Log for #openttd on 28th June 2019:
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00:57:43  *** Supercheese has quit IRC
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03:53:45  <reldred> huh, so he never included the brownstone flats in nacs but included a bunch of sprites I drew (well, kitbashed) without crediting me.
03:54:03  <reldred> Oh well, history now.
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06:25:33  <andythenorth> yo
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17:22:06  <Wolf01> o/
17:23:30  <Wolf01> Hmmm, steam is downloading... something, not telling me what
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18:06:52  <LordAro> is lunchtime?
18:09:07  <Eddi|zuHause> i just ate
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18:12:35  <andythenorth> yo
18:17:11  <Wolf01> ghurt
18:28:22  <reldred> so our new housemate has been a tad obnoxious, inviting people over for houseparties on weeknights, etc. now it's friday night and she has to work the next day.
18:28:55  <reldred> and well, actually it's 4am on satuday and she has to get up for work in 2hrs and we've been smashing black metal and drum and bass since about 11pm.
18:29:09  <Wolf01> :D
18:29:41  <reldred> and I was going to stay up to stupid oclock anyway writing nfo so no skin off my back
18:34:21  <Eddi|zuHause> where i come from we call that "Schadenfreude"
18:37:00  <andythenorth> will I Horse?
18:37:16  <reldred> so, i've been thinking how to handle protecting those nice art deco style buildings from destruction in new-nabs, what do y'all think about in earlier years having them more likely to get torn down but by around the nineties/naughties whatever surviving buildings go essentially 'heritage' listed?
18:37:58  <reldred> but the chances will slowly build that it'll survive a purge
18:41:27  <Eddi|zuHause> reldred: i'm not sure how performance intensive that is, but you could check the number of buildings left, and protect them if they drop below a threshold?
18:42:15  <reldred> Yeah that's not bad actually,
18:42:25  <Eddi|zuHause> that threshold could be dependent on map size, or peak amount
18:42:37  <reldred> I mean the callback I was going to use is only triggered on a town attempting to delete a building
18:42:45  <reldred> so it shouldn't be too slow
18:42:56  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but that could still be quite often on large maps
18:43:12  <reldred> in general I only have at most two callbacks on my buildings, on build and on delete.
18:43:28  <reldred> I don't generally horse around much more than that
18:44:04  <Eddi|zuHause> some building sets used animation callback to decide on things like adjusting to road layout
18:44:18  <reldred> Yeah I've been shying away from that
18:44:35  <reldred> NACS did it but I'm hesitant to screw with that for my set.
18:45:02  <Eddi|zuHause> the trick is to stop that animation once you came to a conclusion, so the buildings don't magically change when demolishing a road
18:46:46  <reldred> I like the idea of counting how many of that type are around though
18:47:08  <reldred> I already do that to prevent building _too many_ of certain buildings.
18:48:09  <reldred> I'm only concerned about the aesthetics of a single town and that's easy to count
18:48:23  <reldred> I wouldn't bother with anything map-wide.
18:48:52  <reldred> I'll look at that later, probably easier to write the act2 chains than what I was thinking
18:48:57  <reldred> but alas, my bed calls for me.
18:49:01  <reldred> later all
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