Log for #openttd on 1st August 2024:
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06:07:18  *** Extrems` is now known as Extrems
22:49:41  *** XYZ has joined #openttd
22:56:39  <peter1139> andythenorth, looks like FIRS5 uses the animation frame value as a timer, so a different values can point to the same graphics.
22:57:25  <peter1139> It would be better to have 1 animation frame for each different frame, and then change the animation frame as necessary.
22:57:36  <peter1139> But orchestrating that might be more work for you.
22:58:05  <peter1139> The changes I did assume that different animation frame value = different graphics.
23:00:06  <audigex> tony_pixel: What about if we want the whole MU to be flippable, though? 🙂
23:08:06  <tony_pixel> I was speaking about the hack
23:08:17  <tony_pixel> Ofc it would be different in game code

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