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00:00:10 <Sacro> oooh, a shell extension... 00:00:41 <Sacro> i can do em in c# 00:01:06 <Eddi|zuHause> that should be not much more than a registry entry 00:01:15 <Frostregen> exactly ;) 00:01:27 <Eddi|zuHause> there's even a GUI for setting that up 00:02:15 * Sacro considers writing an OpenTTD installer in C# 00:02:30 <Sacro> it'd run on Windows and Linux, and probably OSX using GTK# 00:03:57 <Darkvater> or you know a little shell extension that shows cool stuff in WinXP details tab ^^ 00:03:57 <jez> really? 00:03:58 <Frostregen> i guess for submenu'e you need a real handler 00:04:06 <jez> how do you make C# cross-platform? 00:04:11 <Darkvater> mono 00:04:17 <Sacro> jez: C# is by design 00:05:12 <Eddi|zuHause> C# is the same level of cross-platform as Java 00:05:22 <Eddi|zuHause> you just have to have a runtime environment for it 00:06:18 <Sacro> "The developers have had a mass debate" <- *snigger* 00:06:37 <Darkvater> a 00:06:48 <Darkvater> whaa. 00:06:58 <Darkvater> screen/putty/irssi doesn't like being resized 00:07:06 <Sacro> Darkvater: no... it wont 00:07:39 <Darkvater> it never had problems with it in the past though 00:09:40 <Wolf01> gnight 00:09:43 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host140-229-dynamic.5-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [] 00:10:47 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 00:11:00 * Brianetta slaps all the mass-debaters 00:11:21 <Brianetta> I've posted in the forum thread; hopefully the record is straight on matters etymological. 00:12:11 <Sacro> Brianetta: hehe, i giggled at that too 00:12:44 <Brianetta> Sacro: Not the bad pun; the fact that they argued over a matter that can be lokoed up 00:12:53 <Sacro> Brianetta: i personally prefer randomise 00:12:55 <Brianetta> loko? looked up. 00:13:09 <peter1138> heh 00:13:14 <peter1138> it was only a joke poll ;p 00:13:18 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:13:18 <Brianetta> That's your choice. It's correct now, but only in Britain, where ramdomize is also correct. (: 00:13:26 *** Frostregen_ [~sucks@dslb-084-058-185-245.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 00:13:34 <Sacro> peter1138: i know... but the usage of "mass debate" 00:13:34 <Brianetta> well, ramdomize is nearly correct 00:13:44 <Brianetta> randomize is... correcter 00:13:45 <Sacro> just the m and d are the wrong way around :) 00:16:40 *** lukas [~lukas@p57A88C2D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:16:59 <peter1138> huh? 00:17:17 <Sacro> ramdomize (sic) 00:17:30 <Sacro> oh, should be s/m/n/ even 00:17:43 <jez> ha 00:17:47 <jez> supported by Brianetta 00:17:48 <Sacro> :| damn im totally confused now 00:17:55 <jez> now there's backup from an unexpected source 00:18:05 <Sacro> jez: Brianetta is a self confirmed alternative :) 00:18:22 <Brianetta> unexpected? 00:18:40 <Brianetta> what's backup? 00:18:47 <jez> with the ize thing 00:18:56 <Brianetta> I'm not supporting or backing up anything 00:18:59 <Brianetta> I'm clarifying 00:19:08 <Brianetta> It's a matter of record, not opinion 00:19:27 *** Frostregen [~sucks@dslb-084-058-141-046.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:19:36 *** Frostregen_ is now known as Frostregen 00:20:21 <Sacro> hmm... i wanna be a "lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas" 00:20:59 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has quit [Quit: leaving] 00:20:59 <jez> Brianetta: bah, you wet blanket 00:21:06 <jez> don't introduce logic to a holy war 00:21:21 <Brianetta> Logic is my holy stance 00:21:43 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has joined #openttd 00:21:44 *** mode/#openttd [+o Darkvater] by ChanServ 00:22:04 <Sacro> wb Darkvater 00:22:13 <Darkvater> irssi was getting pretty ugly 00:24:26 <peter1138> really? 00:25:46 <Darkvater> weren't you sleeping? :) 00:25:49 <Darkvater> eh zleeping that iz 00:25:59 <peter1138> you missed this guy... 00:26:02 <peter1138> 00:23 -!- Irssi [~irssi@tin.liacs.nl] has joined #openttd 00:26:02 <peter1138> 00:23 < irssi> that Darkvater guy is *really* ugly* 00:26:04 <peter1138> 00:23 -!- Irssi [~irssi@tin.liacs.nl] has quit [Quit: can't take it any more] 00:26:21 <Darkvater> o_O 00:26:24 <Darkvater> I demand a ban!! 00:29:31 <Sacro> hehe 00:31:15 *** YogSothoth [~john@lns-bzn-24-82-64-185-252.adsl.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:32:26 <peter1138> oh yeah 00:32:27 <peter1138> sleep 00:32:27 <peter1138> nini 00:33:40 *** jez9999 [elbowz@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 00:36:16 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0F5AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 00:36:16 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 00:36:24 <Darkvater> gn all :) 00:36:41 <Sacro> night Darkvater 00:37:17 *** jez [mobie@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:38:25 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0ECEE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:39:10 *** Ailure [Gamefreak@] has joined #openttd 00:42:17 *** jez9999 [elbowz@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [] 01:10:42 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 01:11:52 *** Mucht_ is now known as Mucht 01:20:53 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0DE13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 01:27:10 *** Mucht [~Mucht@p57A0F5AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:27:47 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp85-140-205-127.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:34:12 *** Bear_ [~IceChat7@pool-68-163-50-204.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 01:34:25 *** Bear_ [~IceChat7@pool-68-163-50-204.phil.east.verizon.net] has left #openttd [] 01:49:29 *** LSky` [~hixscript@cc103898-a.roden1.dr.home.nl] has quit [Quit: [ HIX-Script v2.2 ]:::[ Download from ]:::[ www.rupertonline.ca/hix/ ]:::[] 02:00:02 <Sacro> night all 02:00:32 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-245-101.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:26:46 *** DaleStan_ [~Dale@] has joined #openttd 02:30:52 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p54B76F0C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 02:32:55 *** DaleStan [~Dale@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:34:11 *** DaleStan_ is now known as DaleStan 02:35:39 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0EA64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 02:37:20 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B7651D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:41:55 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0DE13.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:31:13 *** ThePizzaKing_ is now known as ThePizzaKing 03:54:29 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0FDB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 04:00:50 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0EA64.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:13:55 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 05:05:15 *** DaleStan_ [~Dale@] has joined #openttd 05:07:15 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:11:39 *** DaleStan [~Dale@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:34:45 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0E010.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 05:41:00 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0FDB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:44:42 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 06:37:59 *** roboboy [~Leo@c211-30-116-5.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 06:56:22 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #openttd 07:01:44 <roboboy> hello 07:04:53 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@firewall1.driftbolaget.se] has joined #openttd 07:05:13 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@firewall1.driftbolaget.se] has quit [] 07:21:51 *** DaleStan__ [~Dale@] has joined #openttd 07:21:56 *** DaleStan__ is now known as DaleStan 07:25:40 *** Triffid_Hunter [~Splat@funkmunch.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:25:53 *** YogSothoth [~john@lns-bzn-24-82-64-185-252.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 07:28:22 *** DaleStan_ [~Dale@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:41:29 *** Nigel [~Nigel@202-154-145-207.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #openttd 08:07:43 *** roboboy [~Leo@c211-30-116-5.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:19:51 *** Triffid_Hunter [~Splat@funkmunch.net] has joined #openttd 08:20:14 *** roboboy [~Leo@c211-30-116-5.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 08:31:37 *** Purno [~Purno@5351CE6A.cable.casema.nl] has joined #openttd 08:39:26 <CIA-2> peter1138 * r7117 /branches/utf8/Makefile: [utf8] Evaluate the necessary flags for freetype once per make run, not every time the CFLAGS/LIBS variables are used (stock message (c) tron) 08:49:48 <Tron> *G* 08:49:57 <Prof_Frink> *H* 08:50:03 <plod> *I* 09:05:24 <peter1138> how prevalent is font-config these days? 09:05:43 <Darkvater> mornning 09:06:09 <Prof_Frink> 'nninng Darkvater 09:10:02 <Tron> morning, mr Farago 09:10:31 <Tron> s/o/ó/ 09:11:57 <Darkvater> morning herr Mallon 09:12:24 <Darkvater> sweeeet 1.0-9629 is out 09:12:42 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 09:13:25 <peter1138> huh? 09:13:28 <peter1138> got a time machien? 09:13:43 <Darkvater> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=79720 09:13:57 <peter1138> oh, nvidia stuff 09:14:06 <peter1138> have they put dga support back in? 09:14:14 <Darkvater> haha 09:14:23 <Darkvater> don't think so 09:14:24 <peter1138> :( 09:15:01 <peter1138> added support for quad sli 09:15:11 <peter1138> let's add support in ottd! 09:15:45 <peter1138> oh god, x splashscreen configuration 09:15:46 <peter1138> o_O 09:15:55 <Prof_Frink> peter1138: Eh, come back when it supports quad damage 09:16:06 <peter1138> dga's all i want :/ 09:16:27 <Darkvater> what do we call this? creeperism 09:16:41 <peter1138> dga was useful! 09:17:11 <Darkvater> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=516207#516207 \o/ 09:17:29 <peter1138> nvidia's solution to dga disappearing: rewrite your application to use xlib or opengl 09:17:43 <Darkvater> I love that thread 09:18:44 <peter1138> hehe 09:19:45 * Prof_Frink notes the vital importance of the thread, and votes 09:20:48 *** Ammler [~Ammler@68-92.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #openttd 09:21:50 <Darkvater> gotta have some bnreakfadt 09:24:11 * Prof_Frink makes a deeply philosophical nonsensical reply. 09:24:17 <Celestar> Darkvater: you wanted to sync :P 09:24:26 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-245-101.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 09:25:02 <Prof_Frink> Celestar: Please, not in public 09:28:12 <Tron> <Darkvater> what do we call this? creeperism <--- it's "feeping creaturism" 09:28:33 <CIA-2> peter1138 * r7118 /branches/utf8/ (configure makefiledir/Makefile.libdetection): [utf8] Autodetect and enable FreeType 09:28:50 *** Ammler [~Ammler@68-92.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:29:46 <peter1138> i wonder what the autotools-fu for that would be... 09:31:56 <Tron> 1855 /* Set the expense type last as refitting will make the cost go towards 09:31:56 <Tron> 1856 * running costs... */ 09:31:56 <Tron> 1857 SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(EXPENSES_NEW_VEHICLES); 09:32:27 <Tron> why does reffiting a vehicle bill in the category running costs? 09:33:36 <peter1138> pass. just the way it's always been i guess... 09:36:26 <peter1138> *sigh* 09:36:33 <peter1138> opera's tabs are useless 09:36:50 <peter1138> too many and you end up with all the tabs labelled "..." 09:38:16 <PandaMojo> I typically use multiple windows, each with their own related tab groups 09:40:20 *** LSky` [~hixscript@cc103898-a.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #openttd 09:45:52 <Triffid_Hunter> peter1138: hehe that just tells me I should close some.. at 1600x1200 screen res, that happens when I get to 60 or so tabs ;) 09:46:40 * PandaMojo uses 2x 1280x1024 screens, and as such rarely has a problem with tabs :P 09:49:47 <peter1138> 1024 across :( 09:50:11 <PandaMojo> You poor thing :3 09:57:12 <Darkvater> Celestar: only if you look at the smallmap ^^ 10:00:00 <Darkvater> Triffid_Hunter: exactly 10:00:03 <Darkvater> hemm 10:00:08 <Darkvater> Tron that is 10:00:57 <Tron> hm? 10:01:04 <Tron> oh, the refict costs 10:01:12 <Celestar> Darkvater: I'm about to 10:01:16 <Darkvater> :) 10:01:24 <Celestar> Darkvater: lots of conflicts, will take da weekend methinks 10:01:27 <Tron> yes, please fix the minimap 10:01:37 <peter1138> minimap is broken? 10:01:53 <Tron> click-and-hold-scrolling doesn't work anymore 10:01:58 <peter1138> ahh 10:02:01 <Darkvater> Celestar: what will? minimap or bridges? 10:02:08 <Tron> because /somebody/ considered it unnecesary 10:02:17 <Tron> +s 10:02:31 <Darkvater> Tron: because /somebody/ considered it a hack and rather removed it then get it to work normally 10:02:45 <Darkvater> and that somebody rather implemented 2 stupid features instead 10:02:58 * Tron makes a small bit of Simutrans code less disgusting 10:03:24 <Tron> it's really marvellous: It's written in C++, but uses /way/ more dirty casts and stuff than OTTD 10:03:33 <Tron> s/ll/ 10:03:36 <Tron> s/ll/l/ 10:03:37 <Tron> gr 10:03:58 <Prof_Frink> Tron: Trying to fix Welsh? 10:04:08 <Sacro> hehehe 10:04:12 <Tron> Welsh? 10:07:04 <peter1138> ll :) 10:07:16 <Tron> http://tron.homeunix.org/bla.png <--- one of the houses has a familiar ring 10:07:49 <peter1138> wow 10:08:00 <peter1138> they all look... out of place 10:08:10 <peter1138> individually nice, but put them together... 10:08:19 <Tron> yes 10:09:36 <Tron> http://tron.homeunix.org/blub.png ... 10:09:45 <Darkvater> ugh...simutrans si sooo ugly 10:10:48 <Darkvater> what is blub? 10:11:26 <Tron> compare the houses 10:11:35 <Sacro> Darkvater: either crying, or the noise something makes when it hits water 10:11:35 <Tron> bla and blub 10:12:24 <Darkvater> it's horrib, looks like the cathedral has been c&p-d from a jpeg, the rainbow house drawn by a kid on drugs 10:12:40 <Darkvater> only the one with the red roof looks decent 10:12:50 <Tron> mirrored, a few more floors, the colours got skrewed, but it's definatly the same house 10:13:11 <Tron> Darkvater: the one with the red roof is the house i'm talking about 10:13:15 <Darkvater> conspiracy! 10:14:03 <Celestar> simutrans looks so crappy, or is it me? 10:14:04 <Prof_Frink> Tron: Kidnap mb and make him redraw everything in simu ;) 10:14:31 <Prof_Frink> Or, don't, and get all the simu peeps to work on openTTD instead 10:14:50 <Celestar> and then have 120bytes/tile? no thanks 10:16:33 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: orr.... SimuTTD? 10:17:08 <Prof_Frink> Nah 10:17:46 <Tron> nah, it got better in the past few days: a 2kx2k map uses about 50MB less memory now. That's more improvement than a OTTD map of this size is large! 10:17:47 <Prof_Frink> Make 'em learn asm and dev for TTDPatch 10:20:33 <peter1138> Tron: so are they your fixes? 10:21:02 <Tron> no, i told prissi that the memory consumption is a bit /too/ excessive 10:21:03 <peter1138> i'd say that building isn't copied 10:21:04 <peter1138> *but* 10:21:15 <Prof_Frink> 'inspired' 10:21:20 <peter1138> the large window is exactly the same 10:21:39 <peter1138> and the top shows the darker colour 10:21:58 <Tron> peter1138: look at the window at the ledge (?) 10:22:07 <Tron> it's pixel for pixel the same, just mirrored 10:22:17 <peter1138> the sticky-out bit? 10:22:35 <Tron> yes 10:22:42 <peter1138> 's what i mean :) 10:22:53 <Tron> you can even spot the pipe of the eaves gutter 10:22:57 <Tron> in the original it's right 10:23:01 <Tron> in Simutrans it's left 10:23:07 <peter1138> thing is 10:23:13 <peter1138> the original looks so much better 10:23:17 <peter1138> simonfoster++ 10:23:38 *** Kobuchizawa [def@] has joined #openttd 10:24:14 *** VirusO [Virus@] has joined #openttd 10:24:23 <VirusO> hey guys :) 10:25:00 <Sacro> hey VirusO 10:25:15 <VirusO> Sacro, are you addicted to openttd ? 10:25:48 <Sacro> VirusO: err... quite possibly 10:25:48 <VirusO> Would you know if disconnection happens when we're behind a router ? 10:26:00 <VirusO> 0.4.8 10:26:11 <Tron> peter1138: yep 10:26:14 <Sacro> VirusO: it happens under nearly all circumstances 10:27:05 <VirusO> hm, port forwarding is necessary ? 10:28:10 <Sacro> if the server is behind the router, yes 10:29:25 <VirusO> No server, I am disconnected while beeing a client. 10:29:34 <VirusO> Can't a hold a game more than a few minutes. 10:30:27 <Tron> what's the exact message when you drop out of a game? 10:31:44 <VirusO> Most of the time, I don't see any. I am taken back to the game's menu. I can't remember right the once time it showed something. 10:31:55 <VirusO> ... Disconnecting ... 10:32:30 *** UserErr0r [UserErr0r@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Think I'm just too white n' nerdy] 10:34:12 *** UserErr0r [UserErr0r@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 10:43:45 <peter1138> hmmm 10:44:00 <peter1138> is the news window sensitive to infrared 10:44:01 <peter1138> ? 10:44:15 <peter1138> a red bus appears white on it 10:46:53 <Darkvater> *magic8 10:48:08 <Tron> ? 10:48:34 *** VirusO [Virus@] has quit [] 10:48:34 <Celestar> I am getting kind of hungrz 10:48:37 <Celestar> hungry too 10:55:54 <Darkvater> hmm so...what is so hard about syncing branches/bridge? 10:56:14 <Darkvater> just 3 conflicting files 10:56:34 <peter1138> depends how conflicting they are :) 10:56:49 <Darkvater> :) 10:56:51 <Darkvater> good point 10:58:39 <Tron> fix teh conflictz! 11:00:34 <peter1138> heh, randomise is winning, just 11:00:57 <Naksu> it's because it burns our eyes less 11:01:09 <peter1138> 18 vs 17 11:01:14 <peter1138> hardly a big lead 11:01:17 <Tron> well, there's an american translation of OTTD for all those z loverz 11:01:56 * Prof_Frink is glad he voted 11:02:02 * Sacro voted too 11:02:06 * peter1138 hasn't 11:02:14 <Sacro> :o and its your poll 11:02:20 <peter1138> exactly ;p 11:02:39 <Celestar> Darkvater: I just dun wanna mess with you changes :) 11:02:56 <Prof_Frink> peter1138: Is there a timelimit on the poll? 11:03:06 <peter1138> no 11:03:28 <peter1138> as its results are irrelevent anyway... 11:03:29 *** Kobuchizawa [def@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:03:33 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: well... in 2038 it might overflow 11:03:34 <Darkvater> Celestar: mine? I'm solving tron's conflicts in there :) 11:03:47 <Darkvater> peter1138: we have veto powers over 's 11:04:02 <Tron> Darkvater: hm? 11:04:09 <peter1138> 's! 11:04:17 <Prof_Frink> 's! 11:04:19 <Darkvater> nothing; in the bridge branch your changes to trunk conflicted 11:05:03 <Tron> which changes in particular? 11:05:05 * Prof_Frink conflicts with Born_Acorn 11:05:16 * Tron deletes Prof_Frink 11:05:24 <Tron> conflict solved 11:05:54 *** UserErr0r [UserErr0r@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Think I'm just too white n' nerdy] 11:05:57 <Darkvater> p1 and railtype 11:06:03 <Darkvater> oh and peter's overbuild 11:06:22 <peter1138> that conflicts with bridge? Hmm 11:06:34 <Tron> well, all bridge bits should be gone from CmdBuildSingleRail() 11:07:06 <Darkvater> they were already gone, just p1 was used then updated and it got confused 11:07:20 <Tron> so the conflict should be easy to solve 11:07:26 <Tron> just delete the icky bits 11:07:37 <Darkvater> !svn commit 11:07:38 <Darkvater> eh 11:07:41 <Darkvater> !openttd commit 11:07:43 <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7118 /branches/utf8/ (configure makefiledir/Makefile.libdetection) (2006-11-09 09:28:30 UTC) 11:07:45 <_42_> [utf8] Autodetect and enable FreeType 11:07:47 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 11:08:48 *** UserErr0r [UserErr0r@c-67-186-212-30.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 11:09:56 *** Rexxie [~rexxars@ti131310a080-6645.bb.online.no] has joined #openttd 11:10:08 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 11:10:11 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 11:11:14 <roboboy> gnight 11:11:19 *** roboboy is now known as robobed 11:16:11 *** Kobuchizawa [def@] has joined #openttd 11:17:33 <Kobuchizawa> Keep disconnecting from servers 11:17:46 <Kobuchizawa> Just getting me back to main menu. 11:17:52 <Kobuchizawa> strange! 11:23:02 <Darkvater> hmmm how to solve conflict r7111 ? 11:23:05 <Darkvater> just ignore? 11:23:37 <Darkvater> 7110 even 11:23:38 <Darkvater> ammit 11:24:05 <Celestar> !openttd commit 7110 11:24:07 <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7110 /trunk/tunnelbridge_cmd.c (2006-11-08 08:41:54 UTC) 11:24:09 <_42_> -Fix: Do not let ships enter partial water tiles under bridges; they will travel up land... 11:24:12 <Tron> Darkvater: think so 11:25:32 <Sacro> peter1138: wooyay 11:25:47 <Sacro> though i dont get a mention :( 11:25:53 <Darkvater> ok that was easy 11:26:02 <Rubidium> Kobuchizawa: do you have the exactly same set of newgrf files (even binary the same) and the same order of newgrf in openttd.cfg as the server does? 11:26:43 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 11:26:52 <CIA-2> Darkvater * r7119 /branches/bridge/ (70 files in 9 dirs): 11:26:52 <CIA-2> [bridge] - Sync with r7012:7018 from trunk 11:26:52 <CIA-2> - Resolve conflicts r7111, r7028, ignore r7110 11:26:59 <Darkvater> o_O 11:27:01 <Darkvater> dammit 11:27:48 <Sacro> :o 11:28:18 <peter1138> heh 11:28:38 <Darkvater> !openttd commit 11:28:39 <Darkvater> there 11:28:48 * Darkvater kicks _42_ 11:28:57 <_42_> Commit by Darkvater :: r7119 /branches/bridge/ (70 files in 9 dirs) (2006-11-09 11:26:45 UTC) 11:28:59 <_42_> [bridge] - Sync with r7012:7018 from trunk 11:29:01 <_42_> - Resolve conflicts r7111, r7028, ignore r7110 11:29:11 <Darkvater> ah jezus be mary 11:29:17 <Darkvater> I changed it for the wrong revision 11:29:23 <Darkvater> !openttd commit 7118 11:29:25 <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7118 /branches/utf8/ (configure makefiledir/Makefile.libdetection) (2006-11-09 09:28:30 UTC) 11:29:27 <_42_> [bridge] - Sync with r7012:7118 from trunk 11:29:29 <_42_> - Resolve conflicts r7111, r7028, ignore r7110 11:29:57 <Prof_Frink> ...tf? 11:30:07 <peter1138> heh 11:30:17 * Darkvater is not doing this anymore... 11:30:49 <peter1138> norty ;p 11:31:09 <peter1138> [utf8] Autodetect and enable FreeType 11:31:16 <Darkvater> !openttd commit 7118 11:31:17 <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7118 /branches/utf8/ (configure makefiledir/Makefile.libdetection) (2006-11-09 09:28:30 UTC) 11:31:19 <_42_> [utf8] Autodetect and enable FreeType 11:32:17 <Darkvater> hmm init 3 doesn't work anymore? 11:32:43 <Darkvater> my X is still running :s 11:33:35 <Prof_Frink> ctrlaltbackspace! 11:34:49 <Ailure> [12:26] <_42_> -Fix: Do not let ships enter partial water tiles under bridges; they will travel up land... 11:34:53 * Ailure just tried this bug 11:35:00 <Ailure> hey, it looks cool for hoverships :p 11:35:27 <Ailure> intresating to see that canals connect to them too.. 11:36:34 <Darkvater> o_O 11:36:43 <Darkvater> end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 0 11:37:57 <Darkvater> fuck now it's really dead 11:37:58 <Tron> your disk is belly up 11:38:10 <Darkvater> I should've backed it up a month ago when the problems surfaced :( 11:38:21 <Tron> you even got a warning? 11:38:27 <Tron> and you didn't react? 11:38:29 * Darkvater blushes 11:38:33 <Darkvater> I was lazy 11:38:40 <Darkvater> takes too long to backup 60Gb 11:38:43 <Darkvater> B 11:38:58 <Tron> 1. buy a new hdd 11:39:05 <Tron> 2. tar everything over 11:39:06 <Tron> 3. done 11:39:16 <Darkvater> whohoo it boots :) 11:39:31 <Tron> _buy_ _a_ _new_ _hdd_ _now_ 11:39:45 <Darkvater> no, I'll just do 2. 11:39:49 <Darkvater> and 3. throw away 11:40:30 <Tron> _do_not_ use cp 11:40:34 <Darkvater> 'tis gonna take ages on 100mb network :( 11:41:05 <Celestar> 11MB/sec 11:41:32 <Celestar> you better do something 11:41:49 <Celestar> first, disable DMA 11:42:01 <Tron> ? 11:42:05 <Prof_Frink> second, make sure you have a LiveCD handy 11:42:40 <Tron> Celestar: what for? 11:42:41 <Celestar> Tron: sometimes these errors come from bad DMA access (shown in the logs); in that case disabling or lowering the DMA mode helps 11:42:42 <peter1138> *sigh* 11:42:46 <Darkvater> it's just a data disk fortunately :) 11:42:54 <peter1138> just? 11:43:01 <peter1138> it's the system disk i don't care about... 11:43:05 <Celestar> peter1138: same here 11:43:09 <Darkvater> hehe 11:43:17 <Tron> Celestar: huh? DMA has nothing to do with dying platters 11:43:18 <Darkvater> ok, not-so-important-data 11:43:19 <Celestar> setting up system: 15 minutes. Recovering data: 2 days 11:43:27 <Darkvater> anime, movies some games 11:43:36 <Celestar> Darkvater: any DMA messages before that error? 11:43:46 <Darkvater> no 11:43:53 <Celestar> then the disk is really dead :S 11:43:54 <Darkvater> stupid maxtor HD's :( 11:44:08 <Celestar> move data onto some USB disk :) 11:44:13 <Celestar> back in a few 11:44:24 <Tron> DMA and PIO does exactly the same, except who is doing the copying 11:44:32 <Sacro> Darkvater: my old pc used to come up with those messages between 00:05 and 00:10 EVERY DAY... but only then... never did figure it out 11:44:45 <Tron> in the first case it's a DMA controller in the latter case it's the CPU 11:44:53 <peter1138> "Can someone tell me why this is such an issue?" 11:44:54 <peter1138> heh 11:45:04 <Tron> peter1138: ? 11:45:15 <peter1138> the randomise/randomize thread 11:45:22 <peter1138> some people take it seriously :) 11:45:28 *** jez [freezer@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 11:45:31 <Darkvater> it's gold 11:45:47 <Prof_Frink> peter1138: It's a very serious subject. 11:46:06 <Sacro> not as funny as Singaporekids new sig -> http://tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=27322&start=240 11:47:00 <Prof_Frink> Sacro: That's no sig... 11:47:09 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: its a space station? 11:47:14 <Prof_Frink> Bingo. 11:47:28 <Sacro> :o I KNEW IT 11:52:35 <Darkvater> wtf, I cannot shut down X :( 11:52:52 <Darkvater> if I 'init 3' then X is still running and if I kill it, it just restarts 11:53:56 <Sacro> Darkvater: how strange 11:54:08 <Prof_Frink> Darkvater: init 3 is too weak, use init 6 instead :D 11:54:13 <Sacro> can you not do /etc/rc.d/{x,g,k}dm stop ? 11:54:13 <Darkvater> that's reboot 11:54:20 <Prof_Frink> I know 11:54:27 <Prof_Frink> It'd kill X... 11:54:39 <Darkvater> that does not help me install nvidia :) 11:54:46 <Sacro> Darkvater: you could kill -9 it 11:54:56 <Darkvater> Sacro: hmm I'll try the /etc 11:55:01 <Darkvater> I always -9 lkill 11:55:20 <Prof_Frink> yeah, futz with xorg.conf, then ctrl-alt-bksp 11:56:05 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: theres an idea, mv /etc/x11/xorg.conf{,hidden} 11:56:11 <Sacro> then itll crash on x-startup :D 11:56:42 <Prof_Frink> exactly, and dump you unceremoniously to a terminal 11:58:46 <Darkvater> < away 11:59:15 *** Nigel [~Nigel@202-154-145-207.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:01:35 *** Kobuchizawa [def@] has left #openttd [] 12:03:24 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:03:29 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC64A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 12:07:54 <Rubidium> Tron, Celestar?, DarkVater?: the bridge branch asserts ('tile outside of map') after a few seconds when http://rubidium.student.utwente.nl/openttd/bridge-blow.sav is loaded. It does not happen in trunk, the savegame was made with dbsetxlw in trunk and the same assertion happens when the grf is not loaded, so I do not suspect the grf. 12:11:24 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 12:16:25 *** YogSothoth [~john@lns-bzn-24-82-64-185-252.adsl.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 12:22:58 <Celestar> Rubidium: ah ok 12:23:02 <Rubidium> ok, some bisecting shows that 6831 introduces the 'bug' 12:25:56 <Darkvater> it wasn't me :) 12:27:07 <Darkvater> Rubidium: hehe 12:27:13 <Darkvater> !openttd commit 6831 12:27:18 <Darkvater> good luck with that ;p 12:27:18 <peter1138> so find it in that small commit? :p 12:27:26 <_42_> Commit by celestar :: r6831 /branches/bridge/ (132 files in 9 dirs) (2006-10-19 06:38:28 UTC) 12:27:27 <_42_> [bridge] - Sync with r6700:6800 from trunk 12:28:05 <peter1138> oh no! it has the Airport -> apc change! 12:28:15 <Darkvater> that must've been it! 12:28:15 <peter1138> "Airport" really looks like a type to me ;)( 12:28:20 <peter1138> -( 12:28:53 <peter1138> Rubidium: where does the backtrace indicate it belongs to? 12:29:06 <Darkvater> it sure wasn't any changes to tunnelbridge_cmd.c 12:29:21 <Darkvater> neither the tile measurement tool 12:29:46 <Darkvater> T_T 12:30:01 <Darkvater> the other pc is so slow, I'm only getting 2.5MB/s backup speed 12:34:43 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 12:34:44 <Eddi|zuHause2> then let it run for a week ;) 12:39:30 <Rubidium> #6 0x0804fb15 in YapfGetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile (v=0x831c240, bReverse=false) at yapf/yapf_rail.cpp:300 12:39:46 <Celestar> Rubidium: that is something for KUDr 12:39:48 <Celestar> :) 12:39:53 <KUDr_wrk> Rubidium: assert? 12:40:02 <Rubidium> the whole one? 12:40:08 <Darkvater> oh 12:40:23 <Rubidium> openttd: yapf/../tile.h:54: TileType GetTileType(TileIndex): Assertion `tile < MapSize()' failed. 12:41:09 <KUDr_wrk> hmm 12:41:23 <KUDr_wrk> crazy - i reused the old function there 12:41:30 <peter1138> hmm 12:41:31 * Darkvater humms at Celestar 12:41:33 <KUDr_wrk> you must have corrupted map 12:41:48 <Tron> it's about branches/bridge/ btw 12:41:51 <KUDr_wrk> with tunnel that has only one hole 12:41:59 <Darkvater> Celestar: r4951 > http://bugs.openttd.org/task/392 12:42:08 <KUDr_wrk> aha 12:42:26 <peter1138> Darkvater: i saw a patch for that 12:42:27 <peter1138> hmm 12:42:39 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-134-39.vodafone-net.de] has joined #openttd 12:42:40 <Rubidium> KUDr_wrk: then why does it work with trunk just fine? 12:42:55 <Celestar> Darkvater: ? 12:43:00 <peter1138> could be dodgy savegame conversion 12:43:01 <Darkvater> and it's even wrong! the ocmments that is 12:43:17 <peter1138> can you pause the game and look for dodgyness? :) 12:43:42 <Celestar> !openttd commit 4951 12:43:44 <_42_> Commit by celestar :: r4951 /branch/bridge/pathfind.c (2006-05-23 06:37:49 UTC) 12:43:46 <_42_> [bridge] -Fix: NTP now penalized bridge according to their length 12:43:49 <KUDr_wrk> Rubidium: so if trunk works, and bridges not, why do you think that problem is in my code? 12:43:53 <Darkvater> 4591 12:43:57 <Darkvater> ;p 12:43:58 <Celestar> !openttd commit 4591 12:44:00 <_42_> Commit by celestar :: r4591 /trunk/ (4 files) (2006-04-27 11:19:12 UTC) 12:44:02 <_42_> -Fix (FS#122) Game no longer errors out when "Many random towns" is selected in the scenario editor. 12:44:04 <_42_> -Side effects: 12:44:06 <_42_> - Removed one global variable from variables.h 12:44:08 <_42_> - Remove an ugly hack for the "many random towns" function 12:44:17 <Darkvater> -side effects: introduce bug in scenario editor 12:44:22 <Darkvater> ;p 12:44:22 <peter1138> heh 12:44:24 <Celestar> did I swap something? 12:44:28 * Celestar slaps Darkvater 12:44:29 <peter1138> someone did a fix 12:44:33 <peter1138> but who 12:44:35 <Darkvater> it did? 12:44:42 <Darkvater> well anyways, that someone is me now 12:46:37 <Eddi|zuHause2> [So Okt 29 2006] [11:03:57] <Maedhros> "small" towns are given a size_mode of 0 to DoCreateTown, which effectively means "random size between 8 and 24" 12:46:37 <Eddi|zuHause2> [So Okt 29 2006] [11:04:12] <Maedhros> "medium" towns are given a size_mode of 1, which means "size == 3" 12:46:38 <Eddi|zuHause2> [So Okt 29 2006] [11:13:12] <Maedhros> patchified - http://dev.gentoo.org/~maedhros/openttd/town_size_scenario_editor-r7002.diff 12:46:47 <Darkvater> hmm actually...I take it back 12:46:52 <Eddi|zuHause2> if that helps you ;) 12:47:03 <Darkvater> Celestar's patch was good, someone borked it afterwards 12:47:06 <Darkvater> the hunt continues! 12:47:40 * Celestar thinks Darkvater owns him a cookie 12:47:52 <Eddi|zuHause2> "owe" 12:47:57 <Celestar> owes 12:47:58 <Celestar> >P 12:48:12 <Celestar> Darkvater pwns my c00kiez 12:48:23 <KUDr_wrk> Celestar: the current bridges head is broken? 12:48:49 <Darkvater> HA 12:48:56 <Darkvater> Belugas_Gone it was r6631 12:49:01 <Celestar> KUDr_wrk: not sure, will check tomorrow, why? 12:49:07 <Celestar> !openttd commit 6631 12:49:10 <_42_> Commit by belugas :: r6631 /trunk/ (23 files) (2006-10-03 20:16:20 UTC) 12:49:11 <_42_> -Codechange: Use accessors for click_state. 12:49:14 <_42_> Another step toward merging XTDwidget. 12:49:15 <_42_> The only two files not converted (window.h and widget.c) will be done at the very last commit) 12:49:18 <KUDr_wrk> because of this Yapf.... assert 12:49:24 <Celestar> KUDr_wrk: ok 12:49:49 <Celestar> KUDr_wrk: haven't done anything for months (apart from syncing) 12:50:09 <KUDr_wrk> so how can i reproduce it? 12:50:10 <Rubidium> ok, a vehicle is on a tile nowhere near a rail/road 12:50:23 <KUDr_wrk> aha 12:50:28 <Rubidium> just load the savegame: http://rubidium.student.utwente.nl/openttd/bridge-blow.sav 12:50:39 <KUDr_wrk> and pf should deal with it... 12:51:10 <Darkvater> I don't think maedhor's fix even works... 12:51:16 <Celestar> how can a vehicle be nowhere near a rail/road? 12:52:04 <KUDr_wrk> Celestar going too fast when entering 90 deg curve? 12:52:29 <Prof_Frink> Celestar: It can be a ship or plane 12:52:43 <KUDr_wrk> Plane not 12:52:52 <KUDr_wrk> Planes don't use YAPF 12:53:11 <Celestar> must have been post-5068 12:53:47 <Rubidium> hmm, I converted the position incorrectly... the train goes onto a bridge 12:54:00 <Rubidium> but isn't on the bridge yet 12:54:07 <Eddi|zuHause2> i was under the assumption planes go either straight forward, or along fixed airport routes 12:58:19 <Tron> it's something with train 90 12:59:03 <peter1138> KUDr_wrk: going to fast? how would that do it? 12:59:53 <Prof_Frink> peter1138: You try driving at a 90deg bend at 70mph and you'll understand 13:00:26 <peter1138> heh 13:00:39 <peter1138> not in game though, heh 13:01:19 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 13:01:39 <Tron> ah, YAPF doesn't account for bridges correctly 13:01:50 <Tron> bool first_in_tunnel = v->u.rail.track == 0x40; 13:01:58 <Tron> that's not true anymore 13:01:58 <jez> why the hell would realloc() set errno to 22 (invalid argument)? 13:02:05 <jez> and return NULL 13:02:28 <peter1138> if it fails... 13:02:54 <Celestar> if it fails it should put errno to ENOMEM 13:03:04 <jez> it doesnt 13:03:06 <jez> it sets it to 22 13:03:17 <jez> im trying to use AssignWidgetToWindow 13:03:33 <Tron> if you handed it a pointer which wasn't returned by malloc/calloc/realloc 13:03:39 <jez> thats what i was thinking 13:03:45 <jez> but w->widget should definitely be valid 13:03:47 <CIA-2> Darkvater * r7120 /trunk/ (main_gui.c town_cmd.c): 13:03:47 <CIA-2> -Fix (r6631): A town size of 0 in the scenario editor is a random size. So to get a size 13:03:47 <CIA-2> you need it between 1 and 3 and therefore there is no one-on-one correspondence between 13:03:47 <CIA-2> widget-numbers and town-size. Based on a patch by Maedhros 13:03:54 <jez> it's either 0 or previously returned by realloc 13:06:13 <jez> http://mazanec1.netbox.cz/svn/ottdp/ottd/patches/custom_faces 13:06:28 <peter1138> useful 13:06:32 <jez> r48 13:06:52 *** _Rince [rince@] has joined #openttd 13:07:05 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@firewall1.driftbolaget.se] has joined #openttd 13:08:06 *** _Rince [rince@] has quit [] 13:10:39 *** _Rince [~chatzilla@] has joined #openttd 13:11:20 <jez> the only thing i can think of is that at some point, w->widget gets free()d but not set back to 0 13:11:42 <Tron> ask valgrind 13:13:45 <peter1138> afaik it's only freed when a window is deleted 13:14:22 <peter1138> jez: supplying a repository is actually totally useless. it doesn't tell us any changes... 13:17:06 <jez> yeah but you can check it out and it's a lot more useful than a diff 13:17:17 <jez> because there are tons of (not so relevant) changes 13:18:30 <jez> even weirder 13:18:41 <jez> when it's passed (0, 208) 13:18:46 <jez> it is setting errno to ENOMEM 13:18:55 <jez> it's saying there aren't 208 bytes available? lol 13:22:42 <Tron> does it return NULL? 13:23:22 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:26:30 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-140-197-179.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 13:26:50 <Maedhros> hi 13:27:10 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 13:27:58 <Darkvater> hi 13:29:17 * peter1138 waits for VS to wake up 13:29:20 <Maedhros> hi Darkvater 13:29:36 <Maedhros> out of interest, why did you change the 6s in my patch to 7 - 1 ? 13:30:02 <Darkvater> because we derive the town size from the widget index, which is 7 13:31:29 * peter1138 watches opera slowly decrease its memory usage on exit 13:31:49 <Darkvater> Maedhros: it's a bit more clear as magic number than just clunking down 6 13:32:14 <Maedhros> ok, makes sense :) 13:38:04 <peter1138> hmm 13:38:09 <peter1138> who's reading my mail? 13:38:17 * Prof_Frink 13:38:25 <peter1138> oh, ok 13:39:07 <peter1138> PF Usage: 444MB 13:39:16 <peter1138> quit one program allegedly using 15MB 13:39:20 <peter1138> PF Usage: 316MB 13:46:32 <Darkvater> god this CmdPlayerCtrl sucks big time :s 13:47:18 <Darkvater> someone should delete and rewrite it :s 13:47:48 <Prof_Frink> Darkvater: Thanks for volunteering 13:48:39 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-062-197-163-181.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 13:50:30 <Celestar> PF being? 13:50:51 <Darkvater> pagefile 13:50:54 <Celestar> ah 13:50:57 <Darkvater> ok guys, gotta run :) 13:50:59 <Darkvater> bb in a few hours 13:51:00 <Celestar> where to? 13:51:12 <Darkvater> hope to see a few items crossed off the todo list by the time I'm back :) 13:51:13 <Darkvater> uni 13:56:04 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0E3B5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 13:56:04 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:59:28 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 14:00:04 *** jez [freezer@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:00:05 *** Szandor [~2@host86-142-52-166.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 14:01:02 *** _Rince_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #openttd 14:01:21 <Prof_Frink> OK, how long before Vista arrives on TPB? 14:02:20 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0E010.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:04:40 <Celestar> who needs vista? 14:06:34 *** jez [galactic@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 14:06:42 *** _Rince [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:06:45 *** _Rince_ is now known as _Rince 14:13:29 *** YogSothoth [~john@lns-bzn-24-82-64-185-252.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 14:13:37 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 14:15:11 *** Belugas_Gone is now known as Belugas 14:15:22 <Belugas> good day all 14:15:31 <Born_Acorn> It's a Belugas! 14:16:27 <Belugas> hello Born_Acorn :) 14:17:07 <peter1138> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Hogarth-satire-on-false-pespective-1753.jpg 14:17:19 <peter1138> ^ new perspective system for ottd 14:17:45 <jez> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=495587#495587 14:22:17 <Zevensoft> that image hurts 14:23:50 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:25:55 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@firewall1.driftbolaget.se] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:30:10 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has joined #openttd 14:36:35 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:39:50 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 14:40:41 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:41:02 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 14:45:10 <Darkvater> OMG 14:45:17 <Darkvater> arrakis:/home/tfarago # /etc/init.d/xdm stop 14:45:18 <Darkvater> Shutting down service kdm done 14:45:18 <Darkvater> arrakis:/home/tfarago # /etc/init.d/xdm status 14:45:18 <Darkvater> Checking for service kdm: running 14:45:20 <Darkvater> o_O 14:45:32 <PandaMojo> >_< 14:47:20 <Darkvater> this is stupid..I cannot shut down X to install the nvidia drivers 14:47:37 <Brianetta> Darkvater: init 3 14:47:48 <Darkvater> doesn't work 14:47:53 <Brianetta> init 1 14:48:10 <Darkvater> I think SSH doesn't work in init 1 14:48:33 <Brianetta> oh 14:48:53 <Brianetta> chmod -x `which X` 14:48:56 <Brianetta> killall X 14:49:34 <Darkvater> whohoo, killall X works :D 14:49:49 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B82EE8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 14:49:51 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 14:49:51 <Darkvater> thanks 14:49:59 <tokai> hiho guys 14:50:18 <Brianetta> hohi 14:50:21 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:53:30 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 14:56:51 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:00:08 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 15:01:02 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B3658C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:02:57 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B35738.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 15:06:16 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x50a46ac4.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 15:06:19 *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ 15:07:05 <Bjarni> is anything wrong with www.openttd.org ? 15:07:28 <Bjarni> it works just fine for me, but I got a PM that some people can't connect 15:10:39 *** lws|Away is now known as lws1984 15:10:56 <lws1984> works for me 15:13:03 <blathijs> worksforme 15:13:26 <hylje> wfm 15:13:34 <_Rince> me too 15:14:30 <Bjarni> ok 15:15:41 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-247-243.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 15:37:15 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:40:31 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 15:41:21 *** Mucht_ is now known as Mucht 15:42:08 <Born_Acorn> It worketh for me-eth 15:43:54 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F2277.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 15:55:28 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E9D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 16:01:05 *** Plnt [~someone@goodspeed.vscht.cz] has joined #openttd 16:08:03 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0D8C1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 16:14:41 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]] 16:14:45 *** Mucht [~Mucht@p57A0E3B5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:20:28 <Sacro> [15:10] <lws1984> works for me 16:20:28 <Sacro> [15:12] <blathijs> worksforme 16:20:28 <Sacro> [15:13] <hylje> wfm 16:20:38 <Sacro> its like the english language is getting smaller 16:20:52 <hylje> we are on the internets 16:25:45 <Bjarni> you should know that electronic equipment is getting smaller and smaller. The message used 12 bytes in 1984 only uses 3 bytes in 2006 16:26:24 <Zevensoft> most useless doublesize filter! http://img289.imageshack.us/img289/6782/ottdblurfilterxt3.png 16:26:31 <Sacro> Bjarni: ooh... 16:26:43 <Sacro> whoa... thats blurry 16:26:45 <Naksu> haha 16:26:56 <Prof_Frink> beerttd! 16:27:01 <Sacro> its like playing when pissed 16:27:05 <Prof_Frink> beerttd! 16:27:11 <Bjarni> Sacro: how do you know? 16:27:23 <Zevensoft> everyones played ottd pissed 16:27:29 <Bjarni> no 16:27:29 <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: Have you never played openttd when wankered? 16:27:31 <Sacro> Bjarni: because ive sat and drunknly played ttd 16:27:33 <peter1138> useless filters :D 16:27:55 <Bjarni> hmm... what does wankered mean? 16:27:57 <lws1984> come on, who *hasn't* sat drukenly and played (Open)TT(D)(Patch) 16:28:02 <Bjarni> is that another word for drunk? 16:28:03 <lws1984> Bjarni: smashed 16:28:04 <Zevensoft> the text filter is surprisingly robust though 16:28:10 <Bjarni> ahh 16:28:15 <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: *very* drunk 16:28:18 <Bjarni> actually I haven't 16:28:19 <peter1138> playing games when wankered is fun 16:28:20 <lws1984> yes, *very* 16:28:20 <hylje> :o 16:28:21 <peter1138> but annoying 16:28:24 <Sacro> lws1984: (O(pen)TT(D(patch) 16:28:28 <peter1138> can't click on the right buttons... 16:28:34 <Zevensoft> http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/3756/ottdtextfilterrn3.png 16:28:43 <Zevensoft> doesnt screw with the graphics, works on all text 16:28:50 <lws1984> no, it's (O)(pen)TT(D)(Patch) 16:28:51 <Sacro> Zevensoft: thats a nice one 16:29:00 <lws1984> since you could play TT, TTD, TTDPatch, OTTD, or OpenTTD! 16:29:05 <Sacro> lws1984: but there is no TTPatch 16:29:11 <Prof_Frink> lws1984: TTO or TTWE? 16:29:16 <Bjarni> why is it so surprising that I haven't played OpenTTD while being drunk? 16:29:16 <Zevensoft> sacro: I have an even nicer one, that smooths all the tracks and stuff, but it destroys text 16:29:29 <lws1984> Prof_Frink: TTO, natrually 16:29:35 * Sacro plays OpenTTD whilst eating danish bacon 16:29:36 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0FDEA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 16:29:37 <Zevensoft> since the text filter works on 45 degree angles, and the ingame graphics are based on 30 and 60 degree angles 16:29:38 <lws1984> wooooooah...that *is* like playing wankered 16:29:55 <Prof_Frink> I mean, you can't play those from your system 16:29:57 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 16:30:11 <Bjarni> hey, I asked you a question!!! 16:30:14 *** Konsumbrot [~Konsumbro@ip68-227-171-241.om.om.cox.net] has joined #openttd 16:30:21 <peter1138> 22.5 surely... 16:30:32 <Zevensoft> well I rounded up to 30 16:30:34 <Zevensoft> :P 16:30:42 <Sacro> lol 16:30:48 <Zevensoft> its more like 3 across 1 down or something 16:30:59 <Sacro> lws1984: broadcastle! 16:31:00 <Zevensoft> 2 across sorry 16:31:02 <peter1138> no, it's 2 across 1 down 16:31:16 <Zevensoft> text is 1 across 1 down 16:31:24 <lws1984> Sacro: at 08:32? 16:31:43 <Sacro> lws1984: its 16:31 here 16:31:50 <lws1984> Sacro: true that 16:31:58 <lws1984> and besides, it's five o' clock somewhere 16:32:02 <Zevensoft> I'm still trying to figure out how to make sdl doublesized 16:33:51 <peter1138> move your head closer to the screen 16:34:00 <Zevensoft> D: 16:34:06 <Zevensoft> still too small 16:34:25 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0D8C1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:34:36 <Zevensoft> nah I'm nearly there, about 50% 16:35:08 <Bjarni> <Bjarni> why is it so surprising that I haven't played OpenTTD while being drunk? 16:35:21 <Bjarni> answer or feel the consequences 16:35:24 <lws1984> ... 16:35:30 <lws1984> because it's a rite of passage for gamers 16:35:38 <peter1138> Zevensoft: 50% of double size/ 16:35:43 <peter1138> so that's normal size then... 16:35:49 <Zevensoft> lol no 50% of coding progress 16:36:04 <Bjarni> beer and games don't mix 16:36:19 <Sacro> Bjarni: lies 16:36:28 <lws1984> Bjarni: no, but it's fun to wake up the next morning to see how much of a mess you made 16:36:38 <jez> lws: you can do that without TTD 16:36:55 <Bjarni> I once won big time in sensible soccer because everybody else were drunk :D 16:37:14 <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: Ah, you're no fun 16:37:22 <lws1984> jez: but it's more fun with TTD, to see lots of lost trains and funky lines and such 16:37:28 <Bjarni> it was way too easy to play against people, who said stuff at random like "where did the ball go?" (it was always in the middle of the screen) 16:37:33 <lws1984> haha 16:38:32 <Bjarni> I didn't tell them to drink. They did and then they asked me to join them in their tournament. Who can say no to such an offer? :D 16:39:05 *** _Rince [~chatzilla@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:44:02 <peter1138> it's not about winning 16:44:06 <peter1138> it's about having a laugh 16:45:54 <Ailure> I would actually like to see a netgame where people play openTTD drunk 16:46:03 <Ailure> they probably play much better than the current AI implentation 16:46:37 <PandaMojo> Probably would get a lot of deadlocks due to mis-signaling. 16:47:47 <Zevensoft> people would click ignore signal 16:47:49 <Zevensoft> then boom 16:48:05 <Zevensoft> dead trains everywhere 16:48:16 <Prof_Frink> Zevensoft: I prefer the term 'kablamo' 16:48:30 <Szandor> [O[pen]]TT[D[Patch]] is better 16:48:47 <Sacro> Brianetta probably remembers me in the old PBS days where that happened anyway 16:48:59 <Brianetta> You do keep reminding me (: 16:49:03 <Szandor> bah, nonscrolling screen means I reply to things that happened hours ago 16:49:12 <Sacro> Brianetta: yes, and im still trying to get that save to work 16:49:21 <Prof_Frink> Szandor: Still no TTO/TTWE 16:49:25 <Sacro> im proud of that 8 train pileup... was my biggest yet 16:50:21 *** Tron_ [~tron@p54A3DB93.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 16:52:37 <Ailure> People would more likely crash trains on purpose 16:52:47 <Ailure> so midgame it looks more like a battlefield than a game of openTTD 16:52:54 <Sacro> Ailure: it wasnt on purpose :( 16:53:00 <Sacro> just it removes the head of the train first 16:53:02 <smeding> that's the only reason my friend has OpenTTD 16:53:10 <Sacro> and when the head was removed, it free'd the PBS block 16:53:10 <smeding> crashing trains and trucks. 16:53:22 <Ailure> reminds me about the first multiplayer game I got togetrher with a few friends 16:53:24 <Sacro> so a train would enter and slam into the wagons :( 16:53:32 <Ailure> midgame they went all nuts and was crashing trains and making stupid loops 16:53:43 <Ailure> and made trains keep hitting trucks 16:53:59 <peter1138> Sacro: great feature that 16:54:04 <Ailure> Almost making me want to make a patch 16:54:09 <Ailure> that makes it impossible for a train to hit a truck 16:54:19 <Sacro> peter1138: i lost 8 TRAINS :| 16:54:38 <Ailure> heh about PBS 16:54:45 <Ailure> I have a savegame where I use it 16:54:45 <LSky`> "Perhaps a really stupid question, but where can I register to play multiplayer games online? " 16:54:49 <LSky`> thats a pretty stupid question 16:54:50 <Ailure> but I don't see that much of a use for it 16:55:06 <Sacro> Ailure: PBS is a godsend when you build networks like i do 16:55:19 <Sacro> actually... none of my networks work without it 16:55:26 <Prof_Frink> peter1138! signalsbetweentiles! 16:55:32 <Ailure> heh 16:55:39 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: i *think* KUDr is doing that 16:55:54 <Prof_Frink> KUDr_wrk! signalsbetweentiles! 16:56:03 <peter1138> nice compatible change that 16:56:04 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E9D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:56:13 <Ailure>,%207th%20Aug%201967.png 16:56:18 <Ailure> would probably reveal alot how I build networks 16:56:25 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3FA76.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:56:32 <peter1138> still that station? 16:57:00 <Ailure>,%202nd%20Apr%201955.png 16:57:04 <Ailure> I like small layouts 16:57:10 <Ailure> well or rather 16:57:12 <Ailure> not overly big 16:57:34 <Ailure> sometimes I trade effectivity for looks 16:58:12 <Ailure> I do have a PBS signal on that game though 16:58:21 <Ailure> that game is my "let's try miniIN" game 16:58:45 <peter1138> feh 16:58:50 <peter1138> no brake vans 16:59:25 <Ailure> hehe I didn't know what they were used for :P 16:59:31 <Ailure> Well I do know 16:59:40 <Ailure> but I didn't back then 16:59:54 <Ailure>,%2030%20okt%201975.png 17:00:01 <Ailure> only time I ever used PBS 17:00:07 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 17:00:12 <Ailure> and only becuse I didn't want to rework parts of that network 17:00:18 <PandaMojo> lol 17:00:58 <Sacro> my biggest one was played over about 36 hours straight 17:02:04 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 17:02:17 <Ailure> I dunno what my biggest one is 17:03:14 <Ailure> if I were constantly building in my games I probably would have huge networks 17:04:45 <Ailure> I seem to like only cover 30% of a 512x512 map before I get bored 17:05:26 <Ailure> if you say taht a average openttdcoop game covers 100% of a map 17:05:29 <Ailure> at the end 17:06:21 <Sacro> lol 17:06:30 <Sacro> i think this one had 6 players 17:06:33 <Sacro> covered nearly all the map 17:14:35 <Zavior> PBS makes terminusstations like billion times more efficient 17:14:57 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: Whoopsy] 17:15:13 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 17:15:15 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 17:16:21 <Eddi|zuHause2> i use PBS all the time 17:16:29 <Sacro> Zavior: yep 17:16:35 <Eddi|zuHause2> damn that station looks ugly, Ailure 17:16:40 <Zavior> Can't play without :) 17:17:36 <Ailure> the major terminal? 17:17:37 <Ailure> lol 17:18:12 <Eddi|zuHause2> the graphics totally not fit TT 17:18:38 <Ailure> The toronto station dosen't clash that much 17:18:42 <Ailure> though the cargo part does 17:18:48 <Ailure> it looks more like Simcity 2000 17:18:55 <Ailure> It's only filler though 17:19:01 <Ailure> belive me, it looks better than having tons of company signs 17:19:29 <Ailure> I'm planning to put a intercontinal airport there :P 17:19:51 <Eddi|zuHause2> i believe i saw a newstations set with airport tiles (eyecandy) 17:21:27 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 17:21:46 <Ailure> I thoughjt you meant the railway layout was ugly at first XD 17:23:28 <Eddi|zuHause2> no, i mean the graphics 17:23:36 <Bjarni> "Perhaps a really stupid question, but where can I register to play multiplayer games online? All I can find is a link to login, but can't find anything to register." <-- Nice one :D 17:24:05 <Ailure> Would be funny if there was a metaserver requring login 17:24:15 <Ailure> but apart from keeping stats, there wouldn't be any need to have a login xD 17:28:50 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:29:13 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:29:59 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 17:32:08 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 17:33:06 *** BobingAbout [~BobingAbo@adsl-83-100-196-53.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 17:37:10 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: Whoopsy] 17:41:53 <Bjarni> <Ailure> but apart from keeping stats, there wouldn't be any need to have a login xD <-- actually if we create a central account system, it can be used to protect games against lamers, who spoils the games 17:42:18 <Sacro> i dont spoil them per se 17:44:07 <PandaMojo> OpenTTD is not a dairy product. It's a series of bytes! 17:44:34 * lws1984 takes a byte 17:44:36 <lws1984> mm..tasty 17:45:55 <Bjarni> I mean a server could prevent people from joining if the central server got complains from a several users about that user 17:46:19 <Bjarni> but how to prevent multiple accounts from a single person... 17:46:52 <BobingAbout> so... hows this faces code work? 17:47:19 <Zevensoft> hrm 17:47:38 <Zevensoft> I'm getting unresolved external symbol from _sdl_upperblit 17:47:40 <Zevensoft> thats odd 17:47:40 <Bjarni> BobingAbout: read the diff (or talk to jez) 17:48:08 <BobingAbout> nah, i got the patch diff, what about the original? 17:48:58 <KUDr> BobingAbout: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=516459#516459 17:49:24 <KUDr> all is under links there 17:52:10 <BobingAbout> right 17:54:11 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 17:56:29 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:57:00 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 18:02:28 *** Szandor [~2@host86-142-52-166.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:03:39 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 18:06:37 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:11:12 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 18:14:53 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 18:17:59 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0DCA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 18:23:30 *** MUcht [~Mucht@p57A0FDEA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:28:00 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176100226.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 18:30:14 *** Jezral [~projectjj@nat.kollegienet.dk] has quit [Quit: ) td@projectjj.com - http://projectjj.com/ (] 18:31:13 <CIA-2> belugas * r7121 /trunk/town_cmd.c: -Fix(r1): Tell the town that this player has built a statue only if it really did happened 18:55:41 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host72-234-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 18:56:27 <Wolf01> ello 18:56:48 *** BobingAbout [~BobingAbo@adsl-83-100-196-53.karoo.KCOM.COM] has left #openttd [] 19:05:09 *** Nigel [~Nigel@202-154-145-207.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #openttd 19:14:22 *** Plnt [~someone@goodspeed.vscht.cz] has left #openttd [] 19:16:33 <CIA-2> glx * r7122 /branches/MiniIN/ (41 files in 5 dirs): [MiniIN] -Sync with trunk r7070:r7121 19:23:47 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has joined #openttd 19:25:20 *** Nigel [~Nigel@202-154-145-207.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:25:53 <Tron_> Belugas: http://tron.homeunix.org/ottd/town_action.diff <--- maybe of interest, not finished though 19:26:37 <Belugas> Tron_ : reading :) 19:27:52 *** Purno [~Purno@5351CE6A.cable.casema.nl] has quit [Quit: Purno has spoken] 19:28:35 <Belugas> i think i see what you're doing 19:28:45 <Belugas> yeah seems sensible 19:29:06 <Belugas> i'll save it and work on it soon, as time permits it 19:29:09 <Belugas> tnaks 19:29:12 <Belugas> grrr 19:29:15 <Belugas> thanks! 19:29:37 <Zevensoft> arg 19:29:39 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B82EE8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:29:42 <Zevensoft> this late declare stuff is annoying 19:29:50 <Tron_> Belugas: http://tron.homeunix.org/ottd/Statue%20Test.sav <--- test case 19:30:03 <Tron_> this what? 19:30:43 <Zevensoft> you cant declare variables after a function 19:30:51 <Zevensoft> really really annoying 19:31:17 <peter1138> ... 19:31:19 <peter1138> btw 19:31:40 <peter1138> BuyRights should probably fail if someone already has rights 19:31:49 <hylje> :o 19:32:08 <Zevensoft> goddamnit 19:32:12 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B816FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 19:32:15 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 19:32:41 <Belugas> peter1138: true 19:34:48 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 19:34:48 *** Belugas [~Jfranc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:34:48 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 19:35:51 *** Belugas_Gone is now known as Belugas 19:36:30 <Belugas> Did i missed anything? 19:37:05 <peter1138> -ed 19:37:56 <Belugas> hehe :) 19:38:08 <Zevensoft> why is making doublesize mode in sdl so hard :( 19:38:21 <PigCell> hi all, I have a question about the miniIN and the forums are effing slow for me today: in multiplayer my friend gets kicked off my server whenever the savegame exceeds 500kb or so 19:38:44 <PigCell> she can reconnect but she'll get kicked off right again 19:39:16 <Sacro> She? 19:39:48 <PigCell> I don't think that's related to the problem :P 19:39:52 *** Tron_ is now known as Tron 19:39:53 <PigCell> this time... 19:39:56 <Sacro> PigCell: well... 19:40:10 <Sacro> is it a desync, or what? 19:40:12 <peter1138> lol 19:40:15 <PigCell> yeah 19:40:20 <peter1138> sacro gets all excited... 19:40:24 <PigCell> either desync or just connection lost 19:40:27 <Sacro> peter1138: err... yes... 19:40:45 <PigCell> only happens after more than 10 or so game years 19:41:00 <Sacro> hmm, on an ide cable you have blue black and grey, which is HDD, DVD and MOBO? 19:41:03 <PigCell> when the map info is over 500kb 19:41:08 <Sacro> PigCell: are you using any grfs? 19:41:12 <PigCell> yes 19:41:14 <PigCell> could that be it? 19:41:29 <Sacro> PigCell: actually, what are the upload/download speeds? 19:41:46 <peter1138> well 19:41:51 <peter1138> is pause on join enalbed? 19:41:55 <Tron> Sacro: blue is mainboard, black is master, gray is slave 19:41:56 <PigCell> yep 19:42:11 <PigCell> but even when I leave it paused she'lll get kicked off after a minute or two 19:42:24 *** Szandor [~2@host86-142-51-123.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 19:42:29 <peter1138> what does the server state the reason as? 19:42:32 <Tron> set the drives to cable select when using one of those 19:42:47 <Sacro> Tron: thanks :) 19:43:19 <Sacro> hmm, is it grey or gray... 19:43:22 <PigCell> Sacro: we both have DSL and no excessive downloading so bandwidth shouldn't be problem 19:43:27 <peter1138> grey! 19:43:57 <Sacro> PigCell: it seems strange that its when the filesize exceeds 512k 19:43:57 <peter1138> PigCell: kicked off even if pause is left on? ... 19:43:59 <peter1138> hmm 19:44:05 <Tron> of course "grey" 19:44:08 <Tron> i'm terribly sorry 19:44:12 <Zevensoft> anyone know why SDL_BlitSurface doesnt work? 19:44:16 <PigCell> yes 19:44:22 <peter1138> zorry 19:45:07 <PigCell> it doesn't happen on "vanilla" openttd ever 19:45:15 <Tron> Zevensoft: maybe you could be more vague, then we have more fun guessing what you mean 19:45:19 <PigCell> only on the miniIN 19:45:26 <PigCell> but so far every single time ._. 19:45:26 <Zevensoft> hrm 19:45:28 <peter1138> the server should say something like connection lost or client too slow, or something 19:45:43 <PigCell> it says "connection lost" 19:45:49 <Tron> PigCell: what's the exact reason the server states, everything else is useless 19:46:11 <PigCell> sometimes it's also "desynce error" 19:46:17 <PigCell> -e 19:46:27 <Zevensoft> nm tron 19:46:36 <peter1138> if you get desync errors when it's paused then something screwy is going on 19:46:37 <Tron> there's no "also", it only gives one error message 19:46:40 <peter1138> otoh, if it's the miniin... 19:47:28 <PigCell> well it could be a grf ... I was looking around for a nice set and found one on the coop site 19:47:30 <Zevensoft> "unresolved external symbol _SDL_UpperBlit referenced in function" 19:48:02 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host72-234-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Guest52835))] 19:48:02 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host72-234-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 19:48:08 <PigCell> but hten again.. all the grfs work 19:48:08 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:48:08 <hylje> MAYBE YOU DIDNT IMPORT THE _SDL_UpperBlit FIRST 19:50:14 <Zevensoft> how 19:50:29 <Sacro> hylje: caps :p 19:51:46 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 19:53:44 <hylje> Sacro: oh, really? 19:53:53 <Sacro> hylje: ya, really 19:54:05 <Zevensoft> yeah and what you said meant nothing 19:54:09 <hylje> Sacro: no way 19:54:15 <Sacro> hylje: ya way 19:58:50 <PigCell> hmmm dedicated server seems to work 19:58:53 <PigCell> so far 19:58:59 <PigCell> let's see 19:59:16 <Tron> Darkvater? 19:59:50 *** valhalla1w`verygone [~valhallas@a62-251-30-68.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 20:00:51 <Tron> STR_SEND_TO_DEPOTS and its associated strings STR_TRAIN_DEPOTS__DEPOT_ONLY, ... are problematic, to say the least 20:01:33 <Tron> you can't translate this to german in a sensible way, because you need different prepositions 20:01:55 <Tron> well, you could put them in the secondary strings, but it's rather pointless 20:02:07 <Tron> it should be just 4 strings instead of 1 + 4 strings 20:02:56 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:03:12 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 20:03:34 *** Zaviori [~Zavior@d195-237-7-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 20:05:21 *** valhallasw`verygone [~valhallas@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:05:58 *** Turski_ [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 20:06:40 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-140-197-179.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: leaving] 20:06:58 *** Zaviori [~Zavior@d195-237-7-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [] 20:08:49 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:12:06 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 20:15:35 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-062-197-163-181.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [] 20:16:03 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:17:07 *** Frostregen [~sucks@dslb-084-058-185-245.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: und weg] 20:20:54 *** Frostregen [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-132-040.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 20:22:03 *** Turski_ [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 20:27:37 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp15-137.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #openttd 20:28:26 *** helb [~helb@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:29:25 *** helb [~helb@] has joined #openttd 20:35:34 <Darkvater> Tron: pong 20:36:10 <Sacro> 36 minutes... impressive 20:36:18 <hylje> nice latency 20:37:18 <Darkvater> town-action buyrights should probably show up as a newsmessage... 20:37:20 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B816FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:38:14 <Darkvater> http://tron.homeunix.org/ottd/town_action.diff << why is the cost linked to build-industry? 20:38:26 <Darkvater> better to link it to _price.town_action or something 20:39:17 <Tron> don't ask me 20:39:24 <Tron> - cost = (_price.build_industry >> 8) * _town_action_costs[p2]; 20:39:35 <Darkvater> ah 20:40:10 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B80BF1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 20:40:10 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 20:41:18 *** ProfFrink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 20:42:05 <peter1138> strange innit 20:42:38 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:42:38 *** ProfFrink is now known as Prof_Frink 20:44:46 <Belugas> bye bye... 20:44:49 <Belugas> vpn reconnection... 20:44:52 *** Belugas [~Jfranc@] has quit [Quit: On snow, everyone can follow your traces] 20:55:05 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 20:55:06 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 20:57:01 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 21:00:38 *** Zahl22 [~SENFGURKE@p549F2277.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 21:00:42 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F2277.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Zahl22))] 21:00:42 *** Zahl22 is now known as Zahl 21:03:44 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 21:07:49 * peter1138 sighs 21:10:00 <hylje> wut 21:10:36 *** Szandor [~2@host86-142-51-123.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has quit [] 21:11:13 <Born_Acorn> peter1138! newise 21:11:15 <Born_Acorn> ! 21:16:59 <Konsumbrot> dedicated server didn't help PigCell's problem. 21:17:33 <PigCell> dbg: [NET] recv() failed with error 10053 21:17:34 <PigCell> dbg: [NET] Closed client connection 21:17:43 <PigCell> says the server 21:17:54 <PigCell> and I got kicked off as well 21:17:55 <PigCell> grr 21:18:26 <Konsumbrot> such a nice start, too. 21:19:03 <PigCell> ._. 21:19:28 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:23:02 *** DJ_Mirage [~martijn@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: www.sexybiggetje.nl] 21:23:34 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-134-39.vodafone-net.de] has quit [Quit: bin wech....] 21:27:13 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 21:27:14 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 21:27:36 *** Belugas_Gone is now known as Belugas 21:30:17 *** ProfFrink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 21:31:26 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:31:26 *** ProfFrink is now known as Prof_Frink 21:33:07 *** Zevensoft` [~Zevensoft@220-253-9-214.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #openttd 21:33:30 *** Zevensoft [~Zevensoft@220-253-9-214.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:33:30 *** Zevensoft` is now known as Zevensoft 21:38:55 *** dp- [~dp@p54B2CAD4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 21:39:08 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 21:41:36 <peter1138> nini 21:42:08 <Sacro> nigiht peter1138 21:43:40 *** ProfFrink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 21:44:56 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:44:56 *** ProfFrink is now known as Prof_Frink 21:45:57 *** dp-_ [~dp@p54B2DE61.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:50:40 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC64A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:52:20 <Konsumbrot> and it does the same thing when I host. 21:57:07 *** Celestar_ [~Jadzia_Da@p54979BCB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 21:57:47 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B80BF1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:00:37 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B849E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 22:00:38 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 22:00:45 <CIA-2> KUDr * r7123 /branches/bridge/yapf/yapf_rail.cpp: [bridge] - Fix: [YAPF] assert when train on the bridge tried to find a depot. (Rubidium) 22:04:50 *** YogSothoth_ [~john@lns-bzn-44-82-64-99-25.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 22:05:55 *** YogSothoth [~john@lns-bzn-24-82-64-185-252.adsl.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:08:37 *** Belugas is now known as Belugas_Gone 22:08:44 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:14:25 *** Celestar_ [~Jadzia_Da@p54979BCB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:19:26 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 22:20:21 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176100226.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.12/20050915]] 22:21:26 *** BobingAbout [~BobingAbo@] has joined #openttd 22:21:59 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-247-243.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: rebootsies] 22:22:24 <BobingAbout> ping 22:22:26 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E9D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 22:23:10 <glx> BobingAbout: missing ping target :) 22:23:16 * BobingAbout slaps himself and starts getting carried away 22:23:17 <Sacro> glx: that always amuses me too 22:23:43 <BobingAbout> ping sacro 22:23:48 <Sacro> i wonder if i leave my mouse on the base unit eventually it'll start charging 22:23:57 <Sacro> BobingAbout: pong 22:24:09 <BobingAbout> sacro: ping 22:24:22 <Sacro> BobingAbout: pong 22:24:37 <BobingAbout> ok, thats enough of pingpong 22:24:48 <Sacro> lws1984: SYN 22:25:14 <BobingAbout> you got your new PC yet? 22:25:16 <Sacro> hmm... 22:25:26 <Sacro> BobingAbout: jon has got everything except the mobo, cpu and ram 22:25:36 <Sacro> and i need to pick up a tft, and some batteries for my mouse 22:25:40 <BobingAbout> thats basicly the PC 22:25:52 <BobingAbout> you can have a CRT 22:25:52 <lws1984> Sacro_: ack! 22:25:54 *** Rexxie [~rexxars@ti131310a080-6645.bb.online.no] has quit [Quit: edgepro: There are two kinds of people, those who finish what they start and so on.] 22:26:03 <Sacro> i have the sound card, graphics card, case, 7.1 speakers, case, psu 22:26:14 <BobingAbout> you have 2 cases? 22:26:26 <Sacro> BobingAbout: no... 22:26:33 <BobingAbout> what graphics card you got? 22:26:41 <Sacro> 7950GT OC 22:26:49 <BobingAbout> OC to what? 22:26:55 <Sacro> errm... 22:26:57 <BobingAbout> i have a 7950GX2 22:27:05 <Sacro> good question that... 22:27:17 <BobingAbout> mines only a 1.2GHz 22:27:28 *** PigCell [PigCell@dslb-088-073-247-243.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 22:27:30 <BobingAbout> there was a 1.3GHz version, but it was an extra £50 22:28:01 <Sacro> 565/1430 22:28:19 <BobingAbout> 1.2 GHz, thats better than my PC in my bedroom 22:28:28 <BobingAbout> and this thing has 2 of them in there 22:28:57 <Sacro> :| 22:29:05 <Sacro> OCUK have an 8800 that has a built on radiator 22:29:16 <BobingAbout> radiator? 22:29:17 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E9D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:29:27 <Sacro> for water cooling 22:29:32 <BobingAbout> k 22:31:12 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B849E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:31:54 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has quit [Quit: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish] 22:35:40 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:46:37 *** lws1984 is now known as lws|Away 22:50:25 *** YogSothoth_ [~john@lns-bzn-44-82-64-99-25.adsl.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:51:56 *** GoneWacko [~gonewacko@c18041.upc-c.chello.nl] has quit [Server closed connection] 22:51:57 *** GoneWacko [~gonewacko@c18041.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 22:52:19 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #openttd [] 23:01:21 *** YogSothoth_ [~john@lns-bzn-44-82-64-99-25.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 23:03:00 *** Rens2Sea is now known as Rens2RoboBlitz 23:03:11 *** BobingAbout [~BobingAbo@] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- State of the art IRC] 23:14:21 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 23:19:29 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:21:50 *** Jezral [~projectjj@nat.kollegienet.dk] has joined #openttd 23:22:45 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has joined #openttd 23:24:30 *** ProfFrink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 23:25:30 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:25:30 *** ProfFrink is now known as Prof_Frink 23:39:21 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F2277.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: YOU! It was you wasn't it!?] 23:41:30 *** lws|Away is now known as lws1984 23:52:24 *** jez [galactic@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [] 23:56:51 *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]