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00:02:42 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has quit [] 00:02:47 <Gonozal_VIII> miniin 7255 00:08:26 <glx> compiles fine for me (VS2005 debug and release) 00:08:55 <Sacro> glx: is VS2005 easy to get going? 00:09:34 <glx> I followed the wiki (just the afxres.h part seems wrong in it) 00:09:55 <Sacro> glx: afxres seemed kinda pointless... 00:10:15 <Sacro> #ifndef AFXRES_H #define AFXRES_H #endif 00:10:24 <glx> yes clearly :) 00:10:36 <glx> that's why I use the one from MFC 00:10:47 <Sacro> ahh 00:16:00 *** Osai [~Osai@p57AACB8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 00:21:09 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0EF91.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 00:21:39 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N826P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [] 00:22:02 *** HMage [~HMage@] has quit [Quit: HMage] 00:23:17 <orudge> Hmm, somebody remind me to look at the OS/2 version of OpenTTD next Thursday :p 00:23:46 * glx make a post it :) 00:26:45 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0FF74.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:28:16 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-177-044.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:28:29 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-177-044.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 01:01:47 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has quit [Quit: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish] 01:02:51 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N826P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 01:04:27 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:04:28 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has joined #openttd 01:05:50 *** Nigel [~Nigel@125-238-64-36.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:07:30 *** Osai [~Osai@p57AACB8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai] 01:07:55 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp83-237-101-221.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:16:34 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0FC7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 01:17:29 *** mikk36[EST] [~mikk35@pc121.host3.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 01:18:14 *** mikk36[EST] [~mikk35@pc121.host3.starman.ee] has quit [] 01:18:49 *** mikk36|lap [~mikk35@pc121.host3.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 01:20:48 *** mikk36|lap [~mikk35@pc121.host3.starman.ee] has quit [] 01:20:55 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176114072.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.12/20050915]] 01:21:20 *** mikk36|lap [~mikk35@pc121.host3.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 01:22:20 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0EF91.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:59:01 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-187-122.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 02:02:51 <Gonozal_VIII> 678 errors, 49 warnings 02:06:41 <Eddi|zuHause3> Gonozal_VIII: update the files from useful.zip 02:08:23 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 02:09:30 <Gonozal_VIII> hmmm wo is die? 02:12:24 <Gonozal_VIII> habs 02:19:40 *** Nigel [~Nigel@125-238-64-245.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #openttd 02:20:55 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:30:59 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p54B7712B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 02:35:09 <Gonozal_VIII> openttd - 707 error(s), 79 warning(s) 02:36:04 <glx> you probably miss something 02:36:40 <Gonozal_VIII> i probably suck at compiling 02:37:25 *** Eddi|zuHause3 [~johekr@p54B76B65.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:40:01 <Gonozal_VIII> f:\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\malloc.h(115) : error C2373: 'calloc' : redefinition; different type modifiers <-- there is no malloc.h file in that folder 02:45:58 <PandaMojo> Gonozal_VIII: Use the _vs80 project/solution 02:46:08 <Gonozal_VIII> i did 02:46:22 <PandaMojo> Then you f'ed up VS8 installation probably >_> 02:47:17 <PandaMojo> Hmm. 02:47:26 <PandaMojo> Did you install the platform SDK? 02:47:30 *** A1win [a1win@loota.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:47:41 <PandaMojo> I'm 99% certain the headers would be in the base install but you never know 02:48:06 *** A1win [a1win@loota.fi] has joined #openttd 02:48:09 <PandaMojo> Alternatively, use windows "find" to locate malloc.h 02:48:27 <PandaMojo> There's a few odd subdirectories that VS8 has for some stuff in that regard. 02:58:14 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N826P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:58:53 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N783P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 03:02:20 <Gonozal_VIII> wow... 03:02:20 <Gonozal_VIII> openttd - 3856 error(s), 99 warning(s) 03:03:15 <PandaMojo> Stop screwing things up even more ~_~ 03:03:17 <PandaMojo> :P 03:03:38 <Gonozal_VIII> undeclared identifier 03:03:59 <Gonozal_VIII> trolly.c 03:03:59 <Gonozal_VIII> .\ai\trolly\trolly.c(51) : error C2065: 'TEMP_AI_IN_PROGRESS' : undeclared identifier 03:03:59 <Gonozal_VIII> water_cmd.c 03:03:59 <Gonozal_VIII> .\water_cmd.c(67) : error C2065: 'STR_3801_MUST_BE_BUILT_ON_WATER' : undeclared identifier 03:03:59 <Gonozal_VIII> .\water_cmd.c(133) : error C2065: 'STR_1000_LAND_SLOPED_IN_WRONG_DIRECTION' : undeclared identifier 03:04:01 <Gonozal_VIII> ... 03:04:35 <glx> you must compile strgen first 03:04:45 <glx> then lang then openttd 03:05:01 <glx> but "build solution" should take care of that 03:06:45 <Gonozal_VIII> i was down to 79 errors, all missing file table/strings.h so i moved that file there 03:07:43 <glx> table/strings.h is created by strgen 03:10:18 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 03:13:25 <Gonozal_VIII> oh, something new... warning treated as error 03:14:15 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 03:15:36 <Gonozal_VIII> everything i do seems to make things worse so i'll stop now and wait for a new build here http://nightly.openttd.org/MiniIN/files/ 03:16:45 <glx> latest miniin is available on the forum :) 03:17:36 <Gonozal_VIII> oh... should have looked there before the whole mess 03:19:54 <Gonozal_VIII> thank you :-) 03:26:31 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 03:38:03 *** Tobin_ [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 03:38:03 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:46:00 *** dp- [~dp@p54B2CCAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 03:53:01 *** dp-_ [~dp@p54B2FDA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:39:30 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:01:07 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 05:02:37 *** Netsplit over, joins: Prof_Frink 05:02:37 *** Netsplit oxygen.oftc.net <-> nova.oftc.net quits: Gonozal_VIII, PandaMojo, Sionide, Zevensoft, nairan, Smoovious 05:02:40 *** Netsplit over, joins: Gonozal_VIII 05:02:51 *** Netsplit over, joins: Zevensoft 05:03:00 *** Netsplit over, joins: Sionide 05:03:03 *** Netsplit over, joins: nairan 05:03:44 *** Netsplit osmosis.oftc.net <-> oxygen.oftc.net quits: kampasky, @Belugas_Gone, Tobin_, mikk36|lap, Prof_Frink 05:05:38 *** Netsplit over, joins: Prof_Frink, Tobin_, kampasky 05:06:33 *** Netsplit over, joins: mikk36|lap, @Belugas_Gone 05:44:05 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:09:57 *** qb [~qball@ipd50a4125.speed.planet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:43:09 *** Tobin_ [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin_] 06:46:03 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 06:46:05 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 06:46:48 <jnmbk> Hi, what does show company liveries do? (asking because I'll translate it :) 06:52:45 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 06:54:39 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 06:55:47 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 06:56:53 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [] 07:08:08 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 07:17:15 <jnmbk> anyway, I'll translate it later then... g2g 07:17:19 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:43:41 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-187-122.wa.westnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 08:18:36 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:27:04 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 08:27:49 <CIA-2> KUDr * r7256 /trunk/lang/turkish.txt: -Translation: [FS#408] Turkish lang file massive update (jnmbk) 08:34:34 *** h3lb [~helb@] has joined #openttd 08:34:34 *** helb [~helb@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:35:45 *** h3lb is now known as helb 08:39:55 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:48:08 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 08:49:04 *** smeding [~roysmedin@host86-133-233-146.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: leaving] 08:53:37 *** mikk36 [~mikk35@pc121.host3.starman.ee] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:56:44 *** mikk36|lap [~mikk35@pc121.host3.starman.ee] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:06:19 *** Purno [~Purno@5351CC1B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #openttd 09:08:34 *** mikk36 [~mikk35@pc219.host1.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 09:08:57 *** mikk36|lap [~mikk35@pc219.host1.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 09:17:53 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:27:49 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 09:39:23 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host44-239-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 09:39:52 <Wolf01> morning 09:50:50 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:51:21 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:00:18 *** Osai^2 [~Osai@p57AAF346.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 10:00:39 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 10:13:42 *** ThePizzaKing_ [~jeff@c211-28-162-125.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 10:22:33 *** YogSothoth [~john@lns-bzn-56-82-255-236-36.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 10:22:57 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 10:31:37 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 10:36:12 *** DJ_Mirage [~sexybigge@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 10:40:51 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 10:42:02 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 10:42:08 <lolman> join #mortalis death 10:42:17 <lolman> fuck wrong server :P 10:43:44 <Noldo> and a missing / maybe 10:43:52 <lolman> Yeah that too 10:44:06 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:44:09 <peter1138> but we have the password 10:44:16 <peter1138> now we just need the server :D 10:44:17 <lolman> XChat changed which network it was viewing 10:46:50 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F4BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 10:49:51 *** Osai^2 [~Osai@p57AAF346.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai^2] 10:50:20 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has joined #openttd 10:52:55 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Quit: /quit] 10:53:17 *** qb [~qball@ipd50a4125.speed.planet.nl] has joined #openttd 10:53:44 *** nairan [~Maui_key@p5498CD6D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:54:18 *** Frostregen_ [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-183-197.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 10:55:53 *** nairan [~Maui_key@p5498CED2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 10:57:56 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N783P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:58:58 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N921P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 11:00:16 *** Frostregen [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-184-047.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:00:28 *** Frostregen_ is now known as Frostregen 11:05:00 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC5493.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 11:06:34 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:11:18 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 11:12:35 *** Spitfireleet [~Spitfirel@host86-142-189-70.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 11:13:11 <Spitfireleet> i found a bug: whenever you try to make aircraft with like a few vehicles, it comes up to say that there are too many vehicles in the game 11:15:52 <Tron> i don't understand this sentence 11:16:20 <lolman> How many vehicles do you have? 11:16:36 <CIA-2> peter1138 * r7257 /trunk/lang/ (catalan.txt danish.txt galician.txt german.txt romanian.txt): -Fix (r7216): Fix doubly-utf8-encoded strings that crept in 11:17:03 <Spitfireleet> lets say that there are 3 trains on my co and the others have like a few road vehicles 11:17:15 <Spitfireleet> and maybe a couple of trains 11:17:32 <lolman> And what's the max number of vehicles set to? 11:17:37 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 11:17:38 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 11:17:38 <peter1138> check the max aircraft in the patch settings 11:19:44 <Spitfireleet> ah thanks 11:35:11 <jnmbk> peter1138: Will you add this or thinking of another another solution :) http://fuzzle.org/o/turkish.diff 11:40:39 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176105132.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 11:41:10 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has joined #openttd 11:45:10 *** ThePizzaKing_ is now known as ThePizzaKing 11:53:10 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-162-125.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:54:58 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:07:50 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 12:34:54 *** HMage [~HMage@] has joined #openttd 12:35:51 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp85-140-206-129.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #openttd 12:48:03 <HMage> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/Centrifuge2/ps3launchonlyonxbox360ls1.jpg 12:48:52 <Zevensoft> lol 12:58:05 <HMage> :) 13:00:56 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 13:01:36 <tormentum> haha love it 13:08:29 *** GoneWack1 [~gonewacko@c18041.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 13:08:52 *** GoneWacko [~gonewacko@c18041.upc-c.chello.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:08:52 *** GoneWack1 is now known as GoneWacko 13:19:22 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 13:28:30 <Wolf01> mmmm why in the Patch are trying to clone all my ideas? 13:28:44 <Wolf01> adjacent stations, eyecandy... 13:31:17 <HMage> ? 13:31:59 <Wolf01> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=28293 13:31:59 <Wolf01> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=28517 13:36:27 <HMage> ok 13:40:42 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:44:13 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176105132.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.12/20050915]] 13:52:13 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:53:25 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 13:54:15 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:54:50 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 13:56:54 *** Spoco- [Spoco@dsl-083-102-065-42.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 13:57:50 *** glx [~glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 13:57:53 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 13:58:14 *** Spoco [Spoco@dsl-083-102-066-96.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:58:41 *** Spoco [Spoco@dsl-083-102-065-42.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 13:58:45 *** Spoco [Spoco@dsl-083-102-065-42.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [] 14:09:18 *** HMage [~HMage@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:23:10 *** HMage [~HMage@] has joined #openttd 14:43:47 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F4BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:51:31 *** silent [~pwr@] has joined #openttd 15:07:54 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B80F1B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 15:07:55 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 15:12:10 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 15:25:47 *** HMage [~HMage@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:36:52 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:37:17 *** Nigel [~Nigel@125-238-64-245.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:37:48 *** Nigel [~Nigel@125-238-62-1.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #openttd 15:40:26 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 15:41:11 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 15:42:13 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 15:57:43 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:06:13 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B80F1B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:09:03 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B82AC6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 16:09:03 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 16:11:27 *** HMage [~HMage@] has joined #openttd 16:21:12 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F4BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 16:38:45 *** edeca [~david@beefy.two-pebbles.com] has joined #openttd 16:39:46 <edeca> Does the UK train set not work with tropical? That's my favorite but it appears the newgrf makes no difference in that climate :( 16:52:01 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F4BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:00:16 <Ailure> heh it's even designed to not be actiaved in tropical 17:02:15 *** YogSothoth [~john@lns-bzn-56-82-255-236-36.adsl.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 17:08:22 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:08:42 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 17:15:53 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 17:24:03 <edeca> Ailure: Ah, unfortunate, I am halfway through a tropical game 17:24:22 <edeca> Ailure: I guess I will have to start a temperate game next 17:27:16 *** lolman [~John@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 17:27:45 *** MrRexxie [~rexxars@ti131310a080-13454.bb.online.no] has joined #openttd 17:28:33 *** Rexxie [~rexxars@ti131310a080-13454.bb.online.no] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 17:34:46 *** lolman [~John@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 17:34:57 <Sacro> oh nows 17:34:59 <Sacro> oh yays! 17:39:03 <edeca> Eh? :) 17:45:25 *** Coutal [~Coutal@] has joined #openttd 17:46:29 <Coutal> hello. i've discovered a silly 'bug' in openttd - airplanes can't drown, unlike road vehicles and trains 17:55:24 *** d0zer [~kratt@84-50-21-230-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has joined #openttd 17:55:28 <d0zer> hello 17:55:32 <d0zer> i have question 17:55:48 <d0zer> how to convert Transport Tycoon Deluxe maps to Open TTD 17:56:34 <Sacro> doesnt OpenTTD just open them? 17:56:44 <d0zer> no 17:58:07 <edeca> Coutal: Drown? 17:59:01 <d0zer> ? 17:59:08 <d0zer> and what is that means? 17:59:10 <Coutal> edeca: yes. if you build rail at sea level, then let water flow through it, the vehicles will drown 17:59:20 <Zaviori> or sunk :p 17:59:20 <d0zer> #care 17:59:25 <d0zer> how to convert Transport Tycoon Deluxe maps to Open TTD 17:59:58 <Coutal> you even get a nice 'newspaper' message - trains lost due to severe floods, XX missing, presumed dead 18:00:15 <d0zer> lol 18:00:15 <Coutal> but... if there's an airfield on the way, with an airplane in it, it will not be demolished right until the airplane takes off 18:00:20 <d0zer> now i know how do do this 18:00:21 <d0zer> but 18:00:23 <Coutal> at that immediate instant the airfield is demolished 18:00:31 <d0zer> what port i need to play OPEN ttd in internet 18:00:34 <Coutal> and the plane will soon crash due to lack of fuel, if you sent it nowhere. 18:00:37 <d0zer> what port game uses 18:00:54 <Coutal> d0zer: usually 3979 18:02:32 *** Spitfireleet [~Spitfirel@host86-142-189-70.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:06:46 <Ailure> you just open the m,aps 18:07:02 <Ailure> although I had the game to crash on me when I attempt some of my old savegames 18:12:21 <d0zer> how i can create game 18:12:28 <d0zer> like do i need port after ip? 18:12:34 <d0zer> or only ip 18:12:49 <d0zer> and how i see my server works 18:14:00 <Ailure> You mkae someone connect itfrom the outside 18:14:01 <Ailure> <_< 18:14:09 <Ailure> or you start another client and make it connect to localhost 18:14:19 <Ailure> but that's dosen't prove if your server is connectable over intenret 18:16:01 <d0zer> yes but my ports are opened 18:16:16 <d0zer> what connection do i need to but when i start server 18:16:23 <d0zer> like internet/lan 18:16:31 <d0zer> or internet(adverstiment) 18:18:10 <d0zer> ???? 18:18:15 <d0zer> somebody knows answer 18:18:23 <d0zer> or how can i change port 18:18:32 <d0zer> in game 18:18:58 <edeca> Coutal: Heh, nice, flooded tgrains :) 18:19:03 <edeca> Coutal: I see now, thanks 18:22:29 <Coutal> turns out it was thought of in the code 18:24:50 <jnmbk> d0zer: server port number is in openttd.cfg 18:25:24 <d0zer> ok 18:25:26 <d0zer> but 18:25:31 <d0zer> oo 18:25:32 <d0zer> ok 18:25:42 <d0zer> i change from that openttd.cfg? 18:25:47 <jnmbk> yep 18:25:56 <d0zer> ok i try 18:25:59 <d0zer> stay here 18:26:22 <d0zer> can i use port 80 or 21 also? 18:26:44 <jnmbk> maybe... I'm not sure... 18:28:01 <d0zer> but how i can see that the server works 18:28:23 <jnmbk> Someone can try connecting it :) 18:29:04 <d0zer> yes but what about www.openttd.org/servers.php? 18:29:18 <d0zer> can you connect to my server for a sec? 18:29:26 <d0zer> if you can 18:29:29 <jnmbk> if you have advertising on in openttd.cfg 18:29:39 <jnmbk> it should be shown there 18:30:38 <jnmbk> d0zer: give me ip and port numbers, I'll try 18:31:03 <d0zer> ok 18:31:20 <d0zer> 18:31:22 <d0zer> port 21 18:32:17 <jnmbk> d0zer: doesn't work, you musr forward the port... 18:32:27 <d0zer> i have 18:32:41 <d0zer> maybe my ip is wrong? 18:33:13 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 18:35:33 <d0zer> lets see tomorrow 18:35:41 <d0zer> i go sleep time is 00.00 18:35:43 *** d0zer [~kratt@84-50-21-230-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has quit [Quit: ( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )] 18:36:34 <jnmbk> OTTD used to make me awake at night :) 18:36:39 *** e1ko [~L@161.157.broadband2.iol.cz] has joined #openttd 18:39:23 <Ailure> OTTD keeps me aweake 18:39:42 <Ailure> It's fun to play, even if you're 36 hours behind on sleep 18:40:31 *** Coutal [~Coutal@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:49:47 *** lauri [lauri@ksenos.fi] has joined #openttd 18:50:33 *** lauri is now known as ln- 18:50:41 *** pxl [PigCell@dslb-088-073-241-026.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 18:56:44 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N921P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:56:55 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:57:21 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 18:57:30 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-177-044.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:57:30 *** pxl is now known as PigCell 18:57:31 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:59:16 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N921P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 19:01:55 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 19:04:14 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:07:30 *** joaz [~joaz@dslb-084-060-208-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 19:09:25 *** Coutal [Coutal@] has joined #openttd 19:51:39 *** Coutal [Coutal@] has quit [] 20:11:35 *** Tron_ [~tron@p54A3D26E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:17:55 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3D5CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:25:55 *** PandaMojo [~panda@c-67-183-223-161.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 20:33:16 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 20:37:24 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N921P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:39:24 <Sacro> oh noes 20:40:06 <joaz> ? 20:41:05 <edeca> Yeah, why do you say that all the time? :) 20:42:06 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N921P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 20:44:41 <Sacro> edeca: ongoing joke 20:49:52 * joaz laughs 20:51:57 <lolman> Oh noes...it's Sacro 20:52:08 <Sacro> yup 20:52:46 <lolman> I compiled a new kernel today...and it actually worked properly :o 20:52:54 <Sacro> ahh, kernel compiling is easy 20:53:00 * lolman is a n00b :P 20:53:41 <lolman> Only thing I had to do was recompile ndiswrapper and reinstall my nvidia drivers :) 20:54:03 <joaz> so? thank nvidia for that 20:54:17 <lolman> lol 20:54:45 <lolman> thank linksys too...no native drivers for my WLAN adapter 20:55:52 <lolman> But I ndiswrapper'd it up :P 20:58:18 <lolman> It's done good...I now have proper signal strength monitoring :P 20:59:03 <Sacro> hmm 20:59:13 <lolman> Sacro, ? 20:59:34 <Sacro> sorry... im feeling really crappy 20:59:42 <lolman> Ah, wassup? 20:59:54 <Sacro> loads on my mind 21:00:01 <lolman> Oh :( Sorry to hear 21:01:21 <Sacro> ah well... 21:01:32 <joaz> well...? 21:01:46 <lolman> Life could be much worse 21:02:22 <joaz> yeah, like forced to run windows vista 21:02:40 <lolman> haha 21:02:46 <lolman> I'll actually be buying it 21:02:59 <joaz> whaaa 21:03:29 <joaz> you can't buy it 21:03:37 <joaz> you have to "licence" it 21:03:46 <lolman> Well you know what I mean :) 21:04:59 <joaz> yes, but not why 21:05:13 <joaz> except you develope software for it i see no point 21:05:14 <lolman> Because I like it 21:05:46 <lolman> And when I eventually buy a new set of components to build a PC with I'll go DX10 21:06:27 <joaz> "now with solitare 3d" ? 21:06:34 <joaz> :)- 21:06:35 <lolman> haha 21:06:43 <lolman> nooo 21:07:05 <lolman> I like IE7, WMP11, and all the new features it has, like better RDC :P 21:07:20 <joaz> /mod lolman -1 Troll 21:07:25 <lolman> :o 21:07:51 <lolman> BUT I like Linux as much, if not more 21:08:37 <lolman> I like the ability to install an application, and have the dependencies taken care of for me 21:09:53 <joaz> i like xfce :) 21:10:04 <lolman> I like Gnome + Beryl :P 21:10:16 * Sacro has a request if there are any devs around? Please can "openttd -v" just dump the version and nothing else 21:10:44 <joaz> on which version ? :) 21:10:53 * Sacro kicks joaz 21:11:08 <lolman> It's a request, not asking if it does 21:11:25 <joaz> i'v so many openttd binarys... 21:11:53 <lolman> I've just got svn's of trunk and MiniIN as well as 0.4.8 21:13:29 <lolman> brb 21:13:31 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:14:49 <joaz> exit 21:14:51 <joaz> frak 21:14:58 <joaz> wrong tab 21:16:02 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 21:21:10 <CIA-2> glx * r7258 /branches/makefile_rewrite/Makefile.src.in: [MakefileRewrite] -Fix: makedepend output was not correctly handled on windows 21:21:11 *** PandaMojo [~panda@c-67-183-223-161.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: PandaMojo] 21:21:54 *** joaz [~joaz@dslb-084-060-208-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: [BX] Time wasted: all of it] 21:22:14 *** joaz [~joaz@dslb-084-060-208-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 21:23:33 *** joaz [~joaz@dslb-084-060-208-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [] 21:33:21 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host44-239-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [] 21:33:22 *** Purno [~Purno@5351CC1B.cable.casema.nl] has quit [Quit: Life is a game of pick-up-sticks, played by fucking lunatics.] 21:39:07 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-228-134.vodafone-net.de] has joined #openttd 21:39:22 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:42:18 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 21:45:01 <lolman> Oh noes... 21:47:40 * Sacro watches brainiac on youtube 21:47:41 *** helb [~helb@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:47:50 <Sacro> DAMN YOU FIREFOX 21:47:57 * Sacro stops watching brainiac 21:48:19 *** helb [~helb@] has joined #openttd 21:48:56 <lolman> :o 21:48:59 <lolman> Link Sacro ? 21:51:50 <Sacro> youtube.com 21:53:35 <lolman> That's a bit obvious :P 21:54:00 <Sacro> yup 21:54:10 * SpComb did that on friday 21:54:21 <SpComb> branic is amusing, but crap in terms of the actual science :P 21:59:24 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:00:20 <Sacro> lolman: i got GTR2 22:00:29 <lolman> heh 22:00:35 <lolman> I still play LFS :P 22:00:58 *** HMage [~HMage@] has quit [Quit: HMage] 22:01:28 <Sacro> its really good, though need a wheel and pedlas 22:01:34 <Sacro> lolman: can you get lfs for free? 22:01:42 <lolman> Demo yes 22:01:53 <lolman> And a cracked version that doesn't work online 22:02:00 <Sacro> that'd do for a start 22:02:11 <lolman> I'd personally find you and kill you if you did 22:03:15 <Sacro> thats fine.. 22:03:51 <lolman> I actually bought a friend a license yesterday lol 22:04:08 <Sacro> will you buy me one? 22:04:11 <lolman> No :P 22:04:24 <lolman> I don't even know you that well :P 22:04:26 <Sacro> might just get rFactor instead 22:04:29 <lolman> NOOO!!! 22:04:34 <lolman> NOT rTractor!! 22:05:31 <lolman> rTractor FTL 22:05:45 <Sacro> why? 22:05:58 <lolman> The physics suck donkey balls :o 22:06:52 <Sacro> hmmmm 22:06:55 <Sacro> whats so good about lfs? 22:07:01 <lolman> The physics :P 22:09:28 <Sacro> hmm, does it have proper shifter and clutch support? 22:09:43 <lolman> Yeah, but stalling isn't done yet 22:09:59 <Sacro> shame 22:10:14 <lolman> Yeah, but H-shifters are fully supported 22:10:15 *** Coutal [Coutal@] has joined #openttd 22:10:39 <lolman> As are clutch pedals 22:12:27 <Sacro> im gonna be getting the logitech g25 in january i hope 22:14:03 <lolman> Lucky git 22:15:22 *** Coutal [Coutal@] has left #openttd [] 22:17:31 <lolman> Vista on launch day here...lol 22:17:50 <edeca> Why wait, linux is out now :) 22:17:59 <lolman> I'm in Linux now ;-) 22:18:24 <edeca> So don't downgrade! 22:18:40 <lolman> I'll still be running Linux lol 22:19:34 <lolman> WINE doesn't run everything, and I don't have a legal copy of Windows...so I'll be buying Vista to both be up to date, and have a valid license 22:19:46 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-162-125.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 22:20:23 <Naksu> well 22:20:34 <Naksu> wxp is probably more useless than wine in a couple of years 22:20:39 <Naksu> considering directx10 is vista-only 22:20:43 <lolman> Yeah 22:21:22 <edeca> That's so annoying, why make directx10 vista-only? 22:21:33 <lolman> Because of the way DX10 works 22:21:36 <glx> to force users to upgrade 22:21:40 <edeca> glx: Exactly :) 22:21:41 <lolman> And that 22:21:45 <edeca> Good thing openttd doesn't need it 22:22:02 <edeca> I agree that there must come a point when you don't support old software but WinXP is relatively new really 22:22:11 <lolman> 5 years... 22:22:45 <edeca> That's new as far as I'm concerned, I still run win2k ;) 22:22:50 <lolman> Ouch 22:23:04 <edeca> Well, I have a Win2k VM that gets powered up once in a blue moon 22:23:13 <lolman> lol 22:23:41 <edeca> I don't really game except OTTD so I don't need Windows 22:24:20 <lolman> Only thing I need Windows for is Live For Speed, and that runs in Cedega... 22:24:25 <lolman> but 22:24:43 <lolman> I'll be getting my hands on some DX10 hardware and games in the next 2 years 22:24:46 * edeca goes to watch TV 22:24:54 * Sacro now has GTR2, AoE3 22:25:28 <lolman> lol 22:25:32 * lolman wants Civ4 22:25:48 <Sacro> got that too 22:25:53 <lolman> Bah 22:25:59 <Sacro> and CivCity Rome 22:27:14 <lolman> I also want a copy of X-Plane... 22:27:20 <Sacro> me too... 22:27:23 <Sacro> i just have FSX 22:28:00 <lolman> I have neither 22:28:29 *** YogSothoth [~john@lns-bzn-56-82-255-236-36.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 22:36:54 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-228-134.vodafone-net.de] has quit [Quit: bin wech....] 22:38:02 *** silent [~pwr@] has quit [Quit: Client exiting] 22:40:04 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:41:04 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 22:44:29 <Sacro> oh noes 22:46:17 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:48:17 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F4BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 22:50:47 *** DJ_Mirage [~sexybigge@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: www.sexybiggetje.nl] 23:10:59 *** Tron_ is now known as Tron 23:13:04 <kampasky> is it known what tool did ludde use for generating the initial C code for OTTD? 23:13:38 <Sacro> kampasky: yes 23:14:08 <kampasky> cool.. what then? :) 23:14:24 <Sacro> Interactive Disassembler 23:14:52 <Sacro> hmm 23:16:01 <kampasky> ta 23:16:41 <Sacro> argh fsck, gnome panel has died 23:16:45 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:17:42 <kampasky> wikipedia articles on software are missing "warez information" sections 23:19:01 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 23:19:36 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:22:20 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 23:24:31 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-130-135.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 23:25:27 <Prof_Frink> Sacro: killall the bugger and gnome usually restarts it 23:25:28 <lolman> Oh noes... 23:25:39 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: nope, it just crahses 23:25:53 <Prof_Frink> Ah well, use KDE 23:25:56 <Sacro> anywho, i feel better after seeing the hot polish girl next door in the kitchen in her bra 23:26:12 <lolman> Damn you 23:28:07 <lolman> I want a hot polish girl to stare at :P 23:28:52 <Sacro> ahh, theres better things in life 23:29:07 <lolman> What like? 23:29:21 <Sacro> hot polish girl to have sex with 23:29:25 <lolman> True 23:30:05 <lolman> But there's no hope of that for me :P 23:31:08 *** Tuzlo [~bill@blk-215-68-38.eastlink.ca] has joined #openttd 23:31:53 <Tuzlo> can anyone tell me why, when I join a multiplayer game, set up my stations and vehicle production areas I cannot produce a vehicle 23:36:11 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-241-026.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The future of IRC] 23:40:38 *** e1ko [~L@161.157.broadband2.iol.cz] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.6/2006103003]] 23:42:13 <Zaviori> Do you have the required newgrfs? 23:42:48 <Tuzlo> possible not 23:43:15 <Tuzlo> where do I get them from 23:43:40 *** lolman [~john@cpc3-leds2-0-0-cust55.leed.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:44:14 <Zaviori> I have no idea. 23:45:12 *** Alltaken [~chatzilla@203-97-223-241.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #openttd 23:45:54 <Tuzlo> but would that be prevelant in every multiplayer game I have joined so far? 23:45:57 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #openttd