Log for #openttdcoop on 27th July 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:54:40  *** alang has joined #openttdcoop
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07:03:05  *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop
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07:11:20  *** Ryton has joined #openttdcoop
07:15:32  *** strider_ani has joined #openttdcoop
07:15:47  <strider_ani> Hello
07:15:52  <strider_ani> Anyone online atm?
07:31:19  <Ryton> hi
07:31:27  <Ryton> not ingame atm, but im here :--)
07:31:30  <Ryton> !archive
07:31:30  <PublicServer> Ryton: http://www.openttdcoop.ORG/wiki/PublicServer:Archive | |
07:37:30  <strider_ani> Thanks
07:37:52  <strider_ani> I'm a newbie. Played a few games so far and starting to get the hang of it
07:40:49  *** strider_ani1 has joined #openttdcoop
07:43:23  <strider_ani1> @quickstart
07:43:24  <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki -
07:46:03  <Ryton> so am I :-) (a newbie I mean)
07:46:20  <Ryton> I'm around here for 10-15 games or so, but... still a newbie :-)
07:46:28  <Ryton> if you want, I'll join
07:46:50  <Ryton> so you can see the current game plan. or just save & open it locally
07:47:00  <strider_ani1> I'm in the welcome server
07:47:04  *** strider_ani has quit IRC
07:47:54  <Ryton> !players
07:47:57  <PublicServer> Ryton: There are currently no clients connected to the server
07:48:01  <Ryton> oki
07:50:58  <Ryton> it also uses the last Nightly, I guess?
07:51:05  *** Sigma has joined #openttdcoop
07:51:09  <strider_ani1> Yeah I suppose
07:51:19  <strider_ani1> Which one should I join?
07:51:53  <Ryton> !url
07:51:53  <PublicServer> Ryton:
07:52:02  <Ryton> the Public server
07:52:23  <Ryton> but
07:52:32  <Ryton> not much activity ther
07:52:39  <Ryton> at the moment, at least
07:52:48  <Ryton> its in the finalising state
07:52:58  <Ryton> hi Sigma
07:53:04  <Ryton> !password
07:53:04  <PublicServer> Ryton: snares
07:53:12  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
07:53:15  <PublicServer> *** Ryton_s joined the game
07:53:24  <PublicServer> *** Ryton_s has changed his/her name to Ryton
07:53:41  <strider_ani1> I dunno how to get the right version for it
07:53:47  <Ryton> if you want, I'll just join the welcome server
07:53:50  <Ryton> will be easier :-)
07:53:57  <strider_ani1> That'd be easier
07:54:00  <Ryton> easiest way to get the right version: auto-update
07:54:06  <Ryton> = a program (only for windows I think)
07:54:19  <Ryton> that checks & downloads the right version automatically ;-)
07:54:26  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving)
07:54:29  <strider_ani1> For the server you want to join?
07:54:59  <Ryton> yes
07:55:03  <Ryton> for this, you need the last nightly
07:55:09  <Ryton> & the openttd-coop grf pack
07:55:12  <Ryton> !dl
07:55:12  <PublicServer> Ryton: !dl autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x
07:55:12  <PublicServer> Ryton:
07:55:15  <Ryton> or you get it here :-)
07:55:33  <Ryton> ottdau = auto-update program
07:55:51  <Ryton> or you give your OS, and you get the link to the right download
07:55:55  <Ryton> but i'll join you
07:55:59  <Ryton> thats easier :-)
07:56:34  <Ryton> IF I can find the right version
07:56:41  <Ryton> for the welcome server:p
07:57:47  <strider_ani1> This is very confusing
07:57:51  <Ryton> got it
07:58:53  <Sigma> hi
08:02:10  <Sigma> what exactly does "Finalizing" entail?
08:02:17  <Sigma> no more new construction?
08:04:08  <Ryton> you can construct new things
08:04:24  <Ryton> but, it mostly means (imho)
08:04:40  <Ryton> that even most of the optimisation of the lines is done
08:04:55  <Ryton> and altough adding some lines or stations is always possible
08:05:02  *** UncleCJ has quit IRC
08:05:07  <Ryton> most of the interesting changes are done :-)
08:05:49  <Ryton> @wiki stage
08:05:50  <Webster> Ryton: I didn't find anything for "stage", but here's the result for "Guides":
08:05:51  <Webster> Ryton:
08:05:52  <Webster> Ryton: 'The guides section shall give you an overview about the way of gaming in #openttdcoop games.\nWe hope to have answers to most of your questions.'
08:05:59  <Ryton> @wiki finalizing
08:06:00  <Webster> Ryton: I didn't find anything for "finalizing", but here's the result for "Game Creation":
08:06:01  <Webster> Ryton:
08:06:02  <Webster> Ryton: The time between the archival of a game and the start of the next game is generally quite large. This is because there are always a lot of different propositions and requests for the new map, and someone has to make a scenario trying to meet all those requirements. You can imagine this isn't done in a jiffy.
08:06:02  <Ryton> @wiki finalising
08:06:03  <Webster> Ryton: I didn't find anything for "finalising", but here's the result for "Quickstart":
08:06:04  <Webster> Ryton:
08:06:05  <Webster> Ryton: <google>CH01</google>
08:06:10  <Sigma> lol
08:06:47  <Ryton> in other words: I have a hunch, but dont know for sure, maybe the wiki does :p
08:07:04  <Ryton> cool, DNZ found his way to the welcome server too!
08:07:26  <Ryton> that was my coop-buddy on luukland servers :-)
08:10:41  <Sigma> oh wth its running 1.1.2 there
08:12:31  <planetmaker> 1.1.2-rc1 ;-)
08:12:47  <planetmaker> he, you left the luukland servers, Ryton? why?
08:17:07  <planetmaker> Ryton: also the time between games can considerably be reduced, if a map is prepared in advance ;-)
08:17:08  <Ryton> hey planetmaker
08:17:08  <planetmaker> moin :-)
08:17:08  <Ryton> yes, the time can be reduced,but since I'm a newbie, I probably wouldnt be the most appropriate person to prepare a map :p
08:17:08  <Ryton> since many things would be forgotten or not done properly, like reversing train heads
08:17:08  <Ryton> therefore, I leave that to specialists ;-)
08:17:08  <planetmaker> !rcon info
08:17:08  <Ryton> plus; the archive still contains quite a lot of misteries for me, so I dont mind the slow pace of the current game stage
08:17:08  <Ryton> & I just discovered the welcome server, I always thought PSG & welcome were the same server :p
08:17:08  <planetmaker> :-)
08:17:08  <Ryton> so: no need to speed up the process  :-)
08:17:08  <PublicServer> Ryton: say "<Ryton> hey planetmaker"
08:17:08  <PublicServer> Ryton: say "<planetmaker> moin :-)"
08:17:08  <PublicServer> Ryton: say "<Ryton> yes, the time can be reduced,but since I'm a newbie, I probably wouldnt be the most appropriate person to prepare a map :p"
08:17:08  <PublicServer> Ryton: say "<Ryton> since many things would be forgotten or not done properly, like reversing train heads"
08:17:08  <PublicServer> Ryton: say "<Ryton> therefore, I leave that to specialists ;-)"
08:17:09  <PublicServer> Ryton: ‎[All] PublicServer: <Ryton> hey planetmaker
08:17:09  <PublicServer> Ryton: ‎[All] PublicServer: <planetmaker> moin :-)
08:17:11  <PublicServer> Ryton: ‎[All] PublicServer: <Ryton> yes, the time can be reduced,but since I'm a newbie, I probably wouldnt be the most appropriate person to prepare a map :p
08:17:11  <PublicServer> Ryton: ‎[All] PublicServer: <Ryton> since many things would be forgotten or not done properly, like reversing train heads
08:17:13  <PublicServer> Ryton: ‎[All] PublicServer: <Ryton> therefore, I leave that to specialists ;-)
08:17:13  <PublicServer> Ryton: you have 3 more messages
08:17:23  <planetmaker> oh, no, they aren't. There's the welcome. And there's the main server this channel is mostly dedicated to
08:17:49  <planetmaker> hm... that !rcon did not quite work as it should
08:17:53  <Ryton> nope :-)
08:18:40  *** strider_ani1 has left #openttdcoop
08:19:05  <Sigma> hmmm
08:19:49  <Ryton> DNZ still uses the same password ;
08:19:50  <Ryton> ,
08:19:52  <Ryton> hii
08:19:55  <Ryton> hihi*
08:20:06  <planetmaker> ehm... :P
08:20:25  <Sigma> 1.1.2 or not I can't seem to join that server
08:20:27  <Sigma> lol
08:20:48  <planetmaker> Sigma: of course you need the very same openttd version
08:21:02  <planetmaker> and possibly you need to download some newgrfs
08:21:03  <Webster> Read the Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - (again, try !grf)
08:21:15  <planetmaker> if you want to join the main server...
08:21:17  <planetmaker> !grf
08:21:17  <PublicServer> planetmaker: (Version 8.0)
08:21:24  <Sigma> I got that, it just lags and then kicks me out with a network error
08:21:26  <planetmaker> might be needed additionally
08:21:34  <planetmaker> the stable one?
08:21:46  <planetmaker> !ah, yes, I see
08:22:06  <Sigma> oh well, maybe the game knows I should not be playing at this time... lol
08:22:09  *** Ryton is now known as Ryton_afk
08:24:00  <planetmaker> well... the game already has 1039 vehicles...
08:28:52  *** Benny has joined #openttdcoop
08:28:55  <Benny> !players
08:28:57  <PublicServer> Benny: There are currently no clients connected to the server
08:29:07  <Benny> !revision
08:29:07  <PublicServer> Benny: Game version is r22637
08:30:27  <Ryton_afk> btw, planetmakerN
08:30:28  <Ryton_afk> ?
08:30:39  *** Ryton_afk is now known as Ryton
08:30:42  <Benny> !password
08:30:42  <PublicServer> Benny: snares
08:30:49  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:30:51  <PublicServer> *** Benny joined the game
08:30:55  <Ryton> I saw that you were involved in the 32bpp project:
08:31:06  <Ryton> & extra zoom level
08:31:27  <Ryton> can that be combined with the last nightly, or is that very very difficult?
08:32:43  *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop
08:34:13  <PublicServer> *** Benny has left the game (leaving)
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19:03:59  <Webster> Latest update from openttd: OpenTTD 1.1.2-RC1 <> || A new home for OpenTTD <> || OpenTTD 1.1.1 <> || OpenTTD 1.1.1-RC1 <> || OpenTTD 1.1.0 <>
19:04:30  <Webster> Latest update from blog: Copyright and licenses: permission to … what actually? <> || Advanced Building Revue 10: Invisible Hubs <> || New Member: mfb <> || New member: Sylf <> || Advanced Building Revue 09: Self Regulating Stations <> || PSG 200 aka PF 2011 <> || A different SRNW SL concept. <> || New Member: uliko <> || Advanced Building Revue 08: Overflows II <> || Advanced Building Revue 07: Stations <>
19:05:59  *** davis has joined #openttdcoop
19:06:39  <davis> short and quick question. why is the openttdcoop public server password protected?
19:07:14  <hylje_> so that you need to come here to join it
19:07:31  <davis> had issues with griefing?
19:07:39  <davis> @quickstart
19:07:40  <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki -
19:08:57  *** Sigma has quit IRC
19:09:13  <davis> !password
19:09:13  <PublicServer> davis: snares
19:09:15  <davis> here we go
19:09:26  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
19:09:26  <PublicServer> *** davis joined the game
19:09:53  <davis> apparantly I confused the public with the welcome server , my bad. pardon haha
19:10:21  <PublicServer> *** davis has left the game (leaving)
19:12:45  <davis> which appears to be offline *shrugs*
19:19:02  <planetmaker> hm. yes, no autostart for it
19:21:12  *** Sigma has joined #openttdcoop
19:21:25  <davis> ah i see
19:21:58  <Chris_Booth> hi
19:23:45  <davis> hey CB
19:25:39  <Chris_Booth> hi davis
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19:34:01  <ryton> !playercount
19:34:01  <PublicServer> ryton: Number of players: 0 (0 spectators)
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