Log for #openttd on 16th July 2006:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:41  <Sacro> imachine: freetype support is coming
00:03:57  <Wolf01> 'night
00:04:00  *** Wolf01 [] has quit ["e ricordate, per la legge di avogadro non esiste cazzo quadro"]
00:05:31  <imachine> Sacro, great!
00:05:38  * imachine votes Dejavu Sans ;-)
00:05:55  <imachine> im just browsing the forums now.
00:05:57  <imachine> the wiki too.
00:06:06  <imachine> cool new graphics! slow work but great work!
00:06:57  <Sacro> heh, lots of new goodies coming after 0.5.0
00:07:55  *** Rens2Sea [n=Rens2Sea@] has quit []
00:08:57  <imachine> :)
00:09:09  <imachine> OpenTTD 0.4.7
00:09:14  <imachine> that's what i got now ;)
00:11:21  <Sacro> 0.4.8 is due out soon
00:11:26  *** mrzero [i=mrzero@unaffiliated/mrzero] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
00:12:18  <imachine> i'll wait once it gets packaged :-)
00:12:51  <imachine> alltaken is doing lovely work.
00:12:52  <imachine> huge kudos.
00:13:17  *** mrzero [i=mrzero@unaffiliated/mrzero] has joined #openttd
00:13:22  <imachine> well not only him ofcourse.
00:13:26  <imachine> but the graphics are very nice :)
00:16:27  <imachine> it seems like a long way to go, but the possible results really do tickle the imagination :-]
00:18:03  <Sacro> Alltaken is the head graphics bloke i think, but there are other people who have done great graphics
00:19:02  <imachine> Sacro, yeah, i did say that didnt i now.
00:19:20  <imachine> still, browsing his stuff atm; so i can brag about his work :P
00:19:20  <Sacro> hehe :) i know
00:19:38  <imachine> i've seen the other work too. a few i didnt like too much. tho they just need work imho.
00:19:46  <imachine> its still great people find time to make this together.
00:20:19  *** thgergo [] has quit []
00:20:32  <imachine> chris should be happy after all; nevertheless if he might be pissed due to people altering his work, he did manage to stir up a community big enough with it that so many people come together to work on this now.
00:20:42  <imachine> i think most of the devs did play TTD in the past eh
00:20:58  <imachine> i know i did *g*
00:20:58  <imachine> ;]
00:22:01  *** Born_Acorn [] has quit []
00:27:29  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
00:27:38  <Sacro> ive been playing it since TTO
00:28:58  <imachine> yeah.
00:29:12  <imachine> same here.
00:29:40  *** ammler [] has joined #openttd
00:32:04  <CIA-3> belugas * r5504 /trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Feature : Added Italian town name generator. (sidew)
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00:39:23  <CIA-3> belugas * r5505 /branches/newgrf_lab/ (27 files in 4 dirs): [newgrf_lab] Synch with trunk up to 5504
00:46:44  *** Sacro [n=ben@] has quit ["Leaving"]
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00:53:53  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-213-249-240-50.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
01:09:42  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-213-249-240-50.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["Leaving"]
01:15:35  *** |Jeroen| [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:16:52  *** Brianetta [] has quit ["Tschüß"]
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01:27:54  <CIA-3> belugas * r5506 /branches/newgrf_lab/newgrf.c: [newgrf_lab] : Fix r5505, forgotten conflict in newgrf.c
01:39:59  *** Damme [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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02:13:49  *** Belugas is now known as Belugas_Gone
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02:54:10  * Vornicus blings at you all. So there.
02:54:10  *** roboman [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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03:08:31  *** glx [] has quit ["Bye!"]
03:11:05  <vrak> ?
03:11:32  * Vornicus blings at vrak especially.
03:12:34  * vrak yawns
03:15:39  *** Vano [] has left #openttd []
03:16:51  *** mattfury [] has joined #openttd
03:17:09  <mattfury> hmm, this wasnt here before was it?
03:17:31  <Vornicus> Before what?  I don't remember it being elsewhere?
03:17:43  <mattfury> i've never been here before
03:18:12  <mattfury> well, i have, its just never had people in it..?
03:18:26  <Vornicus> Must have been a long timeago.
03:18:28  <vrak> been here a while now, hasn't it?
03:19:55  <mattfury> anyone want a game.. im a noob
03:20:56  <mattfury> and it has been along time since i last played :/
03:22:02  <vrak> sorry, but i'm fairly noobish myself and i'm way too sleepy to focus on building networks
03:22:15  <mattfury> can i request a feature?
03:22:48  <Belugas_Gone> you can request anything, it might not be accepted, though ;)
03:23:14  <mattfury> if a vehicle/train/aircraft loads at a station a load limit?
03:23:33  <mattfury> say if it has 800 passengers max, only load 400.
03:23:37  <mattfury> then leave.
03:23:48  <mattfury> like in rct.
03:24:48  *** Forexs- [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
03:24:59  <mattfury> just sucks when you have an uber fast train and you want to see it move, and you have to wait for the passengers to load or skip that station and leave missing people.
03:26:00  <mattfury> good idea? ^^
03:27:22  <Triffid_Hunter> mattfury: if you don't set full load, it just picks up whatever's waiting
03:27:42  <Triffid_Hunter> which is close enough to what you want for me
03:28:16  <mattfury> doesnt really work when you have about 20 trains tho..'
03:30:05  <Triffid_Hunter> hehe that's when you need a bigger station with a decent feed system of tracks
03:31:37  <mattfury> as i said earlier, im a noob!
03:32:00  <mattfury> :P
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05:20:11  *** Zahl [] has quit ["YOU! It was you wasn't it!?"]
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06:02:28  <CIA-3> miham * r5507 /trunk/lang/ (6 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
06:02:28  <CIA-3> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-07-16 08:01:56
06:02:28  <CIA-3> french - 1 fixed by glx (1)
06:02:28  <CIA-3> hungarian - 1 fixed by miham (1)
06:02:28  <CIA-3> icelandic - 4 fixed, 3 changed by scrooge (7)
06:02:29  <CIA-3> norwegian - 2 fixed by brygge_2 (1), oletk (1)
06:02:31  <CIA-3> portuguese - 1 fixed by izhirahider (1)
06:02:53  <MiHaMiX> ukrainian - 1 fixed by znikoz (1)
06:51:50  *** exe_ [] has joined #openttd
07:07:30  *** mattfury [] has joined #openttd
07:07:34  <mattfury> hi guys
07:07:52  <mattfury> i was just surfing, and wondering if anyone ever saw this?
07:07:59  <mattfury> openttd for psp
07:10:22  <MiHaMiX> hmm
07:10:58  <mattfury> as im getting a psp on monday ^-^ first game to install eh?
07:11:55  *** Tron [] has joined #openttd
07:12:15  <Tron> ===> Compiling namegen.c
07:12:15  <Tron> namegen.c: In function `MakeItalianTownName':
07:12:15  <Tron> namegen.c:668: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
07:12:15  <Tron> namegen.c:671: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
07:12:18  <Tron> Belugas_Gone!
07:13:08  <MiHaMiX> Tron: do you know about this: ?
07:13:34  <Tron> never seen the URL before
07:13:44  <MiHaMiX> Tron: and the site which is behind the url?
07:13:45  <Tron> ah, the psp port
07:13:58  <Tron> i heard there was a PSP port
07:14:08  <Tron> but i don't know any details
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07:14:41  <MiHaMiX> probably if there's no legal problems we should incorporate the PSP port as well
07:14:49  <mattfury> ill test it err ... tommorow :)
07:15:06  <mattfury> yay
07:15:50  <mattfury> legal problems? i can imagine millions of people playing it now ^^
07:15:59  <MiHaMiX> Tron: Belugas_Gone is sleeping most probably... say, until, 13 CEST
07:16:11  <mattfury> lol.
07:16:12  <Tron> i know he's canadian, thanks (:
07:16:30  <mattfury> you want me to find the devel...?
07:16:34  <Tron> oh, and i'm still waiting that the new airports get fixed
07:16:48  <MiHaMiX> Tron: what's their prob?
07:16:55  <mattfury> so when do the new gfx come out?
07:16:59  <mattfury> 0.5.0?
07:17:09  <ln-> what new gfx?
07:17:18  <Tron> there are planes in the build list of helicopter-only ports
07:17:43  <mattfury> i saw some new buildings and stuff that havent been incorporated into it yet :|
07:17:58  <Tron> for 3 or 4 weeks now there's a promise for fixing it, which still isn't fulfilled
07:18:03  <mattfury> im not sure how finished they are.
07:18:24  <mattfury> ill check if theres also a DS port :P
07:18:27  <MiHaMiX> Tron: strange, since it's doesn't sound to me as a big problem..
07:19:15  <Tron> oh, it's no big problem for me either: if it doesn't get fixed, it gets axed
07:19:34  <MiHaMiX> Tron: axed?
07:20:15  <Tron> axe, tool to cut wood
07:20:36  <Tron> to axe ... in a metaphorical sense, go figure
07:21:17  <mattfury> i'd like to see if there ever was a nintendo ds port of any gnu open source console game, being able play console to console
07:21:22  <ln-> axe, ax, v. :  1. trans. To shape or trim with an axe.   2. To remove (officials, etc.) to save expenditure; to cut down (expenditure, etc.) by means of 'the axe'.
07:22:05  <MiHaMiX> ahh
07:22:55  <mattfury> example.: psp to ds gameplay...
07:23:11  <mattfury> or is DS 802.11G or B?
07:23:14  <MiHaMiX> Tron: i know what axe means, i just didnt know axe as verb
07:24:39  <Tron> MiHaMiX: "Source is now a bit more clean, but it can be always improved, also is pending to be reviewed if it can be added to the official openttd svn."
07:24:45  <Tron> (their own readme)
07:26:02  <Tron> the biggest obstacle would be if they modified any ingame windows to make them fit on the psp screen
07:26:02  <MiHaMiX> Tron: ahh, nice, it seems I was way too lazy to read, thanks
07:26:26  <Tron> i don't want dozens of #ifdefs for window layouts, that would be a total mess
07:29:31  <mattfury> heh
07:29:47  <mattfury> hmm NDS is 802.11G/B
07:31:34  <mattfury> PSP is 802.11B
07:32:07  <mattfury> now why the fuck cant some guy (e.g. myself!) make some program to make DS play with or against PSP
07:32:55  <vrak> ottd on DS?
07:33:10  <MiHaMiX> mattfury: if they can communicate on wireless using standards then most probably you can :)
07:34:40  <mattfury> yeah
07:34:48  <mattfury> the linkage project :D
07:35:04  <mattfury> DS + PSP play = zuber AWEseom!!!11!!
07:35:11  <mattfury> (+pc play)
07:36:56  <mattfury> ohh maybe its the PSP's AES encryption?
07:37:06  <mattfury> because you need a key to play
07:37:21  <mattfury> but i guess if you use elfloader you bypass it.
07:37:31  <mattfury> < v2.60
07:37:47  <mattfury> well g2g guys, cya tommorow.
07:37:51  <mattfury> :)
07:38:14  *** mattfury [] has quit ["Leaving"]
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07:54:40  <peter1138> hi
08:02:24  *** Mucht [] has joined #openttd
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08:55:47  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #OpenTTD
08:56:04  <Wolf01> hi
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09:47:09  *** Wolf01 is now known as Wolf01|AFK
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10:08:45  *** SchAmane [] has quit ["Ciao"]
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10:52:56  <ammler>  /msg NickServ IDENTIFY verzug
10:54:45  <[Shaman]> smart...
10:56:34  *** ammler [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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11:01:09  <Brianetta> lol
11:01:11  <Brianetta> who was that?
11:01:38  <[Shaman]> either he himself or somebody who found it funny to harass him O_O
11:01:56  *** ammler [] has joined #openttd
11:02:01  <Brianetta> ammler: change it
11:02:54  <[Shaman]> We can just as well nick his nick and drop it >_>
11:03:38  <Sacro> 444444444444444444444444444444444444-+
11:03:42  <[Shaman]> O_O
11:04:25  *** exe_ [] has left #openttd []
11:04:28  <Brianetta> [Shaman]: Funnier to change the passwprd
11:04:31  <Brianetta> and the email
11:04:39  <Sacro> hmmm, thats what happens when you close the lid with a cable in
11:04:51  <[Shaman]> Brianetta: hm
11:05:38  <Brianetta> heh, you can't change your password on IRC
11:05:55  <ammler> aha,was here
11:06:10  <[Shaman]> ammler: change yer nickserv pass..
11:06:27  <ammler> how?
11:06:31  <Brianetta> 103 people clients saw it
11:06:39  <[Shaman]> /msg nickserv set password <newpassword>
11:06:45  <[Shaman]> else we can keep killing you for fun :P
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11:07:00  <[Shaman]> or worse, nick your nick :p
11:07:33  <ammler> ok, changed
11:07:46  <[Shaman]> k
11:07:52  <ammler> I will install GAIM on my windows, too.
11:08:13  <ammler> thx
11:11:52  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-175-64.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:12:22  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-175-64.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
11:13:25  <Sacro> stupid laptop
11:15:18  *** aequitas [] has left #openttd []
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11:30:05  <Zavior> Kill it with fire
11:30:16  *** ammler [] has quit ["Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]"]
11:32:44  <Sacro> Zavior: i could...but im hoping it lasts to see my first LUG meeting
11:33:59  <Brianetta> Sacro: Which LUG?
11:34:08  <Sacro> Brianetta: beverley
11:34:44  <Brianetta> They're the one with the thin web page
11:34:50  <Sacro> eh?
11:34:52  *** Wolf01|AFK is now known as Wolf01
11:35:25  <Brianetta> never mind
11:35:31  <Brianetta> You go to their IRC meetings?
11:35:55  <Sacro> no, never seen anyone online
11:36:11  <Brianetta> Next Meeting
11:36:11  <Brianetta> Sunday 9th April 2006
11:36:16  <Brianetta> Encouraging (:
11:36:30  * Brianetta runs Tyneside LUG
11:36:51  <Sacro> heh, well according to their mailing list, the next meeting is at 4pm
11:37:01  <Brianetta> They should remember that they have a web site
11:37:13  <Sacro> i just joined #bevlug, and im an Op :D
11:37:15  <Brianetta> oh, and that the mailing list link on the web site is 404 (*:
11:37:49  <Sacro> hmmm, ill mention it later
11:38:31  <Brianetta> Oh, not all the links are 404
11:38:52  <Brianetta> Not Found
11:38:52  <Brianetta> The requested URL /index.html was not found on this server.
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11:38:59  <Sacro> hmm, strange
11:39:00  <Brianetta> "Back to home" links are sometimes broken
11:39:11  <Brianetta> I'd suggest you tell them the sitre needs a complete going-over
11:39:22  <Sacro> yes it does
11:42:53  *** Rens2Sea [n=Rens2Sea@] has joined #openTTD
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11:46:41  <blathijs> Rubidium: Your OV jaarkaart is at the Albert Heijn at twekkelerveld
11:48:49  <Sacro> blathijs: hmm, i understand around 50% of that
11:49:23  <blathijs> Less, I'd expect ;-)
11:49:45  <Sacro> nope, Your, is at the, at :P
11:49:52  <Sacro> 5 out of 10 words
11:50:00  <Qball> OV == public transport
11:50:04  <blathijs> Albert Heijn is a store, Twekkelerveld is an area here, an OV jaarkaart is a public transport pass
11:50:24  <Sacro> ahh, makes a bit more sense now
11:50:57  <blathijs> and somebody in another IRC channel mentioned that he saw Rubidium's OV at the lost and found, so I thought I'd tell him ;-)
11:51:23  <Sacro> hmm, an IRC based lost and found
11:52:12  *** webfreakz [n=Ronald@] has joined #openttd
11:52:19  <webfreakz> hi!
11:52:24  <Sacro> hey webfreakz
11:52:25  <blathijs> Sacro: :-)
11:52:31  <webfreakz> :)
11:52:38  <webfreakz> i've got a guestion
11:52:44  <Sacro> gestion?
11:52:49  <Sacro> *guestion?
11:53:02  <Sacro> i recommend a doctor
11:53:21  <webfreakz> which line(s) should i comment in economy.c if i don't want to new subsidies?
11:53:31  <webfreakz> *question
11:53:36  <webfreakz> are you happy now? :)
11:53:47  <webfreakz> line 1000?
11:55:10  <webfreakz> 	// 25% chance to go on
11:55:10  <webfreakz> 	if (CHANCE16(1,4)) {
11:55:10  <webfreakz> 		// Find a free slot
11:55:10  <webfreakz> 		s = _subsidies;
11:55:14  <Sacro> webfreakz: happier, yes :)
11:55:20  <webfreakz> great :)
11:56:34  <Rubidium> blathijs: already heard that, but did not miss it yet :) but thanks :)
11:58:43  <webfreakz> is there anyone out here who could answer my question?
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11:59:58  <Sacro> ooh, formula 1 about to start
12:00:25  <webfreakz> so?
12:02:32  *** _max_ [] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
12:02:44  <Rubidium> webfreakz: I think you can comment out line 1486 in economy.c (SubsidyMonthlyHandler();) but I'm not sure and I've not tested it
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12:04:07  <webfreakz> ok Rubidium
12:04:08  <webfreakz> thx
12:04:50  <webfreakz> it's even greater to 'mess' with this function than the function where line 1000 is part of
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12:06:34  <webfreakz> i will let you know
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12:45:07  <[Shaman]> ok, there's something SERIOUSLY wrong with MiniIN :P
12:45:19  <[Shaman]> I build a 0 track, i lose 7000-something
12:45:29  <[Shaman]> i destroy it, it sais i gain 100, instead i gain 1000 o_O
12:46:06  <Wolf01> disable the daylength patch setting it to 1x
12:46:24  <[Shaman]> disabling the affect-economy thing doesn't fix it?
12:46:58  <Wolf01> no, the old version of the patch break it instead of fix it
12:47:20  <Wolf01> if you want, you can compile the new version of the patch
12:47:20  <[Shaman]> ah, is there a fix for it? :o
12:47:24  <[Shaman]> daylength == good
12:48:44  <Wolf01> i'm still working on it
12:48:54  <[Shaman]> k
12:49:00  <Wolf01> but there is more to to to fix the economy totally
12:49:04  <Wolf01> *to do
12:49:38  <Wolf01> here is the patch:
12:50:16  <[Shaman]> that should fix the money thing? :o sweet
12:50:31  <Wolf01> this fix the building/selling costs
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12:51:15  <[Shaman]> \e/
12:51:26  <Wolf01> but all incomes are less than before and running costs are daylength related and not year related
12:52:48  <[Shaman]> hm
12:56:17  <Wolf01> this only if you enable the "affect economy" switch
12:57:44  <Sacro> theres no daylength bugs...
13:00:20  <Wolf01> sacro, i'll be glad if you use your fingers to help me to fix that patch, as it's at half your work
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13:03:12  <Eddi|zuHause> Sacro: they're all features? ;)
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13:11:01  <webfreakz> rubidium: it doesn't work
13:13:47  <Wolf01> Frostregen_: how much work to start the join stations patch?
13:13:58  <webfreakz> what does it do?
13:14:12  *** aequitas [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
13:14:20  <Wolf01> the join stations patch?
13:14:25  <webfreakz> yup
13:14:31  <webfreakz> you can already join stations?
13:14:41  <Wolf01> yes but not like lomo
13:14:55  <webfreakz> i haven't played Lomo (yet)
13:15:27  <Wolf01> you will be able to join a station by placing a new tile on the catchement area and not directly adjacent at the previous station
13:15:50  <webfreakz> ah
13:15:51  <webfreakz> okay
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13:16:35  <roboman> gnight
13:16:51  <webfreakz> night?
13:17:04  <webfreakz> it's 3 PM here!
13:17:11  <Wolf01> maybe he is in the other face of the world
13:17:20  <webfreakz> australia? :)
13:17:30  <roboman> yep
13:17:37  <webfreakz> ah okay
13:17:41  <webfreakz> then it's alright
13:18:00  *** aequitas_ [] has quit []
13:22:48  <Sacro> Wolf01: fix it? its not broken!
13:22:53  <Sacro> Eddi|zuHause: yes :)
13:24:09  *** Frostregen [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
13:24:27  *** Frostregen_ is now known as Frostregen
13:26:37  <Eddi|zuHause> <Wolf01> Frostregen_: how much work to start the join stations patch? <- that is really easy, you just have to extend the tile loop in the appropriate function to 4 tiles radius, instead of 1
13:26:57  <Eddi|zuHause> i have done something like that once...
13:28:01  <Wolf01> but i need to code a popup which ask for the station to join if you try to place a new tile on an intersection of catchement areas
13:29:16  <ln-> so now we know mr. Tron is still alive.
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13:33:17  <Eddi|zuHause> popup is a bad idea...
13:33:39  <webfreakz> rubidium: I solved it by placing ' /* ' and ' */ ' on line 1000 & 1031
13:33:46  <Eddi|zuHause> the way it would be with just extending the range is, that it refuses to build, because it is close to 2 stations
13:35:23  * MiHaMiX kicks CIA-3
13:35:34  <MiHaMiX> CIA-3 seems to be dead :-(
13:35:47  <webfreakz> yesterday CiA-3 said "ow"
13:35:54  <webfreakz> so...
13:35:56  <webfreakz> yup
13:36:02  <webfreakz> i kicked him to death
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13:36:34  <webfreakz> /status away!
13:37:18  <MiHaMiX> ok, in this case...
13:37:21  <MiHaMiX> r5508
13:37:23  <MiHaMiX> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-07-16 15:34:22
13:37:23  <MiHaMiX> bulgarian  - 61 fixed by kokobongo (61)
13:37:23  <MiHaMiX> dutch      - 1 fixed by Zr40 (1)
13:37:23  <MiHaMiX> polish     - 1 fixed by meush (1)
13:37:53  <Sacro> MiHaMiX: you lie!
13:38:14  <webfreakz> :/
13:38:16  <MiHaMiX> Sacro: ?
13:38:29  * webfreakz kicks Sacro :)
13:38:34  <Sacro> :o
13:38:35  <CIA-3> ow
13:38:40  <webfreakz> he's alive!!!!!!!!!!!
13:38:42  <Wolf01> lol
13:39:00  <MiHaMiX> yes, but a little bit laggy :D
13:39:06  * webfreakz kicks CIA-3
13:39:15  * MiHaMiX kicks webfreakz
13:39:27  * Sacro kicks himself
13:39:28  <MiHaMiX> who is the faster to saying: ow
13:39:32  <webfreakz> ow
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13:39:36  <CIA-3> ow
13:39:37  <Sacro> hmm
13:39:39  <MiHaMiX> lol :D
13:39:40  <webfreakz> whaha
13:39:41  <webfreakz> i won!
13:39:45  <webfreakz> damn
13:39:48  <webfreakz> he's really laggy
13:40:02  <webfreakz> i'll be back later
13:40:03  <webfreakz> cya
13:40:06  <MiHaMiX> bye
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13:41:06  <Eddi|zuHause> Sacro is broken...
13:41:10  <Eddi|zuHause> he did not say 'ow'
13:41:33  <Kuja^> :o
13:42:17  <Sacro> ow :(
13:42:33  <CIA-3> miham * r5508 /trunk/lang/ (dutch.txt polish.txt unfinished/bulgarian.txt):
13:42:33  <CIA-3> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-07-16 15:34:22
13:42:33  <CIA-3> bulgarian - 61 fixed by kokobongo (61)
13:42:33  <CIA-3> dutch - 1 fixed by Zr40 (1)
13:42:33  <CIA-3> polish - 1 fixed by meush (1)
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15:05:31  <webfreakz> For the Dutch / Belgian people here: there was an article in LinuxMag (nummer 3) where there was spoken about OpenTTD
15:10:21  <[Shaman]> yes, we know
15:10:26  <[Shaman]> people mentioned it when it came out :P
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16:30:33  <elho> is it me, or are capacities per cargo type arbitrary and weird?  ie. monorail waggon / refitted yate haugan: passengers 45 / 100, mail 35 / 120, goods 30 / 60, valuables 25 / 30
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16:51:12  <peter1138> well
16:51:20  <peter1138> planes are limited by weight
16:51:28  <peter1138> trains are limited by volume
16:53:30  <hylje> yeh when i refit a plane to carry sna-- gold, it held just 20 (was 90/10)
16:54:12  <SpComb> snakes on a plane? Get in the Jesus Christ!
16:55:43  <hylje> whens soap coming to finland anyway?
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17:06:59  <elho> peter1138: hmm yes, but still, a factor of 2.5 compared to mail is a bit much, makes it useless to transport valuables by plane... and actually, valuables in the age of aviation are more likely stocks than gold barrels ;)
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17:07:26  <hylje> :>
17:07:28  <hylje> tru
17:07:53  <hylje> generally more valuables should fit into planes
17:07:56  <Dred_furst> Hey
17:07:57  <hylje> useless as of now
17:08:05  <hylje> hi
17:08:32  <Dred_furst> Where can i get the "Bridge over many things" nightly?
17:09:18  <glx> Dred_furst: nowhere (there's no nightly for this branch)
17:09:25  <Dred_furst> ok
17:10:22  <Dred_furst> Thanks :)
17:12:47  <elho> or a passenger, a plane won't be too heavy just because all passengers are fat. so lets take a 130kg person + 20kg luggage, thats 150kg per passenger. now given that 1/3 as many bags of valueables fit a plane, assuming the same total weight, that would be enormously huge bags...
17:15:10  <hylje> Dred_furst: you can fetch the sources from the svn though
17:15:14  <hylje> Dred_furst: and build that
17:15:25  *** narthollis [] has quit ["Reconnecting"]
17:15:52  <Dred_furst> hylje not today, i dont have VSC on this PC (im ablut 250 miles from home)
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17:21:05  *** MeusH [] has joined #openttd
17:21:11  <MeusH> hello
17:21:31  <MeusH> does anyone here know java a bit?
17:23:22  <MeusH> or a java oriented irc channel?
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17:28:31  <mIGu> where is economy simulated in multiplayer games? on server only, or on all clients? because I've found a bug and I want to test patch on server without rolling it out to all clients
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17:29:15  <glx> every actions are done on server and clients
17:30:23  <mIGu> so there will be some kind of mismatch? ok, i'll test it in single player first
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17:33:53  <ems> hello
17:33:59  <ems> is there a way to undo a change while making a map?
17:34:05  <ems> using r5480
17:35:09  <ems> because I fucked up something...
17:35:12  <MeusH> nope, sorry
17:35:18  <ems> and to fix it would take 30min
17:35:23  <ems> MeusH: damit!
17:35:28  <ems> openttd sucks
17:35:41  <ems> :(
17:35:47  *** aequitas [] has joined #openttd
17:35:53  <ems> this is a must have feature
17:35:59  <MeusH> ttdpatch and you suck more
17:36:02  <MeusH> this game does NOT suck
17:36:33  <MeusH> yes, this feature would be awesome, but limit yourself from using such a words
17:37:14  *** Dred_furst [] has quit ["( :: NoNameScript 4.0 :: )"]
17:39:12  <ems> MeusH: sorry
17:39:23  <ems> okay we have a consensus
17:39:32  <ems> MeusH will add the feature
17:39:34  <ems> :p
17:40:03  <MeusH> no problem, I just recently realised computer games do not suck, because people spent lot of their time developing it
17:41:20  <ems> FUCK
17:41:32  <ems> I just fucked it up more
17:41:37  <ems> damit it
17:41:44  <ems> this would take over 1hr to fix up
17:43:42  <ems> brb
17:45:54  <MeusH> save it more often
17:46:33  <MeusH> you certainly have diskspace to save even 50 temp versions of your scenario
17:50:59  <hylje> hmm
17:51:19  <hylje> are several road styles possible
17:52:37  <hylje> would be good if you could do cheap dirt roads with low speed limit early and to places with little traffic and later upgrade that to paved and highway-class
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18:04:39  <MeusH> oh no
18:04:41  <MeusH> damn
18:04:59  <MeusH> all that java tutorials are written by some nerds
18:05:06  <MeusH> who think I know as much as they
18:05:45  <MeusH> they write some lines of code, but they don't talk about any imports (like includes in C) so how should I know how to compile?
18:06:41  <Oak> imports aren't that difficult
18:07:16  <hylje> you cant place neutral locks? :(
18:07:17  <Oak> imports are like use in c++
18:09:06  <XeryusTC> arent imports like includes in c/c++?
18:09:09  <MeusH> yeah, but I don't know what to import
18:09:18  <MeusH> in all that tutorials you see like one function
18:09:23  <MeusH> without important rest of the file
18:09:33  <XeryusTC> :/
18:10:12  <MeusH> it's like someone gave you OpenTTD cheat window widget to learn C from, you compile it and BANG, dozen of errors
18:10:14  *** ammler [] has left #openttd []
18:10:25  <MeusH> yes, imports are like includes
18:10:53  <webfreakz> JAVA sucks anyway
18:11:27  <MeusH> I want to write some games for my mobile
18:11:31  <MeusH> I'll start with easy ones
18:11:38  <webfreakz> an OpenTTD clone?
18:11:39  <MeusH> but there is one game in my mind...
18:11:40  <hylje> python
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18:11:46  <MeusH> nah, not OpenTTD
18:11:51  <webfreakz> ok :(
18:11:55  <MeusH> hylje: what do you mean?
18:12:04  <webfreakz> use python instead of JAVA?
18:12:11  <MeusH> Does symbian understand python?
18:12:27  <MeusH> or you mean writing in python, then converting to java?
18:12:37  <hylje> some freak should have written a python runtime for symbian by now
18:13:19  <MeusH> wow, I found a tutorial with full code. The first copy-paste working code I found!
18:14:49  <webfreakz> :)
18:14:49  <ems> thank you MeusH
18:15:18  <webfreakz> ems: try using autosave: every month
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18:16:47  <MeusH> does autosave work in editor?
18:17:49  <MeusH> no problem ems, once I was furious about lack of undo, but once I started to save map before each major change, the problem was gone
18:20:13  <ems> MeusH: you are going to add it?
18:20:33  <MeusH> I don't think so
18:21:02  <MeusH> that would require storing vast data in the memory
18:21:10  <MeusH> let's say someone calls a clear function
18:21:15  <MeusH> that function clears the tile
18:21:28  <MeusH> let's say I undo this
18:21:50  <MeusH> but how should OpenTTD know what was on that tile before?
18:22:06  <MeusH> a station?
18:22:14  <MeusH> a tree?
18:22:16  <MeusH> the trees?
18:22:33  <MeusH> s/the/three
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18:48:34  <Rubidium> MeusH: you only need to save 'raw' tiles that you have changed with some metadata which says which says which tile it is, unless you want to undo the creation of towns and/or industries
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18:50:02  <MeusH> well, you may be right
18:50:09  <MeusH> but I need explanaition
18:50:14  <MeusH> explaination*
18:50:37  <MeusH> let's do some command on tile #foo
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18:51:14  <MeusH> so in the clear command I shall save somewhere all information about the tile #foo, then clear it
18:51:27  <MeusH> and in case of undoing, revert
18:51:35  <MeusH> to a saved state?
18:53:05  <Rubidium> basically yes
18:53:37  <Rubidium> on revert you just overwrite the tiles that you are reverting with the backed up information
18:54:55  *** webfreakz [n=Ronald@] has quit ["Bye"]
18:56:10  <MeusH> where can be the info stored?
18:57:07  <Rubidium> you need to make a new structure to store the undo information in
18:58:14  <MeusH> allright
18:58:16  <MeusH> thanks for info
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19:04:23  * Brianetta thinks about going to college to learn origveh
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19:13:43  <Wolf01> hi
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19:19:43  <RichK67> ping brianetta
19:21:27  <MeusH> hi Wolf01 and RichK67
19:21:55  <RichK67> hi
19:23:01  <Wolf01> hi MeusH
19:24:08  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-175-64.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
19:24:31  <Wolf01> somebody knows a way to transform the NFS Most wanted from european version to black edition?
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19:25:34  <Eddi|zuHause2> <hylje> are several road styles possible <- the same way as trams are :)
19:25:41  <hylje> no
19:25:45  <hylje> that is, then
19:26:10  <Eddi|zuHause2> PS: you really need to learn about question marks
19:27:08  <Brianetta> pong
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19:29:12  <RichK67> hi, would it be possible to only change the server & client version at start of game, or if the new update fixes significant bugs?? its the one negative i have about using the br. server ... which is otherwise A1
19:29:20  <Sacro> Brianetta: you missed the s :P
19:29:58  <Brianetta> RichK67: It's the nightly
19:30:05  <Brianetta> That's kind of the whole point
19:30:36  <Brianetta> I don't even check what changed
19:30:58  <Brianetta> I have a script which I run.  It updates, compiles, and tells me whether I need to start a new game or load the old one.
19:31:00  <RichK67> guess thats a no then ;)   oh well
19:31:25  <Sacro> Brianetta: it tells you? why not let it do that itself?
19:32:06  <Brianetta> Sacro: It doesn't stop or start
19:32:17  <Brianetta> and I need to move the saved game to the web site
19:32:24  <Sacro> Brianetta: wput?
19:32:31  <Brianetta> I'm working on total automation, but atm I'm busy coding the new autopilot
19:32:40  <Brianetta> wput?  no, cp
19:32:57  <Sacro> ah, a local thing
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19:35:24  <[Shaman]> heh, EveTV made it to slashdot
19:35:48  <Brianetta> With Rich's suggestion, there's a bot of a chicken/egg about changing the version and restarting the game.
19:36:08  <Brianetta> I declare a game over if it's at 2050 or beyond when I update.
19:36:59  <[Shaman]> Brianetta: you should use daylength patch then :p
19:37:03  <[Shaman]> then it'll take a while for 2050 :p
19:38:08  <Brianetta> [Shaman]: If I used the daylength patch it wouldn't be the nightly, would it?
19:38:30  <CIA-3> miham * r5509 /trunk/lang/ (italian.txt norwegian.txt portuguese.txt slovak.txt):
19:38:30  <CIA-3> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-07-16 21:38:07
19:38:30  <CIA-3> italian - 1 fixed by sidew (1)
19:38:30  <CIA-3> norwegian - 4 changed by oletk (4)
19:38:30  <CIA-3> portuguese - 1 fixed by izhirahider (1)
19:38:31  <CIA-3> slovak - 2 fixed, 46 changed by lengyel (48)
19:42:12  <[Shaman]> dunno the status on the dl patch :/
19:42:19  <[Shaman]> would be usefull if it (ever) came into trunk
19:42:24  <[Shaman]> because the time (as of) is just way too fast
19:42:40  <Brianetta> It would need all its bugs fixing
19:42:47  <[Shaman]> that's.. true
19:42:54  <[Shaman]> if i understood C i'd help with that.
19:43:05  <Brianetta> Even Sacro will admit it isn't perfect
19:43:42  <Sacro> Brianetta: no he wont...
19:43:56  <Wolf01> no, sacro admits that dl bugs are features
19:43:59  <Brianetta> heh (L:
19:44:13  <Sacro> all quirks
19:44:20  <[Shaman]> Sacro identifies the 'bugs' as 'features' ...
19:44:36  <Sacro> [Shaman]: there are NO BUGS
19:44:45  <Sacro> :P
19:44:52  <[Shaman]> see :P
19:45:28  <Sacro> there be nothing to see here...
19:46:03  <Wolf01> sacro is transparent
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19:48:19  <Wolf01> but he is being right... there are no bugs, only the time stretching allow you to travel more and use less fuel XD
19:49:37  <Wolf01> and allow also industries to produce more in less time (they produce the same in the same time, but the day take more time to pass, and the production is calculated differently)
19:55:46  <Eddi|zuHause2> ah... RichK67 is back ;) ... would you mind to apply ?
19:57:40  *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
20:00:58  <RichK67> no :)   im on a break... overworked, and with a bad cough... if i committed stuff, it would be crap right now (no brain, see ;) )
20:03:55  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-175-64.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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20:15:03  <Eddi|zuHause> it is just language changes, you cannot actually do anything wrong ;)
20:15:31  <RichK67> give me a break
20:16:11  <Eddi|zuHause> of course, you can break all you want ;)
20:16:30  <[Shaman]> you can break Eddi ! :P
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20:36:53  <Tron> PING ( 56 data bytes
20:36:55  <Tron> 76 packets transmitted, 7 packets received, 90% packet loss
20:37:15  <[Shaman]> nice
20:37:19  <MiHaMiX> Tron: you're filtered? :)
20:37:31  <Tron> is pretty much dead
20:37:47  <Tron>, too
20:37:51  <peter1138> well, it's the isp
20:38:00  <Wolf01> i get the same result
20:38:04  <Wolf01> and i'm not filtered
20:38:17  <Tron> peter1138: which isp?
20:38:26  <peter1138> hosting the server
20:38:58  <peter1138> (+s, i guess)
20:39:01  *** Trenskow [] has quit ["Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer"]
20:39:18  <Tron> a few minutes ago i could do a svn up
20:39:36  <Tron> shortly after everything died
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20:39:46  <[Shaman]> we blame you.
20:39:52  <MiHaMiX> :DDDDDDDDD
20:41:58  <MiHaMiX> Official announce follows: In the next two week there could be network and power outages which could make the following services temporary unavailable: translator2, nightly, wiki, docs and bugs.
20:42:18  <[Shaman]> svn wasn't included :p
20:42:30  <glx> [Shaman]: not the same server :)
20:42:31  <MiHaMiX> [Shaman]: yes, since I don't host the svn
20:42:38  <Tron> network and power outages?
20:42:45  <MiHaMiX> [Shaman]: i'm just hosting the above services
20:42:49  <[Shaman]> ah
20:42:51  * [Shaman] gets point
20:42:53  * [Shaman] dumbass
20:43:01  <MiHaMiX> Tron: yes, there is maintenance-time in our building
20:43:21  <Tron> maintenance is supposed to make things better, not worse o_O
20:43:53  <hylje> Tron: tell that to WoW server maintainers
20:43:58  *** Trenskow [] has joined #openttd
20:44:01  <MiHaMiX> Tron: general yearly maintenance.. checking the buildings infrastructure whether it shut off properly in case a fire or something like that
20:45:17  *** angerman [] has quit []
20:47:10  <Tron> 22:29 CEST svn up worked
20:47:14  <Tron> 22:32 CEST svn was dead
20:47:21  *** aequitas [] has joined #openttd
20:48:26  <glx> works now
20:49:09  <Tron> hm, seems so, telnet gives sensible results
20:49:48  <Tron> and it's dead again
20:50:57  <Tron> the server shows no welcome line via telnet
20:51:03  <glx> and the maintainer is not here :(
20:51:31  <XeryusTC> it's pretty dead
20:52:20  <peter1138> it is being worked on
20:52:23  <MiHaMiX> maintainer is already notified
20:53:03  <Tron> got the welcome line again, but packet loss is horrible
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21:13:47  <XeryusTC> Tron: it seems like the server has been resurected
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22:07:46  * Sacro wants a new laptop, or a Mac
22:07:59  *** Angst [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:08:28  <aequitas> Sacro wants a macbook? ;)
22:08:42  <Sacro> aequitas: id love a macbook pro
22:09:14  <aequitas> i am gonna get me a white macbook when i'm done working at the apple centre this holiday :D
22:09:48  <[Shaman]> I want a laptop with a good enough graphics card to run Eve.
22:10:06  <Sacro> i want one that can run X³
22:10:22  <[Shaman]> X3? uar
22:10:24  <[Shaman]> *yar
22:10:26  <[Shaman]> sounds good
22:10:31  <[Shaman]> if they sold it around here that is :/
22:10:45  <Sacro> hehe, contact Brianetta :) he's one of their testers
22:10:57  <[Shaman]> O_O
22:10:58  <Brianetta> Testers?
22:11:01  <Brianetta> DEVELOPERS
22:11:08  <Sacro> officially pronounced "Mac OS Ten" <- isnt it OS Ecks
22:11:10  <[Shaman]> ! O_O
22:11:11  <Sacro> Brianetta: hehe :P
22:11:26  <[Shaman]> Brianetta: tell the lot to start selling that game at local shops as well so i can get it :/
22:11:27  <Brianetta> I pronounce is OSX
22:11:51  <hylje> macbooks are l33t
22:11:53  <Brianetta> Just pop to Deutschland
22:12:03  <Brianetta> They have it there, since Egosoft is German
22:12:09  <hylje> egosoft :o
22:12:16  <[Shaman]> my dad's in germany atm o_O
22:12:29  <[Shaman]> just dropped him off at the trainstation like.. 5 hours ago >_<
22:14:56  <Sacro> sooo, what laptop brand...
22:15:14  <hylje> ibm was in my good books
22:15:15  <[Shaman]> NOT dell :p
22:15:29  <hylje> dunno about lenovo, havent heard any improvement though
22:15:44  <hylje> hp laptops are toys imho
22:15:47  <Sacro> hylje: i want one with a touchpad
22:15:55  <Sacro> [Shaman]: whats wrong wiht dell?
22:16:00  *** Maedhros [n=jc@gentoo/developer/Maedhros] has quit ["leaving"]
22:16:02  <[Shaman]> it's DELL ! :o
22:16:02  <hylje> dell is inherently low quality
22:16:17  <hylje> they get cheap parts with more defects
22:16:18  <[Shaman]> it's crap quality
22:16:35  <[Shaman]> ever seen the inside of a standard dell desktop pc?
22:16:39  <hylje> yes
22:16:45  <[Shaman]> the HORROR
22:16:45  <hylje> proprietary cases
22:16:51  <[Shaman]> everything FORCED on top of eachother
22:16:53  <Sacro> i was thinking about something beginning wiht A... cant remember who
22:16:59  <hylje> AAPL
22:17:09  <[Shaman]> with a special fan-pipe to provide the sufficient cooling for the entire thing
22:17:22  <[Shaman]> 'but it runs very quiet'
22:17:33  <hylje> "i want to fucking upgrade this shit"
22:17:44  <hylje> -- "well, just buy another."
22:17:58  <[Shaman]> they use LAPTOP parts in desktop pcs as well
22:18:05  <Sacro> Acer, that was it
22:18:11  <[Shaman]> Acer's pretty nice
22:18:15  <hylje> so does apple, but i hear apple does it somewhat well
22:18:16  <Sacro> [Shaman]: my median/cybercom laptop has a desktop P4 in it :S
22:18:17  <[Shaman]> Hp is as well.
22:18:37  <[Shaman]> Sacro: I've seen dell desktop pcs with a laptop processor in it
22:18:38  <Sacro> dont want hp really
22:18:44  <hylje> do not want
22:18:53  <Sacro> i want a solid make, thats going to run Linux as well as XP sweetly
22:19:02  *** eeemess [] has joined #openttd
22:19:08  <hylje> i hear IBM/lenovo run linux fairly well
22:19:10  *** RichK67 [n=RichK67@] has quit []
22:19:21  <Sacro> hmmm, Acer say they are the 3rd biggerst
22:19:21  <hylje> since the are supported
22:19:28  <SpComb> they will even ship some commercial linux version as an option
22:19:36  <[Shaman]> the HP's without the stupid driver thingies do work quite nice with linux
22:19:36  <SpComb> preinstalled on the laptop
22:19:43  <hylje> SpComb: true
22:19:45  <[Shaman]> the others however are just as crap as Dell.
22:19:48  <SpComb> Acer == Eww! Plastic!
22:20:02  <hylje> metal == Eww! my lap!
22:20:25  <[Shaman]> get a laptop with AMD64.
22:20:32  <[Shaman]> Cool'n'Quiet ftw
22:20:35  <SpComb> get a laptop with a desktop FX!
22:20:39  <Sacro> i was looking at turino
22:20:46  <SpComb> battery lifetime: 5 seconds
22:20:52  <[Shaman]> heh
22:20:52  <Sacro> or maybe centrino core duo
22:21:01  <Sacro> SpComb: my current one lasts until the capacitors drain
22:21:05  <[Shaman]> the amd64's with QnQ are pretty good heat-wise
22:21:16  <SpComb> Sacro: <1 second?
22:21:20  <[Shaman]> whereas the Hp's usually tend to get.. hot
22:21:32  <Sacro> SpComb: approximatly yes, and it runs between 60-70 degs
22:21:39  <SpComb> sounds fun
22:21:50  <SpComb> I guess my laptop isn't entirely hopeless :)
22:21:53  <hylje> hah
22:22:18  <Sacro> SpComb: keyboard has serveral keys bust, touchpad gone, battery not noticed... its basically a base unit with LCD
22:22:26  <SpComb> hmmk
22:22:38  <SpComb> "I'll take if off you if you pay me"
22:22:39  <ln->
22:23:20  <hylje> :>
22:23:33  <hylje> its fun to do cheap shots at obfuscated perl
22:23:36  * SpComb recalls hearing that before
22:23:58  <SpComb> perl is beautiful... if viewed with crossed eyes
22:24:05  *** thgergo [] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
22:24:32  <Sacro> i wouldnt mind an Acer/Ferrari one
22:24:45  <SpComb> I wouldn't mind a thinkpad
22:24:49  <SpComb> I would mind anything else
22:24:52  <Sacro> :O 1033 EX VAT :O
22:24:52  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit ["-"]
22:24:53  <hylje> i have two thinkpads actually
22:25:04  <SpComb> I want to get some nice used T or perhaps X
22:25:10  <hylje> the other is an olde 800MHz with a dead battery
22:25:16  <hylje> running around 450 days now
22:25:21  <SpComb> heh
22:25:26  <SpComb> laptops can get quite good uptimes
22:25:41  <hylje> another is a p51 with a 2.1MHz topping Pentium M
22:25:50  <hylje> and a decent videocard
22:25:54  <Sacro> 2.1MHz?
22:26:00  <hylje> GHz*
22:26:02  <Sacro> my Amiga can reach 7 :P
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22:26:41  <Sacro> SpComb: who ships linux laptops?
22:26:46  <hylje> lenovo
22:27:24  <Sacro> hmm, they own IBM
22:27:56  <hylje> they bought IBM pc (laptop) division
22:27:59  <hylje> ie. thinkpads
22:28:01  <Sacro> i dont like the IBM looks :(
22:28:04  <SpComb> :o
22:28:12  * SpComb bans Sacro from life
22:28:13  <hylje> whats there not to like in solid matte black
22:28:29  * SpComb <3 ThinkPad
22:28:35  <Sacro> it looks very...crappy
22:28:50  <hylje> how so
22:29:07  <SpComb> it's the direct opposite of crappy
22:29:11  <Sacro> i dont want centrino either :( i'd much rather have turion
22:29:19  <SpComb> I think the case is metallic
22:29:31  <hylje> it isnt
22:29:48  <hylje> the newer thinkpad of mine had some problems with case bending
22:29:55  <hylje> and disconnecting the display
22:29:56  <SpComb> well, thin metal
22:31:38  <Sacro> hmm, the 3000N's are ok
22:31:54  <SpComb> what are those?
22:32:09  <SpComb> dpm
22:32:19  <Sacro> i dont want genuine XP though :(
22:32:21  <SpComb> don't tell me those are those lenovo's laptops?
22:32:28  <Sacro> i already have that, and i dont use it
22:32:37  <SpComb> you use fake windows?
22:32:40  <Sacro> SpComb: yeah
22:32:43  <SpComb> ick
22:32:49  <hylje> fake_windows
22:32:51  <Sacro> SpComb: i used to, but i use Linux full time now
22:33:12  <SpComb> so you leave the top-quality, made-for-industrial-use laptops for the newly-designed okay-ish-quiality laptops meant for home use?
22:33:24  <Sacro> yes
22:33:27  *** ems [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:33:29  <SpComb> you are very silly
22:33:39  <Oak> I think IBMs are only considerable pc-laptops
22:33:45  <Oak> otherwise I prefer macs
22:33:56  <SpComb> bleh, who wants a mac
22:33:59  <Sacro> i can only really afford the R series
22:34:17  <hylje> SpComb: i know of people who buy macs for the hardware.
22:34:52  <SpComb> supposedly mac hardware actually sucks
22:34:54  <SpComb> or something
22:35:15  <SpComb> I know someone that managed to find some store that sold X40s for about 1200 euros apiece
22:35:19  <SpComb> was some mistake or something
22:35:32  <SpComb> they pulled them and put them back at 2300 or something
22:35:36  <Sacro> hmm, HP/Compaq have laptops with FreeDOS
22:37:58  <Bjarni> <SpComb>	supposedly mac hardware actually sucks <-- and you base this on what?
22:38:10  <SpComb> some article I read somewhere about the subject
22:38:24  <hylje> screenshots or didnt happen
22:38:54  <SpComb> if I want good hardware I build my computer myself (at least with desktops, that is)
22:38:55  <Bjarni> ohh, it was that "some article"
22:39:01  <SpComb> heh
22:39:10  <Bjarni> I heard about it
22:39:18  <SpComb> well, I have no clue where it was, but it was some thingie about why not to buy a mac
22:39:18  <hylje> apple workstations are quite neat
22:39:30  <Sacro> i'd build a desktop, but i need a laptop
22:39:40  <SpComb> why not build a desktop instead? :P
22:39:46  <SpComb> you could carry it around
22:39:48  <hylje> because its not a laptop
22:40:21  <Sacro> well currently i need laptop, + keyboard, + mouse
22:40:30  <Bjarni> combine it with a portable generator and you got high CPU power and very long "battery" life time
22:40:36  <Sacro> a mini-itx would be a lot easier, with a tft
22:40:45  <hylje> heh
22:40:53  <SpComb> a desktop, a monitor, the right ups or a generator, some pieces of wood and some duct tape
22:40:56  <hylje> that screams of mac mini
22:41:00  <SpComb> and you have your portable computer
22:42:03  <Sacro> hmm, this is true
22:42:06  *** smeding [] has quit ["<3"]
22:42:20  <SpComb> seen that picture? :P
22:42:33  <Bjarni> <-- this is what I would do if I had to build my own computer
22:42:58  <Bjarni> except I would add some sort of radiator to it to allow it to actually cool ;)
22:43:08  *** MeusH is now known as MeusH[away]
22:43:26  <Sacro> Bjarni: is that in oil?
22:43:31  <Bjarni> yeah
22:43:42  <Bjarni> oil is a really nice material
22:43:44  <Sacro> hmm, i can see me cooking chips whilst on IRC
22:43:54  <[Shaman]> lol
22:44:05  <[Shaman]> you let ottd run on full speed to get the cpu boiling the oil
22:44:06  <Bjarni> it cools better than water and it works as an electric isolator :D
22:44:10  <[Shaman]> so you can bake chips :p
22:44:17  <Sacro> deep fried mars bar
22:44:24  <hylje> :o
22:44:38  <Sacro> the only turion machines on dabs are hp
22:44:45  <Bjarni> powerplants actually uses oil to cool the generators
22:45:26  <SpComb> heh, I'll stick to conventional computers :P
22:45:36  * SpComb pats his simple black antec
22:46:01  <Bjarni> I hate noisy computers
22:46:13  <Sacro> Bjarni: surely the oil would boil?
22:46:13  <Bjarni> it would be cool to make a completely silent computer
22:46:16  <Bjarni> no fans at all
22:46:29  <Sacro> liquid nitrogen?
22:46:43  <Bjarni> Sacro: no, not if it is designed in the right way. A fishtank got a too small surface though (I think)
22:47:02  <Qball> Sacro: i made icecreams with that a while back.
22:47:19  <Qball> 150Liter :D
22:47:25  <Sacro> Qball: :O you speak
22:47:28  <SpComb> watercooling
22:47:32  <Sacro> Bjarni: yeah, maybe
22:47:36  <SpComb> doesn't make too much noise, I think
22:47:44  <Sacro> SpComb: and you can have fish in it
22:47:49  <SpComb> 'jee'
22:47:50  <hylje> fish sticks
22:48:01  <SpComb> fish swimming around in your cpu fan?
22:48:07  <hylje> yes
22:48:10  <SpComb> awesome
22:48:12  <Sacro> hehe, yeah
22:48:19  <SpComb> will you get fish bits stuck in your heatsink fins?
22:48:23  <Bjarni> fish swimming in hot oil?
22:48:25  <Sacro> haddock
22:48:43  <Sacro> Bjarni: 2 pc's, 1 water for growing them in, 1 oil for cooking
22:48:45  <SpComb> you can pick them off the top, ready-to-eat?
22:49:02  <SpComb> but myes, watercooling is quite quiet
22:49:07  <Sacro> SpComb: quite likely
22:49:15  <SpComb> and less of a hassle than the oil tank
22:49:17  <hylje> well, if the fish hits the fan
22:49:21  <hylje> you got fish sticks
22:49:22  <SpComb> my computer is relatively quiet
22:49:37  <Bjarni> the PSU is in the oil as well. It contains high voltage parts
22:49:40  <SpComb> hylje: fish particles
22:49:52  <Sacro> Bjarni: and why not?
22:49:57  <SpComb> *zap*
22:50:06  <Bjarni> water conducts electricity
22:50:09  <Sacro> nooooooooooo, it'd kill the fishes
22:50:15  <SpComb> yes :(
22:50:16  <Sacro> what if i ground the tank?
22:50:18  <SpComb> (and you as well)
22:50:26  <Sacro> it on a rubber mat to isolate it
22:50:32  <Bjarni> ok, Sacro really is a college dropout. He failed the electric wire+water test o_O
22:50:35  <hylje> :D
22:50:35  <Qball> Bjarni: water doesn't conduct electricity...  only poluted water does
22:50:48  * SpComb spills some salt into Sacro's computer tank
22:50:54  *** Dred_furst [] has quit ["( :: NoNameScript 4.0 :: )"]
22:51:05  <Bjarni> Qball: and you presume that we will use pure water for this?
22:51:06  <Sacro> what if i use beer?
22:51:13  <Bjarni> too expensive... the oil is cheaper
22:51:14  <SpComb> \o/
22:51:18  <Sacro> Bjarni: i have quite a good supply of distilled water
22:51:32  <SpComb> what if we use cola?
22:51:38  <Bjarni> also the fish will pollute the water enough to make it conduct electricity
22:51:39  <SpComb> that would be a sticky mess
22:51:50  <hylje> Bjarni: good reason for the fish to not pollute it
22:51:58  <Sacro> what about clockwork fish?
22:52:00  <SpComb> motivation!
22:52:07  * Sacro thinks of red dwarf
22:52:17  <Bjarni> Sacro: I'm not sure it's good enough. It would have to be really clean, not just normal distilled
22:52:18  <SpComb> "I need to go screw up my fish"
22:52:28  <Sacro> Bjarni: ill clean it every day, i promise
22:52:38  <Qball> Bjarni: well you never know
22:52:48  <Bjarni> Sacro: be careful where you put your fingers when you clean it
22:52:52  <SpComb> lets use radioactive goo
22:53:10  <Bjarni> SpComb: too heavy
22:53:11  <Sacro> Bjarni: hmm, thats true
22:53:14  <SpComb> everyone loves radioactive goo
22:53:19  <Sacro> oooh, heavy water
22:53:53  <SpComb> let's use human blood :>
22:53:55  <Bjarni> also why use water at all? Oil can transport more heat away from the CPU
22:54:02  <SpComb> although that conducts
22:55:08  <hylje> glow-in-the-dark radioactive goo
22:55:09  <hylje> sign me up
22:55:12  <Sacro> because fish cant swim in oil
22:55:32  <Sacro> i was hoping to keep tropical fish in my pc case
22:55:33  <SpComb> UV-activated phosphorous goo?
22:55:37  <Sacro> or maybe a lobster
22:55:43  <SpComb> Sacro: how do you know?
22:56:10  <Sacro> SpComb: i dont...
22:56:18  <SpComb> you claim you do
22:56:59  <Sacro> i claim a lot of things... im like a microsoft product design
22:57:15  * SpComb burns Sacro down and goes to sleep
22:57:35  <Bjarni> I just noticed something. This computer got an issue in long term functionality. It's a relatively open system so it will gain water eventually (helped somewhat by shifting temperatures) and it will not mix with the oil, but stay as a layer under the oil..... the prints are directly on the bottom, so it risk getting fried with a very little % of water in the oil
22:57:37  * Sacro is fine in his water filled pc
22:57:44  <Bjarni> it should be raised at least a cm
22:58:05  <Bjarni> and a plan on how to remove the few mm of water in the bottom
22:59:28  <Sacro> Bjarni: a straw
22:59:40  *** aequitas [] has left #openttd []
23:00:40  *** Ammler [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:01:50  <Bjarni> Sacro: yeah it's that simple, but a straw is a crude device, that can't remove all the water, so you will still need a safety margin
23:02:59  <Sacro> Bjarni: yeah...
23:03:12  <Sacro> hmm, HP are the only people i can find that do Turion X2 laptops
23:04:17  <Sacro> what are the GOOD laptop graphics chips to look out for?
23:05:53  <Bjarni> the ones, that do NOT have shared memory
23:06:03  <Bjarni> at least it's a good place to start ;)
23:07:25  <Sacro> hmm, im back looking at the Acer Ferrari
23:07:30  <Sacro> shame i hate the F1 team
23:08:29  <Sacro> ATI Radeon Xpress 200, that any good?
23:10:32  <Sacro> hmm, the info says its a radion x700
23:11:08  <Sacro> oh, no, i was looking at the chipset
23:11:26  <Sacro> im so alone :(
23:14:14  *** KritiK [] has quit ["Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier."]
23:14:17  <Sacro> nobody loves me :(
23:15:25  *** Brianetta [] has quit ["Tschüß"]
23:16:38  <MeusH[away]> cya
23:16:41  <MeusH[away]> keep up Sacro
23:16:45  <MeusH[away]> have luck
23:16:53  <Sacro> MeusH[away]: with what?
23:17:13  <MeusH[away]> love
23:17:18  *** tokai|odw [] has quit ["It's like, wah."]
23:17:30  *** MeusH[away] [] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:22:30  <Sacro> £1000 for the laptop i want :(
23:22:38  <hylje> quality = cost
23:25:06  <Sacro> hylje: yes... but still i doubt ill get it for my birthday :(
23:32:34  *** Damme__ [] has joined #openttd
23:33:58  * Sacro listen Lordi - The Arockalypse - The Deadite Girls Gone Wild
23:35:07  <hylje> zomg
23:35:31  *** Bjarni is now known as _nobody_
23:35:38  <_nobody_> <Sacro>	nobody loves me :( <-- no I don't
23:35:42  *** _nobody_ is now known as Bjarni
23:36:14  <Sacro> nobody doesnt love me?
23:39:11  *** Zr40_ [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:42:14  <Wolf01> 'night all
23:42:17  *** Wolf01 [] has quit ["e ricordate, per la legge di avogadro non esiste cazzo quadro"]
23:42:55  *** Rens2Sea [n=Rens2Sea@] has quit []
23:49:07  <Sacro> hmm,this laptop apparently has 11 PCMCIA slots...
23:50:22  *** Damme [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:52:34  <Sacro> heh, AMD still mentioning 3DNow

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