
11:04:59  <oskari89> Hopefully it works now
11:06:12  <planetmaker> and yes, I'm aware that the hg push situation did not improve really
11:10:01  <DevZone> Yippie, build fixed!
11:10:01  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #92-push: FIXED in 44 sec:
11:10:14  <oskari89> :)
11:10:31  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #93-releases: FAILURE in 31 sec:
11:10:37  <oskari89> Noooo
11:11:13  <oskari89> "abort: unknown revision"
11:11:38  <oskari89> And my push seems to be still draft
11:12:00  <oskari89> lets try again
11:12:40  <planetmaker> eh
11:14:03  <planetmaker> o  changeset:   81:e91006e1ccdb
11:14:03  <planetmaker> |  tag:         tip
11:14:03  <planetmaker> |  user:        kyosuke1989 <>
11:14:03  <planetmaker> |  date:        Sun Sep 29 23:08:00 2013 +0300
11:14:04  <planetmaker> |  summary:     Fix: Finnish Readme to UTF-8
11:14:14  <planetmaker> ^ is last changeset on DevZone
11:14:22  <oskari89> recover needed
11:14:35  <planetmaker> hm, done
11:14:48  <oskari89> I have here revision 82 which is 0.5.1 tag for 0.5.1 release
11:14:48  <planetmaker> how *big* is your changeset after all?
11:14:56  <oskari89> Not else
11:14:57  <planetmaker> just the tag?
11:15:00  <planetmaker> that's tiny
11:15:00  <oskari89> Yeah
11:17:28  <DevZone> Yippie, build fixed!
11:17:28  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #94-push: FIXED in 1 min 0 sec:
11:17:39  <planetmaker> hm
11:17:41  <planetmaker> :-)
11:17:53  <oskari89> Yeah, the push did now finish
11:18:11  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #95-releases: SUCCESS in 43 sec:
12:18:18  *** oskari89 has quit IRC
14:14:48  <zooks> How can I solve the glitching?
14:36:54  <planetmaker> if the sprite overlaps the adjacent tile(s): not at all
14:56:26  <zooks> meh
15:00:30  <zooks> thanks for checking though
15:02:10  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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16:48:06  <DevZone> Yippie, build fixed!
16:48:07  <DevZone> Project ISR Industrial Station Renewal build #27-push: FIXED in 28 sec:
16:49:06  <DevZone> Project FISH is ships build #65-push: SUCCESS in 1 min 42 sec:
16:52:06  <Taede> <-- soap logging, does that look good enough?
17:11:08  *** zooks has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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17:12:52  *** oskari89 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
17:18:43  <DevZone> Project NML - NewGRF Meta Language build #68-nightlies: SUCCESS in 1 min 4 sec:
17:20:20  *** zooks has quit IRC
17:21:08  *** Swissfan91 has quit IRC
17:51:56  *** Supercheese has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:18:49  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:24:45  *** V453000 is now known as AssThunder
18:26:14  <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #96-nightlies: SUCCESS in 35 sec:
18:29:56  <DevZone> Project Nutracks build #26-nightlies: SUCCESS in 16 sec:
18:30:38  <andythenorth> so I have bad gateway still for push
18:30:46  <andythenorth> consistent 502 or 504
18:31:01  <planetmaker> always? :S
18:33:24  <andythenorth> no
18:33:31  <andythenorth> intermittent
18:34:42  <planetmaker> ok, that is... not good. but... expected. Something is pushing gunicorn to its cpu limits. however many cpu ressources we allocate to it
18:37:26  <AssThunder> gunicorn? XD
18:38:56  * andythenorth wonders wtf to do to make an object
18:39:00  <andythenorth> read the spec first I guess :P
18:39:29  <andythenorth> anybody want to code an object for amusement?
18:39:38  <andythenorth> doesn't need any python templating, I'll add that
18:39:40  <AssThunder> how is coding ever amusement :D
18:39:47  <andythenorth> lolwut :P
18:39:51  <AssThunder> evul
18:39:58  <Taede> it keeps me entertained...
18:40:21  <DevZone> Project FISH is ships build #66-push: SUCCESS in 2 min 11 sec:
18:41:04  <oskari89> planetmaker: Would like to have that issue fixed, it is nasty :(
18:41:26  <oskari89> And you'll need to do more repo recoveries if this continues
18:42:16  <oskari89> There is over 50% chance that you'll end up getting 502 or 504 or repo messed
18:42:44  <oskari89> I'd say 70%
18:48:03  <DevZone> Yippie, build fixed!
18:48:04  <DevZone> Project Iron Horse build #260-nightlies: FIXED in 1 min 22 sec:
18:48:17  *** AssThunder is now known as V453000
18:52:20  *** Supercheese has quit IRC
18:53:38  <planetmaker> andythenorth, objects are like industry tiles really
19:07:39  <DevZone> Project OpenGFX build #44: FAILURE in 10 min:
19:17:34  <George> HTTP: 504 (Gateway Time-out)
19:17:44  <George> WTF?
19:18:00  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
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19:58:50  *** TadeuszD has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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20:02:44  <TadeuszD> Hello.
20:02:55  <Taede> ello
20:03:35  <TadeuszD> I have problem with pushing something to
20:03:45  <andythenorth> we all do :P
20:03:56  <Taede> its an intermittent problem
20:14:00  <oskari89> Yeah
20:15:08  <oskari89> ^Spike^ may need sto do something to it
20:15:12  <oskari89> *do
20:28:42  <TadeuszD> Aaa... OK. I was afraid, that I'm alone... ;)
20:29:34  *** frosch123 has quit IRC
20:31:17  <TadeuszD> I cann't upload something to bananas. Is it known problem too?
20:31:27  <oskari89> Dunno
20:31:40  <oskari89> It worked fine two hours ago
20:33:26  <andythenorth> hmm
20:33:38  <andythenorth> so I guess I zip my repo and send it somewhere :P
20:33:41  <andythenorth> as backup
20:33:57  <juzza1> google code?
20:35:44  <TadeuszD> Thanks. Upload to bananas is working now... :)
20:36:09  <andythenorth> meh, 160MB.
20:36:15  * andythenorth considers uploading to bananas
20:36:56  <oskari89> Cant do that without musa :P
20:37:40  <andythenorth> "I have added the grf, with full source" :P
20:37:45  <andythenorth> including all changesets
20:39:38  <andythenorth> bye
20:39:39  *** andythenorth has left #openttdcoop.devzone
20:55:23  <TadeuszD> bye!
20:55:40  *** TadeuszD has left #openttdcoop.devzone
20:57:26  <oskari89> Was there a changing snowline in opengfx?
20:59:15  <planetmaker> no. Base sets generally cannot implement that. OpenGFX+Landscape does, though
21:05:05  <oskari89> Ok
21:05:26  *** oskari89 has quit IRC
21:28:04  <planetmaker> @op
21:28:04  *** Webster sets mode: +o planetmaker
21:28:06  *** planetmaker changes topic to "DevZone currently down for maintenance. We'll be back shortly | Talk about things hosted and developed on | Downloads log: | Sandbox passwords are the same as the usernames"
21:28:10  <planetmaker> @deop
21:28:10  *** Webster sets mode: -o planetmaker
22:16:50  *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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