Log for on 3rd January 2018:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:55:59  *** Progman has quit IRC
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11:27:23  *** StarLite has joined
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13:30:43  *** happpy has quit IRC
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18:40:59  <Jam35> !date
18:40:59  <coopserver> Mar 01 2438
18:41:08  <Jam35> !apconnect
18:41:08  <coopserver> Already connected!!
18:41:17  <Jam35> !start
18:41:17  <coopserver> I am connected to None, so it's safe to assume that its already running
18:41:33  <Jam35> !apdisconnect
18:41:47  <Jam35> !apdisconnect
18:41:47  <coopserver> Not connected!!
18:41:53  <Jam35> !apconnect
18:41:53  <coopserver> Connecting...
18:41:54  <coopserver> Connection failed
18:41:58  <Jam35> !start
18:42:17  <Jam35> !date
18:42:17  <coopserver> Not connected!!
18:42:19  <Jam35> !apconnect
18:42:19  <coopserver> Connecting...
18:42:20  <coopserver> Connection failed
18:42:21  <coopserver> Server is starting...
18:44:23  <Jam35> !apconnect
18:44:23  <coopserver> Connecting...
18:44:24  <coopserver> Connection failed
18:44:32  <Jam35> !date
18:44:32  <coopserver> Not connected!!
18:44:35  <Jam35> !apconnect
18:44:35  <coopserver> Connecting...
18:44:37  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - ProZone Server ( (Version r27892)
18:45:00  <Jam35> !update
18:45:00  <coopserver> Starting update...
18:49:12  <coopserver> Game successfully updated
18:49:13  <coopserver> Game saved. Shutting down server to finish update. We'll be back shortly
18:49:15  <coopserver> Server Shutting down
18:49:17  <coopserver> Disconnected from #openttdcoop - ProZone Server (
18:49:39  <coopserver> Server is starting
18:55:04  <V453000> action?
19:09:24  <Jam35> no I just wondered why it was offline in my server list
19:09:41  <Jam35> or are we not supposed to leave it running / paused for long periods?
19:10:04  <Jam35> !apconnect
19:10:04  <coopserver> Connecting...
19:10:06  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - ProZone Server ( (Version r27956)
19:10:14  <Jam35> !date
19:10:15  <coopserver> Mar 01 2438
19:10:24  <Jam35> !version
19:10:25  <coopserver> Jam35: The current (running) version of this Supybot is  The newest version available online is
19:10:30  <Jam35> !dl
19:10:30  <coopserver> Jam35: !download lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x
19:10:31  <coopserver> Jam35:
19:10:53  <Jam35> meh different version to ps
19:11:47  <Jam35> @topic change 2 s/27892/27956/
19:11:48  *** Webster changes topic to "ProZone | PZG26 (r27956) | STAGE: PZG26 | visit"
19:12:23  <Jam35> game needs archiving
19:12:41  <Jam35> @stage NEEDS ARCHIVING :)
19:12:41  *** Webster changes topic to "ProZone | PZG26 (r27956) | STAGE: NEEDS ARCHIVING :) | visit"
19:25:37  <V453000> @stage WELL SHIT
19:25:37  *** Webster changes topic to "ProZone | PZG26 (r27956) | STAGE: WELL SHIT | visit"
19:25:58  <V453000> transfer is done?
19:33:08  <happpy> hey jam
19:38:40  *** happpy has left
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20:12:19  <Jam35> hi happpy
20:12:37  <Jam35> no I havent touched the transfering
20:12:48  <Jam35> not sure I even remember how tbh :P
20:13:30  *** StarLite has quit IRC
20:19:42  <happpy> how things going jam
20:25:31  <Jam35> ok thanks. how about you?
20:26:01  <happpy> good thanks
22:30:27  <V453000> !save
22:30:29  <coopserver> Saving map...
22:30:30  <coopserver> Map successfully saved to game.sav
22:30:48  <V453000> !transfer 26 game.sav
22:30:48  <coopserver> V453000: Attempting to transfer game.sav
22:30:54  <V453000> what game is it even
22:30:59  <V453000> wasn't the last 25 with the slugs?
22:30:59  <coopserver> Transfer done. File now at
22:31:25  <V453000> oh this yeti thing
22:55:20  *** Maraxus has quit IRC

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