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17:19:14 *** Mucht has quit IRC 17:21:31 *** Mucht has joined #coopetition 17:21:31 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mucht 17:24:16 <planetmaker> hm 17:24:31 <Mucht> what? 17:24:36 <Mucht> planetmaker 17:24:40 <planetmaker> :-) 17:24:43 <Mucht> :-P 17:25:08 <planetmaker> hey ho Mucht 17:25:12 <Mucht> yo 17:25:17 <planetmaker> I just thought... I should get this server running 17:25:35 <Mucht> you definitely should ;-) 17:28:59 <planetmaker> so... would you join tonight a small competition game? 17:29:22 <Mucht> hey I would have time tonight :-P 17:29:25 <planetmaker> http://www.openttd.org/en/download-head-to-head <-- prepare a map, get the binaries there 17:29:25 <Mucht> my gf is away 17:29:37 <Mucht> who is my partner then? 17:29:43 <planetmaker> I'll play 17:29:51 <Mucht> ok 1v1 ? 17:30:12 <planetmaker> welshdragon: needs to prove that he can do better by preferentially using subsidies 17:30:19 <planetmaker> We have an outstanding bet 17:30:52 <Mucht> heh 17:30:57 <planetmaker> but h2h can support more combatants :-) 17:31:02 <planetmaker> So it'd be nice 17:31:28 <planetmaker> but first... I need this server to run 17:31:37 <Mucht> and I need to get my client configured 17:31:48 <planetmaker> just download from what I gave you 17:31:50 <Mucht> didn't play openttd for months as you may have noticed :-P 17:31:59 <planetmaker> I did :-P 17:32:44 <planetmaker> hm... I'm compiling the wrong binary :S 17:32:52 <planetmaker> on the server 17:33:19 <welshdragon> haha 17:33:53 <Mucht> nah 17:35:03 <planetmaker> found the server's hg repo 17:35:24 <planetmaker> compiling again :-) 17:35:45 <planetmaker> so... you have (still) the time, welshdragon ? 17:36:56 <welshdragon> no. as I've now got to find alternative accommodation 17:37:06 <planetmaker> woot? 17:37:08 <welshdragon> for a trip in 3 weeks 17:37:20 <planetmaker> so no h2h today? 17:37:27 <planetmaker> Hey...! I won. Without fight :-) 17:40:01 <welshdragon> I'll challenge you another time planetmaker 17:41:13 <planetmaker> dully noted 17:42:45 *** CooPeter has joined #coopetition 17:42:46 <CooPeter> Autopilot engaged 17:42:46 <CooPeter> Starting new game: '{#coopetition} (www.openttdcoop.org)' 17:42:46 <CooPeter> Landscape: temperate 17:42:46 <CooPeter> Dimensions: 128x1024 17:42:46 <CooPeter> Starting year: 1985 17:42:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v CooPeter 17:42:47 <CooPeter> Server is running revision h6a5fad9c 17:43:55 <CooPeter> Server closed down by admin 17:44:03 <CooPeter> Server has exited 17:44:03 *** CooPeter has quit IRC 17:44:18 <planetmaker> I looked in the wrong channel :-P 17:44:23 <planetmaker> everything working, Ammler :-) 17:44:28 *** CooPeter has joined #coopetition 17:44:28 <CooPeter> Autopilot engaged 17:44:29 <CooPeter> Starting new game: '{#coopetition} (www.openttdcoop.org)' 17:44:29 <CooPeter> Landscape: temperate 17:44:29 <CooPeter> Dimensions: 128x1024 17:44:29 <CooPeter> Starting year: 1985 17:44:29 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v CooPeter 17:44:30 <CooPeter> Server is running revision h6a5fad9c 17:44:54 <Ammler> oh, you have a competition tournament this night? 17:45:26 <Ammler> ha, welshdragon gave up ;-) 17:45:28 <CooPeter> *** planetm4ker joined the game 17:45:45 <welshdragon> Ammler: no, i've got more pressing issues 17:45:57 <CooPeter> <Mucht> hah 17:45:57 <CooPeter> *** Mucht joined the game 17:46:05 <CooPeter> <Mucht> let me get some orientation 17:46:05 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> ha :-) 17:46:33 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> you have exactly 128x1024 for you and you alone 17:46:39 <CooPeter> <Mucht> its great 17:46:52 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> all identical :-) 17:46:56 <CooPeter> <Mucht> you can enter the number of splits, right? 17:47:08 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> it's paused anyway :-) 17:47:12 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> yes 17:47:16 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> it's a config setting 17:47:21 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> it just needs to be 2**n 17:47:33 <CooPeter> <Mucht> yes 17:47:57 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> hm. The map is not bad 17:48:09 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> I actually like it :-) 17:48:21 <CooPeter> <Mucht> it definitely is... 17:48:41 <planetmaker> !content 17:48:56 <planetmaker> for just firing up ap+ it's actually great :-) 17:49:13 <planetmaker> considering I did absolutely NO configuration 17:50:11 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> well... usually I want my games now with SwedishRails, of course ;-) 17:50:26 <CooPeter> <Mucht> I wonder how they look 17:50:30 <CooPeter> <Mucht> snowy? 17:50:36 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> in snowy terrain: absolutely 17:50:41 <CooPeter> <Mucht> :-P 17:50:45 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> including snowy depots and bridge tracks 17:50:57 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> and level crossings 17:51:09 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> no fences in snow, though 17:51:21 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> even though I do have the graphics and draw them. OpenTTD refuses ;-) 17:51:35 *** fmauNeko has joined #coopetition 17:53:42 <CooPeter> <Mucht> do we still use teamspeak? 17:54:34 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> I haven't used it for LOOONG 17:54:40 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> we should use skype :-) 17:54:44 <Mucht> true 17:54:54 <Mucht> and then, I gotta search for a microphone -.- 17:55:04 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> In-built into my laptop 17:55:08 <Mucht> and again, I hope it works with my linux, havent tried in ages... 17:55:24 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> what's your skype account? 17:55:35 <Mucht> nussbama 17:56:32 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko joined the game 17:57:28 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> I sent a contact request via Skype 17:57:42 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> mine is just like my nick in IRC 17:58:45 <planetmaker> Yexo: fancy to join maybe? :-) 18:00:06 <CooPeter> *** Amm1er joined the game 18:00:10 <Yexo> !revision 18:00:10 <CooPeter> Game version is h6a5fad9c 18:00:14 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> Amm1er: hast Du auch Skype? 18:00:34 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> hab kein mikro 18:00:39 <planetmaker> ah, a pity 18:00:44 <Ammler> :-) 18:00:52 <planetmaker> still not, eh? 18:01:09 <planetmaker> we had the issue already last time we did this via teamspeak 18:01:26 <Ammler> no 18:01:35 <Ammler> the competition with yexo, I had one 18:01:43 <planetmaker> ok :-) 18:01:56 <Ammler> but I needed it for one of my last "customers" 18:02:05 <Ammler> and forgot bot buy a new one 18:02:14 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> :-) 18:02:22 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> hey :-) 18:02:22 <CooPeter> *** Yex0 joined the game 18:02:34 <planetmaker> Folks, I do wonder: do we want to form teams? 18:02:43 <planetmaker> To give this channel name true credit? 18:03:11 <Ammler> oh, you like to make a game now? 18:03:23 <planetmaker> well, why not? :-) 18:03:35 <planetmaker> It's up and running and we're 5 people 18:03:41 <planetmaker> !clients 18:04:30 <Ammler> !players 18:04:35 <CooPeter> Client 3 (Yellow) is planetm4ker, in company 1 (planetm4ker Transport) 18:04:35 <CooPeter> Client 11 is Yex0, a spectator 18:04:35 <CooPeter> Client 5 (Green) is Mucht, in company 2 (Mucht Transport) 18:04:35 <CooPeter> Client 7 is fmauNeko, a spectator 18:04:35 <CooPeter> Client 9 is Amm1er, a spectator 18:04:36 <CooPeter> Client 11 is Yex0, a spectator 18:04:36 <CooPeter> Client 3 (Yellow) is planetm4ker, in company 1 (planetm4ker Transport) 18:04:38 <CooPeter> Client 5 (Green) is Mucht, in company 2 (Mucht Transport) 18:04:38 <CooPeter> Client 7 is fmauNeko, a spectator 18:04:40 <CooPeter> Client 9 is Amm1er, a spectator 18:05:03 <CooPeter> <Mucht> ammler: are you also on skype? 18:05:23 <Ammler> no :-) 18:06:07 <Mucht> ok, who is up for a game now? 18:06:28 <Yexo> I'd like to play, don't care about teams or not 18:07:00 <Mucht> Ammler: ? 18:09:28 <CooPeter> <fmauNeko> Just spectating, I can't stay for long 18:09:43 <Ammler> when start, how long? 18:09:54 <Mucht> hmm how long 18:10:01 <Mucht> We are ready to start right now, I assume? 18:10:02 <planetmaker> about 2h? 18:10:17 <Ammler> that's 10 years 18:11:32 <Yexo> ok 18:11:49 <CooPeter> *** Yex0 has started a new company (#3) 18:11:53 <planetmaker> well. I don't care about teams... 18:12:05 <planetmaker> I'd play jointly with Mucht then... we can talk 18:12:09 <CooPeter> *** Amm1er has started a new company (#4) 18:12:12 <planetmaker> anyone wants to join our Skype session? 18:12:57 <CooPeter> <Mucht> everyone for himself? 18:14:00 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> seems so :-) 18:14:04 <CooPeter> * Yex0 reminds himself to fix the industry list, it's completely unusable 18:15:48 <CooPeter> <Mucht> ready? 18:15:58 <planetmaker> so... !rcon unpause? The aim is company value? 18:16:05 <planetmaker> till... 22h? 18:16:08 <planetmaker> or 22:15h? 18:16:16 <Yexo> no aircraft? 18:16:20 <Yexo> it's currently set to 1 18:16:20 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> or 1995 18:16:25 <CooPeter> <Mucht> wait 18:16:28 <planetmaker> ok, 1995 18:16:29 <CooPeter> <Mucht> rules are clear? 18:16:29 <Yexo> 1 jan 1995 is clearer 18:16:33 <CooPeter> <Mucht> no stationwalk 18:16:33 <planetmaker> yep 18:16:42 <Yexo> yep 18:16:43 <planetmaker> well... there's distant+join 18:16:45 <planetmaker> ;-) 18:16:46 <CooPeter> <Mucht> and no planes? 18:18:13 <Ammler> hmm, station spread is 12 18:18:19 <Ammler> you like to make that smaller? 18:18:23 <planetmaker> uh :-) dann ist das kein Problem 18:18:34 <Ammler> or what you mean with no station walk? 18:18:49 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> nope. I thought it was 64 18:18:55 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> with 12 everything goes IMHO 18:19:47 <CooPeter> <Mucht> Yexo you ready? 18:19:51 <CooPeter> <Yex0> yes 18:19:57 <CooPeter> <Mucht> kk 18:20:33 <CooPeter> <Mucht> Amm1er: ready? 18:20:45 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> I'm ready 18:21:21 <CooPeter> <Mucht> zZz ;) 18:21:35 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> hehe 18:21:41 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> seems noone else will join 18:21:43 <planetmaker> ready, steady, go 18:21:45 <CooPeter> <Mucht> gogogo 18:21:46 <planetmaker> !rcon unpause 18:21:57 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko has left the game (connection lost) 18:23:16 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko joined the game 18:23:22 <fmauNeko> Damn iPhone save, it made openttd freeze -_- 18:23:28 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> go, start your company, fmauNeko 18:23:52 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko has left the game (desync error) 18:24:29 <fmauNeko> I think I won't start a company, this computer sucks a little, I must wait for iTunes to finish 18:27:10 <Yexo> desync :( 18:27:57 <CooPeter> <Mucht> zZz ;) 18:27:57 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko joined the game 18:28:16 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> hmm 18:28:20 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> no money 18:28:25 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> wrong tactic 18:28:47 <CooPeter> <Mucht> heh me as well 18:28:51 <CooPeter> <Mucht> Amm1er: broke? 18:29:39 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> did something change on prices? 18:29:46 <CooPeter> <Mucht> nah :-P 18:29:50 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko has left the game (desync error) 18:29:54 <CooPeter> <Mucht> you gotta take care 18:30:20 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> no, I lost 18:30:20 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko joined the game 18:30:24 <CooPeter> <Mucht> Amm1er: busses? 18:30:36 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> TGV 18:30:40 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> :-) 18:30:47 <CooPeter> <Mucht> yeah but that obviously didnt work out :-P 18:31:08 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko has left the game (leaving) 18:32:13 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> so what shall I do, new company? 18:32:19 <CooPeter> <Mucht> yeah Amm1er 18:32:24 <CooPeter> <Mucht> you have 4 chances left 18:32:30 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> :-D 18:33:01 <CooPeter> *** Amm1er has joined spectators 18:34:11 <Ammler> hmm, openttd is using already 100%? 18:34:20 <Ammler> wtf 18:40:17 <Yexo> don't take over Ammler's company if you get the question 18:40:28 <Yexo> you won't be able to do anything with it, not even sell the vehicles 18:40:31 <CooPeter> <Mucht> good point :-P 18:40:46 <Ammler> !companies 18:40:51 <CooPeter> Company 1 (Yellow): planetm4ker Transport 18:40:51 <CooPeter> Company 2 (Green): Mucht Transport 18:40:51 <CooPeter> Company 3 (Red): Yex0 Transport 18:41:04 <Ammler> gone :-( 18:41:13 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> try again, Amm1er:-) 18:42:06 *** Phoenix_the_II has joined #coopetition 18:42:19 *** Phoenix_the_II has left #coopetition 18:48:10 <CooPeter> *** Amm1er has started a new company (#4) 18:49:10 <CooPeter> *** Amm1er has joined spectators 18:49:14 <CooPeter> *** Amm1er has started a new company (#5) 18:49:35 <CooPeter> <Mucht> Amm1er: if you win now, I'll quit my coopetition career 18:50:17 *** fmauNeko has quit IRC 18:53:57 <CooPeter> <Mucht> MONEY GNAAAA 18:58:24 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> mäh 18:58:36 <CooPeter> *** Amm1er has joined spectators 18:58:40 <Ammler> !companies 18:58:44 <CooPeter> Company 1 (Yellow): planetm4ker Transport 18:58:44 <CooPeter> Company 2 (Green): Mucht Transport 18:58:44 <CooPeter> Company 3 (Red): Yex0 Transport 18:58:44 <CooPeter> Company 4 (Blue): Amm1er Transport 18:58:45 <CooPeter> Company 5 (Pink): Tricklegate Transport 18:58:49 <Ammler> !rcon reset_company 4 18:58:49 <CooPeter> Company deleted. 18:58:52 <Ammler> !rcon reset_company 5 18:58:52 <CooPeter> Company deleted. 18:59:07 <Ammler> !rcon companies 18:59:07 <CooPeter> #:1(Yellow) Company Name: 'planetm4ker Transport' Year Founded: 1985 Money: 39154 Loan: 290000 Value: 1 (T:2, R:0, P:0, S:0) unprotected 18:59:07 <CooPeter> #:2(Green) Company Name: 'Mucht Transport' Year Founded: 1985 Money: 61517 Loan: 300000 Value: 55684 (T:5, R:0, P:0, S:0) unprotected 18:59:07 <CooPeter> #:3(Red) Company Name: 'Yex0 Transport' Year Founded: 1985 Money: 51408 Loan: 300000 Value: 577140 (T:13, R:0, P:0, S:0) unprotected 18:59:08 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko joined the game 19:00:13 <CooPeter> *** fmauNeko has left the game (desync error) 19:02:47 <Ammler> I didn't know, erail is such much more expensive 19:02:54 <Ammler> so* 19:03:23 <CooPeter> <Yex0> 190 vs 134 for a single tile 19:03:27 <CooPeter> <Yex0> not that much imo 19:04:22 <Ammler> well, a single line should be possible, at least it was 19:13:26 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> Mucht: is using pbs? 19:13:33 <CooPeter> <Mucht> not allowed? 19:13:45 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> no, I just wonder :-D 19:13:49 <CooPeter> <Mucht> pft 19:14:01 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> last time you played, there might be no pbs 19:14:06 <CooPeter> <Mucht> that is highly correct 19:14:11 <CooPeter> <Amm1er> :-) 19:14:15 <CooPeter> <Mucht> I asked planetmaker for further details 19:14:22 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> I keep telling him how they work :-P 19:48:07 <CooPeter> *** Amm1er has left the game (connection lost) 20:02:29 <CooPeter> <Yex0> why do I have oil wagons at a coal mine? :s 20:02:40 <CooPeter> <Mucht> to give us some breath 20:02:46 <CooPeter> <Mucht> say which drugs are you on? 20:02:52 <CooPeter> <Mucht> and where to buy them? 20:03:44 <CooPeter> <Yex0> :p 20:08:58 <Ammler> Mucht: he is too big for you :-P 20:37:59 <CooPeter> <Yex0> oops 20:38:03 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> :-P 20:39:18 <tneo> !download 20:39:18 <CooPeter> !download autoupdate|lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x 20:39:33 <Yexo> http://www.openttd.org/en/download-head-to-head 20:40:06 <CooPeter> <Yex0> how long does it take for a crashed train to disappear? 20:40:14 <CooPeter> <Yex0> oh, nvm 20:40:18 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> a month 20:40:22 <tneo> 3 months 20:40:34 <CooPeter> <Yex0> bye station ratings :( 20:44:42 <Yexo> !pause 20:44:43 <CooPeter> *** Yexo has paused the server. 20:44:47 <CooPeter> <Mucht> grrr 20:45:18 <CooPeter> <planetm4ker> congratulations, Yexo :-) 20:45:22 <CooPeter> <Mucht> :-P 20:45:28 <Yexo> thanks :) 20:46:13 * tneo = compiling 20:46:31 <CooPeter> <Mucht> You started with the correct type of cargo ;-) 20:47:03 <Yexo> that was most of the difference I think, you're income graphic looks like mine, only one year behind 20:47:22 <planetmaker> :-) 20:47:30 <Yexo> I like those mixed grain/livestock trains, want to try those myself another time 20:47:40 <Yexo> saves a lot of time with building only 1 station 20:47:50 <planetmaker> Yexo: we unfortunately cannot let non-members win 20:48:03 <planetmaker> :-P 20:48:06 <CooPeter> <Mucht> didnt you read the rules? 20:48:20 <Yexo> I'm sure you can find another way of judgement so Mucht has won :p 20:48:23 <planetmaker> you signed a contract without reading ;-) 20:48:41 <planetmaker> well... I was thinking of another way to mend that :-) 20:48:51 <tneo> delete company :-P 20:48:59 <CooPeter> <Mucht> the performance should be divided by the time spent with openttd the past months :-P 20:49:18 <CooPeter> *** Mucht has left the game (connection lost) 20:49:29 <tneo> !ip 20:49:29 <CooPeter> mz.openttdcoop.org:3982 20:49:34 <Yexo> make that "time spent playing with openttd" and I agree ;) 20:49:47 <planetmaker> :-) hehe 20:49:58 <Mucht> what 20:50:11 <tneo> tss version mismatch :-( 20:50:28 <Mucht> hey tneo, how are you? 20:50:31 <Ammler> who won? 20:50:35 <Mucht> erm 20:50:38 <Mucht> next question :-P 20:50:41 <Ammler> hehe 20:50:48 <Ammler> the 2m man? 20:50:51 <tneo> hey Mucht quite busy 20:51:08 <CooPeter> *** Yex0 has left the game (leaving) 20:51:29 *** ^Spike^ has joined #coopetition 20:51:29 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^ 20:51:36 <tneo> Yexo, I compiled the source, though I get a version mismatch 20:51:41 <tneo> how to fix thatL 20:51:47 <Mucht> grr where does openttd store the screenshots by default? 20:51:55 <planetmaker> Mucht: in your data dir 20:52:11 <Mucht> there is no screenshot I've just taken :( 20:52:13 <tneo> @op 20:52:30 <Yexo> tneo: what is the output of "hg parents" 20:52:54 <Yexo> or rather, "hg id" ? 20:53:08 <tneo> hg? I downloaded the source from ottd.org 20:53:14 <tneo> and compiled that 20:53:46 <Yexo> oh, then you'll need to do "./configure --revision=h6a5fad9c" or something like that 20:54:06 <Mucht> what a crap, the screenshot isnt in my data dir :-/ 20:54:18 <Mucht> someone else made a screenie with all graphs and finances? 20:54:28 <Yexo> nope, I only made a savegame 20:54:45 <planetmaker> I made a screenshot 20:54:46 <Yexo> screenshot should be in "My documents/OpenTTD" (for windows at least) 20:55:05 <CooPeter> *** tneo joined the game 20:55:07 <planetmaker> but is there a way to get rid of all the chat? 20:55:30 <Yexo> save game, load in singleplayer ? 20:55:46 <CooPeter> *** tneo has left the game (leaving) 20:55:55 *** ODM has joined #coopetition 20:56:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o tneo 20:57:37 <Mucht> thats ridiculous 20:57:44 <Mucht> where does it store the screenie :-P 20:57:46 <tneo> Ammler, what do I need again for HG in OS? 20:58:07 <Ammler> zypper in mercurial 20:58:22 <tneo> Mucht, in the program root ./openttd 20:58:28 <Mucht> yes I just found out 20:58:32 <Mucht> ./openttd 20:58:34 <Mucht> funny :-P 20:58:50 <Mucht> ok thats pretty linuxish 20:59:14 <tneo> hey you're running a real OS or not ;-) 20:59:32 <Mucht> ya, SUSE ;-) 21:00:01 <Mucht> but I must admit that since work consumes me almost all day now, I loose the grip on that OS ;-) 21:01:28 <tneo> winblows your mind ;-) 21:01:33 <Ammler> well, you should get your influence to use such software also at work ;-) 21:02:22 <Mucht> nah I'm pretty much maxed out to understand the software we are producing 21:02:34 <Mucht> and even more difficult to describe it to the clients :-P 21:11:57 <CooPeter> *** planetm4ker has left the game (leaving) 21:16:52 *** ODM has quit IRC 23:03:15 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC