Log for #openttdcoop.nightly on 9th November 2012:
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01:03:42  *** Zuu has quit IRC
08:16:36  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
08:16:36  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Zuu
08:38:32  *** Zuu has quit IRC
14:23:20  <Ammler> !getsave
14:23:21  <Nachtigall> Ammler: OK :-)
14:23:25  <Ammler> !rcon ls
14:23:25  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 0) .. (Parent directory)
14:23:25  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 1) autosave/ (Directory)
14:23:25  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 2) uploads/ (Directory)
14:23:25  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 3) restart.sav
14:23:25  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 4) goal_continue.sav
14:23:26  <Nachtigall> Ammler: you have 2 more messages
14:23:29  <Ammler> !rcon cd 2
14:23:31  <Ammler> !rcon ls
14:23:31  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 0) .. (Parent directory)
14:23:31  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 1) game.sav
14:23:31  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 2) NoCarGoal-game2-2012-09-30.sav
14:23:31  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 3) Unnamed, 04-01-2009.sav
14:23:31  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 4) silicon20120910.sav
14:23:32  <Nachtigall> Ammler: you have 7 more messages
14:23:36  <Ammler> !rcon load 1
14:23:38  <Nachtigall> *** Game paused (number of players)
14:23:42  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
14:24:00  <V453000> !password
14:24:07  <Ammler> oh, we have other version here
14:24:11  <V453000> yeah
14:24:13  <V453000> just noticed :)
14:24:15  <Ammler> !update
14:24:15  <Nachtigall> Ammler: Update starting...
14:24:18  <V453000> 659
14:24:23  <Ammler> !dl
14:24:24  <Nachtigall> Ammler: !dl autostart|autottd|autoupdate|lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x
14:24:30  <Ammler> !dl lin
14:24:30  <Nachtigall> Ammler:
14:24:40  <Ammler> !dl lin64
14:24:40  <V453000> why do you dl before update? :D
14:24:41  <Nachtigall> Ammler:
14:25:11  <Ammler> I don't have configured that server
14:25:31  <V453000> oh right
14:25:35  <V453000> so update wont work here,
14:25:36  <V453000> ?
14:25:38  <V453000> !dl win64
14:25:38  <Nachtigall> V453000:
14:26:06  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
14:26:06  <Nachtigall> *** Amm1er joined the game
14:26:08  <Nachtigall> *** Game unpaused (manual)
14:26:40  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 joined the game
14:26:42  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has joined company #1
14:26:42  <Ammler> !server_status
14:26:42  <Nachtigall> Ammler:  14:26pm  up 3 days 16:31,  0 users,  load average: 1.36, 0.51, 0.18
14:26:42  <Nachtigall> Ammler: %Cpu(s):  0.1 us,  0.7 sy,  1.8 ni, 97.4 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
14:26:42  <Nachtigall> Ammler:  1885 ottdc     30  10  175m  31m 3676 S   0.0  4.1 255:28.95 ./stable -c opent
14:26:55  <Nachtigall> Update done: OpenTTD r24673
14:26:56  <Nachtigall> <V453000> that is better :)
14:27:02  <Nachtigall> <V453000> oh
14:27:02  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :>
14:27:13  <Ammler> is it?
14:27:25  <Nachtigall> <V453000> a little I think
14:27:28  *** Vinnie has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
14:27:32  <Vinnie> !ip
14:27:39  <Nachtigall> <V453000> it is a bit slowed down but okay
14:27:45  <Nachtigall> <V453000> previous one was pretty bad
14:28:19  <Ammler> Vinnie: this server lacks those things
14:28:22  <Ammler> !revision
14:28:22  <Nachtigall> Ammler: Game version is r24659
14:28:31  <Ammler> hmm, we could update
14:28:36  <Ammler> !install
14:28:36  <Nachtigall> Ammler: install done, please run !restart
14:28:39  <Ammler> !restart
14:28:39  <Nachtigall> Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute!
14:29:07  <Nachtigall> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely
14:29:07  <Nachtigall> Thank you for playing r24659.
14:29:11  <Nachtigall> Server has exited
14:29:11  *** Nachtigall has quit IRC
14:29:17  <V453000> bye :(
14:29:20  *** Nachtigall has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
14:29:20  <Nachtigall> Autopilot engaged
14:29:20  <Nachtigall> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} - Nightly Server'
14:29:20  *** Webster changes topic to " | r24673 | !content (buggy), !update, !install & !restart"
14:29:20  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Nachtigall
14:29:36  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
14:30:08  <V453000> hi =D
14:30:18  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
14:30:21  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 joined the game
14:30:22  <Nachtigall> *** Game unpaused (manual)
14:30:28  <V453000> !rcon unpause
14:30:28  <Nachtigall> V453000: Game is already unpaused.
14:30:31  <V453000> !auto
14:30:32  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has enabled autopause mode.
14:30:37  <V453000> k
14:30:38  <V453000> !unpause
14:30:38  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has unpaused the server. (Use !auto to set it back.)
14:31:00  <Ammler> !rcon min_active_clients
14:31:01  <Nachtigall> Ammler: ERROR: command not found
14:31:04  <Ammler> !rcon set min_active_clients
14:31:04  <Nachtigall> Ammler: Current value for 'min_active_clients' is: '1' (min: 0, max: 255)
14:31:12  <Ammler> !server_status
14:31:12  <Nachtigall> Ammler:  14:31pm  up 3 days 16:35,  1 user,  load average: 0.18, 0.43, 0.24
14:31:12  <Nachtigall> Ammler: %Cpu(s):  0.1 us,  0.7 sy,  1.8 ni, 97.4 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
14:31:12  <Nachtigall> Ammler:  1885 ottdc     30  10  175m 4328 3604 S   0.0  0.6 255:32.21 ./stable -c opent
14:32:17  <Ammler> !server_status
14:32:17  <Nachtigall> Ammler:  14:32pm  up 3 days 16:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.34, 0.22
14:32:17  <Nachtigall> Ammler: %Cpu(s):  0.1 us,  0.7 sy,  1.8 ni, 97.4 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
14:32:17  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 14134 ottdc     20   0  175m  24m 4300 S   6.6  3.2   0:09.99 ./nightly -c open
14:32:41  <Ammler> !dl lin
14:32:41  <Nachtigall> Ammler:
14:32:46  <Ammler> !dl lin64
14:32:46  <Nachtigall> Ammler:
14:33:39  <Nachtigall> *** Amm1er joined the game
14:33:54  <Nachtigall> <V453000> dont worry that is on purpose :p
14:33:56  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> ah, you paused the vehs
14:34:16  <Nachtigall> <V453000> it is better for the network as well not just for less lag
14:34:34  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> doesn't that kill industries?
14:34:42  <Nachtigall> <V453000> not quickly enough
14:34:44  <Nachtigall> <V453000> and this will be done soon
14:34:58  <Nachtigall> <V453000> better kill all industries by a tiny bit than have a ton of lost trains
14:35:21  <Ammler> !info
14:35:21  <Nachtigall> Ammler: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'Veni, Vidi, WTF'  Year Founded: 2100  Money: 23837974118  Loan: 0  Value: 23842920102  (T:2406, R:2, P:0, S:0) unprotected
14:39:24  <Ammler> we could also move the .pro to this server
14:39:34  <Nachtigall> <V453000> that would be nicer :)
14:40:14  <Nachtigall> <V453000> ONWARD TRAINS!
14:40:20  <Nachtigall> <V453000> head to your pathetic destinations
14:48:13  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> oh wow, there is a big difference between zbase and opengfx in performance
14:48:21  <Nachtigall> <V453000> lol
14:48:23  <Nachtigall> <V453000> is there?
14:48:33  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> yep, zbase wasn't able to run it
14:48:36  <Nachtigall> <V453000> guess loading big sprites is ass
14:48:50  <Ammler> !server_status
14:48:51  <Nachtigall> Ammler:  14:48pm  up 3 days 16:53,  1 user,  load average: 0.33, 0.32, 0.23
14:48:51  <Nachtigall> Ammler: %Cpu(s):  0.2 us,  0.7 sy,  1.8 ni, 97.3 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
14:48:51  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 14134 ottdc     20   0  174m  22m 4408 S  26.5  3.0   3:25.18 ./nightly -c open
14:49:00  <Ammler> hehe, 30%
14:49:10  <Ammler> half of the what ps needs
14:49:32  <Nachtigall> <V453000> lol
14:49:42  <Nachtigall> <V453000> "omg more pixels"
14:50:56  <Nachtigall> <V453000> just one more reason not to use it I guess
14:53:56  <Nachtigall> <V453000> WTF :D
14:54:02  <Nachtigall> <V453000> double split into one SL
14:54:04  <Nachtigall> <V453000> not bad
14:54:22  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> what's that?
14:54:34  <Nachtigall> <V453000> having 2 exits onto a SLH from one line
14:54:38  <Nachtigall> <V453000> instead of just one
14:54:41  <Nachtigall> <V453000> ofc the 2nd one is unused
14:55:00  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> then I don't need to ask , what it is good for :-P
14:55:06  <Nachtigall> <V453000> no :P
15:00:15  <Nachtigall> <V453000> how about that :)
15:08:53  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> I do add some trains for you :-)
15:09:00  <Nachtigall> <V453000> please dont
15:09:26  <Nachtigall> <V453000> im trying to find specific spots which need them
15:10:51  <Nachtigall> *** Vinnie joined the game
15:10:54  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> no pw :P
15:10:56  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> hello
15:10:59  <Nachtigall> <V453000> hy
15:11:01  <Nachtigall> *** Vinnie has joined company #1
15:11:11  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yeah if someone like andythenorth comes here they might get a brain injury
15:11:22  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> or pc dies
15:13:21  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> ha, interesting how the pf works for those "deadend" tracks
15:13:31  <Nachtigall> <V453000> where?
15:13:45  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> well, everyhwere you have those arrows :-)
15:13:59  <Nachtigall> <V453000> k :D
15:14:05  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> I thought, that is just to look nice
15:14:09  <Nachtigall> <V453000> no
15:14:15  <Nachtigall> <V453000> that is to make the depots not visible
15:14:29  <Nachtigall> <V453000> if you press send to depot on any train it should say cant find depot
15:14:48  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> 05 needs 6th north?
15:14:58  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> I meant those arrows deadend
15:15:14  <Nachtigall> <V453000> extremely important when you play with autoreplacing as that means you tell trains where to replace, not that they pick it on their own, here it means lost trains dont try to turn around in overflows etc
15:15:16  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> e.g. !here
15:15:16  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yes
15:15:30  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yeah
15:15:32  <Nachtigall> <V453000> that is to make the depot invisible
15:15:38  <Nachtigall> <V453000> ah that
15:15:49  <Nachtigall> <V453000> 2way eol only applies if the track has at least a fork
15:15:57  <Nachtigall> <V453000> so .. yeah :)
15:16:12  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
15:16:23  <Nachtigall> <V453000> hm yeah 05 is getting some shit
15:16:53  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I prepare 6th from the merger
15:17:19  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> we need a a counter for depoted trains
15:17:38  <Nachtigall> <V453000> nah we just reduce their amount later
15:17:45  <Nachtigall> <Amm1er> :-)
15:18:58  <Ammler> !server_status
15:18:58  <Nachtigall> Ammler:  15:18pm  up 3 days 17:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.19, 0.31, 0.33
15:18:58  <Nachtigall> Ammler: %Cpu(s):  0.3 us,  0.7 sy,  1.8 ni, 97.2 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
15:18:58  <Nachtigall> Ammler: 14134 ottdc     20   0  174m  23m 4428 R  33.1  3.0  14:49.75 ./nightly -c open
15:19:07  <Ammler> my local pc needs 70%
15:20:26  <Nachtigall> <V453000> my cpu claims to be at 5%
15:20:51  <Ammler> come on
15:20:58  <Nachtigall> <V453000> im serious :D
15:21:02  <Ammler> well, windows does make a overall
15:21:08  <Ammler> how many cores do you have?
15:21:10  <Nachtigall> <V453000> still
15:21:12  <Nachtigall> <V453000> out of 6 cores
15:21:23  <Ammler> so you are at 30% like the server
15:21:36  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I guess
15:22:37  <Ammler> Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
15:22:49  <V453000> yeah very similar
15:22:55  <V453000> I think I have 3930
15:23:02  <V453000> 3,2ghz
15:23:41  <Ammler> mine: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz
15:24:27  <planetmaker> uses much less power ;-)
15:24:27  <Ammler> looks like it is very similar to the cpu speed
15:24:50  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yeah I have 750w power source for the whole pc
15:24:52  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :s
15:25:01  <Ammler> ps: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz
15:25:37  <planetmaker> V453000, most likely that's quite over the top ;-)
15:25:44  <Ammler> actually that server is quite powerful for his age
15:25:47  <planetmaker> unless you have also very power hungry graphics card(s).
15:25:52  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I dont think that is, but not terribly much
15:25:54  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yes
15:25:58  <planetmaker> they tend to have become the biggest power consumer in pcs
15:26:06  <Nachtigall> <V453000> gtx580
15:26:09  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I think that eats tons
15:27:31  <Ammler> V453000: you think, this porting a ps game to .pro will be done more in the future?
15:27:41  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yes
15:27:56  <Ammler> then it might indeed make sense to run .pro here
15:27:59  <Nachtigall> <V453000> would be nice to do
15:28:13  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yeah
15:28:31  <Ammler> it should not interfer with .stable too much
15:28:46  <planetmaker> lol, V453000, yes. That attributes minimum(!) to 1/3 of the max power output of the power supply. At most 4/5
15:28:56  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :D
15:29:10  <Ammler> and we have again .nightly free for pm&andy
15:29:11  <planetmaker> so it'll use under normal circumstances >50% of the total power, if not more
15:29:16  <Nachtigall> <V453000> heh
15:29:50  <Ammler> (and for me as autopilot tester :-P
15:30:23  <planetmaker> V453000, and likely also to the noise in similar quantities ;-)
15:30:27  <V453000> yeah I would hate to interrupt any game script fun that is going on here occasionally
15:30:39  <V453000> pm I have headphones on 100% of the time :P
15:31:05  <Ammler> I don't like that
15:31:20  <planetmaker> when I bought my desktop I considered such beast. I chose the fastest nvidia without active cooling instead ;-)
15:31:31  <Nachtigall> <V453000> oh :)
15:32:01  <Ammler> I  should indeed stop the openttd, my cooler doesn't stop anymore
15:32:07  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has joined spectators
15:32:09  <Nachtigall> *** Amm1er has left the game (leaving)
15:32:18  <V453000> Vinnie: building?
15:32:23  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> done
15:32:29  <Ammler> !auto
15:32:29  <Nachtigall> *** Ammler has enabled autopause mode.
15:32:41  <Ammler> ah just 1 :-)
15:32:45  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> :)
15:32:46  <V453000> !rcon set min_active_clients 2
15:32:47  <Nachtigall> *** Game paused (number of players)
15:33:05  <Nachtigall> *** Vinnie has left the game (leaving)
15:33:07  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I will have to go do something productive
15:33:09  <Nachtigall> <V453000> cya later
15:33:11  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
15:33:15  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
15:35:07  <Ammler> now, dear cooler, stop
15:36:27  <V453000> :D
15:36:34  <V453000> fly little ones! fly!
16:11:12  <V453000> Ammler: could we move .pro to this server then and vice versa please? :)
16:11:36  <V453000> I personally dont mind any way shape or form but just to avoid confusion of others
16:17:28  <planetmaker> uhm... I prefer to have the nightly here where it is. Why does it need changing?
16:17:57  <planetmaker> so, no. This server won't move
16:18:28  <V453000> because ps and pz on the same machine seemed to melt stuff :)
16:19:11  <V453000> but Ammler made some conclusion that it takes like 30% less cpu when he disabled zbase so idk if that made the issue less problematic
16:19:30  <planetmaker> why would you enable zbase on a server?
16:19:50  <V453000> dont ask me :D
16:20:11  <V453000> apparently it was on there ... idk why
16:20:16  <planetmaker> in any case, I setup this server for me to toy with it and play my testgames. I want it on my machine where I can toy with it. It stays
16:20:33  <V453000> ok :)
16:33:09  <Ammler> nah, I had it running here
16:33:14  <Ammler> I mean locally
16:33:32  <Ammler> there is no need to move the nightly
17:10:24  <planetmaker> pew :-)
17:28:18  *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
17:28:31  <Dom_> !playercount
17:28:31  <Nachtigall> Dom_: Number of players: 0
17:28:34  <Dom_> !passwor
17:28:36  <Dom_> !password
17:28:57  <planetmaker> no password, I guess ;-)
17:29:18  <Dom_> how can there be a password if there is no server :D
17:30:26  <planetmaker> there is a server here...
17:30:26  <V453000> just get the correct revision and join the game Dom_ :)
17:30:45  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
17:30:47  <Nachtigall> *** Dom joined the game
17:30:48  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players)
17:30:48  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players)
17:30:51  <Dom_> i do have the right version :)
17:31:00  <Dom_> it just took forever to find the server :)
17:31:36  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players)
17:31:36  <Nachtigall> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
17:31:38  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 joined the game
17:31:40  <Nachtigall> <Dom> hi :)
17:31:48  <Nachtigall> <V453000> well hello beautiful
17:32:10  <Nachtigall> *** Dom has left the game (general timeout)
17:32:10  <Nachtigall> *** Dom has left the game (connection lost)
17:32:10  <Nachtigall> *** Game paused (number of players)
17:32:22  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players)
17:32:24  <Nachtigall> *** Dom joined the game
17:32:26  <Nachtigall> <V453000> hm yeah 2573 :)
17:32:29  <Nachtigall> <Dom> hm
17:32:43  <Nachtigall> <Dom> damn if the trains are running its tooo laggy for me :D
17:32:59  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yeah :) it will be complete soon
17:33:13  <Nachtigall> <Dom> many players have that problem?
17:33:31  <Nachtigall> <V453000> probably
17:33:45  <Nachtigall> <V453000> Vinnie seems okay, at least he didnt report any major issues yet
17:33:56  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players)
17:33:56  <Nachtigall> *** Vinnie joined the game
17:34:00  <Nachtigall> *** Vinnie has joined company #1
17:34:00  <Nachtigall> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
17:34:00  <Nachtigall> <Dom> always wanted to see a game with 2k + trains, now i know why there aren't any :)
17:34:02  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> hello
17:34:04  <Nachtigall> <Dom> hi
17:34:15  <Nachtigall> <V453000> 2k+ is actually not that rare
17:34:17  <Nachtigall> <V453000> hy
17:34:31  <Nachtigall> <Dom> hmm now its not laggy weird :S
17:34:54  <Nachtigall> <V453000> now wtf is this
17:35:02  <Nachtigall> <V453000> goods trains turning around in SLH 03
17:35:18  <Nachtigall> Update done: OpenTTD r24673
17:35:32  <V453000> that version is here already :d
17:36:11  <Nachtigall> *** Dom has left the game (general timeout)
17:36:11  <Nachtigall> *** Dom has left the game (connection lost)
17:36:20  <Dom_> hm :D
17:38:23  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> wrong signal
17:38:26  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> ?
17:38:32  <Nachtigall> <V453000> idk im at refinery atm
17:38:43  <Nachtigall> <V453000> will make separate entrances for goods and oil
17:38:45  <Nachtigall> <V453000> this is dumb
17:38:47  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> it looks fixed at split
17:39:01  <Nachtigall> <V453000> ze grain goods?
17:39:08  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> y
17:39:22  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I see a crap load of goods trains going S
17:39:34  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> thats not South
17:39:38  <Nachtigall> <V453000> wtf that is then
17:40:19  <Nachtigall> <V453000> ohhh
17:40:23  <Nachtigall> <V453000> sorry :D
17:40:34  <Nachtigall> <V453000> well lets hope they dont turn around in SLH 03 anymore
17:40:40  <Nachtigall> <V453000> you found the issue?
17:40:42  <Nachtigall> <V453000> the reversed signal?
17:40:49  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> no i did nothing
17:40:55  <Nachtigall> <V453000> thats wtf
17:44:01  <Nachtigall> <Vinnie> 3.000 trains might be to mutch
17:44:04  <Nachtigall> <V453000> n
17:44:30  <Nachtigall> <V453000> almost there already
17:59:29  <Ammler> transfering prozone to mz
17:59:36  <Ammler> prepare for switch back...
17:59:43  <Nachtigall> *** Vinnie has joined spectators
17:59:43  <Nachtigall> *** Game paused (number of players)
17:59:45  <Nachtigall> <V453000> kk
18:03:17  <Ammler> now?
18:03:19  <Ammler> !save
18:03:19  <Nachtigall> Saving game...
18:04:14  <V453000> anytime
18:05:18  <Ammler> I need to adjust the urls
18:07:33  <Nachtigall> *** Vinnie has left the game (leaving)
18:14:54  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
18:14:58  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:15:28  <Ammler> !playercount
18:15:28  <Nachtigall> Ammler: Number of players: 0
18:15:31  <Ammler> !save
18:15:31  <Nachtigall> Saving game...
18:15:36  <Ammler> !rcon quit
18:15:38  <Nachtigall> Server has exited
18:15:38  *** Nachtigall has quit IRC
18:29:50  *** Nachtigall has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
18:29:50  <Nachtigall> Autopilot engaged
18:29:50  <Nachtigall> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} - Nightly Server'
18:29:50  *** Webster changes topic to " | r24673 | !content (buggy), !update, !install & !restart"
18:29:50  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Nachtigall
18:29:57  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:34:22  <Ammler> @topic add is back
18:34:27  <Ammler> ah
18:34:32  <Ammler> @topic add " is back"
18:34:32  *** Webster changes topic to " | r24673 | !content (buggy), !update, !install & !restart | is back"
18:35:44  *** Dom_ has quit IRC
19:21:15  *** Vinnie has quit IRC
22:43:01  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
22:43:01  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Zuu
23:33:29  *** Maraxus has quit IRC

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