Log for #openttd on 11th October 2022:
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10:28:16  <petern>
10:34:32  <LordAro> original justification (#6918) seems to have been high-dpi related
10:34:46  <LordAro> which i think has since been fixed separately?
10:35:24  <petern> I don't think so, basically the complaint is that the buttons become too large when you want larger text.
10:35:43  <petern> However most window layouts go to shit when you change them separately anyway.
10:37:14  <petern> andythenorth: was right in the original "bug", the user wanted a bigger interface without making the interface bigger.
10:41:16  <petern> I merged it, but didn't create it πŸ˜„
10:41:24  <petern> Semi-responsible for bad ideas...
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12:30:32  <petern> Solved it, I've got a coffee πŸ˜„
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13:06:20  <pickpacket> good on you!
13:06:30  <pickpacket> I've started working on my tea factory
13:07:12  <pickpacket> while those buildings are actually pretty accurate to reality I feel that I want the tea manufacturing in the game to feel just a tad bit more glamorous.
13:08:05  <pickpacket> but... these are a little too sterile:
13:08:07  <pickpacket>
13:13:30  <andythenorth> pickpacket (1) mesh patterns as used on the roof - they don't work for buildings generally (they are useful on vehicles) (2) try dividing the walls into segments, with vertical dividers
13:13:33  <andythenorth> I'll find examples
13:15:27  <andythenorth>
13:15:27  <andythenorth> vertical and horizontal panel dividers
13:16:14  <andythenorth>
13:16:14  <andythenorth> if you wanted a more rural feel
13:16:30  <andythenorth>
13:16:54  <andythenorth>
13:17:02  <andythenorth> also it helps to compress reality a bit
13:17:07  <andythenorth> like a Lego town building
13:17:52  <andythenorth> some of the FIRS stuff is a bit Escher-ish, chimneys or silos are in places they couldn't actually be if it was a 3D model
13:17:55  <andythenorth> but it looks right
13:22:09  <pickpacket> I think I need to make the roof different in general... something just doesn't look alright with the angles
13:22:34  <andythenorth> yup, don't worry about making them realistic
13:22:41  <andythenorth> the game is on odd dimetric projection anyway
13:23:10  <andythenorth> take the horizontal line between the 2 sides of the roof, then extend pixels up towards an apex
13:23:13  <andythenorth> see where they meet
13:23:54  <andythenorth> you want slopes to be "1 up, 1 across", or "1 up, 2 across" or "straight across"
13:23:59  <andythenorth> anything else looks strange
13:24:31  <andythenorth>
13:24:32  <andythenorth> occasionally there's fancy stuff, but it's hard to make it work
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13:34:31  <pickpacket>
13:34:55  <pickpacket> that's better I think. Now off to get kiddos
13:35:32  <andythenorth> πŸ‘
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13:56:07  <petern> When do we add economy simulation?
13:57:21  <petern> Employees going strike because you don't pay them enough...
13:57:50  <petern> Customers boycotting you because you built HS 2 on their gardens.
14:00:59  <andythenorth> GS
14:01:41  <petern> Pfft
14:01:48  <petern> How do I make a gamescript? πŸ˜„
14:08:43  *** Montana has joined #openttd
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14:18:23  <andythenorth> Squirrel!
14:19:10  <andythenorth> How do you not give up making a GS because it’s a pain in the arse to develop? 😝
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14:45:52  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on issue #9094: Electric train waits for free path when track is not electrified
14:45:54  <petern> I really need a non-random random playlist...
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14:52:29  <andythenorth> Maybe a GS dev GS
14:53:03  <andythenorth> We misss a trick that GS can import other GS πŸ™‚
14:53:27  <andythenorth> Turtles all the way down πŸ˜›
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15:37:00  <petern> Widgets all the way down
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16:04:23  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm kinda stuck... ages ago i saved my github password, but since github removed password support, i need to reset this, but i can't find where it is stored
16:05:46  <petern> When I sign in to github it asks for a password...
16:06:09  <Eddi|zuHause> i mean when i "git push" in a shell
16:06:55  <LordAro> well that's the same password...
16:07:10  <Eddi|zuHause> yes
16:07:13  <Eddi|zuHause> but i can't change it
16:07:23  <Eddi|zuHause> because it doesn't ask for it
16:07:29  <Eddi|zuHause> it uses the stored one
16:07:33  <Eddi|zuHause> which doesn't work anymore
16:08:06  <LordAro> and i guess you haven't got it saved in your browser?
16:08:25  <Eddi|zuHause> that's not the point
16:08:38  <Eddi|zuHause> i need to put the new password in.
16:09:17  <petern> might be in `~/.git-credentials`
16:09:29  <Eddi|zuHause> that doesn't exist
16:09:40  <petern> Or `git config credential.helper`
16:09:48  <LordAro> ~/.config/git/credentials
16:10:30  <LordAro> strace -eopenat git push
16:10:35  <petern> πŸ˜„
16:10:36  <LordAro> ^ the nuclear option
16:10:41  <LordAro> might need an -f
16:10:50  <dwfreed> this is why you use ssh
16:10:52  * dwfreed ducks
16:10:55  <LordAro> also ^
16:11:46  <Eddi|zuHause> not sure where that would help anyone
16:12:08  <dwfreed> you can't use password auth at all with ssh
16:12:17  <dwfreed> it's all key-based
16:12:38  <Eddi|zuHause> yes. and that would help me how 5 years ago?
16:12:54  <petern> You can, but not with github.
16:12:59  <dwfreed> github has supported ssh since inception
16:13:13  <LordAro> i'm still not clear what exactly the problem is
16:13:38  <dwfreed> you can also change remote URIs from https to ssh
16:13:55  <dwfreed> git remote set-url origin
16:13:58  <Eddi|zuHause> as far as i remember: once upon a time i made a "git push" and it asked a password, and i gave the password, and it asked me to save the password
16:14:19  <Eddi|zuHause> and then i never thought about passwords anymore
16:14:26  <Eddi|zuHause> until github changed things
16:14:31  <petern> Just go for a password reset, tbh.
16:14:40  <dwfreed> that's not the issue
16:14:51  <dwfreed> the issue is github no longer accepts basic password auth for https pushes
16:14:53  <Eddi|zuHause> then i went on github and generated a token
16:15:04  <Eddi|zuHause> and now i have nowhere to put that token
16:15:07  <petern> Oh
16:15:13  <LordAro>
16:15:23  <petern> I thought you meant you lost your password.
16:15:28  <petern> Yeah, change the remote URL.
16:16:10  <Eddi|zuHause> as far as i can tell credential.helper is not used
16:16:41  <petern> Ignore that, as dwfreed said, use set-url to change the remote.
16:17:40  <petern> Heh
16:17:40  <LordAro> (may require adding a pubkey to github, if you haven't done that previously)
16:17:48  <dwfreed> credential.helper indicates what tool is used to retrieve credentials; if it is not set, then git has a list of things it tries; see the gitcredentials man page
16:18:04  <petern> Ignore me, I use https too, and it does still work.
16:18:44  <dwfreed> petern: you are probably already using an access token instead of your GH password
16:19:42  <dwfreed>
16:20:10  <petern> Are you on Windows, Eddi?
16:20:34  <Eddi|zuHause> no
16:20:38  <Eddi|zuHause> opensuse
16:23:24  <petern> does `git config --system credential.helper` say anything?
16:23:39  <petern> All the things say disable it temporarily, heh.
16:25:05  <dwfreed> leave off --system, in case it's configured in the user config
16:25:51  <dwfreed> (or even the repo config, but that's significantly less likely)
16:25:52  <petern> That's what I said first and the response was it's not used.
16:26:08  <dwfreed> it is used, as I said
16:26:15  <dwfreed> 2022-10-11 16:17:48 < dwfreed> credential.helper indicates what tool is used to retrieve credentials; if it is not set, then git has a list of things it tries; see the gitcredentials man page
16:26:34  <petern>
16:27:11  <dwfreed> I saw that, and I'm saying that's wrong
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16:32:34  <dwfreed> git ships with 2 credential helpers, cache and store; the default for credential.helper is generally empty, though, in which case git uses $GIT_ASKPASS, the program specified by config core.askPass, $SSH_ASKPASS, or direct prompting
16:32:54  <dwfreed> KDE for example may set $SSH_ASKPASS to point to a kwallet helper
16:33:29  <dwfreed> in which case the credential would be stored in kwallet
16:43:04  <Eddi|zuHause> ah, that seems to be it
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16:57:55  <petern> Hmm.
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17:06:23  <frosch> pickpacket: if you have issues with animated pixels, you can also try
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17:33:15  <andythenorth> I think I need a beer
17:33:16  <andythenorth> just one
17:34:33  <petern> Yes please.
17:34:40  <petern> Maybe I should go outside.
17:36:17  <andythenorth> I went outside today
17:36:19  <andythenorth> multiple times
17:40:01  <LordAro> outside is overrated
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17:42:06  <andythenorth> it was pretty good today
17:42:10  <andythenorth> saw some trees
17:42:15  <andythenorth> had a look at the bridge
17:42:18  <andythenorth> saw a dog
17:42:20  <andythenorth> not bad
17:46:20  <andythenorth>
17:46:20  <andythenorth> it's never a bad view, although the balloons were missing today
17:47:18  <petern> > Prime Early Access Sale: Long sleeve tee-shirt, only Β£20!
17:47:28  <petern> * selects my size *
17:47:36  <petern> > Oh not for you, that's Β£100
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18:45:31  <wallabra> I wound up doing two two-way railways: one for fast EMUs, and the other for the slower freight trains. I also used waypoints to designate those in their orders. Is there a better way to do what I want?
18:47:30  <FLHerne> wallabra: not really, the same solution exists IRL
18:47:36  <wallabra> Ah :o
18:47:38  <wallabra> That is interesting
18:47:50  <FLHerne> pairing by direction rather than speed can make junction layouts easier sometimes
18:48:17  <wallabra> Ah, so an "outer ring" of slow rails and an "inner ring" of fast rails?
18:48:20  <wallabra> Dang, I should've done that lol
18:48:24  <FLHerne> yeah
18:49:01  <wallabra> Is there ever a scenario in which I could want three speed tiers? Or is that overkill?
18:49:13  <FLHerne> it's possible
18:49:19  <FLHerne> and that also exists :p
18:49:47  <FLHerne> West Coast Mainline between London and Watford has six tracks; express, slow and very-slow
18:49:59  <FLHerne> (paired by speed in that case)
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18:50:39  <FLHerne> you can avoid the need for extra tracks with clever timetabling
18:50:40  <wallabra> ah
18:50:51  <FLHerne> I find that ends up being too much micromanagement, but some people like it
18:51:04  <wallabra> atm I just use jgrpp's automatic timetabling
18:51:20  <FLHerne> or build shorter passing loops so the fast trains can overtake sometimes
18:51:56  <wallabra> interesting, so kinda like road vehicles
18:52:08  <wallabra> so I just do a brief split-merge lane, kinda like a pit stop
18:52:33  <FLHerne> yes
18:52:37  <wallabra> I think two tiers are sufficient for now. I don't want to blow up the infrastructure costs!
18:52:39  <FLHerne> works better if you put a prio merge
18:52:58  <FLHerne> (or again with careful timetabling)
18:53:06  <wallabra> So the overtake lane has no path signal before the merge?
18:53:12  <wallabra> Just one right after the split
18:53:34  <FLHerne>
18:53:42  <wallabra> 'Cause I can imagine if the main lane has a signal right before the merge with the overtake, a train will wait at it if there is a fast overtake train.
18:53:54  <wallabra> Mm, but if the train is faster..
18:54:13  <FLHerne> just playing with signal spacing works sometimes, but it can backfire annoyingly if the timing isn't quite right
18:54:58  <FLHerne> and force the fast train to stop when it didn't need to
18:57:07  <wallabra> This is so weird
18:57:09  <wallabra> I just use path signals
18:57:27  <petern> As should anyone
18:57:36  <FLHerne> there's a reason the other ones are hidden by default now
18:57:54  <FLHerne> priority merges are about the one reasonably sane use for block signals IMO
18:58:20  <FLHerne> you don't really have to understand *why* it works, just build it :p
18:58:35  <FLHerne> (I only use the 'simple' kind, not the ones with an extra track)
18:58:47  <wallabra> they're kind of mindboggling!
18:58:49  <FLHerne> fwiw, is fun to watch
18:58:54  <FLHerne> (scroll sideways)
18:59:48  <FLHerne> then is the next bit with a long straightforward quad-track bit
19:00:51  * wallabra nods
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19:01:21  <petern> It's all a load of bollocks
19:01:41  <petern> But that's as far as I go πŸ˜„
19:01:57  <wallabra> On another note, I'd love to be able to link trams together, to make a tram-train kinda thing. Why? Because when delivering freight to cities, I use trams to move them from the train station to the downtowns – one for mail, one for food, and one for goods! It would be convenient if they stuck together so they would cause less of a ruckus, like stopping the passenger trams.
19:02:30  <wallabra> FLHerne, it's heightwise taller than my screen! (1366x768)
19:03:00  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z opened pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
19:03:03  <FLHerne> wallabra: HEQS has some nice long high-capacity trams
19:03:14  <wallabra> FLHerne, more specifically, multiple different cargo types.
19:03:22  <FLHerne> oh, yeah
19:03:22  <wallabra> It's not so much the capacity that is the problem :)
19:03:24  <FLHerne> can't do that
19:04:22  <wallabra> I wonder how complicated freight is delivered to downtowns. Railways that cross into the city? There isn't a good way to do that in the game, of coure.
19:05:07  <Eddi|zuHause> the good news: it actually works now :)
19:05:13  <dwfreed> IRL, generally that would be intermodal
19:05:15  <FLHerne> these days, mostly lots of trucks :-(
19:05:40  <FLHerne> historically there were often lots of interesting urban goods yards and branches
19:05:46  <FLHerne> often elevated
19:08:57  <wallabra> That would be interesting
19:09:08  <wallabra> I'd love to do something like that
19:18:10  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z updated pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
19:29:41  <petern> Merge commit == probably not right
19:40:49  <andythenorth> I do like a merge commit
19:42:56  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
19:49:04  <petern> Hmm, I wonder if chunky-or-not bevels should influence widget size.
19:49:46  <petern> Currently not, the allocated space is the same, just the bevel is drawn either thin or thick.
19:50:40  <glx[d]> as long as there's enough room around text/icon
19:54:40  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] James103 commented on pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
19:56:18  <Eddi|zuHause> petern: i clicked a wrong button... need to undo that
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19:57:44  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
19:59:35  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z updated pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
20:00:11  <Eddi|zuHause> it think i broke it
20:01:30  <petern> If you're pressing buttons to use git, that's probably the mistake πŸ™‚
20:06:08  <Eddi|zuHause> i haven't done this for a while...
20:06:45  <glx[d]> looks like your commit is now inserted inside master, and not on top
20:09:02  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z updated pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
20:09:27  <petern> `git rebase -i master ufo` then drop everything that isn't your commit.
20:10:05  <Eddi|zuHause> so at least i got back where i started
20:11:43  <petern> You can always get back where you started, just that might be before you committed anything...
20:13:55  <Eddi|zuHause> well, it's easier when you can scroll up in your console to find the right hash :)
20:15:07  <petern> `git reflog` but I tend to think if you've reach that then you need to rethink πŸ˜‰
20:15:34  <Eddi|zuHause> my googling was just short of that option :)
20:16:36  <petern> I wonder if I could/should hack in sprite size overrides. Hmm.
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20:19:11  <petern> Although all the original main toolbar buttons are meant to be 20x20 pixels (22x22 including the bevel), the sprites aren't all 20x20.
20:20:32  <glx[d]> main issue is zbase/abase big toolbar sprites using ottdextra tram sprite
20:22:10  <petern> I'm not too worried about zbase/abase, they always look arse anyway.
20:22:18  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z updated pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
20:23:23  <Eddi|zuHause> so, that looks like the correct rebase
20:25:06  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
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20:38:57  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
20:43:00  <Eddi|zuHause> petern: not quite sure i understand which problem you're trying to solve there
20:43:46  <petern> Bias, which is the problem you are trying to solve.
20:44:14  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, but are you talking about the original bias, or the remaining bias after my changes?
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20:46:34  <petern> There will still be bias remaining with your change, so it seems more of a half-fix/kluge than a solution. I'm not suggesting you do any of the things I've written, it's just discussion on the topic as raised. I guess.
20:46:56  <Eddi|zuHause> to get it exactly even, you could loop the map twice, first counting the total number of rail tiles, and the second time after a random number of steps (
20:47:46  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, there will still be bias with my change, but it should be way less visible
20:54:04  <Eddi|zuHause> what exactly is "check annotations"?
20:56:17  <glx[d]> warnings and other things
20:58:48  <glx[d]> <-- you can ignore πŸ™‚
20:59:14  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LC-Zorg opened issue #10077: [Bug]: Incorrect loan limit amount - other than what the player selected
20:59:45  <glx[d]> but I need to check (and upgrade stuff it seems)
21:05:09  <glx[d]>
21:27:22  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LC-Zorg opened issue #10078: [Bug]: As of 2038, none default helicopter is available anymore
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21:32:16  <andythenorth> ooof such sleep time
21:36:58  <petern> none default?
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22:23:28  <Eddi|zuHause> goes it throw out limitation?
22:50:55  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on pull request #10076: Feature: Make large UFO destination a bit more random
23:38:07  <wallabra> what do you guys use for scenic cities and roads?
23:57:40  <FLHerne> I like TaI Houses, does clever stuff to limit town growth rate
23:58:56  <FLHerne> also it's pretty good at keeping the city core / outer / low-density suburbs appearance as towns grow, whereas other building sets seem to produce featureless sprawl
23:59:18  <FLHerne> UK Roadset is my favourite aesthetically, but predates roadtypes
23:59:37  <FLHerne> don't know what the best roadtypes set is
23:59:52  <wallabra> I think for that I use Renewed World Disorder
23:59:59  <wallabra> for the city growth

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