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00:02:10 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-169.netvisao.pt] has joined #openttd 00:02:34 <samu> didn't notice I had closed IE 00:02:50 <samu> so i'm here http://devs.openttd.org/~planetmaker/titlegame/round1/index.html 00:03:14 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-169.netvisao.pt] has quit [] 00:03:20 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-169.netvisao.pt] has joined #openttd 00:04:50 *** Supercheese [~Superchee@cpe-76-178-136-186.natnow.res.rr.com] has joined #openttd 00:05:07 <Eddi|zuHause> "is was"? 00:05:29 <Eddi|zuHause> # immer wenn mei frau sagt 'is was?' 00:05:36 <Eddi|zuHause> # dann tu ich das, dann ess ich was 00:08:04 <samu> my perspective is from 1280x720 00:08:16 *** liq3 [liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has joined #openttd 00:15:22 *** AdziHades_ [~oftc-webi@host86-167-28-165.range86-167.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 00:15:30 <AdziHades_> Hello guys? Is anyone here? 00:16:08 <samu> i am semi-afk 00:17:13 <AdziHades_> Can you help me with a server? 00:17:27 <AdziHades_> My friend can't join but it says it's online on the server list 00:17:30 <AdziHades_> But offline in the client 00:17:38 <AdziHades_> http://www.openttd.org/en/server/89202 00:19:30 <ST2> appears online for me :) 00:20:12 <AdziHades_> Exactly 00:20:15 <AdziHades_> But my friend can't join it 00:20:24 <ST2> it's passworded 00:20:31 <AdziHades_> He knows the password... 00:20:44 <ST2> tell him to restart OpenTTD 00:21:03 <AdziHades_> Have done. Will return results when I get them 00:21:07 <ST2> if he can't join, probably using a different version 00:21:14 <ST2> server is 1.4.4 00:21:53 <AdziHades_> Yeah - Checked that. He's using 1.4.4 00:22:11 <ST2> he tried to add it manually: 00:22:14 <ST2> ? 00:22:15 <AdziHades_> Yep :D 00:22:28 <AdziHades_> Disabled every firewall known to mn 00:22:29 <ST2> what he sees? 00:22:29 <AdziHades_> man 00:22:35 <AdziHades_> Says it's offline 00:22:41 <AdziHades_> But it says it's online on the server list 00:22:42 <ST2> a red, yellow or green dot on it? 00:22:56 <AdziHades_> 2secs 00:23:28 <ST2> well, had he tried the Refresh server button? 00:24:43 <samu> isn't rubidium title game exactly the same as 1.5.0-beta1? 00:24:52 <AdziHades_> He's restarted client, no luck 00:25:06 <AdziHades_> I'll try unpasswording it 00:25:09 <AdziHades_> See if one of you can join 00:25:13 <ST2> ok 00:25:58 <AdziHades_> No dot but name is orange for him 00:26:04 <AdziHades_> And join using the IP 00:26:11 <AdziHades_> If possible 00:26:41 <samu> i dont have 1.4.4 :( 00:26:48 <samu> can't test atm 00:26:56 <AdziHades_> Ahh no worries. Hopefully ST2 does :D 00:28:00 <samu> is it just me or nikitozz train engine are going backwards? 00:30:12 <glx> maybe you ctrl-clicked on them in depot 00:30:21 <samu> I didn't, i just loaded save game 00:30:44 <glx> still possible :) 00:30:47 <samu> the engine front is facing the wagons 00:30:52 <samu> lol 00:31:40 <ST2> that's called a test to check if players are sobber. you passed :P 00:33:02 <samu> how do i vote without being in the forum? 00:33:06 <samu> any email? 00:33:08 <AdziHades_> Mm 00:33:31 <AdziHades_> On the server page it says (ipv?) after the IP 00:33:43 <ST2> IPv4 00:33:56 <AdziHades_> I know it SHOULD 00:34:00 <AdziHades_> But it says IPV? 00:35:17 <AdziHades_> Could it be confused whether to use IPV6 or IPV4? 00:36:17 <ST2> Server address(es): <<-- that's IPv4 for sure, as here: http://www.openttd.org/en/server/89202 00:37:40 <AdziHades_> Yeah but on my friends server page is says 00:38:02 <AdziHades_> << exactly that 00:38:28 <samu> So here's my quick voting 00:38:37 <ST2> are they on IPv4 or 6? (no idea if that interfeers) 00:39:27 <AdziHades_> I've not idea how to check :L 00:39:29 <ST2> my IP is 4 and I could join, so I guess it's their side issue 00:40:09 <glx> I don't think there are IPv6 only clients 00:40:29 <ST2> no idea too ^^ 00:40:33 <glx> IPv6 could be a problem if the server was IPv6 only 00:40:48 <glx> but the client doesn't care 00:41:16 <glx> it can play on both if the network connection supports it 00:41:43 <ST2> but it's the only thing I can remember, since I could join the server without problems. very small map xD 00:42:29 <samu> rubidium: old save 00:42:39 <samu> VinnieNL: too many rail tracks 00:42:55 <glx> your vote is useless here :) 00:44:18 <samu> romazoon: that zigzag road omg, super fast aircraft, train crushes truck soon after, omg 00:44:27 <samu> do not like 00:45:01 <AdziHades_> I just made it a 64x64 so it was quicker to load for testing :D 00:46:15 <samu> Fleashosio: I don't know what to say, looks like every tile was filled with something, a bit overburden 00:46:34 <samu> i notice helicopters flying too fast 00:47:44 <samu> yea, I suppose I like Fealshosio though, a bit too much for my liking though 00:49:30 <AdziHades_> DONE 00:49:33 <AdziHades_> Fixed it 00:50:01 <samu> levelcrossing: I'm liking it 00:50:12 <samu> better than Fleashosio 00:54:42 <samu> Rayfie: simple, albeit too much simple 00:54:56 <samu> i'll consider it, since it's gonna stay for 1 year as main menu 00:55:02 <samu> lel 00:58:11 *** AdziHades_ [~oftc-webi@host86-167-28-165.range86-167.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 00:59:16 <samu> BlackHeart: it's a bit like Fleashosio, lighter but hmm... 01:02:27 <samu> sc79: features a train crash 01:04:09 <samu> that road zigzag... hmm 01:04:26 <samu> meh i guess i dont like 01:06:09 <samu> emperorjake: that choice of colors for those vehicles combines bad with landscape 01:08:47 <samu> Nikit0dZZZa: features that weird train engine front facing wagons, goes in reverse, some ugly train track, do not like 01:10:24 <samu> telanus: a bit too many crossings 01:11:13 <samu> my vote is useless here 01:11:42 <samu> my 3 points would be for levelcrossing 01:12:12 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-169.netvisao.pt] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 01:12:33 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-169.netvisao.pt] has joined #openttd 01:14:42 <samu> 2 points for BlackHeart 01:16:20 <samu> a bit undecided for 1 point 01:16:27 <samu> Rayfie I guess 01:17:02 <samu> any thoughts 01:21:26 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-169.netvisao.pt] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 01:33:34 *** Diablo-D3 [~diablo@] has quit [Quit: do coders dream of sheep()?] 01:55:06 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:04:42 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has joined #openttd 02:09:01 *** jjavaholic [~jjavaholi@grahamg63.plus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:14:06 *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has joined #openttd 02:29:37 <supermop> rainy day 02:48:58 <Eddi|zuHause> except it's night 02:57:56 <Flygon> supermop: Rainy? 02:57:58 <Flygon> RAINY? 02:58:07 <Flygon> The power's been out for over 90 minutes. 02:58:47 <Eddi|zuHause> your power goes out when it rains? 03:00:29 <Flygon> Eddi: It goes out when it's the strongest thunderstorm we've had in over 18 months, yes 03:00:44 <Flygon> A huge chunk of Victoria's been knocked out 03:01:03 <Flygon> And my generator can't be used atm due to lacking the right DC>AC lead 03:01:21 <supermop> powers fine here in fitzroy 03:01:28 <Flygon> Granted, my generator is from 1999, going to be scrapped Wedensday, and is a Falcon :U 03:01:32 <Flygon> supermop: Want a 1999 Ford Falcon? 03:01:38 <supermop> rendering old HiFis 03:01:52 <supermop> heh nope 03:01:54 <Flygon> You seem like the kind of guy that is willing to have it go in a demolition derby 03:02:01 <Flygon> Rather than a recycling ya- aw 03:02:02 <supermop> ill take a 94 ford taurus 03:02:12 <Flygon> But it's only 0! 03:02:13 <Eddi|zuHause> that's much younger than my car... 03:02:15 <supermop> in metallic green or teal 03:02:28 <supermop> sedan or wagon 03:02:41 <Flygon> Sedan 03:02:52 <Flygon> We get 0 if it's scrapped 03:02:54 <supermop> Eddi|zuHause: i image whatever you drive lasts longer than an australian or american ford 03:03:11 <Flygon> Though, since I know you'll ask the obvious 03:03:16 <Eddi|zuHause> it's a VW Golf 03:03:18 <Flygon> It's not roadworthy 03:03:19 <Eddi|zuHause> ca. 1990 03:03:29 <supermop> mkii or iii? 03:03:32 <Flygon> Half the reason it's being cycled through 03:03:35 <Flygon> Uuuhm. I forgot. 03:03:37 <Eddi|zuHause> 2 03:03:42 <Flygon> Oh 03:03:45 <supermop> beautiful car 03:03:57 <Flygon> This's what happens when we have two convos at once :B 03:03:59 <supermop> i like mkiii and iv as well 03:04:00 <Eddi|zuHause> i'd much rather have my renault 19 back 03:04:40 <supermop> i want one of those vw polos with all the body panels different colors 03:05:02 <supermop> although i have not owned a car since 2008 03:05:04 <Eddi|zuHause> a clown car :p 03:05:07 <Flygon> Oh wew, powers back 03:05:15 <Eddi|zuHause> i even forgot they ever existed 03:05:29 <supermop> haha i imagine not many are left now 03:05:39 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:05:44 <supermop> they were rare in 1997 when i lived in uk 03:06:17 <Eddi|zuHause> i think the last time i saw one of those was around 2001 03:06:54 <Eddi|zuHause> what were they called again? 03:07:20 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has joined #openttd 03:08:04 <Flygon> Switched to DSL 03:09:34 <Eddi|zuHause> http://kleinanzeigen.ebay.de/anzeigen/s-autos/vw-polo-harlekin/k0c216 03:09:57 <supermop> yess 03:10:40 <supermop> 1000eur seems good 03:11:27 <supermop> too bad the tailgate is covered in bumper stickers 03:11:29 <Eddi|zuHause> plus shipping to australia, plus adapting to australian road standards? 03:11:54 <supermop> wait till i go home and ship to the us 03:12:09 <supermop> i think 90s polos are not legal in the us 03:12:12 <Eddi|zuHause> that won't be much cheaper :p 03:12:33 <supermop> or at least were never certified, so i'd need to buy three so DOT can test one and crash one 03:13:12 <supermop> "kleinwagen" is such a great name for the "fahrzeugtyp" 03:13:12 <Eddi|zuHause> that seems excessive :p 03:13:36 <Eddi|zuHause> well, it certainly is small :p 03:14:29 <supermop> i miss cars, but i certainly do not miss all of the costs etc that come with them 03:24:40 *** glx [~glx@000128ec.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 03:34:51 *** Biolunar_ [Biolunar@blfd-4d0830b8.pool.mediaways.net] has joined #openttd 03:38:46 *** Pikka [~Octomom@203-206-161-219.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #openttd 03:41:52 *** Biolunar [Biolunar@blfd-d9bf6a2b.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:00:45 <supermop> yo Pikka 04:00:50 <Pikka> ahoy hoy 04:24:08 <supermop> a single car tram wont need | or _ doors open sprites, right? 04:27:27 *** wjdp_ [~oftc-webi@host-2-102-219-171.as13285.net] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 04:33:46 <Supercheese> unless diagonal roads are implemented, I would think not 04:37:27 <Pikka> well it needs them in the sprite set 04:37:42 <supermop> ok 04:37:44 <Pikka> and the _ will show in the info window and such 04:38:00 <Pikka> whether you just recycle the default sprites for those directions is up to you 04:38:00 <Pikka> bbl 04:38:01 *** Pikka [~Octomom@203-206-161-219.perm.iinet.net.au] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:38:29 *** Flygon_ [~Flygon@] has joined #openttd 04:44:47 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:44:50 <Supercheese> Ah yes, info window, forgot about that one 04:45:40 <supermop> hmm need to increase render layout again to fit in loading stages 04:57:16 *** Klanticus_ [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:58:43 *** Klanticus [~quassel@] has joined #openttd 05:53:24 *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/] 05:56:01 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p57BD4C73.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [] 05:56:17 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p5DC66B20.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 05:57:16 *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has joined #openttd 07:03:22 *** tokai|mdlx [~tokai@port-92-195-65-50.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #openttd 07:08:51 *** tokai [~tokai@00012860.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:12:42 <supermop> is there a fast way to cut up a PS document into sections? 07:12:57 <V453000> sections? 07:13:22 <V453000> just reference it in another PS document via file - place linked or smart objects 07:18:01 <supermop> like, i rendered a 5x5 grid of trams - bunch of views 07:18:49 <supermop> now i want to cut that into 25 256x192 px or so sections so each view is its own png with vehicle centered 07:19:20 <V453000> 1. just animating the camera will be easier and more precise 07:19:28 <V453000> 2. yeah, the referencing would work 07:19:39 <supermop> there is a camera in ps? 07:19:42 <V453000> no 07:19:47 <V453000> in your 3D program 07:20:05 <V453000> just make the camera animate and jump from one object to another, in 25 frames of animation 07:20:39 <supermop> unfortunately i need all views in frame at time of render to get the colors consistent 07:20:49 <V453000> but if you just want to cut in photoshop, well ... just make a 256*192 file and Place as Linked some other file, and position it correctly 07:20:59 <V453000> uh 07:21:05 <V453000> the colors should be consistent regardless? 07:21:35 <V453000> shouldnt matter if you render one camera with 25 views or 25 cameras with 1 view each if the result is to be the same 07:21:54 <V453000> the problem with e.g. 5x5 (or 16x16 in my case) grids is that it is less precise 07:22:00 <supermop> using the photometric renderer it works like a camera with auto WB and auto exposure - so if i render the \ view which darker due to the \ side 07:22:13 <supermop> it will lighten it up, and vis versa for / 07:22:24 <supermop> so the roof of \ is lighter than / 07:22:30 <V453000> well sure 07:22:46 <V453000> but that is the same regardless if you render it separately or at once? 07:23:15 <supermop> if i render them all at once the flat roofs will all be the same shade 07:23:25 *** Taco [~kitty@2407:500::2:981d:d5e9] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:24:19 <V453000> well, I do all cutting/sprite stuff doing through after effects 07:24:27 <V453000> effective and easy to re-render 07:24:36 <V453000> photoshop kind of works but it is more clunky to get it done 07:24:37 <supermop> ok 07:24:39 <V453000> works though. 07:24:59 <V453000> after effects basically gives you the extra dimension of time which I like to abuse a lot 07:26:52 <supermop> hmm 07:27:14 <supermop> i wonder if i can grey-card these renders somehow 07:29:08 <V453000> greycard? 07:31:43 <V453000> hm 07:32:10 <V453000> or reconsider the render engine if it throws such incostencies :) 07:41:46 <V453000> I currently use Vray, but when I used mental ray in photometric mode I thought it throws consistent results no matter how far the camera is 07:42:04 <V453000> but I might have just not tried enough 07:43:45 *** Yotson [~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:4db0:efd:c218:6c89] has joined #openttd 07:44:57 <supermop> like if i have 3-5 cubes and spheres in the shot, from pure white to total matte black, then it seems it would make everything basically medium? 07:45:35 <V453000> o_O 07:48:46 <V453000> do you have any other render engine options? 08:08:56 *** Celestar [~Celestar@mnch-5d86f53a.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 08:15:00 *** Sonny_Jim [~pi@host86-135-228-210.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 08:15:44 <Sonny_Jim> I just downloaded some content using the console on a dedicated server, where does it download it's files (on linux) 08:16:30 <Sonny_Jim> Oh nm, $home/.openttd/content_download 08:16:42 <Sonny_Jim> How can I setup my dedicated server to use a heightmap I've downloaded? 08:23:01 *** Celestar [~Celestar@mnch-5d86f53a.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:27:52 <V453000> idk, but creating a savegame with the heightmap, uploading to the server, loading it on the server 08:27:56 <V453000> should be convenient enough 08:28:09 <Sonny_Jim> I've noticed there's an option to load a scenario 08:28:13 <Sonny_Jim> I can just use that 08:33:44 *** Celestar [~Celestar@fire3.tngtech.com] has joined #openttd 08:40:29 *** Smedles [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:41:54 *** Smedles [~quassel@] has joined #openttd 08:49:18 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~flex@i59F6BE66.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 09:00:46 *** shadowalkerAFK is now known as shadowalker 09:12:51 <supermop> V453000: flamingo 2.0 photometric is 'best' renderer i have 09:13:22 <supermop> just finally figured out how to render to an explicit size file though 09:19:42 <V453000> hm :) 09:28:39 <argoneus> V453000: do you know how to use adobe premiere? 09:33:31 <V453000> more or less 09:33:49 <V453000> I use After Effects for most things instead 09:34:12 <V453000> since they both export by media encoder it is not a big deal which you use 09:34:20 <V453000> but well, previews in premiere are convenient 09:50:02 *** jjavaholic [~jjavaholi@grahamg63.plus.com] has joined #openttd 09:57:21 *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has joined #openttd 10:35:44 <supermop> need to test if photometric gives consistent results if all views are shown in scene but are off camera 11:03:55 <V453000> oh you had them hidden 11:04:07 <V453000> hm 11:14:25 *** Quatroking [~Quatrokin@ip226-139-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #openttd 11:27:06 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has joined #openttd 11:27:48 <chillcore> hello all 11:38:58 *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has quit [] 11:49:27 <Sonny_Jim> Any idea why I'm getting weird chars in my dedicated server log output? 11:49:28 <Sonny_Jim> [2015-02-23 11:48:34] â*** à¹àžàž¡àž«àž¢àžžàž (àžàž³àžàž§àžàžàž¹à¹à¹àž¥à¹àž) 11:51:41 <V453000> that looks considerably evil 11:53:46 <Sonny_Jim> Looks like Thai to me 11:54:25 <supermop> certainly thai 11:57:14 <Sonny_Jim> Sure 11:57:24 <supermop> renders go to 8 sec when doing just one view 11:57:25 <Sonny_Jim> Ah 11:57:36 <Sonny_Jim> It'll be because I have "lang = thai" in my config lol 11:57:52 <Sonny_Jim> No idea how it got there, the config was autogenerated 11:58:28 <V453000> 8sec is great 11:58:33 <supermop> fan doesn't even spool up 11:59:07 <supermop> doing 256px sq instead of about 4000x2000 with 24 views 11:59:22 <V453000> aye 11:59:31 <Sonny_Jim> Ok now this is really wierd 11:59:45 <Sonny_Jim> I changed language = thai.lng to english.lng 11:59:53 <Sonny_Jim> Saved, started openttd 12:00:13 <Sonny_Jim> It was back in thai, quitted the server, checked the cfg and it had changed back to thai.lng? 12:03:22 <supermop> no luck V453000 12:03:44 <V453000> hm 12:03:50 <V453000> different colours in different renders? 12:03:54 <supermop> the roofs are pretty close but slightly different 12:04:02 <chillcore> when and where did you make changes Sonny_Jim. changed made in the config file itself while openttd is running do not stick, file is overwritten on exit. 12:04:08 <V453000> question is, does it matter? 12:04:16 <V453000> wont the inconstency actually make it look nicer? 12:04:33 <supermop> also it seems more washed out 12:04:53 <V453000> well adding contrast in postproduction is easy 12:06:54 <supermop> hmm 12:08:13 <V453000> idk how does rhino handle matting, but my renders totally need matte removing on the contours, too 12:08:27 <V453000> or well, flamingo rather :) 12:10:57 <supermop> matting? 12:11:35 <V453000> well yeah when you render things, a little bit of "background" can stay around the object edges if there is transparency behind it 12:11:44 <V453000> typically white/black matte 12:12:01 <V453000> removing it make the object fit into the game a lot better 12:12:41 <supermop> ok yeah i get those fuzzy edges at times 12:13:26 <supermop> like i have a small crevice where alpha should show through 12:13:34 <V453000> right 12:14:27 <V453000> photoshop has a function "remove white/black matte or something like that under layer - matting ... but the layer has to be rasterized which means you cannot do it on linked files 12:14:41 <V453000> one of the key advantages of after effects 12:14:57 <supermop> but bc of some slight antialiasing it shows up in ps as the color of the backdrop (cyan) instead of clear 12:15:50 <supermop> i just select by color then delete 12:15:57 <V453000> mhm 12:16:17 <V453000> I dont think that has the same effect, but yeah seemingly that could be a solution enough 12:18:30 <supermop> ok this is weird when i render 256 sq its very light and washed out, but rendering larger but more zoomed out it looks good 12:22:23 <V453000> do you have orthographic camera? 12:26:25 <juzza1> supermop: that sounds weird indeed, shouldn't make any difference, but i probably don't understand how your renderer works 12:28:20 <juzza1> would be interested in seeing some screenshots 12:29:38 <V453000> ^ 12:32:14 *** Supercheese is now known as Guest350 12:32:18 *** Supercheese [~Superchee@cpe-76-178-136-186.natnow.res.rr.com] has joined #openttd 12:33:07 <supermop> where should i post them? 12:34:18 <V453000> anywhere :D 12:37:36 *** Guest350 [~Superchee@cpe-76-178-136-186.natnow.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:41:07 <supermop> tests: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=1143098#p1143098 12:41:47 <supermop> ok im off to bed 12:41:47 <V453000> dem tramz 12:42:32 <supermop> later 12:42:56 <V453000> cya 12:50:37 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-170-165.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:56:51 *** glevans2 [~glevans2@71-8-126-76.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:03:19 *** Pensacola [~quassel@c80094.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 13:06:42 *** glevans2 [~glevans2@71-8-126-76.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #openttd 13:12:14 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has quit [Quit: Only mortals are affected by fame and power.] 13:50:35 *** DanMacK [~3fee8a84@188.cimarosa.openttdcoop.org] has joined #openttd 13:50:41 <DanMacK> Hey all 13:50:46 <DanMacK> @seen andythenorth 13:50:46 <DorpsGek> DanMacK: andythenorth was last seen in #openttd 19 hours, 37 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <andythenorth> where is cat? 13:52:27 <Eddi|zuHause> are you cat? 13:52:49 <__ln___> @seen cat 13:52:49 <DorpsGek> __ln___: I have not seen cat. 13:55:39 <Eddi|zuHause> well, it would explain a lot 14:02:47 *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has joined #openttd 14:07:45 *** DanMacK [~3fee8a84@188.cimarosa.openttdcoop.org] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:09:47 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6BE66.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 14:23:28 *** shadowalker is now known as shadowalkerAFK 14:36:58 *** JacobD88 [~Thunderbi@cpc20-stap11-2-0-cust392.12-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 14:46:19 *** JacobD88 [~Thunderbi@cpc20-stap11-2-0-cust392.12-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: JacobD88] 14:53:23 *** DanMacK [~3fee8a84@188.cimarosa.openttdcoop.org] has joined #openttd 14:53:37 *** DanMacK [~3fee8a84@188.cimarosa.openttdcoop.org] has quit [] 15:45:14 <V453000> XD australian helicopter https://38.media.tumblr.com/b0107b42f721d314a6d03a9d4377d0e6/tumblr_nk1fo5bSnP1rsxqqio1_500.gif 15:46:43 <Eddi|zuHause> it's photoshopped! i can tell by the pixels! 15:48:17 <planetmaker> :) indeed 15:49:50 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm sure it's better than the helicopters that were ordered by the german navy. they have no permission to be used over the ocean. 16:01:23 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po-217-129-252-91.netvisao.pt] has joined #openttd 16:01:33 <samu> hi 16:05:47 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-5f7439d4.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 16:09:51 <samu> levelcrossing save game is cheated 16:10:06 <planetmaker> cheating is totally fine for titlegames 16:10:20 <samu> there's some ship with a total capacity of 209 16:10:30 <samu> it should be 190 16:10:34 <samu> hacks 16:10:49 <planetmaker> err, what? 16:10:57 *** Alberth [~alberth@a82-95-140-173.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 16:10:59 *** mode/#openttd [+o Alberth] by ChanServ 16:10:59 <planetmaker> you cannot cheat that 16:11:15 <planetmaker> \o/ 16:11:22 <Alberth> hi hi 16:11:38 <samu> 209 tons of wood 16:11:43 <samu> how can that be 16:12:23 <samu> all cargo ships for orange 16:13:50 <frosch123> hola 16:15:33 <planetmaker> samu, the capacity depends on the cargo 16:15:39 <planetmaker> it's not 100 of every stuff. 16:15:58 <planetmaker> it's 190 goods or 209 wood or whatever onother cargo goes into it 16:16:14 <samu> you sure? 16:16:18 <planetmaker> yes 16:17:14 <planetmaker> hm, at least it's possible 16:17:15 <samu> i'm pretty sure that's not true 16:17:20 <samu> how? 16:17:25 <samu> i've never seen that before 16:17:43 *** roidal [~roland@cm140-210.liwest.at] has joined #openttd 16:19:09 <samu> how can you do that? i can only refit to 190 of everything 16:19:44 <Alberth> I have not seen it, therefore it does not exist? 16:20:19 <planetmaker> samu, you're right... it seems the default ships usually don't change their cargo capcity between fright types 16:20:47 <planetmaker> however I don't see how that game has been tempered with 16:21:50 <Sonny_Jim> screenshot! 16:22:00 <planetmaker> samu, you should ask in the titlegame thread :) 16:22:09 <samu> can't post on forum 16:22:13 <samu> :( 16:22:20 <planetmaker> Sonny_Jim, all there http://devs.openttd.org/~planetmaker/titlegame/round1/ 16:24:09 *** Celestar [~Celestar@fire3.tngtech.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 16:29:28 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1928E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 16:31:16 <samu> Votes can now be cast by sending an e-mail to me 16:31:31 <samu> what is planetmaker email 16:32:55 <planetmaker> take an educated guess :) 16:34:35 <samu> i can't vote without being on the forum? 16:37:05 <Sonny_Jim> Oh FYI, the dedicated server seems to run OK on a Pi, but I've only tried a 256x256 map with 2 players 16:37:31 <Sonny_Jim> And the openttd build in the repository is hilariously out of date 16:42:43 <Alberth> samu: email is not the same as a PM at the forum, you can take an educated guess, and check at our site 16:51:43 <planetmaker> Alberth, I allow votes via several means: forum posting, forum message and e-mail. And actually also on google+ ;) 16:51:58 <planetmaker> he's right, I failed to integrate the e-mail link it seems 16:52:10 <planetmaker> however guessing my e-mail is easy :) 16:52:29 <Alberth> good, now I only need to create 3 aliases for voting :p 16:52:37 *** TheMask96 [martijn@wrath.vhost.ne2000.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:53:08 <Alberth> most people will use a PM anyway 16:53:27 <planetmaker> maybe, yeah 16:53:39 <planetmaker> though e-mail has been popular too in the last years 16:54:10 <Alberth> hmm, yes, it's more readily available at the desktop, probably 16:54:33 *** Plaete [~moffi@dsdf-5d82dd05.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 16:57:01 *** liq3 [liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has quit [] 16:57:53 <frosch123> what is the deadline for votes? 16:57:59 <planetmaker> next sunday 16:58:08 *** TheMask96 [martijn@sloth.vhost.ne2000.nl] has joined #openttd 16:58:11 <frosch123> is that written somewhere? :p 16:58:17 <planetmaker> I think so :P 16:58:40 <planetmaker> but might not :P 17:03:14 <planetmaker> added 17:09:11 <Terkhen> hello 17:09:25 <planetmaker> hi :) 17:10:50 <samu> oh 17:10:51 <samu> http://www.openttd.org/en/contact 17:10:58 <samu> orudge email's there too 17:11:08 <samu> if only i knew earlier 17:16:46 <samu> project leader: rubidium 17:16:58 <samu> the big boss of openttd 17:18:11 <samu> pathfinder expert 17:19:40 <samu> oh Alberth is gui dude 17:19:53 <samu> interesting heh 17:20:36 <Alberth> you going to write the entire web page here? :) 17:21:17 <samu> i had many gui photoshop ideas in the past 17:22:28 <Alberth> the problem is usually that the code behind it also needs to be changed, quite dramatically, at times 17:25:10 <samu> what is Basesets? 17:26:36 <samu> opengfx, openmsx and so? 17:27:54 <DorpsGek> Samu: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=+openttd+baseset 17:27:57 <Alberth> opengfx, zbase, and the original game data 17:28:10 <Alberth> thanks DorpsGek 17:32:17 *** SpComb [terom@zapotek.paivola.fi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:32:19 *** SpComb [terom@zapotek.paivola.fi] has joined #openttd 17:37:40 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has joined #openttd 17:37:40 *** SpComb [terom@zapotek.paivola.fi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:37:41 *** SpComb [terom@zapotek.paivola.fi] has joined #openttd 17:37:54 <Alberth> hi hi 17:37:57 <chillcore> o/ 17:39:41 <chillcore> In case someone feels the urge to take the axe to my trees ... don't let me stop you. :P 17:40:21 <chillcore> I got me one of these when entering seeds manualy ... Assertion `min <= max' failed. 17:41:03 <chillcore> I should investigate that UINT32_MAX magic 17:42:20 *** SpComb [terom@zapotek.paivola.fi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:42:48 <chillcore> thing is that I did clamp properly in OnQueryTextFinished and still it gives me negative results. 17:43:18 <chillcore> Yay challanges, no fun if things go by themselves all the time. :P 17:43:38 *** SpComb [terom@zapotek.paivola.fi] has joined #openttd 17:45:48 <Alberth> using a signed variable to store the result? 17:45:54 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27168 trunk/src/lang/latin.txt (2015-02-23 17:45:46 UTC) 17:45:55 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0: 17:45:56 <DorpsGek> latin - 4 changes by Supercheese 17:46:22 <Alberth> or you store it in a smaller sized variable (ie you lost the higher bits)? 17:48:28 *** oskari89 [oskari89@83-102-63-32.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #openttd 17:49:51 <chillcore> possibly things get mixed up somewhere in the code, yes Alberth, setting.ini declares type SLE_UINT32, max value sais UINT32_MAX <- magic nr to generate a new seed everytime openttd is started 17:53:07 <chillcore> TBH, I have not yet investigated much as it was working before 17:53:35 * chillcore sings "Digging the code, diggy diggy code ..." 17:55:49 <Alberth> only 32 bits? hmm, could work as a seed 17:59:48 *** glx [~glx@000128ec.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 17:59:51 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 18:13:54 <chillcore> core/random_func.hpp: "Pick a random number between 0 and \a limit - 1, inclusive. That means 0 can be returned and \a limit - 1 can be returned, but \a limit can not be returned." 18:14:11 <chillcore> somehow I have the feeling the prob is notlocated here ... 18:24:30 <chillcore> ^^^ as generating random ones works fine ... it crashes when entering seeds manually ... even a simple '5' which is more then within range. 18:29:47 <Alberth> 5 sounds pretty much within bounds :p 18:29:59 <Alberth> perhaps print the value, lower, and upper bounds? 18:30:19 <Alberth> it sounds like the lower or upper bound is wrong 18:37:01 *** Plaete2 [~moffi@dsdf-5d82d18b.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 18:40:36 *** Plaete [~moffi@dsdf-5d82dd05.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:47:24 <chillcore> #4 0x00000000007e0c6f in Clamp<int> (a=5, min=0, max=-2) at ~/src/core/math_func.hpp:141 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "T Clamp(T, T, T) [with T = int]" #5 0x00000000007e0103 in Clamp (a=5, min=0, max=-2) at ~/src/core/math_func.hpp:165 18:47:40 <chillcore> right ... - 2 is max eh ... 18:48:39 <chillcore> let's see what happens if I enter 0 :P 18:49:21 <glx> oh no assert to check min<max ? 18:50:11 <Alberth> Clamp uses 'int' interpretation 18:50:36 <chillcore> maybe I am using the wrong clamp funtion then? 18:51:22 <Alberth> a is an int, apparently 18:51:25 <michi_cc> No, but at least one of the parameters to Clamp is a signed type and not an unsigned type it seems. 18:52:00 <glx> unsigned -2 is very big 18:52:03 <Alberth> Clamp<uint...>(...) 18:53:05 <Alberth> although the 'uint' is normally implied by the arguments, so you don't have to write it yourself 18:53:42 <chillcore> even entering 0 as seed crashes ... 18:54:09 <glx> crashes how ? 18:54:17 <chillcore> hmm maybe I should take the axe to the seedmagic on gamestart 18:54:18 <Alberth> of course min is bigger than max, which means there is no valid value in the domain 18:54:50 <Alberth> can you give the 'Clamp' line? 18:56:00 <Alberth> and probably the type of the 'a' argument :) 18:56:06 <chillcore> _settings_newgame.game_creation.generation_seed = Clamp(value, TGEN_SEED_MIN, TGEN_SEED_MAX); // UINT32_MAX is reserved for random magic. 18:56:27 <Alberth> k 18:56:34 <chillcore> min and max are enums 0 and 4294967294 18:56:45 <Alberth> that comment explains the -2 18:56:48 <chillcore> ^^^ -1 to make sure 18:56:55 *** gelignite [~gelignite@i528C3459.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 18:56:55 <chillcore> enums? 18:57:16 <Alberth> type of 'value' ? 18:57:41 <chillcore> SLE_UINT32 <- settings.ini 18:58:15 <Alberth> euhm, you don't have a 'uint32 value' like thing? 18:58:48 <Alberth> or, more likely, a 'int value' or so 18:59:45 *** Onyxsiet [~oftc-webi@76-9-65-143-rt-broadband-00.broadband.oakhurst.sti.net] has joined #openttd 18:59:56 <Onyxsiet> i have a question 19:00:04 <Alberth> try it! 19:00:07 <chillcore> I don't think so ... seed was already declared and stuffs, I just replaced UINt32_MAX with TGEN_SEED_MAX, it was working before so I did not dig much deeper 19:00:41 <Onyxsiet> im told a currently used graphics set is missing a number of sprites 19:00:45 <Alberth> hmm, right, is the source anywhere available? 19:00:59 <Onyxsiet> please update the base graphics set 19:01:21 <Onyxsiet> since you are playing a development snapshot 19:01:48 <Onyxsiet> you might need a snapshot of the base graphics set 19:01:53 <chillcore> Alberth, I'll post it with a warning on it, give me a few moments to zip it up 19:02:05 <Onyxsiet> so how do i fix that 19:02:21 <Alberth> http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/opengfx/nightlies/LATEST/ <-- new baseset Onyxsiet 19:02:46 <Onyxsiet> which one do i download 19:02:53 <Onyxsiet> all? 19:03:04 <Alberth> nah, just the .zip of 3M 19:03:40 <Alberth> install instructions are in the readme you got with your OpenTTD program 19:04:30 <Alberth> directory to put it, is different, depending on what system you have 19:05:45 <Alberth> unzip, but you can keep the .tar 19:08:58 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 19:09:05 <Alberth> hi hi andy 19:09:22 <andythenorth> lo 19:09:25 <andythenorth> kind of interesting http://research.scee.net/files/presentations/gcapaustralia09/Pitfalls_of_Object_Oriented_Programming_GCAP_09.pdf 19:09:34 <andythenorth> bit over my head 19:09:50 * andythenorth has been reading a few âOO is badâ articles recently 19:10:17 <chillcore> o/ andy 19:10:42 <chillcore> Alberth: third attachment of last post ... seed is patch 80 19:11:17 <Onyxsiet> where do i put the open gfx.tar thing at 19:11:46 <chillcore> https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=63595 Alberth 19:12:30 <Alberth> Onyxsiet: depends on your platform, the readme of OpenTTD explains where to put basesets 19:12:45 <Alberth> unless you have a Linux system, I cannot tell you :) 19:13:00 <Onyxsiet> im normal windows 7 64 bit 19:15:58 <chillcore> Onyxsiet ... section 4.2 of readme.txt ... too long to copy here ;) 19:16:33 <chillcore> read: you have options ... 19:18:39 <Alberth> andythenorth: how to code for max cpu usage, imho 19:23:25 <Alberth> chillcore: int value; <-- so it's an integer (line 359 of 20_Tgen_smoothness_gui.diff) 19:24:19 <Alberth> which makes Clamp use 'int' as input and comparison type 19:24:42 <Alberth> values near UINT32_MAX interpreted as signed int are negative 19:25:01 <Alberth> for signed integers, you should use INT32_MAX 19:25:11 <Alberth> @calc 0x7fffffff 19:25:11 <DorpsGek> Alberth: 2147483647 19:25:22 <Alberth> ^ that's INT32_MAX 19:25:33 <chillcore> right ... 19:25:44 <Alberth> or you should use an uint32 variable instead of 'value' 19:27:57 <andythenorth> Alberth: yeah, itâs games orientated 19:28:55 <Alberth> to be expected with PS :p 19:28:59 * andythenorth has been having OO fun recently 19:29:13 <Alberth> do you have an opinion about open BB issues? 19:30:03 <Alberth> but you use classes all the time! 19:30:54 <Alberth> I made the news item clickable, if you have a new enough BB and OpenTTD 19:31:23 <andythenorth> for newgrfs, I use classes that are in a run-once static compiles :P 19:31:28 <andythenorth> itâs cheating 19:31:34 <chillcore> @Alberth: hmm ... I kinda would like to keep value signed actually as I would like to experiment with negative perlin noise parameters later perhaps ... this seedy thing however ... there is a lso ClampU() I could perhaps use ... choices choices 19:31:35 <Alberth> :) 19:31:41 <andythenorth> clickable news item ftw \o/ 19:31:46 <andythenorth> was bugging me in current game 19:31:50 <andythenorth> I need to get to end of current game 19:31:53 <Alberth> me too :) 19:31:56 <andythenorth> but BB keeps me going 19:32:06 *** jjavaholic [~jjavaholi@grahamg63.plus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:32:15 <Alberth> any other issues you'd like to have? 19:32:20 <andythenorth> I feel that GS development is quite slow moving by nature 19:32:30 *** JacobD88 [~Thunderbi@cpc20-stap11-2-0-cust392.12-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 19:32:33 <andythenorth> right now it does the minimum needed 19:32:51 <andythenorth> my version is quite old, so maybe some things are fixed already 19:32:57 <andythenorth> - I would like more info about time left to complete a goal I started 19:33:29 <andythenorth> - I would like to get fewer goals that are trivially fulfilled because Iâve already got established deliveries to an industry 19:33:53 *** JacobD88 [~Thunderbi@cpc20-stap11-2-0-cust392.12-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [] 19:34:11 <andythenorth> re https://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/7412, I have no desire for rewards 19:34:35 <andythenorth> I wonder if thatâs almost a point of Busy Bee - no bigger reward than just doing the goal 19:34:51 <andythenorth> itâs just being in flow, making trains, no bigger narrative 19:34:54 <Alberth> chillcore: 'value' is just used to pass temporary data? in that case, why not make a 'uint32 seed_value' specifically for passing seeds? 19:35:39 <Alberth> yeah, I just added it because it was mentioned, but I have no desire for rewards either. 19:35:51 <Alberth> I'll close it 19:35:58 <andythenorth> thanks :) 19:36:07 <chillcore> Alberth: That is kinda what I had in mind yes; Also before I forget, Thank you for saving my ass once again :P 19:36:20 <Alberth> yw :) 19:36:51 <Alberth> always a pleasure to do random things and make someone happy in the evening 19:37:05 <peter1138> 0~ 19:37:24 <Alberth> someone is having silly thoughts there :p 19:37:40 <andythenorth> peter1138: has your postman been? 19:37:48 <peter1138> Yup, thanks 19:37:58 <peter1138> Not been at it yet. 19:38:23 <andythenorth> np, just checking it arrived ;) 19:38:30 <andythenorth> if it doesnât work, let me know 19:39:02 <andythenorth> canât remember if you hold down alt or mouse button or something to get the OS disk to boot the mac 19:39:06 <andythenorth> there are various tricks 19:39:49 *** roidal [~roland@cm140-210.liwest.at] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1] 19:40:02 <peter1138> C it says, heh 19:40:45 <andythenorth> yeah 19:41:49 *** FLHerne [~flh@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has joined #openttd 19:43:21 *** jjavaholic [~jjavaholi@grahamg63.plus.com] has joined #openttd 20:00:17 <chillcore> Yay ... no more crashy bits (in this part of the code) 20:01:10 *** Biolunar_ [Biolunar@blfd-4d0830b8.pool.mediaways.net] has quit [Quit: Yo.] 20:03:28 <andythenorth> ugh 20:03:33 <andythenorth> no consist managment :( 20:03:48 <andythenorth> the last remaining really annoying mangementy thing 20:09:49 <samu> hi, so m1 stores owners? 20:10:55 <samu> m1 = 0x51 - how do I interpret this? 20:13:31 <samu> â¢m1 bits 4..0: owner (for sea, rivers, and coasts normally 11) 20:14:37 <Alberth> convert hexadecimal number to binary number, find bits 4..0 20:15:04 <samu> â¢m1 bits 6..5 : Water class (sea, canal or river) 20:15:28 <Alberth> alternatively, learn how bits and hexadecimal numbers are related, and read the value directly from 0x51 20:16:03 <Alberth> third option, code a program that gets the bits, and prints the value for you 20:16:14 <glx> in this case owner is 0x11 ;) 20:16:32 <samu> it's a river tile 20:16:54 <samu> i run the game with debug window 20:16:55 <glx> and class is 2 if I'm correct 20:17:37 <Alberth> seems like the right number to me 20:18:13 <glx> (shifting bits mentaly can be hard but not in this case) 20:19:12 <samu> windows calculator says 110011 20:19:28 <samu> ah hex to bin 20:19:45 <samu> 1010001 20:19:53 <glx> yup 20:20:07 <glx> 5 left bits are 4..0 20:20:58 <Alberth> 5 right bits :) 20:21:28 <Alberth> ie 10001 20:21:40 <samu> ah 20:22:14 <samu> let me look at canal with no owner 20:22:32 <samu> 0x30 20:22:36 <glx> ha yes wrong left :) 20:22:55 <samu> 110000 20:23:03 <glx> owner 0x10 type 1 20:23:42 <samu> canal owned by company 15: 20:23:50 <samu> 0x2e 20:24:21 <samu> 101110 20:24:25 <glx> owner 0x0E (=15) type 2 20:24:42 <glx> hmm type 1 20:25:47 <samu> lock on river tile 20:26:27 *** Pensacola [~quassel@c80094.upc-c.chello.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:26:40 <samu> 0x4e 20:26:49 <samu> lock is by company 15 20:27:33 <glx> yes owner 15 and type 2 20:28:04 <Rubidium> isn't 0xE 14? 20:28:19 <samu> 1001110 20:28:37 <glx> hmm indeed 0xE is 14 20:29:05 <glx> but the display starts at 1 IIRC 20:29:35 <samu> what is type 2 type 1 you're mentioning? 20:29:47 <glx> water class 20:29:53 <samu> ah 20:45:40 <chillcore> Alberth: I uploaded my new version, if/when you have some time can you check patch 20 again to see if my abusing "default in switch" is acceptable? No rush though, going to do some tuning and testing now ... the fun stuffs :P 20:47:00 <chillcore> Alberth ... I meant patch 80 as that is where changes happen ... oops 20:47:56 *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has quit [] 20:50:42 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-5f7439d4.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: be yourself, except: if you have the opportunity to be a unicorn, then be a unicorn] 20:51:47 <Alberth> - Shouldn't it have a 'break' after the seed_value case? A simple if/else is perhaps easier here 20:51:47 <Alberth> - 'atoi' means you output 'int', ie not unsigned, maybe atoll (if that exists at all systems)? 20:52:26 <Alberth> chillcore: ^^ 20:53:58 <Alberth> mapgeneration -> map generation, English people like to write separate words :) 20:54:37 *** Plaete2 [~moffi@dsdf-5d82d18b.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de] 20:55:47 <samu> i found a bug! in a multiplayer game, the drop down 20:55:55 <samu> list for goals 20:56:11 <samu> when highlisting Spectator, it becomes all blak 20:56:31 <michi_cc> strtoul should be available everywhere I think. 20:56:59 <samu> oh, bug also happens in story book 20:57:23 <Alberth> michi_cc: looks like it, it's from stdlib.h. Thanks 20:57:40 <chillcore> Alberth: It should have a break yes ... fixed ... over here that is :P 20:58:14 <samu> Spectator could be written in white color? 20:58:21 <samu> must like in Company list? 20:58:22 <chillcore> Thank you michi_cc ... fixed that too. ;) 20:59:08 <Alberth> add a break after default case too, just for consistency 20:59:41 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~flex@i59F6A44A.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 21:00:35 <chillcore> Will do ... Alberth ;) 21:01:08 <Alberth> you probably never add anything under it, but ..... who knows 21:01:52 <chillcore> error: too few arguments to function âlong unsigned int strtoul(const char*, char**, int)â case WID_TGEN_SEED_VALUE: seed_value = strtoul(str); break; 21:02:02 <chillcore> hmm compiler sais no .. 21:02:18 <Alberth> 3 arguments != 1 argument :p 21:02:48 <chillcore> ye 21:03:14 <Alberth> strtoul(str, NULL, 10) 21:03:32 <samu> spectator is hidding in that black bar : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=23B29F3DE45F6F1F!738&authkey=!AF-C1uClCmi128Q&v=3&ithint=photo%2cpng 21:03:40 <Alberth> strtoul(3) or man strtoul :) 21:04:24 <Alberth> if you have man pages installed, that is :) 21:04:30 <Alberth> gn 21:05:01 <andythenorth> bye Alberth 21:05:06 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6BE66.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:05:14 *** Alberth [~alberth@a82-95-140-173.adsl.xs4all.nl] has left #openttd [] 21:05:14 <chillcore> good night Alberth 21:05:36 <chillcore> milliseconds too late :P 21:07:15 * andythenorth wonders which translator sunshare uses 21:07:24 <andythenorth> and if it would be better for him to just post the Spanish 21:07:32 <andythenorth> I think thereâd be more of us whoâd understand it 21:15:06 *** Onyxsiet [~oftc-webi@76-9-65-143-rt-broadband-00.broadband.oakhurst.sti.net] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:20:39 *** gelignite [~gelignite@i528C3459.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: http://bit.ly/1kso8Ta] 21:22:24 *** Myhorta [~Myhorta@00018fad.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 21:24:02 <samu> bits 6..0 means 7 bits? 21:24:47 <glx> yes 21:25:21 <samu> i think i'm starting to understand 21:25:28 <samu> that grid 21:28:28 <samu> isn't the m1 cell 8 bits? 21:28:41 <samu> what happened to the 8th bit? 21:29:32 <peter1138> What tile type? 21:29:59 <glx> water 21:30:16 <glx> 8th bit is unused 21:30:18 <samu> ah it's unused 21:30:33 <samu> landscape_grid.html 21:30:41 <samu> ah, I finally understand that thing 21:31:30 <glx> the grid is explicit ;) 21:31:48 <samu> OXXX XXXX 21:32:48 <samu> it means it's 0? 21:33:13 <samu> 1001110 is actually 01001110? 21:33:28 <glx> yes 21:33:37 <samu> hmm interesting 21:33:57 *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/] 21:34:01 <glx> useless 0 are not shown in binary 21:40:00 <samu> hmm, to store 15 companies i need 4 bits 21:40:05 <samu> i get it 21:41:18 <samu> to store that twice 21:41:21 <samu> i need 8 21:41:31 <samu> i see 21:41:50 <samu> i only need 4 apparently 21:41:53 <glx> but to store an owner (including town, none, water) you neen 5 bits 21:42:00 <glx> *need 21:42:13 <samu> 5? 21:42:49 <glx> owner_town is 0xF, owner_none is 0x10, owner_water is 0x12 21:43:12 <samu> ah, there's more owners 21:43:12 <glx> 0x11 not 0x12 21:43:31 <glx> yes 15 companies + special owners 21:45:51 *** gelignite [~gelignite@i528C3459.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 21:50:58 *** tokai|mdlx [~tokai@port-92-195-65-50.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit [Quit: c('~' )o] 21:51:52 *** tokai [~tokai@00012860.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 21:51:55 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 22:02:05 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1928E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:02:12 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 22:08:41 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 22:16:46 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:32:40 <samu> oh, lock middle tile is actually a canal 22:33:24 <samu> i thouht the game viewed it as not being anything 22:33:32 <samu> waterless 22:34:06 <glx> it's a canal unless it was a river before construction 22:34:24 <samu> yes, i see 22:34:41 <samu> that patch makes even more sense 22:35:52 <samu> road depots vs drive-through lorry stations 22:36:02 <samu> i'm watching these, where they store owners 22:36:11 <samu> investigating 22:38:11 <samu> m1 m3 m7 22:38:16 <samu> oh, really? 22:38:18 <samu> that many? 22:38:19 <glx> m1 4..0 for depot 22:45:19 <glx> and for stations you have station owner, road owner and tram owner 22:46:51 <samu> ah, stations are on another group 22:47:02 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~flex@i59F6A44A.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 22:47:07 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-170-165.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 22:48:09 <samu> gotta edit docks as well 22:50:41 *** oskari89 [oskari89@83-102-63-32.bb.dnainternet.fi] has quit [] 23:03:10 <samu> dock on river: 4e 23:03:54 <samu> river: 51 23:04:14 <samu> canal: 30 23:04:18 *** liq3 [~liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has joined #openttd 23:04:56 <samu> dock on canal: 2e 23:05:30 <samu> i see 23:05:47 <samu> rivers always have the same owner 23:05:55 <samu> canals don't 23:06:48 *** Quatroking [~Quatrokin@ip226-139-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:09:52 <samu> that's why the game always revert back correctly to rivers and sea 23:10:05 <samu> :o 23:13:13 <samu> game is assuming stuff incorrectly 23:14:07 <samu> by necessity 23:14:36 <samu> ok, i see there's no other way to do this without storing owners twice 23:15:49 <samu> now i am wondering if i need 4 bits or 5 bits 23:15:54 <samu> think 23:36:24 <samu> ah bit 7 is used 23:36:34 <samu> or 8 23:36:38 <samu> its for oilrig 23:37:15 <samu> ah wait, it's a station grr 23:39:18 <samu> no, i'm correct I think 23:39:29 <samu> if 0, then buoy 23:39:38 <samu> if 1, then oilrig station 23:39:51 <samu> glx!! 23:41:24 <glx> oilrig and buoy are station tiles 23:41:40 <glx> m6 bits 5..3: the station type (rail, airport, truck, bus, oilrig, dock, buoy, waypoint) 23:42:12 <samu> but it does have water 23:42:25 <glx> yes 23:42:43 <samu> hmm 23:43:04 <samu> it's not shared with water m1 at all? 23:43:20 <glx> m1 bits 6..5: water class for buoys, water part of docks and for airport tiles 23:43:30 <glx> same bits are used 23:43:45 <samu> oil rig is using bit 7 23:43:51 <samu> i guess 23:44:05 <samu> it says 0x90 23:44:26 <samu> at m1= 10010000 23:44:47 <samu> but it's of type station 23:46:28 <glx> bit 7 is not used 23:47:40 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6A44A.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 23:48:00 <samu> buoy tile says 0x11 23:49:51 <samu> class 5, m1, bit 7, in the grid it says inherit, what is that 23:50:14 <glx> same as previous line 23:52:04 <samu> i don't see then 23:52:12 <samu> what you mean it's not using bit 7 23:52:26 <glx> bit 7 is not touched 23:52:49 <samu> which class is that? 23:52:52 <samu> station? 23:52:55 <glx> yes 23:53:09 <samu> but it was saying 0x90, i dont get it 23:55:58 <samu> gonna try build an oil rig on canal tiles 23:57:46 <samu> 0xb0 23:58:50 <samu> m1 is now 10110000 23:59:00 <glx> hmm bit 7 is set bit I don't know why 23:59:43 <samu> gonna try build oil rig on canal tiles of company 1