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00:03:28 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp85-140-207-142.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:22:35 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-140-96.vodafone-net.de] has quit [Quit: bin wech....] 00:24:03 *** Bear_ [~IceChat7@pool-68-163-50-204.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 00:28:16 *** Alltaken [~chatzilla@203-97-223-241.cable.telstraclear.net] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023]] 00:29:05 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 00:33:14 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-187-212.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:34:40 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:37:38 *** MYOB [~vision@h1.vpn.gov.ie] has quit [Quit: Vision[1.2.0-Z-02092006]: i've been blurred!] 00:37:56 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 00:39:24 *** Bear_ [~IceChat7@pool-68-163-50-204.phil.east.verizon.net] has left #openttd [] 00:41:18 <Born_Acorn> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=28393 00:41:19 <Born_Acorn> :o 00:43:06 <jez> hahaha 00:43:15 <jez> playing against humans sucks 00:43:18 <jez> i've always said it 00:44:10 <Sionide> i only LAN against people i know because i go across the room and smack 'em one if they try anything stupid 00:54:37 <BFM> haha 01:17:11 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-187-212.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 01:20:23 *** PandaMojo_ [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 01:22:04 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:23:43 *** BFM [~chatzilla@CPE-139-168-76-170.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]] 01:25:20 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 01:25:36 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:25:49 *** PandaMojo_ is now known as PandaMojo 01:45:21 *** PandaMojo_ [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 01:50:36 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:50:49 *** PandaMojo_ is now known as PandaMojo 01:54:22 *** jez [bengal@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [] 01:57:52 *** ThePizzaKing_ [~jeff@c211-28-162-214.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:58:32 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-162-214.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 02:21:23 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:21:57 *** fusee [~fusion@69-160-51-207.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #openttd 02:24:39 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 02:29:02 *** fusey [fusion@69-160-51-207.ontrca.adelphia.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:29:02 *** fusee is now known as fusey 02:30:56 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p54B76E08.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 02:37:22 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B76F0C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:53:45 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:57:01 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 02:58:02 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 02:58:48 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 03:02:39 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-187-212.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:07:22 *** nairan [~Maui_key@p5498EEED.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:17:59 *** Frostregen [~sucks@dslb-084-058-117-138.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:25:02 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 03:45:55 *** robobed [~Leo@c211-30-116-5.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 03:48:48 *** Nigel_ [~Nigel@] has joined #openttd 04:01:03 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-162-214.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:03:08 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N934P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:03:40 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N710P000.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 04:04:01 *** robobed is now known as roboboy 04:28:44 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-149-18.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 04:51:20 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:54:36 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 05:40:09 *** clemux [~clemux@lns-bzn-47f-81-56-237-44.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 06:13:49 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0EE81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 06:14:18 *** dp-_ [~dp@p54B2F614.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:14:28 *** Mucht [~Mucht@p57A0EE81.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:16:26 *** dp- [~dp@p54B2F614.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 06:18:27 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC5487.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 06:35:23 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:46:30 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 06:49:20 *** qb [~qball@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:53:52 *** qb [~qball@ipd50a4125.speed.planet.nl] has joined #openttd 06:55:10 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]] 07:24:41 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #openttd 07:31:07 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N710P000.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [] 07:43:45 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3EB3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Client exiting] 07:48:08 *** lws1984 is now known as lws|Away 07:48:17 <Zevensoft> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=517933#517933 07:53:05 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:56:21 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 08:05:32 <Rubidium> Zevensoft, about that patch: video/sdl_v.c does not compile. Did you try to replace all the [xy]factor with vfactor? 08:09:07 *** Progman [~progman@p5091F0AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 08:09:44 *** lws|Away [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:10:02 <Zevensoft> yeah 08:10:12 <Zevensoft> I might have stuffed it 08:10:14 <Zevensoft> hang on 08:10:45 <Zevensoft> ok yeah, I forgot to change the initialization 08:11:00 <Zevensoft> I'll repatch and upload 08:14:10 *** Progman [~progman@p5091F0AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:15:23 <Zevensoft> ok done 08:18:35 * peter1138 wonders who it is who keeps cloning trains but not sharing orders 08:18:56 <peter1138> it's a pita when you've got a couple of dozen trains all with the same route... 08:21:40 <Patrick_> it's an easy mistake to make 08:21:46 <Patrick_> I reckon clone should be share by default 08:21:55 <peter1138> not every time... 08:21:57 <Patrick_> even if it's inconsistent with goto behaviour, it makes more sense 08:22:20 <Patrick_> although I guess it could cause more mayhem in the hands of the uneducated 08:22:34 <Patrick_> as in, make a 40-train route, then clone one off and change its orders, suddenly they all stop 08:22:45 <peter1138> yeah 08:25:39 <Rubidium> Zevensoft: InitColorDist is taking way too much time, 7.5 seconds on my machine to be precise 08:25:57 <Zevensoft> yeah I know 08:26:12 <Zevensoft> its because of 3 nested loops 08:26:25 <Zevensoft> does the palette ever change? 08:26:51 <Zevensoft> (I dont mean animate, I mean change completely) 08:27:01 <Zevensoft> if not, I could use a table instead 08:27:05 <Zevensoft> like a 64kb file 08:28:50 <Zevensoft> all that just for a bilinear filter :) 08:29:59 <peter1138> it does for some climates 08:30:27 <Zevensoft> damn 08:32:12 <Rubidium> the nested loops can be made shorter as the tables should be symmetrical, right? 08:32:33 <Zevensoft> hrm thats true 08:33:51 <Rubidium> and if you're at it, add gfxfilter.c to Makefile 08:34:30 <Zevensoft> k 08:36:06 <Rubidium> and I would make the whole table-filling dependant on whether the bilinear filter has been chosen/selected 08:36:19 <Zevensoft> hrm another good idea 08:37:38 <Celestar> morning >:( 08:43:51 <Rubidium> morning Celestar 08:45:17 <Celestar> lots my HDD in the notebook :( 08:45:25 <Celestar> so no comp @ home 08:47:17 <Rubidium> that's not so good 08:49:51 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3D048.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 08:59:46 <Celestar> morning 09:00:48 <peter1138> lots = lost? 09:03:21 *** clemux [~clemux@lns-bzn-47f-81-56-237-44.adsl.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:04:50 <Celestar> lost 09:05:05 <Celestar> can boot knoppix from CD 09:05:18 <Celestar> sees the disc, but not the partition table 09:05:24 <Celestar> ==bad 09:05:47 * Celestar considers the disc and the data lost 09:05:57 *** clemux [~clemux@] has joined #openttd 09:13:29 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:15:25 *** mikl [~mikl@tbv.faderhuset.org] has joined #openttd 09:16:45 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 09:25:53 <Darkvater> morning 09:27:06 *** pure_phase [~ash@] has joined #openttd 09:28:30 <peter1138> hello mr vater 09:31:23 * Prof_Frink varts in peter1138's general direction 09:33:30 <Darkvater> Celestar: any luck on the minimap scrolling? 09:34:09 <Darkvater> on a slightly different topic: I worked on _z_windows yesterday; using a seperate array for the window-z positions, instead of shuffling the windows themselves around, resulting in possible crashes 09:35:02 <Darkvater> now my question is: there are a ton of places that loop the window array until the last (active) window. This is impossible with the lookup array as since the _windows[] themselves don't move around, you can have "gaps" in them, etc. 09:35:38 <Darkvater> so which one would be preferrable? 1. loop WHOLE _windows or 2. loop _z_windows and use extra referencing to get to the actual pointer(s) 09:36:22 <Darkvater> 2. also means _z_windows and _last_z_window needs to be visible externally to windows.c which I am not too happy about; however 1. always loops the whole windows array even if there are 2-3 windows open 09:37:04 <peter1138> hmm 09:37:35 <Darkvater> of course any other suggestion is welcome 09:48:03 <Darkvater> hehe 09:48:08 <Darkvater> I value your input people :D 09:53:52 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:55:58 <peter1138> no idea 09:56:15 <peter1138> so do you think i need to convert those characters? 09:56:59 <Darkvater> aren't you already? it's encoded to utf8, isn't it? 09:57:11 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 09:57:17 <Darkvater> I mean the _name_array patch encodes it 09:57:30 <peter1138> it encodes it, but it doesn't convert the characters that are different 09:57:39 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 09:57:45 <peter1138> utf-8 below 256 is pretty much latin-1 09:57:48 <Darkvater> hmm, i thought we only used single-byte characters 09:57:52 <peter1138> we're latin-15 09:58:06 <peter1138> so there are half a dozen chars that need mapping 09:58:16 <peter1138> but only if they were usable in the first place 09:58:47 <Darkvater> I think I am missing something... 09:58:54 <peter1138> hmm 09:58:57 <peter1138> yes? 09:59:06 <Darkvater> if we have u' for example you just read it and convert, no? 09:59:22 <peter1138> yesh 09:59:25 <Darkvater> or you need to map that to unicode and convert? 09:59:31 <peter1138> correct 09:59:38 <Darkvater> ah :) 09:59:40 <peter1138> fortunately most characters are the same, so need no mapping 09:59:55 <Darkvater> hmm...it would be the nice thing todo 10:00:04 <Darkvater> just a small lookup table and you're done 10:00:07 <peter1138> 0xA4 -> 0x20A4 iirc 10:00:11 <peter1138> well, there are 7 10:00:16 <peter1138> so i just did a switch block 10:00:20 <peter1138> however... i left it at home 10:00:45 <Darkvater> switch works as well 10:00:46 <peter1138> !seen bjarni 10:00:47 <_42_> peter1138, Bjarni (~Bjarni@0x50a46ac4.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) was last seen quitting #openttd 1 day 21 hours 41 minutes ago (11.11. 12:19) stating "Quit: Leaving" after spending 18 hours 17 minutes there. 10:00:53 <Darkvater> he's on the forums 10:00:57 <peter1138> yeah, i know 10:01:06 <Darkvater> probably doesn't dare to show up here 10:01:13 <peter1138> i keep forgetting what i want to talk to him about 10:01:20 <Darkvater> fearing we'd expose yet another programming bug of his 10:01:21 <peter1138> oh yes, i know 10:01:29 <Darkvater> what is it? 10:01:35 <peter1138> the engines and wagons only filters are broken 10:01:51 <peter1138> in the train purchase list 10:01:59 <peter1138> click on engine only 10:02:18 <peter1138> then click on an item in the blank area of the matrix 10:02:27 <peter1138> listbox, whatever 10:02:36 <Darkvater> no shit..I know 10:02:47 <Darkvater> that is the next thing on my todo list after _z_windows 10:02:48 <peter1138> if lucky, you'll get a wagon, if unlucky it'll crash 10:03:11 <Darkvater> but I wanted window-z fixed first as that's more serious 10:03:13 <peter1138> strangely it works fine for aircraft 10:03:14 <peter1138> heh 10:03:20 <peter1138> i don't think it is actually 10:03:44 <peter1138> it's a problem that can be worked around, and it isn't user visible 10:04:07 <peter1138> bjarni bjarni bjarni 10:04:13 <Darkvater> I think it can be the cause of some of the really obscure bugs 10:04:15 * peter1138 attempts a summonses 10:04:24 <Prof_Frink> peter1138: mushroom? 10:04:32 <Darkvater> you never know if your window* pointer is valid after *ANY* function call in wndproc 10:04:41 <Darkvater> if you are lucky it is, if you aren't it isn't 10:04:52 <Darkvater> you can change the data of other windows without any visible effects 10:04:57 <Darkvater> very dangerous imho 10:05:26 <Darkvater> or just crash of course, but that's the good part 10:05:30 <peter1138> :) 10:05:48 <Darkvater> so that's why input would be nice :) 10:05:53 <Darkvater> or at least ideas 10:06:32 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 10:06:33 <peter1138> cheat 10:07:02 <peter1138> hmm 10:07:25 <peter1138> do you need two arrays? 10:07:51 <peter1138> hmm 10:07:54 <peter1138> (c) me 10:08:02 <Darkvater> I can also store the z-index inside the window struct, but that'd suck for performance 10:08:15 <peter1138> yeah 10:08:24 <peter1138> don't do that 10:08:28 <Darkvater> I can use std::list 10:08:29 <Darkvater> ;p 10:08:32 <peter1138> bah 10:08:41 <peter1138> bloody forums have decided that every post is read :( 10:08:52 <Darkvater> he 10:08:59 <Darkvater> there were only 2 good posts today 10:09:17 <Darkvater> one about a guy complaining he got banned and villifying all admins and players 10:09:35 <peter1138> hehe 10:09:43 <Darkvater> and another one who made some maxiIN, where immediately people started attacking him on source/diff and license of include grf files 10:09:52 <peter1138> yup 10:09:56 <peter1138> i've read that lot already 10:10:12 <peter1138> russians, eh? 10:10:15 <Darkvater> :) 10:10:29 <peter1138> i wonder what they get up to 10:10:37 <peter1138> doing all that shit with 32bpp 10:10:57 <peter1138> i wonder how long they've keep the russianified version after utf8... 10:11:14 <peter1138> *they'll 10:11:23 <Darkvater> so anyways, I've made a Window *_z_windows[] array which holds the z-indices 10:11:33 <peter1138> yes 10:11:40 <peter1138> holds? 10:11:49 <peter1138> hmm 10:11:56 <Darkvater> donnu. do all cyrillic chars fit into the sprite-alphabet? 10:12:04 <Darkvater> holds pointers to windows of _windows[] 10:12:24 <ln-> is the evaluation order of a = b() | c() | d(); guaranteed to be something? 10:12:57 <Darkvater> you're orring 10:13:16 <ln-> i know 10:13:19 <mikl> he's an orringo :) 10:13:46 *** Tron_ [dCyHCnQC@nat-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #openttd 10:13:56 <Darkvater> wb Tron_, or if you weren't around welcome 10:15:26 <ln-> well, more precisely, the situation is like this: a = (buf[n++] << 1) | (buf[n++] << 2) | (buf[n++] << 3); -- is there a risk the expressions will be evaluated from right to left? 10:16:47 <Darkvater> well if you are unsure buf[n]|buf[n+1]|buf[n+2] 10:17:11 <Darkvater> but I think it's always left-to-right, at least that's what we've assumed in openttd all along and that seems to work 10:18:08 <Tron_> DO NOT DO THIS 10:18:17 <Darkvater> or look at assembly code ;) 10:18:22 <Tron_> no 10:18:23 <Tron_> DON'T 10:18:29 <Tron_> the result is plain undefined 10:18:52 <Tron_> never modify an lvalue more than once between two sequence points 10:20:35 <Tron_> <Darkvater> but I think it's always left-to-right, at least that's what we've assumed in openttd all along and that seems to work <--- to make it /very/ clear: this is nonsense 10:20:38 <Celestar> . 10:21:29 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:21:29 <Celestar> Darkvater: "man operator" ? 10:21:40 <ln-> i wouldn't do that, but i have some code here that does, and i wondered how seriously broken it is. 10:21:51 <Tron_> ln-: in ottd? 10:21:51 <Tron_> where? 10:21:55 <Celestar> ln-: what's the exact line? 10:22:11 * Darkvater doesn't think it's openttd 10:22:31 <Celestar> I meant "paste it here" 10:23:13 <Darkvater> Celestar: minimap? ;) 10:23:14 <ln-> Tron_: fortunately not in ottd. 10:23:27 <Celestar> Darkvater: I lost my HDD this weekend, so I was stuck without a computer :S 10:23:48 <Celestar> called IBM support 20 minutes ago, replacement HDD comes tomorrow morning. 10:23:48 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:23:50 <Darkvater> how does one lose a HDD? 10:23:52 <Tron_> Celestar: look inside your computer. The chance is pretty good that it's there 10:23:55 <Darkvater> oh dead...hehe 10:24:01 <Darkvater> I thought it has gone missing or something 10:24:15 <Celestar> Darkvater: sorry "lose" is a pilot expression for going inoperational. 10:24:30 <Celestar> "I've lost an engine" doesn't usually mean it that dropped off the wing :P 10:25:42 <Darkvater> :) 10:26:04 <Celestar> even tho that happened once or twice 10:26:13 <Prof_Frink> Celestar: Have you looked down the back of the sofa? 10:26:18 * Celestar imagines a GE-90 engine dropping in his backyard 10:26:28 <peter1138> heh 10:27:25 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-225-155.vodafone-net.de] has joined #openttd 10:27:42 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 10:32:25 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 10:36:50 <peter1138> hello 10:37:16 <Brianetta> hello 10:38:24 <Prof_Frink> hello 10:38:42 <Darkvater> hi 10:40:16 <KUDr> Darkvater, peter1138: 'optional_elrails' seems to work. Was running for whole night in MP. Do you have something else for me to do? 10:40:31 <Darkvater> bake me a cookie :) 10:40:39 <KUDr> ok 10:40:48 <Darkvater> KUDr: good morning, and great. I will have a look at it at home 10:40:54 <KUDr> my wife will do that 10:41:12 <KUDr> gm master :) 10:41:22 <peter1138> cookies :D 10:41:28 <Darkvater> hehe 10:41:48 <Darkvater> welll the list is up at http://darkvater.homeip.net/~tfarago/openttd/ todo 0.5 10:42:08 <KUDr> items withou name are still unassigned? 10:42:14 <Darkvater> but only if it doesn't interfere with your actual work and are eager to do something :) 10:42:36 <KUDr> i stayed at home - feel sick 10:42:52 <peter1138> i went to work, but feel sick 10:42:53 <Darkvater> I'm having a go at the windows thing #13 and also #06,#07 10:43:20 <Darkvater> the others are up for grabs; some are clearly peter's cake as it's newgrf, or seems to be newgrf 10:43:39 <peter1138> i'll be known forever as the guy who just did newgrf 10:43:39 <Darkvater> celestar said somethinga bout #09, but the HDD just got lost 10:44:03 <Darkvater> #24,#25 are probably mine as well 10:44:13 <Darkvater> peter1138: and utf8 10:44:21 <KUDr> 06 - [FS#367] [Build vehicle GUI] remove filters << seriously? 10:44:32 <Darkvater> you're better off than me...what am I known for? nothing :( 10:44:32 <peter1138> they're broken anyway 10:44:41 <peter1138> Darkvater: being 'the boss' ;p 10:44:45 <KUDr> what about to repair them? 10:45:42 <Darkvater> you do not want to look at that code... 10:45:59 <Darkvater> they're broken, ugly an undesired 10:46:19 <KUDr> i can try it 10:46:29 <KUDr> hopefully i can understand it 10:46:48 <KUDr> if i will be able to repair it, would it be better than remove? 10:47:09 <Darkvater> I still opt for removal 10:47:30 <KUDr> only filter buttons or also sorting? 10:47:41 <Darkvater> no just filter 10:48:23 <KUDr> ok, have somebody else different opinion? << removing should be simpler 10:48:34 *** anboni__ [daemon@ivory.xs4all.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:48:46 <Darkvater> the sorting...while also a bit overkill is ok 10:48:58 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 10:49:57 <KUDr> you are real master - you tell and nobody tries to disagree 10:50:00 <KUDr> :) 10:53:04 <Darkvater> LOL 10:53:29 <Darkvater> people do disagree...but a kick/ban usually fixes that ^_^ 10:54:56 <KUDr> i agree with you for the same reason too 10:58:32 <peter1138> Darkvater's mind tricks are on top form today 10:59:19 <Darkvater> I had a whole weekend of mental rest 11:03:49 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:05:20 <roboboy> gnight 11:05:57 *** roboboy is now known as robobed 11:06:07 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 11:07:05 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 11:08:07 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:08:16 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-225-155.vodafone-net.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:08:56 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 11:08:59 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 11:09:11 <Darkvater> hi there new souls 11:09:34 <Darkvater> peter1138: is newgrf-saving finished, just waiting for free time? 11:11:58 <peter1138> free time needed for some tweaking 11:12:37 <Darkvater> kk 11:12:48 <Darkvater> where was the utf todo list again? 11:13:09 <peter1138> fuzzle.org/o/utf8_comments.txt 11:13:11 <peter1138> err 11:13:13 <peter1138> http:// 11:14:47 <Darkvater> ok, not too much 11:15:14 <Darkvater> I could do some of the menial things 11:15:57 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:16:01 <Darkvater> A merge would be good asap so it could get some testing before putting it into RC 11:16:39 <peter1138> well i could rewrite the latin-15 -> utf-8 conversion... 11:17:06 <Darkvater> some windows users might even bitch about why their savegames are unreadable in windows explorer and we should see if that is an issue to do before or after 0.5 (WCHAR, UNICODE) 11:17:15 <Darkvater> peter1138: that was a joke, right? 11:18:16 <peter1138> ... 11:18:22 <peter1138> it's a 7 line switch block ;p 11:18:30 <Darkvater> oh that heh 11:18:37 <Darkvater> I thought the whole UTF8 branch 11:19:10 <peter1138> noo 11:19:46 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 11:24:09 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:26:03 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 11:26:53 <peter1138> http://fuzzle.org/utf8convert2.diff 11:26:59 <peter1138> a bit NIH 11:27:25 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 11:28:07 <Darkvater> not found 11:29:56 <Darkvater> a1 11:31:09 <Darkvater> < LUNCH 11:31:12 <Darkvater> -caps-lock 11:33:23 <peter1138> oh 11:33:29 <peter1138> http://fuzzle.org/o/utf8convert2.diff 11:37:24 <Celestar> wee 11:37:37 <Celestar> I have rescued my data \o/ 11:40:34 <Tron_> <peter1138> http://fuzzle.org/o/utf8convert2.diff <--- iconv -f ISO8859-16 -t CP1250 ? 11:40:40 <Tron_> s/16/15/ 11:41:18 <Tron_> or is it UTF-16? 11:42:48 <peter1138> well, ISO8859-15 -> unicode -> UTF-8 11:43:03 <peter1138> indeed, NIH-symdrome 11:43:03 <Tron_> ?! 11:43:09 <peter1138> what? 11:43:37 <Tron_> i'm probably missing context 11:43:41 <Tron_> what is it good for? 11:43:53 <peter1138> converting custom strings in old save games 11:44:10 <peter1138> which are (mostly) latin-15 11:44:29 *** dariius_ [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:44:53 <Tron_> user modified town names/vehicle names etc.? 11:45:42 <peter1138> yes 11:46:55 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 11:50:49 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:52:49 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:54:27 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 11:55:59 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 11:58:21 *** robobed [~Leo@c211-30-116-5.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:00:03 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-149-18.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:04:28 <Brianetta> MiniIN ---> MaxiIN with Quark... 12:07:24 *** _Ben [~Ben_Robbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:10:43 *** Rexxie [~rexxars@ti131310a080-4103.bb.online.no] has joined #openttd 12:12:03 <peter1138> http://www.tt-forums.net//files/gondtown_transport_26th_mar_1996_857.png < cry 12:12:32 <SpComb> what a silly station 12:13:56 <peter1138> eurostars carrying coal too 12:14:31 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:17:04 <Darkvater> back 12:17:47 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 12:19:16 <peter1138> wb 12:20:32 <peter1138> won't you be my wagon wheel? 12:20:41 <Darkvater> eek 12:20:42 * Darkvater runs 12:22:36 <peter1138> o_O 12:22:52 <peter1138> so, yeah, that's the conversion diff 12:24:23 <Darkvater> kept with the + char tmp[32];? 12:25:30 <Tron_> the 32 should probably be sizeof(*_name_array) 12:25:47 <Darkvater> I'm glad we agree Tron_ :) 12:25:48 <Tron_> and strfrom const char* 12:26:11 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E030.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 12:27:21 <peter1138> oh 12:27:34 <peter1138> yeah, changes i made at home and left there 12:28:18 * peter1138 updates diff 12:29:48 <Tron_> tmp should be places in the outer loop 12:30:41 <Darkvater> it is in the outer loop 12:30:59 <Darkvater> or the variable decleration you mean? 12:31:03 <peter1138> it's outside the outer loop 12:31:34 * Darkvater puts 'approved by darkvater stamp on diff' 12:31:42 <Darkvater> Tron_: what do you mean? 12:31:51 *** Frostregen [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-174-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 12:31:51 <Tron_> s/places/placed/ 12:31:56 <peter1138> inside the outer loop instead of outside, heh 12:32:08 <Tron_> Darkvater: it's outside of the outer loop 12:32:10 * KUDr found the problem with 'lost input events' < whole concept is wrong - instead of event queue we have only _pressed_key, _right_button_down, and so on global variables 12:32:17 <Darkvater> for (i; i != lengthof(); i++) {char tmp[23]; char* to=tmp...] ? 12:32:20 <KUDr> why is that? 12:32:23 <Tron_> KUDr: old news is old 12:32:35 <Darkvater> KUDr: hehe, because that is how it was written :( 12:33:05 <peter1138> doesn't mean it can't be changed 12:33:09 <KUDr> if we want to fix it properly, it must use queues 12:33:09 <peter1138> if you're volunteering ;) 12:33:19 <KUDr> yes, i can 12:33:21 <KUDr> but 12:33:26 <peter1138> big job? 12:33:33 <KUDr> how much time we have before 0.5? 12:33:35 <Darkvater> it definitely does NOT have to stay as it is with global variables 12:33:39 <Tron_> KUDr: or handle input events directly instead of accumulating them 12:33:43 <Prof_Frink> KUDr: 5 mins 12:34:06 <Darkvater> KUDr: plan was RC1 by the end of November 12:34:10 <KUDr> Tron_: can work but i am not sure 12:34:27 <KUDr> huh 2 weeks 12:34:41 <KUDr> i can try, we will see 12:34:51 <Darkvater> but I donnu if that can be done...not much has happened since that date was set 2 weeks ago 12:35:03 <Darkvater> people keep getting "distracted" it seems 12:35:10 <Darkvater> or plain lost 12:35:20 <Tron_> hm? did you say anything? I didn't pay attention 12:35:24 <KUDr> yes 12:35:30 <KUDr> so what do you recommend? 12:35:53 <CIA-1> peter1138 * r7135 /branches/utf8/ (functions.h misc.c openttd.c saveload.c): [utf8] -Codechange: Add conversion of custom names from iso8859-15 to utf-8, with a savegame bump (to 37) 12:36:24 <peter1138> Darkvater: not lost, just stuck on the forums ;) 12:36:35 <Darkvater> ;P 12:36:56 * Prof_Frink admits to putting superglue on some of the topics 12:37:31 <Darkvater> KUDr: hmm good question; donnu actually 12:38:09 <Darkvater> I think it would be hard to handle for example dragging directly from the inputloop 12:40:11 <KUDr> we need our queue i guess 12:40:29 <peter1138> how do you decide to send mousedown -> mouseup or mouseclick? 12:40:33 <Darkvater> donnu what other people think? 12:40:37 <peter1138> or is that higher level... 12:40:40 <peter1138> hmm 12:40:51 <KUDr> peter1138: 3 events 12:41:03 <peter1138> fucking outlook 12:41:13 <Darkvater> we don't have a notion of 'mouseclick' 12:41:18 <Darkvater> buttondown is click 12:41:25 <KUDr> ohh yes 12:41:25 <peter1138> well... WE_CLICK 12:41:30 <Darkvater> which would be good to have changed :) 12:41:30 <peter1138> hmm 12:41:33 <peter1138> true 12:41:33 <Darkvater> but that is another topic 12:41:38 <peter1138> yes, it would 12:42:03 <peter1138> so what else do i need to do for utf8... hmm... 12:42:34 <Darkvater> utf8-commands.txt :) 12:42:35 <Darkvater> eh 12:42:37 <Darkvater> comments 12:43:00 <KUDr> simply each input event can be queued when detected and in InputLoop() we will read the queue and process it 12:43:32 <Tron_> this sounds a /bit/ odd 12:43:39 <Tron_> all events are already in a queue 12:43:54 <KUDr> true 12:44:48 <KUDr> then it would need 3 different GetEvent() implementations - SDL, cocoa, win32 12:45:32 <KUDr> and we can handle them by get and handle loop 12:46:45 <KUDr> but then it would be a big change 12:48:00 <peter1138> the loop is a bit strange... 12:48:19 <peter1138> for sdl anyway... PollEvent() 12:48:26 *** pure_phase [~ash@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:48:26 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:48:26 <peter1138> returns -1 if a key is pressed 12:48:31 <Tron_> what exactly makes it bigger than putting deque-event-from-system-specific-queue-enque-event-in-ottd-queue handling in each backend? 12:49:19 <KUDr> Win32GdiStart, 12:49:19 <KUDr> Win32GdiStop, 12:49:19 <KUDr> Win32GdiMakeDirty, 12:49:19 <KUDr> Win32GdiMainLoop, 12:49:19 <KUDr> Win32GdiChangeRes, 12:49:20 <KUDr> Win32GdiFullScreen, 12:49:35 <KUDr> ang the same for cocoa 12:49:38 <KUDr> and SDL 12:49:45 <Tron_> pardon? 12:50:18 <KUDr> 3 differenmt systems how events are obtained 12:50:28 <KUDr> from OS 12:50:28 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-187-212.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 12:52:05 <peter1138> hmm, pollevent returns -2 or -1 12:52:07 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 12:52:12 <peter1138> magic values for no reason? heh 12:52:27 <Tron_> KUDr: yes, sure, we know that. your point is? 12:52:35 <Darkvater> KUDr: what with the video-driver functions? 12:53:19 <KUDr> i dunno what you mean (both) 12:54:02 <Tron_> exactly that's my problem 12:54:07 <Tron_> i don't know what you mean 12:54:16 <Darkvater> yaay, babel! 12:55:00 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 12:55:03 <KUDr> Tron_: how would you dod that? calling event handlers from _video_driver->main_loop(); 12:55:06 <KUDr> ? 12:55:37 <peter1138> that's how's done currently 12:55:42 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:56:22 <peter1138> do these 'missed key' problems happen for win32 or cocoa? 12:56:35 <Darkvater> i CAN H 12:56:36 <Darkvater> EH 12:56:41 <Darkvater> I can confirm win32 12:57:08 <Darkvater> I have to type reeeaaallly slooooowly to get my text to fully appear in the console 12:57:30 <Darkvater> when CPU load is 100% (big games, debug build) 12:57:51 <Darkvater> typing 'exit' usually results in 'et' or something, or just 'x' 12:59:54 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 13:00:14 <peter1138> that's a yes then :P 13:01:44 <KUDr> <peter1138> that's how's done currently << no - events are processed by storing in the global vars and then InputLoop() looks there and calls handlers 13:02:34 <KUDr> so Tron probably meant to process them directly, not via global vars 13:02:44 <KUDr> which i agree would be the best 13:03:02 <Tron_> well 13:03:05 <Tron_> you want to do 13:03:25 <peter1138> call HandleKeypress directly? 13:03:40 <Tron_> GenericLoop() { ev = PopEvent(generic_queue); switch (ev) {} } 13:03:50 <peter1138> heh 13:04:30 <Tron_> and in the backends: SDL_Stuff() { SDL_ev = PopSDLEvent(); PushGenericEvent(TranslateEvent(SDL_ev); } 13:04:51 <Tron_> i think that's overcomplicated 13:05:02 <Tron_> why not just have: 13:05:19 <KUDr> peter1138: yes, from event loops (different in each driver) 13:05:20 <Tron_> GenericLoop() { ev = PopEvent(); switch (ev) {} } 13:05:35 <Tron_> and every backend implements PopEvent() 13:06:01 <KUDr> Tron: PopEvent() <- must be implemented 3x 13:06:11 <KUDr> or 4x (with dedicated) 13:06:28 <KUDr> And i can do only 1 (win32) 13:07:09 <KUDr> but change storing value into global vars to storing into queue is simpler 13:07:22 <Nigel_> openttd is adictive 13:07:28 <KUDr> because all handlers are already there 13:07:36 <Nigel_> on that note, i'm off to bed 13:07:44 <Darkvater> so Popevent() would be OS-specific? 13:07:47 <KUDr> (OS based handlers) 13:08:00 <Darkvater> Nigel_: cheat! 13:08:14 <KUDr> i think that PopEvent() must be OS specific in Tron's case 13:09:16 <KUDr> so i would rather call HandleKeypress() directly from the OS specific driver->loop() 13:09:46 <KUDr> instead of storing events into global vars 13:09:59 <Tron_> KUDr> Tron: PopEvent() <- must be implemented 3x <--- poping events from the specific queues and reinserting them into the generic queue, too 13:10:25 <KUDr> this code is there already 13:10:29 <Darkvater> so what would PopEvent() actually do? Get the unhandled event queue from the OS (if it has such a facility) and process that? 13:10:52 <KUDr> so i need to replace _event = blabla with HandleEvent(blabla) 13:10:57 <KUDr> nothing else 13:11:27 <KUDr> Darkvater: unhandled event (one) 13:11:46 <KUDr> and yes, process it 13:11:55 <KUDr> or return it 13:12:03 <KUDr> in Tron's case 13:13:16 <KUDr> Tron: 'reinserting them into the generic queue' << you are right here so i would suggest to handle them directly 13:13:34 <KUDr> by calling handlers from OS specific loops 13:13:35 * Darkvater is probably too stupid to understand it at this point 13:14:02 <KUDr> The only problem is that those loops are now in OS-specific code 13:14:22 <KUDr> so we now call this OK specific loop 13:14:55 <KUDr> and then we handle some of the events stored by this loop 13:15:04 <KUDr> and some of the we miss 13:15:49 <KUDr> heh: OK specific <- OS specific 13:19:29 <peter1138> hmm 13:19:46 <peter1138> iso8859-15 -> utf-8 diff: 6.5MB 13:20:09 <peter1138> 68k lines 13:20:29 <KUDr> biggest patch ever :) 13:20:31 <Darkvater> commit #1 after merge 13:20:44 <Celestar> commit after merge? 13:20:53 <Darkvater> yes 13:22:41 <Celestar> what merge? 13:23:04 <Darkvater> guess :) 13:23:07 <Darkvater> 14:19 < peter1138> iso8859-15 -> utf-8 diff: 6.5MB 13:23:23 * Darkvater thinks Celestar is lost as well 13:24:11 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:27:27 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 13:29:48 *** Vikthor [~novotv6@pc304-69.feld.cvut.cz] has joined #openttd 13:30:21 <peter1138> hmm 13:33:12 * Celestar punches Darkvater 13:33:12 <Celestar> :P 13:33:38 <Celestar> hm 13:33:48 <peter1138> now that wasn't very nice 13:34:01 <Celestar> this Ares V is quite big a launch vehicle :o 13:34:41 <peter1138> why do people want to be able to build cities ingame? 13:34:49 <Celestar> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Saturn-V_Shuttle_Ares-I_Ares-V_comparison_%2806-2006%29.jpg 13:34:53 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E030.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:34:59 <Celestar> peter1138: maybe they ought to play Civ? 13:35:46 *** Purno [~Purno@5351CE6A.cable.casema.nl] has joined #openttd 13:36:22 <Celestar> the shuttle really looks tinyish 13:42:08 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 13:42:09 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 13:42:22 <Brianetta> Orion++ 13:42:38 <Brianetta> Shame they're using SRBs 13:42:40 <Celestar> Orion is only the capsule 13:42:49 <Brianetta> Celestar: Only Orion is interesting 13:42:52 <Celestar> well, the SRBs are not really elegant, but proven 13:42:58 <Brianetta> SRBs are reliable, but bumpy 13:43:15 <Brianetta> and their only abort mode is ka-boom 13:43:19 <Celestar> There is the option of developing LRBs later on 13:43:38 <Brianetta> It'll only ever be an option 13:43:41 <Brianetta> cost... 13:44:06 <Brianetta> cheaper to build a container with suspension 13:44:14 <Celestar> Constellation is not about development, constellation is about exploration 13:44:28 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:44:30 <Celestar> Orion is Apollo on steriods :P 13:44:42 <Brianetta> Apollo with wings! 13:44:48 <Brianetta> and passenger seats! 13:44:49 <Celestar> there will be no wings 13:44:52 <Brianetta> and autpilot! 13:45:03 <Brianetta> solar wings 13:45:07 <Celestar> Wings are the single most stupid thing to bring to space. 13:45:27 <Zevensoft> not really 13:45:27 <Brianetta> Most stupid thing to attach to a house, too 13:45:31 <Brianetta> but houses can have wings 13:45:33 <Zevensoft> if you put solar panels on them 13:45:44 <Zevensoft> ;) 13:45:54 <Brianetta> Zevensoft: ...which is what they're doing 13:45:57 <Celestar> Zevensoft: that is a solar panel. a Wing generates lift. 13:46:04 <Celestar> when there's air around .... 13:46:07 <Zevensoft> not all wings do 13:46:08 <Brianetta> Celestar: No. There is more than one definition for that word. 13:46:19 <Brianetta> Like the house example I just gave 13:46:30 <Brianetta> Ew, this tea's frigid 13:46:38 <Zevensoft> I never saw the point in long stations 13:46:41 <Celestar> I'm talking about airplane wings. 13:46:44 <Zevensoft> isnt there a station speed limit? 13:46:46 <Celestar> like the shuttle has. 13:46:49 <Brianetta> Celestar: I wasn't, and I started this 13:47:06 <Zevensoft> the shuttle has them for landing 13:47:27 <Celestar> Zevensoft: the shuttle mainly has them for RTLS and AOA, NOT for landing. 13:47:36 <Celestar> the landing was just a "nice to have" feature 13:47:44 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 13:48:06 <Brianetta> http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/missions/sts97_eva1_001203.html 13:48:10 <hylej> Zevensoft: you can run full speed through a station 13:48:14 <Celestar> and RTLS and AOA are totally stupid (plus have never been used) 13:48:35 <hylej> regarding that, when do we get bendy stations? 13:48:42 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-087-94-051-68.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 13:48:55 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E030.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 13:48:55 <Celestar> hylej: when you code them 13:48:59 <Zevensoft> I reiterate, the shuttle has them for landing 13:49:21 <Brianetta> I think the Shuttle would have trouble landing safely without its wings... 13:49:26 <Zevensoft> Angle of attack = involved in landing 13:49:26 <Celestar> well 13:49:46 <Celestar> Yet you can return safely to earth without wings. It's been done iirc 13:50:08 <Brianetta> Of course - a capsule and a parachute are enough 13:50:20 <Brianetta> It just couldn't be done with a shuttle 13:50:21 <Celestar> and weigh less and are much more reliable 13:50:27 <Zevensoft> you can reuse a shuttle 13:50:35 <Celestar> you can reuse a capsule as well 13:50:36 <Brianetta> Zevensoft: Doesn't make it cost effective 13:50:39 <Zevensoft> not for takeoff 13:50:41 <Celestar> Orion will be reused 13:50:48 <Brianetta> Orion is designed to be reused five to ten times 13:50:58 <Celestar> possibly more even 13:51:08 <Brianetta> Possibly. 13:51:14 <Brianetta> Depends how shaken up they get. 13:51:21 <Celestar> yah 13:51:31 <Brianetta> I imagine the frames will be stressed beyond what they consider safe 13:51:37 <Brianetta> certainly for the first few 13:51:53 <Zevensoft> they need alternate launch methods 13:51:59 <Celestar> Zevensoft: options? 13:52:03 <Brianetta> Shenzhou is looking like the best ting 13:52:13 <hylej> teleport the stuff to space 13:52:17 <Brianetta> Orbital module can be left autonomously powered after return 13:52:27 <Brianetta> Space elevator (: 13:52:31 <Zevensoft> the whole rocket from ground zero puts too much stress on the frame 13:52:37 <Brianetta> Arthur C. Clarke ++ 13:52:42 <Celestar> we need Scramjets 13:52:42 <Zevensoft> hehe space elevator 13:52:53 <Celestar> but that will not happen quickly 13:52:58 <Brianetta> If ever 13:53:08 <Brianetta> It's too much like a good idea 13:53:14 <Zevensoft> we have scramjets though, just only on military planes 13:53:16 <Brianetta> like fuel cell cars 13:53:39 <Celestar> Zevensoft: we have them on military rockets 13:54:28 <Celestar> they not really reliable and not really what I would want on a man-rated vehicle (yet) 13:54:55 <Zevensoft> there are worse things to have on a man-rated vehicle surely 13:55:09 <Celestar> yes. Wings. 13:55:26 <Zevensoft> lol when you said that I thought of a car with wings for some reason 13:55:35 <Celestar> he he 13:55:44 <Celestar> the Shuttle was one big Air-Force-brainfart 13:56:01 <Zevensoft> the shuttle is a good make believe idea 13:56:10 <Zevensoft> "lets build a plane to go to space!" 13:56:24 <Celestar> the Shuttle was planned for 50 launches a year 13:56:27 <Celestar> not 4 13:56:57 <Zevensoft> then they let feature creep in, and ended up strapping a dud hull in the shape of a funny plane to a massive fuel tank and booster rockets 13:57:43 <Zevensoft> "we now have a plane that goes to space yay" 13:58:12 <Zevensoft> "what do you mean 'how could someone with this idea go to the moon?'?" 14:00:43 <Celestar> he he 14:01:44 <Zevensoft> I find it funny that they "cant go to the moon with todays technology" 14:01:51 <Celestar> well they can 14:01:58 <Zevensoft> how does a company go backwards 14:02:03 <Celestar> but NASA seems to have misplaced the Saturn V blueprints 14:02:08 <Zevensoft> lol 14:02:16 <Celestar> at least, no one knows where they are 14:02:22 <Zevensoft> saturn V's were cheaper to send up in fuel 14:02:31 <Celestar> Fuel IS cheap 14:02:52 <Zevensoft> unlike bananas 14:03:00 <Celestar> I mean an RS-68 engine is e6 14:03:09 <Celestar> and the Ares V has 5 of them 14:03:10 <Zevensoft> not that expensive really 14:03:11 <Brianetta> Celestar: Not to mention all the staff have retired... 14:03:20 <Zevensoft> 0 mil is pretty cheap 14:03:25 <Celestar> so you care little about what the fuel costs 14:03:36 <Zevensoft> hrm 14:03:52 <Zevensoft> I'm surprised australia hasnt got a space program if its that cheap 14:04:00 <Zevensoft> no need I suppose 14:04:27 <Prof_Frink> Zevensoft: Kangaroos can't jump *that* high... 14:04:35 <Celestar> the most expensive stuff about space flight is manpower 14:04:42 <Celestar> what amazed me 14:04:59 <Brianetta> I think the most expensive part is tendering to commercial ventures 14:05:06 <Celestar> The Apollo missions needed 9 man in Mission Control for two vehicles. 14:05:21 <Patrick_> no, the expensive part is the billion dollars on materials 14:05:30 <Celestar> The shuttle needs 3 times as many, then tho it is only one vehicle and IT support in infinetly more capable. 14:05:37 <Celestar> Patrick_: materials are cheap 14:05:41 <Celestar> men are expensive 14:05:45 <Zevensoft> Celestar: back then people were smart, technology was dumb 14:05:54 <Zevensoft> these days its the opposite :( 14:05:59 <hylej> smart people in front of dumb terminals... 14:05:59 <Celestar> The shuttle workforce is 44000 people at the present time 14:06:05 <Celestar> hylej: yeah ... 14:06:05 <Patrick_> hmm, I guess you're right 14:06:09 <Patrick_> it's all design 14:06:09 *** Belugas_Gone is now known as Belugas 14:06:18 <Patrick_> but some parts are custom-made, etc 14:06:23 <Patrick_> but that's again manpower 14:06:27 <Brianetta> Buran++ 14:06:35 <Zevensoft> human error is the funniest catchphrase in space exploration :D 14:06:40 <Brianetta> It looked like the shuttle, but it was better thought out 14:06:51 <hylej> ejector seats 14:06:58 <Brianetta> www.buran.ru 14:07:03 <Zevensoft> "hrm why did the mars <probe name> crash?" "human error." 14:07:05 <Brianetta> Buran could fly unmanned 14:07:22 <Brianetta> and it didn't lift iself, requiring a huge fuel tank, which required in turn a couple of SRBs. 14:07:42 <Zevensoft> I liked that brittish lander, that was designed to crash land (it inflated giant baloons to bounce to safety) 14:07:42 <Brianetta> It was strapped to an Energia launch vehicle, which could be used alone for much heavier payloads. 14:07:55 <hylej> Zevensoft: beagle 2? 14:07:56 <Zevensoft> they ended up misguiding it by a few meters, and it hit a cliff face 14:08:01 <Zevensoft> maybe 14:08:15 <Zevensoft> turns out cliff face = not what its designed to crash into hehe 14:08:15 <Brianetta> Don't diss the Beagle 14:08:26 <Brianetta> The guy with a beard who invented it was crying 14:08:34 <Zevensoft> yeah it was an awesome idea 14:08:39 <Brianetta> He's from the South West somewhere 14:08:56 <Celestar> well Orion will have "airbags" as well. 14:09:00 <Zevensoft> come in at a shallow angle and crash it with decent cushions 14:09:22 <Brianetta> I think they should try to land it on an arrestor cable with a hook 14:09:32 <Brianetta> The cable would have to be high 14:09:37 <Brianetta> to avoid bottoming out 14:11:26 <Zevensoft> hrm the 32bpp branch seems to be dedicated 32bpp :( 14:11:36 * Brianetta has Buran as his wallpaper, and a toy Comumbia / Eagle duo on top of his computer 14:11:52 <Brianetta> Columbia, even 14:11:55 <Brianetta> Apollo 11 14:11:59 * Celestar has an A380 model 14:12:11 <Celestar> maybe it'll have EIS one day 14:12:12 <Brianetta> Boo, that can't escape Earth 14:12:48 <Celestar> well it can't even leave factory :P 14:12:57 *** Netsplit charon.oftc.net <-> cation.oftc.net quits: Born_Acorn, Ailure, helb 14:12:57 <glx> lol 14:12:58 <Brianetta> Doors too small? 14:12:58 * Prof_Frink used to have an Airfix Saturn V 14:13:15 <peter1138> Zevensoft: you want both? 14:13:21 <Celestar> Brianetta: no, cable length problems 14:13:48 <Brianetta> Perhaps they should use Pikka's AV8 set 14:14:22 <Celestar> Apparently it was an IBM/Dassault problem 14:14:32 <Celestar> two different CATIA versions at different places 14:14:32 <Zevensoft> well I dont see why it cant choose between them 14:15:16 <Brianetta> I still think bigger aircraft is lunacy 14:15:25 <Zevensoft> I'll look into it more 14:15:26 <Brianetta> lighter than air is the sensible route 14:15:29 <Celestar> Brianetta: ask Heathrow. 14:15:33 <Brianetta> but, like so much, it's too much like a good idea. 14:15:35 <Prof_Frink> ...bigger? 14:15:35 <peter1138> airships :D 14:15:44 <Prof_Frink> giant catapults. 14:15:50 <Brianetta> Airships. 14:15:53 <peter1138> vacuum tubes 14:16:14 <peter1138> futurama style 14:16:21 <Brianetta> If they run out of fuel, they don't require a god-like effort of piloting to get to Earth safely. 14:16:29 <hylej> flying aircraft carriers 14:16:31 <Brianetta> They're quiet 14:16:38 <Prof_Frink> hylej: Cloudbase! 14:16:50 <Brianetta> They are very fuel efficient - no work is required to lift them 14:17:05 <Brianetta> Well, the work is done by the atmoshpere 14:17:21 <Zevensoft> true 14:17:32 <peter1138> and av8 has one :D 14:17:40 <Brianetta> AV8 needs futuristic ones 14:17:44 <Brianetta> Pikka uses future steam 14:17:51 <hylej> future steam! 14:17:51 <Brianetta> so should have seen future airships 14:18:03 <hylej> is it any different from past steam? 14:18:06 <Brianetta> hylej: www.5at.co.uk 14:18:13 <Brianetta> It certainly is 14:18:24 <Brianetta> The driver gets a comfortable cab, for starters 14:18:34 *** helb [~helb@] has joined #openttd 14:19:03 <Zevensoft> diesels need more exposure damnit 14:19:13 <Brianetta> Why? 14:19:22 <Zevensoft> because they're more prevalent in real life 14:19:29 <Brianetta> Bombardier's making a big enough impact with the Voyager 14:19:30 <Zevensoft> and people go straight for the Sh40s 14:19:49 <hylej> because in ottd elrails are cheap 14:19:49 <peter1138> people also use eurostars for freight 14:20:01 <hylej> cough. enforced wagon speed limits. 14:20:02 <Prof_Frink> Zevensoft: Nah, 125 14:20:03 <Brianetta> Well, just wait until the electrified tracks cost more 14:20:20 <Zevensoft> anyone here tried the css global market beta? 14:20:32 <Brianetta> the what now? 14:20:37 <Prof_Frink> Does IE7 support it? 14:20:37 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:20:45 <Zevensoft> counter strike source beta with global economy 14:20:51 <Brianetta> oh 14:21:01 * Brianetta is not enlightened by the explanation 14:21:06 <Zevensoft> basically the price of weapons in the game changes with the global economy 14:21:09 <Prof_Frink> We really need fewer things called css. 14:21:14 <Zevensoft> yah D: 14:21:27 <hylej> cs:source abbreviation is cs:s 14:21:28 <hylej> use it 14:21:33 <Zevensoft> like what microsoft think is css and what w3c know css is 14:21:39 <Zevensoft> :P 14:21:44 * Brianetta is off this evening to see a lecture by Hinksey and Bonners (: 14:21:49 <Brianetta> I can't wait 14:21:58 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 14:21:59 <Brianetta> Those guys are, like, superstar celebs 14:22:05 <Zevensoft> we should use an economy system for buying vehicles in ottd (patch toggle of course) 14:22:06 <peter1138> who? 14:22:22 <Brianetta> Hinksey 14:22:23 <Brianetta> and Bonners 14:22:55 <Brianetta> ... 14:22:57 <Brianetta> Alan Hinkes and Chris Bonnington 14:23:07 <Prof_Frink> Zevensoft: MS css is Content Scrambling System 14:24:06 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 14:24:24 <Zevensoft> lol :) 14:24:31 <hylej> Zevensoft: o ya, the best locos get reaaaally expensive 14:24:31 <Zevensoft> so true 14:26:00 <Celestar> wow 14:26:33 <Celestar> Mercedes-Benz just offered me one year free insurance :o 14:26:42 <Patrick_> neat 14:26:44 <Patrick_> why? 14:27:03 <Celestar> because my car comes late, and I would like to switch from another insurance company to them. 14:30:02 *** Vikthor [~novotv6@pc304-69.feld.cvut.cz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:37:58 *** Vikthor [opera@pc304-69.feld.cvut.cz] has joined #openttd 14:38:41 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has joined #openttd 14:39:47 <peter1138> oh no, it's the corn baron 14:41:35 <Darkvater> eek 14:45:37 <peter1138> indeed 14:48:13 <Darkvater> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=23472&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=80 14:48:19 <Darkvater> why did I miss out on this thread? 14:48:24 <Darkvater> awesome stationes 14:48:25 <Darkvater> -e 14:49:12 <Darkvater> http://www.tt-forums.net/files/all_together_542.png \o/ 14:49:48 <hylej> fairly coo 14:50:00 <Patrick_> nice 14:50:15 <Patrick_> what about making those little undergroundy bits proper tunnel entrance/exits? 14:50:30 <Patrick_> it wouldn't be massively unbalancing because nobody cares about roads >:) 14:50:44 <hylej> nah, id rather have freeform tunnels 14:50:58 <peter1138> Darkvater: bahhh. it's a mockup :( 14:51:38 <Darkvater> that does not cut down on the wow-factor 14:51:49 <peter1138> true 14:52:40 <Darkvater> so strange that for years MB was the only newgrf artist, and how many there are now 14:53:18 <hylej> what 14:53:55 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:54:03 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 14:54:07 <peter1138> hmm 14:54:41 *** Zr40 [~Zirconium@zr40.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 14:54:43 <Zevensoft> woah 14:56:49 *** Vikthor [opera@pc304-69.feld.cvut.cz] has left #openttd [] 15:08:11 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:09:45 <Zevensoft> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=518032#518032 15:11:01 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 15:11:27 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 15:13:16 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:15:23 <Patrick_> chocolate covered bacon. 15:15:25 <Patrick_> my life is over 15:15:28 <peter1138> o_O 15:15:29 <Sacro> :O WHERE 15:15:57 <peter1138> "This was great, mainly because tar is much cooler than grf" 15:15:58 <peter1138> wtf? 15:16:08 <Zevensoft> ? 15:18:16 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 15:19:46 <Darkvater> :O these bank people...I wonder what they do at work 15:20:06 <Darkvater> I just got an email from someone over at https://www.selftrade.es/ asking about openttd and pocketpc support 15:20:55 *** h3lb [~helb@] has joined #openttd 15:24:06 <peter1138> heh 15:24:47 *** pxl [PigCell@dslb-088-073-188-182.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 15:25:04 <Darkvater> !openttd commit 15:25:09 <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7135 /branches/utf8/ (4 files) (2006-11-13 12:35:48 UTC) 15:25:11 <_42_> [utf8] -Codechange: Add conversion of custom names from iso8859-15 to utf-8, with a savegame bump (to 37) 15:25:25 <Darkvater> < home-bound 15:26:49 <peter1138> and then what? 15:26:55 *** helb [~helb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:30:53 <Zevensoft> hrm a table I use for bilinear filtering would be useful for 8bpp AA in medium zoom mode 15:31:36 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-196-026.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:31:36 *** pxl is now known as PigCell 15:32:08 <peter1138> uh oh ;p 15:33:29 <peter1138> it's easy to modify the freetype routine to output 8 bit greyscale glyphs... 15:35:14 *** h3lb is now known as helb 15:44:33 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:47:49 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 15:51:57 *** nairan [~Maui_key@p5498F085.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 15:58:21 <Zevensoft> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=518032#518032 15:58:21 *** Celestar [~Jadzia_Da@galadriel.td.mw.tum.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:59:13 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:04:53 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:08:09 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 16:08:14 *** Ailure [Gamefreak@] has joined #openttd 16:14:26 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 16:15:14 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 16:21:02 *** xyz [ss@bas2-montreal02-1167853801.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #openttd 16:21:31 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has quit [Quit: ufoun] 16:21:45 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 16:25:13 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:26:55 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 16:26:57 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has left #openttd [] 16:27:28 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37E13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 16:28:22 <xyz> hi 16:28:29 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 16:28:47 <xyz> is it possible to set a massive replacement for AI payers vehicles? 16:32:58 *** Osai^code [~Osai@p54B36AA2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:35:42 <Darkvater> /dev/sda7 58G 58G 0 100% /public 16:35:45 <Darkvater> ok, not good 16:36:07 <Darkvater> peter1138: then I'm home 16:36:19 <Darkvater> I know, mind-boggling, isn't it? 16:36:45 <peter1138> hmm 16:37:07 <Darkvater> (c) 16:37:54 *** mikl [~mikl@tbv.faderhuset.org] has quit [Quit: In the end, all that matters is your relation with God...] 16:38:21 <Darkvater> xyz: what do you mean? 16:39:18 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-76-239.vodafone-net.de] has joined #openttd 16:44:09 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 16:45:37 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:47:36 <xyz> i didn't do any documentation on it, but i have an idea on how to make the AI update his vehicle using masive replace 16:48:01 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 16:48:26 <xyz> and i was wandering if i can use it foe AI players 16:49:31 *** Tron_ [dCyHCnQC@nat-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:49:47 <peter1138> well, autoreplace should work for the AI too 16:49:57 <peter1138> whether the AI understands what's going on is another matter 16:50:14 <Darkvater> see ^ 16:51:33 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:54:28 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F2463.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 16:54:49 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 16:55:15 <xyz> i'm gona try to teach him 16:56:12 <xyz> :) my AI is carying livestock with buses 16:56:44 <Patrick_> moooooo! beep beep 16:56:52 <Patrick_> I assume it's failing 16:57:47 <Naksu> tauren passengers 16:57:56 <hylej> :o 16:58:28 <peter1138> xyz: .... 16:58:32 <xyz> it is refiting a bus from the long vehicle grf 16:58:33 <peter1138> xyz: in trunk or with a patch? 16:58:57 <peter1138> oh, with newgrf 16:59:05 <xyz> iep 16:59:31 <Naksu> AI belongs on the short bus 17:00:03 <hylej> :D 17:00:08 <hylej> bus refitted for livestock 17:00:09 <hylej> baa. 17:04:59 <peter1138> should be fixed with the newcargos support i have here 17:06:14 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has joined #openttd 17:08:34 <Sacro> its as bad as using TANKERS for livestock (points at peter1138) 17:09:31 <peter1138> tankers full of MILK 17:09:39 <hylej> ha 17:09:44 <Zevensoft> milk and win 17:09:49 <Patrick_> hehe, I remember during the testing of the refit code 17:09:51 <peter1138> milk comes from cows, you know 17:10:02 <peter1138> it's fatty sweat 17:10:03 <Patrick_> before certain ... restrictions were introduced, I remember people using planes to carry coal 17:10:04 <hylej> buses refitted to carry oil 17:10:06 <peter1138> and we love it 17:10:17 <peter1138> Patrick_: and now they complain they can't 17:10:20 <Patrick_> concorde! with, uuh ... a steam engine 17:10:20 <hylej> Patrick_: why restricted 17:10:26 <Patrick_> hylej: it's retarded ... 17:10:30 <hylej> how so 17:10:47 <hylej> if you want to move coal with planes.. why the hell not 17:11:33 <Patrick_> in reality, the limits on planes are mass. 17:11:34 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:11:42 <Patrick_> a pax is economical per unit mass. 17:11:44 <Patrick_> a ton of coal isn't 17:11:55 <Patrick_> you're effectively carrying over 10x as much for the same return 17:12:19 <Patrick_> for trains, we gloss this over since support equipment brings the carriage weight up to about right 17:13:24 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 17:15:08 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 17:19:50 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 17:21:46 <Sionide> hmm small eye candy thing... how about doing a helicopter icon for the "<Heliport Name><icon>" bit? 17:22:20 *** xyz [ss@bas2-montreal02-1167853801.dsl.bell.ca] has left #openttd [] 17:24:38 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:26:01 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 17:38:03 <peter1138> right 17:42:20 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 17:46:02 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host44-239-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 17:46:33 <Wolf01> ello 17:46:33 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:47:20 <CIA-1> peter1138 * r7136 /branches/utf8/misc.c: [utf8] -Fix (r7135): Euro is 0x20AC, not 0x20A4 17:47:40 <Darkvater> Belugas: ping of life 17:48:24 <Wolf01> mmm what happened to the svn site? 17:48:50 <Darkvater> buggy 17:50:26 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 18:09:04 *** Bear [~IceChat7@pool-68-163-50-204.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 18:09:10 *** Bear [~IceChat7@pool-68-163-50-204.phil.east.verizon.net] has left #openttd [] 18:20:41 <Wolf01> there is a way to execute a script in a linux shell without the sh or ./ ??? 18:21:10 <glx> add . to path 18:21:33 <peter1138> there's a reason . isn't in your path by default, heh 18:21:36 <Wolf01> now i use "sh script parameter" 18:22:07 <Patrick_> peter, it's a bad idea 18:22:27 <Patrick_> don't ever do it as root, security risk 18:23:16 <Belugas> Darkvater: pong from OutSideWalk 18:24:47 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0D322.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 18:31:19 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0EE81.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:39:38 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37E13.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai] 18:45:21 <Wolf01> can somebody give me an hand with a simple script? 18:45:21 <Wolf01> i need to list the music folder without write all the path, and if i specify a song name with the same script as a parameter it runs the madplay with the full path of the song... 18:50:55 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 18:56:08 *** Zr40 [~Zirconium@zr40.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:58:57 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3D048.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Client exiting] 18:59:04 *** MUcht is now known as Mucht 18:59:15 *** Jhs [~jhsdunada@ti231210a080-8116.bb.online.no] has joined #openttd 19:11:09 <Nigel_> Darkvater, i'm no cheat ;) 19:13:27 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x50a46ac4.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 19:13:27 *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ 19:13:39 <Bjarni> hi lunatics 19:13:50 *** lws1984 [~lws1984@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 19:14:30 <Bjarni> lws1984: you are 13 sec late 19:14:46 <lws1984> Bjarni: hm? 19:14:57 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 19:14:57 <Bjarni> !logs 19:15:13 * Bjarni hides 19:15:28 <lws1984> aah 19:15:29 <lws1984> :p 19:15:43 <lws1984> btw, Bjarni, did you see my compiling issue in the MiniIN thread? 19:16:03 <Bjarni> I don't think so 19:16:24 <lws1984> just wondernig, as i'm not entirely sure why it fails there 19:16:30 <Darkvater> OMgz he's back 19:16:36 <Bjarni> who? 19:16:38 <Darkvater> hmm why is win32 release mode broken? 19:17:41 <Bjarni> lws1984: looks like a borked makefile 19:17:47 <Darkvater> Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __station_pool newgrf_engine.obj 19:17:50 <lws1984> Bjarni: uhoh 19:17:51 <Darkvater> this smells of a tron 19:17:54 <lws1984> hmm.. 19:18:18 <Bjarni> this should be somewhat easy to fix (hopefully) 19:18:45 <lws1984> welll, it'll have to wait a bit 19:18:47 *** lws1984 is now known as lws|Away 19:18:57 <lws|Away> thanks, though 19:20:22 <Darkvater> hmm /me rebuilds project 19:23:49 <Wolf01> if i do "ls folder > file" there is an option to show also the file list 19:23:49 *** orudge [~orudge@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:24:08 <Darkvater> there, better 19:24:29 <Bjarni> lws|Away: MiniIN compiles just fine here. It looks like a user error :P 19:24:58 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:25:35 <Bjarni> Darkvater: when do we plan to release? 19:25:37 <Bjarni> I forgot :( 19:26:20 <Darkvater> when the moon goes blue 19:26:24 <Bjarni> and I need to do something about the build windows (though I'm pretty sure I don't have time to do everything I planned to do before a release) 19:26:49 <Darkvater> hmm, leave the build windows, I'm sorting them out :) 19:26:49 *** orudge [~orudge@8afbfebe.resnet.st-andrews.ac.uk] has joined #openttd 19:26:51 *** mode/#openttd [+o orudge] by ChanServ 19:27:00 <Bjarni> ok, maybe I can make time to finish it before we release :P 19:27:25 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp85-141-227-23.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #openttd 19:27:27 <Darkvater> if you want though, Bjarni, you can come up with GUI concepts for #7 in http://darkvater.homeip.net/~tfarago/openttd/0.5.0_todo.txt 19:27:41 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3E927.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 19:27:45 <Darkvater> orudge: ! 19:27:50 <Darkvater> orudge: KUDr :) 19:28:46 <Bjarni> hmm 19:29:21 <Bjarni> a "build" window without a build button, but with a dropdown menu for track selection/vehicle type selection 19:30:06 <Darkvater> Bjarni: that is supposed to be the 'vehicle list' window 19:30:26 <KUDr> Darvater 19:30:45 <KUDr> Darkvater :) 19:30:53 <orudge> Darkvater! 19:30:56 <orudge> I did that. 19:31:00 <Darkvater> good! 19:31:01 <orudge> I gave KUDr the title yesterday 19:31:02 <orudge> or earlier 19:31:03 <orudge> or whenever 19:31:04 <orudge> yesterday, iirc 19:31:11 <Darkvater> why wasn't I informed? 19:31:17 * Darkvater is very cross at someone 19:31:20 <Darkvater> orudge: OS/2! 19:31:25 <Darkvater> orudge: cookies! 19:31:25 <KUDr> orudge: thanks, but still not in group ;) 19:31:50 <orudge> KUDr: No, I never said you would be, Darkvater asked for a title 19:31:54 <orudge> I'd prefer not to have toooo many moderators 19:32:07 <KUDr> ok 19:32:10 <orudge> Darkvater: hm, I need to get Virtual PC set up for that 19:32:13 <orudge> Darkvater: cookies? yum 19:32:20 <Darkvater> orudge: virtual pc! 19:32:49 <orudge> Yes. That's how I did all the OS/2 stuff :p 19:32:51 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 19:32:57 <lws|Away> Bjarni: actually it's working now after I re-svn'd it 19:33:01 *** lws|Away is now known as lws1984 19:33:34 <Bjarni> lws1984: ok, you just wanted me to waste time updating my ancient checkout and recompile it :P 19:34:16 <lws1984> Bjarni: no, sorry, it's just that it wasn't done compiling at the time and it had frozen right at where it failed last time 19:34:18 *** Nigel_ [~Nigel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:34:33 <lws1984> so i went to get my lunch 19:34:39 <lws1984> and came back to a finished OpenTTD 19:35:42 <Darkvater> orudge: lol 19:35:53 <CIA-1> Darkvater * r7137 /trunk/video/win32_v.c: 19:35:53 <CIA-1> -Codechange: [win32] Use windows function in main loop to check if we have pressed ALT 19:35:53 <CIA-1> (for ALT+TAB) instead of magic global _pressed_key from input-loop. (KUDr) 19:35:57 <Darkvater> orudge: the only guy with Os/2 and even he doesn't use it, only from vm 19:36:17 <orudge> No, not the only guy 19:36:22 <orudge> RobC has it, and uses it as his primary system ;) 19:36:26 <orudge> I only really ported it for him 19:36:28 <orudge> and out of interest 19:36:32 <Bjarni> oh btw, I closed a bug report. It was for 0.4.8 and it's fixed in svn, so it was likely the fastest bug report I ever closed ;) 19:36:38 <orudge> I build it on Windows, and test it on Virtual PC :p 19:37:15 <Darkvater> ottd must be the friendliest program ever; porting it (officially) for one person only 19:38:11 <Bjarni> that was my original plan when I went into developing 19:38:20 <Bjarni> porting it locally for myself 19:38:31 *** Purno [~Purno@5351CE6A.cable.casema.nl] has quit [Quit: Purno has spoken] 19:38:42 <Bjarni> then ludde said: give me a patch and I will make you the porter 19:38:56 <Bjarni> and look how many hours that cost me :s 19:39:01 <Bjarni> :P 19:39:08 <Darkvater> haha, poor sod ;p 19:40:31 <Bjarni> hmm 19:40:47 <Bjarni> #391.... I don't really get what the problem is 19:42:23 <Darkvater> just load the guy's game 19:43:52 <Bjarni> I was about to, but then I checked my working dir for local modifications and decided that they take priority. It's a fix (almost finished) for a rare crash related to not closing all windows belonging to a player, that leaves the game 19:44:16 <Bjarni> I think that one should be added before a release even though it's not in the list 19:44:47 <Darkvater> I've never heard of that bug 19:45:00 <Bjarni> pretty rare 19:45:08 <Darkvater> FS#? 19:45:16 <Bjarni> not on flyspray 19:45:19 <Darkvater> SF#? 19:45:22 <Bjarni> too rare for people to notice :P 19:45:53 <Bjarni> not on SF either 19:46:18 <Darkvater> when does it happen? 19:47:08 <Bjarni> open a vehicle list window for another player (not the general one, but a station one or something, just not the general one) and wait for that player to go bankrupt while the window is still open 19:47:42 <Bjarni> I think I finished the fix. Now I just need to verify it 19:48:11 <Darkvater> ah, a bug introduced by you :) 19:48:39 <Darkvater> or perhaps not... 19:48:41 <Darkvater> hehe 19:49:03 <Bjarni> I think it have been there since the station vehicle lists were introduced 19:49:49 <Darkvater> what does it crash on? 19:49:54 <Bjarni> not sure though. I consider it more important that it's there now and that it should be fixed now. A revision number for when it was introduce makes little interest once it's fixed 19:50:20 <Bjarni> accessing the player in question for the window and since that player is no more... 19:50:37 <Darkvater> please do find the revision it got broken in if possible, and put that in the commit log. It makes it that much easier to update changelog.txt 19:50:39 <Bjarni> the bug is actually failure to close window when it should close all the windows for that player 19:52:17 <Darkvater> he, gotta go, bbl 19:52:27 *** CaptObvious [~CaptObvio@cpc2-darl2-0-0-cust28.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 19:55:15 *** dp-_ [~dp@p54B2E485.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:02:13 *** dp- [~dp@p54B2F614.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:06:34 *** CaptObvious [~CaptObvio@cpc2-darl2-0-0-cust28.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Quit: Computer goes to sleep!] 20:06:44 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3E927.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:09:44 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3F289.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:12:50 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:14:12 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host44-239-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [] 20:16:06 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 20:16:49 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 20:26:44 *** TinoM| [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 20:28:02 *** Tino|Home [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 20:29:19 <lws1984> Bjarni: you still here? turns out the compile failed the same way 20:29:57 <peter1138> hmm 20:30:18 <Bjarni> hmm 20:30:34 <Bjarni> something is not right here 20:30:36 <Bjarni> Transmitting file data ..... 20:30:40 <lws1984> my friend closed the compile window after the error >:( 20:30:45 <Bjarni> it said that for the past 3 minutes now :( 20:30:54 <Bjarni> lws1984: :P 20:31:07 <Bjarni> lws1984: what do you do to compile? 20:31:12 <Bjarni> "make" should do it 20:31:13 <lws1984> Bjarni: well, not so much "friend" as it was "boss" 20:31:19 <lws1984> Bjarni: yes, i do the svn bit, then make openttd 20:31:22 <Bjarni> no arguments should be used at all 20:31:39 <lws1984> none at all? 20:31:43 <Bjarni> no 20:31:46 <lws1984> hmmm.. 20:31:47 <Bjarni> just make 20:32:07 <lws1984> ah, k then 20:32:11 <Bjarni> then it will use the first one it finds, which happens to be "all" 20:33:15 <lws1984> aha, that appears to work now 20:33:17 <lws1984> adding data files.. 20:33:48 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:33:59 <CIA-1> bjarni * r7138 /trunk/ (economy.c player.h players.c window.c window.h): 20:33:59 <CIA-1> -Fix: [vehicle list windows] fixed a rare crash where having some (not all) vehicle list windows open for a player, that goes bankrupt would crash the game 20:33:59 <CIA-1> -Codechange: closing all windows for a player will now loop all windows and close those, which got the player as caption instead of having a list of windows to close 20:34:06 <Bjarni> finally 20:34:20 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 20:35:12 <lws1984> aha, it works 20:35:13 <lws1984> thanks 20:35:19 *** TinoM| [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:37:22 *** Tino|Home [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:39:47 *** TinoM| [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 20:43:42 *** Tino|Home [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 20:44:32 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37E13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:46:54 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:47:17 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 20:50:12 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 20:50:57 *** TinoM| [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:51:59 *** Tino|Home [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:53:42 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #openttd 20:58:58 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-087-94-051-68.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [] 20:58:58 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:02:24 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 21:02:47 <peter1138> erk 21:02:54 <peter1138> 2000hp engines carrying 950t 21:03:07 *** TinoM| [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 21:03:14 *** TinoM| [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has left #openttd [] 21:03:50 <peter1138> 500t of wood, 450t of train 21:10:37 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387D8D4.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:16:05 <Born_Acorn> Yay ise wins 21:16:30 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC5487.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:17:11 <peter1138> what does it win? 21:19:02 <Born_Acorn> A prise! 21:19:18 <Born_Acorn> :p 21:19:39 <peter1138> yay 21:21:33 <Born_Acorn> peter1138s of Rohan! what news is there from the newgrfmark? 21:25:11 <peter1138> newgrfmark? 21:25:26 <Noldo> drop mark 21:25:39 <Born_Acorn> High water level mark. 21:26:06 <Noldo> how high's the water mamma 21:26:17 <Tron> peter1138: he has been reading to much LotR 21:26:26 <Tron> s/to/too/ 21:26:27 <Born_Acorn> Howhigh is a Chinaman. 21:26:34 <Born_Acorn> bah. Doesn't work in text. 21:26:38 <Born_Acorn> :p 21:26:50 <CIA-1> peter1138 * r7139 /branches/utf8/fontcache.c: [utf8] -Codechange: functionize loading of freetype fonts 21:27:04 <Born_Acorn> See, Tron is smart and got the reference! 21:27:24 <peter1138> i'm dumb and didn't :( 21:28:08 * Born_Acorn reassures peter1138 that he can do better next time. 21:29:03 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:30:14 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:30:59 *** Jhs [~jhsdunada@ti231210a080-8116.bb.online.no] has quit [Quit: cya] 21:32:08 <CIA-1> peter1138 * r7140 /branches/utf8/fontcache.c: [utf8] -Codestyle: prefix globals with underscore, and fix a typo in a comment 21:33:14 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-76-239.vodafone-net.de] has quit [Quit: bin wech....] 21:34:10 <Bjarni> <peter1138> 2000hp engines carrying 950t <-- it's somewhat better than a 500 hp engine pulling 950t 21:34:47 <peter1138> that's true 21:36:25 *** Belugas is now known as Belugas_Gone 21:36:36 <Belugas_Gone> night all 21:39:46 <Born_Acorn> peter1138. news with newcargos and newindustries? Any screens? 21:39:48 * Born_Acorn must know! 21:40:43 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 21:40:55 <smeding> i saw the reference but i'm lazy 21:40:59 <peter1138> newcargos is currently sat at 53KB 21:41:04 * Bjarni informs Born_Acorn 21:41:11 <Bjarni> now you know 21:41:16 <peter1138> which is quite large, really 21:41:33 <Bjarni> oh no 21:41:37 <Born_Acorn> Optimisation needed? 21:41:41 <peter1138> splitting 21:41:43 <Born_Acorn> Or a rewrite? 21:41:44 <Bjarni> peter1138 got a huge change to give us 21:41:48 <Born_Acorn> Splitting. ah. 21:41:54 <Bjarni> now he needs to burn DVDs and mail them to us :( 21:41:54 <peter1138> Bjarni: yes, but not that 21:42:17 <peter1138> Bjarni: full conversion to utf8 is 6.5MB 21:43:14 <Bjarni> well, changing the string system really touch a lot of the code 21:44:07 <Born_Acorn> Even the "don't touch me" parts? 21:44:19 <peter1138> Bjarni: not really 21:44:22 <peter1138> that's just the langs ;) 21:47:52 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37E13.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai] 21:49:44 *** OwenSX [~OwenS@5ac0cd34.bb.sky.com] has joined #openttd 21:49:59 *** OwenSX is now known as OwenS 21:51:02 <CIA-1> peter1138 * r7141 /branches/utf8/ (53 files in 5 dirs): [utf8] -Sync with r7087:r7140 from trunk 21:52:54 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:58:40 <peter1138> hmm, 109KB 22:09:02 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:09:04 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37E13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 22:10:56 <Bjarni> at this rate, it will be too big for my HD in only 195 years 22:11:02 <Bjarni> you are developing too fast :( 22:11:18 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 22:16:30 <Born_Acorn> 109KB! Oh noes! 22:16:49 * Born_Acorn only has 108KB left until computer explosion! 22:17:01 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has quit [Quit: ufoun] 22:20:13 <peter1138> nod 22:20:29 * peter1138 hmms at bdf fonts 22:29:51 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-188-182.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:32:03 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-188-182.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 22:36:51 *** ProfFrink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 22:38:22 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:38:22 *** ProfFrink is now known as Prof_Frink 22:40:27 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-149-18.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 22:41:54 *** kampasky [pasky@nikam-dmz.ms.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #openttd 22:42:01 <kampasky> My my, yet another IRC network? :) 22:42:03 <kampasky> Hi. 22:43:30 <kampasky> peter1138: Did you try getting csdset to work? Multiple vehicles there seem to crash openttd. :-( 22:44:15 <kampasky> My INF skills are already somewhat rusty and I want to avoid my usual situation that when wanting to get some relaxation and play a game I end up hacking it so that it works properly. ;-) 22:44:37 <kampasky> But I suppose I have little choice... 22:45:26 <kampasky> Is there already something cooler for decompiling GRFs than my hack? 22:45:43 <glx> grfcodec ? 22:46:30 <kampasky> oh, so yes, cool 22:48:42 <kampasky> seems like there's no huge leap since 0.9.6 though 22:51:58 <Eddi|zuHause2> <Darkvater> when the moon goes blue <- FYI, the next "blue moon" is on 30th june 2007 ;) 22:52:38 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:52:55 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #openttd 22:52:58 <Eddi|zuHause2> ("blue moon" being the 2nd full moon in one month) 23:00:25 <Smoovious> it'd be cool if it really turned blue 23:04:13 <Bjarni> Smoovious: well, if you do drugs, it might turn blue, but I would not recommend a field test 23:04:23 <peter1138> kampasky: url for the set? 23:04:30 *** Zevensoft [~Zevensoft@220-253-33-44.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:05:43 <Vikthor> kampasky: Isnt it this one? http://bugs.openttd.org/task/168 23:09:02 <kampasky> Vikthor: yep 23:09:38 <kampasky> I'm now using 1.4.1, it's bad too; 1.3 looked good but crashed later in the game 23:09:55 <kampasky> peter1138: http://ttd.tycoonez.com/download.php?id=36 23:10:38 <kampasky> seems like they do something ultra-weird with tenders 23:10:44 <Smoovious> doesn't turn blue... just gets blurry 23:10:53 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has quit [] 23:11:03 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 23:11:08 <peter1138> why can't they just use artic engines like everyone else... 23:12:06 <kampasky> well I'm playing temperate 23:12:39 <glx> artic != arctic :) 23:12:53 <glx> articulated engines 23:12:57 <kampasky> ah :) 23:13:18 * kampasky has no clue about those, either it's too new or (more likely) he already happily forgot 23:13:26 <kampasky> what message tag to use when committing trivial typo fixes in comments? :) 23:13:29 <Sacro> does OpenTTD have artics yet? 23:13:45 * peter1138 slaps Sacro 23:13:55 <peter1138> just how long have you been playing ukrs? 23:14:01 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has quit [Quit: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish] 23:14:07 <Sacro> peter1138: about a year 23:15:55 <peter1138> this set will never work in ottd 23:16:29 <kampasky> are you challenging me? :-) 23:16:33 <peter1138> no 23:16:37 <peter1138> the 387.o is fine 23:16:43 <peter1138> that uses articulated parts 23:17:01 <peter1138> and the 498.o 23:17:10 <peter1138> and, indeed, the 475.1 23:17:44 *** dariius [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:17:51 <peter1138> 365.o is good to 23:17:53 <peter1138> +O 23:17:58 <kampasky> 434.2 is likely problematic 23:18:09 <kampasky> when the game doesn't crash in build vehicle dialog, it shows noise around this menu item 23:18:35 <peter1138> yeah 23:18:42 <peter1138> all the other steamers abuse dual head 23:19:21 <peter1138> ottd will force the wagons to be between the heads 23:19:41 <peter1138> because that's how dual head engines are supposed to be laid out... 23:20:18 <kampasky> so how comes ttdpatch works? 23:20:37 <kampasky> are there hooks for reordering the vehicles? 23:21:00 *** dariius [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 23:21:08 <peter1138> afaik ttdpatch doesn't enforce dual head engine positions 23:21:09 <kampasky> I think there is some callback for attaching a wagon to a vehicle 23:21:21 <peter1138> no 23:21:27 <peter1138> there is an articulated engine callback 23:21:36 <peter1138> that adds extra parts to an engine 23:21:49 <peter1138> and works fine with ottd 23:21:59 <peter1138> the E479.1 is fucked up too 23:22:08 <Smoovious> hey... I haven't tried multi-heading, but last time I tried ttdpatch, the extra engines didn't generate smoke... do they show proper smoke in OTTD? 23:23:06 <peter1138> should do 23:23:46 *** OwenS [~OwenS@5ac0cd34.bb.sky.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:24:31 <Darkvater> back 23:24:38 <peter1138> mr vator 23:25:37 <Darkvater> I just love how bjarni manages to turn a one-line fix into a full recompile 23:25:47 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F2463.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: YOU! It was you wasn't it!?] 23:25:55 <peter1138> hmm? 23:25:58 <Bjarni> ? 23:27:21 <kampasky> peter1138: still, AIUI if there's a difference in dualhead handling it'll just mean the tender is going to be always the last wagon? it's a bit silly but I don't really care particularily, but it shouldn't crash 23:27:22 <Darkvater> Bjarni: what happened to atomic commits? You did 2 completely different things in that commit 23:27:43 <peter1138> kampasky: it's not the dual head that's crashing 23:27:51 <peter1138> it's the preview sprite 23:28:17 <peter1138> the grf defines a forward facing view but not a rear facing view for the preview 23:28:24 <peter1138> dual head requires both 23:28:45 <peter1138> anyway, it's oob access, so i guess i should fix... 23:30:27 <Smoovious> would be nice to see A/B units too eventually... 23:30:51 <peter1138> hmm? 23:31:00 <Smoovious> maybe push/pull operation would be too much tho? 23:31:09 <Bjarni> <Darkvater> Bjarni: what happened to atomic commits? You did 2 completely different things in that commit <-- no, the codechange was needed to catch all the windows, that needed to be closed 23:31:23 <Smoovious> um... trying to remember the model of the engine that used them... diesel... had the streamlined nose? 23:31:37 <Darkvater> Bjarni: and ChangeWindowOwner was needed because? 23:31:39 <peter1138> push/pull is possible, ukrs uses it 23:31:42 <Smoovious> the A units had a cab, the B units didn't 23:31:50 <peter1138> (ottd doesn't support it, but that's not the point, heh) 23:32:35 <Smoovious> well, push/pull isn't that important... tho I suppose for realism, don't allow flipping direction, and have trains have to go through a wye to turn around or something... :) 23:32:43 <helb> gn 23:32:48 *** helb is now known as helb|sleep 23:32:52 <kampasky> peter1138: still I don't get it why ttdpatch handles it 23:33:47 <Darkvater> Bjarni: and why was ChangeWindowOwner changed? 23:34:14 <Bjarni> <Darkvater> Bjarni: and ChangeWindowOwner was needed because? <-- stuff like vehicle windows change caption colour instead of being closed. Since it now works on caption colours, this change needs to be done before closing the windows 23:34:36 <Darkvater> wit the change they do NOT change caption colour 23:34:40 <Darkvater> you continue; 23:35:42 <glx> Darkvater: what do you think about http://glx.dnsalias.net:8080/openttd/saveload.diff and http://glx.dnsalias.net:8080/openttd/disableclone.diff ? 23:36:12 <Bjarni> they do. I made a list of windows, that should NOT change colour (like window types, that needs to be closed) 23:36:26 <Darkvater> glx: what do they do? 23:36:38 <Darkvater> so why woudln't WC_FINANCES not change colour? 23:36:49 <Darkvater> eh -2nd not 23:37:05 <glx> first diff remove redondancy in saveload dialogs 23:37:32 <glx> 1 load and 1 save instead 3 load and 2 save 23:37:53 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E030.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:38:15 *** lws1984 is now known as lws|Dinner 23:38:18 <glx> second diff disable clone button in vehicle view for not owned vehicles (like for trains) 23:38:36 <Bjarni> <Darkvater> so why woudln't WC_FINANCES not change colour? <-- because say you are company 0 and you are looking at company 4's finance window and you buy that company, that window should not magically change to your finance window 23:38:39 <Darkvater> ah first only sets the caption 23:38:56 <Darkvater> Bjarni: so what does it do? 23:39:23 <Darkvater> the company is no longer valid, thus it should be closed 23:39:36 <Darkvater> but if it's getting closed nobody gives a fuck what colour it is 23:39:52 <Darkvater> so you can just as well change its colour 23:41:20 <Darkvater> glx: it might be better to set the caption if the default load dialog to STR_NULL to really show you are dynamically changing it 23:41:32 <glx> ok 23:42:02 <Darkvater> and check for out-of-bounds _saveload_caption[] access 23:42:16 <Darkvater> it's caption, not title 23:42:44 <Bjarni> first it change the colours of some windows (vehicle view windows and so on) to the new owner, if any and then it closes all other windows with the closing company set as caption colour 23:43:20 <Bjarni> remember this is called both when you buy a company and when it goes bankrupt 23:43:49 <Darkvater> so now you need 2 functions depending on eachother instead of being independent 23:43:51 <Darkvater> good job 23:44:24 <Bjarni> if the company closes, the changing of colours will not be called 23:45:58 <Darkvater> glx: and what does the second do? only change is_local_player boolean instead of calcing it each time? 23:46:39 <Darkvater> glx: what is the additional widget 11? 23:46:47 <glx> clone button 23:47:09 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 23:47:15 <Darkvater> that wasn't disabled? 23:47:16 * Brianetta sighs 23:47:27 <glx> it was only for trains 23:47:40 <Brianetta> That poll on randomi[sz]e just lets us know how ignorant people are of their own language. 23:47:47 <Brianetta> Never mind, eh 23:48:13 *** Zevensoft [~Zevensoft@220-253-6-74.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #openttd 23:48:22 <Vikthor> good night 23:48:49 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 23:48:53 <Darkvater> glx: is that a bug introduced with xtdwidgets? in 0.4.8 they're disabled 23:49:38 <glx> possible I didn't check 0.4.8 23:51:39 <glx> hmm no only disabled for trains in 0.4.8 23:52:21 <Darkvater> glx: vehicles inside a depot, right? 23:53:07 <glx> yes 23:53:12 <Darkvater> I'm looking at a game in HEAD, following a competitor's bus, but the button doesn't turn enabled when it is inside a depot 23:54:19 <Darkvater> ah there we go 23:54:24 <Darkvater> AI was not a good subject :) 23:54:40 <glx> "goto depot" and "refit" are not the same button :) (just at the same place) 23:55:26 <Darkvater> change's good then 23:55:31 <Darkvater> although it's just cosmetic 23:57:10 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B37E13.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai]