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00:16:43 *** Muddy [muddy@playing.OpenTTD.no] has joined #openttd 00:23:08 *** KenjiE20|LT [~Kenji@host86-171-246-29.range86-171.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 00:24:30 *** KenjiE20 [~KenjiE20@] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.0] 00:30:26 *** Pikka [PikkaBird@] has joined #openttd 00:33:18 *** welshdragon [~markjones@] has quit [Quit: 5 ] 00:33:47 *** Pikka [PikkaBird@] has quit [] 00:35:01 *** Rubix [~wat@] has joined #openttd 00:35:33 *** Rubix is now known as Rubix` 00:36:01 <Rubix`> Hello, How do i start up my own transportation company, I have the HQ placed, but it will not allow me to do anything further or build depots etc. 00:36:30 <SirSquidness> Rubix`: what year is it in game? 00:36:35 <Rubix`> 1920 00:36:41 <Rubix`> Do i need to change that? 00:36:51 <SirSquidness> no, that's fine 00:36:55 <Eddi|zuHause> the default start year is 1950 00:37:11 <Eddi|zuHause> with the default vehicles, there is nothing available in 1920 00:37:30 <Rubix`> ahh 00:37:33 <Rubix`> so that was my problem. 00:37:44 <Rubix`> but i could add my own vehicles theoratically correct? 00:37:46 <SirSquidness> I'm pretty sure there is 00:37:54 <SirSquidness> I've started back in 1850 befor eand had horse and carts. 00:37:56 <Eddi|zuHause> either use a newgrf vehicle set, or start later 00:38:05 <SirSquidness> but it only has road vehicles though 00:38:17 <Eddi|zuHause> SirSquidness: no, that is the eGRVTS 00:38:25 <Eddi|zuHause> those are not default vehicles 00:38:31 <SirSquidness> srsly? 00:39:02 <SirSquidness> I don't think I had any GRFs when I did it 00:39:02 <SirSquidness> >.> 00:39:27 <PeterT> Check under the NewGRF list 00:39:28 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, you did. 00:39:57 <SirSquidness> I'll take your word for it :P 00:40:01 <SirSquidness> (no openttd on this laptop) 00:41:28 *** Dred_furst` [~Dred@cpc3-pool3-0-0-cust999.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:43:40 <Rubix`> So you can add your own vehicles and such? 00:44:40 *** Rubix` [~wat@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:46:47 *** Phazorx [~pavelkoll@] has joined #openttd 00:46:49 <Phazorx> heya 00:46:57 <PeterT> hi 00:47:27 <Phazorx> can any of you guys suggest a reason why modern PC can have major issue (display lag) on network play on specific server? 00:47:56 <PeterT> which server? 00:48:13 <Phazorx> ping is relatively high ~400 but visualy look like 4fps 00:48:24 <Phazorx> PeterT: i run it on my laptop :) 00:48:28 <Phazorx> which is behind nat 00:48:32 <PeterT> ok 00:48:37 <Phazorx> so you can join it only via hamachi 00:48:56 <Phazorx> given that you have desire to try - i'll provide the info 00:49:56 *** nfc [nfc@cable-hvk-fe7ede00-156.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:50:29 <PeterT> it's too late for me to install more programs,sorry ;) 00:51:01 <Phazorx> heh 00:51:13 <Phazorx> could it "theoretically" be grfs? 00:52:17 <Yexo> yes, but it's much more likely that it's 1) a very big map or 2) there are many vehicles (or both) 00:52:55 <Yexo> you should check the cpu usage of the server and client 00:53:31 <Phazorx> Yexo: 6% cpu usage on client 00:53:55 <Phazorx> server has like <0.5 00:54:07 <Phazorx> early game stages nothing really there, 50 trains 00:54:11 <Yexo> then I have no idea 00:54:34 <Phazorx> would network lag manifest it this way? 00:54:44 <Yexo> possible, I don't know 00:54:46 <Phazorx> 400 is relatively high i'd say 00:54:54 <Phazorx> server does not complain about resyncs tho 00:55:08 <Phazorx> can i change debug level on a fly? 00:55:12 <Phazorx> via console 00:55:17 <Yexo> yes, via the debug_level console command 00:56:51 <Phazorx> debug_level net 3? 00:57:11 <Yexo> try "help debug_level" 00:59:33 <Phazorx> well even 5 says nothing 01:00:36 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has joined #openttd 01:02:00 <Phazorx> any other ways we can try to figure out what is wrong with the situation? 01:02:04 <Phazorx> it only affects one player 01:05:48 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 01:11:45 *** Xaroth__ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 01:12:30 <Rubix``> So i can theoratically start in 1850 with horses and wagons? 01:12:44 <Rubix``> What set of vehicles do I need to download to do that? 01:12:51 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:14:09 <Rubix``> What GRF set do I need to be able to play the game from 1850 onwards? 01:15:28 *** Phazorx [~pavelkoll@] has left #openttd [] 01:16:37 <PeterT> Rubix``:eGRVTS 01:18:12 <Rubix``> Thank you. 01:18:51 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:22:43 <PeterT> do you need a link or anything? 01:23:42 <Rubix``> nope 01:23:44 <Rubix``> got it in the gam 01:23:45 <PeterT> ok :) 01:25:50 <Rubix``> Lol 01:26:05 <Rubix``> It's 1850 yet there are sky scrapers... 01:30:12 *** Fuco [~a@fuco.sks3.muni.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:31:46 <PeterT> haha 01:44:11 <PeterT> anybody know what (+ntcl 150) mode is? 01:45:27 <Spoons> Some flood limit control. 01:45:35 <PeterT> ok 01:46:28 <Rubix``> Is there a way to find the nearest (for this example) coal mine on the map? 01:51:41 <Eddi|zuHause> PeterT: /help cmode 01:52:05 <PeterT> Eddi|zuHause, "No such commmand." 01:53:26 *** Faux| [faux@compsoc.sunion.warwick.ac.uk] has joined #openttd 01:54:47 <PeterT> Rubix``: no 01:55:24 *** Spoons [faux@compsoc.sunion.warwick.ac.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:55:50 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubix``: you can filter on the map by industry type, or you can go through the industry list 02:04:25 <Rubix``> Lol, i found a bug/glitch I think. 02:05:01 <Rubix``> When you get a message in the bottom, and it shows buildable tiles, you can build on them, but they don't show up on the actual game screen 02:08:17 <Rubix``> Also, what is the point of building a HQ? 02:12:06 <Eddi|zuHause> it produces and accepts passengers 02:12:13 *** PeterT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:25:49 <Rubix``> Argh 02:25:54 <Rubix``> How the hell do you make a profit 02:31:11 <thepalm> planes 02:33:05 <Rubix``> Are subsidies worth it? 02:33:19 <thepalm> I don;t think so 02:33:31 *** KenjiE20|LT [~Kenji@host86-171-246-29.range86-171.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:45:15 *** glx [glx@2a01:e35:2f59:c7c0:c0fd:7c9:d488:8a2d] has quit [Quit: bye] 02:48:21 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 02:52:01 <thepalm> quick question for devs: why doesnt CompaniesMonthlyLoop() get run at game start? 02:54:21 <DaleStan> (not a dev) Because that's the beginning of the month, not the end? 02:55:04 *** Xaroth__ [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:55:45 <thepalm> perhaps 03:07:44 <Rubix``> HOLY SHIT 03:07:53 <Rubix``> i just had a train go from one end of the map to other 03:07:58 <Rubix``> like 0000 for it 03:41:03 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 540 seconds] 04:12:07 *** SirSquid1ess [~sirsquidn@184.314.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #openttd 04:19:17 *** SirSquidness [~sirsquidn@184.314.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:22:17 *** SirSquid1ess is now known as SirSquidness 04:33:42 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 04:40:21 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:23:26 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1DFA3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 05:26:13 *** Splex [~splex@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:30:22 *** Splex [~splex@] has joined #openttd 05:53:18 *** Polygon [~Poly@x0581b.wh7.tu-dresden.de] has joined #openttd 05:54:55 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 06:01:36 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:03:10 *** lordaro [~lordaro@host86-139-183-253.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 06:09:05 *** Cybertinus [~Cybertinu@tunnel3304.ipv6.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 06:10:03 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 06:16:34 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:17:36 *** nfc [nfc@cable-hvk-fe7ede00-156.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 06:31:20 *** Polygon [~Poly@x0581b.wh7.tu-dresden.de] has quit [Quit: Flieht, ihr Narren!] 06:32:51 *** lordaro [~lordaro@host86-139-183-253.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Bye for now!] 07:09:46 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 07:16:59 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:27:01 *** Fuco [~a@fuco.sks3.muni.cz] has joined #openttd 07:27:58 *** Pikka [PikkaBird@] has joined #openttd 07:30:42 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 07:37:54 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:51:46 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 07:58:59 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:58:59 *** Coco-Banana-Man [~Stephan.D@p5B2DEF75.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 08:00:59 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 08:05:51 *** boekabart [~boekabart@pizzapazzi.com] has joined #openttd 08:08:07 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:16:54 *** Pikka [PikkaBird@] has quit [] 08:34:59 *** Splex [~splex@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 08:41:59 *** boekabart_ [~boekabart@pizzapazzi.com] has joined #openttd 08:46:12 *** boekabart__ [~boekabart@pizzapazzi.com] has joined #openttd 08:49:03 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 08:49:08 *** boekabart [~boekabart@pizzapazzi.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:50:02 *** boekabart_ [~boekabart@pizzapazzi.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:51:40 *** Splex [~splex@] has joined #openttd 08:56:07 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:57:59 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 08:58:46 *** boekabart__ [~boekabart@pizzapazzi.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:05:07 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:08:03 *** eef [~chatzilla@adsl-84-226-87-205.adslplus.ch] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:15:21 *** Chris_Booth [~Chris_Boo@82-32-243-15.cable.ubr11.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 09:22:32 *** ecke [~ecke@] has joined 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#openttd 13:07:21 *** Jhs [~Jhs4@214.80-202-210.nextgentel.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:14:45 *** welshdragon [~markjones@] has joined #openttd 13:15:39 *** Pikka [PikkaBird@] has joined #openttd 13:18:03 *** KenjiE20 [~KenjiE20@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:19:44 <Belugas> hi 13:29:11 *** welshdragon [~markjones@] has quit [Quit: welshdragon] 13:33:27 *** tokai [~tokai@p5B2B15BF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:35:42 *** tokai [~tokai@p5B2B117A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 13:35:45 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 13:39:06 *** welshdragon [~markjones@] has joined #openttd 13:43:08 *** ecke_ [~ecke@pc148-89.upce.cz] has joined #openttd 13:50:59 *** tokai [~tokai@p5B2B117A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:50:59 *** ecke_ [~ecke@pc148-89.upce.cz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:53:11 *** tokai [~tokai@p5B2B1047.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 13:53:14 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 13:53:19 *** green-devil [Lisby@d40a9796.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #openttd 13:53:23 *** green-devil [Lisby@d40a9796.rev.stofanet.dk] has left #openttd [] 13:58:42 *** welshdragon [~markjones@] has quit [Quit: welshdragon] 13:59:16 *** ecke_ [~ecke@pc148-89.upce.cz] has joined #openttd 14:04:04 *** Xaroth [d594e0ee@webchat.mibbit.com] has joined #openttd 14:09:29 *** Xaroth [d594e0ee@webchat.mibbit.com] has left #openttd [] 14:24:19 *** ecke_ [~ecke@pc148-89.upce.cz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:24:26 *** th1ngwath is now known as thingwath 14:29:20 *** Splex [~splex@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:30:00 *** Splex [~splex@] has joined #openttd 14:31:30 *** Zahl_ [~Zahl@e179095249.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 14:35:09 *** valhallasw [~valhallas@195-241-124-225.ip.telfort.nl] has joined #openttd 14:37:49 *** welshdragon [~markjones@] has joined #openttd 14:38:46 *** Zahl [~Zahl@e179095249.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:38:46 *** Zahl_ is now known as Zahl 14:43:15 *** zachanima [~zach@0x5da68c50.hsnqu1.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 15:03:28 *** Biolunar [mahdi@blfd-4db01af1.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 15:07:50 *** Fast2_ [~Fast2@p57AFA101.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 15:07:50 *** Fast2 [~Fast2@p57AFA101.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:07:53 *** Fast2_ is now known as Fast2 15:15:01 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:21:36 *** tux_mark_5 [~kvirc@lan-84-240-29-163.vln.skynet.lt] has joined #openttd 15:24:53 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 15:25:15 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [] 15:25:18 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 15:26:52 *** Coco-Banana-Man [~Stephan.D@p5B2DEF75.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Joyful it seems - but then suddenly - by one false move it's blown away] 15:37:48 *** Coco-Banana-Man [~Stephan.D@p5B2DEF75.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 15:38:36 *** tokai 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Muxy [~Muxy@nt2001.opsio.fr] has quit [] 16:49:39 *** fonsinchen [~alve@BAEe834.bae.pppool.de] has joined #openttd 17:00:50 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Quit: Sacro] 17:01:15 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-590fc6e2.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 17:03:43 *** Brianetta [~brian@client-86-0-93-28.leed.adsl.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 17:10:49 *** ecke_ [~ecke@pc148-89.upce.cz] has quit [Quit: ecke_] 17:14:04 <TrueBrain> Belugas: 13 hours of silence, but you had to say hi ... :'( 17:14:42 *** TheMask96 [martijn@greed.vhost.ne2000.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:15:06 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 17:18:02 *** Mark [~mark@5ED06D96.cable.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:18:54 *** Terkhen [kvirc@] has joined #openttd 17:20:07 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 17:20:18 *** Mark [~mark@5ED06D96.cable.ziggo.nl] has joined #openttd 17:21:25 *** TheMask96 [martijn@greed.vhost.ne2000.nl] has joined #openttd 17:22:10 *** lordaro [~lordaro@host86-139-183-253.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 17:24:34 *** bb10 [~nn@dhcp-077-249-031-191.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 17:26:41 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:30:01 <Belugas> believe me, it was not on purpose... 17:32:07 *** FR^2 [~frquadrat@frquadrat.de] has joined #openttd 17:32:29 * TrueBrain hugs Belugas 17:37:27 *** Biolunar [mahdi@blfd-4db01af1.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: gn8] 17:38:03 <Belugas> :) 17:38:09 <Belugas> same, dear friend, samo 17:39:47 *** Grelouk [~Grelouk@122.72.200-77.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #openttd 17:45:24 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: translators * r17718 /trunk/src/lang/ (afrikaans.txt unfinished/frisian.txt): 17:45:24 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0: 17:45:24 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: afrikaans - 35 changes by Maccie123 17:45:24 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: frisian - 50 changes by Minifan 17:55:41 *** Terkhen [kvirc@] has quit [Quit: ...] 17:58:04 *** Zahl_ [~Zahl@f051186120.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 17:59:25 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 18:05:36 *** Zahl [~Zahl@e179095249.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:05:36 *** Zahl_ is now known as Zahl 18:16:49 *** Muxy [~Benoit@smtp.bdelalande.net] has joined #openttd 18:18:27 *** lobster [~michielbi@] has joined #openttd 18:19:24 <fonsinchen> Microsoft lets you register VC++ Express with an email address you don't own ... :) 18:23:40 *** De_Ghosty [~s@69-196-168-49.dsl.teksavvy.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:40:06 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@94-224-31-113.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 18:41:13 *** FR^2 [~frquadrat@frquadrat.de] has quit [Quit: Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn!] 18:44:51 *** th1ngwath [~thingie@r2ap232.net.upc.cz] has joined #openttd 18:51:07 *** fonsinchen [~alve@BAEe834.bae.pppool.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 18:51:22 *** fonsinchen [~alve@BAEe834.bae.pppool.de] has joined #openttd 18:52:16 *** thingwath [~thingie@r2ap232.net.upc.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:52:21 <fonsinchen> How do I analyze a core dump in VC++? 18:52:36 *** Polygon [~Poly@x0581b.wh7.tu-dresden.de] has joined #openttd 18:57:17 * Belugas cannot answer that one 18:58:54 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@94-224-31-113.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: oO] 18:59:08 *** Terkhen [~Terkhen@] has joined #openttd 19:01:33 <Belugas> ho boy... just read the post from SAC 19:01:40 <Belugas> that is sooo tragic 19:09:14 <SmatZ> :( 19:10:23 <glx> fonsinchen: just open the dmp in VC 19:10:28 <glx> then press run 19:10:58 <glx> of course you need the right exe with corresponding pdb in the same dir 19:11:10 *** Brianetta [~brian@client-86-0-93-28.leed.adsl.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:11:41 *** Nite_Owl [~Nite_Owl@c-76-109-50-97.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 19:12:01 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~Flex@] has joined #openttd 19:12:05 <fonsinchen> in the same dir ... aha 19:12:12 <Nite_Owl> Hello all 19:12:13 <fonsinchen> what is pdb? 19:12:39 <glx> symbols... 19:14:18 <fonsinchen> I have built a debug binary of (hopefully) the same version with VC ... this should do, I guess. 19:14:54 <glx> probably not 19:15:31 <glx> but you don't need to use a debug build to analyse the dmp 19:15:50 <glx> you just need the exe used to create it and the pdb 19:16:25 <fonsinchen> The exe has been built by some forum user and he didn't post pdb. 19:16:51 <glx> quite impossible to debug then 19:16:55 <fonsinchen> shit 19:18:06 <fonsinchen> well, anyway, the crash log says: Reason: Assertion failed at ..\src\strings.cpp:974: v != NULL 19:18:32 <fonsinchen> Does anyone remember a bug like that around r17268? 19:18:42 <glx> so failed when drawing a string it seems 19:18:56 <fonsinchen> It seems to have vanished in later versions, but I don't know details yet. 19:19:06 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~Flex@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:19:23 <fonsinchen> But as I haven't done anything about it, I guess it was some bug in trunk that has been fixed in the meantime. 19:19:41 *** bb10 [~nn@dhcp-077-249-031-191.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:19:54 <fonsinchen> unfortunately I don't have a backtrace ... 19:19:55 <glx> check the logs :) 19:20:09 <fonsinchen> I did. Nothing obvious. 19:20:41 <glx> well you have a trace, it's in the dmp :) 19:21:02 <glx> but I know it's useless for you right now 19:21:07 <fonsinchen> yes, but the symbols are missing. And I can't read hex like a book. 19:22:32 *** KenjiE20 [~KenjiE20@] has joined #openttd 19:23:04 <glx> that's why we keep pdb of all our published builds ;) 19:25:10 <fonsinchen> Understandable ... someone should explain that to all forum users who create patched builds ;) 19:27:21 *** Brianetta [~brian@client-86-31-103-78.popl.adsl.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 19:29:37 *** PeterT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 19:30:25 <glx> pdb is next to the exe in objs/win32/release :) 19:31:41 <glx> but most forum users don't even report bugs in patched builds ;) 19:32:24 <glx> then the patch author thinks there's no bugs :) 19:33:39 <glx> (the usual "well tested, desync free", and we find a possible desync by just reading the diff ;) ) 19:35:35 *** KritiK [~Maxim@78-106-209-134.broadband.corbina.ru] has joined #openttd 19:37:16 *** StM [~StM@ip4da75f1e.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #openttd 19:37:46 *** Chruker [~no@port113.ds1-vj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #openttd 19:38:57 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has joined #openttd 19:39:40 <PeterT> lol 19:41:01 <PeterT> anyone use MinGW? 19:42:08 <Xaroth_> nop 19:42:23 <PeterT> what do you use? 19:42:36 <frosch123> iirc the compile farm does. ask dorpsgek, they are good friends 19:42:42 <Xaroth_> MSVC 19:42:48 <Xaroth_> but I don't compile ottd :P 19:42:50 <Xaroth_> only opendune 19:43:08 <PeterT> why did you ban me? 19:43:12 <Xaroth_> I didn't? 19:43:26 *** Xaroth_ is now known as Xaroth 19:43:29 <PeterT> would you unban me? 19:43:44 <frosch123> from #opendune? 19:43:57 *** andythenorth [~andy@] has joined #openttd 19:44:02 <PeterT> yes 19:44:43 <Xaroth> That decision is not up to me 19:44:44 <frosch123> sorry, but i guess i would get banned there, if i ask for unbanning you :p 19:45:07 <Xaroth> nah, you won't 19:45:14 *** mode/#openttd [+b *!~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] by DorpsGek 19:45:14 *** PeterT was kicked from #openttd by DorpsGek [asking in this channel about why you are banned in other channels deserves a ban I think ...] 19:45:33 <frosch123> evening TrueBrain 19:45:37 <TrueBrain> hi frosch123 :) 19:45:42 <TrueBrain> and we will never ban you :) 19:46:02 <Xaroth> Laugh at you, possibly, but not ban :P 19:46:12 <TrueBrain> frosch123 is nice, nothing to laugh at :) 19:46:14 *** mode/#openttd [-b *!~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] by DorpsGek 19:46:14 <Xaroth> then again, what are the odds of you asking for him to get unbanned anyhow 19:46:18 *** fonsinchen [~alve@BAEe834.bae.pppool.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 19:46:40 <frosch123> when did i ask? 19:46:47 <Xaroth> you didn't :) 19:47:20 <TrueBrain> bah, I now need to make 6 keystrokes to type Rubidium :( 19:47:35 <SmatZ> you TAB broke, TrueBrain? 19:47:42 <TrueBrain> SmatZ: no ... 19:47:45 <SmatZ> ah 19:47:47 <SmatZ> hehe 19:47:48 <SmatZ> :) 19:47:52 <TrueBrain> Konversation doesn't auto-fill, but gives this annoying popup 19:48:02 <TrueBrain> so I am conditioned to type enough letters to give an unique hit 19:48:14 <TrueBrain> but by the joining of another user, that is no longer valid for Rubidium 19:48:19 <TrueBrain> (sorry for the highlights :)) 19:48:31 <SmatZ> /kick Rubix`` please change your name so it doesn't begin in "Ru" or any first two letters of other devs' name 19:48:39 <SmatZ> ;) 19:48:44 *** PeterT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 19:48:53 <TrueBrain> SmatZ: ghehehe :) You are getting there PYI :p 19:48:57 <Xaroth> frosch123: the 'laughing at' part was for the unlikely chance that you would ask :) 19:49:03 <PeterT> I'm sorry 19:49:28 <frosch123> SmatZ: i guess PeterT is really unlucky with your new rule 19:49:29 <TrueBrain> PeterT: I would be a poor operator if I wouldn't have kicked you for that .. you have that coming for miles :) 19:49:30 <PeterT> from #openDUNE 19:49:38 <PeterT> it's ok 19:49:38 <SmatZ> frosch123: hehe :) 19:49:46 <PeterT> It was my falut 19:50:05 *** mode/#openttd [+o frosch123] by DorpsGek 19:50:14 * SmatZ gives PeterT one Swap operation 19:50:37 <TrueBrain> either way .. enough fun for one day, back to work .. 19:50:49 <Xaroth> uh oh 19:50:57 <frosch123> you can have lots of fun at work 19:51:22 <TrueBrain> frosch123: I do :) But at this stage it requires a lot of concentration :) 19:51:28 <frosch123> of course you can also make the whole company laugh about you on the first day 19:51:34 <Xaroth> TrueBrain: and a lot of prodding me? :P 19:51:59 <PeterT> SmatZ: why is it bad that someone's name begins with the same two letters that the devs name is? was that a joke? 19:52:37 <TrueBrain> PeterT: no joke, and frosch123 will enforce the rule 19:52:39 <TrueBrain> (ghehehe :p) 19:52:41 <SmatZ> :) 19:52:44 <Xaroth> wait 19:52:50 <PeterT> Ok 19:52:52 <Xaroth> PeterT shares 5 letters ? 19:52:59 <frosch123> TrueBrain: tired of kicking? 19:53:04 <SmatZ> petern isn't here 19:53:07 <SmatZ> @seen petern 19:53:07 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: petern was last seen in #openttd 1 week, 5 days, 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <petern> *want 19:53:08 <Xaroth> SmatZ: so? 19:53:15 <TrueBrain> I just realised most users here do differ in the first 2 letters 19:53:17 <SmatZ> :) 19:53:26 <Xaroth> heh, even when he's not here we can all see how fond he is of correcting people's english :P 19:53:27 <TrueBrain> frosch123: something like that :p 19:54:10 <Muxy> hI, i'm back with my string parameter... 19:54:23 <Xaroth> 404 19:54:34 <TrueBrain> 34 of the 111 users I can not reach within 3 keystrokes (including a tab) 19:54:36 <TrueBrain> not bad 19:54:42 <TrueBrain> oh, 36 of the 111 .. I need to learn to count :p 19:54:47 <TrueBrain> @calc 36 / 111 19:54:47 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 0.324324324324 19:54:47 <SmatZ> :) 19:55:04 <TrueBrain> haha, 432 432 432 :) 19:55:10 <Muxy> i have a string defined with parameter : watching {STRING} in the lang file 19:55:15 <TrueBrain> @calc 476 / 111 19:55:15 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 4.28828828829 19:55:17 <TrueBrain> darn 19:55:18 <SmatZ> tokai & tokar 19:55:19 *** Brianett1 [~brian@client-86-27-177-5.popl.adsl.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 19:55:20 <SmatZ> @seen tokar 19:55:20 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: I have not seen tokar. 19:55:22 <SmatZ> @seen tokai 19:55:23 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: tokai was last seen in #openttd 2 weeks, 3 days, 10 hours, 7 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <tokai> I wonder why apps break all the time with an new OS release under Mac OS X. 19:55:26 <Xaroth> 288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288288 19:55:30 <Muxy> i set this as the title of a window 19:55:46 <TrueBrain> @calc 479 / 111 19:55:46 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 4.31531531532 19:55:46 <Muxy> and i would like to fill the parameter 19:55:52 <TrueBrain> I can't do math ... /me goes hide in a corner 19:56:01 <frosch123> [21:56] <TrueBrain> haha, 432 432 432 :) <- you were not very concentrated at school, were you? :p 19:56:15 <TrueBrain> frosch123: am I now? :p 19:56:27 <Muxy> i tried with SetSParamStr( 0, "blabla" ) but it doesnt work. do you have any clue about this ? 19:56:28 <Xaroth> that's what they invented calculators for 19:56:49 <Muxy> hum SetDParamStr... of course 19:57:26 <frosch123> @calc 111111111^2 19:57:26 <DorpsGek> frosch123: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number. 19:57:31 <frosch123> @calc 111111111**2 19:57:31 <DorpsGek> frosch123: 12345678987654320 19:57:41 <frosch123> ^^ my favorite computation during boring lessons 19:57:44 <TrueBrain> hihi :) The last number is wrong :p 19:57:52 <frosch123> :( 19:57:59 <SmatZ> :-D 19:58:01 <SmatZ> bad DorpsGek 19:58:09 <TrueBrain> how is that possible, I wonder :p 19:58:15 <SmatZ> @calc 111111111 * 111111111 19:58:15 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: 12345678987654320 19:58:21 <Xaroth> @calc 111111111**3 19:58:21 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: 1371742108367626879107072 19:58:40 <frosch123> obviously dorpsgek uses double precision 19:58:44 <frosch123> only 16 digits 19:59:14 <TrueBrain> still weird 19:59:28 <TrueBrain> @calc 111111111**2 + 1 19:59:28 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 12345678987654320 19:59:30 <TrueBrain> hehe :) 19:59:34 <TrueBrain> DARK HOLE! 19:59:35 <Muxy> @calc 0/0 19:59:35 <DorpsGek> Muxy: Error: float division 19:59:43 <Xaroth> @calc 111111111**2 + 2 19:59:44 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: 12345678987654322 19:59:46 <Xaroth> o_O 19:59:54 <TrueBrain> black hole of course would be the correct english word ... 19:59:59 <Xaroth> void 20:00:09 <Xaroth> /dev/null 20:00:12 <TrueBrain> @calc 111111111**2 + 1 - 111111111**2 20:00:12 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 0 20:00:21 <TrueBrain> look mom, I can do math! 20:00:30 <PeterT> @calc 1/0 20:00:30 <DorpsGek> PeterT: Error: float division 20:00:37 <PeterT> :) 20:00:38 <TrueBrain> once again, we have shown that 1 == 0 20:00:51 <Muxy> @calc -0/-0 20:00:51 <DorpsGek> Muxy: Error: float division 20:00:59 <Muxy> @calc -0/0- 20:00:59 <DorpsGek> Muxy: Error: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1) 20:01:02 <PeterT> there is no opposite of zero 20:01:04 <Muxy> wouarf 20:01:08 <TrueBrain> PeterT / Muxy: ANY number divided by 0 is 'impossible' .... 20:01:11 <TrueBrain> no need to test them all 20:01:12 *** Brianetta [~brian@client-86-31-103-78.popl.adsl.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:01:18 <TrueBrain> PeterT: for sure there is a +0 and a -0 20:01:27 <TrueBrain> (/me points to one-complements) 20:01:31 <Muxy> @calc 0-/-0 20:01:31 <DorpsGek> Muxy: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1) 20:01:36 <PeterT> 0 is just 0, there is no negative or postive 20:01:41 <TrueBrain> yes there is 20:01:45 <Muxy> @calc 0-\-0 20:01:45 <DorpsGek> Muxy: Error: unexpected character after line continuation character (<string>, line 1) 20:01:55 <TrueBrain> Muxy: start a PM with DorpsGek, this is annoying 20:02:19 <Muxy> back to the channel subject. is there a way for me to display my param in my string ? 20:02:26 <SmatZ> @calc 1 / (12345678987654320 - 12345678987654321) 20:02:26 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: Error: float division 20:02:29 <frosch123> what kind of param? 20:02:42 <TrueBrain> nice SmatZ :) 20:02:46 <SmatZ> :o) 20:03:04 <Muxy> as i said : i defined a string in the lang file "blablabla {STRING}" 20:03:18 <Muxy> and i set this string to a window title 20:03:30 <Muxy> and in the Paint i would like to fill the param 20:03:48 <Rubix``> woop 20:03:49 <frosch123> so use SetDParam 20:03:50 <Rubix``> sorry i was afk 20:03:53 <Muxy> so i used the SetDParamStr(0, "tralala" ) but not good 20:03:57 *** Rubix`` is now known as Lolwut 20:04:05 <frosch123> SetDParamStr is for {RAWSTRING} 20:04:06 *** zachanima [~zach@0x5da68c50.hsnqu1.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:04:22 <frosch123> do you want to insert another STR_xxx or a char * ? 20:04:25 <Muxy> okay, and SetDParam( 0, "glouglou" ) will be ok ? 20:04:46 <SmatZ> I think strdup("glouglou") 20:04:48 <SmatZ> not sure 20:04:51 *** PeterT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:05:05 <SmatZ> if that one crashes, try it with strdup() 20:05:05 *** PeterT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 20:05:12 <SmatZ> not the other way around or it will leak :-p 20:05:43 <Muxy> frosch123: i would like to insert a char * 20:05:55 *** Brianett1 is now known as Brianetta 20:06:12 *** TheMask96 [martijn@greed.vhost.ne2000.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:06:13 <frosch123> then you need {RAW_STRING} in english.txt 20:06:17 <frosch123> and SetDParamStr 20:06:30 <frosch123> without strdup i guess :) 20:06:39 <Muxy> ah ok, {STRING} should be used only to insert a string from lang... 20:07:05 <PeterT> @seen Akoz 20:07:05 <DorpsGek> PeterT: Akoz was last seen in #openttd 3 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, 33 minutes, and 24 seconds ago: <Akoz> @calc exp(-100) 20:07:16 <frosch123> note that only english.txt distinguishes between RAW_STRING, STRING, STRING1 ... STRING5. other languages only use STRING 20:08:18 <Muxy> i read that a long time ago. it means... 20:09:10 <frosch123> ... that english.txt contains the important stuff, while the rest is simplified 20:09:58 *** PeteT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 20:10:19 *** PeteT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:10:29 *** PeteT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 20:10:36 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 20:10:49 * Muxy watching glouglou 20:11:22 *** TheMask96 [martijn@greed.vhost.ne2000.nl] has joined #openttd 20:11:34 <Muxy> SetDParamStr works fine with {RAW_STRING}, thx men... 20:11:35 *** PeterT was kicked from #openttd by frosch123 [me doing belugas' job] 20:11:59 <glx> Muxy: it's easy when you know it :) 20:12:22 <Muxy> yeap, and when it works, it's great... 20:12:38 <PeteT> frosch123, thanks, my xchat kept joining twice when I opened it 20:12:52 * Muxy working on my watch patch through a viewport window 20:13:16 <Lolwut> YES! 20:13:22 <Lolwut> just got 1,000,000 loan payed off 20:13:23 <Lolwut> now wat? 20:13:56 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:14:36 <frosch123> start 5 ais and try to buy them all 20:17:30 *** PeteT is now known as PeterT 20:18:34 *** fonsinchen [~alve@BAEe834.bae.pppool.de] has joined #openttd 20:19:15 *** PeterT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: I'm off] 20:19:57 *** Lolwut [~wrqwer@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:20:10 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has joined #openttd 20:21:00 *** zachanima [~zach@cpe.atm2-0-1051196.kd4nxx15.customer.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 20:21:25 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: frosch * r17719 /trunk/src/ai/api/ai_engine.cpp: 20:21:25 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: -Change: [NoAI] Make AIEngine:CanRefitCargo() not report refittability to Mail 20:21:25 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: by default for aircraft. It is not necessarily true, and the special case of 20:21:25 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: carrying both passenger&mail is better handled by AIs themself than by the API. 20:22:58 *** R0b0t1 [~Enigma@64-136-216-213.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #openttd 20:31:59 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 540 seconds] 20:38:52 *** lordaro [~lordaro@host86-139-183-253.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Bye for now!] 20:46:51 *** Muxy [~Benoit@smtp.bdelalande.net] has quit [Quit: PACKET_CLIENT_QUIT] 20:51:58 *** Fuco [~a@fuco.sks3.muni.cz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:52:10 *** Fuco [~a@fuco.sks3.muni.cz] has joined #openttd 20:57:09 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-590fc6e2.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:57:47 *** Lakie [~Lakie@] has joined #openttd 21:04:42 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has joined #openttd 21:05:39 *** Grelouk [~Grelouk@122.72.200-77.rev.gaoland.net] has quit [Quit: Quitte] 21:07:41 *** ST205 [~thfreakin@cpc3-nwrk1-0-0-cust407.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 21:07:46 <_ln> don't tell me Br?no was dubbed into german 21:08:06 *** ST205 [~thfreakin@cpc3-nwrk1-0-0-cust407.nott.cable.ntl.com] has quit [] 21:15:24 *** oskari89 [~oskari89@212-149-205-119.bb.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Quit: Utm Aœ - Aja 35] 21:17:07 <_ln> thank you for not telling me 21:19:22 <Belugas> I'm telling you that Germain has rubbed Br?no 21:19:30 <Belugas> ho ... 21:19:38 * Belugas waves goodnight 21:19:49 <Nite_Owl> later Belugas 21:20:31 <Markk> ^^ 21:21:24 <Markk> Nite 21:24:26 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1DFA3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:26:19 *** StM [~StM@ip4da75f1e.direct-adsl.nl] has quit [] 21:27:29 *** Chrill [~chrischri@] has joined #openttd 21:30:24 *** tux_mark_5 [~kvirc@lan-84-240-29-163.vln.skynet.lt] has quit [Quit: KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: , sources date: 20090115, built on: 2009/03/07 00:45:02 UTC http://www.kvirc.net/] 21:33:11 *** Progman [~progman@vpn1193.itmc.tu-dortmund.de] has joined #openttd 21:33:54 *** Progman_ [~progman@p57A1DFA3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 21:41:06 *** andythenorth [~andy@] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 21:41:41 *** Progman [~progman@vpn1193.itmc.tu-dortmund.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:41:53 *** Progman_ is now known as Progman 21:46:28 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:46:41 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has joined #openttd 21:49:38 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has quit [] 21:52:09 *** nicfer2 [~Administr@] has joined #openttd 21:52:10 *** welshdragon is now known as windydragon 21:53:15 *** Nite_Owl [~Nite_Owl@c-76-109-50-97.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:55:31 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has joined #openttd 21:59:11 *** Coco-Banana-Man [~Stephan.D@p5B2DEF75.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Joyful it seems - but then suddenly - by one false move it's blown away] 22:00:25 *** Sacro is now known as Guest324 22:00:26 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-87-102-85-115.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 22:00:34 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-87-102-85-115.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [] 22:02:04 *** Guest324 is now known as Sacro 22:02:47 *** Chrill [~chrischri@] has quit [] 22:02:56 *** windydragon [~markjones@] has quit [Quit: 5 ] 22:03:13 *** welshdragon [~markjones@] has joined #openttd 22:04:41 *** Lakie [~Lakie@] has quit [Quit: Sleep.] 22:06:34 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 540 seconds] 22:07:49 <Eddi|zuHause> <_ln> don't tell me Br?no was dubbed into german <- i actually have no idea... i believe borat was dubbed, but i didn't watch it in german 22:11:02 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~Flex@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:12:51 <_ln> they speak quite authentic german in Br?no now and then, i don't understand how the funniness of that could be maintained if it's dubbed. 22:13:29 <Eddi|zuHause> i had no incentive to watch Br?no anyhow... 22:14:15 *** fonsinchen [~alve@BAEe834.bae.pppool.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:14:41 <_ln> it was a stupid movie mostly, with a few funny parts that would have worked better as separate sketches. 22:20:10 *** ecke [~ecke@] has quit [Quit: ecke] 22:26:24 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1DFA3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:34:32 *** Zahl_ [~Zahl@f051186120.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 22:36:05 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has joined #openttd 22:36:55 *** Terkhen [~Terkhen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:38:48 *** nicfer1 [~Administr@] has joined #openttd 22:41:18 *** Zahl [~Zahl@f051186120.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:41:19 *** Zahl_ is now known as Zahl 22:42:56 *** nicfer2 [~Administr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:43:56 *** Cybertinus [~Cybertinu@tunnel3304.ipv6.xs4all.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:50:46 *** Fast2 [~Fast2@p57AFA101.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:06:59 *** Polygon [~Poly@x0581b.wh7.tu-dresden.de] has quit [Quit: Flieht, ihr Narren!] 23:10:53 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@] has joined #openttd 23:17:50 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:17:56 *** Xaroth_ [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:18:02 *** Rubix`` [~wrqwer@] has joined #openttd 23:18:09 *** valhalla1w [~valhallas@195-241-124-225.ip.telfort.nl] has joined #openttd 23:18:27 *** Bergee [~bergee@c-68-40-186-240.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 23:24:02 *** valhallasw [~valhallas@195-241-124-225.ip.telfort.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:27:42 *** zachanima [~zach@cpe.atm2-0-1051196.kd4nxx15.customer.tele.dk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:28:36 *** valhalla1w [~valhallas@195-241-124-225.ip.telfort.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:31:03 *** thingwath [~thingie@r2ap232.net.upc.cz] has joined #openttd 23:31:37 *** lugo [~lugo@mgdb-4db81252.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:32:55 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B77C32.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [] 23:33:19 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B77DE0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 23:33:55 *** zachanima [~zach@cpe.atm2-0-1051196.kd4nxx15.customer.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 23:34:22 *** th1ngwath [~thingie@r2ap232.net.upc.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:41:26 *** zachanima [~zach@cpe.atm2-0-1051196.kd4nxx15.customer.tele.dk] has quit [Quit: leaving] 23:41:36 *** zachanima [~zach@cpe.atm2-0-1051196.kd4nxx15.customer.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 23:45:10 *** PeterT [~Peter@c-76-19-168-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 23:59:59 *** Brianetta [~brian@client-86-27-177-5.popl.adsl.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: Tsch?ss]