Log for #openttd on 18th June 2006:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:01:35  <Ihmemies> looks like openttdcoop server won't be up anytime soon :P
00:03:32  <RichK67> problems?
00:06:13  *** xahodo [] has joined #openttd
00:07:40  <XeryusTC> it has been down for a few hours
00:07:49  <XeryusTC> only the SB is down though :(
00:08:59  <CIA-14> richk * r5305 /branch/MiniIN/ (11 files in 3 dirs): [MiniIN]: [RefitInfo]: Added Purchase Window Refit Info patch.
00:09:26  <[Shaman]> e// my new autopilot thingie is working xD
00:09:56  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:10:34  <RichK67> Frostregen: ping
00:12:06  <Sacro> RichK67: nice one :)
00:13:29  <RichK67> np - next one coming up ;)
00:17:47  *** |Jeroen| [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
00:18:51  <Ihmemies> and nothing ever happens in the "real" coop server :P
00:23:05  <Frostregen> hm?
00:23:09  *** Dred_furst [] has quit ["( :: NoNameScript 4.0 :: )"]
00:23:33  <[Shaman]> darn
00:23:47  <[Shaman]> just the 2 things my app uses are NOT implemented in MONO 1.1.15 yet :/
00:24:30  <[Shaman]> ah well
00:24:31  * [Shaman] zzz
00:25:41  <arex\> huh
00:25:42  <arex\> coop? :)
00:26:42  <Frostregen> [02:12:35] <RichK67> Frostregen: ping
00:26:45  <Frostregen> ?
00:28:35  *** Hackykid [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:29:16  <Sacro> Frostregen: its RichK67: pong :P
00:29:46  <CIA-14> richk * r5306 /branch/MiniIN/ (32 files in 5 dirs):
00:29:46  <CIA-14> [MiniIN]: [CopyPaste]: Added Copy Paste patch.
00:29:46  <CIA-14> Thanks to Frostregen for MiniIN version of patch.
00:29:57  <RichK67> i found the answer ;)
00:30:08  <Frostregen> ok ;)
00:30:23  <Frostregen> what was it btw?
00:30:45  <RichK67> i needed to know which were the extra new files; just command_queue.h, command_queue.c, and copy_paste_gui.c ... yeah??
00:30:53  <Frostregen> exactly
00:30:56  <RichK67> and copypaste.grf
00:31:29  <RichK67> ok - added all 4 to SVN, and set linestyle to native, and keywords to Id :)
00:32:10  <Frostregen> as long as it works ;)
00:32:17  <RichK67> seemed to
00:32:42  <RichK67> didnt check it all, but it cut/pasted the COAL DROPOFF in Pile Transport nicely :)
00:33:26  <RichK67> though it does seem weird cut/pasting one end of a tunnel, but not the other!
00:33:58  <Frostregen> yeah, the check for the second tunnel exit is not implemented
00:34:11  <RichK67> could be dangerous
00:34:21  <Frostregen> it is dangerous ;)
00:34:36  <RichK67> lol ok... i was being kind ;)
00:34:42  <Sacro> oooh, segfaultage
00:37:37  * Sacro considers putting his name down for medical trials
00:39:19  <Frostregen> the tunnel problem is nr. 2 on my todo list. will be fixed soon anyway
00:42:29  <RichK67> i think the solution is "if no tunnel entrance & exit, do not build tunnel"
00:48:24  <RichK67> time to go... gn
00:48:29  *** RichK67 [n=RichK67@] has quit []
00:49:53  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-87-102-38-90.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12"]
00:50:20  *** Schamane_ [] has quit ["Ciao"]
01:20:49  *** orudge [n=orudge@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:30:29  *** StarLite [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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01:49:41  *** Ihmemies [] has quit ["Signed off"]
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03:51:03  *** lws1984 [] has quit ["Connection error: In Soviet Russia, connection takes over Soviet Russia!"]
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05:36:01  <DaleStan> !seen Truelight
05:40:50  <DaleStan> TL|Away: The DOS TTDPatch nightly completely failed to build for some reason. (Didn't even try to build, AFAICT) ItNot a problem for me, but I thought you might want to look into it.
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07:35:55  *** peter1138 [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
07:39:56  *** guru3 [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
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07:48:23  *** peter1138 [] has joined #openttd
07:49:28  <CIA-14> tron * r5307 /trunk/saveload.c: Remove two unnecessary indirections which used function pointers instead of directly calling the functions
07:53:35  *** guru3 [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has joined #openttd
08:09:50  *** Tefad [n=tefad@unaffiliated/tefad] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
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08:26:11  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #OpenTTD
08:26:20  <Wolf01> hi boys
08:27:13  <Wolf01> can someone look my diff for errors?
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08:34:32  <peter1138> Wolf01: you've not actually changed _display_opt from a byte to a word...
08:34:43  <Wolf01> oh
08:35:13  <Wolf01> where is to change?
08:35:28  <TL|Away> DaleStan: and the nightlies are 2 hours late....
08:35:59  <TL|Away> DaleStan: but it did try to compile the DOS
08:36:06  <TL|Away> just some minutes after you reported it
08:37:16  <peter1138> Wolf01: just search for it
08:37:55  <Wolf01> there are at least 15 files with _display_opt, i have to change it in each file?
08:38:27  <peter1138> no
08:38:32  <peter1138> there's only one with a declaration
08:38:50  <anboni> morning folks
08:40:01  <Wolf01> is only the VARDEF byte _display_opt; in variables.h?
08:40:15  <anboni> could anyone tell me why a {STRING1} in the language file eats two arguments? ie, it uses my SetDParam(0,...), then discards my SetDParam(1,...) which was supposed to get used by the {NUM} next in the string
08:40:52  <Wolf01> and about disabling the transparency on main title, i done it correctly?
08:41:30  <peter1138> Wolf01: that's the one
08:41:36  <peter1138> Wolf01: probably, didn't look too hard
08:44:02  <peter1138> anboni: string1 = a string that consumes one argument
08:44:02  <Wolf01> variables.h:271: error: `word' does not name a type ?_?
08:44:08  <peter1138> i.e. it's supposed to happen
08:44:11  <peter1138> Wolf01: uint16
08:44:46  <Wolf01> -_-
08:44:48  <anboni> peter1138, but isn't argument 0 the one it's supposed to consume?
08:45:16  <peter1138> argument 0 is the string. argument 1 is the parameter for that string
08:46:00  <anboni> so the string i feed to it could have variable tags included itself?
08:46:16  <peter1138> yes
08:46:37  <anboni> cool, that may be useful for the next step of my 'project' :)
08:47:09  <anboni> so what tag should i then use if i just have 1 piece of text to display?
08:47:37  <peter1138> {STRING}
08:49:11  *** angerman [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:49:33  <anboni> hmm.. that one is kinda too obvious :) from what i read from strings.c, i sorta concluded (clearly wrong) that {STRING} wasn't supposed to be used
08:49:56  <anboni> yay! it's working.. thanks :)
08:51:41  <Wolf01> ok, it works :D thank you peter1138
08:58:34  <TL|Away> t
08:59:26  <peter1138> hmm
08:59:36  <peter1138> not sure on this tgp map generation
08:59:39  <peter1138> looks nice
09:00:11  <peter1138> separate hilly/mountainous & smooth/rough controls don't make much sense
09:00:26  <peter1138> and i've got no oil refineries :(
09:01:23  <peter1138> hmm, now there's a bug
09:01:41  *** Hackykid [] has joined #openttd
09:01:41  <peter1138> fund industry with not enough money will still terraform land
09:01:48  <peter1138> Hackykid: fix it :D
09:02:08  <Hackykid> eh
09:02:12  <Hackykid> morning
09:05:01  <Wolf01> hi Hackykid, i did the patch!
09:06:55  *** Jenkz [] has joined #openttd
09:07:07  <peter1138> ah, it's a TGP bug, heh
09:08:05  <Hackykid> Wolf01: congrats! :-)
09:08:14  <Wolf01> do you want to try it?
09:10:32  <Hackykid> heh, sure, gimme
09:10:41  <Wolf01> here is it
09:10:52  *** SchAmane [] has joined #openttd
09:12:08  <Wolf01> maybe i can upload also a compiled binary and the lang file, so more people can try it
09:12:09  *** roboman [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
09:14:17  <Wolf01> i was thinking about a transparency cycling with shift+X which cycle all 4 transparencies plus all four together, and also make catenary transparent
09:15:55  *** Tino|Home is now known as TinoM
09:25:03  *** Angst [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
09:25:52  *** TL|Away is now known as TrueLight
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09:29:38  <Hackykid> hmm, yay, reverting the additional orders stuff allowed me to load my savegame again
09:30:56  <anboni> how would i insert a number into a string if i didn't want to use {NUM}?
09:35:19  *** DJ_Mirage [] has joined #openttd
09:37:15  <CIA-14> tron * r5308 /trunk/rail_cmd.c: Replace an array of function pointers with a switch: It's shorter, more comprehensible, less dependent on magic numbers
09:44:00  *** Wolf01 is now known as Wolfolo|AWAY
09:44:00  <Wolfolo|AWAY> Sono away:[ afk ] lasciate pure un messaggio in segreteria
09:47:09  *** Trenskow [n=outlet@] has joined #openttd
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10:23:21  <anboni> i dont suppose using sprintf is the right way for constructing strings for in-game display? :)
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10:49:33  <KUDr> [11:00:23] <peter1138> and i've got no oil refineries :( <-- did you try to increase "Max distance from edge for Oil Refineries" in "Patches/Terrain"?
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11:03:14  <anboni> hmm.. a train with 42 engines (or in this case 21 Millennium Z1) does some interesting things... leaves the depot at 2kph then accelerates to somewhat normal speeds, then for no obvious reason drops to 2kph again for a loooong time
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11:04:40  <hylje> 42 engines.. :D
11:04:53  <eleusis> :-\
11:05:10  <anboni> i was bored :)
11:06:27  <anboni> and i'm still trying to figure out a way to make my loading indicators work properly and display all cargo instead of just the first
11:07:32  <eleusis> loading indicators?
11:08:11  <anboni>
11:09:02  <eleusis> cool
11:09:16  <eleusis> what do the numbers mean? :)
11:09:26  <anboni> :/
11:09:41  <anboni> first is currently loaded, second is total capacity
11:09:43  <eleusis> what :-\
11:09:54  <eleusis> ok
11:10:09  <eleusis> what's the 'LV' or something, in front of that?
11:10:25  <anboni> it's the abbreviation for the cargo type (livestock, in this case)
11:10:29  <eleusis> ahh
11:10:51  <eleusis> why not show a percentage instead of loaded/capacity? ;)
11:11:46  <anboni> hmm... now that isn't such a bad idea at all :)
11:11:54  <eleusis> :D
11:12:20  <eleusis> or even a nice little progress bar, if it's not too hard! ;P
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11:31:32  *** mode/#openttd [+o DarkSSH] by ChanServ
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11:31:47  <Darkvater> morning (in certain timezones)
11:31:53  <XeryusTC> hmm
11:32:02  <XeryusTC> there is a terraform bug in r5298
11:32:10  <anboni> morning Darkvater
11:32:23  <XeryusTC> afternoon Darkvater
11:32:30  <Darkvater> what kind?
11:32:46  *** Angst [] has quit [""cal 9 1752""]
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11:33:31  <XeryusTC> <- to lazy to convert
11:34:11  <Darkvater> why people just don't save SS in PNG is beyond my comprehension
11:34:24  <XeryusTC> because i dont have libpng :P
11:34:45  <Darkvater> which is stupid
11:34:47  <XeryusTC> still need to download it
11:34:54  <Darkvater> what OS?
11:34:55  * XeryusTC lazy
11:35:00  <XeryusTC> windows
11:35:08  <Darkvater> how damn hard is it?
11:35:15  <Darkvater> I suppose you don't have zlib either?
11:35:17  <XeryusTC> dunno
11:35:26  <XeryusTC> i do have zlib
11:35:34  <Darkvater> so why don't you have libpng?
11:35:42  <Darkvater> they're in the same zip file o_O
11:35:53  <XeryusTC> hmm
11:36:12  <XeryusTC> i do have a libpng file :)
11:36:14  <eleusis> :-\
11:36:40  * eleusis slaps XeryusTC around with a png image of a trout
11:38:09  <Hackykid> hmm, indeed, i cant seem to terraform any tile with a rail on it
11:38:33  <Darkvater> motherfcuking terraforming shit
11:38:35  <Hackykid> hmm, sometimes i can
11:38:50  <Hackykid> indeed
11:38:51  *** egladil_ [] has quit ["Leaving"]
11:42:37  <anboni>
11:42:41  <anboni> oops
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11:43:32  <eleusis> anboni++ :)
11:43:40  <anboni> :)
11:44:17  <XeryusTC> :)
11:44:53  <anboni> only downside.. if a vehicle can take more than one cargo type, and it's set to full load with the option set to leave when one cargo type is full... the train will leave before 100%
11:45:49  <XeryusTC> that depends on your patch settings
11:46:09  <eleusis> um
11:46:20  <eleusis> you can get the train to leave when one cargo type is full?
11:46:30  <anboni> yeah, there's a patch setting for that
11:46:31  <XeryusTC> yes
11:46:45  <eleusis> hm, never seen it..
11:46:48  <XeryusTC> see the second patch in the Stations settings
11:46:57  <eleusis> then again, i usually have single-cargo-type trains
11:47:17  <anboni> is there a functional difference between case x: { }  break;  and case x: { break; } ?
11:47:17  *** Trenskow [n=outlet@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:47:29  <XeryusTC> anboni: no
11:47:56  <anboni> thought so.. seeing both styles used in this piece of code
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11:49:33  <Wolf01> darkvater, i saw that you fixed the terraforming the foundations, correct, but is possible to have the possibility to terraform everywhere (into foundations limit) like TTDPatch? this help a lot when you want to place a tunnel between 2 parallel tracks without demolish them
11:50:25  <Darkvater> it is half-fixed, and now broken in other places
11:50:48  <Darkvater> and I don't think that'll be possible until we get rid of the fucking ugly foundations crap that is the legacy of ttd(patch)
11:51:30  <hylje> fugly
11:51:34  <White_Rabbit> what crap? the graphics?
11:51:43  <hylje> no, i think he means the hacky code
11:52:01  <Darkvater> the's a nightmare
11:52:15  <hylje> gief examples too
11:52:32  <eleusis> btw, why aren't the source files under src/ instead of being at the root of the source tree? :)
11:52:52  <Darkvater> because all there is is source?
11:53:46  <eleusis> there are other files like COPYING, BUGS, etc
11:54:11  <Darkvater> also part of the source ;p
11:54:23  <eleusis> heh
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12:01:09  <anboni> hmm.. the percentage doesnt get updated consistently :/
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12:09:33  <XeryusTC> anboni: that's probably because industries produce alot at the same time
12:09:58  <XeryusTC> and not just small amounts spread over the same amount of time
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12:10:38  <anboni> well.. i have the train next to a farm, loading livestock.. and i can see some livestock get listed in the station waiting list briefly, but the % stays unchanged
12:11:07  <anboni> but this might be a problem local to this pc.. on the other pc, it seems to work better
12:12:07  <Ihmemies> coop sandbox is still.. down?
12:12:32  <XeryusTC> Ihmemies: yes
12:13:09  <anboni> so... .. any comments on the code or anything else?
12:15:52  * eleusis peeks
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12:18:41  <XeryusTC> SetDParam(0, ((tot_cargo[0]*100)/tot_cargo[1])); -> SetDParam(0, ((tot_cargo[0]/tot_cargo[1])*100)); <- maybe use that more common form
12:19:33  <anboni> XeryusTC, that's what i had originally, but since it's uints, the / gets rounded to 0 or 1, so the display would end up either 0% or 100% :)
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12:20:32  <anboni> i'll add a comment to explain though..
12:20:51  <XeryusTC> ok
12:21:02  <XeryusTC> shouldn't it keep it's float value?
12:21:17  <XeryusTC> its*
12:21:25  <anboni> apperently it doesnt :)
12:21:36  <Eddi|zuHause2> / with 2 ints as operands will always give an int
12:21:40  <anboni> not completely sure how that's supposed to work
12:21:41  <Eddi|zuHause2> not a float
12:21:41  <Hackykid> its better to multiply first and then divide
12:21:54  <Eddi|zuHause2> yes
12:22:19  <Hackykid> allows you to keep using ints with a minimum of precision loss
12:22:30  <Eddi|zuHause2> either that, or cast one operand to float, and then round in the end. but that is not a wise way to do
12:22:40  <anboni> yeah.. figured floats would be overkill (and too performance expensive) here
12:24:12  <Eddi|zuHause2> lots of misunderstandings could be avoided if C distinguished between integer and float division (like e.g. pascal does)
12:25:13  <eleusis> can cargo_cap ever be 0?
12:25:39  <Eddi|zuHause2> engine with no wagons?
12:25:41  <anboni> ooooh
12:25:58  <eleusis> might get SIGFPE on division :P
12:26:58  <anboni> Floating point exception
12:27:03  <anboni> thanks for catching that one eleusis  :)
12:27:19  <eleusis> heh
12:27:22  <eleusis> np
12:27:44  <anboni> (not that it'd be very likely, you'd have to send an engine without wagons to a station with the full load option set.. but still)
12:27:59  <Hackykid> it happens
12:28:13  <Hackykid> autoreplacing to an engine with doesnt allow freight wagons...
12:28:32  <anboni> yeah, good point.. with the more advanced grf's it could happen automatically
12:28:34  <Hackykid> quite annoying, really heh
12:28:35  <roboman> gnight
12:28:44  <eleusis> night
12:29:00  *** roboman is now known as robobed
12:29:00  <eleusis> ah, another aussie :P
12:31:02  <anboni> ok, that situation's fixed as well:)
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13:11:20  <Wolf01> i want to initialize a variable in main_gui.c, where i can put it?
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13:36:56  <Wolf01> new feature done, selective transparency+transparency cycle :D (it has to be bugfixed, but is only one if XD)
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13:46:34  <XeryusTC> gah
13:46:42  <XeryusTC> this terraform bug starts to annoy me
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13:58:53  <Wolf01> may somebody wants to try my new feature to find bugs and to tell me if is useful or not?
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14:01:30  <Sacro> afternoon all
14:01:43  <Frostregen> hi
14:02:00  <Sacro> hey Frostregen, how are you?
14:02:48  <Frostregen> tired ;D
14:02:59  <Sacro> not good :(
14:03:23  <Frostregen> it is weekend, it is ok
14:04:41  <Sacro> true
14:05:45  <Frostregen> hmm, was there no nightly yesterday?
14:06:01  <Sacro> yeah there was
14:06:19  <Frostregen> 5286?
14:06:36  <glx> but brianetta didn't update his server
14:06:40  <Frostregen> ok^^
14:07:02  <Frostregen> this is where i look
14:07:16  <Sacro> r5298 was last nightly
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14:10:06  <Wolf01> i thought that 5306 was last nightly
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14:11:13  <Sacro> Wolf01: dont thinkmso
14:12:53  <Wolf01> uhm, correct, i dlded it this morning :P
14:13:31  <Wolf01> directly from the svn
14:13:33  <Sacro> Latest nightly was built from revision r5298, created at Sat Jun 17 20:02:19 CEST 2006.
14:13:42  <Sacro>
14:13:53  <Wolf01> yes i'm looking at it
14:14:01  <Sacro> lol :)
14:14:32  <Wolf01> sacro, go try my new wonderful feature: selective transparency :D
14:14:46  *** Frostregen [] has quit ["und weg"]
14:15:04  <Wolf01> here is it
14:17:36  <Sacro> Wolf01: i might :)
14:17:43  <Sacro> if its what i think it is
14:17:45  *** egladil [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:18:03  <Wolf01> and what you think that it is?
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14:18:40  <Sacro> allows you to make certain things transparent and not others
14:18:51  <Wolf01> yes it is :D
14:20:23  <Sacro> i thought about that idea 2 weeks ago when i was laid in bed trying to sleep, just never got round to coding it
14:21:11  <Wolf01> you thoughr also the selection cycling?
14:21:18  <Wolf01> with shift+X
14:21:24  <Sacro> yep
14:21:28  <Wolf01> lol
14:21:40  <Sacro> and then i woke up the next day and totally forgot
14:22:07  *** Trenskow [n=outlet@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:22:33  <Wolf01> uhm... i noticed now that i inverted the transparency hotkey to make all transparent (as norma behaviour) and only player's buildings... but only in the executable, i hope XD
14:23:13  <Sacro> lol
14:24:49  *** Trippledence [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:24:55  <Wolf01> case 'X' | !WKC_SHIFT | !WKC_CTRL: and case 'X': are the same thing or the behaviour is different?
14:25:07  <Sacro> ?
14:25:21  <Wolf01> (only to optimize the code a little)
14:26:06  *** Frostregen [] has joined #openttd
14:26:10  <Wolf01> this because i have also ctrl+x and shift+x
14:26:57  <Sacro> hmm, it'll break against the track copying patch
14:27:21  <Sacro> if they use C_x for cut
14:28:26  <Wolf01> i can always use alt+x
14:34:51  <Sacro> true
14:35:58  <Wolf01> the next step is to make catenary become transparent
14:36:05  <Sacro> :D
14:36:30  <Sacro> avahi doesnt see samba shares :(
14:37:35  <Frostregen> there is no "cut" only ctrl+c and ctrl+v are used
14:39:53  <Wolf01> i wonder if is sufficient to copy and paste the transparent function where is the catenary code...
14:42:01  <Sacro> maybe
14:42:27  <Wolf01> but...where is the catenary drawing code?
14:42:45  <Wolf01> (maybe elrails)
14:43:16  <Wolf01> found it :P
14:44:09  <Wolf01> seem a bit more complicated than house drawing :/
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14:46:12  <Wolf01> i try, but i not hope that it will work at the first time
14:47:48  <Sacro> hmm
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14:58:43  <Wolf01> uhm... here i need tron which is not present
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15:06:38  <peter1138> Darkvater: your terraform fix stops valid terraforming too :(
15:07:02  <peter1138> Darkvater: ah, you're probably aware
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15:21:51  <Eddi|zuHause2> Wolf01: maybe it'd be sufficient to disable the catenary completely
15:22:29  <Wolf01> no, you won't see the difference between normal and elrail
15:22:44  <Eddi|zuHause2> well, you can always turn it on and off ;)
15:22:45  <Wolf01> now i'm at half of the work, i made transparent wires :P
15:23:09  <Wolf01> now, transparent pylons
15:23:45  <Wolf01> i can always add the variable to make it invisible like trees
15:24:19  <Eddi|zuHause2> oh, and suggestion: make a mode that makes the electric and non-electric tracks distinguishable clours (like red and blue or something)
15:24:45  <Eddi|zuHause2> *colours*
15:25:05  <Wolf01> into the minimap?
15:25:32  <Eddi|zuHause2> no, the normal map
15:25:52  <Eddi|zuHause2> like the transparency mode
15:26:29  <Eddi|zuHause2> or even within that transparency mode
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15:27:57  <Wolf01> mmmm
15:28:33  <CIA-14> tron * r5309 /trunk/ (clear_cmd.c rail.h rail_map.h station_map.h train_gui.c): Partially fix the rail header dependency fiasco: rail_map.h now depends on rail.h and not the other way round anymore
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15:33:06  <Wolf01> good, i did it! now transparent catenary XD
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15:37:06  <Sacro> w00t :D
15:37:15  <Sacro> as soon as its done send it to RichK :P
15:38:04  <Wolf01> i think is done, it only needs to be rewritten in developer-style and not first-time-to-c-style
15:38:54  <Wolf01> a little optimization also, because i think that i declared some variables in the wrong place
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15:44:36  <Wolf01> uhm, i forget to make transparent the catenary on the bridges :P
15:46:27  <Wolf01> oh, is more complicated than the normal rail :O
15:47:07  *** Frostregen [] has quit ["und weg"]
15:54:03  <Wolf01> uhm, i found a glitch, when comes out a newspaper the viewport is not correctly re-drawn, so there are sprites with half transparency
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15:55:09  <MeusH> hi
15:56:49  <ln-> MeusH: what does "you aren't even allowed at him you punk" mean, in plain English?
15:57:08  <MeusH> that was a common typo
15:57:12  <MeusH> some words were gone away
15:57:22  <MeusH> and this is the result
15:57:53  <hylje> a common typo :)
15:58:04  <MeusH> probably I ctrl+Ved the old version
15:58:11  <MeusH> replacing the one I wanted to write
15:58:13  <MeusH> it was something
15:58:21  <Darkvater> peter1138: yes I am. Found it what caused it but then there are some other terraforming problems present (although not THAT bad)
15:58:43  <MeusH> you aren't ... enough to even look at him, you punk
15:58:59  <MeusH> I didn't knew what to put as ... and I ctrl+Ved the wrong version
15:59:37  <Darkvater> will try to sort it out this evening
15:59:48  <MeusH> but hey, that dude probably hasn't found the ban log yet
15:59:56  <MeusH> TrueLight: ping time
16:00:02  <Darkvater> the point is I need to look at the tile in its ORIGINAL form, not how it is going to be... and some additional stuff as well I suppose
16:01:38  <MeusH> Darkvater: Seems TrueLight is away, I'd like to discuss about the OpenTTD website. Are you the right person, besides TL?
16:01:57  <Sacro> bbl all
16:02:03  <MeusH> bye Sacro
16:02:08  <Sacro> bye MeusH
16:02:11  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-200-183.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
16:05:19  <Wolf01> ok, done also the transparent catenary over the bridge
16:19:46  <MeusH> bye
16:19:51  *** MeusH is now known as MeusH[away]
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16:29:15  <Ihmemies> coop died again.
16:29:37  <Wolf01> again vandalism?
16:30:12  <Ihmemies> server just crashed :P
16:30:23  <Ihmemies> it crashed yesterday evening too.
16:30:57  <Ihmemies> and of course the software is so ancient it doesn't boot itself up again automatically ;)
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16:40:36  <Trenskow> always a joy to change the strings in the language files
16:40:39  <Trenskow> a total recompile :D
16:40:53  <Trenskow> and this ppc 1.33 takes it time :)
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16:58:12  <Darkvater> MeusH[away]: yes
17:07:33  *** Darkvater [] has quit ["leaving"]
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17:58:26  <Zimri> hmmmm
17:58:34  <Zimri> i've just closed and exited from openttd
17:58:39  <Zimri> a nightly version
17:58:57  <peter1138> how did you manage that?
17:59:05  <Zimri> and my firewall has popped up saying "openTTD.exe is trying to connect to
17:59:21  <Zimri> blah blah, remote port 80"
17:59:46  <Zimri> anyone ever come acrros that ?
17:59:48  <hylje> no
17:59:48  <Zimri> across*
17:59:57  <Zimri> oh well
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18:07:53  *** Wolf01 is now known as Wolfolo|AWAY
18:07:53  <Wolfolo|AWAY> Sono away:[ afk ] lasciate pure un messaggio in segreteria
18:07:55  <Ihmemies> duhh
18:08:01  <Ihmemies> where I could get the pile transport?
18:08:29  <Ihmemies> says 403
18:08:40  <Ihmemies> could anyone please send the savegame for me? ;)
18:14:48  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-227-125.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
18:15:48  <Sacro> afternoon all
18:16:06  <hylje> HI
18:16:08  <hylje> WHATS UP
18:16:20  <Eddi|zuHause2> definitely not your shift key ;)
18:16:43  <hylje> OH NOE
18:16:43  <hylje> S
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19:00:44  <CIA-14> miham * r5310 /trunk/lang/ (portuguese.txt unfinished/afrikaans.txt):
19:00:44  <CIA-14> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-06-18 21:00:21
19:00:44  <CIA-14> afrikaans - 116 fixed, 2 changed by TrueTenacity (118)
19:00:44  <CIA-14> portuguese - 13 fixed by supra90 (13)
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20:40:38  <Trenskow> one suggestion
20:40:39  *** |Jeroen| [] has quit ["Whoopsy"]
20:40:45  <ln-> impossible
20:40:58  <Trenskow> buy exclusive transport rights, should double in price every time a company bought it
20:41:28  <Trenskow> maybe descending price, so when the year was over, it was back to normal price
20:41:50  <Trenskow> but every time someone bought it in front of another, it should double in price
20:42:24  <Trenskow> the way it is now, a company can totally drain you, if they build a station that takes your online source of income, and then buys exclusive
20:42:59  <Trenskow> if that company is much bigger that yours, it can just keep buying it back, until you are out of money, and your officially done
20:43:29  <Trenskow> online = only
20:44:29  <Trenskow> a year without income is alot, and the only survival chance, is by selling all your trains and tracks, and try if you can make a new line
20:44:43  <Sacro> hmm
20:46:07  *** SchAmane [] has quit ["Ciao"]
20:46:37  <Trenskow> it doesn't make sense, that "buy exclusive" isn't exclusive
20:47:47  <peter1138> i'd like an option to disable it in MP
20:47:55  <peter1138> but then i'm too used to sandboxes ;)
20:48:10  <Trenskow> MP ?
20:48:16  <peter1138> multiplayer...
20:48:21  <Trenskow> ahh yes
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20:50:36  <MeusH> cya
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20:57:29  <[Shaman]> I wonder what happens if i try to compile Ottd from gmcs O_O
20:58:03  <peter1138> seeing as openttd is not c# ... not a lot ...
20:59:09  <[Shaman]> eh
20:59:17  <[Shaman]> or :P
20:59:24  <[Shaman]> it might just compile it normally
20:59:55  <peter1138> gmcs is a c# compiler, so...
21:00:41  * [Shaman] shrugs
21:00:43  <[Shaman]> might just work :P
21:00:43  <peter1138> but System.IO.File doesn't contain WriteAllText or ReadAllText
21:00:46  <peter1138> which is annoying me
21:01:00  <[Shaman]> It don't? :o
21:01:14  <peter1138> newp
21:01:38  <peter1138> otoh, i've only got
21:02:43  <[Shaman]> 1.1.15 is the latest beta iirc
21:02:47  <peter1138> yeah
21:03:10  <peter1138> writing C# in vim is painful
21:03:37  *** Maedhros [n=jc@gentoo/developer/Maedhros] has quit ["leaving"]
21:04:00  <peter1138> Read/WriteAllText was added in r55475
21:04:00  <peter1138> hmm
21:04:09  <[Shaman]> System.Diagnostic.Process lacks a few things as well.
21:04:15  <peter1138> 12th january
21:04:19  <[Shaman]> their at 62000-ish iirc
21:05:08  <peter1138> they're
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21:18:43  <[Shaman]> yar, that.
21:20:05  <hylje> YARRRRR
21:20:19  <hylje> implement pirates as a disaster
21:20:26  <hylje> robs ships empty
21:21:13  <Sacro> lol
21:21:39  <Prof_Frink> hylje: draw a pirate ship as a replacement for the small sub
21:22:00  <Sacro> VIKINGS :D
21:22:12  <Prof_Frink> It won't go plundering, but it would be PIRATES!
21:22:51  <Wolf01> i want see an old galeon that tries to aboard a super oil tanker XD
21:23:18  <Prof_Frink> a supertanker... full of Ninjas!
21:23:26  *** Mukke [] has joined #openttd
21:23:33  <Prof_Frink> Let the final battle commence!
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21:25:37  <Wolf01> i was thinking if is possible to slow the daytime in the game, like a day long the double
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21:27:11  <hylje> vikings would be rather absurd
21:27:21  <hylje> likewise for a galeon
21:29:00  <Sacro> Wolf01: yeah, i did a daylength patch ages ago
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21:31:10  <Wolf01> and it worked well?
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21:45:19  <Wolf01> i'm looking at misc.c, there is a valid reason for limiting the year to 2090?
21:45:52  <anboni> probably because a bunch of internal time counters can't handle any more
21:46:04  *** Trenskow [n=outlet@] has quit [""]
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21:49:31  <Sacro> Wolf01: because then vehicles dissappear
21:50:11  <Wolf01> i thought that maybe devs don't knew how to handle 2100 which isn't of 366 day :P
21:51:24  *** TrueLight is now known as TL|Away
21:51:26  <glx> there's a patch for that in dev forum
21:53:46  *** Angst [] has quit ["gn"]
21:57:55  <Eddi|zuHause2> i don't know why the particular year was chosen, but time is measured in days, and there has to be a limit to prevent it from overflowing
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22:00:23  <anboni> number of days is a uint16.. and in a lot of places, 1920 has been taken as the base year ... 170*365 is 62050, so 2090 is probably the highest 'nice' number that'll still fit
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22:28:25  <Sacro> arrgh its him
22:28:28  * Sacro hides
22:29:41  <hylje> yarrr
22:30:05  <Sacro> whoo, /me grabs his eye patch
22:30:12  <anboni> GAH
22:30:49  <anboni> that patch I made actually already exists, sorta... part of a bigger patch that improves the orders system...
22:31:02  <hylje> experience ftw
22:31:11  <hylje> now you can go and implement pirates yarr
22:31:13  <Sacro> what patch?
22:31:22  <Sacro> hylje: newpirates!
22:31:32  <anboni> loading % indicators on a vehicle statusbar
22:31:34  <hylje> now on land too!
22:31:35  <hylje> :P
22:31:56  <anboni> Sacro,
22:31:57  <hylje> the landscape destroying disasters are lame
22:32:02  <hylje> gief me pirates
22:33:16  <Sacro> anboni: ah yea
22:33:44  <[Shaman]> anboni: maybe "Loading (59%)" ?
22:34:05  <[Shaman]> with an option to change it to "Loading (123/456)"
22:34:11  <anboni> although apart from the very first post in the thread about the improved order handling, no mention seems to have been made of the status bar thingy
22:34:31  <[Shaman]> I'd use the status bar thingie myself tbh :P
22:34:35  <Sacro> hylje:
22:34:47  <[Shaman]> I allways hunt down trains at stations and use the info window to see how long it takes them to fill
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22:35:11  <hylje> Sacro: yarrr
22:35:19  <Prof_Frink> Avast!
22:35:31  <[Shaman]> yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
22:35:46  <anboni> [Shaman], :)
22:36:19  <hylje> Prof_Frink: ye swab
22:37:16  <[Shaman]> anboni: get RichK to put it in miniIN :P
22:37:48  <anboni> i'll make a post on the forum.. if devs consider it clean enough, maybe it'll hit trunk quick, since it's so small :) (hey, one can dream :) )
22:38:06  <anboni> * Show load on status bar
22:38:06  <anboni> Is that needed?
22:38:21  <anboni> that's from gigajum's post in that improved orders system patch.. guess it got dropped there :)
22:39:36  <Prof_Frink> anboni: Poke RichK. It's more likely to get in MiniIN
22:39:39  <Eddi|zuHause2> the better place for patches to be included should be flyspray
22:40:16  <anboni> Eddi|zuHause2, i'll make a post with a screenshot, and also post it in flyspray (next to the other patch i submitted as a fix for a bug i reported a while ago :) )
22:50:15  <Wolf01> good night guys
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23:00:38  <[Shaman]> anboni: Did you take in note the 'full load' thingie patch where it considders one type fully loaded as 100% load?
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23:06:15  <Sacro> hmm
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23:13:50  <Sacro> ooh its him :P
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23:15:16  <RichK67> anboni: are you watching???
23:15:22  <[Shaman]> O_O
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23:15:27  <[Shaman]> clairvoyant i tell you!
23:15:31  <[Shaman]> -00:37:15- [[Shaman]]: anboni: get RichK to put it in miniIN :P
23:15:39  <[Shaman]> 45 minutes later he comes in and asks for him...
23:15:41  <CIA-14> richk * r5311 /branch/MiniIN/ (7 files in 3 dirs):
23:15:41  <CIA-14> [MiniIN]: [LoadingIndicators]: Added Loading Indicators patch. Shows loading %age in vehicle windows.
23:15:41  <CIA-14> Many thanks to anboni for patch.
23:15:55  <RichK67> :)
23:15:58  <[Shaman]> !!!
23:16:02  <[Shaman]> SEE!
23:16:02  <[Shaman]> :p
23:16:14  <[Shaman]> damnit
23:16:24  <[Shaman]> now i have to recompile miniIN again :p
23:16:28  <RichK67> one of those "so simple, why on earth isnt this in trunk?" patches ;)
23:16:39  <[Shaman]> heh
23:18:13  <RichK67> i think the loading indicator is a great little patch - purely cosmetic, and gives useful info; imo, a no-brainer for trunk
23:18:20  * [Shaman] nods
23:19:58  <[Shaman]> so, what's the next step? :P
23:20:37  <RichK67> for MiniIN??
23:22:02  <[Shaman]> ye
23:22:49  <RichK67> probably aircraft queuing patch - cobraA1 is looking at getting it working for the multiple runways of the intercontinental first
23:23:17  <[Shaman]> nice
23:24:01  <RichK67> i want to add the PNGload patch into TGP, (and then into MiniIN)... so you can start a new game with random towns & inds on a pre-defined terrain
23:24:26  <RichK67> ie. dont generate it, load it
23:24:32  * [Shaman] nods
23:26:53  <RichK67> however, i also want to put together a ScenGen suite; better terrain tools, etc.   like my dither desert/rocks patch but for more things...
23:27:24  <[Shaman]> nice
23:29:32  <RichK67> me & KUDr will probably look at optimising the town & industry placement... shouldnt be too hard - the biggest delay is that when placing an industry, it has to check all the surrounding tiles to confirm there are no others nearby. this could be speeded up, by having an industry list that has X&Y of all industries, and just check down the list
23:30:15  * [Shaman] nods
23:31:10  <RichK67> it is daft that it takes 4-5secs to do the 2048x2048 terrain, and then 60-70secs to do the towns & industries... gotta be some slack code there needing the KUDr magic ;)
23:31:33  <[Shaman]> time to compile the new MiniIN :o
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23:32:01  <[Shaman]> eh, RichK67, I got 2048x2048 with only noise-generating down to.. 1ms? :o
23:32:22  <[Shaman]> if i add shit to it it gets worse tho
23:32:33  <[Shaman]> but the perlin part isn't that stressy
23:32:39  <[Shaman]> i think 90% is town/industry placement
23:32:50  <[Shaman]> and 10% is ottd-needed-things
23:35:41  <[Shaman]> PerlinGenTime: 485 ms
23:35:51  <[Shaman]> new added 'feature' i presume? :P
23:36:15  *** The-Moon [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:36:23  <RichK67> well - there is one quick optimisation; when it loops through the industries, it checks the distance before it checks if it is a similar type - swap those two around, and it will abandon before it does the distance calculation - gets significant on big maps
23:36:52  * [Shaman] nods
23:38:04  <RichK67> also, it doesnt check that the "ok to have industries close by" option is checked, until its done all the other checks... again, if it checks this first, it doesnt need to check the rest
23:38:07  <[Shaman]> plus the whole location list thingie might work pretty sweet
23:38:28  <RichK67> looks like it already uses the industry list for x&y
23:39:05  <[Shaman]> that creation time was for 1024x1024 btw
23:39:07  *** Sacro__ [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-161-50.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
23:39:07  <RichK67> unmovables are brute force though - for each transmitter attempt, it checks around
23:39:11  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-227-125.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Success]
23:39:49  <[Shaman]> might want to try adding more 'temporary debug messages' to the console, generation time for each stage
23:40:02  <RichK67> yeah - makes sense
23:40:09  <glx> [Shaman]: not possible because single thread
23:40:26  <glx> you will get all message at the end
23:40:52  <Sacro__> hmm
23:40:53  <RichK67> glx: use internal clock timings for each stage, and report as TGP does now
23:41:00  <[Shaman]> at the end of each stage it will.
23:41:14  <RichK67> you dont need to see the stages happen, only the summary at the end
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23:41:33  <[Shaman]> yeh, you'll end up with a nice list of things that happened
23:41:44  <glx> [Shaman]: it doesn't refresh the display between stage
23:41:55  <[Shaman]> if one is significantly bigger than the others, it -might- need optimalisation
23:41:58  <[Shaman]> glx: not needed.
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23:42:12  <[Shaman]> as long as the text is displayed with (correct) times at the end of generation
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23:42:31  <glx> ok I understand what you mean now :)
23:42:39  * glx should read better :)
23:43:16  <glx> I didn't read "generation time for each stage" :P
23:44:27  <[Shaman]> heh
23:44:28  <[Shaman]> np
23:45:08  <[Shaman]> RichK67: Does subs work in MP now as well?
23:46:11  <RichK67> dont know - i think author said it did now
23:46:21  * [Shaman] attempts
23:46:32  <[Shaman]> ah wait, it's disabled now
23:47:06  <[Shaman]> anybody mind joining the [D]oomcraft miniIN server (it's on public listing) with r5311-MinIN (pass == doom)
23:47:26  <[Shaman]> so i can see if i can crash it :P
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23:57:13  <RichK67> hmmm.... interesting... on "normal" industries and "high" towns, terrain=5secs, towns=5secs, inds=~5secs, rest=2secs => total 17
23:57:37  <RichK67> on "high" industries, rest is same, but inds takes > 50secs
23:58:41  <[Shaman]> then you found your problem i think :o
23:59:05  <RichK67> yup - its the industries too close to each other checks no doubt
23:59:11  <[Shaman]> you might be able to push down terrain to 3-4s, towns maybe, but industries definatly
23:59:52  <RichK67> yeah, just do the checks in a cpu-friendly order should help

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