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00:00:00 <Bjarni> then we will see if you use your voice or keyboard 00:00:43 <Eddi|zuHause> /test 00:01:11 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... konversation does not seem to have a shortcut like mIRC for sending the text uninterpreted... 00:01:25 <Eddi|zuHause> in mIRC it's Alt+Enter 00:01:58 <Bjarni> that reminds me of the /part and /quit thing on bash where people should reply /quit. One guy told it where he started his own sentence with "/quit and /part were on a trip (or whatever" and he got a rather long quit message :p 00:03:44 <Eddi|zuHause> actually... i am missing several small features of mIRC that i so got used to... 00:04:00 <Eddi|zuHause> i should be running mIRC under wine ;) 00:04:21 *** Cassac [Cassac@c-1a6de353.010-13-6f736c3.cust.bredband.no] has joined #openttd 00:04:54 <Cassac> bugs 00:05:00 <Cassac> Hi 00:05:01 <Cassac> ;) 00:05:04 <Gonozal_VIII> /quit 00:05:07 <Cassac> hehe :P 00:05:22 <OwenS> Hmm 00:05:27 <OwenS> :( 00:05:30 <Cassac> just found ttd the other day.. 00:05:31 <OwenS> [01:05:24] - --:quasar.oftc.net 432 OwenS /quit :Erroneous Nickname 00:05:46 <Cassac> How do you play multigame? 00:06:27 <Eddi|zuHause> oh... and the owen highlight thing is probably a setting, because when i set mIRC to highlight "Eddi", i never got highlighted when they said "Eddie" 00:06:44 <glx> Cassac: do you mean multiplayer? 00:07:06 <Gonozal_VIII> that would be "Eddi*" 00:07:57 <Gonozal_VIII> mirc is cool :-) 00:08:24 <lws1984> irssi is ice then 00:08:27 <lws1984> :p 00:08:41 <Eddi|zuHause> mIRC isn't that bad... especially since it got UTF-8 support... 00:08:51 <Eddi|zuHause> but it's not complete... 00:09:01 <glx> and it's not free 00:09:10 <OwenS> Eddi|zuHause: I believe it stops reading futher at the first capital 00:09:22 <OwenS> Owens possibly won't highlight him 00:10:23 <Eddi|zuHause> that would be kinda stupid... 00:16:19 <Bjarni> Owens 00:17:06 <OwenS> Yes? 00:17:26 <Bjarni> oh, it's getting late 00:17:39 <Bjarni> <OwenS> Owens possibly won't highlight him <-- read that as hightlight me 00:17:42 <Bjarni> so I tested it 00:17:55 <OwenS> lol 00:19:41 <Gonozal_VIII> hmm minin changes.log is empty.. wasn't empty some hours ago... 00:20:25 <Eddi|zuHause> i hate not having CIA-x in this channel... 00:20:36 <Eddi|zuHause> you miss out all the changes... 00:20:47 <Bjarni> yeah 00:20:56 <Bjarni> it's amazing how hard it is to move a bot :p 00:21:03 <Gonozal_VIII> i'm waiting for a sync withh trunk.. 00:21:10 <Gonozal_VIII> -h 00:22:13 <glx> Bjarni: yeah and they keep trying to make it join #openttd on freenode 00:22:38 <Bjarni> last commit was 30 hours ago 00:22:42 <Bjarni> now how did that happen? 00:22:51 <Bjarni> maybe my log broke 00:23:12 <Bjarni> yeah 00:23:26 <Bjarni> it stopped sending out emails to the developers with the commit logs 00:24:09 <Bjarni> well 00:24:17 <Bjarni> we got one commit in that date thing 00:24:20 <Bjarni> nothing big 00:25:12 <Gonozal_VIII> i tested that one, i even found a small bug that could be fixed *proud* 00:25:16 <mikk36> weee 00:25:22 <mikk36> nice to have fear mp for free :) 00:25:38 <Bjarni> huh 00:25:46 <Bjarni> fear multiplayer? 00:25:46 <mikk36> F.E.A.R 00:25:49 <Bjarni> wtf is that? 00:26:04 <mikk36> First Encounter Assault Recon 00:26:19 <Eddi|zuHause> that did not exactly help ;) 00:26:20 <Bjarni> unreal where you have no weapons, but everybody else does? 00:26:30 <mikk36> http://www.whatisfear.com 00:26:39 <Bjarni> now that would be the fear factor... you lose, but the question is how fast :p 00:26:59 <Eddi|zuHause> i even loose unreal with weapon ;) 00:27:05 <mikk36> lol 00:27:31 <glx> I like to be a sniper in unreal 00:27:40 <Bjarni> that reminds me of when I tried quake for the first time 00:27:50 <Eddi|zuHause> on average, i get -5 kills in any egoshooter ;) 00:27:55 <mikk36> lol 00:28:27 <Eddi|zuHause> -20, if you can fall off something ;) 00:29:02 <Eddi|zuHause> you can kill yourself in the most amazing ways ;) 00:29:19 <glx> yeah RPG in doom is fun to use near a wall 00:29:20 <Gonozal_VIII> ^^ 00:29:24 <Bjarni> I had a real 2D gfx card, so I had max 5 fps, sometimes 1. I lost big time and when I finally got a nice weapon, I ran away from the large area to increase the framerate enough to actually do something and somebody respawned right in front of me (lucky, I was just passing though that room). I fired and killed him right away 00:29:48 <Bjarni> then it became an issue that I "had been lurking, waiting for people to respawn" 00:29:58 <Bjarni> I'm not sure I ever played again 00:30:10 <Bjarni> my only kill and that became an issue 00:30:29 <Eddi|zuHause> reminds me of the time i tried the Prince 3 Demo 00:30:37 <Eddi|zuHause> on my 386 ;) 00:30:50 <JohnUK89> Night all :) 00:30:53 <Eddi|zuHause> i got like a frame every 5 seconds ;) 00:31:11 <Bjarni> actually I thought my graphic card was nice. It had 8 bit colours.... an upgrade at that time 00:31:17 <OwenS> lol 00:31:29 <Bjarni> also it was a portable computer with a SLOW updating monitor 00:31:41 <Bjarni> all I could see was shadows if the framerate became decent 00:31:44 <OwenS> I seem to remember my original PC having a 386, 4MB ram and 2MB HD. Of course, my memory from then sucks 00:31:52 <Eddi|zuHause> my card had an impressive 1MB RAM 00:32:11 <OwenS> Don't even ask me what the graphics card had... 00:32:16 <glx> I have a rage pro with 2MB 00:32:29 <Eddi|zuHause> it could do 64k colours in amazingly high Super VGA resolutions 00:32:47 <Bjarni> oh the resolution... it was 640x480 only 00:33:14 <Bjarni> that computer played monkey island 2 really well :D 00:33:16 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, that is high, if you only knew 256 colours on 320x200 before ;) 00:33:32 <glx> or CGA :) 00:33:36 <Bjarni> it was an upgrade from 640x400@1 bit 00:33:40 <OwenS> Haha 00:33:51 <mikk36> lol 00:34:02 <Gonozal_VIII> b&w display? 00:34:02 <Eddi|zuHause> which is sufficient for e.g Monkey Island, but not for e.g Die Siedler 00:34:08 <Bjarni> you will be amazed how much you can do on a 1 bit monitor if you are creative 00:34:52 <Bjarni> <Gonozal_VIII> b&w display? <-- what else? Did you expect it to have a colour table, so I could change the colours 00:34:54 <OwenS> Much like you can do shading with 8-bit I would presume 00:35:02 <Bjarni> oh yeah, I want pink and green today 00:35:04 <Bjarni> :p 00:35:07 <OwenS> :P 00:35:14 <Gonozal_VIII> ^^ 00:36:08 <Eddi|zuHause> my father's first laptop had like 4 "colour" greyscale monitor 00:36:08 <Bjarni> well, the best game on monocrome was Civilization 00:36:35 <Bjarni> I had a monocrome edition, so each town or unit got a bar under them with a pattern instead of the normal unit colours 00:37:03 <Eddi|zuHause> i always played civilisation with 256 colours 00:37:23 <Eddi|zuHause> i once tried the 16 colour version, and it looked really ugly 00:37:32 <Bjarni> yeah 00:37:47 <Bjarni> the 16 colour version is much worse than the monocrome version 00:37:48 <Eddi|zuHause> 256 colours were amazing 00:37:50 <Bjarni> go figure 00:37:59 <Eddi|zuHause> you saw the water floating at the coast 00:38:17 <mikk36> but still, nothing beats tt :) 00:38:29 <Eddi|zuHause> and the mointains and forrests changed appeareance depending on neighbouring tiles 00:38:31 <OwenS> Ill be happy when OpenTTD looses it's 8-Bit graphics though 00:38:38 <mikk36> yeah 00:39:05 <Bjarni> and the year limit 00:39:25 <mikk36> why is there a year limit anyway, if the game is totally rebuilt ? 00:39:26 <Bjarni> then I will be looking into vehicles of the 19th century 00:39:32 <Eddi|zuHause> and the only-one-level limit ;) 00:39:49 <Gonozal_VIII> 19th century vehicles, yeah 00:39:54 <mikk36> lol 00:40:06 <Bjarni> steam ships with paddle wheels 00:40:10 <Bjarni> would be awesome 00:40:19 <mikk36> riiight :P 00:40:20 <Gonozal_VIII> horsetrains :D 00:40:29 <Eddi|zuHause> 3rd century vehicles ;) 00:40:52 <mikk36> flintstones stile :P 00:41:07 <mikk36> style* 00:41:14 <OwenS> Once one has played Simutrans for a bit TTD's graphics look quite positively ugly :( 00:41:23 <Gonozal_VIII> the more passengers a train has, the faster it goes^^ 00:41:34 <OwenS> Haha 00:41:38 <OwenS> Wooden rails :P 00:41:42 <Bjarni> a long time ago, we talked about this and we (DV) decided that we are against using anything with horses or any other animals 00:41:57 <OwenS> :( Why? Too slow? 00:42:01 <Gonozal_VIII> why? 00:42:02 <Bjarni> Gonozal_VIII: downhill? 00:42:15 <Bjarni> the higher the load, the faster it goes downhill 00:42:15 <Gonozal_VIII> flinstones style 00:42:30 <OwenS> Bjarni: They would have to be unable to stop from speed though, fun ^^ :P 00:42:33 <glx> the animal could die 00:42:46 <glx> and that's against ttd rules 00:42:51 *** dp- [~dp@p54B2D5D6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 00:43:19 <mikk36> actually, yeah, even railroad tycoon looks better, but it doesn't have the nice funky pixelart :) 00:43:22 <Gonozal_VIII> no really.. why no animaly? 00:43:27 *** Nigel [~Nigel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:43:27 <Eddi|zuHause> i think it would be nice to have horse-tram and stuff... 00:43:36 <Gonozal_VIII> -y+s 00:43:50 <Eddi|zuHause> but i can live without it ;) 00:43:58 <Bjarni> hehe, that reminds me of Flintstones. I once saw an episode where Fred and Barney took the bus, ran to make it and got in. They then said they were lucky to be on the bus so they didn't have to walk. Then the bus driver said "starting... feeds down" and all passengers put their feeds down to move the bus 00:44:17 <Bjarni> <OwenS> :( Why? Too slow? <-- no, look silly or something 00:44:25 <Eddi|zuHause> "feet", not "feeds" 00:44:31 <Bjarni> haha 00:44:32 <mikk36> how do u make a horse small yet clear enough ? 00:44:37 <Bjarni> ok, I am getting tired 00:44:40 <mikk36> 2-3 pixels big ? :P 00:44:55 <Bjarni> draw the horses to be fat 00:45:00 <OwenS> Nah, move to 256px/tile 00:45:20 <mikk36> Bjarni, riight. then the horse will be 6 pixels big :P 00:45:23 <Eddi|zuHause> horses the size of a locomotive... should be fun ;) 00:45:34 <Bjarni> once guy once wrote on the forum that he had this brilliant idea about making each tile 1024x1024 and then you could zoom as much as you would like 00:45:41 <Bjarni> he really thought it would be a good idea 00:45:46 <Gonozal_VIII> not a single horse.. a lot of them 00:45:48 <OwenS> XD 00:46:00 <mikk36> Bjarni, but really, why not ? :) 00:46:07 <OwenS> Calculating HP would be insanely easy though :P 00:46:15 <Bjarni> in a spritebased game? 00:46:32 <mikk36> and ? 00:46:32 <Gonozal_VIII> a horse doesn't realy have 1 hp 00:46:43 <mikk36> horse has less 00:46:43 <Bjarni> that depends on the horse 00:46:51 <mikk36> and then u'd have to feed it etc :P 00:46:55 <mikk36> let it rest and so on :D 00:47:01 <Gonozal_VIII> running cost 00:47:06 <mikk36> would be huge :D 00:47:12 <Eddi|zuHause> that's running cost/breakdowns/etc. 00:47:23 <OwenS> Mental breakdowns? XD 00:47:32 <mikk36> oops, horse died :D 00:47:32 <Bjarni> btw Napoleon started the railroad building (without knowing it) 00:47:40 <Bjarni> he started a war, that increased the price of grain 00:47:48 <mikk36> no shit :) 00:47:59 <Bjarni> then horses became really expensive to feed and a mine tried to use steam instead 00:48:15 <Bjarni> didn't really work well, but it was a start 00:48:44 <mikk36> one question about the graphics: why do the new houses have to look so ugly ? 00:49:10 <Bjarni> because their parents would look ugly :p 00:49:37 <Bjarni> actually I don't know 00:49:48 *** dp-_ [~dp@p54B2F6CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:50:04 <Gonozal_VIII> game could start in the 18th century with horses and some very expensive steam engines at the end of the century :-) 00:50:48 <Bjarni> well, I can recall two people against the horse idea. One was DV and the other one was dominik81 00:50:54 <JohnUK89> Gonozal_VIII, Steam engines didn't really come into use until 1830...19th Century :) 00:51:10 <JohnUK89> Well...1827 if you wanna be picky 00:51:17 <Bjarni> bye bye dominik, so the anti-horse campaign is now reduced to one person 00:51:45 <JohnUK89> NO HORSES IN OTTD! :P 00:51:51 <Gonozal_VIII> didn't you go to sleep some time ago john? *gg* 00:51:57 <mikk36> lol 00:52:00 *** Nigel [~Nigel@] has joined #openttd 00:52:07 <JohnUK89> Gonozal_VIII, I was putting a download on :P 00:52:10 <Bjarni> JohnUK89: why not? 00:52:13 <OwenS> Damn LXF rearanging everything, I can't find it now :( 00:52:21 <Bjarni> it's not like you have to ride them or anything 00:52:36 <JohnUK89> Bjarni: I was joking :) 00:53:05 <JohnUK89> Hence the :P 00:53:33 <Bjarni> there is one problem with horses though 00:53:39 <JohnUK89> Too slow? 00:53:54 <Bjarni> eventually somebody will bug them to produce sparks or diesel smoke or something 00:54:05 <JohnUK89> Lmao 00:54:13 <mikk36> some things i hate for example in the urban renewal pack: the docks, the citibank, airportset,urban renew 00:54:50 <mikk36> i hate the docks most i think 00:55:01 <Bjarni> or use the horn/steam whistle 00:55:21 <JohnUK89> Bjarni: or make them go at 10,000mp/h 00:55:51 <Gonozal_VIII> i would like the idea of starting a game at the beginning of rail history 00:56:15 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p54B77FC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 00:56:38 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B7534B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:56:44 <OwenS> Also, don't trains lack movement animation? 00:56:49 <OwenS> They would glide... 00:57:24 <Bjarni> btw did you know that it was not until the 1850s, that means of measurements got invented to make pistons and cylinders fit each other. Until then, the pistons were made too small to ensure that they would not jam, so a lot of steam just ran though the gap 00:57:32 <JohnUK89> Right, download's on...I'm off...night 00:57:40 <Bjarni> making the pistons really leaky and inefficient 00:58:12 <Bjarni> <OwenS> Also, don't trains lack movement animation? <-- this feature is under development 00:58:51 <Gonozal_VIII> animated sprites? 00:59:13 <mikk36> what more is there to animate ? 00:59:23 <DaleStan> The piston rods, for one. 00:59:29 <mikk36> trains getting derty if not serviced enough ? :P 00:59:33 <mikk36> dirty* 01:00:00 <mikk36> erm.. pistons etc.. we'd have to zoom 4 times more to see them properly i think 01:00:10 <Gonozal_VIII> snow on the trains when they are above the snow line^^ 01:00:26 <mikk36> and then clouds that snow too ? :) 01:00:34 <mikk36> the trains don't get snowy that easily 01:01:00 <Bjarni> there is an animated gif of sprites of a steam locomotive with moving rods somewhere on the patch graphics forum... I think 01:01:06 <Bjarni> it looks really cool 01:01:33 <Eddi|zuHause2> how is the water animated? 01:01:49 <Bjarni> palette animation 01:01:52 <Gonozal_VIII> so horses would be perfectly possible if somebody makes them 01:02:20 <mikk36> http://nevadanorthernrailway.net/images/93%20winter%20tunnel.jpg 01:02:36 <Bjarni> also because here is how it works. Each time a vehicle moves, it adds to a counter and based on that counter, a vehicle can pick different sprites, meaning the RPM on the wheels depend on the current speed of the engine 01:03:22 <Gonozal_VIII> :-) 01:03:45 <OwenS> Hmm, I wonder how hard it would be to extract the actual simulation stuff form OpenTTD 01:03:46 <mikk36> another beautiful winter shot: http://www.wsr.org.uk/wsra2003/img/snow.jpg 01:04:06 <Bjarni> now if we can make the steam puffs in sync with the pistons using that counter, then it would be really cool :) 01:04:25 <mikk36> http://www.wildnatureimages.com/S%20to%20Z/Seward-Winter-Train-3..jpg 01:04:25 <Bjarni> mikk36: ever seen steam operation on a foggy day? 01:04:29 <mikk36> http://www.durango.org/Activities/YearRound/images/train_winter.jpg 01:04:35 <mikk36> ? 01:05:05 <Bjarni> a steam locomotive on a day with foggy weather 01:05:15 <mikk36> http://www.steamtraingalleries.co.uk/image/swanage_rail_325.jpg ? 01:05:26 <mikk36> like that ? 01:05:48 <mikk36> http://www.steamtraingalleries.co.uk/image/cathedrals_express_118.jpg 01:05:51 <Bjarni> the high humidity will prevent the escaped steam from vanishing, making even small engines make huge clouds of steam 01:06:08 <mikk36> aint that logic ? 01:06:14 <Bjarni> <mikk36> http://www.steamtraingalleries.co.uk/image/swanage_rail_325.jpg ? <-- yeah, a bit like that 01:06:16 <Eddi|zuHause2> eeek... driving on left... 01:06:18 <mikk36> but do we have weather in ottd ? 01:06:18 <Bjarni> actually a lot like that 01:06:50 <OwenS> Driving on the left rocks ^^ 01:06:55 <mikk36> bs 01:06:58 <Bjarni> I once recorded a steam locomotive on a foggy day 01:07:03 <Bjarni> didn't end up as expected 01:07:06 <mikk36> :) 01:07:11 <mikk36> what did u expect then ? 01:07:15 <OwenS> mikk36: It's not like it's any different 01:07:22 <Bjarni> a recording of a locomotive 01:07:45 <mikk36> then why does it rock ? :P 01:07:46 <Eddi|zuHause2> i guess you didn't see much of a locomotive ;) 01:07:47 <OwenS> I guess he got a cloud of steam 01:07:56 <Bjarni> what I got was a locomotive sounding the whistle to depart and then it turned into a steam cloud and the cloud started driving 01:08:00 <OwenS> mikk36: Because we do everything else left oriented 01:08:10 <mikk36> what everything else ? 01:08:13 <OwenS> Bjarni: Sounds fynny ^^ 01:08:15 <pv2b> in sweden, our trains drive on the left, and our cars drive on the right 01:08:16 <mikk36> i do everything right-oriented :) 01:08:20 <OwenS> mikk36: Reading, for example 01:08:23 <OwenS> Writing 01:08:27 <Bjarni> seriously, the engine vanished completely even though it was 5-10 meters away 01:08:37 <mikk36> OwenS, that is not traffic-related :P 01:08:48 <mikk36> lol @ Bjarni 01:08:56 <Bjarni> I was later told that they had been laughing really hard on the engine because they noticed what happened :D 01:09:28 <OwenS> Noticed the cloud? Or you? 01:09:34 <Bjarni> both 01:09:37 <OwenS> Haha 01:09:40 <Bjarni> the combo 01:10:05 <mikk36> http://www.leicawriter.homestead.com/files/oiling_the_steam_engine_in_fog.jpg 01:10:09 <mikk36> looks even nicer :) 01:10:31 <Bjarni> looked kind of cool when the funnel was the only visible part of the engine for a sec or two 01:10:53 <OwenS> Im glad I wasn't in any carriages (if applicable) behind it 01:10:54 <mikk36> :P 01:11:06 <Bjarni> OwenS: why? 01:11:17 <OwenS> Suddenly the place goes pitch grey :P 01:11:26 <OwenS> And possibly the smoke starts leaking in... 01:11:38 <Bjarni> it's steam, not smoke 01:11:45 <OwenS> it's a mixture, isn't it? 01:11:54 <Bjarni> if the train is diesel powered, then you realise that something is not right 01:12:00 <Gonozal_VIII> smoke doesn't care about the fog 01:12:20 <Bjarni> <OwenS> it's a mixture, isn't it? <-- not really. The amount of smoke do not increase due to weather, at least not much 01:12:53 <OwenS> Bjarni: But, the mixture of smoke to steam would stay constant - It's always the same ammount of steam, just it doesn't atmospherically disipate 01:12:54 <Bjarni> smoke+passengers is more of an issue in tunnels 01:13:17 <OwenS> Reminds me of that engine they had to drive backwards 01:14:05 <Bjarni> at departure after a standstill for a while, the driver opens the button of the cylinders to blow out the condensed water. You will get pure water/steam from doing this and that is where the steam cloud came from 01:14:10 <Gonozal_VIII> how did that work with steam subway? 01:14:30 <OwenS> Aah 01:14:40 <Bjarni> ? time 01:14:43 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: They fire it out through roof holes 01:15:32 <Bjarni> <OwenS> Reminds me of that engine they had to drive backwards <-- what so special about driving in reverse? 01:15:40 <Bjarni> I have done that 01:15:47 <Bjarni> with the cars in front of the engine 01:15:55 <OwenS> No, just the loco 01:16:07 <OwenS> Else you become axphyxiated in tunnels 01:16:20 <Bjarni> ahh, the cab-in-front engines 01:16:28 <mikk36> no 01:16:29 <Bjarni> they were designed to drive like that 01:16:33 <mikk36> reverse through the tunnel 01:16:36 <OwenS> These weren't 01:16:42 <OwenS> Southern Pacific Cab-Forward AC-6 4-8-8-2 according to the USSet 01:16:45 <mikk36> to not kill the passengers :) 01:16:53 <Bjarni> hehe 01:16:53 <OwenS> This was a freighter 01:17:06 <Gonozal_VIII> here are often trains with the cars in front of the engine, they don't turn around, so when they come back the other way the engine is in front 01:17:27 <mikk36> shiet 01:17:28 <mikk36> http://www.delfi.ee/news/paevauudised/110_112/article.php?id=13548574&pictureID=13549863 01:17:36 <mikk36> 200+ km/h hit 01:17:51 <Bjarni> Gonozal_VIII: that's normal. Then they can control the engine from a cab in the rear car 01:18:09 <Eddi|zuHause2> Gonozal_VIII: that is no problem with modern trains, since they got steering wagons on the other end, to control the engine 01:18:53 <Gonozal_VIII> there is no steering wagon at the end, just three normal wagons 01:19:26 <Eddi|zuHause2> you must have strange trains in austria... 01:20:05 <Bjarni> mikk36: at least the car got parts of it left, that looks like a car. I know of an accident where a car was hit with 90 km/h and it became stuck on the locomotive. It was about 10 cm wide afterwards and you had to know that it used to be a car to see it 01:20:05 <Gonozal_VIII> most engines are taurus 01:20:22 <Bjarni> taurus? 01:21:05 <Bjarni> Gonozal_VIII: you got a pic of that? 01:21:06 <mikk36> Bjarni, the sad story is that the car that hit the other one is in one piece, and 2 people that were in it are alive, one of them just broke a leg 01:21:11 <mikk36> all 3 in the other car were killed 01:21:14 <Gonozal_VIII> google has lots 01:23:08 <mikk36> Bjarni, i wonder wy they haven't put up the pics of the other car (the one that was hit) 01:23:08 <mikk36> http://www.delfi.ee/news/paevauudised/110_112/article.php?id=13548574 01:23:11 <mikk36> at the bottom 01:23:19 <Gonozal_VIII> http://www.klein-aber-fein.de/weblogs/zonebattler.twoday.net/2005/12/2005-12-15_containerzug-1.jpg 01:23:25 <mikk36> the red one is honda civic type-r 01:23:30 <mikk36> wit a rollcage 01:23:31 <Gonozal_VIII> http://images.derstandard.at/20060322/zug.jpg 01:23:33 <mikk36> with* 01:24:34 <Bjarni> Gonozal_VIII: they plan reversing with those engines between stations? 01:25:23 <Bjarni> the last image is mirrored. Look at the text on the front of the engine 01:25:37 <Bjarni> I first read it as BBQ and thought wtf until I noticed :) 01:25:45 <Gonozal_VIII> right^^ 01:25:51 <Gonozal_VIII> that's ÖBB 01:27:22 *** Nigel_ [~Nigel@] has joined #openttd 01:27:27 <Bjarni> I know 01:27:28 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't know if all the trains on this line drive backwards in one direction but i saw it at least twice 01:28:56 <Eddi|zuHause2> somehow i don't think that is practicable... 01:28:57 *** Nigel [~Nigel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:29:21 <Eddi|zuHause2> you'd have someone to watch signals etc. at the other end of the train 01:29:42 <Eddi|zuHause2> +to have 01:30:24 <Gonozal_VIII> there are only normal passenger wagons on these trains and i never saw somebody standing at the end of the last wagon 01:31:12 <Gonozal_VIII> but the trains are very short, only three wagons so maybe the driver can see enough through mirrors or something 01:32:18 <Eddi|zuHause2> i can't remember seeing a train without drivers cabin at the other end in the past 10 years... 01:33:45 <Gonozal_VIII> i'll take a closer look at that next time a go somewhere by train 01:35:44 <Gonozal_VIII> but as far as i know there is only one guy from öbb on the train, the driver.. and sometimes a second one that checks the tikets... but nobody at the end of the train 01:38:47 <Bjarni> <Gonozal_VIII> but the trains are very short, only three wagons so maybe the driver can see enough through mirrors or something <-- that's illegal to drive based on what you see in the mirrors 01:39:52 <Gonozal_VIII> i realy don't know how they do it... just saw them doing it 01:40:57 * Bjarni got a task for Gonozal_VIII 01:41:02 <Bjarni> figure out how they do it 01:41:40 <Gonozal_VIII> that's a quite difficult task 01:41:45 <Bjarni> it's a single email away 01:42:47 * Bjarni imagines that some of the cars got a cab that Gonozal_VIII never noticed 01:42:48 <Bjarni> :p 01:44:21 <Bjarni> if they don't have a cab, then it's a really interesting thing you noticed 01:44:29 <Bjarni> I need to get some sleep 01:44:38 <Bjarni> see you tomorrow when you got the answer 01:44:40 <Bjarni> :p 01:44:43 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x50c79a2e.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:46:21 *** Gwy[exOdKT] [~theo@dslb-084-060-198-155.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 01:49:13 <Gonozal_VIII> http://www.stich.priv.at/eisenbahnen/shuttle_1.html wohl doch steuerwagen da^^ 01:53:04 *** McWayne [~theo@dslb-084-060-197-120.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:54:29 *** OwenS [~oshepherd@cpc1-stkn6-0-0-cust801.midd.cable.ntl.com] has left #openttd [Kopete 0.11.1 : http://kopete.kde.org] 01:56:40 *** Gwy[exOdKT] is now known as McWayne 01:59:18 *** sayno [~sayno@ip67-88-107-227.z107-88-67.customer.algx.net] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 01:59:57 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 02:21:10 *** Netsplit oxygen.oftc.net <-> nobelium.oftc.net quits: egladil, JohnUK89, +glx 02:23:02 *** Netsplit over, joins: JohnUK89, +glx, egladil 02:23:02 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC76BB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:33:56 <mikk36> cmon guys, why so silent ? 02:43:24 <Nigel_> mikk36, theres no beer? 02:43:39 <mikk36> what about it ? 02:46:35 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 03:11:45 *** UE|sleepingtiem [MiniUrban@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: if at first you dont succeed, you fail.] 03:13:42 *** UserErr0r [MiniUrban@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 03:25:20 *** BJH2_ [~chatzilla@e176126153.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.12/20050915]] 03:31:34 <DaleStan> peter1138: Does GetVehicleCallback automagically return only 8 bits for the 8-bit callbacks, or does it always return 15 bits? 03:31:59 *** exe [~dfsfd@pub82.brzesko.net.pl] has left #openttd [] 04:15:55 *** Guest56 [Gono@N828P010.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 04:19:57 *** Gonozal_VIII [Gono@N711P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:21:29 *** Frankinator [Frankzilla@c529dc081.cable.wanadoo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:22:40 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:24:15 *** Guest56 is now known as Gonozal_VIII 04:43:08 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:56:23 *** robobed [~Leo@c211-30-119-166.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 04:56:37 *** robotboy [~Leo@c211-30-119-166.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 04:56:48 <lws1984> hehe, lilo's at it again 04:57:08 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has joined #openttd 04:57:11 *** mode/#openttd [+o Darkvater] by ChanServ 05:07:31 *** Zr40 [~Zirconium@zr40.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 05:21:39 <Tobin> lws1984: What's he doing? 05:22:05 <lws1984> --- Log opened Fri Aug 18 00:54:57 2006 05:22:05 <lws1984> 00:54 lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) [Global Notice] Hi all. We've lost contact with one of our main rotation servers....affected users, about 3000. We're removing it from rotation. Apologies for the inconvenience, and any additional information will be sent to wallops ("/quote mode yournick +w"). 05:22:10 <lws1984> 00:55 lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) [Global Notice] Have a good morning. Thanks for your patience, and thank you for using freenode! 05:22:39 <lws1984> lost contact with a server... 06:07:49 *** robotboy [~Leo@c211-30-119-166.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:07:49 *** robobed [~Leo@c211-30-119-166.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:07:51 *** PAStheLoD [~pas@catv-56656d26.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #openttd 06:12:20 <lws1984> hey, anyone know how long it takes before you can take over an AI? 06:17:54 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3FB89.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:18:09 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3EF5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 06:20:33 *** miika [~miika@cs181254239.pp.htv.fi] has joined #openttd 06:30:28 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has joined #openttd 06:30:35 <MeusH> hi 06:45:23 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 06:48:12 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 06:48:13 *** exe [~dfsfd@pub82.brzesko.net.pl] has joined #openttd 07:08:22 *** hj3lmen [~rasmus@cpe.atm2-0-5137.0x50a61c8e.kd4nxx16.customer.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 07:12:44 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 07:14:52 *** robobed [~Leo@c211-30-119-166.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 07:15:05 *** robotboy [~Leo@c211-30-119-166.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 07:20:03 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Quit: sleep.] 07:21:21 *** mikl [~mikl@port283.ds1-hl.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #openttd 07:39:29 *** Maedhros [~jc@i-195-137-43-74.freedom2surf.net] has joined #openttd 07:43:45 <Darkvater> morning 07:45:11 <MeusH> goodmorning Darkvater 07:48:07 <Darkvater> !seen cia 07:48:08 <DorpsGek> Darkvater, cia? hmm... I'm trying to remember... maybe... I'm not sure... no. I don't remember cia. 07:48:13 <Darkvater> F.U.C.K 07:48:21 <Darkvater> this is starting to get on my nerves 07:53:53 *** netgert [Gert@213-35-174-172-dsl.prn.estpak.ee] has joined #openttd 07:56:18 <Gonozal_VIII> "If you go me on the Nerven, I put you in the Gulli and 07:56:18 <Gonozal_VIII> do the Deckel druff and you never ever come back to the Tageslicht" 07:57:28 *** __bebe__ [ssssss@] has joined #openttd 07:58:00 <__bebe__> forgot to change the new IRC address here http://www.openttd.org/contact.php 07:59:04 <Gonozal_VIII> #openttd channel on irc.oftc.net <-- empty your cache? 07:59:44 <Rubidium> Gonozal_VIII: the #openttd link is still pointing to freenode 08:00:08 <Gonozal_VIII> http://www.oftc.net/ 08:00:19 <Gonozal_VIII> ah that link 08:00:36 <__bebe__> :) 08:02:09 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-083-102-070-129.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 08:02:29 <Darkvater> __bebe__: thanks 08:02:53 <__bebe__> no problem 08:03:21 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387D253.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 08:05:46 *** exe [~dfsfd@pub82.brzesko.net.pl] has left #openttd [] 08:06:15 <__bebe__> is there a site with a real world maps collection 08:06:56 <Prof_Frink> www.realworldopenttdmaps.org 08:07:18 <__bebe__> not working 08:07:20 <__bebe__> :S 08:07:23 <__bebe__> :D 08:07:52 <Darkvater> www.sitewithrealworldmapscollection.com 08:08:15 <__bebe__> hmmm 08:08:25 <__bebe__> not working 08:08:47 <Darkvater> :) 08:08:48 <Gonozal_VIII> ^^ 08:08:52 <Prof_Frink> Your intarweb is b0rken. 08:09:03 <__bebe__> yahoo is working OK 08:09:20 <Darkvater> bad DNS server? 08:09:47 <Prof_Frink> sounds like it. 08:12:13 <Gonozal_VIII> www.thereisnosuchsiteonthe.net 08:13:47 <__bebe__> i was imagining that 08:14:01 <__bebe__> i spent 2 days searching with google 08:14:40 <Gonozal_VIII> search for openttd heightmaps 08:14:56 <Patrick`> there are probably some threads about it on the forum 08:15:17 <Patrick`> with a decent heightmap, you can probably model any scale 08:15:37 <Patrick`> wales would fit into a 2048x2048, or europe into a 512x512 depending on how you spin it 08:15:53 <__bebe__> i tried to make my own maps using the heightmaps found on this site http://www.shatters.net/celestia/ 08:16:04 <__bebe__> specialy on the addon section 08:16:29 <__bebe__> but the earth map resulted mostly fluded 08:16:50 <__bebe__> and there wos whater on mars too 08:16:52 <__bebe__> :D 08:17:02 <__bebe__> *was 08:18:08 <Darkvater> flooded ;) 08:18:44 <__bebe__> sorry for the english 08:20:18 *** Tron_ [ENJxaDzs@nat-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #openttd 08:21:31 <Darkvater> Tron_: still no CIA T_T 08:21:52 <Tron_> *sigh* 08:23:02 <Darkvater> I don't want to flame CIA or any of the people there, but how hard can it be? 08:23:13 <Darkvater> If you coded the bot half-properly it's 1! line of change 08:24:20 <guru3> lol 08:24:31 <Tron_> probably they have a shortage of maidens to perform the bot moving ritual 08:26:38 <Rubidium> Darkvater: where is the SQL structure needed for the masterserver? 08:26:58 <Darkvater> Rubidium: SVN 08:26:59 <Rubidium> I've found one on the svn under website, but that one is not up-to-date 08:27:04 <Gonozal_VIII> maybe it was raining outside so they had to make their ritual bot moving fire inside the server room 08:27:08 <Darkvater> it's under masterserver/ 08:27:39 <Darkvater> if they're half smart they even have a script for that, where you just input old location & new location and press 'do it!' 08:27:59 * Darkvater cannot imagine the seemingly extreme difficulties this must take 08:28:18 <Rubidium> Darkvater: it is not under masterserver (at least no .sql file) 08:28:36 <Darkvater> you're asking me to look for it, right? ;) 08:29:14 <Rubidium> it would be nice; otherwise I have to add fields to my sql server till the queries succeed 08:29:30 <Darkvater> what do you exactly need? 08:29:46 <Darkvater> dammit, you should've asked yesterday. Had a sript online for someone else who asked about it 08:29:58 <Rubidium> the structure of the SQL tables used by masterserver 08:32:54 <Darkvater> *sigh* 08:32:58 <Darkvater> forgot the password :( 08:32:59 <Darkvater> hang on 08:35:57 <Darkvater> ok, there we go 08:38:00 <Darkvater> Rubidium: http://darkvater.openttd.org/mserver.nfo 08:39:07 <Darkvater> although you already know the queries, so you can make the fields yourself. Eg look at masterserver/udp.cpp 08:39:16 <Darkvater> function DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE) 08:40:00 <Darkvater> the website part just queries the masterserver and retrieves *some* values 08:40:31 <Rubidium> I know 08:42:53 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:45:50 <Darkvater> hope the file helps 08:47:09 <Rubidium> yes, it does 08:47:28 <Rubidium> thanks, by the way ;) 08:48:05 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@dslb-082-083-193-085.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 08:48:05 *** robobed [~Leo@c211-30-119-166.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:48:06 *** robotboy [~Leo@c211-30-119-166.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:50:25 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 08:52:50 <Rubidium> stupid mysql... 08:54:29 <Rubidium> datetime supports dates up to (just) 9999-12-31 :( 08:54:45 <Darkvater> that isn't enough? ;) 08:55:09 <Rubidium> not for 32bits dates 08:55:22 <Patrick`> it's stupid because it means that unless it's using a totally retarded method to store that information, that's an artificial limit 08:55:23 <Darkvater> hehe 08:55:41 <Patrick`> whatever computerised system of measuring time, that date is an arbitrary cutoff 08:55:50 <Patrick`> it's like making the maximum HP 100 instead of 255 08:56:18 <Patrick`> if it's not 2038 or the cutoff for 64-bit unix time, I don't care 08:56:39 <Patrick`> amusingly, I have a powermac which defaults to 1956 if the mobo battery goes flat and it's powered off. 08:56:48 <Patrick`> since that's before 1970, it plays merry hell with linux. 09:01:56 <guru3> lol 09:14:33 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: http://iThought.dk/ ] 09:22:07 <hj3lmen> BOOOM CRASH!!! 09:22:08 <hj3lmen> pis 09:22:29 <Nigel_> weee, 14 platform station 09:25:41 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has joined #openttd 09:25:55 <JohnUK89> Morning :) 09:28:43 <Nigel_> it's amazing what optimizing the stations can do to your profits 09:32:18 <MeusH> We already have <DorpsGek>, why not to extend it to show SVN commits? 09:34:17 <JohnUK89> I oughta play some OpenTTD...lol 09:45:18 *** Ammler [~Ammler@133-189.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #openttd 10:05:55 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:06:26 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 10:06:29 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 10:11:09 <Darkvater> eya Belugas_Gone 10:18:26 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:19:21 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has joined #openttd 10:22:26 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:22:42 <Nigel_> hmmm, now, thats a good idea 10:22:57 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has joined #openttd 10:23:14 <Nigel_> Howto Bankrupt Opposing Company, buy exclusive rights for a couple of years so their profits dry up 10:26:03 *** __bebe__ [ssssss@] has left #openttd [] 10:29:14 <Patrick`> Nigel, that feature was in the *original* game 10:29:21 <Patrick`> it's also not worth it 10:29:34 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has joined #openttd 10:31:19 <JohnUK89> You may as well let em get a few trains, lose money, buy em up for a quid when they go bankrupt due to their own stupidity and sell the trains and tracks 10:32:58 <Patrick`> buying them now buys the debt 10:33:07 <Patrick`> which is usually more than the cost of selling the infrastructure 10:33:58 <JohnUK89> Not as much loss as the method Nigel put forward :) 10:34:33 <JohnUK89> Buying exclusive transport rights isn't cheap 10:38:42 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x50c79a2e.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 10:38:45 *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ 10:38:50 <Patrick`> yeah, for the reward 10:38:51 <JohnUK89> Bjarni, morning :) 10:38:58 <MeusH> hello Bjarni 10:39:03 <Bjarni> hi people 10:39:08 <JohnUK89> Patrick`, well, what little reward there is :P 10:39:22 <Patrick`> causing someone infrastructure costs 10:39:32 <Patrick`> I guess if they just built a huge airports and rail nexus 10:39:41 <Patrick`> but for stopping a few bus stops? not worth it 10:40:14 <JohnUK89> Nah, buses can't really do much...not really a threat 10:40:29 <Patrick`> except with the new AI 10:40:34 <Patrick`> which buses EVERYWHERE 10:40:52 <JohnUK89> Yep lol 10:41:45 <Patrick`> and the towns grow so BIG 10:41:52 <JohnUK89> Lol 10:42:43 <Patrick`> it's like, I work away in the top half of the map and hey SHIT the bottom 52x1024 is solid houses 10:42:57 <JohnUK89> Lmao 10:43:17 *** ^pacman [~pacman@p54A357CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 10:43:42 <^pacman> lo 10:44:36 <MeusH> hello 10:45:11 <JohnUK89> Just started a game...going to let the AI expand as it wants 10:46:59 <JohnUK89> Bloody ell they expand quick 10:47:58 <JohnUK89> Well, for AI they do :P 10:50:23 <JohnUK89> Lol@the debug messages that it prints onto the terminal 10:50:37 <^pacman> there is something i dont know.. i installed ttd and the latest version of openttd. everything works fine but im wondering what alle these patches are about. do i need them? 10:50:38 <JohnUK89> dbg: [AiNew - BuildStation] Strange but true... station can not be build! 10:51:09 <^pacman> and what is TortoiseSVN 10:52:08 <MeusH> SVN utility for Winblows 10:52:11 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37BB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai] 10:52:20 <MeusH> you can download files from a SVN server 10:52:21 <Patrick`> if you lack the ability to google for yourself, you won't be able to use patches. No offense. 10:52:28 <MeusH> you can apply or create patch 10:53:31 <^pacman> thanks for the info Patrick`. but maybe you noticed that there are about 1 million versions of ttd, openttd, patches, add-on and what ever and i just dont know what i need 10:54:09 <JohnUK89> You need Google 10:54:16 <JohnUK89> Nothing more, nothing less 10:54:18 <JohnUK89> Just Google 10:54:51 <Patrick`> ^pacman: you know those guys who seem to know everything? 10:54:53 <Bjarni> JohnUK89: now I hope you learned your lesson and will behave yourself in the future 10:54:58 <Patrick`> there are 2 things that separate you from them. 10:55:00 <JohnUK89> Bjarni? 10:55:04 <Patrick`> raw intelligence and the ability to use google. 10:55:11 <Patrick`> the former, we can't fix. the latter we can. 10:55:21 <Patrick`> the best help I can give you is the tools to find things out for yourself 10:55:25 <Bjarni> JohnUK89: if you don't, then I will let the lightning hit your house next time 10:55:37 <JohnUK89> Bjarni: you bugger :P 10:56:18 <Bjarni> as you can see, I made thunder around your house as a warning 10:56:20 <^pacman> really nice behaviour to new users Patrick` 10:56:34 <JohnUK89> As I DID see...it's stopped :) 10:56:41 <Patrick`> ^pacman: I'm actually not doing this to offend you. 10:56:47 <Patrick`> it's the unpleasant truth. 10:56:53 <Patrick`> people don't pay me to pull punches. 10:57:32 <Bjarni> <JohnUK89> As I DID see...it's stopped :) <-- yeah, I figured you got the message by now 10:57:59 <JohnUK89> Bjarni: it knocked the power out 5 times! 10:58:08 <Bjarni> serves you right 10:58:23 <JohnUK89> Dunno what I did to deserve it... 10:58:27 <^pacman> well im new to this game and i know how google works. its just that there are so many things to download for this game and i dont know whats compatible to each other. but it seems you cant help me here so i just stop asking 10:59:09 <Patrick`> oh, it's all on the forums 10:59:14 <Bjarni> <JohnUK89> Dunno what I did to deserve it... <-- you failed to call yourself lolman, even though I told you to do so 10:59:21 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37BB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 10:59:22 <JohnUK89> :-D 10:59:22 <Patrick`> and no, I don't know about your specific situation 10:59:35 <Patrick`> but I'm telling you what I'd do in your place in order to find out 10:59:44 <Patrick`> rather than doing it and then telling you the answer 11:00:02 *** JohnUK89 is now known as lolman 11:00:48 <^pacman> what i figured out already is that ttdpatch und openttd seem not to be compatible to each other 11:01:05 <lolman> ^pacman, that's because they are two seperate entities 11:01:33 <lolman> ttdpatch uses the original TTD executable, OpenTTD only uses the data files 11:02:01 <^pacman> yes, and i decided to install openttd. so now it seems there are some patches available for openttd, like add-ons. right? 11:02:53 <lolman> ^pacman, well there's stuff like the MiniIN, which is a build of OpenTTD with more stuff in 11:03:03 <lolman> stuff being features and patches 11:03:15 *** Mucht|work [~mucht@] has joined #openttd 11:03:35 <lolman> Oh and Bjarni oh great one, I have learned from my past transgressions 11:05:39 <^pacman> will features of miniIN be included in openttd in future versions? 11:06:07 <lolman> ^pacman, that depends on whether the developers want to include them, and whether they are bug-free 11:06:33 <^pacman> so miniIN is something like a testing place 11:06:40 <lolman> Yes 11:06:48 <Patrick`> and also just for fun 11:07:12 <lolman> MiniIN rocks :-D 11:08:04 <^pacman> TGP is not included in 0.4.8. right? 11:08:11 *** jneves [~jneves@adsl-sul02-1-5.vianw.pt] has joined #openttd 11:08:31 <lolman> ^pacman, that is correct, but it is ready for merge (I think) 11:09:18 <lolman> Bjarni, is TGP ready for merge? 11:09:36 <Bjarni> I think so 11:09:42 <Bjarni> Darkvater: do you agree? 11:09:47 <^pacman> seems most of openttd users use linux 11:09:52 <Bjarni> did you look at it like you said you would? 11:09:54 <Bjarni> :p 11:10:10 <Patrick`> ^pacman: yeah, compiling from source on windows is more problematic 11:10:16 <Patrick`> I used to do it a lot though 11:10:32 <lolman> problematic? Near on impossible more like.. 11:10:40 <Patrick`> cygwin always worked fine for me 11:10:43 <Patrick`> apart from the PNG thing 11:10:48 <Patrick`> and my truly truly bizzare SDL bug 11:10:54 <lolman> Lol 11:11:14 <Patrick`> (where you put the window size to a multiple of some number, open the map, switch to industry colour view, and drag it off the bottom-*left*) 11:11:15 <lolman> I oughta get a copy of MiniIN...my only other copy was on Winblows 11:11:26 <Patrick`> BAM 11:11:28 <Patrick`> instant crash 11:11:32 <Patrick`> or maybe it was bottom right 11:11:39 <Patrick`> anyway, it only happens on cygwin ... 11:11:48 <^pacman> i guess a windows version of TGP will take a bit longer until it can be downloaded 11:12:15 <lolman> ^pacman, there should be nightly builds of it...somewhere...lol 11:12:58 <^pacman> err yes there is test-release available, works fine imho. but it would blow the newest version of openttd i guess 11:13:33 <lolman> Ah that reminds me...need to install subversion 11:13:34 *** OwenS [~oshepherd@cpc1-stkn6-0-0-cust801.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 11:14:51 <MeusH> !seen JohnUK89 11:14:52 <DorpsGek> MeusH, JohnUK89 (~john@ was last seen changing his/her nick to lolman on #openttd 14 minutes ago (18.08. 11:00). lolman is still there. 11:15:08 *** Ammler [~Ammler@133-189.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:15:08 <MeusH> GOT YOU! 11:15:15 <lolman> Bjarni made me! 11:15:24 <MeusH> no he didn't 11:15:31 <MeusH> Bjarni is a coder not a mofo 11:15:35 <MeusH> I hope 11:15:39 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 11:15:40 <Patrick`> sing us a song, you're the piano man! 11:15:45 <lolman> He made me change nick lol 11:15:51 * Patrick` plays billy joel and cries into his scotch 11:16:24 <MeusH> did he threaten you? 11:16:34 <lolman> Yes, he sent lightening over 11:16:44 <lolman> It knocked the power out 5 times 11:18:02 <Bjarni> here is the good part. I had to have done it, otherwise I would not be able to tell about the local weather at lolman's from where I am (overseas) 11:18:41 <lolman> Bjarni > God :P 11:18:54 <MeusH> Bjarni > SROTU 11:19:00 <OwenS> lolman, your wrong. Bjarni == God :P 11:19:11 <lolman> OwenS hehe 11:19:21 <MeusH> Bjarni > /dev/urandom 11:19:40 <Bjarni> random??? 11:19:52 <lolman> cat /dev/urandom > Bjarni 11:19:58 <lolman> :-D 11:20:04 <MeusH> cat /dev/null > Bjarni :P 11:20:17 <MeusH> Bjarni, you're full of null now 11:20:21 <OwenS> MeusH: /dev/null produces nothing, it's only writable 11:20:22 <Bjarni> blasphemy 11:20:22 <MeusH> you've been nullified! 11:20:37 <MeusH> OwenS: Who cares, it's null :) (thanks) 11:20:45 <Bjarni> hmm 11:20:50 <OwenS> void* pB = mmap("/dev/Bjarni"); 11:20:52 <OwenS> Hmm 11:21:00 <Bjarni> where to find thunder to move towards MeusH.... 11:21:11 <MeusH> on the sky! on the sky! 11:21:18 * MeusH goes under his desk 11:21:27 <OwenS> for(int i = 0; i < sob; i++) { ++pB = 0; } 11:21:43 <Bjarni> dammit, no thunder at all near Poland 11:21:51 <Bjarni> this might take a while then 11:21:54 *** jneves [~jneves@adsl-sul02-1-5.vianw.pt] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:22:01 <MeusH> It's over 30deg C 11:22:03 <MeusH> it's blazing 11:22:07 <MeusH> send a rain over here 11:22:10 <MeusH> pleease! 11:22:31 <Bjarni> no way 11:22:36 <OwenS> I think he should send a heatwave 11:22:38 <lolman> MeusH, it's FREEZING over here, thanks to Bjarni 11:22:39 <Bjarni> I want to keep the rain here 11:22:53 <OwenS> Hmm 11:22:57 <Bjarni> we got what we usually get in 3 months in just 2 weeks 11:23:48 *** Captain_Sifff [~sifff@pD9E5EBDA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 11:24:12 <OwenS> void* pW = mmap("/dev/weather"); 11:24:12 <OwenS> Weather* pMHW = WeatherManager::find("MeusH", pW); 11:24:12 <OwenS> pMHW->setWeatherType(WT_SUN); 11:24:12 <OwenS> pMHW->setHeat(100, DEG_CELCIUS); 11:24:12 <OwenS> pMHW->commit(); 11:24:30 <lolman> Bjarni, the first I knew of the lightening was when my computer turned off 11:24:52 <MeusH> OwenS, do you know what have you done? 11:25:05 <OwenS> Yes, your blood should be boiling right about now 11:25:10 <lolman> OwenS, you just made poland BOIL! 11:25:12 <MeusH> how do you know? 11:25:17 <Bjarni> hmm, it appears that they didn't put a certain pic online. They showed it in the news yesterday 11:25:20 <OwenS> 100 Deg celcius? 11:25:22 <MeusH> I don't want to turn into a big bubble! 11:25:23 <MeusH> oh no 11:25:25 <Bjarni> some guy took his boat and sailed down the road 11:25:35 <lolman> Bjarni, lmao 11:25:36 *** Ammler [~Ammler@133-189.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #openttd 11:25:38 <MeusH> :D 11:26:14 <Captain_Sifff> Hi! I've got a question regarding the OTTD- Code: Is GetSlopeZ supposed to take negative y-values ? 11:26:29 <Bjarni> http://galleri.tv2.dk/index.php/category-Vejret/id-4676915/page-9.html <-- here it is 11:26:42 *** Ammler [~Ammler@133-189.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:26:46 <Bjarni> not a huge one though, but still... 11:26:49 <OwenS> pMHW->setWeatherType(WT_HAIL); 11:26:49 <OwenS> pMHW->setAmmout(1000, WEIGHT_TONNES, TIME_SECCOND, AREA_SQMETER); 11:26:49 <OwenS> pMHW->setHeat(-50, DEG_CELCIUS); 11:26:49 <OwenS> pMHW->commit(); 11:27:03 <Bjarni> now that was a rainy day 11:27:11 <Rubidium> Captain_Sifff: no, it isn't and also not outside of the map on the other side 11:27:29 * MeusH dies 11:27:31 * MeusH burns 11:27:35 * MeusH cries 11:27:37 * MeusH stuff 11:27:40 * MeusH urandom 11:27:43 * Bjarni sends MeusH downstairs 11:27:45 <lolman> burns? It's -50! 11:27:46 <OwenS> Burns? Thats dropping 1000 tonnes of ice per seccond per sqmeter 11:28:01 <Bjarni> well, I did send him to hell after all 11:28:03 <MeusH> OwenS: it hasn't fallen yet 11:28:07 <Captain_Sifff> well I've got a crash there with y = -16 ... 11:28:08 <OwenS> Oh 11:28:23 <MeusH> It will fall down and crash on the ground in 10 seconds 11:28:30 <OwenS> pMHW->setLightning(LIGHTNING_VIOLENT); 11:28:30 <OwenS> pMHW->commit(); 11:28:31 <MeusH> but Bjarni sent be downstairs 11:28:35 <MeusH> and I'm safe 11:28:36 <MeusH> hahaha 11:28:37 <Rubidium> which version and which branch 11:28:44 <MeusH> I'm safe from lighting and ice 11:28:50 <Bjarni> <MeusH> and I'm safe <-- in hell? 11:28:58 <MeusH> downstairs 11:29:02 <OwenS> Even when you get a 100 tonne ice cube? :P 11:29:09 <Bjarni> http://galleri.tv2.dk/index.php/category-Vejret/id-4676915/page-15.html <-- you know, it's bad when sewers work like this 11:29:14 <OwenS> I'm suprised it doesn't knock down your house 11:29:40 <MeusH> I don't care, I'm dead 11:29:44 *** MeusH is now known as MeusH[dead] 11:29:45 <Captain_Sifff> OTTD-MiniIN, rev. from yesterday, with UK - Set + PlaneSet(1.5.2?) + newhouses 11:30:13 <Captain_Sifff> you need a backtrace ? 11:30:27 <Rubidium> known bug, already fixed in trunk, but MiniIN has not been synced since then 11:31:30 <Captain_Sifff> you know the patch-number ? 11:32:45 <Rubidium> there are two... 5841 and 5883 11:32:59 <Captain_Sifff> ah yes, I've found them 11:33:16 <Rubidium> workaround is disabling disasters and not building airports near the edge of the map 11:33:56 <Captain_Sifff> OK, I'll try to apply these patches locally... 11:34:03 <Captain_Sifff> thanks a lot! 11:36:03 *** Maedhros [~jc@i-195-137-43-74.freedom2surf.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:38:47 <Captain_Sifff> Don't know, if I'm telling anything new: Changeset5841 applies cleanly against MiniIN , 5883 with an offset of 11 lines 11:40:57 *** Maedhros [~jc@i-195-137-43-74.freedom2surf.net] has joined #openttd 11:46:16 *** MeusH_ [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has joined #openttd 11:48:08 <lolman> Hmm where does Subversion put stuff by default? 11:48:22 <lolman> Aha ignore that :P 11:49:03 <lolman> I should stop asking stuff and look lol 11:49:35 * Bjarni gives lolman a 10 sec penalty for asking a stupid question 11:50:17 <lolman> There, penalty over 11:50:21 <lolman> :-D 11:50:25 * lolman needs food, brb 11:52:48 *** MeusH[dead] [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:53:28 *** Alltaken [~chatzilla@203-97-223-241.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #openttd 11:53:53 <lolman> Right, I'm back :P 11:54:19 <Alltaken> so am i 11:54:22 <Alltaken> i am back 11:54:36 <Alltaken> everyone know that i am back, otherwise you might miss me from being back 11:54:42 *** lolman is now known as back 11:54:48 <Alltaken> damn 11:54:50 <back> No you're not, I am :-D 11:54:52 <Alltaken> ok i am not back 11:54:56 *** back is now known as lolman 11:55:51 *** MeusH_ is now known as MeusH 11:55:54 <MeusH> hey Alltaken 11:56:01 *** miika [~miika@cs181254239.pp.htv.fi] has quit [Quit: miika] 11:56:50 <Alltaken> hey MeusH 11:57:06 <MeusH> Alltaken: how about Crazy Vaclav's models? 11:57:17 <MeusH> isl he going to give them to us? 11:57:21 <Alltaken> he did the planes? 11:57:34 <Alltaken> i dunno.... haven't talked to him... anyone know his email addy? 11:57:37 <MeusH> planes, refinery, chopters 11:58:02 *** mikl [~mikl@port283.ds1-hl.adsl.cybercity.dk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:58:21 <Alltaken> hmmm 11:58:29 <Alltaken> well what is the rumour on the street 11:58:39 <Alltaken> lets get a website set up urgently for all file uploads to then 11:59:24 * Bjarni gives lolman a 10 sec penalty for using a false name 11:59:31 <Alltaken> we kind of need one that keeps track of file versions too though 11:59:55 * lolman slaps Bjarni 12:00:01 <OwenS> Bjarni: I'd suggest you !kick lolman for that 12:00:07 *** lolman was kicked from #openttd by Bjarni [serves you right] 12:00:19 *** lolman [~john@] has joined #openttd 12:00:27 <lolman> :) 12:00:28 <MeusH> Alltaken, http://tt-forums.net/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=9531 12:00:32 <MeusH> there is no e-mail addy 12:00:52 <MeusH> but it is probable that PMs sent to him are being forwarded and sent on his e-mail 12:00:54 <OwenS> PM him, it will end up in his inbox 12:01:02 * lolman slaps lolman for being so stupid 12:01:31 <OwenS> lolman: More appropriate to say would be !kick lolman ;) 12:01:36 * Bjarni gives lolman a 10 sec penalty for violence in the channel 12:01:42 <lolman> OwenS: ;-) 12:01:51 <lolman> !kick OwenS 12:01:55 <lolman> :-p 12:01:55 * Bjarni gives lolman a 10 sec penalty for speaking in penalty time 12:01:57 <OwenS> Which suspiciously reminds me of a QDB quote 12:01:58 <MeusH> Bjarni: are you sure lolman can add these numbers? 12:02:02 <Bjarni> no 12:02:08 <MeusH> lolo 12:02:15 <lolman> Yes I can 12:02:18 <lolman> :) 12:02:25 * Bjarni gives lolman a 10 sec penalty for speaking in penalty time 12:02:33 <MeusH> lolman, how are you? 12:02:40 <Bjarni> you don't have to add those numbers 12:02:44 <Bjarni> you multiply them 12:03:08 * lolman says "stuff it" 12:03:49 <lolman> Ooh, no penalty... 12:03:51 <Nigel_> surely the solution is, die, then by the time you reincarnate you will be out of penalty time? 12:04:45 * Bjarni gives lolman a 10 sec penalty for speaking in penalty time 12:04:54 <lolman> You bugger 12:04:56 * Bjarni gives lolman a 10 sec penalty for speaking in penalty time 12:05:03 <lolman> o_0 12:05:07 * Bjarni gives lolman a 10 sec penalty for speaking in penalty time 12:05:14 <OwenS> !kick lolman 12:05:27 <OwenS> It's for the best :P 12:05:29 <lolman> !ban OwenS 12:05:48 * Bjarni sets mode +b lolman 12:05:55 <Bjarni> I decide who to ban 12:05:56 <OwenS> rofl 12:06:00 <lolman> lmao good try at fooling me :) 12:06:23 *** mode/#openttd [+b *!*john@149.254.200.*] by Bjarni 12:06:39 *** mode/#openttd [-b lolman!*@*] by Bjarni 12:06:44 <Bjarni> hmm 12:06:49 <Bjarni> how to unban... 12:07:03 *** mode/#openttd [-b *!*john@149.254.200.*] by Bjarni 12:07:06 <lolman> You sod :P 12:07:18 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:07:18 *** Zaviori [~Zavior@d195-237-7-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 12:07:37 <lolman> You really don't like me do you? 12:07:47 <OwenS> !stats 12:07:47 <DorpsGek> http://devs.openttd.org/~truelight/stats/openttd.html 12:07:52 <OwenS> !coke 12:07:58 *** Bjarni was kicked from #openttd by Darkvater [stop manipulation the stats!] 12:07:58 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x50c79a2e.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 12:08:01 *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ 12:08:04 <Bjarni> if I really didn't like you, I would either not unban you or ignore you 12:08:07 <Bjarni> hi Darkvater 12:08:17 <lolman> Bjarni, phew :P 12:08:32 <Bjarni> Darkvater: did you look at TGP? 12:08:42 <Darkvater> not et 12:09:02 <Bjarni> today is the day where TrueLight returns to merge 12:09:13 <Bjarni> unless something turns up 12:09:39 <OwenS> Sacro 774116284355 yesterday "especially if its a welsh woman" What was he saying? :o 12:09:44 *** netgert [Gert@213-35-174-172-dsl.prn.estpak.ee] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:09:49 *** netgert [Gert@213-35-174-172-dsl.prn.estpak.ee] has joined #openttd 12:09:53 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 12:09:57 <MeusH> hey Sacro 12:10:03 <OwenS> Speak of the devil 12:10:07 <Bjarni> speaking of the devil 12:10:28 * OwenS slaps Bjarni - Thats my line! :P 12:10:40 <Bjarni> no 12:10:47 <Sacro> ~logs 12:10:53 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 12:10:53 <Sacro> !logs 12:10:58 <MeusH> logz 12:10:58 <Bjarni> they got different MD5 values, so they aren't the same line 12:11:05 <OwenS> How can you confuse ~ and !? Theyre at oposite sides of the keyboard 12:11:20 <Bjarni> OwenS: it's Sacro... don't ask and don't think about it 12:11:31 <OwenS> Aha, true, it's for the best 12:11:34 <Bjarni> it will only hurt your head and never reach any logic conclusion 12:11:45 <Rubidium> OwenS: maybe on your keyboard, but on mine they are neighboring keys... 12:11:51 <Sacro> OwenS: different channels have different bots 12:11:54 <Bjarni> hopefully you will not find an answer, that you find logically 12:11:56 <Darkvater> we should ban all those weird keyboards 12:12:00 <Darkvater> !help 12:12:07 <OwenS> !commands 12:12:08 <Darkvater> !help dorpsgek 12:12:11 <OwenS> I beleive 12:12:13 <MeusH> they would really think about refitting things 12:12:16 <OwenS> !list 12:12:16 <Darkvater> !godverdomme help jij bitch! 12:12:22 <Sacro> < OwenS> Sacro 774116284355 yesterday "especially if its a welsh woman" What was he saying? :o <- you cant call an old lady Mis Jones 12:12:24 <MeusH> OpenTTD is something which likes linux 12:12:34 <Sacro> !spam 12:12:42 <Bjarni> speaking of bots in here http://www.qdb.us/64298 12:12:42 <MeusH> I really think there would be more spam without operations 12:12:56 <Bjarni> but I guess most of you remember this one xD 12:12:58 <Bjarni> specially Sacro 12:13:39 <Bjarni> Sacro: ok, then we call an old lady Janet Jones 12:13:49 <Bjarni> or even Born_Acorn 12:14:15 <Sacro> my hands smell of dough :s 12:14:23 <Bjarni> ... 12:14:37 <MeusH> Cash is soo cool 12:14:40 <Sacro> interview for a bakery job 12:14:50 <MeusH> I think cash would be cooler if its smell was more intense 12:15:05 * Bjarni sends Sacro away from the playfield to hit the showers 12:15:14 <Zaviori> !kick harrison ford 12:15:31 <Bjarni> --- harrison :No such nick/channel 12:15:52 <MeusH> !kick #openttd 12:15:55 <Bjarni> <MeusH> I think cash would be cooler if its smell was more intense <-- tell that to Scrooge McDuck 12:16:02 <Sacro> !kick MeusH 12:16:08 *** Guest56 [Gono@N840P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 12:16:08 <MeusH> !whois Scrooge McDuck 12:16:08 <Zaviori> !part #openttd suckers 12:16:14 <Zaviori> :'( 12:16:16 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has left #openttd [suckers] 12:16:19 <Sacro> :o 12:16:26 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has joined #openttd 12:16:27 *** MeusH was kicked from #openttd by Bjarni [channel hater] 12:16:32 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has joined #openttd 12:16:34 <MeusH> lol 12:16:40 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 12:16:40 <MeusH> !logs 12:17:44 <MeusH> Darkvater: would you have some time to take a look at http://bugs.openttd.org/task/283 ? 12:17:58 <Darkvater> not really while I'm at work 12:18:20 <Bjarni> when kicking the last time, I hit tab to complete the kick command (I usually don't) and it came up with if I wanted to KICK or KICKBAN 12:18:29 <MeusH> okay, I'll talk to you later :) 12:19:09 *** Zaviori [~Zavior@d195-237-7-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Quit: ( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )] 12:21:08 <Tron_> +STR_MEASURE_AREA :{BLACK}Area: {BLACK}{NUM} {BLACK}x {BLACK}{NUM} 12:21:15 <Tron_> setting the colour once is enough 12:21:40 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 12:21:48 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176126153.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 12:23:42 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 12:23:48 *** Gonozal_VIII [Gono@N828P010.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:24:21 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:24:27 *** Guest56 is now known as Gonozal_VIII 12:24:44 <Bjarni> I guess he didn't like that feedback :D 12:24:49 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has joined #openttd 12:25:05 * Bjarni slaps MeusH 12:25:10 <Bjarni> stay here when spoken to 12:25:24 <MeusH> sorry, my net went off 12:25:26 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 12:25:26 <MeusH> !logs 12:26:10 *** ThePizzaKing [~thepizzak@c211-28-157-212.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: -] 12:26:26 <MeusH> Tron: thanks for pointing it, now the patch will be cleaner :) 12:26:59 *** ThePizzaKing [~thepizzak@c211-28-157-212.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 12:27:13 <Sacro> Tron_: its just making sure 12:27:27 <OwenS> OMG 12:27:32 <Sacro> WTF 12:27:32 <Darkvater> hehe making sure ;p 12:27:36 <OwenS> HyperTransport's specifications are free 12:27:41 <OwenS> That makes a nice change 12:27:48 <Patrick`> Pfft, that's nothing 12:27:52 <Sacro> Darkvater: we need a {STILLBLACK} 12:27:59 <Patrick`> sun opensourced the verilog for the new core ages ago 12:28:08 <Patrick`> or whatever the core is described in 12:28:11 <hylje> :o 12:28:16 <OwenS> Patrick`: I know. Now I need a big enough FPGA :P 12:28:16 <Patrick`> it's ... uh, kind of pointless 12:28:16 *** bruce89 [~bruce@81-179-69-24.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #openttd 12:28:25 <Patrick`> since not every OSS programmer has a 65nm fab to hand 12:28:41 * Sacro sends Patrick` a big box of NAND chips 12:28:49 <OwenS> You can buy a FPGA though 12:28:51 <Patrick`> mm, 100 million transistors 12:28:59 <OwenS> XD 12:29:03 <hylje> Patrick`: you can produce said chips in a third party fab 12:30:42 <Patrick`> hylje: yeah, but the point is it's a useless move because nobody will use it that isn't a corporation in direct competition with sun 12:31:13 <OwenS> Patrick`: If I got a big enough FPGA I would like to produce a SOC version of it :P 12:31:52 <Patrick`> yeah, but an FPGA that size would be ... impressive 12:31:53 *** Nickman [~nickman@dD5778858.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 12:31:55 <Patrick`> and also slow 12:32:05 <OwenS> Patrick`: Prototyping, prototyping 12:32:16 <lolman> And would produce a LOT of heat 12:32:26 <OwenS> The FPGA might 12:32:31 <OwenS> But the CPU doesn't 12:32:45 <Bjarni> bool test = true; if (!test) test = true; 12:32:48 <Bjarni> just making sure 12:32:51 <lolman> You were on about the FPGA :P 12:33:17 <Bjarni> FPGAs rock 12:33:26 <OwenS> I want one :( 12:33:36 <OwenS> Unfortionately, theyre majorly expensive 12:33:53 <Bjarni> hmm 12:33:56 <Bjarni> maybe not 12:34:02 <OwenS> And once youve laid out your £250 for the FPGA, you need to spend £500 on the programming kit 12:34:18 <Bjarni> Xilinx sells a test set to students at a reduced price 12:34:50 <lolman> OwenS, when I win the lottery I'll get you the set ;-) 12:34:54 <Bjarni> it's nowhere near state of the art hardware, but they are decent and you can do a lot of stuff with them 12:35:01 <OwenS> Hmm... URL? 12:35:03 <lolman> When I win the jackpot, that is 12:35:48 *** mikl [~mikl@port283.ds1-hl.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #openttd 12:36:00 <Darkvater> Bjarni: that is suboptimal and you still do not know if test is true 12:36:19 <Darkvater> bool test = true; do {if (!test) test = true;} while(1); 12:36:27 <Darkvater> there, that should sort that nasty true out 12:36:48 <Bjarni> yeah 12:36:53 <OwenS> while(!test == true) !test; :P 12:37:17 <Bjarni> <OwenS> Hmm... URL? <-- of cause now that I mentioned it, I can't find it anymore :p 12:37:23 <Darkvater> how does that set test to true OwenS ? 12:37:24 <OwenS> XP 12:37:33 <OwenS> Oh, hmm 12:37:59 <OwenS> while(!(test = true)); 12:38:12 <Darkvater> while we're at it, why do we even test for trueness since we don't trust it anyways? 12:38:22 <Darkvater> for(;;) test = true; 12:38:41 <hylje> what the f, a wtf competition? wtf? 12:38:50 <OwenS> I think Bjarnis been reading a DailyWTF 12:39:20 <Bjarni> OwenS: http://www.xilinx.com/xlnx/xebiz/designResources/ip_product_details.jsp?iLanguageID=1&key=DO-CPLD-DK&BV_UseBVCookie=yes&BV_SessionID=@@@@1409237747.1155904682@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccceaddiidfdlehcefeceihdffhdfjf.0 12:39:32 <Bjarni> I don't think that is what I saw earlier, but this one looks cheap as well 12:39:47 <OwenS> :( CPLD 12:39:55 <Patrick`> haha 12:40:00 <Patrick`> test = true 12:40:27 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:40:27 <MeusH> what a strange link 12:40:33 <OwenS> It's amazing what you can do with while in c 12:40:45 <OwenS> while(++a = ++b) for strcpy :P 12:40:55 <OwenS> IIRC 12:41:21 <Patrick`> yep 12:41:34 <Bjarni> http://www.xilinx.com/xlnx/xebiz/designResources/ip_product_details.jsp?key=HW-SPAR3E-SK-US <-- spartan-3E starter kit 12:42:01 <Bjarni> but I did see a student discount or something 12:42:36 <Bjarni> maybe you should write an email or call them if you really want one and you are studying something where it's relevant to learn how to use their product 12:42:58 <MeusH> like mumificating corpses and removing teeth? 12:43:36 <Bjarni> remember, they want to make money and they don't really do that on private people. They mainly care about companies, so if you learn how to use their stuff and you later tell your boss "I tried a Xilinx board and it worked well", then he might buy a new one to you or maybe more than one 12:43:46 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 12:43:58 <Bjarni> Sacro is not in that target group though 12:44:00 <lolman> Oh noes, the devil returns 12:45:01 <MeusH> wb Sacro 12:45:12 <MeusH> you might switch to linux 12:45:16 <MeusH> bad rumors here 12:45:21 <MeusH> we know everything about you 12:45:34 *** MeusH is now known as MeusH[brb] 12:45:49 <hylje> the question is not why to switch to mac/linux, it's why not 12:46:20 <bruce89> depends what you want really 12:46:31 <lolman> My reason why not to was lack of SATA and Bluetooth support...but now that's there it's all I use 12:46:41 *** mikl [~mikl@port283.ds1-hl.adsl.cybercity.dk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:47:02 <hylje> bruce89: unless you need obscure windows apps, its linux all the way 12:47:07 <bruce89> indeed 12:47:23 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 12:47:23 <Sacro> !logs 12:47:29 <Sacro> what are you talkig about me for? 12:47:35 <hylje> hardware support is very good nowadays 12:47:57 <hylje> not as easy as on windows though, but with little RTFM it can be done 12:48:33 <hylje> i could use some driver helper software, liek display driver upgrades 12:48:45 <hylje> so if the new driver breaks hard, it could automagically recover 12:49:19 <bruce89> bluetooth works doesn't it? 12:50:05 <Darkvater> I want VS2005 on linux 12:50:10 <lolman> bruce89: yes, I'm connected via it 12:50:23 <lolman> Next iffy spot for me will be Wifi when I move 12:50:26 <Darkvater> or at least the .NET framework support in wine to get it installed and running 12:50:32 <hylje> mono does .NET 12:50:36 <bruce89> MonoDevlop 12:50:38 <hylje> as natively as in windows 12:50:53 <hylje> but not fully yet, and doesnt support windows.forms 12:50:56 <hylje> (afaik) 12:51:20 <bruce89> it partially does 12:51:37 <Darkvater> don't thik that'll allow me to install the software 12:51:47 <lolman> Yay I've just got swapping between Compiz and Metacity working :_D 12:51:48 <lolman> :-D* 12:51:54 <bruce89> I rather like the way if you search for mono in Google, it comes up with diseases 12:51:58 <hylje> :> 12:52:09 <hylje> monohydrogendioxide 12:52:16 <bruce89> watter 12:52:31 <bruce89> very dangerous chemical that 12:52:51 <Sacro> damn right it is 12:53:46 <lolman> Water has killed more people than wars 12:54:06 <bruce89> especially lack of it or dirty stuff 12:54:12 <lolman> Yes 12:54:39 <bruce89> metacity has compositing features now as well 12:54:52 <hylje> nice change of topic 12:55:06 <bruce89> yes 12:55:26 <OwenS> monohydrogendioxide? That would be HO2 12:55:28 <bruce89> it was in response to lolman above 12:55:45 <Patrick`> nice way to screw up a gag there, hylje 12:55:50 <Sacro> true 12:55:57 <lolman> bruce89: I prefer compiz + cgwd 12:56:01 <Sacro> its dihyrdogenoxide thats the problem 12:56:22 <bruce89> yes, it does have more things, but what is cgwd 12:56:25 <hylje> yeh i cant think straight at times ;) 12:56:34 <lolman> bruce89, it adds theming 12:56:40 <bruce89> ah 12:57:46 <OwenS> Sacro: Dihydrogenmonoxide you mean :P 12:58:14 <Sacro> H202 is bad too 12:58:28 <bruce89> Hydrogen Peroxide 12:58:45 <OwenS> Completely Different 12:59:10 <Sacro> i was after heavy water 12:59:23 <bruce89> that's just H2O 12:59:37 <hylje> with heavy hydrogen 12:59:39 <bruce89> but, with the hydrogen being 2AMU or 3AMU 13:00:21 <lolman> Heavy hydrogen is used in artificial fusion :) 13:01:13 <OwenS> Yes, Deutrinum, also known as Heavy Water 13:01:24 *** Sacro_ [~ben@] has joined #openttd 13:01:28 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:02:32 <lolman> OwenS, heavy water is simply water with an isotope of hydrogen...deutrium is the isotope that is most commonly IN the heavy water 13:02:58 <bruce89> or tritium 13:03:07 <lolman> bruce89, yes, I was about to say that 13:03:12 <lolman> But you beat me to it 13:03:18 *** Belugas_Gone is now known as Belugas 13:03:20 <bruce89> oh wl 13:03:25 <lolman> Ello Belugas 13:03:44 <hylje> i want water which is solely made out of two tritium and a oxygen 13:04:02 <bruce89> ask iran then 13:04:16 <lolman> I'm sure the nazis started making heavy water during WW2... 13:04:22 <bruce89> in norway 13:04:38 <Patrick`> T2O, eh? 13:04:40 <Patrick`> expensive stuff 13:04:55 <lolman> Patrick`, you can say that again 13:04:57 <Belugas> hello all 13:04:57 <lolman> :) 13:06:25 <Belugas> Darkvater : ping 13:06:54 *** Sacro_ [~ben@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:07:55 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 13:09:42 <Darkvater> pong 13:10:40 <Belugas> about XTDwidget and TGP, don't wait for XTD to merge TGP. 13:11:22 <Belugas> XTD will not be ready in time. I expect at least 2 more weeks before finalizing it 13:11:29 <Darkvater> was not my intention 13:11:41 <Belugas> ok, good then :) 13:12:05 <Belugas> i'll keep on torturing my brain quietly ;) 13:12:23 <Sacro> Darkvater: tgp mergy! 13:13:32 <Darkvater> :) 13:13:35 *** WolfAngel [~wolfangel@] has joined #openttd 13:13:47 *** Nigel_ [~Nigel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:15:28 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp85-140-82-188.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #openttd 13:17:04 *** Nigel [~Nigel@] has joined #openttd 13:17:34 <Captain_Sifff> I just ran vagrind against openttd. It found some memory leaks. So my question is: Is It intentional, that there is no counterpart to InitializeNPF, that deallocates all memory that got assigned during initialization ?(The Hash-fields in AyStar notably) 13:19:22 <Darkvater> ask blathijs that 13:19:24 <OwenS> Hmm, out of curiosity, do you call SDL_Quit()? 13:19:48 <Darkvater> valgrind has some valid memleaks eg some strdup which isn't freed, but some of its reports is just bogus 13:19:57 <OwenS> Yes 13:20:00 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:20:21 <OwenS> However, do you call SDL_Quit? 13:20:56 *** MeusH[brb] is now known as MeusH 13:21:08 <OwenS> ==4571== Source and destination overlap in memcpy(0xBE9E0678, 0xBE9E0680, 1016) 13:21:08 <OwenS> ==4571== at 0x4006983: memcpy (mac_replace_strmem.c:394) 13:21:08 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x48390151: (within /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:08 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x483904CE: snd_pcm_direct_server_create (in /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:08 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x48388B11: snd_pcm_dmix_open (in /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:09 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x483894C8: _snd_pcm_dmix_open (in /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:09 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x48357B34: (within /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:11 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x483581B5: (within /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:11 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x4835825A: snd_pcm_open_slave (in /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:13 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x48392CB8: _snd_pcm_softvol_open (in /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:13 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x48357B34: (within /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:15 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x48358282: snd_pcm_open_slave (in /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:15 <OwenS> ==4571== by 0x48372C3B: _snd_pcm_plug_open (in /lib/libasound.so.2.0.0) 13:21:17 <OwenS> That ones wierd 13:21:23 <Sacro> !kick OwenS 13:21:45 <OwenS> I wonder if SDL passes those pointers 13:22:06 <stillunknown> why are you not kicked for flood? 13:22:18 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC59F1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 13:22:40 <Sacro> stillunknown: not sure... Bjarni is slow 13:23:09 <Darkvater> OwenS: called in SdlClose and SdlAbort 13:23:17 <OwenS> OK 13:23:49 <OwenS> So, for some strange reason, either SDL doesn't call XCloseDisplay or XCloseDisplay doesn't clean up after XOpenDisplay 13:24:33 <MeusH> Add debug println in XCloseDisplay to make sure XCloseDisplay is being called 13:24:43 <Alltaken> yo yo, orudge you know of any software to do blender files on the server that will also manage version numbers? 13:24:49 <OwenS> XCloseDisplay is part of libx.so 13:24:51 <Captain_Sifff> I mean traces like this: 13:24:59 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== 17,184 (800 direct, 16,384 indirect) bytes in 2 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 86 of 100 13:25:00 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== at 0x402078A: calloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/x86-linux/vgpreload_memcheck.so) 13:25:00 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== by 0x80BD20B: init_BinaryHeap (queue.c:430) 13:25:00 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== by 0x806E8B8: init_AyStar (aystar.c:296)==30304== 17,184 (800 direct, 16,384 indirect) bytes in 2 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 86 of 100 13:25:00 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== at 0x402078A: calloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/x86-linux/vgpreload_memcheck.so) 13:25:01 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== by 0x80BD20B: init_BinaryHeap (queue.c:430) 13:25:01 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== by 0x806E8B8: init_AyStar (aystar.c:296) 13:25:03 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== by 0x80ADDE6: InitializeNPF (npf.c:1086) 13:25:03 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== by 0x8093B39: InitializeGame (misc.c:171) 13:25:05 <Captain_Sifff> 13:25:05 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== by 0x80ADDE6: InitializeNPF (npf.c:1086) 13:25:07 <Captain_Sifff> ==30304== by 0x8093B39: InitializeGame (misc.c:171) 13:25:15 <Captain_Sifff> oops, a bit much... 13:25:16 <Patrick`> yep, mastery of the pastebin there 13:25:26 <ln-> kick requested 13:25:46 *** _WolfAngel [~wolfangel@] has joined #openttd 13:25:50 <Darkvater> can you guys not spam the channel? 13:26:18 <Alltaken> else we will haxxor you 13:26:24 <Darkvater> Captain_Sifff: I know, looked at it several times, but blathijs has failed me with an answer 13:26:27 *** Tron_ [ENJxaDzs@nat-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:26:28 <Darkvater> !seen blathijs 13:26:29 <DorpsGek> Darkvater, if you can't see blathijs here right now, you probably need new glasses. ^_^ 13:26:29 <OwenS> Hmm, Xilinx uses a Google Search Appliance 13:26:37 *** Alltaken [~chatzilla@203-97-223-241.cable.telstraclear.net] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]] 13:27:19 <Bjarni> <Sacro> stillunknown: not sure... Bjarni is slow <-- no, it's called away 13:27:53 <Bjarni> there is a big difference 13:28:23 <Captain_Sifff> ok, just wanted to make sure the problem is known... There are also some leaks in YAPF(according to valgrind) but I can't tell there if it's really a leak... 13:30:09 <Captain_Sifff> Bye and Good Luck! 13:30:12 *** Captain_Sifff [~sifff@pD9E5EBDA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/] 13:33:46 <Sacro> hehehhee http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/trailer/ 13:35:22 <GoneWack1> haha 13:35:35 *** GoneWack1 is now known as GoneWacko 13:37:54 *** MeusH is now known as MeusH[away] 13:41:51 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 13:45:23 *** MeusH[away] [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:47:43 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 13:53:01 *** bruce89 [~bruce@81-179-69-24.dsl.pipex.com] has left #openttd [] 13:53:16 <Bjarni> http://www.qdb.us/24153 <-- go figure 13:53:54 <Bjarni> the same is the case with text-to-speech. The one MS made fails on all the app names for OSX and fails on OSX as well 13:53:58 <hylje> no 13:54:18 <Bjarni> well, I presume it will say "Mail" right 13:54:25 <hylje> mail dot app 13:54:29 <Bjarni> :p 13:55:20 <Bjarni> <zip`> bah no use arguing with people who think .fi is fiji 13:55:21 <Bjarni> haha 13:55:38 <Bjarni> we all know that it's Friisland ;) 13:56:19 *** Ammler [~Ammler@133-189.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #openttd 13:56:20 * Bjarni hides from hylje 13:56:52 <hylje> Dear aunt, Let's set so double the killer delete select all 13:57:01 <hylje> oh no, that was speech-to-text x) 13:57:19 <ChrisM87> Does anybody know whether the aircraft queueing patch is in the latest MiniIN? 13:57:53 <Nigel> hmmm, we once had a person come into a channel on freenode they said "hi, i am a femail" 13:58:04 <Rubidium> ChrisM87: http://svn.openttd.org/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/browser/branches/MiniIN/patches/MiniINpatches.txt 13:58:08 <ChrisM87> Rubidium: thx 13:58:21 <Nigel> should have got her parents address and posted her home 13:58:21 <Rubidium> so I guess it's not 14:00:01 <Nigel> must try miniin 14:00:12 <Nigel> maybe when i wake up later today 14:01:35 <Tron> Darkvater: one of the problems is that AyStar::free never gets called 14:03:36 <Darkvater> that is not so nice :( 14:04:54 <Tron> yeah, found this N months ago, but never investigated further 14:05:20 <Tron> Darkvater: where are these strdup()s? 14:07:44 <Darkvater> let' see 14:08:04 <Tron> *grml* damn Simutrans repo is down 14:08:55 <Darkvater> I'll have to look at home, but it was only 4-5 strdups made at the start of the game 14:09:12 <Darkvater> strangely even when I correctly freed them on shutdown, valgrind still complained :s 14:12:59 <Tron> ? 14:14:30 <Darkvater> go figure 14:15:01 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has joined #openttd 14:15:15 <MeusH> hello 14:15:42 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:16:17 <Sacro> :o you killed him 14:16:26 * MeusH slaps Sacro 14:16:29 <MeusH> It wasn't on purpose 14:17:46 <Sacro> wow...http://marlboro.com/ 14:18:51 <Mucht|work> dailywtf, huh? 14:18:58 <Sacro> yup 14:19:10 <Sacro> its...so...white 14:19:17 <Mucht|work> funny thing: they expect dailywtf-viewers to use firefox 14:19:30 <Mucht|work> I looked at the page with konqueror and thought: wtf? 14:19:45 <Mucht|work> because it was so - normal 14:19:50 <guru3> haha 14:20:07 <MeusH> Sacro: the redirection didn't work 14:20:16 <Sacro> MeusH: course it wont 14:20:20 <Sacro> whats wrong with a 303 14:20:25 <MeusH> why are you so sure? 14:20:26 <MeusH> maybye it works in IE... 14:20:27 <MeusH> lol 14:20:37 <MeusH> I don't get that site 14:20:41 <MeusH> what's point of it? 14:20:46 <MeusH> *the point 14:20:53 <OwenS> Apparently #openttd is oftc's 4th biggest channel, sorted by people 14:20:58 <guru3> lol 14:21:03 <SpComb> MeusH: the TDW post mentions firefox, I think... 14:21:07 <Sacro> MeusH: its some arse who doesnt know how to do a proper redirect 14:21:09 <guru3> OwenS: what's 1, 2 and 3? 14:21:13 <SpComb> "Today's example comes straight from Marlboro.com and is best experienced with FireFox." 14:21:15 <OwenS> 1 is debian, I dunno the rest 14:21:22 <MeusH> :) 14:21:29 <MeusH> SpComb: can you give me the link, please? 14:21:31 * Sacro tries in ie5 14:21:35 <SpComb> MeusH: to what? 14:21:37 <hylje> thedailywtf.com 14:21:38 <SpComb> http://thedailywtf.com/ 14:21:41 <SpComb> clickable! 14:21:41 <MeusH> thanks 14:21:46 <MeusH> OwenS: we have had around 100 people on freenode :F 14:21:46 <Sacro> BWAHAHAHA 14:21:48 * SpComb slaps hylje around a bit with a hylje 14:21:49 <OwenS> #debian, #vserver, #oftc, #openttd 14:21:51 <Sacro> it just kills IE5 14:22:07 <MeusH> no way 14:22:08 <guru3> lol 14:22:11 * MeusH goes kill his IE5 14:22:11 <Mucht|work> meush: with 100 clients, openttd would be 2nd 14:22:24 <Mucht|work> but debian with its 300+ clients is unbeatable here ;-) 14:22:25 <Sacro> Cannot find server! 14:22:33 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has left #openttd [] 14:22:33 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has joined #openttd 14:22:35 *** mode/#openttd [+o Darkvater] by ChanServ 14:22:41 <MeusH> hello Darkvater 14:23:13 <Sacro> think its down 14:25:20 <hylje> but #gentoo has around 900 in fn 14:29:45 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:35:55 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has joined #openttd 14:36:03 *** JohnUK89 is now known as lolman 14:36:07 <lolman> Damn xchat :P 14:36:23 *** Netsplit helium.oftc.net <-> nobelium.oftc.net quits: egladil 14:36:54 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 14:37:04 <lolman> Brianetta, afternoon :) 14:37:12 <Brianetta> it certainly is 14:37:23 <Brianetta> I think I need a cup of teas 14:37:36 <lolman> Several teas? 14:37:44 <Brianetta> The keys are adjacent; I missed 14:37:52 *** Netsplit over, joins: egladil 14:37:53 <lolman> Hehe 14:38:03 <lolman> It's as if one tea isn't enough :P 14:38:12 <Brianetta> It peobably would be a blended tea 14:38:37 <lolman> Yeah, most are 14:40:17 *** Ammler [~Ammler@133-189.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:40:29 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 14:40:32 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 14:41:04 <MeusH> hi glx 14:41:08 <MeusH> I did say something along the lines of "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows your whole leg off." 14:41:08 <MeusH> Bjarne Stroustrup 14:41:35 <glx> hi MeusH 14:50:39 *** hj3lmen [~rasmus@cpe.atm2-0-5137.0x50a61c8e.kd4nxx16.customer.tele.dk] has quit [] 14:51:08 *** _WolfAngel [~wolfangel@] has quit [Quit: <!--#Exec cmd='Quit'-->] 14:56:25 <MeusH> without CIA developement seems to be frozen 14:56:38 <guru3> lol 14:56:44 <MeusH> or maybye developers don't hire CIA to have a paceful holiday? 14:59:10 <Bjarni> MeusH: ever considered that developers got a life? 14:59:14 <hylje> no? 14:59:32 <Bjarni> doing other stuff than to hang around an IRC channel and code software for free 14:59:45 <MeusH> no. Don't you remember you're dead and Sacro the necromancer assembled your corpse to code? 15:00:02 <Bjarni> I'm not dead 15:00:06 <MeusH> yes you are 15:00:08 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:00:10 * MeusH touches Bjarni 15:00:12 <MeusH> see? you are 15:00:14 <Bjarni> but Sacro is by claiming such a thing 15:00:18 <Bjarni> see, he is not online 15:00:57 <MeusH> /of course I did consider it, Bjarni 15:01:03 <MeusH> I'm not a slave psycho 15:01:05 <MeusH> am I? 15:01:41 <Bjarni> since you have to ask, then I can see that you are completely under my control and can't do anything except what I tell you to do 15:01:57 <MeusH> shhh don't talk about it aloud 15:13:53 <OwenS> Question for you: Why does building electrified rail cost the same as unelectrified? 15:15:44 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has joined #openttd 15:15:49 *** JohnUK89 is now known as lolman 15:16:03 *** andrei [~andrei@] has joined #openttd 15:18:51 * lolman is now happy :) 15:19:01 *** Nickman [~nickman@dD5778858.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: ( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )] 15:24:39 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:25:24 <mikk36> lol 15:27:08 <orudge> [14:24:45] <Alltaken> yo yo, orudge you know of any software to do blender files on the server that will also manage version numbers? <-- see, I don't notice things like this now as it keeps flashing for OwenS 15:27:11 * orudge grrs again at mIRC 15:31:14 *** Dred_furst [~Dred.furs@user-5440cd7c.wfd78a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #openttd 15:34:32 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has joined #openttd 15:35:08 <MeusH> O\/\/enS :) It is because costs haven't ben balanced yet 15:35:10 <OwenS> Haha 15:35:32 <MeusH> s/ben/been 15:38:39 <JohnUK89> Are we calling him O\/\/enS just so the other o\/\/en doesn't get annoyed? 15:44:02 <OwenS> ovven may work too :P 15:46:35 <MeusH> I don't know. So let's call both Ovvens Ovven 15:46:41 <MeusH> Ovven Rudge 15:47:09 <JohnUK89> Nah doesn't work as well as O\/\/en 15:47:23 <MeusH> O |_|_| en 15:47:30 <orudge> Call him Oven, me Owen ;> 15:47:42 <orudge> Or call him O?enS or something ;) 15:47:45 <MeusH> Will do, sir SROTU 15:47:53 *** Dred_furst [~Dred.furs@user-5440cd7c.wfd78a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:47:56 <MeusH> O?en :) 15:49:20 *** mikk36 [~mikk36@pc75.host1.starman.ee] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:49:46 <OwenS> You do realise i'm no longer getting your hghlights :P 15:49:49 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E95.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 15:50:16 <MeusH> Change your settings to highlight on O<instert strange thing>wen :) 15:50:26 <OwenS> That setting doesn't exist 15:50:34 *** Dred_furst [~Dred.furs@user-5440cd7c.wfd78a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #openttd 15:51:35 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 15:52:27 <MeusH> Try Alt+Z 15:52:31 *** mikk36 [~mikk36@pc75.host1.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 15:53:20 *** TinoM| [~Tino@i5387D253.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 15:54:47 *** mikk36 [~mikk36@pc75.host1.starman.ee] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:55:25 *** Mucht|work [~mucht@] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 15:55:28 *** Rohan [~rohan@212-181-138-111-no75.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #openttd 15:57:26 *** mikk36 [~mikk36@pc75.host1.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 15:58:11 *** Dred_furst` [~Dred.furs@user-5440cd7c.wfd78a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #openttd 15:59:40 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387D253.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:00:48 <Tron> peter1138? Belugas? 16:01:19 <Tron> ftp://tron.homeunix.org/ottd/newgrf_text.diff 16:01:44 * Belugas checks 16:02:23 *** Dred_furst [~Dred.furs@user-5440cd7c.wfd78a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:11:31 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176126153.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.12/20050915]] 16:13:17 * JohnUK89 sighs 16:13:28 *** JohnUK89 is now known as lolman 16:14:10 <Darkvater> great :s 16:14:23 <lolman> Darkvater, whassup? 16:14:30 <Darkvater> a correctly working GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile() kills performance :s 16:14:30 *** andrei [~andrei@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:14:59 <lolman> Darkvater, as if it wasn't killed anyway :P 16:15:10 <lolman> </joke> 16:15:51 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 16:15:57 <Belugas> approved, Tron, apart from coding style, as mentionned in PM 16:17:12 *** Rohan [~rohan@212-181-138-111-no75.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Quit: Rohan] 16:21:48 <MeusH> bye 16:21:49 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has quit [Quit: bye - quit] 16:22:44 <OwenS> res1.humgun.com/notfunny.png <- This is not funny 16:23:05 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E95.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: Whoopsy] 16:23:29 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E95.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 16:23:39 <lws1984> *snicker* 16:26:59 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-70-28.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:27:16 * lolman hates Winblows now, it lost my UT2004 key 16:27:25 <lws1984> how do you get a steam engine on maglev tracks? 16:28:42 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 16:29:59 <OwenS> lws1984: I don't have a clue; The games just bugged out 16:30:07 <lws1984> heh 16:30:11 <lws1984> funny *teehee* 16:32:18 <Patrick`> mm, mass convert tool 16:33:45 * Sacro converts lws1984 into a block of cheese 16:34:57 * lolman converts Sacro into his laptop 16:34:58 <lws1984> hey! 16:35:04 <lolman> Now you know what it feels like :P 16:36:59 *** Mucht|zZz is now known as Mucht 16:42:24 *** AciD [~AciD@tehpwnz.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:42:35 *** AciD [~AciD@tehpwnz.org] has joined #openttd 16:45:20 *** |AciD| [~AciD@tehpwnz.org] has joined #openttd 16:45:29 *** |AciD| is now known as AciD` 16:45:42 <lws1984> someone make me human? 16:45:48 <lws1984> I can't stand being cheesy! 16:45:59 * lolman converts lws1984 into a length of rope 16:46:04 <lws1984> great 16:46:22 <lws1984> HUMAN! 16:46:24 <lws1984> NOT ROPE! 16:46:27 * lolman ties lws1984 to a tree 16:46:43 <lws1984> great. 16:46:48 <lws1984> HUMAN! ME! PLEASE 16:46:49 <lws1984> ! 16:46:55 *** ^pacman [~pacman@p54A357CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [] 16:47:02 <guru3> talk about a new way to hang yourself 16:47:02 * SpComb converts lws1984 into a human 16:47:03 <lolman> Ropes can't talk :) 16:47:13 <SpComb> now you are a human that's tied around a tree 16:47:21 <lws1984> well, better than nothing 16:47:34 <SpComb> well, it might be a bit uncomfortable 16:47:34 * lws1984 disentangles himself 16:47:43 * lws1984 kills Sacro with his swiss army knife 16:47:54 * lolman runs 16:48:10 <lws1984> I wasn't going to kill YOU! 16:48:14 * lws1984 gives lolman a cookie 16:48:19 <SpComb> lws1984: he probably tied a knot in the rope... which would mean a knot in you 16:48:27 <lolman> :-D 16:48:31 <lws1984> aye, my leg's feeling a bit off 16:48:31 * lolman eats the cookie 16:48:37 * lolman dies of the poison 16:48:46 <lws1984> oh no! wrong cookie! 16:48:50 * lws1984 gives lolman the antidote 16:48:58 <lolman> I'm dead! 16:49:35 <lws1984> not anymore! 16:49:39 <lws1984> I antidoted you! 16:49:50 <lolman> :-D 16:50:06 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host196-159.pool8256.interbusiness.it] has joined #openttd 16:50:26 <Wolf01> :look: 16:51:08 <SpComb> Wolf01: they are busy being silly spammers 16:51:32 <Wolf01> they who? 16:51:46 <Sacro> t3h italians 16:51:51 <Wolf01> oh 16:51:54 <Sacro> :P 16:51:54 <lolman> Sacro and lws1984 :-D 16:52:17 * Sacro ftw! 16:52:39 * lolman kicks Sacro, so he can't win 16:52:50 <lws1984> I'm not italian! 16:52:55 <lws1984> but don't distract me. 16:53:05 <lws1984> I'm trying to make a scenario in OpenTTD! 16:54:23 <lolman> I'm downloading a UT2004 patch :P 16:54:25 *** moebius [~moebius@cm224225.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #openttd 16:54:32 <lolman> After I finally got the bugger working 16:55:00 <Wolf01> ah, what about the support to load terragen terrains in TGP? 16:55:47 <Wolf01> i think terragen can make also greyscale maps, so the question is futile 16:58:26 *** Maedhros_ [~jc@i-195-137-43-74.freedom2surf.net] has joined #openttd 16:59:40 *** Maedhros_ [~jc@i-195-137-43-74.freedom2surf.net] has quit [Killed (services.oftc.net (Too many invalid passwords))] 17:00:03 *** Maedhros_ [~jc@i-195-137-43-74.freedom2surf.net] has joined #openttd 17:01:14 *** sayno [~sayno@ip67-88-107-227.z107-88-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #openttd 17:01:55 <Rubidium> Wolf01: you can code it yourself as if it were an image format you wanted to use; the code is already able to load several data formats (png & bmp), so adding a third is not very difficult 17:03:57 *** Maedhros [~jc@i-195-137-43-74.freedom2surf.net] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Maedhros_))] 17:04:01 *** Maedhros_ is now known as Maedhros 17:05:19 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-70-28.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 17:17:48 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 17:19:17 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:21:22 *** WorkLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:22:51 *** unsurnamed [~username@] has joined #openttd 17:22:53 <unsurnamed> 9 check this http://www.goolook.ru/?ref_id=11389 17:22:55 *** unsurnamed [~username@] has left #openttd [] 17:23:50 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:24:35 *** Sjoerd_ [~Sjoerd@ip54576152.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #openttd 17:24:37 <Sjoerd_> hello! 17:24:41 <Rubidium> and another one in #gpmi ... 17:24:48 <Rubidium> woops... 17:24:54 <Rubidium> hello Sjoerd_ 17:25:00 <Sjoerd_> i have set up a server on ubuntu cli box, it runs great 17:25:08 <Sjoerd_> but people want bigger station_spread 17:25:16 <Sjoerd_> how to i change it without resetting game? 17:25:21 <Sjoerd_> i heard it can be done via gui 17:25:27 <Sjoerd_> so cli should do as well? 17:26:56 <Rubidium> I'm not really into that, maybe someone else knows 17:27:08 <Sjoerd_> i have searched the wiki but no luck :) 17:27:10 <Sjoerd_> thanks anyway! 17:27:42 <glx> try "patch station_spread" 17:27:54 <Sjoerd_> ah ok :) 17:27:54 <glx> from game console 17:28:20 <Sjoerd_> ok the game console 17:28:31 <Sjoerd_> but it's a different computer 17:28:49 <glx> should work using rcon 17:29:38 <Sjoerd_> ok and what was the command for setting rcon password? Via ssh? 17:30:08 *** Sacro_ [~ben@] has joined #openttd 17:30:39 <Sjoerd_> nevermind i found it 17:30:46 <Sjoerd_> it's just rcon_password <pass> 17:31:57 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 17:32:07 <Sjoerd_> i tried this: rcon <password> patch station_spread 30 17:32:54 <glx> rcon <password> 'patch station_spread 30' 17:33:06 <glx> quotes are important :) 17:33:08 <Sjoerd_> ah, ok 17:34:05 <Sjoerd_> it worked, thanks a lot :) 17:34:10 <glx> np 17:34:24 <Sjoerd_> can i also change the way trains load? 17:34:33 <Sjoerd_> so it loads one, and after that the second train? 17:34:40 <Sjoerd_> not at the same time. 17:34:42 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 17:34:57 <glx> you can change all patches settings using 'patch' 17:35:02 <Patrick`> yes, but I don't know what the name for the settings is 17:35:06 <|Jeroen|> gradual loading 17:35:16 <|Jeroen|> i think 17:35:16 <glx> it's the same name as in openttd.cfg 17:35:19 <Patrick`> gradual_loading surely 17:35:46 <glx> improved_load 17:36:07 <Sjoerd_> ok 17:36:24 <Sjoerd_> thanks again 17:38:52 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:38:55 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E95.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: Whoopsy] 17:40:09 <Sjoerd_> will there be more company's possible on one game with future releases? 17:40:29 <Sjoerd_> or what stops it from being possible, anyone knows? 17:41:10 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 17:42:04 *** Alhambra [~username@] has joined #openttd 17:42:06 <Alhambra> 9 check it http://www.goolook.ru/?ref_id=11389 17:42:08 *** Alhambra [~username@] has left #openttd [] 17:44:41 <Patrick`> oh, yeah, freenode had systems in place to STOP those sorts of bots 17:45:13 <Sjoerd_> you can't 17:45:16 <glx> Sjoerd_: for now the number of compant colors is limited 17:45:22 <glx> *company 17:45:38 <Sjoerd_> ah ok i understand, but is it that hard to pull it up? 17:46:01 <Sjoerd_> and there are more then 8 colors available already? 17:46:57 <glx> someone wrote a patch to increase number of companies to 16 17:47:13 <Sjoerd_> interesting 17:47:34 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 17:47:37 <Sjoerd_> 16 already is a lot better then 8 :) 17:47:42 <Sjoerd_> especially for public servers 17:47:53 <Sjoerd_> where people come, build 2 trains, and then never come back 17:48:15 <glx> you can always remove these companies :) 17:48:15 <Sacro_> Sjoerd_: i keep forgetting i started playing 17:48:54 <Sjoerd_> heh? 17:49:07 <Sjoerd_> glx: yes that's what i do but i hate destroying peoples work.... 17:49:19 <Sjoerd_> glx: they might come back with sad faces 17:49:29 <Sjoerd_> glx: for me building three trains is nothing but for a noob? 17:55:25 *** TrueLight [~truelight@s559112c3.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:56:15 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 18:00:52 *** Sacro_ [~ben@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:00:57 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 18:03:09 *** stillunknown [~madman200@82-168-177-167.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:04:12 <Belugas> man... 360k of synching 18:06:42 *** PAStheLoD [~pas@catv-56656d26.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:07:27 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-70-28.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:08:48 <SpComb> one of the OFTC servers is behind the same switch/router as a freenode server, they keep netsplitting at the same time 18:09:25 <hylje> :o 18:09:28 *** AciD` [~AciD@tehpwnz.org] has quit [Quit: Connection not reset by peer.] 18:10:07 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-70-28.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 18:11:43 <Patrick`> man, that is NASTY 18:12:05 <Patrick`> an irc channel I'm in just came up with a #define TWO where TWO == 2 and (TWO + TWO) == 5 18:12:52 <SpComb> hmm 18:17:28 *** Sacro_ [~ben@] has joined #openttd 18:17:28 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:18:40 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:21:08 <Darkvater> great, just fucking great 18:21:42 <Darkvater> GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile: 69% of total runtime.. :s 18:23:10 <Patrick`> lol'd 18:23:15 <Patrick`> what's going on there? 18:23:21 <Darkvater> nothing, it works correcly 18:23:39 <Darkvater> before this function did nothing basically and returned v->tile, now it does something and fucks up 18:23:52 <Darkvater> probably because all pathfinders were written with the thought that this function is broken 18:24:54 <ln-> do we need a hardware accelerator card for GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile? 18:26:00 <OwenS> How many lines is it now? 18:28:25 <Patrick`> all the pathfinders are calling it too much, is that what you mean? 18:28:26 <Bjarni> Darkvater: ok, now the goal is to keep the functionality while increasing the speed... different kind of coding than bug fixing ;) 18:28:27 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-70-28.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:28:40 *** Sacro_ [~ben@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:29:08 <Patrick`> bug: code is slow. 18:29:35 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 18:29:50 <OwenS> But why exactly do they have to deal with tunnels so much? 18:30:29 <Bjarni> bug: code is extremely slow 18:30:29 * Bjarni wonders how Darkvater managed to make it that slow 18:30:32 <Bjarni> I mean, it's almost as slow as the cocoa video driver when it redrew the whole screen each time 18:31:31 <SpComb> pastebin the function! 18:32:06 <OwenS> What was the problem with it before? 18:32:19 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 18:33:27 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 18:33:29 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has left #openttd [] 18:33:33 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 18:33:36 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has left #openttd [] 18:35:15 *** TrueLight [~truelight@s559112c3.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #openttd 18:35:16 *** mode/#openttd [+o TrueLight] by ChanServ 18:35:16 *** StormDragoness [~StormDrag@host86-133-24-130.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:36:36 <TrueLight> Howdie! 18:38:01 <Sacro> hey TrueLight 18:38:57 <TrueLight> how are you all doing? 18:39:26 <OwenS> Darkvafer has made GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile 100,000 times slower... 18:42:46 *** UE|sleepingtiem [MiniUrban@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 18:43:18 <ln-> its ability to get a vehicle out of a tunnel is insignificant compared to the power of the Force. 18:45:39 <TrueLight> boring people, iek! 18:46:58 <Patrick`> haha, darkvafer 18:47:05 <Patrick`> sounds like something I'd jam into an icecream 18:47:32 <lws1984> like the Swedish Chef trying to say "Dark wafer" 18:47:34 <lws1984> *snicker* 18:47:55 <guru3> woo swedish chef 18:48:03 <lws1984> BORK BORK BORK! 18:48:18 <guru3> i love the choclate moose one >< 18:48:25 <guru3> here's the moose <insert moose> 18:48:33 <guru3> and then you put the choclate on the mouse <puts choclate on the moose> 18:48:43 *** UserErr0r [MiniUrban@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:49:35 <lws1984> remember salad? 18:49:46 <lws1984> "and you take ze lettuce" <insert lettuce> 18:49:55 <lws1984> "und heere is ze boom-boom" 18:50:00 <lws1984> <insert pistol> 18:50:10 <lws1984> <throw lettuce in air, shoot with pistol> 18:50:25 <guru3> hrhrhr 18:50:36 <guru3> the chicken with the ping pong balls is good too 18:50:52 <lws1984> hehe 18:50:57 <lws1984> aah, remember meatballs? 18:51:02 <lws1984> "15-love!" 18:51:05 <guru3> sadly no :/ 18:51:27 *** moebius [~moebius@cm224225.red.mundo-r.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:51:27 <ln-> how does one pronounce "irc" in english? 18:51:39 <guru3> eye-are-see 18:51:47 <TrueLight> Tron: may I point out to you, that according to http://wiki.openttd.org/index.php/Coding_guidelines, it is Vehicle *v, not Vehicle* v. I quote: 'Pointers are of the following: "Vehicle *v" NOT "Vehicle* v" or "Vehicle*v" '. In your latest few commits this goes 'wrong' a lot of times. Darkvater, CC for you. 18:52:00 *** Superman [~Superman@ip51ccca31.speed.planet.nl] has joined #openttd 18:52:21 <Sacro> ln-: IRC 18:53:11 <ln-> eye-ar-see sounds so long and complex compared to what we call it in finnish (simply "eerk") 18:53:32 <guru3> well some finnish guy did invent it 18:53:49 <ln-> indeed. 18:54:01 <guru3> but calling it eerk is just weird 18:54:24 <guru3> like calling brb berb or something 18:55:04 <ln-> some people called it "irssi", and then someone happened to pick that as a name of an irc client. 18:55:22 <guru3> i always say irssi as eye are es es aye 18:56:01 <ln-> that's so wrong :) 18:56:10 <guru3> i just say outloud the letters >< 18:57:04 *** stillunknown [~madman200@82-168-177-167.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #openttd 18:57:06 <ln-> so much simpler to say "eerssi" 18:57:29 *** Progman [~progman@p5091F879.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 18:57:32 <lws1984> I say "erssi" 18:58:03 <Gonozal_VIII> in german its the name "Dirk" without the d 18:58:25 <guru3> it's not like people say things like this outloud very often either 18:58:31 <SpComb> code problem! Whee, crash freenode! 18:58:36 <hylje> oololol lilo strikes again 18:59:49 <Darkvater> bullshit, it's not my fault the pathfinders are so fucking stupid 18:59:55 <Darkvater> the function does what it's supposed to do 18:59:59 *** Progman [~progman@p5091F879.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #openttd [] 19:00:00 <Darkvater> wb TrueLight 19:00:22 <TrueLight> tnx :) 19:00:56 <OwenS> Darkvater: How many lines is it now? 19:00:59 <lws1984> Lilo episode II: Revenge of teh Code 19:01:40 <Darkvater> OwenS: same amount 19:01:51 <Darkvater> number of lines says nothing about the speed/complexity of a function 19:02:01 *** silent [~pwr@] has joined #openttd 19:02:04 <Gonozal_VIII> what does that function do anyways? 19:02:04 <hylje> thats why perl oneliners are blazing fast? ;b 19:02:05 <Bjarni> Darkvater: now that TrueLight returned I presume that you read the diff ;) 19:02:06 <Bjarni> :p 19:02:34 <Darkvater> TileIndex GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(Vehicle) 19:02:40 <Darkvater> now what might this function do? hmm 19:02:44 <stillunknown> lws1984: it would be: The Code, because you use it as name and the is a part of it 19:03:01 <lws1984> true, but who cares? 19:03:06 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has joined #openttd 19:03:16 <stillunknown> it seems i do\ 19:03:26 <stillunknown> r\\ 19:03:27 <lws1984> aye, but besides that.. 19:03:29 <Gonozal_VIII> get vehicles out of tunnels^^ but what's so complicated about that? 19:04:58 <stillunknown> lws1984: there must be a few people on this planet who care :-) 19:05:00 <Darkvater> it gets the end-tile of the tunnel of a vehicle that is inside a tunnel 19:05:13 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:06:37 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:07:15 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:10:19 *** thgergo [~th_gergo@dsl51B7898B.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #openttd 19:13:29 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has joined #openttd 19:14:43 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has joined #openttd 19:14:50 <MeusH> hi 19:16:30 <Darkvater> ey 19:16:32 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-70-28.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 19:16:39 <Darkvater> ey 19:17:08 <Darkvater> !seen blathijs 19:17:10 <DorpsGek> Darkvater, if you can't see blathijs here right now, you probably need new glasses. ^_^ 19:17:48 <stillunknown> !seen stillunknown 19:17:49 <DorpsGek> stillunknown, Hum... don't you think this nick is a bit long? ^_^ 19:17:56 <hylje> hahah 19:17:57 <stillunknown> !seen stillunknown 19:17:57 <DorpsGek> stillunknown, Hum... don't you think this nick is a bit long? ^_^ 19:18:06 <stillunknown> what an unusual responce 19:18:20 <glx> !seen still* 19:18:21 <DorpsGek> glx, I found one match to your query: stillunknown. stillunknown (~madman200@82-168-177-167.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl) was last seen joining #openttd 21 minutes ago (18.08. 18:57). stillunknown is still there. 19:18:21 <hylje> i think it's not configured correctly 19:18:52 <stillunknown> !seen still* 19:18:53 <DorpsGek> stillunknown, I found one match to your query: stillunknown. stillunknown (~madman200@82-168-177-167.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl) was last seen joining #openttd 21 minutes ago (18.08. 18:57). stillunknown is still there. 19:19:00 *** stillunknown was kicked from #openttd by Darkvater [yes, we know you are here, now quit it] 19:20:36 *** lolman [~john@] has joined #openttd 19:20:39 *** Sacro [~Sacro@] has joined #openttd 19:20:46 <lolman> :o 19:20:58 <Bjarni> hmm 19:21:07 <Bjarni> Sacro and lolman joined at the same time 19:21:12 * Sacro hits lolman with a stick 19:21:14 <lolman> * Disconnected (Invalid argument). <wtf? 19:21:15 <Bjarni> where have you two been (together)? 19:21:22 * lolman kicks lolman 19:21:23 <Sacro> Bjarni: denmark 19:21:24 <lolman> :) 19:22:13 <MeusH> I think "was last seen..." is much better behaviour than "you need new glasses" 19:23:14 <Bjarni> http://www.qdb.us/64360 <-- lame :p 19:23:17 <lws1984> but glasses are funnier! 19:23:54 <MeusH> lws1984: IMO when someone types !seen, wants particular information not some lame joke 19:24:37 <hylje> lame jokes are fun 19:24:41 <MeusH> indeed 19:24:42 <MeusH> :) 19:24:46 <hylje> and especially when they mock the user 19:24:52 <hylje> in the "stupid user" attitude 19:24:59 <lws1984> and since I wear glasses, I find it funnier 19:25:28 <MeusH> Bjarni, anybody: what do (-5/9) numbers right to qdb quote ID mean? 19:25:36 <MeusH> 5 negative and 9 positive? 19:25:37 <hylje> minus five points out of nine votes 19:25:42 <hylje> afaik 19:25:44 <MeusH> okay, thanks 19:25:48 <MeusH> that isn't good 19:25:54 <MeusH> I'll click (+) :) 19:26:30 * Sacro considers installing Linux in VMWare 19:26:31 <Bjarni> it's not that funny 19:26:56 <Bjarni> http://www.qdb.us/63945 <-- this one is funnier 19:27:23 <Bjarni> specially because some complete stranger messaged me after reading this with "I'm compiling now. Consider this a warning" 19:27:41 <Bjarni> this guy had never been in the channel 19:27:57 <MeusH> Bjarni, that's nice :) 19:28:36 <XeryusTC> Bjarni: are you submitting quotes of yourself to qdb? 19:28:46 <Bjarni> no 19:28:57 <Bjarni> well, I did once 19:29:02 <Bjarni> not anymore 19:30:08 <Bjarni> heh, I was about to highlight some text to copy paste it into another app and then I realised.... I can't highlight in a screenshot xD 19:30:19 <MeusH> nice :) 19:30:21 <OwenS> O.o 19:30:37 <lws1984> *snicker* 19:30:49 <hylje> :o 19:32:19 <MeusH> there is a nice polish-only linux joke. 19:32:19 <MeusH> A girl asks a developer if he would go out with her. 19:32:19 <MeusH> But he responses "not now, I'm compiling my kernel". 19:32:19 <MeusH> The funny thing is that "kernel" in polish is the same as "balls" 19:32:19 <MeusH> (the balls you have between legs) 19:32:20 <MeusH> and the girl thinks that the guy is totally sick 19:32:22 * Bjarni just realised that such a line might not be the wisest to write 19:32:29 <Bjarni> now I will end up on qdb again 19:32:43 <hylje> :o 19:32:54 <MeusH> :F 19:33:56 *** Subs0nic^ [~adsa@] has joined #openttd 19:34:11 <Bjarni> MeusH: that's a bad smiley 19:34:19 <hylje> :E 19:34:32 *** Sacro [~Sacro@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:34:36 <MeusH> :U 19:34:36 <Bjarni> you indicate that you got two tongues 19:34:41 <hylje> :E 19:34:44 <MeusH> I'm a vampire 19:34:45 <Bjarni> do you speak with both of them? 19:34:49 <MeusH> these are two sharp teeth 19:34:54 <MeusH> and I'm going to bite you! 19:35:00 <hylje> :E 19:35:00 * MeusH bites Bjarni 19:35:22 * Bjarni ignores MeusH 19:35:27 <Bjarni> oh well 19:35:30 * MeusH drinks coke from his heart 19:35:45 <Bjarni> I better tell you that I got a silver chainmail on 19:36:01 <MeusH> your vein contain fizzy drinks 19:36:03 *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 19:36:08 <MeusH> you played too much toyland 19:36:12 <Bjarni> custom designed as an anti vampire armour 19:36:22 <Bjarni> ROFL 19:36:26 <MeusH> Bjarni: here you are http://www.qdb.us/64368 19:37:21 <Sacro> roflcopter 19:38:23 <MeusH> rofletrain 19:38:40 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:39:02 *** stillunknown [~madman200@82-168-177-167.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #openttd 19:39:42 <MeusH> !seen M* 19:39:42 <DorpsGek> MeusH, I found 31 matches to your query. These are the 5 most recent ones: MeusH, moebius, Maedhros_, Maedhros, Mucht|zZz. MeusH (~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl) was last seen joining #openttd 24 minutes ago (18.08. 19:14). MeusH is still there. 19:39:54 <MeusH> !seen * 19:39:56 <DorpsGek> MeusH, Ouch, your search returned way too many matches. Please refine it. 19:40:01 <Darkvater> do you want a kick MeusH ? 19:40:08 <MeusH> of course 19:40:09 <MeusH> I don't 19:40:11 <MeusH> :) 19:40:14 <MeusH> Just testing 19:40:16 <MeusH> debugging 19:40:16 <Mucht> !seen ab 19:40:18 <DorpsGek> Mucht, I don't remember seeing ab. 19:40:25 <Darkvater> ehum 19:40:28 <Mucht> nice thing 19:40:38 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 19:40:39 <Mucht> lets call it eliza? 19:43:28 <MeusH> volleyball girls are beautiful 19:43:35 * MeusH watches volleyball women 19:44:13 <Bjarni> !seen D* 19:44:14 <DorpsGek> Bjarni, I found 22 matches to your query. These are the 5 most recent ones: DaleStan, Dred_furst, Dred_furst`, Darkvater, dp-_. DaleStan (~Dale@pool-71-98-70-28.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net) was last seen joining #openttd 27 minutes ago (18.08. 19:16). DaleStan is still there. 19:44:29 <Bjarni> we got that many D people in here.... 19:44:34 <Bjarni> who would have thought that 19:44:45 *** tom [~tom@d54C53E9B.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 19:44:48 <tom> :j #debian 19:44:49 <Bjarni> I thought it was an all guy channel 19:45:22 <hylje> oh, there's a vim irc client? 19:45:22 <DaleStan> But the real problem is when DaleStan, Darkvater, DanMacK and DaveWorley all show up in #tycoon. 19:45:40 <Darkvater> :) 19:45:43 <Bjarni> hehe 19:45:55 <hylje> heheh 19:46:07 <Sacro> !seen * 19:46:08 <DorpsGek> Sacro, Ouch, your search returned way too many matches. Please refine it. 19:46:11 <Bjarni> that's not an issue unless people write da[tab], which will then be a stupid thing to do 19:46:15 * hylje considers changing my name to delje 19:46:25 *** Sacro is now known as da[tab] 19:46:31 *** da[tab] was kicked from #openttd by Bjarni [we already tried that one. You abused the bot] 19:46:39 *** da[tab] [~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 19:46:41 <da[tab]> aww :( 19:46:45 <Bjarni> cool 19:46:58 <DaleStan> It used to be that DanMack and I would get confused at least once a day. 19:46:59 <Bjarni> I wrote /kick Sacro, not da[tab] 19:47:17 <Bjarni> yet the client figured it out anyway 19:47:28 <XeryusTC> lol 19:48:03 <hylje> Bjarni: actually the ircd backtracks people if they change nicks and get kill/kick 19:48:12 <Bjarni> or maybe da[tab] is just the guy to kick if you write an invalid name 19:48:18 *** tom [~tom@d54C53E9B.access.telenet.be] has quit [] 19:48:28 <Bjarni> ahh 19:48:37 <hylje> at least asuka-ircd does this 19:48:43 <Bjarni> so you can't even hide from my kicks by changing names faster than I can type them 19:48:44 <hylje> i studied its code 19:48:59 <hylje> yep 19:49:08 <hylje> and you cant generally change nicks more than 2 times a minute 19:49:12 <Bjarni> but if anybody get that idea, then they will just flood out instead :p 19:49:30 <da[tab]> this pc seriously needs linux 19:49:55 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:50:05 <glx> da[tab]: and you need to change your name 19:50:53 <da[tab]> aww but why 19:50:57 <da[tab]> its so easy to type 19:51:13 *** da[tab] is now known as lollman 19:51:29 <hylje> sacro murk lore 19:52:09 *** MeusH [~MeusH@host-ip18-138.crowley.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:54:06 <lollman> !seen [A-C]* 19:54:08 <DorpsGek> lollman, I'm sorry, but your search didn't return any results. 19:54:16 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 19:54:19 <lollman> aww :( 19:54:32 *** Nigel [~Nigel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:54:39 <Darkvater> !seen peter1138 19:54:40 <DorpsGek> Darkvater, please look a bit closer at the memberlist of this channel. 19:54:49 <Darkvater> !commands 19:54:55 *** Nigel [~Nigel@] has joined #openttd 19:54:58 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:55:08 <Darkvater> !commands 19:55:14 <Darkvater> hmm 19:55:19 <lolman> !seen Sacro 19:55:20 <ln-> /quit, /exit 19:55:20 <DorpsGek> lolman, I found 4 matches to your query: da[tab], lollman, Sacro, [1]Sacro. da[tab] (~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM) was last seen changing his/her nick to lollman on #openttd 4 minutes ago (18.08. 19:51). lollman is still there. 19:55:21 <lolman> Haha! 19:55:39 <hylje> s/[B-Za-z]/A/g 19:56:16 <TrueLight> !seen help 19:56:18 <DorpsGek> TrueLight, I don't remember seeing help. 19:56:20 <TrueLight> hehe 19:56:29 <hylje> !seen me 19:56:30 <DorpsGek> hylje, I don't remember seeing me. 19:56:34 <TrueLight> [21:56:28] peter1138's idle time: 1d 4h 20m 35s 19:56:38 <lolman> !seen myself 19:56:38 <DorpsGek> lolman, myself? hmm... I'm trying to remember... maybe... I'm not sure... no. I don't remember myself. 19:56:42 <TrueLight> Darkvater: there you go :p 19:57:04 <Darkvater> how'd you do that/ 19:57:10 <TrueLight> Just a simple whois :) 19:57:15 <TrueLight> IRC built-in :) 19:57:23 <Darkvater> not in irssi 19:57:36 <Darkvater> :( 19:57:40 <TrueLight> So use a REAL IRC client 19:57:45 <Darkvater> /kick TrueLight 19:57:51 <TrueLight> bite e 19:57:52 <TrueLight> bite me 19:57:57 * Darkvater bites TrueLight 19:58:08 <Mucht> TrueLight: its getting cold in #tycoon 19:58:11 * Darkvater bites off TrueLight's balls and runs off with them 19:58:22 <Darkvater> *giggle* 19:58:38 <TrueLight> Mucht: cold? #tycoon? 19:58:43 <TrueLight> Darkvater: GIVE THEM BACK! :( 19:58:44 <hylje> :o 19:58:52 <lolman> Damnit >_< Me chair just broke :-\ 19:59:01 <glx> lol 19:59:04 <hylje> did ballmer get ahold of it? 19:59:11 *** netgert [Gert@213-35-174-172-dsl.prn.estpak.ee] has quit [] 19:59:15 <lolman> Dunno lol 19:59:33 <hylje> how do i shot web? 19:59:38 <Darkvater> muhaahhahahha 20:00:06 <Kjetil> Raptor jesus, is that baby for sale ? 20:01:08 *** Progman [~progman@p5091F879.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:03:10 *** Sjoerd_ [~Sjoerd@ip54576152.direct-adsl.nl] has quit [] 20:04:41 *** john_ [~john@] has joined #openttd 20:05:06 *** john_ is now known as lolman_ 20:05:17 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by lolman_))] 20:05:26 *** lolman_ is now known as lolman 20:07:07 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 20:07:07 <TrueLight> !logs 20:07:41 <TrueLight> SpComb: ping 20:08:47 <lollman> TrueLight: pongs! 20:09:15 *** lollman was kicked from #openttd by TrueLight [Never intersept someone else his pong, it is rude!] 20:09:24 <hylje> pong 20:09:26 *** lollman [~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 20:09:33 *** hylje was kicked from #openttd by TrueLight [Strike 2] 20:09:38 <TrueLight> More candidates? 20:09:43 *** hylje [hylje@] has joined #openttd 20:09:50 <Bjarni> who is lollman? 20:09:51 <hylje> it echoed 20:09:52 <TrueLight> Just let me know, I am more then happy to kick 20:10:02 <lolman> lollman is Sacro 20:10:02 * Darkvater gives TrueLight back his magic balls 20:10:05 <Darkvater> you go girl! 20:10:17 *** lollman was kicked from #openttd by Bjarni [get your real name back] 20:10:22 <lolman> !seen Sacro 20:10:24 <DorpsGek> lolman, I found 4 matches to your query: lollman, da[tab], Sacro, [1]Sacro. lollman (~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM) was last seen being kicked from #openttd by Bjarni ( get your real name back) 5 seconds ago (18.08. 20:10), after spending 52 seconds there. 20:10:27 *** lollman [~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 20:10:31 *** lollman was kicked from #openttd by Bjarni [get your real name back] 20:10:32 *** silent [~pwr@] has quit [Quit: Client exiting] 20:10:38 <TrueLight> Bjarni: enough is enough... 20:10:42 *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 20:10:46 <Bjarni> yeah 20:10:48 <Bjarni> it worked 20:10:48 <lolman> :) 20:10:57 <Sacro> [21:10] -DorpsGek- lolman (~john@ was looking for you on #openttd 19 seconds ago (18.08. 20:10). 20:11:10 <lolman> :P 20:12:21 <TrueLight> nice :) 20:12:22 *** Trenskow^ [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 20:12:27 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:14:19 * Sacro yawns 20:14:19 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37BB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai] 20:14:23 <Sacro> and fancies some OpenTTD 20:14:39 <glx> TrueLight: cia keeps trying to join #openttd on freenode 20:15:07 <TrueLight> glx: yeah.... 20:15:20 <glx> tough it's banned :) 20:15:31 <TrueLight> it should not be banned 20:15:37 <TrueLight> it really shouldn't..... 20:15:54 <TrueLight> (I am pretty sure that will result in a ban on OpentTD in CIA) 20:16:21 <SpComb> TrueLight: pong 20:16:21 *** Guest56 [Gono@N916P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 20:16:30 <SpComb> TrueLight: I'm playing BF2 now 20:17:10 *** Bengoz [~sasa@kl-hki-feb3dd00-227.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 20:17:15 <TrueLight> SpComb: then nevermind, we do it tomorrow :) 20:17:24 <hylje> :o 20:17:35 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has left #openttd [] 20:17:35 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has joined #openttd 20:17:39 *** mode/#openttd [+o Darkvater] by ChanServ 20:17:56 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176126153.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 20:18:28 <TrueLight> Echo from freenode: who ever bans CIA again on freenode, gets banned on freenode himself. I repeat: DO NOT BAN CIA 20:18:32 <TrueLight> glad we cleared that out :) 20:18:39 <TrueLight> (and no, do not join freenode either :p) 20:19:04 <Darkvater> the idea was not to confuse people by having cia commits there 20:19:14 <TrueLight> Darkvater: I understand 20:19:20 <Sacro> devoice him 20:19:23 <TrueLight> still the warning stays :) 20:19:26 <Darkvater> :) 20:19:27 <Sacro> and only allow voiced people to talk 20:19:34 <TrueLight> Sacro: did just that 20:20:21 <Sacro> TrueLight: yay! 20:20:57 *** Gonozal_VIII [Gono@N840P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:21:48 *** Sjoerd_ [~Sjoerd@ip54576152.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #openttd 20:21:55 <Sjoerd_> how to fight sync errors? 20:22:05 <TrueLight> with your sword! 20:22:12 <ln-> play single-player game. 20:22:22 <TrueLight> :) 20:22:32 <Sjoerd_> thanks, any serious answers as well? 20:22:37 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: save the game, reload 20:22:43 <TrueLight> and you should be able to play for some years 20:22:44 <Sjoerd_> good laugh doesn't hurt but...... 20:22:47 <Sacro> ln-: thats my answer 20:23:02 <Sjoerd_> how do i save and reload? 20:23:03 <TrueLight> check if newgrfs match 20:23:10 <TrueLight> also a good one 20:23:19 <ln-> Sjoerd_: or take a debugger and try to debug what's causing sync errors. 20:23:28 <TrueLight> ln-: yeah, stop talking now 20:23:31 <TrueLight> that is absolute bullshit 20:23:47 <TrueLight> there is not 1 single way to debug that with any debugger 20:23:55 <ln-> of course not 20:23:57 <hylje> i had a random desync in miniin 20:24:04 <hylje> but it was well 40yrs into the game 20:24:08 <TrueLight> so if you don't have anything useful to say, don't say anything at all :) 20:24:11 <Sjoerd_> i have checked my server, ping times are around 12ms and there is enough up/down bandwith 20:24:21 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: desyncs are rarely caused by such effects 20:24:25 <TrueLight> mostly it is either newgrf 20:24:31 <ln-> TrueLight: but still it's fighting, yet not a fight that leads to great victories 20:24:31 <TrueLight> or a game running for a long time 20:24:41 *** Guest56 is now known as Gonozal_VIII 20:24:42 <Sjoerd_> it is running for like 12 hours 20:24:47 <Sjoerd_> does that count as a long time? 20:24:56 <TrueLight> I had games running for 7 days 20:25:00 <TrueLight> I had games running 2 hours 20:25:28 <TrueLight> So as long as saving (save in console) and loading (Closing server and loading the savegame again) works 20:25:30 <TrueLight> use that :p 20:25:40 <TrueLight> else: I need a lot of details from you, starting with newgrf :) 20:25:49 <Sjoerd_> i'm asking people about newgrf 20:25:52 <TrueLight> I wonder if wiki doesn't say a few things about it... 20:26:04 <Sjoerd_> i read an article about networking 20:26:14 <Sjoerd_> i tried suggested things 20:26:17 <TrueLight> Darkvater: reminds me, when will newgrf be saved in savegame? 20:26:19 <Sjoerd_> but no luck whatsoever 20:26:29 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:26:29 <TrueLight> tried save/load? 20:26:35 <Sjoerd_> http://wiki.openttd.org/index.php/Network_Protocol 20:26:47 <TrueLight> yeah, not really the right site for this :) 20:26:49 <Sjoerd_> i want to try save/load but i have to figure out how 20:26:53 <TrueLight> I believe I should write one :p 20:27:01 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: dedicated or normal server? 20:27:06 <Sjoerd_> dedicated 20:27:13 <Sjoerd_> i have ssh access 20:27:14 <TrueLight> enter: 'save' 20:27:18 <TrueLight> in console of dedicated 20:27:23 <TrueLight> enter 'quit' 20:27:31 <TrueLight> euh 20:27:34 <TrueLight> 'save temp.sav' 20:27:38 <TrueLight> it needs a savegame name : 20:27:39 <TrueLight> p 20:27:48 <TrueLight> ./openttd -D <what ever params you had> -g save/temp.sav 20:27:56 <TrueLight> I am sure there is a faster way 20:27:56 <Sjoerd_> Map sucessfully saved to /home/sjoerd/openttd-0.4.8/save/temp.sav.sav 20:27:59 <TrueLight> but.... oh well... 20:28:04 <TrueLight> hehe, so only 'save temp' :p 20:28:26 <TrueLight> I believe the console has load too 20:28:27 <OwenS> ^ And hes a developer? :O 20:28:32 <TrueLight> so in fact you don't have to close the server 20:28:39 <TrueLight> OwenS: yeah, a non-trunk-active dev 20:28:51 *** Superman [~Superman@ip51ccca31.speed.planet.nl] has quit [] 20:28:53 <OwenS> True 20:28:56 <TrueLight> so I am just guessing around :p 20:29:01 <TrueLight> by lack of any better advise.... 20:29:12 <Sjoerd_> it's a public server 20:29:19 <Sjoerd_> what if people use newgrf thing? 20:29:24 <Sjoerd_> they can just do..? 20:29:30 <TrueLight> if a client with newgrf joins that a server doesn't have 20:29:31 <TrueLight> he can desync 20:29:34 <TrueLight> in a blink 20:29:59 <Sjoerd_> but can it cause other players to desync as well? 20:30:03 <TrueLight> nope 20:30:09 <TrueLight> okay: it shouldn't 20:30:11 <Sjoerd_> ok then it's no newgrf 20:30:13 <TrueLight> but I don't think there is a way :p 20:30:58 <OwenS> Wiki says: "The network protocol is 100% endian safe. We made that possible by creating our own endian, sort to speak. We do not send packets, but we send bytes over the network. For example, when we want to send a int64, we send first byte 1, then byte 2, and so on. So the byte order is ALWAYS 1 2 3 4. This way we know for sure that every client can join every server, as far as endianness is concerned." And how is that supposed 20:31:10 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: desyncs are known, they only happen after having a server for a long long time 20:31:14 <TrueLight> so it is hard to trace them :( 20:31:26 *** lolman [~john@] has joined #openttd 20:31:42 <Sacro> OwenS: when does byte 0 get sent? 20:31:58 <Sjoerd_> lol saving and reloading map deleted all the passwords 20:32:07 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: yup, known problem 20:32:23 <TrueLight> Sacro: it is an EXAMPLE for NON-programmers :p Dipshit... 20:32:40 <TrueLight> it is a wiki, so correct it to something better if you don't like it :p 20:32:52 *** Trenskow^ [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 20:32:56 *** BJH2_ [~chatzilla@e176114249.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 20:33:07 <OwenS> So, what do you do? htons/htonl/ntohl/ntohs? 20:33:26 <OwenS> And I like how you send only half of a Int64 :P 20:33:31 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 20:33:50 <TrueLight> OwenS: did I anywhere define how big 1 byte is? 20:34:20 <TrueLight> and did you read the text? No, you did not... htonl and his friends aren't used, as the text suggests :p 20:35:42 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176126153.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:35:43 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: desyncs fixed for now? 20:37:01 <Sjoerd_> i think so 20:37:12 <TrueLight> good :) Sorry about the dirty trick 20:37:18 <TrueLight> but it seems to work most of the time :) 20:37:20 <Sjoerd_> but there were 6 people, now only me and one other person 20:37:25 <TrueLight> hehehehe 20:37:33 <OwenS> TrueLight: In that case, your obviously sending everything in host byte order :O 20:37:34 <Sjoerd_> so maybe when they all come back it starts again 20:37:36 <TrueLight> you should have said: say "Rejoin in a minute" :p 20:37:43 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: let me know when it does 20:37:52 <TrueLight> OwenS: now that would be interesting 20:38:08 <TrueLight> OwenS: don't read the text as someone who knows about endian in-depth 20:38:11 <TrueLight> but read it global 20:38:16 <TrueLight> you will see it is correct 20:38:16 <Sjoerd_> i wonder what the reason behind it is? 20:38:19 <TrueLight> also codewise :p 20:38:20 <Sjoerd_> do you have any idea? 20:38:23 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: the code isn't bugfree 20:38:27 <TrueLight> there is some bug somewhere 20:38:28 <TrueLight> hiding 20:38:30 <OwenS> TrueLight: So, you do the same as htonl/htons :P 20:38:35 <Sjoerd_> ah, ok 20:38:39 <TrueLight> and only becomes active after a long game 20:38:47 <TrueLight> OwenS: yes, in fact we do :) 20:38:48 <TrueLight> very good ;) 20:38:57 <OwenS> Little or big endian? 20:39:02 <Sjoerd_> so a solution could be to save/reload map every like few hours automatically? 20:39:03 <TrueLight> Only _we_ control it, instead of the kernel or what ever 20:39:10 <TrueLight> OwenS: guess? byteorder: 1 2 3 4 20:39:13 <TrueLight> what does it smell like? 20:39:16 <OwenS> Big 20:39:24 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: a dirty trick, yes 20:39:38 <Sjoerd_> nothing more dirty then desync every time 20:39:55 <Sjoerd_> or maybe once every day :) 20:40:05 <TrueLight> OwenS: so what was your question? 20:40:11 <OwenS> Why does it feel like the net code was writen by a mac user? :P 20:40:13 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has joined #openttd 20:40:21 <TrueLight> OwenS: and tnx :s I never touched a mac in my life 20:40:24 <TrueLight> and I hope to keep it that way 20:40:43 <OwenS> Only machines in mass circulation which use big endian are macs... 20:40:56 <TrueLight> so what if I made the order 4 2 3 1? 20:41:04 <TrueLight> how would you have classified it then? 20:41:09 <OwenS> Little endian, as used by x86 and other architectures 20:41:14 <Mucht> http://capsoff.wikidot.com/ 20:41:16 <TrueLight> 4 2 3 1? 20:41:20 <pv2b> eh. 20:41:25 <TrueLight> (read CLOSELY) 20:41:27 <OwenS> Oh, I would have called that BastardEndian :P 20:41:29 <pv2b> the capsoff people are idiots. 20:41:35 <Tron> OwenS: the data gets send in network byte order because i wrote it that way 20:41:39 <TrueLight> So why are you trying to classify it in any way? 20:41:42 <pv2b> caps lock is a great key with its uses. 20:42:15 <TrueLight> OwenS: it in fact doesn't matter in what order it is send. As long as it is byte by byte, and the same on all systems 20:42:44 <OwenS> TrueLight: True; Although Little Endian is slightly faster on most (x86) systems 20:42:55 <OwenS> Not that it matters in networking code.. 20:42:59 <TrueLight> OwenS: if that is true, it would be slower on macs :p 20:43:01 <Tron> OwenS: for a data rate <2k/s this doesn't matter 20:43:37 <OwenS> when the bottleneck is waiting on send/recv I was thinking of :P 20:44:14 *** sayno [~sayno@ip67-88-107-227.z107-88-67.customer.algx.net] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 20:44:26 *** Osai^2 [~Osai@p54B37BB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:46:03 <TrueLight> OwenS: when that happens, we might need T3 lines for all clients in order to play OpenTTD :) 20:46:38 <TrueLight> OwenS: and if you were refering to the desyncs 20:46:43 * Sacro nips down the shops for a roll of T3 20:46:47 <TrueLight> remember that an OpenTTD desync isn't like a Half-Life desync 20:46:54 <TrueLight> it isn't because of a slow connection 20:47:02 <TrueLight> it is because something happened on the server, that didn't happen on the client 20:47:06 <TrueLight> or the other way around 20:47:24 <OwenS> TrueLight: No, I wasn't, I was refering to the factual innacuracy of the article :P 20:47:38 <Sacro> Server - SYN, Client - ACK <- oh noes, a difference 20:47:58 <TrueLight> OwenS: the arcticle is written to give people an idea of the code, not to be 100% correct in every word :) But feel free to correct :) 20:48:07 <TrueLight> Sacro: GAME-wise 20:48:10 <TrueLight> sigh... 20:48:13 <TrueLight> some people :p 20:48:23 <OwenS> Bjarni: !kick Sacro :P 20:48:30 <TrueLight> reminds me the protocol description is _very_ outdated 20:48:35 <TrueLight> it misses packets 20:48:36 *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM] has left #openttd [kicked] 20:48:40 <TrueLight> and the params of a few are wrong 20:48:45 *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 20:48:50 <OwenS> Nice try sacro :P 20:48:51 <TrueLight> Sacro: :) I like you ;) 20:49:02 <Sacro> TrueLight: thanks! i aim to amuse 20:49:07 <TrueLight> I know you do :p 20:49:19 <Sacro> ooh, cracklib 20:49:35 <Sjoerd_> about the sync errors... Maybe it has been thought over... I have no idea what i'm talking about really :) 20:49:44 <OwenS> As a side note, i'm currently looking at a UDP protocol designed to work as fast as TCP without the overhead (For a start, lets kill those ACKs) 20:49:51 <Sjoerd_> but isn't it possible to fix things without disconnecting people? 20:50:00 *** Osai^2 is now known as Osai 20:50:10 <Sacro> OwenS: SYN, NULL? 20:50:19 <OwenS> ... 20:50:27 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: currently, no 20:50:39 <OwenS> Connection establisment still exists, but instead of ACKing you just NAK 20:50:49 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: if the errors happens, it means that really the game itself isn't the same anymore on all clients 20:51:00 <TrueLight> for example, vehicle1 is at 1x1 on client1, but on 10x200 at client2 20:51:05 <TrueLight> so it is a _real_ problem 20:51:16 <Sacro> you need synchronised drivers 20:51:21 <TrueLight> reforcing the server to reload the savegame and restoring the state of it all 20:51:24 <TrueLight> and doing the same for the clients 20:51:35 <TrueLight> is the only way the vehicle is on the same position for all clients again 20:51:36 <TrueLight> so to say 20:51:58 <TrueLight> my best guess is a buffer-overflow or something not getting saved... but that are indepth details :) 20:52:16 <TrueLight> OwenS: so you want OpenTTD to work with UDP instead of TCP? Have fun :p 20:52:18 <TrueLight> hahaha :) 20:52:28 <TrueLight> recreate a TCP-alike protocol over UDP... should be useful :) 20:52:28 <OwenS> Nah, this is just a low level protocol :P 20:52:40 <OwenS> Except, without ACKs which makes it faster 20:52:50 <TrueLight> sorry, it reminded me of a discussion I had when starting the redesign... 20:53:16 *** Dred_furst` is now known as Dred_furst 20:53:23 <Patrick`> the main reason multiplayer seems bad is that your actions don't have an effect unless the server says they do. 20:53:34 <Patrick`> which means "lay track, make coffee, see track appear" 20:53:43 <TrueLight> Patrick`: which is exactly the reason this game can play online ;) 20:53:50 <Patrick`> if you put in a staggering amount of work, you could make changes appear instantly 20:53:52 <Sjoerd_> TrueLight: about the saving/loading game with a script automatically 20:53:57 <Patrick`> and then rollback if the server says they are wrong 20:54:05 <Sjoerd_> Is there no way to preserve the passwords? 20:54:06 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: I agree that a 'restartgame' should exist 20:54:07 <Patrick`> that would be a BIG hack though 20:54:11 <Sjoerd_> or it's not really an option 20:54:18 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: ah, sorry, that was your question 20:54:19 <Sjoerd_> for public server 20:54:22 <TrueLight> that should be done, yes 20:54:36 <TrueLight> Patrick`: not possible because of the design of OpenTTD 20:54:41 <TrueLight> to give a bit more info on it: 20:54:45 <TrueLight> for OpenTTD it is _really_ important 20:54:51 <Patrick`> that's why I said it would take a lot of work 20:54:58 <TrueLight> that building track A on tile Y at frame X should really be done on frame X 20:54:58 <Patrick`> like, unreasonable amounts 20:55:03 <TrueLight> not on X - 1, not on X + 1 20:55:18 <TrueLight> the former network code allowed that 20:55:22 <Patrick`> ooh, here's an idea. 20:55:26 <TrueLight> the reason it was so unbelievable bad (you remember that? :)) 20:55:32 <OwenS> Its somewhat like 20:55:33 <OwenS> [16 Sequence][8 CRC][8 Len][Len payload] 20:55:33 <OwenS> If CRC is bad, send a NAK with the sequence number. If a packet is missing, wait for 10 more, if still isn't there, send a NAK for it 20:55:34 <Patrick`> allow the client to blindly guess if it's right, and just drop it if it's not. 20:56:06 <Patrick`> that will go wrong if two people try to build on a tile at the same time though 20:56:26 <TrueLight> Patrick`: still won't work :) 20:56:30 <OwenS> Could just show the rail translucent though 20:56:39 <OwenS> Or whatever 20:56:44 <TrueLight> let me just repeat it: it is _very_ important that any command is executed at the _exact_ same frame for _all_ clients 20:56:48 <OwenS> Not count it, it's just a sprite 20:56:56 <TrueLight> OwenS: that _is_ an option :) 20:56:58 <Patrick`> ah, for all clients concurrently 20:57:03 <TrueLight> Patrick`: yes :) 20:57:21 <Patrick`> what owen said actually could work 20:57:22 <TrueLight> for building tracks it really won't be any real problem 20:57:23 <Gonozal_VIII> [22:50:49] <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: if the errors happens, it means that really the game itself isn't the same anymore on all clients [22:51:00] <TrueLight> for example, vehicle1 is at 1x1 on client1, but on 10x200 at client2 <-- wouldn't it be possible to override the clients differences with the data from the server to avoid such desyncs? 20:57:27 <Patrick`> and it'd be a clientside modification 20:57:44 <TrueLight> Gonozal_VIII: diffing data from the server and sending to the client has been reviewed multiple times 20:57:52 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: But imagine how much data would have to be checked/sent 20:57:55 <Patrick`> Gonozal_VIII: that works in fps's where you see other players stutter. 20:58:03 <TrueLight> the problem is that the size of that diff is around the bandwidth of a rejoin :p 20:58:06 <Patrick`> less so in a specific tile-based game 20:58:08 <OwenS> It would be faster just to download it again :P 20:58:20 <TrueLight> exactly what OwenS says :) 20:58:43 <TrueLight> but a console command like 'repoke', which saves the servergame, reloads it, and let the clients rejoin 20:58:51 <TrueLight> should in fact make it easier to bypass the problem 20:58:55 <TrueLight> no way it SOLVES the problem 20:59:03 <TrueLight> the problem I ahve with that solution: we won't get any desync reports anymore 20:59:09 <TrueLight> making us think: WE FIXED IT 20:59:15 <TrueLight> while in fact everyone bypasses the problem every time :p 20:59:19 <OwenS> Running load from the server console just caused me to be bumped to the load screen again last time 20:59:28 <Gonozal_VIII> we often had desyncs right after loading the game 20:59:41 <TrueLight> Gonozal_VIII: I would like to have those savegames right away 20:59:44 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: You using any new GRFs? 20:59:45 <TrueLight> if you can repeat desyncs 20:59:55 <TrueLight> of course with latest nightly and no newgrfs 21:00:01 <TrueLight> with reloading a map and having them within a game month 21:00:05 <TrueLight> send me the map ASAP 21:00:06 <Gonozal_VIII> many newgrfs.. 21:00:13 <TrueLight> because those maps WILL help find the problems 21:00:13 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: usstatsw.grf? 21:00:20 <TrueLight> in fact, with newgrfs isn't a real problem 21:00:20 <Gonozal_VIII> yep 21:00:22 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:00:25 <TrueLight> just you need to send me the grfs :p 21:00:27 <TrueLight> hehe 21:00:29 <OwenS> Thats caused desyncs for #openttdcoop previously 21:00:36 <OwenS> We have since removed it 21:00:47 <Sjoerd_> TrueLight: Sorry for bothering you again. Someone has (connection lost) now? Any idea's? (or are you bussy) 21:00:57 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: slow connection, bad connection, .... 21:01:03 <TrueLight> that is a problem between client and server 21:01:04 <Gonozal_VIII> but also happens without that grf 21:01:06 <OwenS> Probably their side 21:01:08 <TrueLight> not openttd related (anyway, rarely :p) 21:01:15 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: Hmm, possibly some other GRF 21:01:27 <TrueLight> grfs are starting to be network safe 21:01:30 *** Belugas is now known as Belugas_Gone 21:01:33 <TrueLight> there are some minor desync problems with them 21:01:40 <TrueLight> but they are findable 21:01:41 <OwenS> http://bugs.openttd.org/task/250 <- Is the bug on it 21:01:42 <Sjoerd_> ok thanks TrueLight 21:01:53 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: np 21:01:54 <OwenS> TrueLight: Like to append usstatsw.grf as a known trouble cuaser? 21:01:58 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has joined #openttd 21:02:18 <Gonozal_VIII> sometimes we were not able to play on because of desyncs like every minute 21:02:21 <Belugas_Gone> Good bye all 21:02:33 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: I would guess it's some newstations pack 21:02:54 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:02:56 <TrueLight> GoneWacko: I would like to see such a game :) 21:03:03 <TrueLight> but again, only if they are latest nightly 21:03:08 <OwenS> GoneWacko? 21:03:08 <TrueLight> GoneWacko = Gonozal_VIII 21:03:10 <OwenS> :P 21:03:11 <TrueLight> auto-tab :p 21:03:21 <Belugas_Gone> good weekend all 21:04:01 <TrueLight> OwenS: let me take a look... bug 250 21:04:14 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has joined #openttd 21:04:15 <TrueLight> lack of savagame 21:04:18 <TrueLight> closing bugtrace :p 21:04:29 <OwenS> Platform type doesn't seem to be the cause of it, usstatsw.grf does though 21:04:37 <Gonozal_VIII> we'll try without any newstations... but they look cool 21:04:38 <TrueLight> I need 21:04:40 <TrueLight> a) savegame 21:04:42 <TrueLight> b) newgrf pack 21:04:44 <TrueLight> c) openttd.cfg 21:05:03 *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-83-100-162-68.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The dawn of a new IRC era] 21:05:06 <OwenS> TrueLight: The chances of us reproducing it now are unlikely :( Since we no longer use said GRF... 21:05:11 <TrueLight> If I miss either a, b or c, I will be too lazy to reconstruct any of them :) 21:05:27 <TrueLight> OwenS: so get a game from the archive or what ever :p 21:05:31 <OwenS> Hmm 21:05:46 <OwenS> Ill get the game we noticed it in :P 21:05:51 <TrueLight> I want to help, but you have to help me too :) 21:07:15 <Darkvater> 22:26 <@TrueLight> Darkvater: reminds me, when will newgrf be saved in savegame? 21:07:17 <OwenS> Only thing is, how do I make the save able to reproduce it? :P 21:07:24 <Darkvater> peter1138 was working on that, almost finished I believe 21:07:25 <Gonozal_VIII> It would appear that these are only related to either stations under the "Platform" type or those serving passengers, as this has not happened in cargo-only games. <-- no platform, no passengers in our game 21:08:06 *** JohnUK89 is now known as lolman 21:08:09 <Gonozal_VIII> also it seems to be absolutely random 21:08:23 <OwenS> Yeah, that was an original hunch until we found it to be usstatsw.grf 21:08:25 <Gonozal_VIII> sometims it works for hours without any problems 21:08:29 <TrueLight> Darkvater: good :) 21:09:40 <OwenS> <lazy>Whats the default networj port? 21:09:58 <TrueLight> 3979 or something? 21:09:59 <Darkvater> people, peoeple 21:10:03 <Gonozal_VIII> things that seemed to directly cause desyncs were building railway bridges over water and trraffic jams on the mainline 21:10:05 <Darkvater> read the wiki please! 21:10:16 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 21:10:21 <TrueLight> Gonozal_VIII: so provide me with an a, b and c 21:10:46 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't have a, have to ask my friend for that 21:11:23 <TrueLight> even recreating one is fine by me :p 21:12:30 * OwenS takes none desyncing game 21:12:43 * OwenS makes it full of Toronto Union Stations :P 21:14:15 <Gonozal_VIII> first platform of that station looks kinda ugly with the flat grey roof 21:16:53 <TrueLight> !openttd port 21:17:11 <TrueLight> !openttd port 21:17:12 <Gonozal_VIII> and there are blue cubes when the station is more than 8 tiles long^^ 21:17:12 <DorpsGek> OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP ports 3979 for server <-> client communication 21:17:14 <DorpsGek> OpenTTD uses UDP 3978 for masterserver (advsertise) communication (outbound) 21:18:11 <TrueLight> !openttd port 21:18:12 <DorpsGek> TrueLight: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication and UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advsertise) communication (outbound) 21:18:19 <TrueLight> :) 21:21:28 <TrueLight> okay, that will avoid that problem :p 21:21:57 <OwenS> Now hurry up and desync you game :P 21:22:13 <TrueLight> make sure you can reproduce it from a savegame within 1 game-month 21:22:16 <OwenS> <I never thought I would say that> 21:22:43 <Darkvater> good luck with that 21:22:46 <OwenS> Its more of a bug where it gets worse the longer you have the issue... 21:22:55 <Darkvater> I had a MP game running for more than a day and the damn thing wouldn't desync 21:23:06 <Gonozal_VIII> i'll try when the friend that runs the server is back from playing billard or something 21:23:32 <OwenS> Unless 21:23:39 <TrueLight> !openttd download 21:23:39 <DorpsGek> TrueLight: http://www.openttd.org/downloads.php 21:23:59 <TrueLight> I always have the problem I can't get it to desync 21:23:59 <OwenS> It's possibly purely conicidental that the desyncs stopped when we wremoved usstatsw.grf because we restarted the server... 21:24:02 <TrueLight> it is something a user does :p 21:24:04 <Gonozal_VIII> that's part of the bug, it doesn't desync when you want it to^^ 21:24:16 <TrueLight> OwenS: my point ;) 21:24:31 <TrueLight> OwenS: possible it was a user action? 21:24:57 <OwenS> Not when you desynced in less than a seccond ;) 21:25:04 <TrueLight> true 21:25:05 <Gonozal_VIII> desyncs sometimes without any actions 21:25:11 <TrueLight> also after a server reload (of that game) 21:25:29 <OwenS> This game brings back fond memories ^^ 21:25:46 <TrueLight> do I have anything else useful to teach DorpsGek... 21:25:54 <orudge> Hey TrueLight 21:25:54 <TrueLight> yeah, SVN commits 21:25:55 <OwenS> !kick :P 21:25:58 <Patrick`> dorpadorpa muhammed jihad 21:26:28 <Gonozal_VIII> teach it to sync the miniin with trunk :-) 21:26:38 <OwenS> TrueLight: You will need to +o DorpsGek first :P 21:27:19 <TrueLight> Gonozal_VIII: lol 21:27:21 <Rubidium> Gonozal_VIII: could you show it how to do it? 21:27:32 *** egladil [~egladil@frukt.csbnet.se] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 21:28:08 <OwenS> svn diff & svn patch, giving up and letting it be done manally if it fails? :P 21:29:34 <Rubidium> bad way to do it, but it cannot be tested until MiniIN has been synced as there are a few conflicts 21:31:21 <Rubidium> and it's probably not wise to do so either as conflicts are not rare 21:31:22 <Wombles> 07:26 < OwenS> TrueLight: You will need to +o DorpsGek first :P 21:31:22 <Wombles> 07:26 < OwenS> TrueLight: You will need to +o DorpsGek first :P 21:31:39 <TrueLight> echo 21:31:40 <TrueLight> echo 21:32:03 <Wombles> sorry about that spaz... 21:32:09 <OwenS> +o it and give it the !kick command :P Making sure it chekcs the targets not an op first, and if they are kicks the requester :P 21:35:09 <Patrick`> huh, so you're reimplementing a partial irc client in the console? 21:35:31 <OwenS> OMG 21:35:37 <OwenS> I think I just desynced ^^ 21:35:44 <TrueLight> you _think_ 21:35:46 <TrueLight> amuzing 21:35:53 <OwenS> I wasnt watching for the red dialog :P 21:35:54 <TrueLight> (both the fact that you in fact do, as that you are not sure you desynced :p) 21:36:00 <TrueLight> check server console :p 21:36:06 <Gonozal_VIII> sometimes there is no dialog 21:36:10 <TrueLight> there always is 21:36:11 <OwenS> I -f ed it :P 21:36:19 <TrueLight> but your input is important :) 21:38:03 <Gonozal_VIII> funny thing with the desyncs is, that you can scroll around on the mainscreen when right mouse button was pressed when the desync happened 21:38:11 <SpComb> use the --force! 21:38:38 <TrueLight> GoneWacko: known bug 21:38:55 <TrueLight> easy to solve btw 21:38:58 <OwenS> GoneWacko again........ 21:39:06 <TrueLight> Gonozal_VIII: known bug 21:39:12 <TrueLight> very annoying, same first 3 letters 21:39:17 <TrueLight> CHANGE YOUR NAME 21:39:19 <TrueLight> sorry GoneWacko :) 21:39:29 <Gonozal_VIII> ^^ 21:40:59 *** Zr40_ [~Zirconium@zr40.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 21:41:35 <Gonozal_VIII> a 7mb map desyncing every few minutes can be very... not good 21:41:45 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:41:45 <TrueLight> hehe 21:41:49 <OwenS> Does restarting fix it? 21:42:08 <Gonozal_VIII> sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't 21:42:18 <Wolf01> 'night all 21:42:18 <OwenS> The time it doesn't, send TL your .sav 21:42:20 <TrueLight> and I truely only care about the latest :p 21:42:24 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host196-159.pool8256.interbusiness.it] has quit [Quit: e ricordate, per la legge di avogadro non esiste cazzo quadro] 21:43:45 <Gonozal_VIII> miniin r5838? 21:43:52 <OwenS> Theres a huge hot blackthing on my lap.... 21:44:08 <TrueLight> okay, only trunk games :p 21:44:14 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: They don't accept Mini-IN 21:44:38 <Gonozal_VIII> kk trunk then 21:45:31 <OwenS> As a side note, TL, does the signalling system make assumptions? 21:45:40 <TrueLight> OwenS: explain? 21:45:41 <Gonozal_VIII> had that desyncs in trunk too, so we should be able to reproduce it... 21:46:04 <OwenS> TrueLight: With the NAND patch NANDs can do funny stuff to signals in the block in front of them 21:47:07 <OwenS> Knowing the NAND code I wouldnt have thought it would have caused it; So it's possible it's an (unnoticed) bug in the signal engine 21:47:29 <TrueLight> the client does the same as the server at the same moment 21:47:33 <TrueLight> so as long as they do the same 21:47:35 <TrueLight> nothing can break it 21:47:38 *** Zr40 [~Zirconium@zr40.xs4all.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:48:15 <OwenS> No, it's the same client and server, what i'm saying is that a NAND can cause signals in front of it to go red/green when their rules (and code) says they shouldn't 21:48:36 <Sjoerd_> TrueLight: Can I put your comments about sync errors on a forum where some people that play openttd come? 21:48:37 <OwenS> It seems related to the NAND being red that they go red 21:48:53 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: sure, feel free. 21:49:02 <TrueLight> OwenS: I totally lost you :p 21:49:19 <OwenS> Ill make a diagram :) 21:49:23 <OwenS> Or picture even 21:49:29 <Sjoerd_> TrueLight: Ok so in short it's an unknown bug that shows up in long games? 21:49:44 <Sjoerd_> TrueLight: And it will be fixed as soon as it is found :) ? Right? 21:50:00 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: yup :) 21:50:14 <OwenS> Oh, good, NAND has no con flicts with trunk :) 21:50:19 *** thgergo [~th_gergo@dsl51B7898B.pool.t-online.hu] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:50:20 <Sjoerd_> and what is your 'job' with openttd so i can give proper credits? 21:50:22 <Gonozal_VIII> and seems to have something to do with newstations... 21:50:41 <Sjoerd_> Programmer, network-guru, SVN, and website host 21:50:43 <Sjoerd_> nevermind 21:50:45 <TrueLight> Sjoerd_: eeuuh.. currently I am pretty unsure :p 21:50:49 <TrueLight> But yeah, that will do 21:51:05 <Sjoerd_> how does it feel to be a website host? 21:51:07 * OwenS waits patiently for GCC to do it's work... 21:51:11 <Sjoerd_> must be a hard job.. 21:51:36 <OwenS> The hosting is easy; Doing it commercially it's the support which is hard 21:51:50 <TrueLight> OwenS: depends on the type of clients :) 21:52:05 <TrueLight> But of course it should have been something like: website hoster 21:52:09 <TrueLight> but for that we have Darkvater to blame :p 21:52:13 * Sjoerd_ feels out of place :( 21:52:50 <Sjoerd_> ok so we blame darkvater? 21:52:58 <Sjoerd_> he doesn't seem to be here 21:53:11 <OwenS> Bugger, something broke 21:53:15 <Sjoerd_> or is he in disguise? 21:55:30 <OwenS> Hmm 21:55:32 <OwenS> Thats strange 21:55:48 <OwenS> Nothing is different from previously in rail_cmd.c in my code blocks 21:55:55 <OwenS> But suddenly NAND has stopped working 21:56:12 <TrueLight> hehehehehehehe 21:56:29 <Gonozal_VIII> where do you use nand signals? 21:56:38 <OwenS> Complex stations etc 21:57:08 <Gonozal_VIII> could you show me a screenshot of such a station with nand in use please? 21:57:18 <OwenS> Not ATM 21:57:26 <OwenS> TrueLight: Ive got an example of the bug O.o 21:57:39 <TrueLight> good 21:57:41 <OwenS> It seems to be to do with 2 way combos 21:57:49 <OwenS> Which, is somewhat understandable 21:58:51 <Patrick`> you know the pathfinder bug that needed two-way exit signals at the entrance of stations? is that fixed or what? 22:00:30 <Gonozal_VIII> i only use two-way signals for waiting loops 22:00:53 <OwenS> http://res1.humgun.com/thebug.png 22:01:03 <OwenS> The PBS signals there are NAND signals BTW 22:01:05 <Patrick`> waiting ... loops? 22:01:10 <OwenS> I don't have graphics for them ;P 22:01:23 <Patrick`> sheesh owen, don't submit bugs with unsupported patches :P 22:01:30 <Gonozal_VIII> trains don't loose their speed in a loop :-) 22:01:41 <OwenS> Im saying this patch demonstrates an issue with the signaller... 22:02:11 <Patrick`> Gonozal_VIII: cunning, but you need a lot of land for realistic accn. curves 22:02:21 <Patrick`> AND it'll fail when there's more than a few trains in it 22:02:37 <Patrick`> personally I use other tricks to make sure a train never slows down before it hits platform. 22:02:38 <OwenS> TrueLight? 22:02:41 <Patrick`> "very wide stations". 22:02:56 <TrueLight> phone 22:03:00 <OwenS> Aah OK 22:03:10 <Patrick`> I'm not *that* refined a player, although I do think about it 22:04:17 <GoneWacko> woo 22:04:21 <GoneWacko> oh. 22:04:26 <GoneWacko> I thought i was popular 22:04:27 <GoneWacko> ;) 22:04:37 <GoneWacko> *slap TrueLight* 22:04:43 <GoneWacko> ha ha ha. ha ha. 22:04:43 <GoneWacko> ha. 22:04:53 <GoneWacko> (yes I'm bored) 22:05:02 <Gonozal_VIII> with miniin physics patch i make the circles 3 tiles diagonal, 2 tiles normal... that's big enough to keep some speed.. and a train hardly ever makes more then one circle in the loop it's just for the case when the line is blocked in the moment the train wants to enter it 22:05:29 <TrueLight> OwenS: how did we came from desync problems to NAND problems? :p 22:05:35 <OwenS> Dunno :P 22:05:52 <OwenS> This isn't really a NAND problem, it's a WTF signaller problem :P 22:06:25 <TrueLight> signaller sucks :p 22:06:32 <OwenS> Really? :P 22:06:43 <OwenS> Although I did think it was stupidly implemented 22:07:41 <Gonozal_VIII> btw.. why combos without any pre signals or exits? 22:07:54 <OwenS> Oh, it's just to demonstrate the problem 22:08:14 <OwenS> Exits there doesn't fix the screwy behaviour :P 22:08:33 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:08:45 <TrueLight> signals should be revisted :) 22:08:48 <OwenS> :) 22:10:46 <OwenS> if (IsPresignalExit(tile) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, ssd->bit[i])) { 22:10:46 <OwenS> ex--; 22:10:46 <OwenS> if (GetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, ssd->bit[i]) != SIGNAL_STATE_RED) exfree--; 22:10:46 <OwenS> } 22:10:54 <OwenS> Seems to be at least part of the problem 22:12:00 *** lolman [~john@] has joined #openttd 22:12:10 <OwenS> But how to get rid of it.. Hmm 22:13:26 <OwenS> More questionably, why is it affecting those NAND signals 22:15:07 <OwenS> Unless 22:15:17 <OwenS> Combo signals count as 2 signals to other presignal entries 22:15:26 <OwenS> As such the NAND sees 2 signals, of which one must be red 22:15:31 <OwenS> Thusly goes green 22:16:21 *** TinoM| [~Tino@i5387D253.versanet.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:16:45 *** Bengoz [~sasa@kl-hki-feb3dd00-227.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [] 22:17:37 <OwenS> Think i'm on the right track (pun unintended) here? 22:18:32 <Patrick`> Gonozal_VIII: sounds like a physics patch where people want what's convenient, not what's true 22:18:57 <Patrick`> I'm irritated by it on principle because it changes the entire way networks are built 22:19:03 <Patrick`> everything I do would fit into less space ... 22:19:17 *** john_ [~john@] has joined #openttd 22:19:23 <Patrick`> hmm, how to get miniIN patches seperately 22:19:26 <OwenS> TrueLight? 22:19:43 <TrueLight> OwenS: yes? 22:19:53 <OwenS> Think im on the right track (Look up) 22:20:09 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by john_))] 22:20:09 <Gonozal_VIII> that circles also worked before the physics patch 22:20:12 <TrueLight> Don't overload me with stuff, I am just back from my holiday :p 22:20:12 *** john_ is now known as lolman 22:20:14 *** guru3 [~guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1::1] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:20:17 <OwenS> Hah 22:20:30 <Gonozal_VIII> best with maglev 22:21:26 <OwenS> BTW, anyone think I should make an AND signal? 22:21:47 <Gonozal_VIII> i had even smaller circles back then with 3 only one free tile in the middle 22:21:54 <Gonozal_VIII> -3^^ 22:22:12 <OwenS> How big are your trains? 22:22:28 <Gonozal_VIII> trains don't crash with themselves... 22:22:42 <OwenS> How many tiles? 22:22:53 <Gonozal_VIII> 14 most of them 22:23:09 <Gonozal_VIII> 7 tiles... 14 thing.. halftiles^^ 22:24:33 *** Trenskow [~outlet@3e6b6aed.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #openttd 22:25:00 <Gonozal_VIII> the longest trains that i used were 64 (128) tiles long 22:25:07 <Trenskow> is there any documentation on the savegame/scenario format ? 22:26:31 <OwenS> So, do people want AND signals? 22:27:40 <Patrick`> you can just make 'em out of nand, trivially 22:27:48 <Patrick`> by putting a single nand at the output 22:27:50 <OwenS> Yes, but it requres unused track 22:27:54 <Patrick`> 1 tile. 22:28:03 <Patrick`> there are other gates that would be more useful to emulate first 22:28:08 <OwenS> Like? 22:28:12 <Patrick`> which require more nands to build 22:28:18 <OwenS> Like? 22:28:31 <Patrick`> xor. 22:28:53 <OwenS> But how often is XOR useful, vs AND... 22:29:02 <Patrick`> in fact, because a not gate is terse, you can make and/or/nor in very little space indeed 22:29:09 <OwenS> Have you ever encountered a railway situation which demanded XOR? 22:29:31 <Patrick`> make a 50:50 splitter that doesn't need a train as a clock 22:29:41 <Gonozal_VIII> i'm happy with the normal presignals as they are now, no use for and, nand or such 22:29:44 <OwenS> How does XOR help? 22:29:55 <ln-> http://www.saunalahti.fi/valtkaus/kuvat/tytoteiosaa/ <-- have you ever seen digital photos of worse quality than that? 22:29:55 <Patrick`> it doesn't 22:29:59 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: True, NAND and co are only really useful in huge networks 22:30:05 <Patrick`> but it's the only one that's not trivially small-ly makeable 22:30:07 <Patrick`> think about it 22:30:20 <OwenS> NAND has made a 50:50 splitter which doesn't need a train :P 22:30:31 <Patrick`> with a gate, say you have 2 tracks coming out a 4 degrees that represent the inputs 22:30:40 <OwenS> http://www.tt-forums.net//files/nandbalancer_101.png 22:30:41 <Patrick`> you can not each of those (with a nand signal) in half a tile 22:30:49 <Patrick`> rmemeber that density is much higher on diagonals 22:31:02 <Patrick`> and those tracks would be unused anyway unless you put a SHARP turn in the line 22:31:11 <Gonozal_VIII> yapf does 50:50 splitting by itself 22:31:14 <OwenS> The ones inside that balencer? 22:31:18 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: Not at this level 22:31:25 <Patrick`> Gonozal_VIII: ... what do you mean 22:31:30 *** egladil [~egladil@frukt.csbnet.se] has joined #openttd 22:31:37 <OwenS> It only does it at a red signal 22:31:37 <Patrick`> like, for 2 ways to get to a station that are roughly the same path length? 22:31:39 <Gonozal_VIII> it looks for the state of the next x signals 22:31:44 <Patrick`> ah, see 22:31:50 <OwenS> Yes, in this case it may be futher down 22:31:54 <Patrick`> I have 2 paths to get to a station, one sliighly longer than the other 22:32:04 <Patrick`> and trains FUCKIN CRAM INTO the short one 22:32:05 <Patrick`> ahem. 22:32:09 <OwenS> Yep 22:32:24 <OwenS> Ive seen it even if it's just 5 DAMMNED TILES... 22:32:24 <WolfAngel> ... get sober traindrivers... 22:32:32 <Patrick`> yep. 22:32:36 <Gonozal_VIII> change the penalties in the cfg.. 22:32:59 <OwenS> Remember, many large station exits are ~25 signals before you hit the mainline, as such YaPF balancing sucks there 22:33:00 <Patrick`> doesn't matter, they'll still be assymetric 22:33:27 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't care if its slightly assymetric as long as the trains flow 22:33:37 <Patrick`> no, they don't. 22:33:37 <OwenS> Becaus I here don't damn care that a signal is red; I care that a my load is perfectly balanced down both lines 22:33:47 <Patrick`> they all flow into the left trunk and cram it up 22:33:55 <Patrick`> ironically making it lower in density 22:34:08 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:34:39 <Gonozal_VIII> make both lines exactly the same length :-) 22:34:41 <Patrick`> hey, do signals propogate through wrong one-ways ? 22:34:54 <OwenS> Not as far as I can tell 22:34:56 *** McWayne [~theo@dslb-084-060-198-155.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: °ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: http://www.sci.fi/~showdown/] 22:35:00 <Patrick`> because you could use those to stop trains from going into your logic 22:35:11 <Patrick`> rather than relying on the quirk of signal transfer between rail types 22:35:12 <OwenS> I do somewhat :) 22:35:19 <Gonozal_VIII> i think it only checks valid paths 22:35:51 <Patrick`> I'm looking at the nandbalancer, it could be all maglev if the entrance nand on the left and the entrance combo on the right were facing the other way 22:36:42 <Patrick`> I would say the ideal thing would be to make an optional signal gui which allows you to select custom types 22:36:46 <OwenS> Rail helps identify whats logic and whats not 22:36:50 <Patrick`> and just have control-click cycle through the regulars 22:36:53 <OwenS> Patrick`: Like Mini-IN's 22:36:55 <OwenS> That would rock 22:37:07 <Patrick`> and not fifteen signals you'll only use once 22:37:22 <Patrick`> then, you could just go nuts 22:37:38 <Patrick`> have one image for "programmable signals", maybe set the colour of the dot or something 22:37:40 <OwenS> How about a patch (Enabled by default) which hides NAND, etcs? 22:37:42 <Patrick`> and make all the gates 22:37:57 <Patrick`> nand, nor, etc 22:38:00 <OwenS> For the time being 22:38:09 <OwenS> No can do; Not enough space in the map array 22:38:20 <Patrick`> ah, how many more 22:38:38 <Patrick`> or, make it "custom signal" and add your own sparse array lookup 22:38:48 <Patrick`> just brainstormin' here 22:38:53 <Patrick`> --> z 22:39:07 <Gonozal_VIII> yeah, put all the signals anybody can imagine into the game, make them optional and disabled by default.. 22:39:35 <OwenS> Hidden, not disabled - Theres a difference 22:39:47 *** Peach [~Peach@cpe.atm2-0-1111159.0x50c6a2e6.odnxx4.customer.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 22:41:04 <TrueLight> okay, night all :) 22:41:12 <OwenS> Night 22:41:14 <Gonozal_VIII> hidden = can't be build but existing ones still work? 22:41:16 <Gonozal_VIII> night 22:41:19 *** UE|sleepingtiem [MiniUrban@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: if at first you dont succeed, you fail.] 22:41:20 <OwenS> Gonozal_VIII: Yeah 22:41:29 <OwenS> Bjarni, you there? 22:41:48 <Peach> Am i the only one where the ore mine is visible when trees and all others are transparent? 22:42:10 <Gonozal_VIII> miniin? 22:42:14 <Peach> 0.4.8 22:43:01 <OwenS> No, everything is in the base sprite 22:43:10 <OwenS> So it happens for everyone 22:43:14 <OwenS> Bjarni? Orudge? 22:43:25 <orudge> Yes? 22:43:35 <OwenS> Anyone wanna fix the signaller? 22:43:41 <OwenS> It's kinda... Rotten to the core 22:44:34 *** UserErr0r [MiniUrban@] has joined #openttd 22:44:48 <OwenS> For example, when you have 2 way signals in a block, theyre counted as 2 it would appear (Hang on, /me adds printf to to check 22:48:40 <WolfAngel> good thing /me does that ^^ 22:49:50 <OwenS> Or, no 22:50:01 <OwenS> It seems to make assumptions about what signals need updating :S 22:50:15 <WolfAngel> ^^ 22:50:32 <OwenS> Seriously, that is bad 22:51:59 <WolfAngel> don't know you're talking about... 22:52:05 <WolfAngel> I'm just dumb... 22:53:38 *** Zr40_ [~Zirconium@zr40.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:57:05 <OwenS> I guess Bjarni is asleep :( 22:58:14 *** ThePizzaKing [~thepizzak@c211-28-157-212.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: -] 22:59:16 * Bjarni slaps OwenS 22:59:29 * orudge slaps OwenS too for having an evil name 22:59:30 <OwenS> Anyway, the signaller is broken.. 22:59:42 <Bjarni> never presume anything without evidence 22:59:44 *** badut [~badut@58-84-90-205.dial-lns6.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #openttd 22:59:44 <OwenS> (As I told owen earlier) 22:59:53 <OwenS> I have evidence, and ive checked my code and I see no bug there 22:59:55 <OwenS> sftp://gnxax.us.humgun.com/var/www/res1.humgun.com/thebug.png 23:00:09 <OwenS> Woops, SFTP url XD 23:00:22 <OwenS> http://res1.humgun.com/thebug.png 23:01:04 *** ThePizzaKing [~thepizzak@c211-28-157-212.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 23:01:10 <OwenS> It would appear that the signaller, in it's divine wisdom, assumes when it needs not update the signals on a block 23:02:10 <Bjarni> those are combo signals, right? 23:02:25 <OwenS> Yeah, except the NAND ones 23:02:39 <OwenS> And the same thing occurs with exits behind them 23:02:47 *** Dred_furst [~Dred.furs@user-5440cd7c.wfd78a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:02:52 <Bjarni> you are using the NAND signal patch? 23:03:00 <OwenS> That I wrote :P 23:03:13 <Bjarni> then I don't care. The patch broke the signals 23:03:25 <OwenS> How so? 23:03:53 <OwenS> I would say the signals broke the patch 23:04:37 <OwenS> In that signal layout, the NAND never gets questioned as to what state it wishes to be in 23:06:52 <OwenS> It would appear that there is a defect or assumption in the signaller, that has not been noticed previously because it doesn't affect combos, coming to light when the signals are asked to operate in ways they don't normally 23:07:55 <OwenS> If you would like me to fix this, where would I find said defect/assumption? 23:09:53 <OwenS> Bjarni? 23:11:43 <Bjarni> hmm 23:13:08 <Bjarni> let me put it this way. In real life, say you build a railroad. You build a bridge, that can handle locomotives with a max weight of 60 tons. 30 years later, somebody decides to use 90 tons engines, but the bridge fails and there is a huge accident. 23:13:11 <Bjarni> who is to blame 23:13:29 <OwenS> The person who didn't upgrade the bridge 23:13:38 <OwenS> Or didn't check it could handle the weight 23:13:45 <Sjoerd_> the person who didn't documentate 23:13:47 <Brianetta> "somebody decides to use..." <-- that somebody 23:13:48 <OwenS> Although bridges are normally overspecced 23:13:50 <Sjoerd_> or didn't read documentation 23:13:51 <Bjarni> you for building a buggy bridge or the person, who decided on driving the way too heavy engine on a bridge, he didn't check for compatibility 23:14:21 <Brianetta> You don't run a locomotive over a bridge without knowing that the bridge can handle it. 23:14:27 <OwenS> I thought you were doing another american stupidity thing; Damn, it's an analogy... 23:15:13 <Bjarni> <OwenS> Although bridges are normally overspecced <-- well. They had a whole lot of crashes in USA in the late 19th century. They had wooden bridges and the engines had doubled the weight since the bridges had been build, yet nobody checked the bridges and they considered it bad luck when a bridge failed 23:16:04 <OwenS> So, any help on fixing this bridge? :P (As the analogy goes) 23:16:07 <Brianetta> WTF use is a nand gate to a train anyway? 23:16:16 <OwenS> Complex signalling 23:16:21 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 23:16:22 <OwenS> Im thinking of doing AND also :) 23:16:31 <pv2b> with NAND gates you can implement any logic 23:16:33 <Brianetta> You mean running tracks as communication lines only? 23:16:41 <Bjarni> Brianetta: I don't get why NAND signals is needed either 23:16:44 *** Trenskow [~outlet@3e6b6aed.rev.stofanet.dk] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 23:16:46 <OwenS> Yes, which is somewhat like #openttdcoop's prios 23:16:51 <Bjarni> *are 23:17:10 <Brianetta> OwenS: Those prios are so unlike anything that's ever been actually placed on the ground 23:17:27 <OwenS> True, they simulate communication lines/timetabling 23:17:46 <Brianetta> Fair enough, priority programmable signals, but let's not press presignals any further into a role for which they weren't designed 23:17:54 <Brianetta> timetabling? no. 23:18:17 <OwenS> Interlocking, route reservation, stuff like that... 23:18:22 <Brianetta> Timetabling is when the train doesn't need to stop because it was sent at such a time that it wouldn't need to 23:19:27 <OwenS> I would like to do Lua programmable signals; Unfortionately I don't know where I would store the LUA 23:19:46 <Brianetta> In the NMA 23:19:46 <OwenS> Or how you would enter it for that mattter 23:19:51 <OwenS> NMA? 23:19:52 <Brianetta> with a new dialogue 23:20:12 <Brianetta> New Map Array (TM(TM) 23:20:19 <OwenS> Yeah, when it comes out 23:20:40 *** guru3 [~guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1::1] has joined #openttd 23:20:45 <Brianetta> KUDr wanted a new PBS, but it needed a new pathfinder 23:20:46 <guru3> damn server acting up 23:20:47 <guru3> oh well 23:20:48 <guru3> good night 23:21:34 <OwenS> As much as I hate unrealism, there are places where we have to do it to emulate the way the real world works, or to get things to work better, or to just tell those damn trains what to do 23:22:51 <OwenS> So, any help fixing what we have at the moment? ... 23:24:20 *** badut [~badut@58-84-90-205.dial-lns6.vic.chariot.net.au] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:24:27 * Brianetta shakes his head 23:24:42 <OwenS> ? 23:25:20 <Peach> Does coopetition have an official site other than http://openttdcoop.ppcis.org/wiki/index.php/Coopetition? 23:25:33 <OwenS> Nope 23:25:43 <Brianetta> That's the official site 23:27:36 <Peach> Sounds like a nice idea, they are planning to make some kind of ladder system right? 23:27:44 <OwenS> I think so 23:29:33 <OwenS> WTF, why does OFTC have a #freenode.... 23:30:56 *** Osai^2 [~Osai@p54B376DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 23:36:27 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37BB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:37:11 <Brianetta> For the flammage 23:37:18 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has quit [] 23:37:19 <Brianetta> One goes there to rant, and tell lilo stories 23:37:34 <OwenS> Haha 23:38:00 <Brianetta> hmm 23:38:06 <Brianetta> /whois olilo 23:38:10 <Brianetta> he's on there 23:38:15 <OwenS> Who? 23:40:30 <lws1984> lilo? 23:40:41 <OwenS> Runs Freenode 23:40:57 <OwenS> Unaffectionally called Lilonet by some 23:41:14 <OwenS> Widely regarded as a roil idiot 23:41:24 <OwenS> royal** 23:42:49 *** Maedhros [~jc@i-195-137-43-74.freedom2surf.net] has quit [Quit: good night] 23:43:31 <OwenS> Brianetta: W.R.T NAND signalling systems, I would like to see "Signal pathway" tracks implemented. IE, a track type no trains can follow which is used exclusively for signals 23:45:37 <Brianetta> OwenS: I think they're too invasive. Way too much abuse of space. 23:45:53 <Brianetta> It's OK on a coop or single player game where the land is your own 23:45:54 *** Subs0nic^ [~adsa@] has quit [Quit: "Treig And The Ræggers" :D] 23:46:05 <OwenS> Well, if we had NMA now I would implement programable signals instead 23:47:13 <OwenS> But we would need multiline edit blocks 23:49:16 <Brianetta> I don't think that level of complexity is warranted or desirtable 23:49:39 <OwenS> What level of complexity? 23:49:43 <Brianetta> Most people want their trains to go where they want, not to implement binary counters etc. 23:50:12 <OwenS> In that case they dont need it; I would add a patch option to show the more complex types, hidden by default 23:50:18 <Brianetta> PBS with presignals for terminals will probably be all anybody wants. 23:51:46 *** JohnUK89 [~john@] has joined #openttd 23:51:56 *** Zoiah [Zoiah@matryoshka.zoiah.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:52:01 *** JohnUK89 is now known as lolman 23:52:34 <OwenS> Except people with really large networks, or space constraints who need something complex 23:52:59 <lolman> YAY Dual screen OTTD! ^_^ 23:53:07 <OwenS> haha 23:53:23 <lolman> Just got it working :P 23:53:49 <lws1984> dual screen? 23:53:53 <lws1984> how? 23:53:58 <lolman> lws1984, yep...TwinView 23:54:10 <lws1984> on a computer? :p 23:54:16 <lolman> Yeah :P 23:54:40 <lws1984> hmmm. when I get my dualmonitor properly set up, I shall have to investigate 23:54:55 <lolman> It's brill :-D 23:54:55 <lws1984> I assume there's documentation? 23:55:12 <lolman> Erm, there's a howto for Ubuntu, but I dunno what OS you're on 23:55:22 <lolman> (and if Linux I dunno what distro) 23:55:32 <lws1984> Mac OS X 23:55:42 <lolman> Dunno then lol 23:55:57 *** Osai^2 is now known as Osai 23:56:04 <lws1984> well, how's it work? 23:56:22 <lolman> lws1984, it outputs to two screens at once and treats them as one 23:56:39 <lws1984> natrually, but what's involved in setting it up? 23:57:36 *** john_ [~john@] has joined #openttd 23:57:55 *** lolman [~john@] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by john_))] 23:57:58 *** john_ is now known as lolman 23:59:01 <lolman> Apologies, what was the last thing I said? 23:59:25 <OwenS> [00:56:22] <lolman>lws1984, it outputs to two screens at once and treats them as one 23:59:43 <lolman> Ah, that's all I said before I realised I had been booted