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00:19:06 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 00:19:37 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 00:21:00 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC 00:38:48 *** Thedarkb-X40 has joined #openttd 00:49:49 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 00:50:54 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 00:54:23 *** nielsm has joined #openttd 01:21:08 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 01:22:56 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 01:32:47 *** lastmikoi has quit IRC 01:35:59 <Eddi|zuHause> glx: is it missing the new file? 01:36:26 <Eddi|zuHause> ah no, i probably misinterpreted a thing 01:36:36 <glx> hmm ? 01:37:43 <Eddi|zuHause> how would 2 procedures get the same ID? there should be a lifetime attached to each ID from definition to last use, so they shouldn't overlap 01:37:49 *** lastmikoi has joined #openttd 01:38:24 <glx> maybe a reference count issue, I'm trying to understand this part 01:39:11 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't have the right mindset to dig into it to help you right now, sorry 01:39:19 <glx> np 01:53:04 *** adikt_ has joined #openttd 01:53:08 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 01:54:57 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 01:59:23 *** zvxb has quit IRC 02:25:09 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 02:25:44 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 02:55:58 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 02:56:28 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 03:26:41 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 03:27:58 *** D-HUND has joined #openttd 03:28:56 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 03:31:10 *** debdog has quit IRC 03:33:54 *** Speedy` has joined #openttd 03:47:22 *** glx has quit IRC 03:59:54 *** Wormnest has quit IRC 04:00:10 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 04:00:58 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 04:24:24 *** adikt_ has quit IRC 04:32:41 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 04:34:58 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 05:05:11 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 05:06:58 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 05:27:22 *** snail_UES_ has quit IRC 05:29:39 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd 05:37:12 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 05:38:51 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 06:09:04 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 06:10:59 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 06:21:49 *** Wormnest has quit IRC 06:41:13 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 06:42:17 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 07:12:30 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 07:12:56 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 07:43:14 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 07:45:01 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 08:15:15 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 08:17:02 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 08:22:08 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd 08:22:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai|noir 08:29:04 *** tokai has quit IRC 08:47:15 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 08:49:02 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 08:52:46 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 08:53:00 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 09:19:16 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 09:21:05 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 09:24:21 *** Samu has joined #openttd 09:27:37 *** Samu has quit IRC 09:51:16 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 09:53:04 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 10:23:17 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 10:25:05 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 10:34:26 *** lastmikoi has quit IRC 10:55:17 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 10:57:05 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 11:19:40 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 11:19:59 <andythenorth> interesting post https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=86377 11:27:18 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 11:29:06 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 11:29:45 <argoneus> what vehicle set do you recommend with firs 3? 11:30:42 <andythenorth> trains or other types? 11:40:31 <argoneus> hmm, all 11:40:35 <argoneus> I like using everything 11:40:46 <argoneus> but I guess primarily trains and rv\ 11:44:43 <andythenorth> I use AV9.8 for planes 11:44:57 <andythenorth> I use Road Hog for RVs, and I used to use eGRVTS 11:45:13 <andythenorth> trains Iron Horse 2, or NARS 2, or UKRS 2 11:45:24 <argoneus> thank you! 11:45:32 <andythenorth> I am biased :P 11:46:08 <argoneus> well 11:46:14 <argoneus> at least iron horse is probably always gonna be fully compatible 11:46:22 <andythenorth> ish 11:59:18 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 12:01:05 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 12:12:15 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 12:15:40 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 12:27:54 *** Arveen has joined #openttd 12:31:19 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 12:33:06 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 12:43:50 *** lastmikoi has joined #openttd 13:03:19 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 13:05:02 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 13:21:25 *** Samu has joined #openttd 13:23:10 *** snail_UES_ has joined #openttd 13:34:09 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 13:36:01 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 13:42:05 *** snail_UES_ has quit IRC 13:45:12 <Sacro> no dbsetxl? 13:47:28 <peter1138> 685 after lunch, hmm. 13:49:48 <peter1138> Hmm, that's only slight more than my cycle commute in. 14:15:14 *** Flygon has quit IRC 15:04:53 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 15:21:20 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/nml] glx22 updated pull request #66: Add: allow use of switches and random switches as procedures https://git.io/JePq0 15:24:39 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 15:27:11 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 15:27:18 *** glx has joined #openttd 15:27:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx 15:46:00 *** Darkvater has quit IRC 15:49:26 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/nml] glx22 updated pull request #66: Add: allow use of switches and random switches as procedures https://git.io/JePq0 15:52:26 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd 16:16:20 *** tokai has joined #openttd 16:16:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai 16:23:23 *** tokai|noir has quit IRC 16:47:14 <planetmaker> hm... 1.10 < 1.9 on our server website: http://servers.openttd.org/en/ 16:47:54 <glx> not surprising 16:48:56 <planetmaker> @ports 16:48:56 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication, UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound), and TCP port 3978 for content service, a.k.a. BaNaNaS (outbound) 16:50:44 <planetmaker> not surprising. But not ideal either 16:50:58 <planetmaker> (still referring to 1.10 < 1.9 17:06:55 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 17:19:28 *** arikover has joined #openttd 17:26:10 <LordAro> does anyone know how to update servers.ottd.org ? 17:26:20 <LordAro> it's not on the new infrastructure afaik 17:27:33 *** gelignite has joined #openttd 17:28:22 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/nml] glx22 updated pull request #66: Add: allow use of switches and random switches as procedures https://git.io/JePq0 17:30:44 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 17:32:49 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 17:36:15 <Eddi|zuHause> ... that PR seems to have escalated :p 17:36:48 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/nml] glx22 updated pull request #66: Add: allow use of switches and random switches as procedures https://git.io/JePq0 17:36:50 <glx> just a little 17:37:47 <Eddi|zuHause> probably the reason my attempts went nowhere. needed touching in too many places 17:39:33 <glx> yeah the hard part is to find where to add the small changes 17:39:37 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd 17:42:20 *** Progman has joined #openttd 17:42:37 *** Thedarkb-X40 has quit IRC 17:42:57 <glx> "Because callback results are limited to 15 bits, to access the full 32 bit result you can read variable 1C instead (e.g. by and-ing the 7E result with 0 and then adding var. 1C)." <-- maybe we'll need to update the code to transform 7E into 1C 17:43:42 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but that should just be the code generation part, right? 17:44:07 <glx> for now the nfo uses 7E directly in all calculation (well sometimes via temp param) 17:44:14 *** Darkvater has joined #openttd 17:44:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Darkvater 17:44:15 <Eddi|zuHause> just follow the 7E by a 1C 17:45:09 <Eddi|zuHause> as if you were to write [var[0x7E, blah], var[1C, blah]] in the nml code 17:45:49 <Eddi|zuHause> i would imagine there are places where such things are already done, but i couldn't point out where... 17:51:57 <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, i always approached it like "i can just tuck on the 1C part at the backend, when everything else in the frontend works properly" 18:09:11 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd 18:44:27 <FLHerne> Trying to understand how the NFO-generating stuff is laid out 18:44:45 <FLHerne> Why is `write_action_value()`, say, in actionD.py? 18:45:16 <FLHerne> It /can/ create an actionD, but most of the time it creates an action6 or nothing at all 18:45:55 <FLHerne> Well, extends the action6 that's passed into it 18:46:59 *** supermop_work_ has joined #openttd 18:48:09 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/nml] glx22 updated pull request #66: Add: allow use of switches and random switches as procedures https://git.io/JePq0 18:53:15 <glx> I think it does what it's expected to do 19:07:57 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 19:36:36 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 19:42:20 *** Progman has quit IRC 20:14:48 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 20:31:35 *** arikover has quit IRC 21:01:37 <andythenorth> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_Lt6gQtfyU 21:06:59 *** gelignite has quit IRC 21:07:52 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] stormcone opened pull request #7844: Fix: Do not refer to a function in the documentation that was removed… https://git.io/JePrL 21:18:32 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 21:21:56 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #7844: Fix: Do not refer to a function in the documentation that was removed… https://git.io/JePrW 21:27:43 <andythenorth> new modes then? 21:27:54 <andythenorth> classic, new classic, sandbox 21:30:33 <LordAro> i like the idea 21:46:09 <andythenorth> essay version: https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=86324#p1227035 21:51:31 <milek7> new classic? 21:52:31 <LordAro> TTDish defaults vs better defaults, i think 21:52:34 <andythenorth> 'improved' 21:52:35 * LordAro reads 21:52:36 *** nielsm has quit IRC 21:52:46 <andythenorth> but there's always the risk of New Coke if we get it wrong :P 21:53:45 <andythenorth> it wouldn't be a 100% rework, my intent would only to be adjust the few things that really suck 21:53:54 <andythenorth> so more like a 10% rework :P 21:59:05 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] planetmaker merged pull request #7844: Fix: Do not refer to a function in the documentation that was removed… https://git.io/JePrL 22:10:17 *** stormcone has joined #openttd 22:11:30 <stormcone> hi, is there an easy way to draw a string with a specific color, so ignoring the color codes it has? 22:13:40 <planetmaker> try {RAW_STRING} 22:13:52 <stormcone> i have looked at drawString which has a colour argument, which default value is TC_FROMSTRING, so i assumed if i specifying a given colour that it will use it instead the colour codes the string has, but that not the case 22:13:56 <planetmaker> but... colour codes are there for a reason... so make a new string, if you need it w/o colour 22:15:12 <planetmaker> but quite some time ago I wondered about the same you asked... and whether there shouldn't be a way to draw it w/o the defined colour(s) 22:15:23 <stormcone> i would like to implement James idea from #7843, to grey out a line 22:16:16 <stormcone> so i would't like to duplicate all of the string needed for this if must not have 22:16:40 <planetmaker> duplicating every string is like a bad idea, yes :) 22:17:44 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 22:17:45 <stormcone> so is there any other easy mode? :) 22:18:46 <planetmaker> I'm not familiar enough with the string system... but I recon, there is... and I'd dig where you just started as well: trying to find the use cases of TC_FROMSTRING and where it's not used 22:19:53 <planetmaker> and if not: make changes so that TC_FROMSTRING is not the only option :) 22:20:24 <planetmaker> there... must be something like that. E.g. the newgrf lists etc 22:20:43 <planetmaker> all selection lists have a highlight function 22:20:58 <glx> stormcone: why not just draw a line on the string to show it's "not there" ? 22:21:39 <planetmaker> arguably greyed-out is the more conventional way 22:21:54 <glx> list don't have colors in the strings IIRC 22:22:32 <glx> the color is added via another string 22:22:43 <planetmaker> ah, yes. 22:22:52 <planetmaker> I think you're right 22:23:35 <stormcone> the industry directory window's list is not a 'list', its just a panel where the rows drawed line by line 22:24:01 <glx> I know, I rewrited it recently ;) 22:25:56 <stormcone> i know :P 22:32:12 <stormcone> planetmaker: i will look at the highlight code, maybe i find something useful :) 22:32:34 *** supermop_work_ has quit IRC 22:32:42 <glx> maybe a {IGNORE_COLOR_CHANGES_AFTER_ME} would help 22:37:49 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/nml] glx22 updated pull request #66: Add: allow use of switches and random switches as procedures https://git.io/JePq0 22:38:44 <stormcone> in the newgrf window, the newgrf strings don't contains color codes, so the draw string colour argument is used to colour the string 22:39:03 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe greyed-out should be a colour remap? 22:39:17 <Eddi|zuHause> so non-black colours could be shaded? 22:39:38 <planetmaker> hm, interesting aproach. I like it 22:40:13 <stormcone> it not sounds as an easy mode, to be honest :) 22:40:14 <glx> like the crash recolor 22:40:47 <stormcone> but the string i would like to use also contains black parts, so those would'nt be greyed out i think 22:42:36 <stormcone> maybe a function that removes the colour codes would be useful, in that way i could use the drawString as it is now 22:43:21 <Eddi|zuHause> stormcone: "remove all colour" would also be possible with a remap 22:43:28 <glx> you could add a forced_color parameter to DrawString() 22:43:54 <Eddi|zuHause> basically, map all colours to the same colour 22:44:55 <stormcone> i tried to find out where the colors applied, but it looks a little bit complicated for me :( 22:45:01 <Eddi|zuHause> and it's not a new concept, we use colour remaps all over the place... company colours, tile highlights, ... 22:45:02 <glx> but indeed passing a color mapping as parameter seems good 22:46:33 <Eddi|zuHause> latest addition was iirc the black area around the map, which was previously a flat black sprite, but with more height levels we needed sloped versions of that black sprite 22:46:51 <Eddi|zuHause> so we now just paint the regular ground sprite, but apply a black remap 22:50:07 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC 22:52:03 <glx> color remap can be handled in FontState::SetColour() 22:55:21 <stormcone> i saw that the layouter uses the fontState, but the drawLayoutLine uses the FontCache and currently i don't know how they connect to each other 22:59:37 <glx> I think it's easy to block color changes in FontState 23:00:40 <stormcone> but i have some progress with the colour remap 23:09:28 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC 23:24:56 <glx> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/pp4ix9vrb <-- all the industry directory strings drawn in green 23:25:32 <glx> so yeah a fixed color is easy to do 23:27:07 <glx> of course colour remap seems more usable 23:31:23 *** Samu has quit IRC 23:38:50 <stormcone> i have this for the recolour map: https://paste.openttdcoop.org/prnydcyz9 23:40:17 <stormcone> but actually i would like to know where the replacement happens from the drawString colour argument to the string's colour code 23:42:33 <stormcone> i better like your method because that uses the drawString colour argument, which is already there :) 23:42:57 <glx> the color change happens in FontState::SetColour() called for GetLayouter() 23:46:18 <stormcone> i mean where the 'colour argument' of the drawString is replaced by the color code of the string 23:47:45 <glx> in GetLayouter(), (gfx_layout.cpp:625) } else if (c >= SCC_BLUE && c <= SCC_BLACK) { 23:48:04 <glx> SCC_* are control codes in strings 23:48:41 <glx> and if it's a color code then SetColour() is called 23:49:55 <glx> in color from draw string is used to initialise FontState 23:50:56 <glx> in Layouter::Layouter() (same file, line 667) 23:52:04 <stormcone> hmm, so the fixed_color check also could be on gfx_layout.cpp:625 23:53:23 <glx> but doing it in SetColour() takes care of push/pop too 23:53:44 <stormcone> i see 23:55:15 <stormcone> and its not a good idea to change the orders of TextColor's enum elements :) 23:55:25 <stormcone> as i see there :D 23:56:09 <glx> unless you also change SCC_ colors order too 23:56:20 <stormcone> yes 23:56:25 <glx> but that's probably not a good idea 23:56:34 <glx> as newgrf can use them 23:57:37 <stormcone> tricky solution that math there :) 23:58:41 <glx> but once in SetColour() you can do whatever you want, even pick a color from the palette 23:59:26 <stormcone> so could you please make a PR with your code? :) 23:59:56 <glx> hmm looking in the code I can see my changes won't work for TC_BLUE