Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 17th April 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:06:06  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
00:06:22  <Stablean> *** Archangels has left the game (connection lost)
00:10:26  <Ammler> good night all
00:10:30  <Stablean> <Kodak> gn
00:10:30  <Ammler> !players
00:10:33  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 289 (Red) is Kodak, in company 5 (Idiotic Transport BV)
00:10:44  <Ammler> !screen
00:10:46  <Stablean> *** Ammler made screenshot at 00028EBB:
00:16:31  <Stablean> *** Avenger joined the game
00:18:54  <Stablean> *** Avenger has left the game (leaving)
00:27:02  <Stablean> *** Kodak has joined spectators
00:27:04  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
00:33:58  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
00:34:00  <Stablean> *** L.Jacob joined the game
00:35:16  <Stablean> <L.Jacob> What's up
00:36:22  <Stablean> *** L.Jacob has left the game (leaving)
00:36:22  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
00:36:37  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
03:04:28  <Stablean> *** queensberria joined the game
03:06:01  <Stablean> *** queensberria has left the game (leaving)
03:08:05  <Stablean> *** Athlon1800 joined the game
03:08:57  <Stablean> *** Athlon1800 has left the game (connection lost)
03:35:59  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
03:36:02  <Stablean> *** Ruann joined the game
03:38:57  <Stablean> *** Ruann has left the game (leaving)
03:38:57  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
04:18:32  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
04:18:34  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
04:18:34  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
04:21:35  <Stablean> *** Night joined the game
04:22:11  <Stablean> <Player> alguem do braszil aki????
04:22:25  <Stablean> <Player> brazilian
04:22:29  <Stablean> <Player> ?????
04:22:56  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
04:25:17  <Stablean> *** Night has left the game (leaving)
05:25:51  <Stablean> *** Matt joined the game
05:28:15  <Stablean> *** Matt has left the game (connection lost)
05:44:24  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable
05:44:24  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
06:17:58  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
06:17:58  <Stablean> *** au joined the game
06:18:40  <Stablean> *** au has left the game (connection lost)
06:18:40  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
06:27:09  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
06:27:35  *** ODM has quit IRC
06:55:04  *** Seberoth_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
07:02:04  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
07:02:06  <Stablean> *** Metz joined the game
07:02:48  *** Seberoth has quit IRC
07:04:01  <Stablean> *** Metz has left the game (leaving)
07:04:01  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
07:24:32  <Stablean> *** Kodak has left the game (connection lost)
08:41:06  <Stablean> *** Zackiz joined the game
08:41:34  <Stablean> *** Zackiz has left the game (leaving)
08:45:49  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
08:45:53  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
08:45:53  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
08:47:48  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
09:14:45  *** Seberoth_ has quit IRC
09:16:52  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:16:54  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
09:16:54  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:17:12  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#15)
09:17:12  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:19:43  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
09:19:43  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:19:47  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#1)
09:19:47  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:20:45  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
09:20:45  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:28:22  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:28:24  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
09:28:24  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:28:30  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#13)
09:28:30  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:28:45  <Stablean> <Player> DOES ANYBODY IS ON THE CHATING?
09:29:02  <Stablean> <Player> Shet!
09:29:51  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
09:29:51  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:29:55  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#15)
09:29:55  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:30:41  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
09:30:43  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:30:52  <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #15
09:30:52  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:31:02  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
09:31:02  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:31:06  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#1)
09:31:06  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:31:22  *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:33:03  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
09:33:04  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:33:04  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#12)
09:33:04  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
09:33:09  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
09:33:10  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:41:53  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
09:49:13  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
09:49:49  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
10:04:14  <Stablean> *** Paisley joined the game
10:05:17  <Stablean> *** Paisley has left the game (connection lost)
10:06:08  <Stablean> *** Paisley joined the game
10:07:23  <Stablean> *** Paisley has left the game (connection lost)
10:41:28  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
10:41:29  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20
10:53:40  *** xpac has joined #openttdcoop.stable
10:54:51  <Stablean> *** Rusty joined the game
10:55:30  <Stablean> *** Rusty has left the game (leaving)
11:00:47  <Ammler> !date
11:00:47  <Stablean> Ammler: 17 Apr 1994
11:00:50  <Ammler> !url
11:00:50  <Stablean> Ammler:
11:00:56  <Ammler> !players
11:00:58  <Stablean> Ammler: There are currently no clients connected to the server
11:01:08  <Ammler> !screen
11:01:10  <Stablean> *** Ammler made screenshot at 00006A2B:
11:02:14  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
11:02:15  <Stablean> *** Amm1er joined the game
11:04:27  <Stablean> *** Kodak joined the game
11:06:35  <Stablean> <Kodak> huh
11:06:42  <Stablean> <Kodak> Vågvoll isn't growing at all
11:06:53  <Stablean> <Kodak> i built that line in 90 or 91
11:07:17  <Stablean> <Kodak> the article says a line like this will "make the town grow rapidly"
11:07:31  <Stablean> <Kodak> it had even lost inhabitants
11:07:38  <Stablean> <Kodak> has*
11:08:52  <Stablean> <Amm1er> hmm
11:10:34  <Stablean> <Kodak> hmm indeed
11:12:20  <Stablean> <Amm1er> maybe because you didn't catch the centre
11:12:32  <Stablean> <Kodak> maybe
11:12:48  <Stablean> *** Kodak has joined company #5
11:15:10  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
11:25:07  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
11:25:09  <Stablean> <V453000> ellow
11:27:03  <Stablean> <V453000> just try to fund some buildings
11:27:09  <Stablean> <V453000> and buses in the centre are important
11:27:13  <Stablean> <V453000> for faster growth
11:27:35  <Stablean> <V453000> somehow trains != buses for city growth
11:31:40  <Stablean> <Amm1er> seems so
11:32:05  <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
11:32:12  <V453000> for sure :)
11:32:35  <V453000> also growing so small cities requires a) truly endless patience in the beginning  or b) funding buildings
11:33:01  <V453000> but buses +funding work wonders ... still have to be patient though :)
11:34:22  <Rubidium> and start with a town that has "city" in the title bar of the town window, otherwise you're basically doomed anyway
11:38:23  <Stablean> <Kodak> yeah, then that OTTD wiki page "Town" is wrong
11:38:35  <Stablean> <Kodak> it says a line like this will make the town grow rapidly
11:39:01  <Rubidium> non-cities grow, but they grow significantly slower than cities
11:39:28  <Stablean> <Kodak> :o
11:39:37  <Rubidium> providing lots of service makes all (towns and cities) grow more rapidly than their counterparts without servicing
11:39:44  <Stablean> <Kodak> where does it say City?
11:39:59  <Rubidium> in the "town window"'s caption
11:40:24  <Stablean> <Kodak> Ah
11:40:26  <Stablean> <Kodak> right!
11:40:32  <Stablean> <Kodak> (City)
11:40:42  <Stablean> <Kodak> but isn't that something that a town can get appended after time?
11:40:48  <Stablean> <Kodak> as it grows
11:40:51  <Ammler> no
11:41:05  <Ammler> but me thinks, that behaviour changed...
11:41:13  <Stablean> <Kodak> where
11:41:30  <Ammler> in the last openttd versions
11:41:39  <Ammler> we grow quite easy towns in past
11:41:46  <Stablean> <Kodak> hmm
11:45:07  <Stablean> <Kodak> i just checked a bunch of towns
11:45:22  <Stablean> <Kodak> and it seems they start getting (City) aound 500-600 inhabitants
11:45:37  <Stablean> <Kodak> don't know if a town that doesn't have (City) can get it though
11:45:51  <Ammler> [13:40] <Ammler> no :-)
11:45:53  <Stablean> <Kodak> just by growing
11:46:01  <Stablean> <Kodak> oh, you're sure?
11:46:13  <Ammler> town can become bigger than cities
11:46:26  <Stablean> <Kodak> huh
11:46:39  <Ammler> that is just the initial size
11:46:46  <Stablean> <Kodak> yes
11:46:48  <Ammler> and as it seems the growing behvior
11:48:16  <Stablean> <Kodak> i just checked all the biggest towns
11:48:22  <Stablean> <Kodak> and they all had Name (City)
11:48:32  <Stablean> <Kodak> and somehow i doubt all of those started out as Name (City)
11:49:05  <Stablean> <Kodak> at least one must have been just Name before?
11:49:23  <Stablean> *** CJ joined the game
11:52:46  <Stablean> *** CJ has left the game (leaving)
11:59:29  <Stablean> <Amm1er> check Jørpeland
11:59:45  <Stablean> <Amm1er> city with 35 habitants
12:15:30  <Stablean> <Kodak> lool
12:15:36  <Stablean> <Kodak> did you demolish the whole town? xD
12:16:11  <Stablean> <Amm1er> do you belive me now?
12:16:29  <Stablean> <Kodak> believe what
12:16:53  <Stablean> <Amm1er> that towns/city don't change label depending on the habitants...
12:18:10  <Stablean> <Kodak> not really
12:33:21  <Stablean> *** Amm1er has left the game (leaving)
12:59:48  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
13:03:02  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#12)
13:05:21  <Stablean> *** Absolutis joined the game
13:06:10  <Stablean> *** Absolutis has left the game (leaving)
13:08:57  <Stablean> <Kodak> vågvoll now has 0 inhabitants
13:09:07  <Stablean> <Kodak> gonna make it a few thousand in a few minutes :P
13:09:50  <Ammler> ok, how?
13:10:19  <Stablean> <Kodak> funding new buildings, all of them gonna be office blocks and big buildings :P
13:10:21  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
13:41:13  <Stablean> *** MeKyle joined the game
13:45:10  <Stablean> *** MeKyle has left the game (leaving)
13:52:20  <Stablean> *** Kodak has left the game (connection lost)
13:52:20  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
14:00:20  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
14:00:21  <Stablean> *** Kodak joined the game
14:10:13  *** Seberoth_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:10:45  *** Seberoth has quit IRC
14:12:36  <Stablean> *** Kodak has left the game (connection lost)
14:12:36  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
14:13:14  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
14:13:14  <Stablean> *** Kodak joined the game
14:37:03  *** Seberoth_ has quit IRC
14:38:35  <Stablean> *** VictorOfSweden joined the game
14:38:52  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:38:52  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
14:44:26  <Stablean> *** Theun has left the game (connection lost)
14:44:55  <Stablean> *** Theun has left the game (connection lost)
14:45:27  <Stablean> *** Theun has left the game (connection lost)
14:45:52  <Stablean> *** Theun has left the game (connection lost)
14:46:05  <Stablean> *** Theun has left the game (connection lost)
14:48:45  <Rubidium> Theun has failed guessing the password
15:03:12  <Stablean> *** Hoobler joined the game
15:04:14  <Stablean> *** Hoobler has left the game (leaving)
15:04:40  <planetmaker> !players
15:04:41  <Stablean> *** planetm4ker joined the game
15:04:42  <Stablean> planetmaker: Client 364 (Red) is Kodak, in company 5 (Idiotic Transport BV)
15:04:42  <Stablean> planetmaker: Client 366 (Dark Blue) is VictorOfSweden, in company 9 (VictorOfSweden Transport)
15:04:42  <Stablean> planetmaker: Client 380 is planetm4ker, a spectator
15:04:50  <planetmaker> !playercount
15:04:50  <Stablean> planetmaker: Number of players: 6
15:04:57  <planetmaker> !companies
15:05:00  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 1 (White): Adams & Co.
15:05:00  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 2 (Yellow): oFF. Transport
15:05:00  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 3 (Green): dwarf Transport
15:05:00  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 4 (Dark Green): tokimi Transport
15:05:00  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 5 (Red): Idiotic Transport BV
15:05:01  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 6 (Brown): Player Transport
15:05:01  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 7 (Grey): Player #3 Transport
15:05:03  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 8 (Orange): oal Transport
15:05:03  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 9 (Dark Blue): VictorOfSweden Transport
15:05:05  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 10 (Purple): ev0l Transport
15:05:05  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 11 (Pale Green): townlink uk
15:05:07  <Stablean> planetmaker: Company 14 (Pink): Wanted Transport
15:05:20  <planetmaker> !rcon companies
15:05:20  <Stablean> planetmaker: #:1(White) Company Name: 'Adams & Co.'  Year Founded: 1994  Money: 281426  Loan: 100000  Value: 194959  (T:0, R:0, P:1, S:0) protected
15:05:20  <Stablean> planetmaker: #:2(Yellow) Company Name: 'oFF. Transport'  Year Founded: 1950  Money: 158446184  Loan: 0  Value: 158756984  (T:42, R:70, P:0, S:0) protected
15:05:20  <Stablean> planetmaker: #:3(Green) Company Name: 'dwarf Transport'  Year Founded: 1953  Money: 87590296  Loan: 0  Value: 87737570  (T:22, R:0, P:0, S:0) protected
15:05:20  <Stablean> planetmaker: #:4(Dark Green) Company Name: 'tokimi Transport'  Year Founded: 1953  Money: 32953988  Loan: 0  Value: 33263811  (T:24, R:69, P:8, S:0) protected
15:05:20  <Stablean> planetmaker: #:5(Red) Company Name: 'Idiotic Transport BV'  Year Founded: 1961  Money: 250924965  Loan: 0  Value: 252025552  (T:155, R:21, P:0, S:0) protected
15:05:21  <Stablean> planetmaker: you have 7 more messages
15:06:03  <planetmaker> !rcon move 380 2
15:06:03  <Stablean> planetmaker: *** planetm4ker has joined company #2
15:11:35  <ODM> Rubidium, i told him the password, but it seems it has changed
15:13:05  <Stablean> *** VictorOfSweden has left the game (connection lost)
15:13:06  <Ammler> from idotic?
15:13:10  <ODM> yes
15:13:12  <Ammler> yes, I changed that :-)
15:13:18  <Ammler> coop
15:13:27  <ODM> euh?
15:13:32  <Ammler> sorry :-P
15:13:34  <ODM> why?:P
15:14:08  <Ammler> so Kodak was able to join a company
15:14:15  <ODM> aah okey
15:14:19  <Ammler> we made some experiments
15:14:32  <Stablean> *** 0DM joined the game
15:14:44  <Stablean> <0DM> ellow kodak
15:15:08  <Ammler> odm, you can simply move to a company and set a pw
15:15:27  <Stablean> <0DM> heh sneaky:P
15:15:40  <Ammler> !players
15:15:42  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 364 (Red) is Kodak, in company 5 (Idiotic Transport BV)
15:15:42  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 384 (Red) is 0DM, in company 5 (Idiotic Transport BV)
15:15:42  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 380 (Yellow) is planetm4ker, in company 2 (oFF. Transport)
15:16:04  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> what kind of company is "townlink uk"
15:16:29  <Ammler> planetmaker: is that the one which has parts of network removed?
15:16:33  <Stablean> <0DM> 75 trains, mostly pax
15:16:40  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> Ammler: yes
15:16:46  <Stablean> <0DM> yeah thats the missing one, was there yesterday aswell
15:16:50  <Stablean> <0DM> but no idea what happened
15:16:51  <Ammler> no idea, that was already as I joined
15:17:02  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> too many disasters which destroyed it?
15:17:10  <Ammler> don't think so
15:17:12  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> ufo bombings, unattended?
15:17:22  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> doesn't explain single tiles
15:17:36  <Stablean> <0DM> no it was fine earlier, after disasters were off
15:17:46  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> but still wanted transport needs to go. It bought terrain immediately adjacent to its station
15:18:01  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> which is a classical blocking
15:18:09  <Stablean> <0DM> where at?
15:18:10  <Ammler> planetmaker: I wouldn't care without request
15:18:11  <planetmaker> !screen
15:18:13  <Stablean> *** planetmaker made screenshot at 00005E68:
15:18:24  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> It's not a request
15:18:32  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> It's something I just saw :-)
15:18:40  <Stablean> *** 0DM has left the game (connection lost)
15:18:50  <planetmaker> ^^ There, ODM
15:18:52  <Stablean> *** Kodak has left the game (connection lost)
15:18:54  <Ammler> I mean, I wouldn't reset the company anymore...
15:19:04  <Ammler> doesn't matter, does it?
15:19:14  <Stablean> *** 0DM joined the game
15:19:27  <planetmaker> screenshot, ODM :-)
15:19:45  <ODM> the statues are bought land?
15:19:47  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> at Drobugen heights
15:20:01  <Stablean> <planetm4ker> it's not visible... buildings in front
15:20:07  <Stablean> <0DM> ah there
15:20:13  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
15:20:42  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#13)
15:23:12  <Stablean> *** planetm4ker has left the game (leaving)
15:23:42  <Stablean> <0DM> so how often is the map reset?
15:24:36  *** xpac has quit IRC
15:29:06  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
15:34:06  <Stablean> <0DM> kodak did nice:)
15:34:20  <Stablean> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving)
15:34:20  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
15:37:06  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
15:37:08  <Stablean> *** VictorOfSweden joined the game
15:52:06  <Stablean> *** VictorOfSweden has left the game (leaving)
15:52:08  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
16:02:56  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
16:02:57  <Stablean> *** Nicto joined the game
16:03:10  <Stablean> *** Nicto has left the game (leaving)
16:03:10  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
16:19:30  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
16:19:31  <Stablean> *** Theun joined the game
16:35:40  <Ammler> !players
16:35:42  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 394 (Red) is Theun, in company 5 (Idiotic Transport BV)
17:08:11  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
17:09:09  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#13)
17:09:43  <Stablean> *** Amm1er joined the game
17:10:13  <Stablean> <Amm1er> Hello Theun
17:10:31  <Stablean> <Amm1er> Sorry for the overtaking :-)
17:10:43  <ODM> heh
17:11:35  <Stablean> <Amm1er> hmm, it lags
17:11:45  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
17:11:58  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#12)
17:12:23  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
17:12:27  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
17:20:13  <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (leaving)
17:26:29  <Stablean> *** 0DM joined the game
17:26:47  <Stablean> <0DM> ohno ammler you burglar:p
17:27:09  <Stablean> <Amm1er> I fixed your mess :-P
17:27:21  <Stablean> <0DM> hehe liar:p
17:27:35  <Stablean> <Amm1er> yeah, was already quite decent network
17:28:36  <ODM> !rcon kick 394
17:28:36  <Stablean> ODM: *** Theun has left the game (kicked by server)
17:28:37  <Stablean> ODM: *** Theun has left the game (connection lost)
17:28:39  <ODM> slacker:P
17:28:48  <Stablean> <Amm1er> he?
17:28:55  <Stablean> <0DM> he's not here^^
17:29:11  <Stablean> <Amm1er> how you know?
17:29:18  <Stablean> <0DM> he's an rl mate
17:29:24  <Stablean> <0DM> which is why we started the company:p
17:29:58  <Stablean> <Amm1er> ok :-)
17:30:57  <Stablean> <0DM> anyway i think a map restart sometime couldnt hurt
17:31:11  <Stablean> <Amm1er> true
17:31:26  <Stablean> <Amm1er> oh, nobody online anymore
17:31:48  <Stablean> <0DM> yup:p
17:38:02  <Stablean> <Amm1er> oh :-(
17:38:08  <Stablean> <0DM> loiol
17:39:00  <Stablean> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving)
17:48:10  <Stablean> *** Amm1er has left the game (connection lost)
17:48:10  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
18:02:50  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
18:02:52  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
18:02:52  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
18:03:50  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#12)
18:03:50  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
18:04:18  <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to D. Borer
18:05:35  <Stablean> *** D. Borer has left the game (leaving)
18:05:37  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
18:16:18  <Stablean> *** DrunkzillaCZ has left the game (connection lost)
18:16:34  <Stablean> *** DrunkzillaCZ has left the game (connection lost)
18:23:56  *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
18:42:44  <Ammler> !rcon save arctic_final
18:42:46  <Stablean> Ammler: Saving map...
18:42:46  <Stablean> Ammler: Map successfully saved to arctic_final.sav
18:42:56  <Ammler> !rcon newgame
18:43:00  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
18:45:38  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
18:46:43  <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to Jackson
18:47:00  <ODM> your saving these?^^
18:47:36  <Stablean> <Jackson> are u going to unpause?
18:48:00  <KenjiE20>  *** Game paused (not enough players)
18:48:02  <Stablean> *** Jackson has started a new company (#3)
18:48:02  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
18:58:45  <Stablean> *** Jackson has left the game (leaving)
18:58:46  <Stablean> *** Game paused (not enough players)
19:39:32  *** tneo has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:39:32  *** Webster sets mode: +o tneo
19:41:48  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
19:43:27  *** Seberoth_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:45:25  <Stablean> *** Muxy joined the game
19:46:01  <Stablean> *** Muxy has started a new company (#1)
19:46:01  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
19:50:37  *** Seberoth_ has quit IRC
19:50:37  *** Seberoth_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:51:00  *** Seberoth has quit IRC
20:04:44  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
20:05:41  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
20:06:36  <Stablean> *** <2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ joined the game
20:06:54  <Stablean> *** John Smith has left the game (leaving)
20:06:54  <Stablean> *** John Smith joined the game
20:10:34  <Stablean> *** ARE4 joined the game
20:17:58  <Stablean> *** LookAss joined the game
20:18:02  <Stablean> *** LookAss has left the game (connection lost)
20:33:18  <Stablean> *** SkyBrutus joined the game
20:41:20  <Stablean> *** UTK joined the game
20:44:52  <ODM> what kind of map is it?
20:45:02  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> desert?
20:46:08  <Stablean> *** SkyBrutus has left the game (leaving)
20:48:10  <ODM> k
20:51:23  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
20:52:03  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
20:53:11  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
20:53:19  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#6)
20:56:55  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has joined spectators
20:57:53  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has started a new company (#8)
21:01:47  <Stablean> *** UTK has left the game (leaving)
21:06:53  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has joined spectators
21:08:07  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has left the game (leaving)
21:11:16  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has joined spectators
21:11:52  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has left the game (leaving)
21:12:22  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has joined spectators
21:12:59  <Stablean> <Player #2> Mannon"new-name"
21:13:05  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has joined company #6
21:13:29  <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game
21:13:45  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has left the game (leaving)
21:18:44  <Stablean> *** VictorOfSweden joined the game
21:20:04  <Stablean> *** VictorOfSweden has left the game (leaving)
21:23:04  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has joined company #6
21:23:15  <Stablean> *** BrainSICKLY joined the game
21:24:06  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has joined company #2
21:24:26  <Stablean> *** BrainSICKLY has left the game (connection lost)
21:25:35  <Stablean> <ARE4> :D
21:25:51  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> ? :)
21:29:09  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has joined company #8
21:31:50  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (leaving)
21:31:52  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has joined company #2
21:33:34  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has joined company #6
21:34:30  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has joined spectators
21:34:50  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has changed his/her name to Adam
21:34:56  <Stablean> *** Adam has started a new company (#9)
21:36:24  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has joined company #2
21:37:07  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has joined company #7
21:37:21  <Stablean> *** Peter S. has left the game (connection lost)
21:37:30  <Stablean> *** Peter S. joined the game
21:37:47  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> youre stealin people's money ARE4? :)
21:38:31  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has joined company #2
21:38:35  <Stablean> <Adam> Thsi a dedicated server?
21:38:47  <Stablean> <ARE4> how i can do that>?
21:38:51  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> no no, youre, just spending it for nothing...
21:39:14  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> ARE joined company n. 6 :)
21:39:23  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> ARE joined company n.2
21:39:32  <Stablean> <ARE4> ye
21:39:34  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> AERE joinden company n. 564354
21:39:38  <Stablean> <ARE4> but how i can get moneys?
21:39:42  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> heh...
21:40:16  <Stablean> <Adam> Treble; is this a dedicated server?
21:40:22  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> no sure...
21:40:26  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> probab. yea
21:40:42  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> did you get my present are?
21:41:00  <Stablean> <ARE4> ?
21:41:21  <Stablean> <ARE4> ooh
21:41:25  <Stablean> <ARE4> thnx :D
21:41:41  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> you can clear some trees, or etc...
21:41:42  <Stablean> <ARE4> how can you do that
21:41:51  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> im magician
21:42:45  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
21:42:47  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> oh yeah, clear all trees there
21:42:49  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> nice
21:43:05  <Stablean> *** ARE4 has left the game (leaving)
21:43:22  <Stablean> <Adam> What a douche
21:43:43  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> yea yea, just a king kid
21:44:13  <Stablean> <Adam> Whats the subsidy multiplier?
21:44:19  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
21:44:19  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> do you know my passw. are?
21:44:24  <Stablean> <Adam> No
21:44:46  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> :)
21:45:00  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> go to setting
21:45:14  <Stablean> <Adam> x3! Nice
21:45:16  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> 3x i gess
21:45:24  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> i have to go...
21:45:31  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> you wana some money?
21:45:37  <Stablean> <Adam> Would be nice
21:45:41  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> or my company?
21:45:51  <Stablean> <Adam> Haha, I'll take the company :)
21:46:49  <Stablean> <Adam> ok, thanks
21:46:59  <Stablean> *** Peter S. has left the game (connection lost)
21:47:11  <Stablean> *** Theun joined the game
21:50:17  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> im leavin...
21:50:23  <Stablean> <<2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ> so cya guys
21:50:25  <Stablean> <Adam> Cya
21:51:22  <Stablean> *** Peter S. joined the game
21:52:07  <Stablean> *** <2fast4ya> tREBLE CZ has left the game (leaving)
21:52:16  <Stablean> <Peter S.> what haooened to my company?
21:52:23  <Stablean> <Adam> It just got shut
21:52:48  <Stablean> *** Adam has joined company #3
21:53:04  <Stablean> <Peter S.> ok... is this the hard level?
21:54:46  <Stablean> *** Adam has joined company #9
21:58:50  <Stablean> *** ~roxrox joined the game
21:59:08  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
21:59:29  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
21:59:49  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
22:00:10  <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #12
22:08:22  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has joined spectators
22:10:10  *** ODM has quit IRC
22:11:17  <Stablean> *** Adam has left the game (leaving)
22:11:48  <Stablean> *** Player #3 has left the game (connection lost)
22:13:29  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (connection lost)
22:14:05  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has started a new company (#11)
22:16:52  <Stablean> <Player> please, 50 000
22:17:04  <Stablean> <Player> I need it to finish my rail
22:17:08  <Stablean> <Player> I will return 200 000
22:26:05  <Ammler> !players
22:26:07  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 416 (Red) is Muxy, in company 1 (Muxy Transport)
22:26:07  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 467 (Orange) is ~roxrox, in company 10 (~roxrox Transport)
22:26:07  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 463 (Purple) is Theun, in company 7 (Retard foundation)
22:26:07  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 465 (Light Blue) is Peter S., in company 8 (Xmobil)
22:26:07  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 477 (Pale Green) is Player #2, in company 11 (ET)
22:26:09  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 472 (Brown) is Player, in company 12 (libik)
22:26:09  <Stablean> Ammler: Client 446 (Green) is Speedy, in company 4 (Speedy Transport)
22:26:29  <Ammler> Player, then you should also rename to a better rememberable nick ;-)
22:26:41  <Stablean> <Player #2> Hm yeah.
22:26:52  <Ammler> !rcon status
22:26:52  <Stablean> Ammler: Client #416  name: 'Muxy'  status: 'active'  frame-lag:   1  company: 1  IP:
22:26:52  <Stablean> Ammler: Client #467  name: '~roxrox'  status: 'active'  frame-lag:   5  company: 10  IP:
22:26:52  <Stablean> Ammler: Client #463  name: 'Theun'  status: 'active'  frame-lag:   1  company: 7  IP:
22:26:52  <Stablean> Ammler: Client #465  name: 'Peter S.'  status: 'active'  frame-lag:  19  company: 8  IP:
22:26:52  <Stablean> Ammler: Client #477  name: 'Player #2'  status: 'active'  frame-lag:   1  company: 11  IP:
22:26:53  <Stablean> Ammler: you have 2 more messages
22:26:56  <Ammler> !more
22:26:56  <Stablean> Ammler: Client #472  name: 'Player'  status: 'active'  frame-lag:   1  company: 12  IP:
22:26:56  <Stablean> Ammler: Client #446  name: 'Speedy'  status: 'active'  frame-lag:   8  company: 4  IP:
22:27:00  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has changed his/her name to Eliandor
22:28:00  <Ammler> !screen
22:30:59  <Stablean> <Theun> why cant i buy airplanes?
22:35:20  <Ammler> !rcon set max_aircraft
22:35:20  <Stablean> Ammler: Current value for 'max_aircraft' is: '200' (min: 0, max: 5000)
22:35:41  <Ammler> Theun: enough money?
22:36:10  <Stablean> <Theun> i in the wrong menu
22:36:18  <Stablean> *** Amm1er joined the game
22:36:26  <Stablean> <Theun> found it now  but thanks anyway
22:36:26  <Stablean> <Amm1er> oh :-o
22:36:29  <Stablean> <Amm1er> tropic :-)
22:36:43  <Stablean> <Amm1er> I thought, it will be again arctic
22:36:57  <Ammler> save_config doesn't work, btw.
22:37:18  <Ammler> I used it on the arctic game, but after newgame, we have tropic again
22:37:19  <Stablean> *** Eliandor has left the game (leaving)
22:37:48  <Stablean> *** Spec joined the game
22:37:51  <Rubidium> it doesn't store the configuration of the game, it stores the "newgame" settings
22:38:13  <Rubidium> i.e. the values set with setting_newgame
22:38:32  <Stablean> *** Skillers joined the game
22:39:10  <Ammler> so "exporting" setting or a save is still not possible?
22:39:18  <Ammler> then I confused something :-)
22:39:26  <Rubidium> no, never really has been
22:41:55  <Stablean> *** Spec has left the game (leaving)
22:44:39  <Stablean> *** Skillers has left the game (leaving)
22:48:37  <Ammler> !rcon set vehicle_breakdowns
22:48:37  <Stablean> Ammler: Current value for 'vehicle_breakdowns' is: '1' (min: 0, max: 2)
22:48:39  <Ammler> !rcon set vehicle_breakdowns 0
22:48:43  <Ammler> breakdowns off
22:48:56  <Ammler> !rcon list_settings autoclean
22:48:56  <Stablean> Ammler: All settings with their current value:
22:48:56  <Stablean> Ammler: network.autoclean_companies = on
22:48:56  <Stablean> Ammler: network.autoclean_unprotected = 1
22:48:56  <Stablean> Ammler: network.autoclean_protected = 0
22:48:56  <Stablean> Ammler: network.autoclean_novehicles = 1
22:48:57  <Stablean> Ammler: you have one more message
22:49:45  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
22:52:45  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
22:52:58  <Ammler> !rcon set_newgame map_x
22:52:58  <Stablean> Ammler: Current value for 'map_x' is: '10' (min: 6, max: 11)
22:53:13  <Ammler> !rcon set_newgame climate
22:53:13  <Stablean> Ammler: 'climate' is an unknown setting.
22:53:26  <Ammler> !rcon list_settings climate
22:53:26  <Stablean> Ammler: All settings with their current value:
22:53:26  <Stablean> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value
22:53:38  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#14)
22:56:10  *** xpac has joined #openttdcoop.stable
22:56:21  *** xpac has quit IRC
22:56:26  *** xpac has joined #openttdcoop.stable
23:00:33  <Stablean> <Peter S.> CAN someone give loan me 20k? im going to pay em in full money+5k
23:02:11  <Stablean> *** Fabio joined the game
23:03:05  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has joined spectators
23:04:14  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (connection lost)
23:04:57  <Stablean> *** Peter S. has left the game (connection lost)
23:06:19  <Stablean> *** Peter S. joined the game
23:15:23  <Stablean> <Peter S.> im screwed. if my company gets sold... NO ONE BUY it
23:15:35  <Stablean> <Peter S.> now i have to run :-P
23:15:43  <Stablean> *** Peter S. has left the game (connection lost)
23:17:36  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has joined spectators
23:17:57  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (leaving)
23:21:54  <Ammler> hmm, shall we upgrade to RC here?
23:22:08  <Ammler> planetmaker: ? ^
23:22:23  <planetmaker> hm. good idea
23:23:11  <Ammler> !rcon server_name
23:23:11  <Stablean> Ammler: Current value for 'server_name' is: '#openttdcoop Welcome Stable ('
23:23:44  <planetmaker> :-)
23:23:54  <planetmaker> #openttdcoop Welcome Testing? ;-)
23:23:59  <Ammler> :-D
23:24:12  <Stablean> <Jennings & Rall> Amm1er
23:24:13  <Stablean> *** Jennings & Rall joined the game
23:24:16  <Ammler> or a 3rd server
23:24:24  <Ammler> Hello jennings :-)
23:24:30  <Stablean> <Jennings & Rall> Hi
23:24:31  <planetmaker> not yet another one :-)
23:24:49  <planetmaker> another server I mean :-)
23:25:05  <Ammler> we can simply copy this server to testing
23:25:26  <Stablean> *** Jennings & Rall has left the game (leaving)
23:25:42  <planetmaker> sure
23:26:00  <planetmaker> I just wonder where we would run that then. Not on this machine.
23:26:08  <Ammler> I can't build for for bugfix RCs on suse
23:26:27  <planetmaker> hu?
23:26:28  <Ammler> well, I could, but it would make it quite complicated
23:26:52  <Ammler> 1.0.1.RC > 1.0.1
23:27:05  <planetmaker> bad sorting
23:27:10  <Ammler> so I would need to make it
23:27:18  <Rubidium> Debian sorts in that way too
23:27:19  <Ammler> (for stable)
23:27:30  <Ammler> debian has "~"
23:27:31  <Rubidium> but it has ~ which sorts before anything else
23:27:44  <Rubidium> and + which sorts after anything else :)
23:27:49  <Ammler> well, new rpm has it too
23:27:54  <planetmaker> :-)
23:29:35  <Stablean> *** NACHO joined the game
23:31:31  <Ammler> actually, new rpm doesn't have it, still
23:31:40  <Stablean> *** Fabio has left the game (leaving)
23:31:53  <Rubidium>
23:32:12  <Ammler> it was "just" discussed on last forum with the fedora guys...
23:37:24  <Stablean> *** Tiberius joined the game
23:38:04  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has joined spectators
23:38:46  <Stablean> *** Tiberius has left the game (leaving)
23:38:50  <Stablean> *** Theun has left the game (leaving)
23:40:44  <Stablean> *** Player #2 has left the game (leaving)
23:41:42  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (connection lost)
23:45:21  *** xpac has quit IRC
23:45:59  <Stablean> <Amm1er> roxrox, why "lol"? :-)
23:48:46  *** OwenS has joined #openttdcoop.stable
23:48:58  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has joined spectators
23:49:20  <OwenS> !clients
23:49:28  <OwenS> !players
23:49:30  <Stablean> OwenS: Client 416 (Red) is Muxy, in company 1 (Muxy Transport)
23:49:31  <Stablean> OwenS: Client 467 (Orange) is ~roxrox, in company 10 (~roxrox Transport)
23:49:31  <Stablean> OwenS: Client 510 is Player #1, a spectator
23:49:31  <Stablean> OwenS: Client 499 (Mauve) is NACHO, in company 8 (NACHO Transport)
23:49:31  <Stablean> OwenS: Client 487 (Cream) is Player, in company 14 (TransArabia)
23:49:31  <Stablean> OwenS: Client 446 (Green) is Speedy, in company 4 (Speedy Transport)
23:49:31  <Stablean> OwenS: Client 480 (Grey) is Amm1er, in company 13 (Amm1er Transport)
23:50:07  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (wrong company in DoCommand)
23:50:07  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (connection lost)
23:50:46  <OwenS> Hey ~roxrox, you wouldn't happen to be the roxrox I know from the SWC forums?
23:50:54  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has joined spectators
23:52:38  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (leaving)
23:53:32  <Stablean> *** has left the game (received strange packet)
23:53:32  <Stablean> *** has left the game (connection lost)
23:53:34  <Stablean> *** joined the game
23:53:40  <Stablean> *** Player #1 has left the game (desync error)
23:54:20  <planetmaker> ^ hm
23:56:23  <OwenS> strange packets, bad do commands?
23:57:17  <Ammler> !rcon debug_level
23:57:17  <Stablean> Ammler: Current debug-level: 'ai=0, driver=0, grf=0, map=0, misc=0, net=0, sprite=0, oldloader=0, npf=0, yapf=0, freetype=0, sl=0, gamelog=0, desync=3, console=0'
23:58:19  <Stablean> *** NACHO has left the game (leaving)
23:58:23  <planetmaker> OwenS: strange people :-P
23:58:42  <OwenS> Stablean? Weird server name
23:58:43  <Stablean> <Amm1er> hey!

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