Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 11th June 2019:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
06:42:50  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1662: STILL FAILING in 29 sec:
06:47:54  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1663: STILL FAILING in 7.3 sec:
06:50:35  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1664: STILL FAILING in 8.2 sec:
06:58:29  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1665: STILL FAILING in 7.2 sec:
07:22:31  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1666: STILL FAILING in 8 sec:
14:00:11  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1667: STILL FAILING in 23 sec:
14:12:13  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1668: STILL FAILING in 8.4 sec:
15:10:31  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1669: STILL FAILING in 7.7 sec:
17:12:55  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1670: STILL FAILING in 8.1 sec:
17:51:05  *** gelignite has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:02:38  <DevZone> Project road-hog build #1671: STILL FAILING in 7 sec:
18:05:26  <DevZone> Project finnishtrams build #675: SUCCESS in 25 sec:
20:14:14  *** gelignite has quit IRC
22:37:18  *** brazilianldsjaguar has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
22:37:27  <brazilianldsjaguar> Hi all!
22:43:00  <brazilianldsjaguar> I had a quick question... in looking at one of the more popular City Growth scripts (Renewed City Growth), I noticed it only works w/ FIRS 1.x. Locally, 'forked' the game script and updated it to work with FIRS 3.x. It's working well enough, but I'm wondering what the community feels: submit a new game script (w/ credits to keoz), or somehow submit a request to update (i.e. a Pull Request) to update the version that's
22:44:07  <brazilianldsjaguar> I only ask because this is my first dip into the scripting (and its community) for OpenTTD- and apparently keoz hasn't touched that project in 4+ years either (according to the 'repository' on openttdcoop)
23:10:28  *** brazilianldsjaguar has quit IRC
23:10:36  *** brazilianldsjaguar has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
23:51:28  *** brazilianldsjaguar has quit IRC

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