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00:00:43 <Bjarni> LOL @ babelfish translation 00:01:14 <Bjarni> "Be completed cripes" <-- as usual Babelfish claimed to know Japanese but produced a weird sentence 00:01:49 <Bjarni> <Sacro> and green <-- colours are disabled in this channel, so no :P 00:01:58 <Sacro> aww :( 00:02:01 <ln-> undisable them 00:02:04 * Sacro wants mode -c 00:02:05 <Ihmemies> my text is green by default. 00:02:14 <ln-> Ihmemies: go see a doctor 00:02:27 <Ihmemies> like http://bulbasaur.ton.tut.fi/etc/arisoft-irssi.png 00:02:38 <Bjarni> my text can be green as well... just disconnect the red and blue pins in the monitor cable 00:02:52 <Ihmemies> i've used that color scheme for ages, and it rocks :D 00:02:52 <Sacro> heh 00:03:01 <Sacro> right, g'night chaps 00:05:01 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: FlowaPowa] 00:10:34 <Bjarni> <glx> ãããã¿ãªãã <-- means something :) <-- is it "ASCII ART" stuff? 00:10:43 <Bjarni> like drawing women in ASCII art 00:10:50 <glx> it is "oyasuminasai" 00:11:00 <glx> means "good night" 00:12:01 <Ammler> Bjarni: I thought its a dancing guy 00:12:18 * Bjarni notes that the next time he reads hiragana, he should increase the font size 00:14:00 <Bjarni> but funny thing is that with the misread in the beginning I ended up with something like "ASCII + waitress" o_O 00:17:16 <Bjarni> 埡äŒã¿ãªãã <-- looks a bit funny written in kanji.... I mean I thought it would have a kanji more and way less hiraganas 00:17:44 <Roujin> my client doesn't print kanji T_T 00:17:54 <Roujin> i use HydraIRC 00:18:04 <Bjarni> basically it replaces 3 hiragana into two kanji.... I think that's a bit unusual 00:18:59 <Bjarni> funny thing is that if I had increased the font size when reading this then I would have been able to read it correctly and tell what it means because... I know that word.... bummer 00:19:48 <glx> hehe 00:20:07 <Bjarni> ãã©ããã£ããããããããã¡ <-- I like this word a lot.... we can say it nice and short 00:20:12 <Roujin> which word did you mean that is funny in kanji? my client just prints gibberish T_T 00:20:17 <Bjarni> we call it ATC 00:20:59 <Bjarni> Roujin: jidouresshaseigyosouchi 00:21:30 *** LeviathNL [~thomas@vdburgt.xs4all.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:21:50 <Bjarni> it literally means something like: control of row of cars and something else I forgot 00:22:02 <Bjarni> I think it's 7 or 8 words combined into one word 00:22:26 <Bjarni> I wonder what they actually call it in daily talk 00:22:30 <Roujin> hmm.. 00:23:07 <Bjarni> I don't think they call on the radio and say "my ãã©ããã£ããããããããã¡ is broken"... they have to say something shorter than that because it's used all the time 00:23:39 <Roujin> automatic train something machine? 00:24:02 <Bjarni> Automatic Train Control 00:24:21 <Bjarni> meaning that the train can brake when closing in on a red signal if the driver fails to do that 00:24:23 <Roujin> what kind of thing is that supposed to be? :P 00:24:28 <Roujin> ah i see 00:24:30 *** Addi [~ttdx@cable-dynamic-87-245-83-24.shinternet.ch] has quit [] 00:24:54 <Bjarni> it can do other stuff like telling the distance to next red signal and speed limits 00:24:56 <Roujin> well... i guess not many people need to talk about such things in daily life :D 00:25:19 <Bjarni> but it's mentioned all the time in internal railroad messages 00:26:02 <Roujin> are you living in japan? 00:26:21 <glx> slap him :) 00:26:34 <Bjarni> if I were, then I would likely have answered that question before really quickly and correct 00:26:54 * Bjarni slaps Roujin really hard 00:27:11 <Roujin> me sorry :P 00:28:20 <Bjarni> Roujin: are you aware that your nick means "person from Rou" in Japanese? 00:28:34 <Bjarni> whatever Rou would be 00:28:47 <Bjarni> or whereever would be more correct to say 00:29:15 <Bjarni> I don't think it's an actual word because where would this "Rou" country be? :) 00:29:54 <Roujin> i am aware, and it could mean erm.. missing the english word right now, wait a sec >< 00:30:34 <Roujin> erm, old person or something 00:30:57 <Roujin> pensioner or such 00:31:33 <Roujin> or, if you're very creative, ookami kanji has a reading "rou" as well ;P 00:34:30 <Roujin> i just popped back here in irc and saw you talking about japanese stuff, and was interested.. i'm learning japanese @university. but as i said, i can't read what you write here in kanji/kana because my client doesn't print them :( 00:34:53 <glx> you can change the font I think 00:35:03 <glx> or is it an encoding problem? 00:35:50 <Roujin> i don't know.. i could try changing the font, when i find the option.. 00:35:51 <Bjarni> why are you learning Japanese? 00:36:37 <Bjarni> to be able to search for even more hentai? :P 00:36:44 * Bjarni hides 00:36:46 <Roujin> well i started.. actually out of boredom, in self study 00:37:06 * Roujin slaps Bjarni :P 00:37:26 <glx> Bjarni no baka ;) 00:37:36 <Bjarni> hentai isn't really a word the Japanese will use in this way :P 00:37:38 <Roujin> no, to be able to understand what they say in my hentais :P 00:37:48 <Roujin> true 00:38:14 <Roujin> hentai is actually just an adjective 00:38:19 <Bjarni> glx: please talk nice to me in here ;) 00:38:54 <Bjarni> how can you select to learn a language out of boredom? 00:39:40 <Roujin> ah well.. that was after i finished school, and i had nothing to do for some months until university started... 00:39:48 <Bjarni> ahh 00:39:55 <Roujin> others travelled around the world 00:40:00 <Bjarni> never tried not to have anything to do 00:40:00 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1D19D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:40:13 <Roujin> one went to israel or something 00:40:47 <Roujin> (i would have pissed my pants actually, when going to such a dangerous place oO) 00:41:16 <Bjarni> I wouldn't go there either 00:41:18 <Bjarni> too hot 00:41:38 <Roujin> well i didn't do anything like this, so i thought like, well, let's just learn japanese or something 00:42:22 <Roujin> and when i got into university and saw they have free language courses for students, i took the jap. course there then 00:42:38 <Bjarni> so it's easy and fun points? 00:43:53 <Roujin> well, i don't know if it's anything worth in my study, i just learn it for myself, or how to say. i do like it more then i liked french back in school 00:44:53 <Roujin> and i want to travel to japan at least once, some time ;) 00:44:56 <Bjarni> I meant that I presume that you have to get a certain amount of points to graduate and that learning a language could give you some points 00:45:58 <Roujin> hmm there is such a points system, but actually i don't know if i can use my japanese course for these. i have to ask about that 00:46:10 <Bjarni> if I could get Japanese (uni don't fancy teaching anything but English), then I would likely be able to get 5 points out of it. Considering I should get 60 every year it would be nice for a "I want to learn this just for fun" course 00:46:20 <Roujin> i really take that course because i like learning it, not because i get points or something.. 00:49:01 <Roujin> well it is a really slow course, the one i partake in.. it is scheduled to have 6 semesters, after which you are at the level of the JLPT level4 test 00:49:17 <Roujin> that's not much after 3 years 00:50:29 <Roujin> if you're studying japanese at the university (i mean as main subject) you'd reach that level after about 1.5 semesters, i guess 00:51:06 <Bjarni> I actually have an... well unusual... story to why I learned some Japanese. I thought "what's all the fuss about amine. I better try to watch some" and it was in Japanese with subtitles and after a while I noticed the subtitles didn't translate everything and I even realised what they left out (one of the many one word sentences in Japanese). I found an online dictionary to verify this and though "heh, that was interesting" but when 00:51:06 <Bjarni> it happened again I decided to give Japanese a go as it appeared to be easy to get into 00:52:06 <Roujin> hehe ^_^ what was the one word sentence? 00:52:09 <Bjarni> the problem is that well... I should spend time on it when I'm well, relaxed and not sleepy. During times like that I do uni stuff so I haven't got very far 00:52:40 <Bjarni> <Roujin> hehe ^_^ what was the one word sentence? <-- funny thing is... I don't remember :P 00:52:47 <Roujin> oh, ok :P 00:53:33 <Roujin> well it's better to do your uni stuff.. i tend to spend time with useless things, if i should actually be doing something for uni or such >_< 00:54:07 <Bjarni> well, first I decided to try the way some guy had written about on the net where it said that I should learn common words before anything else and that I should write them down and memorise them without looking at the paper too much 00:54:42 <Bjarni> this was boring so I found somewhere else where the start says to learn hiragana to understand the word construction and well... that's how far I got so far 00:54:53 <Bjarni> but writing is more fun than learning random words :) 00:55:17 <Roujin> yes, it's better to learn the kana i think 00:55:59 <Roujin> weird suggestion about learning words first, without the writing, i think 00:56:00 <Bjarni> actually I skipped one part. At first I thought that writing is the way to learn a language and looked at kanji and quickly thought "this is NOT the way to go" 00:56:09 <Roujin> hehe 00:56:52 <Roujin> well, be happy that japanese has the kana :D 00:57:08 *** Grey [~Greyscale@host86-131-34-203.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 00:57:09 <Roujin> chinese just has kanji, no kind of alphabet xD 00:57:18 <Bjarni> well... I did learn how words are constructed out of kanji but not the actual kanji chars (well, not enough to use them anyway), but somehow it looks like kanji combos and word joining use the same idea 00:57:46 <Roujin> word joining? 00:57:52 <Roujin> what do you mean with that? 01:02:53 *** Greyscale [~Greyscale@host86-131-34-203.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 01:11:03 *** Frostregen_ [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-161-253.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 01:11:06 <Bjarni> when you have two words and you join them into one word to give it a new meaning 01:11:26 <Bjarni> Roujin: fixed your charset issue? 01:11:37 <Roujin> hmm i found the option now for fonts 01:11:45 <Roujin> which font should i try...? 01:11:52 <glx> arial unicode 01:12:57 <Roujin> testing... ????? 01:13:07 <Roujin> i only get ?'s 01:13:19 <Roujin> :( 01:13:55 <glx> ãã¯ã 01:13:57 <Roujin> maybe it is an encoding issue 01:14:18 <Bjarni> you should use UTF-8 as charset 01:15:14 <Roujin> i don't know where i can set that up... :/ 01:15:16 <Bjarni> Xchat has "text encoding" as an advanced server option (meaning you don't have to use the same encoding on all servers) 01:15:32 <Bjarni> I use UTF-8 everywhere though 01:15:54 <glx> I use it everywhere except french chanels :) 01:16:13 <glx> most are still in latin-1 01:16:19 <Bjarni> I don't go to French channels 01:16:32 *** Frostregen [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-150-225.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:16:43 *** Frostregen_ is now known as Frostregen 01:16:49 <Bjarni> in fact I don't use IRC for anything but OpenTTD related 01:17:08 <Bjarni> well.... + the off topic stuff 01:18:01 <Roujin> well maybe i should look for another irc client ^^ 01:18:31 <Roujin> some options pages here in hydraIRC just say "sorry, this has not been implemented jet" *cough* 01:20:23 <Bjarni> unicode is listed as "future plans" for hydraIRC on the wikipedia page and as a feature request in the first hit on google (looks like the official hydraIRC forum) 01:20:44 <Roujin> do you see some kana when i write them? testing: ????? 01:21:24 <Roujin> oh ok... so which irc client should i use? ^_^ 01:21:26 <Bjarni> no 01:21:51 <Bjarni> one with unicode support would be nice 01:22:18 <Roujin> i'll look for the "XChat" you mentioned... 01:22:29 <Bjarni> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_IRC_clients <-- this page lacks info about unicode support :s 01:23:00 <glx> I use kvirc 01:23:49 <Bjarni> I'm not sure if X-chat is the best client, but it's the one that will continue my log because it's the first client I got my hands on 01:24:07 <Bjarni> and the log starts in 2004... kind of a big history to try to import into something else 01:24:08 <Ihmemies> i've copypasted the same mirc folder for 7 years 01:24:20 <glx> mirc is not free 01:24:22 <Ihmemies> just upgraded the client once in a while, easy :D 01:24:27 <Ihmemies> well 01:24:45 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387DFF2.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: Verlassend] 01:24:49 <Ihmemies> has someone really *paid* for it? 01:24:49 <glx> xchat is not free either 01:24:56 <Bjarni> maybe Ihmemies considers all software free :P 01:25:18 <Ihmemies> and it has only that nag screen 01:25:38 <Ihmemies> it doesn't stop you from using mirc :o 01:26:02 <Bjarni> sounds like winzip... you didn't pay "ok"... fine, just continue to use this app 01:26:24 <Roujin> :D 01:26:29 <glx> I don't use winzip 01:26:35 <Ihmemies> it's like my ftp client, it's running on day 900 or something 01:26:37 <glx> winace supports more 01:26:49 <Bjarni> somebody installed it at some uni computer at one time 01:27:05 <glx> <Ihmemies> it's like my ftp client, it's running on day 900 or something <-- why not use filezilla? 01:27:11 <Ihmemies> uh.. what's that 01:27:16 <Bjarni> but it wasn't the support guys so after that we got that message every time we looked at a zip file 01:27:17 <Ihmemies> i just downloaded some program years ago. 01:27:23 <Ihmemies> it works... enough for me :) 01:27:42 <Bjarni> X-Chat Aqua is freeware 01:28:00 <glx> yes there are free windows xchat 01:28:25 <Roujin> ok, brb then with another (hopefully japanese-friendly :P) client 01:28:43 *** Roujin [~Roujin@mnch-4d04949a.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more?] 01:28:48 <glx> (GPL power ;) ) 01:29:06 *** Wezz6400 [~Wezz6400@145-118-109-253.fttx.bbned.nl] has quit [Quit: Zzz] 01:30:12 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p54B777C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 01:30:39 *** mikl [~mikl@0x57372ee2.mrbnqu1.broadband.tele.dk] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 01:30:46 <Bjarni> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more? <--- I just learned enough... no unicode support 01:30:50 *** Roujin [~Roujin@mnch-4d04949a.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 01:31:01 <Bjarni> Roujin: äžæ¹äºº ã§ã 01:31:14 <Roujin> funny 01:31:17 <Roujin> i see desu 01:31:24 <Roujin> but not the signs before 01:31:32 <Bjarni> :) 01:31:39 <Roujin> if that were kanji, i can see kana now, but not kanji oO 01:31:41 <Bjarni> then you can read hiragana but not kanji 01:31:57 <Roujin> maybe now it is a font issue 01:31:58 <glx> use arial unicode 01:32:11 <Roujin> ok, looking for the option now.. 01:32:17 <glx> at least the encoding problem is fixed :) 01:32:44 <Bjarni> Roujin: ãã³ããŒã¯ãã ã§ã <-- here we go again 01:33:26 <Bjarni> should be the very same thing, but in hiragana only 01:34:09 <Bjarni> well.. isn't it mixed with katakana.... oh well... kana only ;) 01:34:11 <Roujin> weeeee, it works ^_^ 01:34:29 <Bjarni> can you see all of it now? 01:34:32 <Bjarni> even kanji? 01:34:36 <Roujin> i didn't findarial unicode, but something else that seems to have kanji :D 01:34:44 <Grey> time for sleep. Zzz 01:34:47 *** Grey [~Greyscale@host86-131-34-203.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:35:03 <Bjarni> close enough 01:35:18 <Bjarni> well... read what I just told you and never forget it 01:36:00 <Roujin> okay ^^ that's what you slap people for? not knowing where you're from? 01:36:15 <Bjarni> there is a "whois" you know 01:36:38 *** Eddi|zuHause3 [~johekr@p54B77635.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:36:42 <Roujin> like.. !whois? 01:36:58 <Roujin> !whois Bjarni 01:37:00 <Bjarni> no, "/whois nick" 01:37:29 <Roujin> i see 01:37:29 <glx> I just need to mouse-over 01:37:37 <Roujin> .dk aaaha 01:37:43 <Bjarni> hehe, at one time somebody in here missed the / and somebody else replied with a description of the guy 01:38:14 <Roujin> well, i'm not really using irc much, so... :P 01:38:51 <Bjarni> <Bjarni> Roujin: äžæ¹äºº ã§ã <-- you should have been able to read the .dk info out of this 01:39:02 <Roujin> yes yes, i did 01:39:03 <Bjarni> <Bjarni> Roujin: ãã³ããŒã¯ãã ã§ã <-- or this 01:39:33 <Roujin> i just now said ".dk aha" because i get now what you mean with using /whois 01:39:47 *** [1]Bakes [~Bakes@] has joined #openttd 01:39:56 <Bjarni> ahh 01:40:03 <Roujin> i did understand "denma~ku jin desu" ;) 01:40:09 <Bjarni> but can we trust that? :P 01:40:51 <Bjarni> the Romaji seems to be "denmaaku", not "denma~ku" :P 01:40:58 <Roujin> ãããç§ã¯ãã€ã人ã§ãã 01:41:29 <Roujin> i meant long a with a~ 01:42:20 <glx> doitsu == german I guess 01:42:44 <Roujin> that's right 01:43:32 <Bjarni> ãã <-- I think this would be omitted... Japanese tend to omit less important words 01:43:42 <Bjarni> even though it's not really a mistake to add it 01:43:57 <Roujin> it was spoken language, spoken languaaaaaaage :P 01:44:24 *** Bakes [~Bakes@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 01:44:24 *** [1]Bakes is now known as Bakes 01:44:28 <Bjarni> but I don't speak Japanese 01:44:43 <Bjarni> I already said: I'm not passed learning hiragana yet :P 01:45:33 <Roujin> that means you learned the hiragana, but not more yet - right? 01:46:03 <Bjarni> that means that I know around 15 letters 01:46:42 <Bjarni> ããããããand the K/G series 01:47:03 * glx uses http://www.j-talk.com/nihongo/ 01:47:12 <Roujin> oh, well i got a wrong idea then from you wrinting correctly in japanese that you are from denmark ;) 01:47:19 <Bjarni> but I think I should read up on it again and write them a bit more so I keep remembering them 01:48:21 <Bjarni> I can write correct Danish as well 01:48:34 <glx> I hope you can ;) 01:49:32 <Bjarni> it sounds funny when Japanese people try to speak Danish :D 01:49:52 <Bjarni> I think it sounds kind of like when we try to speak Japanese 01:49:53 <glx> unknown "sound" ? 01:50:27 <Bjarni> no... Danish television learned that there are Japanese students studying Danish in Japan and went to talk to them 01:51:59 <Roujin> okay... well most of them have trouble speaking english as well :P their language is just so different from european ones 01:52:56 <Rafagd> portuguese isn't like english-like languages 01:53:12 <Rafagd> i think it's easer for them 01:53:26 <Rafagd> except because the lack of "L" XD 01:53:41 <Bjarni> they said that it was really hard to speak but way easier to read and write 01:54:19 <Bjarni> learning a language that has sounds you never use in any word can be really tricky 01:54:34 <Bjarni> we have twice as many vowels as they have 01:54:48 *** Ihmemies [ihmemies@a88-113-24-180.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Quit: Signed off] 01:54:50 <Bjarni> the other way appears to be easier 01:55:03 <Bjarni> gaa... it's really getting late 01:55:07 <Bjarni> I should be sleeping now 01:55:21 <Bjarni> in fact officially I have been sleeping for hours :P 01:55:24 <Rafagd> Bjarni: english for portuguese-speakers it's tricky too 01:55:29 <Roujin> true.. me aswell 01:55:39 <Bjarni> Roujin: btw the joined words 01:56:03 <Bjarni> what I meant was: denmaaku+jin to make a new word with a combined meaning 01:56:12 <glx> oh yes now you can write them in kanji ;) 01:56:12 <Rafagd> sometimes we write the english words as they would look like if was with portuguese sounds 01:56:57 <Roujin> well, yes.. its the same for kanji of course, if the words you combine have kanji 01:57:16 <Bjarni> yeah... but I meant the very idea of how many words are created 01:57:26 <Roujin> yes, thats very logical 01:57:32 <Bjarni> we combine words as well, but not as often as in Japanese 01:58:01 <Roujin> æ¥æ¬ãjapan - æ¥æ¬èª japanese - æ¥æ¬äºº japanese (person) 01:58:04 <Roujin> like that 01:58:31 <Bjarni> I like this combined word a lot "sporvognsskinneskidtskraber" (it's an actual Danish word) 01:58:32 <Roujin> japan, japan-language, japan-human <--- that would be word-by-word translaton 01:58:43 <Bjarni> yeah 01:59:07 <Roujin> what does that word mean? 01:59:08 *** Rafagd [~kvirc@] has quit [Quit: Changing server...] 01:59:10 *** Rafagd [~kvirc@] has joined #openttd 01:59:25 <Rafagd> changing encoding to utf8 01:59:27 <Rafagd> =\ 01:59:35 <Bjarni> it's a shovel with a metal pole to pick up dirt from the tram tracks 01:59:43 <Roujin> o__O 01:59:53 <Bjarni> basically you place it on top of the track and just push forward and all the dirt will end up on the shovel 01:59:59 <Bjarni> it's not used anymore 02:00:06 <Bjarni> but we still have the word 02:00:35 <Bjarni> before bloodtests the police had their alcohol tests like walking on a line on the floor and so on 02:00:43 <Bjarni> being able to say this word was part of the test too 02:00:49 <Rafagd> omg 02:00:53 <Roujin> :D 02:00:55 <Rafagd> whats the word again? 02:01:04 <Bjarni> sporvognsskinneskidtskraber 02:01:04 <glx> sporvognsskinneskidtskraber 02:01:07 <Rafagd> argh 02:01:12 <Rafagd> this is speakable? 02:01:15 <Bjarni> yeah 02:01:22 <glx> when you are sober ;) 02:01:23 <Rafagd> so many consonants 02:01:31 <Roujin> sporvogn must be spurwagen in german 02:01:33 <Bjarni> spor-vogns-skinne-skidt-skraber 02:01:49 <Roujin> what is sporvogn? some kind of train? 02:02:06 <Bjarni> it's a tram 02:02:12 <Rafagd> portuguese has some giant words too, but we use vowels 02:02:12 <Rafagd> =\ 02:02:26 <Rafagd> like "inconstitucionalissimamente" 02:02:31 <Bjarni> this is a highly unusually long word 02:02:49 <glx> anticonstitutionnellement 02:02:57 <Rafagd> argh 02:03:15 <Bjarni> usually when you have long words they are created to be long 02:03:17 <Bjarni> but not this one 02:03:25 <glx> should be the same word as yours Rafagd 02:03:30 <glx> but in french 02:03:40 <Rafagd> i assumed that XD 02:04:00 <Rafagd> portuguese have many grammatical rules 02:04:02 <Rafagd> so 02:04:08 <Rafagd> we just assemble the words 02:04:36 <Rafagd> sometimes, they get so big... or complex that we use some other thing 02:04:37 <Rafagd> XD 02:06:43 <Bjarni> http://www.oleryolf.dk/billed.asp?PrivatBilled=3864510 <-- here it is... simple device with a really long name 02:07:46 <glx> spor... ? 02:08:20 <Bjarni> track 02:08:29 <Bjarni> or rather in this case rail 02:09:24 <Bjarni> I want one of those :P 02:09:38 <Bjarni> it's damn hard to clean the tracks without one :( 02:10:10 <Bjarni> anyway time for bed 02:10:12 <Bjarni> goodnight 02:10:18 <Bjarni> this time I mean it :P 02:10:19 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x50c79a03.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:11:20 *** shodan [user@xerxes.foocode.net] has joined #openttd 02:11:28 <Roujin> i am so evil 02:12:08 <Roujin> i'm running a ottd game right now, with a train line looping around four tourist centers 02:12:30 <Roujin> and some train feeding the loop with additional tourists from a town (force unload) 02:12:40 <glx> what's wrong with that? 02:12:53 <Roujin> they just get shipped from one tourist center to another, never getting away again mwahahaha 02:13:28 <Roujin> the tourist center "processes" them, spits em out again, and they get shipped to the next tourist center ^_^ 02:13:58 <glx> does it pay ? 02:14:40 <Roujin> at the beginning it didn't because there were no tourists yet.. but now since the loop is "filled up" with tourists it works xD 02:15:04 <glx> so you still need a coal road for start 02:15:35 <glx> then you can live with tourists only 02:15:54 <Roujin> probably... it's not a clean game here right now, i cheated at beginning to test out funding tourist industries :P 02:16:08 <Roujin> how to place them and such 02:16:25 <Roujin> then i got the idea with the loop xD 02:17:45 <Roujin> well it's not "infinite" money anyways because these newIndustries have stockpiling, not instant conversion ^^ 02:18:13 <glx> so you still need to feed the loop 02:18:15 <Roujin> so at some point it will stop because they do not "process" all the tourists anymore 02:18:56 <Roujin> hmm i don't know - if they spit out all the tourists again they consume, i don't have to feed anymore once the loop is saturated 02:18:57 *** Rafagd [~kvirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:24:55 *** Roujin_ [~Roujin@mnch-4d043f93.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 02:25:29 <Roujin_> hm i tried to check right now if they spit out all the tourists again, or just a fraction.. seems they generate less than the amount who entered :( 02:27:10 <glx> would be too easy ;) 02:27:29 <Roujin_> i ship 8 tourists to the center... they go through "processing", then at the station only 3 tourists appear again 02:27:53 <Roujin_> strangly though, the industry says "production last month: 8 tourists" afterwards... oO 02:28:27 <glx> dispatched to 3 virtual stations 02:28:57 <glx> may depend on your rating 02:29:17 *** Ammler [~Ammler@adsl-84-227-24-36.adslplus.ch] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:30:23 <Roujin_> oh, i see... but then it means in the loop i get the full amount of tourists back... 02:30:38 <Roujin_> since i have good ratings there 02:32:18 *** Roujin [~Roujin@mnch-4d04949a.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:32:40 <Roujin_> well i'm off for today, need some sleep :P good night 02:32:52 <glx> same here 02:32:58 *** Roujin_ [~Roujin@mnch-4d043f93.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: Verlassend] 02:33:19 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 02:37:51 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: TschÃŒÃ] 02:56:29 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-137-71-114.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: good night] 03:02:09 *** Osai^2 [~Osai@pD9EB678E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 03:05:33 *** elmex [~elmex@e180064042.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 03:08:42 *** Osai [~Osai@pD9EB793F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:09:33 *** elmex_ [~elmex@e180065008.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:21:21 *** Bakes [~Bakes@] has quit [Quit: Want to be different? Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-] 03:55:06 *** shodan [user@xerxes.foocode.net] has quit [Quit: Client Exiting] 04:03:47 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gonozal_V@N949P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 04:26:00 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gonozal_V@N949P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:30:14 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-164-234.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 04:59:42 <Gekz> it's ThePizzaKing! 04:59:45 <Gekz> he's everywhere that I am 05:00:43 <ThePizzaKing> That's me, the guy who's just scary 05:00:50 <Gekz> CIA-5: version 05:00:54 <Gekz> >_> 05:01:04 <Gekz> there needs to be a command to get the current svn revision 05:01:07 <Gekz> or there is and I'm stupid. 05:11:22 <Ailure> what are you talking about 05:11:23 <Ailure> D: 05:11:40 <Ailure> I mean, that's like what happens by default in a SVN client 05:11:53 <Ailure> reminds me it's been awhile since I updated my local openTTD source resource 05:12:17 <Ailure> I don't actually compile my own openTTD source, but I have it around when I feel like exprimentating 05:13:39 <Gekz> oh noeses 05:13:49 <Gekz> it's saving to dun dun dun, /tmp 05:13:50 <Gekz> lol 05:52:36 <Rubidium> Gekz: svn info 05:52:58 <Gekz> I found openttd.notice 05:53:00 <Gekz> I don't need it now. 05:59:19 *** KouDy [~KouDy@] has joined #openttd 06:55:49 *** peterbrett [~peter@ptbb2b.girton.cam.ac.uk] has joined #openttd 07:32:03 *** Osai^2 [~Osai@pD9EB678E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:45:05 *** peterbrett [~peter@ptbb2b.girton.cam.ac.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:46:03 *** raimar2 [~hawk@p5489BDBE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 07:47:16 *** gfldex [~dex@dslb-084-058-011-224.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 07:53:22 *** McHawk [~hawk@p5489FD1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:54:10 *** gfldex_ [~dex@dslb-084-058-056-253.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:00:26 *** Alberth [~hat@hmm-dca-ap03-d05-200.dial.freesurf.nl] has joined #openttd 08:09:20 *** stillunknown [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:09:39 <Alberth> While watching newAI trucks, I noticed a strange behavior. The AI programs visits to the road depot in the schedule. When a truck is at that point in its schedule (ie it should be going to the road depot), but it gets interruppted by a servicing timeout, it visits the road depot without its schedule moving on to the next stop. As a result, after leaving the depot, it makes a circle and re-visits the depot. The second time the schedult m 08:10:12 <Alberth> I just tried it myself, and my trucks also do this, so it seems that AI has nothing to do with it. 08:13:50 *** Gekz [~gekko@CPE-124-183-135-191.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 3.2.6 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/] 08:20:24 <Alberth> is this desired behavior? 08:21:52 <hylje> yes 08:22:14 <hylje> although one shouldnt need to have automagical depoting when the order is to go there already 08:42:21 *** stillunknown [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #openttd 08:43:53 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host240-239-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 08:44:37 <Wolf01> hello 08:44:46 <TrueBrain> morning 08:45:31 *** Farden [~jk3farden@AMontsouris-156-1-169-114.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #openttd 08:47:18 *** KouDy [~KouDy@] has quit [Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com] 09:16:01 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@] has joined #openttd 09:23:00 <Wolf01> lol, 2 years and one week since my suggestion: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=21377&hilit= 09:27:32 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B8018A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:29:17 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B82EDF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 09:29:18 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 09:31:57 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F997.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 09:37:50 <Rubidium> good moaning TrueBrain ;) 09:38:50 <hylje> awww 09:54:30 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x50c79a03.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 09:54:30 *** stillunknown [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:54:32 *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ 09:57:19 *** stillunknown [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #openttd 09:58:38 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-137-71-114.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 09:59:00 <Maedhros> morning 09:59:27 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11322 /trunk/src/rail_gui.cpp: -Codechange: select an allowed station size when drag&drop is disabled. Patch by Wolf01. 09:59:39 <Wolf01> good 10:01:32 <Maedhros> what does that commit do? select the largest allowed station size when using drag and drop if some configurations are disallowed? 10:02:01 <Wolf01> no, selects the allowed size widgets for newstations 10:02:02 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387C093.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 10:03:13 <Wolf01> like when you have a station which is only 2*1 or 3*1, if you change from drag&drop to fixed size, sometimes the not allowed widgets are selected 10:04:06 <Maedhros> aah, i see 10:05:23 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 10:05:33 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [] 10:12:51 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 10:15:01 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 10:17:32 *** Arpad58 [~Gali@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:26:05 *** Alberth [~hat@hmm-dca-ap03-d05-200.dial.freesurf.nl] has left #openttd [] 10:37:33 *** Arpad58 [~Gali@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 10:41:17 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: truelight * r11323 /trunk/config.lib: -Fix: GCC2.95 gave a lot of bogus 'might be uninitialized', so never show them for this compiler 10:42:09 <Wolf01> tanker wagon refittable for tourists... lol :D 10:42:40 <Bjarni> economy class 10:42:58 <Wolf01> i thought the economy class was the bolster wagon XD 10:43:40 <Bjarni> but it's not nice to be outside if the train drives more than 60 km/h 10:45:06 *** KouDy [user@] has joined #openttd 10:45:26 <Wolf01> oh, yes i forgot that in India people is used to travel on top of the wagons :P 10:45:38 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: truelight * r11324 /3rdparty/squirrel/sqstdlib/ (sqstdio.cpp sqstdstream.cpp): [NoAI] -Fix: include <stdio.h> before <new> to make MorphOS happy 10:46:04 <Bjarni> not only India 10:46:40 <Bjarni> basically the idea works everywhere except at UK tunnels or if there are catenary present 10:48:30 <Wolf01> uhm.. ECS sawmills cut trees? 10:51:06 <TrueBrain> sigh.. if you post PES2008 on a newsgroup, don't do it on a 10kib/s line... takes for ever!! :( 10:51:52 *** raimar2 [~hawk@p5489BDBE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:53:41 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: bjarni * r11325 /trunk/src/stdafx.h: -Fix (r11312)[FS#1357]: [OSX] fixed compilation on OSX 10:59:48 *** gule [~Administr@tm.] has joined #openttd 11:04:17 <Wolf01> why a city might want to dig in a leveled terrain? 11:04:47 <Wolf01> and near of a little lake 11:06:08 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: bjarni * r11326 /trunk/src/ (music/qtmidi.cpp sound/cocoa_s.cpp): -Cleanup: [OSX] removed now unneeded includes and unreached conditional defines from some OSX specific files 11:10:40 <Maedhros> hmm. my dbsetxl wagons seem to be using the wrong loading stages (coal instead of iron ore) 11:12:10 <ln-> Bjarni: have you tested on Leopard? 11:13:05 <Bjarni> and just how should I be able to do that? 11:13:08 <Bjarni> it's not released yet 11:13:39 <Wolf01> on UKRS, is possible to bind "sand" to "iron ore" instead of "coal"? i can't see the difference of coal and sand trains when i bring materials to the glass industry :/ 11:13:53 <ln-> there have been beta versions for months. 11:14:10 <Bjarni> but I presume that if everything else fails then I should be able to crosscompile for 10.4 on 10.5 and that should work 11:14:11 <Maedhros> Wolf01: not without editing the grf, no 11:14:40 <Wolf01> but ecs or ukrs? 11:14:42 <ln-> Bjarni: i could maybe try ottd on Leopard next week at work. 11:14:48 <ln-> if it arrives on time. 11:14:56 <Bjarni> that would be nice 11:15:22 <Maedhros> Wolf01: ukrs 11:15:38 *** TechnoFrood [~TechnoFro@] has joined #openttd 11:15:44 <Bjarni> because I'm not going to spend money on Leopard before everybody else. I have a working system that I don't want to upgrade to something that might cause me problems 11:16:00 <Bjarni> so basically I will wait until the Leopard patches are out 11:16:33 *** gule [~Administr@tm.] has left #openttd [] 11:17:16 <Bjarni> <ln-> there have been beta versions for months. <-- like I would get my hands on a pirated beta OS and install it... 11:17:18 <Bjarni> dream on 11:17:29 <Bjarni> I rely on this computer to be productive 11:17:43 <ln-> what kind of a mac did you have again? 11:18:03 <Bjarni> one that should be able to run Leopard... that's not the issue 11:18:13 *** AntB [~AntB-UK@] has joined #openttd 11:18:34 <Wolf01> uhm... aren't trams compatible with long vehicles? i loaded them, no warnings, no trams :/ 11:18:35 <Bjarni> I presume it to be able to run 10.6 when that time comes 11:18:49 <ln-> no, it was a general question, just because i don't remember anymore what you have. 11:19:41 <Maedhros> which did you load first? long vehicles might be using up all the road vehicle ids 11:24:28 <Wolf01> eh i think so, i loaded trams for first 11:28:59 *** eQualizer [~lauri@dyn15-194.dsl.spy.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:31:31 *** Ammler [~Ammler@adsl-89-217-204-242.adslplus.ch] has joined #openttd 11:36:11 *** TechnoFrood [~TechnoFro@] has left #openttd [] 11:38:34 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: bjarni * r11327 /trunk/Makefile.in: -Fix (r7262): [OSX] make bundle_dmg once again names the mounted dmg "OpenTTD rev" (instead of just "bundle") 11:43:09 *** peterbrett [~peter@ptbb2b.girton.cam.ac.uk] has joined #openttd 11:44:28 *** LeviathNL [~thomas@vdburgt.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 11:45:25 *** KritiK [~Maxim@78-106-156-167.broadband.corbina.ru] has joined #openttd 11:49:09 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: bjarni * r11328 /trunk/Makefile.in: -Cleanup (r11327): removed unneeded line 11:49:33 <Ammler> lol, we reached sign (names) limit at coop 11:49:48 <Rubidium> haha ;) 11:49:48 <Bjarni> o_O 11:49:54 <TrueBrain> concratz 11:49:59 <TrueBrain> you guys talk too much 11:50:01 <Bjarni> that's.... alot of signs 11:50:01 <TrueBrain> clearly 11:50:30 <Ammler> I'll check that, can't believe 11:51:40 <TrueBrain> I guess you just ran out of strings 11:51:45 <TrueBrain> as you can place 65000 signs :p 11:55:08 <Ammler> "Can't change sign name... \n Too many names defined" <-- true 11:57:16 *** KritiK_ [~Maxim@78-106-212-237.broadband.corbina.ru] has joined #openttd 11:57:45 <AntB> We've had that before, just so you know 11:58:03 <Ammler> AntB: who is wee, also coop? 11:58:43 *** Wezz6400 [~Wezz6400@145-118-109-253.fttx.bbned.nl] has joined #openttd 11:58:51 <AntB> yup 11:59:08 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-137-71-114.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:59:38 <AntB> its happened at least once before in coop, and once in a 2p LAN game (we got really bored and signed practically everything) 12:01:55 <Ammler> Rubidium: was there some performance optimizing in the last revisions, we have lower cpu usage with many trains... 12:02:40 <Ammler> hmm, maybe a "good" caching? 12:03:12 *** KritiK [~Maxim@78-106-156-167.broadband.corbina.ru] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:03:23 *** KritiK_ is now known as KritiK 12:05:32 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-137-71-97.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 12:06:02 <Ammler> hmm, take it back, strange, now its up to 70% 12:14:02 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 12:14:05 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 12:14:22 <Wezz6400> hmm, archive.openttd.org gives an 403 error 12:16:14 *** Diabolic-Angel [~dia@ip-62-143-77-100.1311A-CUD12K-02.ish.de] has joined #openttd 12:17:07 <TrueBrain> Wezz6400: try again :) 12:17:25 <Wezz6400> it works, thx :) 12:17:50 *** Dark_Link^ [~glidegame@xDSL-45-77.citynetnassjo.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:27:20 *** KouDy [user@] has quit [Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com] 12:29:39 *** ThePizzaKing [~jeff@c211-28-164-234.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: ThePizzaKing] 12:29:49 <AntB> anyone know what program to use to get a PCX file with a palette compatible with GRFCodec? i've tried IrfanView and GIMP, those being the only two i know 12:32:27 <Maedhros> you can use the gimp 12:32:42 <Maedhros> load a file that has the correct palette, save it, and use it for your new file 12:34:15 *** pecisk [~pecisk@] has joined #openttd 12:34:47 <Ammler> doesn't grfcodec not tranfor to "right" palette, if needed? 12:35:13 <TrueBrain> how would it know which color to use, if you used a color not in the palette? 12:35:49 *** KouDy [~KouDy@] has joined #openttd 12:37:12 <AntB> i used the palette off Purno's drawing tutorial, which seem to match the one on the patch wiki 12:38:21 <Maedhros> where the colours are in the palette is as important as which RGB values they have 12:38:57 <glx> I usually use -p flags too 12:44:31 *** skidd13 [~skidd13@p548A5154.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 12:44:42 <skidd13> Hi 12:46:08 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11329 /trunk/src/newgrf_gui.cpp: -Fix: if a NewGRF failed to load for some reason (like fatal errors), but it was a "compatible" NewGRF, it was shown with the compatible colour and not the not-loaded colour in the NewGRF list. 12:48:54 *** dihedral [~dihedral@p54AFEA22.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 13:01:43 *** dihedral [~dihedral@p54AFEA22.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:06:01 *** Ihmemies [ihmemies@a88-113-24-180.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 13:07:55 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-137-71-97.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:11:07 *** AntB [~AntB-UK@] has quit [Quit: *poof!* I am gone -=- Using ChatZilla] 13:19:56 *** Maedhros [~jc@host81-154-82-143.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 13:28:29 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: TschÃŒÃ] 13:36:11 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F997.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:43:06 *** Zr40 [~zr40@2001:960:786:0:21b:63ff:fe9e:ab24] has joined #openttd 13:45:30 <skidd13> Anyone in here who would like to help me testing the mersenne random on multiplayer? 13:45:59 *** a1270 [~Cheese@24-117-163-29.cpe.cableone.net] has quit [Quit: The ending changes tone & is actually quite sad - but it involves a scene of necrophilia, so that's just another plus in my book.....] 13:49:31 <TrueBrain> skidd13: only if you made modifications 13:50:27 <skidd13> TrueBrain: The thing is I want to get information where the game crashes, but if I use 2 clients at my machine this is not representative. 13:50:39 <TrueBrain> skidd13: it doesn't crash, it desyncs 13:50:41 <TrueBrain> or not even that 13:50:45 <TrueBrain> just different things happen 13:50:48 <TrueBrain> which you can reproduce just ifne 13:50:54 <TrueBrain> problem is: the seed is not synchorinzed 13:52:23 <skidd13> No desycs when I play with 2 clients on one machine. I understand that the problem is that there is no sync between the seeds. But I want to check if the sync is really needed. 13:53:15 <TrueBrain> yes 13:53:17 <TrueBrain> simple 13:53:25 <Rubidium> skidd13: is it actually checking the MP seeds, or is it checking the never-changing seed for the other random? 13:53:36 <Rubidium> would explain why it doesn't desync 13:53:36 <TrueBrain> one way to see that it is needed: start a SP, save the map, fast forward (doing nothing) and remember what happens 13:53:44 <TrueBrain> load the savegame, and the same thing SHOULD happen 13:54:01 <TrueBrain> but with mersenna twister, it doesn't 13:54:08 *** a1270 [~Cheese@24-117-163-29.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #openttd 13:54:10 <TrueBrain> same as with 2 clients: join not at the same moment 13:54:12 <TrueBrain> wait a year 13:54:14 <Eddi|zuHause2> <Maedhros> hmm. my dbsetxl wagons seem to be using the wrong loading stages (coal instead of iron ore) <- i had that too, FS#1315 i think 13:54:15 <TrueBrain> and you will see differences 13:54:21 <TrueBrain> town-size, industrie-productions, ... 13:56:26 <skidd13> TrueBrain: Ah I got what you mean. So every random we need a sync packet. :( Thats awful. 13:58:02 <TrueBrain> not every random 13:58:04 <TrueBrain> but at least when saving 13:58:08 <TrueBrain> and once in a while to check if we are in sync 13:59:26 *** |Bastiaan| [~kvirc@ip87-205-173-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #openttd 14:13:03 *** skidd13 [~skidd13@p548A5154.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:17:18 *** Dephenom [~paul@xxx-185.adsl.newnet.co.uk] has left #openttd [Leaving] 14:26:25 *** Peakki [antti@cs181247045.pp.htv.fi] has joined #openttd 14:27:22 *** guru3 [~guru3@90-227-129-150-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Quit: Changing server] 14:27:36 *** guru3 [~guru3@2002:5ae3:8196:1::1] has joined #openttd 14:31:27 <Wolf01> what does mean "partially protected" when an industry has a very low production level? 14:33:27 *** Arpad58 [~Gali@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:35:26 *** Mark [~Mark@5351EA48.cable.casema.nl] has joined #openttd 14:42:39 <Rubidium> Wolf01: ask George 14:45:35 <Wolf01> and again, all fishing grounds disappeared, they lasted no more than 30 years 14:47:33 <glx> Wolf01: grf controled 14:48:37 *** Arpad58 [~Gali@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 14:48:38 *** MarkMc [~me@h64n1c1o1114.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:49:55 <Ammler> Wolf01: did you read http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-index.php?page=ECSAVFishingGrounds ? 14:57:26 *** thgergo [~Thiering_@dsl51B789F0.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #openttd 14:58:41 *** thgergo [~Thiering_@dsl51B789F0.pool.t-online.hu] has left #openttd [] 14:59:28 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11330 /trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): -Add: OTTD version checking for NewGRFs. This allows NewGRFs to do something different for different versions of OpenTTD, like disabling it for too low versions or loading different graphics. 15:09:18 <Wolf01> uhm, the sell all vehicles button for road vehicles don't work 15:09:39 <Wolf01> i must sell 50 trucks by hand :/ 15:19:06 <Ammler> Wolf01: really? used that many times... 15:19:48 <Wolf01> it doen't work ;_; 15:19:55 <Wolf01> *doesn 15:20:16 *** Rafagd [~kvirc@] has joined #openttd 15:21:25 <Ammler> Wolf01: which revision do you use? 15:21:37 <Wolf01> yesterday nightly 15:21:38 *** Dark_Link^ [~glidegame@fw.dormnet.his.se] has joined #openttd 15:22:06 <Wolf01> with long vehicles 15:22:45 <Wolf01> and serbian tram set, loaded before long vehicles, so that truck might be a tram instead 15:24:00 <Ammler> I tried on trunk with 4 lv, send all to depot, and push sell all vehicels and they are gone 15:25:01 <Maedhros> it doesn't work for me either 15:25:20 <Maedhros> selling vehicles doesn't appear to give me any money, so the command thinks there's nothing to sell and doesn't do anything 15:26:57 <Ammler> yeah, I have it now too... 15:27:33 <Rubidium> Maedhros: vehicles with no value whatsoever anymore? 15:27:43 <Maedhros> Rubidium: they cost money to *buy*, just not to sell 15:28:51 <Rubidium> Maedhros: selling vehicles should give you some money as the vehicles should still have some value 15:28:59 <Rubidium> not the buy price, but something way less 15:29:33 <Ammler> it happens with new vehicels 15:30:09 <Maedhros> v->value appears to be 0 15:30:12 <Ammler> it still works if there are old vehicels 15:32:38 <Rubidium> Maedhros: easy "fix" would be to max(1, v->value) in the CommandCost that is returned 15:32:58 <Rubidium> would be "fair" as vehicle will always have some value (the metal) 15:33:41 <Ammler> Rubidium: why have new bought vehicels no value? 15:33:45 <Maedhros> Rubidium: new trains also have a value of 0, so i think there's a bug here somewhere 15:34:02 <Ammler> old vehcels have value 15:36:00 <Eddi|zuHause2> anyone got experience with the ECS grfs in combination with alpine climate? 15:36:16 <Rubidium> maybe GetEngineProperty(engine, 0x17, rvi->base_cost) is returning 0 15:38:39 <Maedhros> Rubidium: possibly, but this is happening with every vehicle i can buy - including original vehicles and dbsetxl vehicles, which don't use CB36 15:41:09 <Maedhros> and anyway, v->value is 0 when the vehicle is being sold. it seems to be set correctly when it's bought though 15:41:18 *** Grey [~Greyscale@host86-131-35-85.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 15:42:36 <Rubidium> the vehicle value is decreased every once in a while 15:46:50 <Maedhros> v = new (v) RoadVehicle(); seems to set the value to 0 15:46:59 <Maedhros> it's sensible just before, and then 0 afterwards 15:49:30 <Maedhros> Rubidium: the problem is OverflowSafeInt - calling new RoadVehicle also calls the constructor for Money, which resets the value to 0 15:52:09 *** stillunk1own [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #openttd 15:52:09 *** stillunknown [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:53:14 *** Wezz6400 [~Wezz6400@145-118-109-253.fttx.bbned.nl] has quit [Quit: The Champion will be known in two hours] 15:54:49 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: FlowaPowa] 15:55:24 *** Douglas [n_a@201-3-135-4.paemt705.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #openttd 16:03:08 *** Mark [~Mark@5351EA48.cable.casema.nl] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Chicks dig it] 16:06:56 *** sdziallas [~sebastian@p57A2C96C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 16:07:12 <sdziallas> hi there! i'm an editor of the german computer magazine c't and I had already requested the permission for putting openttd on our games cd. 16:07:37 <glx> wb sdziallas 16:07:48 <sdziallas> :-) 16:07:59 <sdziallas> hi! 16:08:16 <sdziallas> but I currently have the problem, that one of my colleagues said that a given permission (since it is GPL) here on IRC is not enough 16:08:39 <sdziallas> he said we would need a mail address to let our database send a link to a form there 16:09:35 <sdziallas> in this form, someone could give us the permission and see how we are going to describe openttd 16:09:45 <ln-> you can distribute it under the terms of the GPL, you don't need a special permission. 16:10:07 <ln-> BUT you cannot distribute the data files, because they are commercial, so it won't be very usable. 16:10:24 <Phazorx> err. #wwottdgd is looking for another artist for newgrf project now :) 16:10:35 <sdziallas> yes, i see... 16:10:35 <Phazorx> since TB got snow in temperate working :) 16:11:48 <sdziallas> ok... again thank you for your responses... 16:12:36 <Eddi|zuHause2> sdziallas: the only requirement the GPL has is that you give a way to retrieve the source code, so either you put the source bundles on the disk, or provide a link to them 16:13:18 <Eddi|zuHause2> (meaning http://www.openttd.org/downloads.php) 16:13:30 <Ammler> and a "good" howto, how to get the original grf... 16:13:59 <sdziallas> ;-) 16:14:01 <ln-> Eddi|zuHause2: actually, it is not clear whether providing a link is enough according to GPLv2. 16:14:14 <sdziallas> yes! i have understood this. 16:14:43 <sdziallas> i need to talk again to my colleague because we are maintaining the cd together 16:15:05 <SpComb> Logs: http://spbot.marttila.de:8120/logs/oftc-ottd (old: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd ) 16:15:05 <Bjarni> !logs 16:15:24 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@d51A43614.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 16:15:32 <Ammler> sdziallas: maybe you can ask atari to allow you to use the GRFs 16:15:44 <ln-> sdziallas: distributing openttd on CD kind of encourages software piratism, because obtaining those required data files legally is not very trivial. 16:16:00 <sdziallas> Ammler: that would be a possibility 16:16:52 <sdziallas> ln-: I mean if atari would give us the permission to distribute the original data files, then we could - following the GPL - put openTTD on our cd 16:17:29 <sdziallas> i mean something like a bundle of the original and the openttd files... 16:17:47 <Bjarni> SpComb: your old log system appears to have unicode problems :s 16:18:58 <SpComb> Bjarni: the old log system is deprecated and unsupported. The new one is... half-polished 16:19:15 <SpComb> but you can still use PageUp/PageDown to scroll around, although it fails to mention that anywhere 16:19:29 <Sacro> sdziallas: the problem with sending a letter to sign is that no one person can give that permission 16:20:27 <sdziallas> Sacro: Ok. This is truely a problem, but in open source projects somehow understandable 16:20:28 <ln-> sdziallas: i suspect atari would not give such a permission, the first reason being that they would first have to find out whether they are the copyright holder and in the position to give the permission. 16:21:00 <sdziallas> ln-: thats another problem 16:21:03 <Ammler> but worth a try... 16:21:16 <sdziallas> Ammler: and thats right ;-) 16:21:48 <sdziallas> ok. I will talk to my colleague and afterwards, i will contact you here again on monday 16:22:23 <sdziallas> and maybe we will contact atari... but i will what we can do 16:23:38 *** sdziallas [~sebastian@p57A2C96C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #openttd [Verlassend] 16:28:48 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 16:36:52 *** pecisk [~pecisk@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 16:41:20 *** thgergo [~Thiering_@dsl5402B3E2.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #openttd 16:42:20 *** thgergo [~Thiering_@dsl5402B3E2.pool.t-online.hu] has left #openttd [] 16:42:47 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 16:44:42 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11331 /trunk/src/economy.cpp: -Fix: do not misuse CommandCost for overflow safe stuff as Money supports that now too. 16:45:12 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: rubidium * r11332 /trunk/src/ (aircraft_cmd.cpp roadveh_cmd.cpp ship_cmd.cpp train_cmd.cpp): 16:45:12 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: -Fix: vehicles getting a value of 0 on construction. 16:45:12 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: -Fix: assertion when selling vehicles. 16:52:16 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: maedhros * r11333 /trunk/src/train_cmd.cpp: -Fix: Train engines still had a value of 0. 16:54:16 <Eddi|zuHause2> hm... 16:54:16 <hylje> mass commit 16:54:36 <Eddi|zuHause2> if (its->grf_prop.override != INVALID_INDUSTRYTILE) {its = GetIndustryTileSpec(its->grf_prop.override);} 16:54:48 <Eddi|zuHause2> what does that mean, and where does this come from? 16:54:49 <Maedhros> Wolf01: mass selling vehicles should work again now :) 16:54:56 <Wolf01> good 16:55:02 <Eddi|zuHause2> it's part of a conflict... 16:55:09 <glx> Eddi|zuHause2: new indu 16:55:29 <Eddi|zuHause2> yeah, but it's in the "mine" part, but not in the "official" part... 16:55:49 <glx> old newindu patch? 16:55:57 <Eddi|zuHause2> might be 16:56:17 <Eddi|zuHause2> is it safe to delete? 16:56:55 <glx> hmm show the full conflict, with surrounding lines 16:56:59 <Maedhros> that depends on your other changes, but it should be in trunk in a different form already 16:58:55 <Eddi|zuHause2> the new line was "IndustryBehaviour ind_behav = GetIndustrySpec(type)->behaviour;" (around line 1230) 16:59:05 <Eddi|zuHause2> the old line had a spelling mistake 16:59:20 <Eddi|zuHause2> and those lines i showed 16:59:43 <glx> so just fix the spelling for now 17:00:03 <glx> and check svn diff later 17:01:03 <Eddi|zuHause2> alright... 17:07:42 *** LeviathNL [~thomas@vdburgt.xs4all.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:09:59 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: glx * r11334 /trunk/projects/determineversion.vbs: -Codechange: add hg detection to MSVC 17:17:02 *** Zr40 [~zr40@2001:960:786:0:21b:63ff:fe9e:ab24] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 17:19:50 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: glx * r11335 /trunk/Makefile.src.in: -Fix (r11148): only consider changes in src when detecting modified (M) version 17:22:17 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gonozal_V@M3130P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 17:27:46 *** Zaviori [~zavior@d195-237-7-209.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 17:30:22 *** Zavior [~zavior@d195-237-7-209.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:31:09 *** Mucht [~Martin@chello080109200215.3.sc-graz.chello.at] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:32:02 *** Mucht [~Martin@chello080109200215.3.sc-graz.chello.at] has joined #openttd 17:34:43 <ln-> wtf? 17:35:30 <TrueBrain> where? 17:35:35 *** Osai [~Osai@pD9EB678E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 17:36:05 <ln-> brazil 17:39:26 <Wolf01> poor hamilton :( but he could try next year :) 17:39:38 *** skidd13 [~skidd13@p548A5C3D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 17:39:40 <skidd13> hi 17:39:53 <Wolf01> hello skidd13 17:40:05 <Eddi|zuHause2> hm... something is odd... my saw mill accepts grain... 17:40:31 <glx> grf mixup 17:41:07 <Eddi|zuHause2> even worse, the forest produces grain ;) 17:41:33 <Eddi|zuHause2> i was mixing the alpine grf with all the ECS stuff i could find 17:41:35 <Wolf01> so there is no problem, pick up the grain at the forest and carry it to the sawmill 17:41:45 <Wolf01> they might produce popcorns then 17:43:29 <Eddi|zuHause2> is it normal that the brick works accepts coal only? 17:44:14 <Eddi|zuHause2> i'm gonna try a pure temperate game first... 17:44:36 *** gule [~Administr@tm.] has joined #openttd 17:44:56 <Gonozal_VIII> coal only is normal 17:48:21 <Eddi|zuHause2> i get weird output like "VF-VVV-***-***.***-***.***.***.***" in the tinning plant 17:48:53 <hylje> :o ? 17:48:53 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause2: do you get that in TTDP too; I seem to remember that it does 17:49:17 <Gonozal_VIII> tourist centre also does that 17:50:12 <Gonozal_VIII> note that... something like that 17:50:15 <Gonozal_VIII> -e 17:50:32 <Eddi|zuHause2> tourist center does a more senseful line 17:51:09 <Eddi|zuHause2> ttrs says it is deactivated, but still i get the ttrs roads and buildings? 17:51:38 <Gonozal_VIII> apply changes? 17:53:33 <Eddi|zuHause2> i did not change anything, just opened the newgrf settings 17:57:07 *** peterbrett [~peter@ptbb2b.girton.cam.ac.uk] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:01:26 <Eddi|zuHause2> dbg: [grf] [newgrf/ttrs3w.GRF:5322] ParamSet: GRM: Unable to allocate 116 sprites; try changing NewGRF order 18:02:04 <glx> <Eddi|zuHause2> i get weird output like "VF-VVV-***-***.***-***.***.***.***" in the tinning plant <-- debug info 18:02:41 <Eddi|zuHause2> so i should just ignore that... 18:02:59 <Priski> heh, seems someone else was waching f1 :) 18:03:49 <Gonozal_VIII> i get that line in the nightlies, in chrisin, with and without ttrs and other grfs, so it seems to be normal... 18:04:38 *** Grey_ [~Greyscale@host81-158-74-33.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 18:05:23 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F997.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 18:05:39 <Prof_Frink> Priski: Yes. What an excellent weekend for English sport. 18:05:57 <Gonozal_VIII> only problem with the tinning plant was that it uses very little steel, only stores about 80 but that could be intended 18:07:11 <Eddi|zuHause2> you don't need 1t of steel to pack 1t of fish ;) 18:10:55 *** Grey [~Greyscale@host86-131-35-85.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:12:42 <skidd13> Anyone tried the autoroad tool patch? 18:13:48 <Maedhros> Prof_Frink: weekend? the rest of the week wasn't that great either... 18:14:52 <Prof_Frink> Maedhros: I'm just aware of 3 days, 3 Massive fails 18:14:59 <Priski> Prof_Frink, better yet for finnish =) 18:15:16 <Maedhros> Prof_Frink: we also lost to the Russians on wednesday 18:15:24 <hylje> massive failure 18:15:36 *** pecisk [~pecisk@] has joined #openttd 18:15:49 <Priski> i'm guessin tomorrow news here is all about rÀikkönen all day long... :P 18:17:50 <Phazorx> lost to russians? 18:18:26 <Prof_Frink> Russia 2-1 England on Fri 18:18:59 <Maedhros> that was wednesday :p 18:21:02 <Wolf01> compile farm failed? 18:21:08 <Eddi|zuHause2> why are the fishing stations called "oil field"? 18:22:16 <TrueBrain> you can make oil from fish 18:22:51 <Rubidium> cause there is no way to "modify" station names from NewGRFs 18:24:59 <Prof_Frink> Was it? I'm losing days. 18:26:00 <Eddi|zuHause2> so, how do i start with this mess of industries? 18:26:03 *** Rafagd [~kvirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:27:41 <Gonozal_VIII> coal to power plant is easy 18:27:42 *** LeviathNL [~thomas@vdburgt.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 18:27:54 *** Wezz6400 [~Wezz6400@145-118-109-253.fttx.bbned.nl] has joined #openttd 18:28:24 <Gonozal_VIII> or sand to glass works... sand pits have huge output 18:29:16 <Gonozal_VIII> and i like glass planes :-) 18:31:00 *** skidd13 [~skidd13@p548A5C3D.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #openttd [] 18:32:22 *** Greyscale [~Greyscale@host81-151-10-69.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 18:34:01 <Wolf01> why compile farm failed? 18:36:00 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-68-26.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:36:05 <Eddi|zuHause2> look in the log? 18:36:29 <LeviathNL> http://nightly.openttd.org/devs/logs 18:37:39 *** Zr40 [~zr40@2001:960:786:0:21b:63ff:fe9e:ab24] has joined #openttd 18:38:12 <LeviathNL> Is adding carriages to articulated vehicles possible in ttdp or is it planned for ottd? 18:38:34 <Maedhros> umm, it's possible in ttdp, but not in ottd at the moment 18:38:34 <TrueBrain> now that is a strange strange question 18:38:41 <TrueBrain> the 'or' part is weird 18:39:00 *** Grey_ [~Greyscale@host81-158-74-33.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:39:12 <LeviathNL> -or +and/or 18:39:26 <Zr40> TrueBrain: logical or? :) 18:39:32 <TrueBrain> Zr40: hehe 18:42:27 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-68-26.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 18:43:10 *** huma [~huma@] has joined #openttd 18:46:04 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@d51A43614.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: oO] 18:55:48 *** Dark_Link^ [~glidegame@fw.dormnet.his.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:57:32 <Eddi|zuHause2> that's weird... the wagon does not offer refitting to ore... 18:59:16 <Gonozal_VIII> dbset? 18:59:37 <Ammler> something broken with makefile? 19:00:37 <Eddi|zuHause2> alpine+dbset+ecs stuff 19:01:03 <Eddi|zuHause2> it offers all kinds of refit options, except ore 19:01:04 <Ammler> its ok, tested with new nightly 19:02:01 <Ammler> Eddi|zuHause2: do you use dbxl_ecs? 19:02:09 <Eddi|zuHause2> yes 19:02:34 <Eddi|zuHause2> it seems to work if i put alpine below the ECS stuff 19:02:47 <Eddi|zuHause2> but then the snowline is suddenly much lower 19:09:07 <LeviathNL> does MBs alpine climate work in ottd? 19:09:51 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: FlowaPowa] 19:10:17 *** Dark_Link^ [~glidegame@fw.dormnet.his.se] has joined #openttd 19:10:23 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 19:10:36 <Maedhros> LeviathNL: yes 19:13:06 *** stillunknown [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #openttd 19:13:06 *** stillunk1own [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:17:00 *** Gono_ping_timeout [~Gonozal_V@M3130P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 19:18:56 *** Kolbur [die@vpn018203.uni-rostock.de] has joined #openttd 19:19:02 <Farden> hello? 19:19:19 *** Franco_Begbie [xtreme@dsl5400FE6F.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #openttd 19:19:35 <Sacro> http://www.openttd.org/nightly.php I belive there to be an... issue 19:20:43 <Sacro> or basically... tis fyucked 19:20:46 <Sacro> hey Farden 19:20:52 <hylje> :D 19:21:32 <Farden> I've got a little problem 19:21:37 <Farden> the compil for win32 failed 19:21:44 <Farden> how can I play? 19:21:59 <Sacro> a) another version 19:22:05 <Sacro> b) fix and compile it yourself 19:22:20 <Sacro> seeing as nobody else much will have tongiht nightly 19:22:25 <Sacro> i see it as not worht bothering about 19:22:35 <Farden> I don't know how to fix and compile 19:22:45 <Farden> and I need this version to play at #openttdcoop 19:24:03 <Ammler> Farden: if there is no revision avaialbe, we can't play either 19:24:05 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gonozal_V@M3130P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:24:05 * Franco_Begbie is away, showerin, (log\on pager\on) 19:24:05 *** Franco_Begbie is now known as Franco_Begbie|off 19:24:27 <Sacro> Franco_Begbie|off: please don't spam the channel 19:25:53 <Farden> who should I spam to get a correct nightly?^^ 19:27:03 <Maedhros> well, spamming anyone isn't going to get it to you any faster :p 19:27:19 <Farden> yeah, I think so...^^ 19:33:41 *** Gono_ping_timeout is now known as Gonozal_VIII 19:34:59 <Ammler> I have a working w32 bin, someone needs? 19:35:21 <Eddi|zuHause2> the new foundations are great 19:35:53 <Eddi|zuHause2> but i still can't get the correct temperate foundations in alpine 19:35:59 <Farden> I need Ammler 19:36:32 <Ammler> I'll pack it... 19:36:40 <Farden> ok 19:39:43 *** stillunk1own [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #openttd 19:39:43 *** stillunknown [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:40:22 <Maedhros> good night 19:40:37 *** Maedhros [~jc@host81-154-82-143.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:42:13 *** Franco_Begbie|off is now known as Franco_Begbie 19:45:12 <Eddi|zuHause2> openttd: /home/johannes/spiele/OpenTTD/src/slope.h:347: Foundation FlatteningFoundation(Slope): Assertion `!IsSteepSlope(s)' failed. 19:45:32 <Eddi|zuHause2> (while doing nothing) 19:45:49 <Wolf01> a city or the ai? 19:45:56 <Eddi|zuHause2> possibly 19:46:35 <Eddi|zuHause2> ai disabled 19:46:41 <Eddi|zuHause2> town probably 19:57:52 *** prakti [~prakti@port-213-148-152-8.static.qsc.de] has joined #openttd 19:59:23 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: TschÃŒÃ] 20:03:10 *** dihedral [~dihedral@dslb-084-056-212-028.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 20:12:59 *** Sacro` [~Sacro@adsl-87-102-80-216.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 20:12:59 *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-87-102-80-216.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:13:02 *** Sacro` is now known as Sacro 20:14:10 *** Peakki [antti@cs181247045.pp.htv.fi] has quit [Quit: LÀhdössÀ] 20:14:28 <CIA-5> OpenTTD: truelight * r11336 /trunk/Makefile.src.in: -Fix r11330: '#' means comment in gmake, so don't use it in seds 20:14:38 *** prakti [~prakti@port-213-148-152-8.static.qsc.de] has quit [Quit: Quitting .... Hackedi...hackedi...weg.] 20:21:49 *** Kolbur [die@vpn018203.uni-rostock.de] has left #openttd [] 20:26:22 *** Zavior [~zavior@d195-237-7-209.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 20:28:41 <Eddi|zuHause2> why does autoslope not work with transmitters? 20:29:01 <Rubidium> cause transmitters need very solid ground 20:29:26 <Rubidium> and because it's the way it was intended to be 20:30:08 <Sacro> hmm 20:30:11 *** Franco_Begbie is now known as Franco_Begbie|off 20:33:37 *** Zaviori [~zavior@d195-237-7-209.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:34:50 <Eddi|zuHause2> hm... it also doesn't work with (TTRS) statues 20:35:52 <Eddi|zuHause2> i can live with the transmitters, but this is kind of a big limitation 20:35:53 <Rubidium> well... if statues can only be build on flat ground, then you can't terraform under them, as it is intended to be build only on flat ground 20:36:52 <Rubidium> it's a limitation as designed by the author of TTRS 20:37:17 <Wolf01> 'night 20:37:19 <Gonozal_VIII> "Statues on slopes (Added to trunk r11069)" 20:37:24 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host240-239-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.] 20:37:42 <Rubidium> different kind of statues 20:38:11 *** FlowaPowa [~Flowa@4va54-4-82-244-103-144.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: FlowaPowa] 20:38:49 <Eddi|zuHause2> i can't even destroy it... 20:39:06 <Eddi|zuHause2> (too low ratings i assume) 20:43:43 *** KouDy [~KouDy@] has quit [Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com] 20:49:32 <dihedral> i see towns with about 5 houses 20:49:42 <dihedral> they have a pop of over 4,000,000,000 20:49:50 <Gonozal_VIII> ? 20:51:42 <Gonozal_VIII> 4,294...? 20:52:01 <dihedral> http://pub.dihedral.de/openttd/strange_pop.png 20:52:14 <glx> overflow 20:52:20 <dihedral> :-) 20:52:23 <Gonozal_VIII> 2^32 20:52:51 <dihedral> that map is currently loaded on #wwottdgd 20:52:54 <glx> they have <0 pop 20:53:04 <dihedral> now that should not happen right? 20:53:22 <dihedral> esp. not with 6 - 8 houses 20:53:59 *** gule [~Administr@tm.] has left #openttd [] 20:55:58 <dihedral> Phazorx believes it's because he changed the dates of a saved game 20:56:14 <Phazorx> yes negative pop 20:56:25 <Phazorx> not sure why but only thing i did is moved dates 20:58:21 <Gonozal_VIII> how many towns are there, that list looks very long 20:58:26 * Sacro screams 20:59:03 <Phazorx> ~400 i tihnk 20:59:53 <dihedral> 21 with that population 20:59:59 <dihedral> world pop is also odd :-) 21:00:07 <Eddi|zuHause2> it is shorter than my industry list 21:00:14 <Eddi|zuHause2> and they are set to very low 21:00:25 <dihedral> and the sorting is not affected (i.e. < 0 pop at top of list) 21:00:39 <dihedral> though stations do get quite a bunch of passangers :-) 21:01:03 <Eddi|zuHause2> with TTRS i get rediculous amounts of passengers 21:01:20 <dihedral> for a town that should have less than 0 pop? 21:01:24 <dihedral> yes 21:01:30 <dihedral> any amount is rediculous 21:02:34 <Gonozal_VIII> that's true.. very easy to get money by connecting some random towns with a circular line and let a bunch of trains run around 21:04:22 *** |Bastiaan| [~kvirc@ip87-205-173-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:09:32 *** Franco_Begbie|off is now known as Franco_Begbie 21:15:50 *** |Bastiaan| [~kvirc@ip87-205-173-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #openttd 21:17:30 *** glx|away [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 21:17:30 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx|away] by ChanServ 21:20:48 *** Wezz6400 [~Wezz6400@145-118-109-253.fttx.bbned.nl] has quit [Quit: 2440457725] 21:22:48 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:22:55 *** Zr40 [~zr40@2001:960:786:0:21b:63ff:fe9e:ab24] has quit [Quit: Zr40] 21:25:27 *** glx|away is now known as glx 21:29:07 <ln-> http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/63547 21:34:43 <Bjarni> Could not connect: Too many connections 21:34:55 <Bjarni> I guess that's what you get for posting the link on IRC 21:35:17 <ln-> "BMW Sauber and Williams are under investigation of the Brazilian Grand Prix race stewards, autosport.com has learned. 21:35:20 <ln-> Representatives of both teams were summoned to the stewards' office after their cars failed post-race inspection at Brazil. 21:35:23 <ln-> The problem is believed to be in the tempature of the fuel samples taken from the cars of Williams's Nico Rosberg and BMW Sauber's Robert Kubica and Nick Heidfeld. 21:35:26 <ln-> The trio finished the race in fourth, fifth and sixth respectively. 21:35:28 <ln-> More details to follow..." 21:36:12 <Bjarni> wtf 21:36:16 <Bjarni> the temperature? 21:36:46 *** skidd13 [~skidd13@p548A7BE7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 21:37:30 <dihedral> TrueBrain: thank you for the snow in temperate patch :-) 21:37:43 <TrueBrain> yw :) 21:38:11 * dihedral greets skidd13 21:38:27 <dihedral> i am quite enjoying to see the shape this is taking :-P 21:38:31 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p54B777C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 21:39:16 <Gonozal_VIII> i don't need snow ingame, there is enough here in rl 21:39:33 * skidd13 greets back :) 21:39:53 *** Zavior [~zavior@d195-237-7-209.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:39:59 <dihedral> TrueBrain: do you think it could be used to make 'desert' tiles useable in temperate map too? 21:40:12 <dihedral> i.e. for the africa part of the european map? 21:40:23 <Phazorx> dihedral: err no :) 21:41:03 <skidd13> dihedral: I had a look at the wwottdgd map. What about oversea traffic? 21:41:26 <dihedral> limited ships (perhaps 10 per company) 21:41:31 <dihedral> limited plances 21:41:33 <TrueBrain> dihedral: lol :) How would that work? :p 21:41:45 <Gonozal_VIII> new climate: world... snow in the north and south, desert in the middle^^ 21:41:45 <dihedral> why? 21:41:52 <TrueBrain> dihedral: how would it know where to put those tiles? 21:41:58 <dihedral> :-D 21:42:02 <dihedral> i dont know 21:42:06 <dihedral> makr them with a flag :-P 21:42:13 <TrueBrain> it would be possible to make tileX > 1000 and tileY > 1000 desert tile 21:42:14 <Rubidium> desert is easy ;) 21:42:19 <TrueBrain> if you can make it a rectangle 21:42:50 <dihedral> hmmm... with transition? 21:42:58 <dihedral> then the lower 300 tiles 21:43:06 <dihedral> 1200 tiles long 21:43:26 <dihedral> everthing in that rectangle that is not africa is actually water :-D 21:43:49 <TrueBrain> and width? 21:44:07 <dihedral> http://www.myimg.us/10.18.07/3358.png 21:44:29 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B77229.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 21:44:37 <dihedral> ~1200x300 21:44:43 <ln-> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/10/071020103343.htm 21:45:07 <TrueBrain> dihedral: it will make spain desert too 21:45:10 <Bjarni> dihedral: I can see my house from here :D 21:45:49 <dihedral> thats funny Bjarni 21:45:53 <dihedral> i can see my house from here too 21:46:24 <Bjarni> nice work so far 21:46:28 *** Grey [~Greyscale@host81-151-10-69.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 21:46:33 <ln-> (copenhagen mentioned behind my previous link) 21:47:19 <TrueBrain> dihedral: do you mind of 30% of Spain becomes desert? 21:47:39 <Rubidium> it actually is a desert ;) 21:48:01 <Bjarni> ln-: that's both good and bad because now people will stop protecting themselves :( 21:48:04 <dihedral> TrueBrain: if there is a transition from water to desert, and not just straight desert, then no 21:49:11 <ln-> Bjarni: they have stopped already. 21:49:20 <Bjarni> good point 21:49:40 <Bjarni> but it will just make that problem worse 21:50:26 <TrueBrain> dihedral: I have an idea 21:50:28 <ln-> Bjarni: there's one recent case in finland where some man has deliberately had unprotected sex with over 30 women although he knew he was hiv-positive. 21:50:40 <dihedral> TrueBrain: i like it when you say that 21:51:26 <Eddi|zuHause> "are you thinking what i am thinking?" :p 21:52:47 *** Greyscale [~Greyscale@host81-151-10-69.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:54:03 <dihedral> TrueBrain: what is your idea? 21:54:34 <TrueBrain> dihedral: you will have to wait :p 21:54:55 *** Franco_Begbie [xtreme@dsl5400FE6F.pool.t-online.hu] has quit [Quit: if (horse.getOrigin() == SOUVENIR) horse.teeth.lookAt (false);] 21:55:07 * dihedral tries to be patient 21:55:15 <dihedral> TrueBrain: patience is a virtue 21:55:28 <dihedral> and virtue was never one of my virtues 21:55:31 *** Farden [~jk3farden@AMontsouris-156-1-169-114.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Quit: ( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )] 21:55:49 <Eddi|zuHause> err... i hate this new log thingy... 21:55:59 <Eddi|zuHause> how do i scroll back in there? 21:56:03 <Phazorx> err 21:56:20 <Phazorx> we can have everythg south of some tile = sand/desert 21:56:22 <TrueBrain> hmm, first attempt: failure 21:57:22 <Phazorx> TrueBrain: actualy for desert 21:57:27 <Phazorx> 2 criterias would be nice 21:57:41 <Phazorx> hieght and coordinates 21:58:28 <TrueBrain> we have an ice age!!! 21:58:33 <TrueBrain> all hell froze over 21:58:53 <TrueBrain> looks cool :p 21:58:54 <dihedral> heh 21:59:01 <dihedral> i am for global warming... 21:59:28 <TrueBrain> instead of desert, you get snow 21:59:28 <TrueBrain> lol 22:00:01 <dihedral> rofl 22:00:24 <TrueBrain> re-usage of the same sprites 22:00:25 <TrueBrain> sucks 22:02:09 <dihedral> tell that the guy in the forums 22:02:18 <Phazorx> ahh i thought you knew TrueBrain 22:03:09 <TrueBrain> bah, I have an exam tomorrow 22:03:11 <TrueBrain> you guys are not helping :p 22:03:12 <Phazorx> dihedral: get the 11336M and join .dev 22:03:18 <Phazorx> heh 22:03:23 <Phazorx> we donty want you to fail 22:03:32 <Phazorx> cuz gthen u'll have less time to fix bugs we find 22:03:38 <Phazorx> so sleep time start now :) 22:03:41 <TrueBrain> good, neither do I, so that is settled :) 22:03:54 <dihedral> heh - i shall go to bed too 22:04:00 <TrueBrain> dihedral: no 22:04:02 <TrueBrain> you have to wait 22:04:04 <TrueBrain> for like 5 more minutes 22:04:05 <dihedral> k 22:04:09 <Phazorx> dihedral: join .dev 1st plz 22:04:17 <Eddi|zuHause> can i have that map? i want to double check the cities and make suggestions 22:04:18 <dihedral> where do i get the win binary? 22:05:39 <Phazorx> map is up 22:05:45 <Eddi|zuHause> where? 22:05:46 <Phazorx> on #wwottdgd server 22:05:52 <Phazorx> join that chan 22:05:54 <Phazorx> you will see 22:06:09 <Phazorx> all you need to get for GRFs and revision 22:06:44 <Eddi|zuHause> see... that is a bigger problem for me than for you to give a link to the savegame 22:07:23 <Eddi|zuHause> (or dcc send, but that might fail, depending on setup) 22:07:54 <TrueBrain> darn, I can't find the correct sprite-offset 22:09:22 *** ln- is now known as LN- 22:11:04 <TrueBrain> how many sprites are there in trgtr? :p 22:11:18 <Eddi|zuHause> grfcodec -d? 22:11:24 <TrueBrain> 1194 22:11:39 <TrueBrain> euh 22:11:42 <TrueBrain> I need trg1r of course p 22:11:55 <TrueBrain> 4595 22:14:22 *** TrainzStoffe [~mirc@h2n2fls308o838.telia.com] has joined #openttd 22:15:46 <Phazorx> Eddi|zuHause: what problem? 22:15:46 *** stillunk1own [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:16:18 *** stillunknown [~stillunkn@82-171-87-247.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #openttd 22:16:18 <Eddi|zuHause> problem is the wrong word... 22:17:07 <Sacro> anyone here from finland? http://www.turunsanomat.fi/f1/?ts=1,3:2001:0:0,4:34:0:0:0;4:36:0:0:0;4:35:508:1:2007-10-22,104:35:493562,1:0:0:0:0:0: 22:17:11 * Sacro needs a translation 22:18:22 *** Stoffe [~mirc@h2n2fls308o838.telia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:18:22 *** TrainzStoffe is now known as Stoffe 22:20:18 <LN-> haha, sacro pasteing turun sanomat links, that's new 22:20:27 <Sacro> what? 22:21:34 <LN-> short translation: that article claims the rumors about fuel temperatures are not true at all, and everything's fine. 22:21:43 <LN-> but then, this one is updated as well; http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/63557 22:22:17 <Sacro> Could not connect: Too many connections 22:22:24 <Sacro> Could not connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'murray' (111) 22:22:33 <Sacro> /.'d 22:22:39 <LN-> "The FIA has confirmed that the fuel temperatures of the BMW Sauber and Williams cars were outside the regulations during the course of the Brazilian Grand Prix. ..." 22:22:49 <Sacro> AND? 22:22:54 <Sacro> what what what? 22:23:10 <TrueBrain> dihedral: special for you: http://devs.openttd.org/~truelight/wwottdgd_snow_desert.png 22:23:14 <TrueBrain> took a bit longer then I hoped :p 22:23:22 *** Osai is now known as Osai^zZz 22:23:50 <Phazorx> TrueBrain: is it compatible with snow patch ? 22:23:58 <TrueBrain> Phazorx: yes 22:24:00 <LN-> Sacro: http://pastebin.ca/744949 22:24:06 <dihedral> TrueBrain: sweet little monkey 22:24:07 <TrueBrain> it isn't real desert btw, FYI 22:24:09 <Phazorx> that's cool then 22:24:11 <TrueBrain> just a GUI thing 22:24:12 <dihedral> hown on earth did you do that 22:24:24 <Phazorx> TrueBrain: sprite replacement based on coords? 22:24:29 <TrueBrain> Phazorx: exactly :) 22:24:30 <dihedral> rofl 22:24:35 <TrueBrain> fake, works only for this map 22:24:38 <TrueBrain> but he, who cares 22:24:47 <Phazorx> TrueBrain: can it be "modified in enidtor 22:24:53 <Phazorx> and how it works with frams? 22:24:54 <TrueBrain> Phazorx: no way! 22:24:58 <Phazorx> or towns 22:24:59 <TrueBrain> farms die 22:25:00 <TrueBrain> instantly 22:25:04 <TrueBrain> towns I am looking into now 22:25:05 <Phazorx> lolz 22:25:18 <TrueBrain> and I need to solve a bit of logic 22:25:22 <Phazorx> you should go to bed :) 22:25:24 <TrueBrain> if (TileX(tile) > 580 && TileX(tile) < 1675 && TileY(tile) > 1720) { if (TileX(tile) <= 1250 || (TileX(tile) > 1250 && TileY(tile) > 1832)) { 22:25:38 <Sacro> In such a case, Hamilton would be crowned the world championship. 22:25:43 <Sacro> heh 22:25:50 <Sacro> not the champion, the championship 22:26:03 <dihedral> i am off to bed 22:26:07 <Phazorx> TrueBrain: 2 rectangulars are necessary? 22:26:10 <TrueBrain> night dihedral 22:26:17 <TrueBrain> Phazorx: yes, else spain is desert :p 22:26:20 <dihedral> thanks a log TrueBrain 22:26:36 <TrueBrain> it is fun, for a chance ;) 22:26:52 <LN-> Sacro: that would cause reactions in finland. 22:26:54 <dihedral> :-P 22:27:04 <Sacro> LN-: and the UK 22:27:04 <Phazorx> TrueBrain: how about simplier case for you 22:27:09 *** DaleStan_ [~Dale@pool-71-98-68-26.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 22:27:11 <Sacro> and Germany 22:27:13 <LN-> Sacro: and italy 22:27:13 <Phazorx> see great plains on very S edhe 22:27:20 <Sacro> Williams is UK, BMW is German 22:27:27 <Phazorx> which are hight 6 and 7 22:27:28 <LN-> Ferrari is Italian 22:27:36 <Phazorx> these are only ones that should be desert 22:27:51 <TrueBrain> Phazorx: the rest you want temperate? 22:28:22 <Phazorx> i tihnk that'll be mroe proper 22:28:36 <Phazorx> do sometihn like that X >1500 && height >5 22:28:47 <Phazorx> that puts sand in sahara 22:28:57 <Phazorx> but keeps coast green 22:29:04 <Phazorx> perhaps toy with hight a bit 22:29:27 <LN-> Sacro: only deciding about the championship in a court afterwards is bad publicity for the whole F1... 22:29:52 *** dihedral [~dihedral@dslb-084-056-212-028.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: so long and thanks for all the fish] 22:30:05 <TrueBrain> http://devs.openttd.org/~truelight/wwottdgd_snow_desert2.png 22:30:09 <TrueBrain> dunno, not really pretty 22:30:47 <Phazorx> hmm.. hight-- 22:31:07 <Phazorx> it is close that it whould be in affrica tho 22:31:19 <Phazorx> but problem is we miss tropical tiles 22:31:32 <TrueBrain> height-- does it :) 22:31:42 <TrueBrain> Phazorx: which tiles you mean exactly? 22:31:55 <Phazorx> well thewse that are too green next to decert now 22:32:09 <TrueBrain> lol :) 22:32:19 <TrueBrain> we can in fact fix that too..... :) 22:32:28 <Phazorx> more rules ? 22:32:33 <TrueBrain> yup 22:32:37 <Phazorx> ugly kinda 22:32:45 <Phazorx> too much effort for one map :) 22:32:49 <Phazorx> but it would look sweet 22:32:50 <TrueBrain> who cares? You want it to be fun? :p 22:33:02 <Phazorx> well are you having fun YET? 22:33:12 <TrueBrain> I do now :) 22:33:21 <Phazorx> instead of sleeping apaprently 22:33:27 <Phazorx> do as you wish tho 22:33:40 *** DaleStan [~Dale@pool-71-98-68-26.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:33:40 *** DaleStan_ is now known as DaleStan 22:34:03 <Phazorx> this thing is gonnabe 20+ patyches 22:34:10 <Phazorx> and it MIGHT actualy work for an hour 22:34:26 *** KritiK [~Maxim@78-106-212-237.broadband.corbina.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:34:39 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1F997.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:35:24 <Phazorx> btw.. Leiden is on the coast? 22:35:28 <TrueBrain> Phazorx: almost 22:35:36 <TrueBrain> good enough anyway 22:36:05 <Phazorx> you can make yourself a palm in back yard, hardcoded :) 22:36:10 <Phazorx> palmtree i mean 22:37:03 <Phazorx> patch i really miss is a giant minimap screenshot 22:38:06 <TrueBrain> http://devs.openttd.org/~truelight/wwottdgd_snow_desert3.png 22:38:33 <skidd13> good night folks 22:38:52 *** skidd13 [~skidd13@p548A7BE7.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #openttd [] 22:39:30 <Phazorx> thats height 4 ? 22:39:37 <TrueBrain> 4 + slopes, yes 22:39:58 <Phazorx> perhaps 5+ slopes ? 22:40:06 <Phazorx> doesnt matter that much tho 22:40:18 <Phazorx> and i sghould not mess to much with dihedral's idea 22:41:27 <TrueBrain> why not? :) 22:46:06 *** pecisk [~pecisk@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 22:46:37 *** Osai^zZz [~Osai@pD9EB678E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai^zZz] 22:52:48 <LN-> http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/6336/wc2007tr1.jpg 22:55:40 <Eddi|zuHause> fake! :p 22:56:35 <LN-> damn 23:02:44 *** Greyscale [~Greyscale@host81-151-10-69.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 23:07:13 <TrueBrain> night all 23:09:17 *** Grey [~Greyscale@host81-151-10-69.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:17:45 *** LeviathNL [~thomas@vdburgt.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:22:08 *** Rafagd [~kvirc@BHE200150043140.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #openttd 23:28:05 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gonozal_V@M3130P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:34:49 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 23:43:31 *** Diabolic-Angel [~dia@ip-62-143-77-100.1311A-CUD12K-02.ish.de] has quit [Quit: leaving] 23:47:48 *** gfldex [~dex@dslb-084-058-011-224.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 23:51:52 *** elmex [~elmex@e180064042.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:54:58 <Phazorx> http://pub.dihedral.de/openttd/strange_pop.png << that bug annoys me 23:55:20 <Phazorx> apparently if townds remove hospitals/prisons with TTRS - their pop goes way down