Log for #openttd on 9th November 2006:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:10  <Sacro> oooh, a shell extension...
00:00:41  <Sacro> i can do em in c#
00:01:06  <Eddi|zuHause> that should be not much more than a registry entry
00:01:15  <Frostregen> exactly ;)
00:01:27  <Eddi|zuHause> there's even a GUI for setting that up
00:02:15  * Sacro considers writing an OpenTTD installer in C#
00:02:30  <Sacro> it'd run on Windows and Linux, and probably OSX using GTK#
00:03:57  <Darkvater> or you know a little shell extension that shows cool stuff in WinXP details tab ^^
00:03:57  <jez> really?
00:03:58  <Frostregen> i guess for submenu'e you need a real handler
00:04:06  <jez> how do you make C# cross-platform?
00:04:11  <Darkvater> mono
00:04:17  <Sacro> jez: C# is by design
00:05:12  <Eddi|zuHause> C# is the same level of cross-platform as Java
00:05:22  <Eddi|zuHause> you just have to have a runtime environment for it
00:06:18  <Sacro> "The developers have had a mass debate" <- *snigger*
00:06:37  <Darkvater> a
00:06:48  <Darkvater> whaa.
00:06:58  <Darkvater> screen/putty/irssi doesn't like being resized
00:07:06  <Sacro> Darkvater: no... it wont
00:07:39  <Darkvater> it never had problems with it in the past though
00:09:40  <Wolf01> gnight
00:09:43  *** Wolf01 [] has quit []
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00:11:00  * Brianetta slaps all the mass-debaters
00:11:21  <Brianetta> I've posted in the forum thread; hopefully the record is straight on matters etymological.
00:12:11  <Sacro> Brianetta: hehe, i giggled at that too
00:12:44  <Brianetta> Sacro: Not the bad pun; the fact that they argued over a matter that can be lokoed up
00:12:53  <Sacro> Brianetta: i personally prefer randomise
00:12:55  <Brianetta> loko?  looked up.
00:13:09  <peter1138> heh
00:13:14  <peter1138> it was only a joke poll ;p
00:13:18  *** Vikthor [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
00:13:18  <Brianetta> That's your choice.  It's correct now, but only in Britain, where ramdomize is also correct. (:
00:13:26  *** Frostregen_ [] has joined #openttd
00:13:34  <Sacro> peter1138: i know... but the usage of "mass debate"
00:13:34  <Brianetta> well, ramdomize is nearly correct
00:13:44  <Brianetta> randomize is... correcter
00:13:45  <Sacro> just the m and d are the wrong way around :)
00:16:40  *** lukas [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
00:16:59  <peter1138> huh?
00:17:17  <Sacro> ramdomize (sic)
00:17:30  <Sacro> oh, should be s/m/n/ even
00:17:43  <jez> ha
00:17:47  <jez> supported by Brianetta
00:17:48  <Sacro> :| damn im totally confused now
00:17:55  <jez> now there's backup from an unexpected source
00:18:05  <Sacro> jez: Brianetta is a self confirmed alternative :)
00:18:22  <Brianetta> unexpected?
00:18:40  <Brianetta> what's backup?
00:18:47  <jez> with the ize thing
00:18:56  <Brianetta> I'm not supporting or backing up anything
00:18:59  <Brianetta> I'm clarifying
00:19:08  <Brianetta> It's a matter of record, not opinion
00:19:27  *** Frostregen [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:19:36  *** Frostregen_ is now known as Frostregen
00:20:21  <Sacro> hmm... i wanna be a "lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas"
00:20:59  *** Darkvater [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
00:20:59  <jez> Brianetta: bah, you wet blanket
00:21:06  <jez> don't introduce logic to a holy war
00:21:21  <Brianetta> Logic is my holy stance
00:21:43  *** Darkvater [] has joined #openttd
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00:22:04  <Sacro> wb Darkvater
00:22:13  <Darkvater> irssi was getting pretty ugly
00:24:26  <peter1138> really?
00:25:46  <Darkvater> weren't you sleeping? :)
00:25:49  <Darkvater> eh zleeping that iz
00:25:59  <peter1138> you missed this guy...
00:26:02  <peter1138> 00:23 -!- Irssi [] has joined #openttd
00:26:02  <peter1138> 00:23 < irssi> that Darkvater guy is *really* ugly*
00:26:04  <peter1138> 00:23 -!- Irssi [] has quit [Quit: can't take it any more]
00:26:21  <Darkvater> o_O
00:26:24  <Darkvater> I demand a ban!!
00:29:31  <Sacro> hehe
00:31:15  *** YogSothoth [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:32:26  <peter1138> oh yeah
00:32:27  <peter1138> sleep
00:32:27  <peter1138> nini
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00:36:24  <Darkvater> gn all :)
00:36:41  <Sacro> night Darkvater
00:37:17  *** jez [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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01:49:29  *** LSky` [] has quit [Quit: [ HIX-Script v2.2 ]:::[ Download from ]:::[ ]:::[]
02:00:02  <Sacro> night all
02:00:32  *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-245-101.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
02:26:46  *** DaleStan_ [~Dale@] has joined #openttd
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07:01:44  <roboboy> hello
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08:07:43  *** roboboy [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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08:39:26  <CIA-2> peter1138 * r7117 /branches/utf8/Makefile: [utf8] Evaluate the necessary flags for freetype once per make run, not every time the CFLAGS/LIBS variables are used (stock message (c) tron)
08:49:48  <Tron> *G*
08:49:57  <Prof_Frink> *H*
08:50:03  <plod> *I*
09:05:24  <peter1138> how prevalent is font-config these days?
09:05:43  <Darkvater> mornning
09:06:09  <Prof_Frink> 'nninng Darkvater
09:10:02  <Tron> morning, mr Farago
09:10:31  <Tron> s/o/ó/
09:11:57  <Darkvater> morning herr Mallon
09:12:24  <Darkvater> sweeeet 1.0-9629 is out
09:12:42  *** PandaMojo [] has joined #openttd
09:13:25  <peter1138> huh?
09:13:28  <peter1138> got a time machien?
09:13:43  <Darkvater>
09:13:57  <peter1138> oh, nvidia stuff
09:14:06  <peter1138> have they put dga support back in?
09:14:14  <Darkvater> haha
09:14:23  <Darkvater> don't think so
09:14:24  <peter1138> :(
09:15:01  <peter1138> added support for quad sli
09:15:11  <peter1138> let's add support in ottd!
09:15:45  <peter1138> oh god, x splashscreen configuration
09:15:46  <peter1138> o_O
09:15:55  <Prof_Frink> peter1138: Eh, come back when it supports quad damage
09:16:06  <peter1138> dga's all i want :/
09:16:27  <Darkvater> what do we call this? creeperism
09:16:41  <peter1138> dga was useful!
09:17:11  <Darkvater> \o/
09:17:29  <peter1138> nvidia's solution to dga disappearing: rewrite your application to use xlib or opengl
09:17:43  <Darkvater> I love that thread
09:18:44  <peter1138> hehe
09:19:45  * Prof_Frink notes the vital importance of the thread, and votes
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09:21:50  <Darkvater> gotta have some bnreakfadt
09:24:11  * Prof_Frink makes a deeply philosophical nonsensical reply.
09:24:17  <Celestar> Darkvater: you wanted to sync :P
09:24:26  *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-245-101.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
09:25:02  <Prof_Frink> Celestar: Please, not in public
09:28:12  <Tron> <Darkvater> what do we call this? creeperism <--- it's "feeping creaturism"
09:28:33  <CIA-2> peter1138 * r7118 /branches/utf8/ (configure makefiledir/Makefile.libdetection): [utf8] Autodetect and enable FreeType
09:28:50  *** Ammler [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
09:29:46  <peter1138> i wonder what the autotools-fu for that would be...
09:31:56  <Tron>  	1855	  /* Set the expense type last as refitting will make the cost go towards
09:31:56  <Tron>  	1856	   * running costs... */
09:32:27  <Tron> why does reffiting a vehicle bill in the category running costs?
09:33:36  <peter1138> pass. just the way it's always been i guess...
09:36:26  <peter1138> *sigh*
09:36:33  <peter1138> opera's tabs are useless
09:36:50  <peter1138> too many and you end up with all the tabs labelled "..."
09:38:16  <PandaMojo> I typically use multiple windows, each with their own related tab groups
09:40:20  *** LSky` [] has joined #openttd
09:45:52  <Triffid_Hunter> peter1138: hehe that just tells me I should close some.. at 1600x1200 screen res, that happens when I get to 60 or so tabs ;)
09:46:40  * PandaMojo uses 2x 1280x1024 screens, and as such rarely has a problem with tabs :P
09:49:47  <peter1138> 1024 across :(
09:50:11  <PandaMojo> You poor thing :3
09:57:12  <Darkvater> Celestar: only if you look at the smallmap ^^
10:00:00  <Darkvater> Triffid_Hunter: exactly
10:00:03  <Darkvater> hemm
10:00:08  <Darkvater> Tron that is
10:00:57  <Tron> hm?
10:01:04  <Tron> oh, the refict costs
10:01:12  <Celestar> Darkvater: I'm about to
10:01:16  <Darkvater> :)
10:01:24  <Celestar> Darkvater: lots of conflicts, will take da weekend methinks
10:01:27  <Tron> yes, please fix the minimap
10:01:37  <peter1138> minimap is broken?
10:01:53  <Tron> click-and-hold-scrolling doesn't work anymore
10:01:58  <peter1138> ahh
10:02:01  <Darkvater> Celestar: what will? minimap or bridges?
10:02:08  <Tron> because /somebody/ considered it unnecesary
10:02:17  <Tron> +s
10:02:31  <Darkvater> Tron: because /somebody/ considered it a hack and rather removed it then get it to work normally
10:02:45  <Darkvater> and that somebody rather implemented 2 stupid features instead
10:02:58  * Tron makes a small bit of Simutrans code less disgusting
10:03:24  <Tron> it's really marvellous: It's written in C++, but uses /way/ more dirty casts and stuff than OTTD
10:03:33  <Tron> s/ll/
10:03:36  <Tron> s/ll/l/
10:03:37  <Tron> gr
10:03:58  <Prof_Frink> Tron: Trying to fix Welsh?
10:04:08  <Sacro> hehehe
10:04:12  <Tron> Welsh?
10:07:04  <peter1138> ll :)
10:07:16  <Tron> <--- one of the houses has a familiar ring
10:07:49  <peter1138> wow
10:08:00  <peter1138> they all look... out of place
10:08:10  <peter1138> individually nice, but put them together...
10:08:19  <Tron> yes
10:09:36  <Tron> ...
10:09:45  <Darkvater> ugh...simutrans si sooo ugly
10:10:48  <Darkvater> what is blub?
10:11:26  <Tron> compare the houses
10:11:35  <Sacro> Darkvater: either crying, or the noise something makes when it hits water
10:11:35  <Tron> bla and blub
10:12:24  <Darkvater> it's horrib, looks like the cathedral has been c&p-d from a jpeg, the rainbow house drawn by a kid on drugs
10:12:40  <Darkvater> only the one with the red roof looks decent
10:12:50  <Tron> mirrored, a few more floors, the colours got skrewed, but it's definatly the same house
10:13:11  <Tron> Darkvater: the one with the red roof is the house i'm talking about
10:13:15  <Darkvater> conspiracy!
10:14:03  <Celestar> simutrans looks so crappy, or is it me?
10:14:04  <Prof_Frink> Tron: Kidnap mb and make him redraw everything in simu ;)
10:14:31  <Prof_Frink> Or, don't, and get all the simu peeps to work on openTTD instead
10:14:50  <Celestar> and then have 120bytes/tile? no thanks
10:16:33  <Sacro> Prof_Frink: orr.... SimuTTD?
10:17:08  <Prof_Frink> Nah
10:17:46  <Tron> nah, it got better in the past few days: a 2kx2k map uses about 50MB less memory now. That's more improvement than a OTTD map of this size is large!
10:17:47  <Prof_Frink> Make 'em learn asm and dev for TTDPatch
10:20:33  <peter1138> Tron: so are they your fixes?
10:21:02  <Tron> no, i told prissi that the memory consumption is a bit /too/ excessive
10:21:03  <peter1138> i'd say that building isn't copied
10:21:04  <peter1138> *but*
10:21:15  <Prof_Frink> 'inspired'
10:21:20  <peter1138> the large window is exactly the same
10:21:39  <peter1138> and the top shows the darker colour
10:21:58  <Tron> peter1138: look at the window at the ledge (?)
10:22:07  <Tron> it's pixel for pixel the same, just mirrored
10:22:17  <peter1138> the sticky-out bit?
10:22:35  <Tron> yes
10:22:42  <peter1138> 's what i mean :)
10:22:53  <Tron> you can even spot the pipe of the eaves gutter
10:22:57  <Tron> in the original it's right
10:23:01  <Tron> in Simutrans it's left
10:23:07  <peter1138> thing is
10:23:13  <peter1138> the original looks so much better
10:23:17  <peter1138> simonfoster++
10:23:38  *** Kobuchizawa [def@] has joined #openttd
10:24:14  *** VirusO [Virus@] has joined #openttd
10:24:23  <VirusO> hey guys :)
10:25:00  <Sacro> hey VirusO
10:25:15  <VirusO> Sacro, are you addicted to openttd ?
10:25:48  <Sacro> VirusO: err... quite possibly
10:25:48  <VirusO> Would you know if disconnection happens when we're behind a router ?
10:26:00  <VirusO> 0.4.8
10:26:11  <Tron> peter1138: yep
10:26:14  <Sacro> VirusO: it happens under nearly all circumstances
10:27:05  <VirusO> hm, port forwarding is necessary ?
10:28:10  <Sacro> if the server is behind the router, yes
10:29:25  <VirusO> No server, I am disconnected while beeing a client.
10:29:34  <VirusO> Can't a hold a game more than a few minutes.
10:30:27  <Tron> what's the exact message when you drop out of a game?
10:31:44  <VirusO> Most of the time, I don't see any. I am taken back to the game's menu. I can't remember right the once time it showed something.
10:31:55  <VirusO> ... Disconnecting ...
10:32:30  *** UserErr0r [] has quit [Quit: Think I'm just too white n' nerdy]
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10:43:45  <peter1138> hmmm
10:44:00  <peter1138> is the news window sensitive to infrared
10:44:01  <peter1138> ?
10:44:15  <peter1138> a red bus appears white on it
10:46:53  <Darkvater> *magic8
10:48:08  <Tron> ?
10:48:34  *** VirusO [Virus@] has quit []
10:48:34  <Celestar> I am getting kind of hungrz
10:48:37  <Celestar> hungry too
10:55:54  <Darkvater> hmm so...what is so hard about syncing branches/bridge?
10:56:14  <Darkvater> just 3 conflicting files
10:56:34  <peter1138> depends how conflicting they are :)
10:56:49  <Darkvater> :)
10:56:51  <Darkvater> good point
10:58:39  <Tron> fix teh conflictz!
11:00:34  <peter1138> heh, randomise is winning, just
11:00:57  <Naksu> it's because it burns our eyes less
11:01:09  <peter1138> 18 vs 17
11:01:14  <peter1138> hardly a big lead
11:01:17  <Tron> well, there's an american translation of OTTD for all those z loverz
11:01:56  * Prof_Frink is glad he voted
11:02:02  * Sacro voted too
11:02:06  * peter1138 hasn't
11:02:14  <Sacro> :o and its your poll
11:02:20  <peter1138> exactly ;p
11:02:39  <Celestar> Darkvater: I just dun wanna mess with you changes :)
11:02:56  <Prof_Frink> peter1138: Is there a timelimit on the poll?
11:03:06  <peter1138> no
11:03:28  <peter1138> as its results are irrelevent anyway...
11:03:29  *** Kobuchizawa [def@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
11:03:33  <Sacro> Prof_Frink: well... in 2038 it might overflow
11:03:34  <Darkvater> Celestar: mine? I'm solving tron's conflicts in there :)
11:03:47  <Darkvater> peter1138: we have veto powers over 's
11:04:02  <Tron> Darkvater: hm?
11:04:09  <peter1138> 's!
11:04:17  <Prof_Frink> 's!
11:04:19  <Darkvater> nothing; in the bridge branch your changes to trunk conflicted
11:05:03  <Tron> which changes in particular?
11:05:05  * Prof_Frink conflicts with Born_Acorn
11:05:16  * Tron deletes Prof_Frink
11:05:24  <Tron> conflict solved
11:05:54  *** UserErr0r [] has quit [Quit: Think I'm just too white n' nerdy]
11:05:57  <Darkvater> p1 and railtype
11:06:03  <Darkvater> oh and peter's overbuild
11:06:22  <peter1138> that conflicts with bridge? Hmm
11:06:34  <Tron> well, all bridge bits should be gone from CmdBuildSingleRail()
11:07:06  <Darkvater> they were already gone, just p1 was used then updated and it got confused
11:07:20  <Tron> so the conflict should be easy to solve
11:07:26  <Tron> just delete the icky bits
11:07:37  <Darkvater> !svn commit
11:07:38  <Darkvater> eh
11:07:41  <Darkvater> !openttd commit
11:07:43  <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7118 /branches/utf8/ (configure makefiledir/Makefile.libdetection) (2006-11-09 09:28:30 UTC)
11:07:45  <_42_> [utf8] Autodetect and enable FreeType
11:07:47  *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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11:11:14  <roboboy> gnight
11:11:19  *** roboboy is now known as robobed
11:16:11  *** Kobuchizawa [def@] has joined #openttd
11:17:33  <Kobuchizawa> Keep disconnecting from servers
11:17:46  <Kobuchizawa> Just getting me back to main menu.
11:17:52  <Kobuchizawa> strange!
11:23:02  <Darkvater> hmmm how to solve conflict r7111 ?
11:23:05  <Darkvater> just ignore?
11:23:37  <Darkvater> 7110 even
11:23:38  <Darkvater> ammit
11:24:05  <Celestar> !openttd commit 7110
11:24:07  <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7110 /trunk/tunnelbridge_cmd.c (2006-11-08 08:41:54 UTC)
11:24:09  <_42_> -Fix: Do not let ships enter partial water tiles under bridges; they will travel up land...
11:24:12  <Tron> Darkvater: think so
11:25:32  <Sacro> peter1138: wooyay
11:25:47  <Sacro> though i dont get a mention :(
11:25:53  <Darkvater> ok that was easy
11:26:02  <Rubidium> Kobuchizawa: do you have the exactly same set of newgrf files (even binary the same) and the same order of newgrf in openttd.cfg as the server does?
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11:26:52  <CIA-2> Darkvater * r7119 /branches/bridge/ (70 files in 9 dirs):
11:26:52  <CIA-2> [bridge] - Sync with r7012:7018 from trunk
11:26:52  <CIA-2>  - Resolve conflicts r7111, r7028, ignore r7110
11:26:59  <Darkvater> o_O
11:27:01  <Darkvater> dammit
11:27:48  <Sacro> :o
11:28:18  <peter1138> heh
11:28:38  <Darkvater> !openttd commit
11:28:39  <Darkvater> there
11:28:48  * Darkvater kicks _42_
11:28:57  <_42_> Commit by Darkvater :: r7119 /branches/bridge/ (70 files in 9 dirs) (2006-11-09 11:26:45 UTC)
11:28:59  <_42_> [bridge] - Sync with r7012:7018 from trunk
11:29:01  <_42_>  - Resolve conflicts r7111, r7028, ignore r7110
11:29:11  <Darkvater> ah jezus be mary
11:29:17  <Darkvater> I changed it for the wrong revision
11:29:23  <Darkvater> !openttd commit 7118
11:29:25  <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7118 /branches/utf8/ (configure makefiledir/Makefile.libdetection) (2006-11-09 09:28:30 UTC)
11:29:27  <_42_> [bridge] - Sync with r7012:7118 from trunk
11:29:29  <_42_>  - Resolve conflicts r7111, r7028, ignore r7110
11:29:57  <Prof_Frink>
11:30:07  <peter1138> heh
11:30:17  * Darkvater is not doing this anymore...
11:30:49  <peter1138> norty ;p
11:31:09  <peter1138> [utf8] Autodetect and enable FreeType
11:31:16  <Darkvater> !openttd commit 7118
11:31:17  <_42_> Commit by peter1138 :: r7118 /branches/utf8/ (configure makefiledir/Makefile.libdetection) (2006-11-09 09:28:30 UTC)
11:31:19  <_42_> [utf8] Autodetect and enable FreeType
11:32:17  <Darkvater> hmm init 3 doesn't work anymore?
11:32:43  <Darkvater> my X is still running :s
11:33:35  <Prof_Frink> ctrlaltbackspace!
11:34:49  <Ailure> [12:26] <_42_> -Fix: Do not let ships enter partial water tiles under bridges; they will travel up land...
11:34:53  * Ailure just tried this bug
11:35:00  <Ailure> hey, it looks cool for hoverships :p
11:35:27  <Ailure> intresating to see that canals connect to them too..
11:36:34  <Darkvater> o_O
11:36:43  <Darkvater> end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 0
11:37:57  <Darkvater> fuck now it's really dead
11:37:58  <Tron> your disk is belly up
11:38:10  <Darkvater> I should've backed it up a month ago when the problems surfaced :(
11:38:21  <Tron> you even got a warning?
11:38:27  <Tron> and you didn't react?
11:38:29  * Darkvater blushes
11:38:33  <Darkvater> I was lazy
11:38:40  <Darkvater> takes too long to backup 60Gb
11:38:43  <Darkvater> B
11:38:58  <Tron> 1. buy a new hdd
11:39:05  <Tron> 2. tar everything over
11:39:06  <Tron> 3. done
11:39:16  <Darkvater> whohoo it boots :)
11:39:31  <Tron> _buy_ _a_ _new_ _hdd_ _now_
11:39:45  <Darkvater> no, I'll just do 2.
11:39:49  <Darkvater> and 3. throw away
11:40:30  <Tron> _do_not_ use cp
11:40:34  <Darkvater> 'tis gonna take ages on 100mb network :(
11:41:05  <Celestar> 11MB/sec
11:41:32  <Celestar> you better do something
11:41:49  <Celestar> first, disable DMA
11:42:01  <Tron> ?
11:42:05  <Prof_Frink> second, make sure you have a LiveCD handy
11:42:40  <Tron> Celestar: what for?
11:42:41  <Celestar> Tron: sometimes these errors come from bad DMA access (shown in the logs); in that case disabling or lowering the DMA mode helps
11:42:42  <peter1138> *sigh*
11:42:46  <Darkvater> it's just a data disk fortunately :)
11:42:54  <peter1138> just?
11:43:01  <peter1138> it's the system disk i don't care about...
11:43:05  <Celestar> peter1138: same here
11:43:09  <Darkvater> hehe
11:43:17  <Tron> Celestar: huh? DMA has nothing to do with dying platters
11:43:18  <Darkvater> ok, not-so-important-data
11:43:19  <Celestar> setting up system: 15 minutes. Recovering data: 2 days
11:43:27  <Darkvater> anime, movies some games
11:43:36  <Celestar> Darkvater: any DMA messages before that error?
11:43:46  <Darkvater> no
11:43:53  <Celestar> then the disk is really dead :S
11:43:54  <Darkvater> stupid maxtor HD's :(
11:44:08  <Celestar> move data onto some USB disk :)
11:44:13  <Celestar> back in a few
11:44:24  <Tron> DMA and PIO does exactly the same, except who is doing the copying
11:44:32  <Sacro> Darkvater: my old pc used to come up with those messages between 00:05 and 00:10 EVERY DAY... but only then... never did figure it out
11:44:45  <Tron> in the first case it's a DMA controller in the latter case it's the CPU
11:44:53  <peter1138> "Can someone tell me why this is such an issue?"
11:44:54  <peter1138> heh
11:45:04  <Tron> peter1138: ?
11:45:15  <peter1138> the randomise/randomize thread
11:45:22  <peter1138> some people take it seriously :)
11:45:28  *** jez [] has joined #openttd
11:45:31  <Darkvater> it's gold
11:45:47  <Prof_Frink> peter1138: It's a very serious subject.
11:46:06  <Sacro> not as funny as Singaporekids new sig ->
11:47:00  <Prof_Frink> Sacro: That's no sig...
11:47:09  <Sacro> Prof_Frink: its a space station?
11:47:14  <Prof_Frink> Bingo.
11:47:28  <Sacro> :o I KNEW IT
11:52:35  <Darkvater> wtf, I cannot shut down X :(
11:52:52  <Darkvater> if I 'init 3' then X is still running and if I kill it, it just restarts
11:53:56  <Sacro> Darkvater: how strange
11:54:08  <Prof_Frink> Darkvater: init 3 is too weak, use init 6 instead :D
11:54:13  <Sacro> can you not do  /etc/rc.d/{x,g,k}dm stop ?
11:54:13  <Darkvater> that's reboot
11:54:20  <Prof_Frink> I know
11:54:27  <Prof_Frink> It'd kill X...
11:54:39  <Darkvater> that does not help me install nvidia :)
11:54:46  <Sacro> Darkvater: you could kill -9 it
11:54:56  <Darkvater> Sacro: hmm I'll try the /etc
11:55:01  <Darkvater> I always -9 lkill
11:55:20  <Prof_Frink> yeah, futz with xorg.conf, then ctrl-alt-bksp
11:56:05  <Sacro> Prof_Frink: theres an idea, mv /etc/x11/xorg.conf{,hidden}
11:56:11  <Sacro> then itll crash on x-startup :D
11:56:42  <Prof_Frink> exactly, and dump you unceremoniously to a terminal
11:58:46  <Darkvater> < away
11:59:15  *** Nigel [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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12:07:54  <Rubidium> Tron, Celestar?, DarkVater?: the bridge branch asserts ('tile outside of map') after a few seconds when is loaded. It does not happen in trunk, the savegame was made with dbsetxlw in trunk and the same assertion happens when the grf is not loaded, so I do not suspect the grf.
12:11:24  *** Vikthor [] has joined #openttd
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12:22:58  <Celestar> Rubidium: ah ok
12:23:02  <Rubidium> ok, some bisecting shows that 6831 introduces the 'bug'
12:25:56  <Darkvater> it wasn't me :)
12:27:07  <Darkvater> Rubidium: hehe
12:27:13  <Darkvater> !openttd commit 6831
12:27:18  <Darkvater> good luck with that ;p
12:27:18  <peter1138> so find it in that small commit? :p
12:27:26  <_42_> Commit by celestar :: r6831 /branches/bridge/ (132 files in 9 dirs) (2006-10-19 06:38:28 UTC)
12:27:27  <_42_> [bridge] - Sync with r6700:6800 from trunk
12:28:05  <peter1138> oh no! it has the Airport -> apc change!
12:28:15  <Darkvater> that must've been it!
12:28:15  <peter1138> "Airport" really looks like a type to me ;)(
12:28:20  <peter1138> -(
12:28:53  <peter1138> Rubidium: where does the backtrace indicate it belongs to?
12:29:06  <Darkvater> it sure wasn't any changes to tunnelbridge_cmd.c
12:29:21  <Darkvater> neither the tile measurement tool
12:29:46  <Darkvater> T_T
12:30:01  <Darkvater> the other pc is so slow, I'm only getting 2.5MB/s backup speed
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12:34:44  <Eddi|zuHause2> then let it run for a week ;)
12:39:30  <Rubidium> #6  0x0804fb15 in YapfGetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile (v=0x831c240, bReverse=false) at yapf/yapf_rail.cpp:300
12:39:46  <Celestar> Rubidium: that is something for KUDr
12:39:48  <Celestar> :)
12:39:53  <KUDr_wrk> Rubidium: assert?
12:40:02  <Rubidium> the whole one?
12:40:08  <Darkvater> oh
12:40:23  <Rubidium> openttd: yapf/../tile.h:54: TileType GetTileType(TileIndex): Assertion `tile < MapSize()' failed.
12:41:09  <KUDr_wrk> hmm
12:41:23  <KUDr_wrk> crazy - i reused the old function there
12:41:30  <peter1138> hmm
12:41:31  * Darkvater humms at Celestar
12:41:33  <KUDr_wrk> you must have corrupted map
12:41:48  <Tron> it's about branches/bridge/ btw
12:41:51  <KUDr_wrk> with tunnel that has only one hole
12:41:59  <Darkvater> Celestar: r4951 >
12:42:08  <KUDr_wrk> aha
12:42:26  <peter1138> Darkvater: i saw a patch for that
12:42:27  <peter1138> hmm
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12:42:40  <Rubidium> KUDr_wrk: then why does it work with trunk just fine?
12:42:55  <Celestar> Darkvater: ?
12:43:00  <peter1138> could be dodgy savegame conversion
12:43:01  <Darkvater> and it's even wrong! the ocmments that is
12:43:17  <peter1138> can you pause the game and look for dodgyness? :)
12:43:42  <Celestar> !openttd commit 4951
12:43:44  <_42_> Commit by celestar :: r4951 /branch/bridge/pathfind.c (2006-05-23 06:37:49 UTC)
12:43:46  <_42_> [bridge] -Fix: NTP now penalized bridge according to their length
12:43:49  <KUDr_wrk> Rubidium: so if trunk works, and bridges not, why do you think that problem is in my code?
12:43:53  <Darkvater> 4591
12:43:57  <Darkvater> ;p
12:43:58  <Celestar> !openttd commit 4591
12:44:00  <_42_> Commit by celestar :: r4591 /trunk/ (4 files) (2006-04-27 11:19:12 UTC)
12:44:02  <_42_> -Fix (FS#122) Game no longer errors out when "Many random towns" is selected in the scenario editor.
12:44:04  <_42_> -Side effects:
12:44:06  <_42_> 	- Removed one global variable from variables.h
12:44:08  <_42_> 	- Remove an ugly hack for the "many random towns" function
12:44:17  <Darkvater> -side effects: introduce bug in scenario editor
12:44:22  <Darkvater> ;p
12:44:22  <peter1138> heh
12:44:24  <Celestar> did I swap something?
12:44:28  * Celestar slaps Darkvater
12:44:29  <peter1138> someone did a fix
12:44:33  <peter1138> but who
12:44:35  <Darkvater> it did?
12:44:42  <Darkvater> well anyways, that someone is me now
12:46:37  <Eddi|zuHause2> [So Okt 29 2006] [11:03:57] <Maedhros>  "small" towns are given a size_mode of 0 to DoCreateTown, which effectively means "random size between 8 and 24"
12:46:37  <Eddi|zuHause2> [So Okt 29 2006] [11:04:12] <Maedhros>  "medium" towns are given a size_mode of 1, which means "size == 3"
12:46:38  <Eddi|zuHause2> [So Okt 29 2006] [11:13:12] <Maedhros>  patchified -
12:46:47  <Darkvater> hmm actually...I take it back
12:46:52  <Eddi|zuHause2> if that helps you ;)
12:47:03  <Darkvater> Celestar's patch was good, someone borked it afterwards
12:47:06  <Darkvater> the hunt continues!
12:47:40  * Celestar thinks Darkvater owns him a cookie
12:47:52  <Eddi|zuHause2> "owe"
12:47:57  <Celestar> owes
12:47:58  <Celestar> >P
12:48:12  <Celestar> Darkvater pwns my c00kiez
12:48:23  <KUDr_wrk> Celestar: the current bridges head is broken?
12:48:49  <Darkvater> HA
12:48:56  <Darkvater> Belugas_Gone it was r6631
12:49:01  <Celestar> KUDr_wrk: not sure, will check tomorrow, why?
12:49:07  <Celestar> !openttd commit 6631
12:49:10  <_42_> Commit by belugas :: r6631 /trunk/ (23 files) (2006-10-03 20:16:20 UTC)
12:49:11  <_42_> -Codechange: Use accessors for click_state.
12:49:14  <_42_> Another step toward merging XTDwidget.
12:49:15  <_42_> The only two files not converted (window.h and widget.c) will be done at the very last commit)
12:49:18  <KUDr_wrk> because of this Yapf.... assert
12:49:24  <Celestar> KUDr_wrk: ok
12:49:49  <Celestar> KUDr_wrk: haven't done anything for months (apart from syncing)
12:50:09  <KUDr_wrk> so how can i reproduce it?
12:50:10  <Rubidium> ok, a vehicle is on a tile nowhere near a rail/road
12:50:23  <KUDr_wrk> aha
12:50:28  <Rubidium> just load the savegame:
12:50:39  <KUDr_wrk> and pf should deal with it...
12:51:10  <Darkvater> I don't think maedhor's fix even works...
12:51:16  <Celestar> how can a vehicle be nowhere near a rail/road?
12:52:04  <KUDr_wrk> Celestar going too fast when entering 90 deg curve?
12:52:29  <Prof_Frink> Celestar: It can be a ship or plane
12:52:43  <KUDr_wrk> Plane not
12:52:52  <KUDr_wrk> Planes don't use YAPF
12:53:11  <Celestar> must have been post-5068
12:53:47  <Rubidium> hmm, I converted the position incorrectly... the train goes onto a bridge
12:54:00  <Rubidium> but isn't on the bridge yet
12:54:07  <Eddi|zuHause2> i was under the assumption planes go either straight forward, or along fixed airport routes
12:58:19  <Tron> it's something with train 90
12:59:03  <peter1138> KUDr_wrk: going to fast? how would that do it?
12:59:53  <Prof_Frink> peter1138: You try driving at a 90deg bend at 70mph and you'll understand
13:00:26  <peter1138> heh
13:00:39  <peter1138> not in game though, heh
13:01:19  *** Tobin [] has quit [Quit: Tobin]
13:01:39  <Tron> ah, YAPF doesn't account for bridges correctly
13:01:50  <Tron> bool first_in_tunnel = v->u.rail.track == 0x40;
13:01:58  <Tron> that's not true anymore
13:01:58  <jez> why the hell would realloc() set errno to 22 (invalid argument)?
13:02:05  <jez> and return NULL
13:02:28  <peter1138> if it fails...
13:02:54  <Celestar> if it fails it should put errno to ENOMEM
13:03:04  <jez> it doesnt
13:03:06  <jez> it sets it to 22
13:03:17  <jez> im trying to use AssignWidgetToWindow
13:03:33  <Tron> if you handed it a pointer which wasn't returned by malloc/calloc/realloc
13:03:39  <jez> thats what i was thinking
13:03:45  <jez> but w->widget should definitely be valid
13:03:47  <CIA-2> Darkvater * r7120 /trunk/ (main_gui.c town_cmd.c):
13:03:47  <CIA-2> -Fix (r6631): A town size of 0 in the scenario editor is a random size. So to get a size
13:03:47  <CIA-2>  you need it between 1 and 3 and therefore there is no one-on-one correspondence between
13:03:47  <CIA-2>  widget-numbers and town-size. Based on a patch by Maedhros
13:03:54  <jez> it's either 0 or previously returned by realloc
13:06:13  <jez>
13:06:28  <peter1138> useful
13:06:32  <jez> r48
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13:11:20  <jez> the only thing i can think of is that at some point, w->widget gets free()d but not set back to 0
13:11:42  <Tron> ask valgrind
13:13:45  <peter1138> afaik it's only freed when a window is deleted
13:14:22  <peter1138> jez: supplying a repository is actually totally useless. it doesn't tell us any changes...
13:17:06  <jez> yeah but you can check it out and it's a lot more useful than a diff
13:17:17  <jez> because there are tons of (not so relevant) changes
13:18:30  <jez> even weirder
13:18:41  <jez> when it's passed (0, 208)
13:18:46  <jez> it is setting errno to ENOMEM
13:18:55  <jez> it's saying there aren't 208 bytes available? lol
13:22:42  <Tron> does it return NULL?
13:23:22  *** Aedendal [~dariius@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:26:30  *** Maedhros [] has joined #openttd
13:26:50  <Maedhros> hi
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13:27:58  <Darkvater> hi
13:29:17  * peter1138 waits for VS to wake up
13:29:20  <Maedhros> hi Darkvater
13:29:36  <Maedhros> out of interest, why did you change the 6s in my patch to 7 - 1 ?
13:30:02  <Darkvater> because we derive the town size from the widget index, which is 7
13:31:29  * peter1138 watches opera slowly decrease its memory usage on exit
13:31:49  <Darkvater> Maedhros: it's a bit more clear as magic number than just clunking down 6
13:32:14  <Maedhros> ok, makes sense :)
13:38:04  <peter1138> hmm
13:38:09  <peter1138> who's reading my mail?
13:38:17  * Prof_Frink
13:38:25  <peter1138> oh, ok
13:39:07  <peter1138> PF Usage: 444MB
13:39:16  <peter1138> quit one program allegedly using 15MB
13:39:20  <peter1138> PF Usage: 316MB
13:46:32  <Darkvater> god this CmdPlayerCtrl sucks big time :s
13:47:18  <Darkvater> someone should delete and rewrite it :s
13:47:48  <Prof_Frink> Darkvater: Thanks for volunteering
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13:50:30  <Celestar> PF being?
13:50:51  <Darkvater> pagefile
13:50:54  <Celestar> ah
13:50:57  <Darkvater> ok guys, gotta run :)
13:50:59  <Darkvater> bb in a few hours
13:51:00  <Celestar> where to?
13:51:12  <Darkvater> hope to see a few items crossed off the todo list by the time I'm back :)
13:51:13  <Darkvater> uni
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14:01:21  <Prof_Frink> OK, how long before Vista arrives on TPB?
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14:04:40  <Celestar> who needs vista?
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14:15:11  *** Belugas_Gone is now known as Belugas
14:15:22  <Belugas> good day all
14:15:31  <Born_Acorn> It's a Belugas!
14:16:27  <Belugas> hello Born_Acorn :)
14:17:07  <peter1138>
14:17:19  <peter1138> ^ new perspective system for ottd
14:17:45  <jez>
14:22:17  <Zevensoft> that image hurts
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14:45:10  <Darkvater> OMG
14:45:17  <Darkvater> arrakis:/home/tfarago # /etc/init.d/xdm stop
14:45:18  <Darkvater> Shutting down service kdm                                             done
14:45:18  <Darkvater> arrakis:/home/tfarago # /etc/init.d/xdm status
14:45:18  <Darkvater> Checking for service kdm:                                             running
14:45:20  <Darkvater> o_O
14:45:32  <PandaMojo> >_<
14:47:20  <Darkvater> this is stupid..I cannot shut down X to install the nvidia drivers
14:47:37  <Brianetta> Darkvater: init 3
14:47:48  <Darkvater> doesn't work
14:47:53  <Brianetta> init 1
14:48:10  <Darkvater> I think SSH doesn't work in init 1
14:48:33  <Brianetta> oh
14:48:53  <Brianetta> chmod -x `which X`
14:48:56  <Brianetta> killall X
14:49:34  <Darkvater> whohoo, killall X works :D
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14:49:51  <Darkvater> thanks
14:49:59  <tokai> hiho guys
14:50:18  <Brianetta> hohi
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15:07:05  <Bjarni> is anything wrong with ?
15:07:28  <Bjarni> it works just fine for me, but I got a PM that some people can't connect
15:10:39  *** lws|Away is now known as lws1984
15:10:56  <lws1984> works for me
15:13:03  <blathijs> worksforme
15:13:26  <hylje> wfm
15:13:34  <_Rince> me too
15:14:30  <Bjarni> ok
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15:42:08  <Born_Acorn> It worketh for me-eth
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16:20:28  <Sacro> [15:10] <lws1984> works for me
16:20:28  <Sacro> [15:12] <blathijs> worksforme
16:20:28  <Sacro> [15:13] <hylje> wfm
16:20:38  <Sacro> its like the english language is getting smaller
16:20:52  <hylje> we are on the internets
16:25:45  <Bjarni> you should know that electronic equipment is getting smaller and smaller. The message used 12 bytes in 1984 only uses 3 bytes in 2006
16:26:24  <Zevensoft> most useless doublesize filter!
16:26:31  <Sacro> Bjarni: ooh...
16:26:43  <Sacro> whoa... thats blurry
16:26:45  <Naksu> haha
16:26:56  <Prof_Frink> beerttd!
16:27:01  <Sacro> its like playing when pissed
16:27:05  <Prof_Frink> beerttd!
16:27:11  <Bjarni> Sacro: how do you know?
16:27:23  <Zevensoft> everyones played ottd pissed
16:27:29  <Bjarni> no
16:27:29  <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: Have you never played openttd when wankered?
16:27:31  <Sacro> Bjarni: because ive sat and drunknly played ttd
16:27:33  <peter1138> useless filters :D
16:27:55  <Bjarni> hmm... what does wankered mean?
16:27:57  <lws1984> come on, who *hasn't* sat drukenly and played (Open)TT(D)(Patch)
16:28:02  <Bjarni> is that another word for drunk?
16:28:03  <lws1984> Bjarni: smashed
16:28:04  <Zevensoft> the text filter is surprisingly robust though
16:28:10  <Bjarni> ahh
16:28:15  <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: *very* drunk
16:28:18  <Bjarni> actually I haven't
16:28:19  <peter1138> playing games when wankered is fun
16:28:20  <lws1984> yes, *very*
16:28:20  <hylje> :o
16:28:21  <peter1138> but annoying
16:28:24  <Sacro> lws1984: (O(pen)TT(D(patch)
16:28:28  <peter1138> can't click on the right buttons...
16:28:34  <Zevensoft>
16:28:43  <Zevensoft> doesnt screw with the graphics, works on all text
16:28:50  <lws1984> no, it's (O)(pen)TT(D)(Patch)
16:28:51  <Sacro> Zevensoft: thats a nice one
16:29:00  <lws1984> since you could play TT, TTD, TTDPatch, OTTD, or OpenTTD!
16:29:05  <Sacro> lws1984: but there is no TTPatch
16:29:11  <Prof_Frink> lws1984: TTO or TTWE?
16:29:16  <Bjarni> why is it so surprising that I haven't played OpenTTD while being drunk?
16:29:16  <Zevensoft> sacro: I have an even nicer one, that smooths all the tracks and stuff, but it destroys text
16:29:29  <lws1984> Prof_Frink: TTO, natrually
16:29:35  * Sacro plays OpenTTD whilst eating danish bacon
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16:29:37  <Zevensoft> since the text filter works on 45 degree angles, and the ingame graphics are based on 30 and 60 degree angles
16:29:38  <lws1984> wooooooah...that *is* like playing wankered
16:29:55  <Prof_Frink> I mean, you can't play those from your system
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16:30:11  <Bjarni> hey, I asked you a question!!!
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16:30:21  <peter1138> 22.5 surely...
16:30:32  <Zevensoft> well I rounded up to 30
16:30:34  <Zevensoft> :P
16:30:42  <Sacro> lol
16:30:48  <Zevensoft> its more like 3 across 1 down or something
16:30:59  <Sacro> lws1984: broadcastle!
16:31:00  <Zevensoft> 2 across sorry
16:31:02  <peter1138> no, it's 2 across 1 down
16:31:16  <Zevensoft> text is 1 across 1 down
16:31:24  <lws1984> Sacro: at 08:32?
16:31:43  <Sacro> lws1984: its 16:31 here
16:31:50  <lws1984> Sacro: true that
16:31:58  <lws1984> and besides, it's five o' clock somewhere
16:32:02  <Zevensoft> I'm still trying to figure out how to make sdl doublesized
16:33:51  <peter1138> move your head closer to the screen
16:34:00  <Zevensoft> D:
16:34:06  <Zevensoft> still too small
16:34:25  *** Mucht_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
16:34:36  <Zevensoft> nah I'm nearly there, about 50%
16:35:08  <Bjarni> 	<Bjarni>	why is it so surprising that I haven't played OpenTTD while being drunk?
16:35:21  <Bjarni> answer or feel the consequences
16:35:24  <lws1984> ...
16:35:30  <lws1984> because it's a rite of passage for gamers
16:35:38  <peter1138> Zevensoft: 50% of double size/
16:35:43  <peter1138> so that's normal size then...
16:35:49  <Zevensoft> lol no 50% of coding progress
16:36:04  <Bjarni> beer and games don't mix
16:36:19  <Sacro> Bjarni: lies
16:36:28  <lws1984> Bjarni: no, but it's fun to wake up the next morning to see how much of a mess you made
16:36:38  <jez> lws: you can do that without TTD
16:36:55  <Bjarni> I once won big time in sensible soccer because everybody else were drunk :D
16:37:14  <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: Ah, you're no fun
16:37:22  <lws1984> jez: but it's more fun with TTD, to see lots of lost trains and funky lines and such
16:37:28  <Bjarni> it was way too easy to play against people, who said stuff at random like "where did the ball go?" (it was always in the middle of the screen)
16:37:33  <lws1984> haha
16:38:32  <Bjarni> I didn't tell them to drink. They did and then they asked me to join them in their tournament. Who can say no to such an offer? :D
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16:44:02  <peter1138> it's not about winning
16:44:06  <peter1138> it's about having a laugh
16:45:54  <Ailure> I would actually like to see a netgame where people play openTTD drunk
16:46:03  <Ailure> they probably play much better than the current AI implentation
16:46:37  <PandaMojo> Probably would get a lot of deadlocks due to mis-signaling.
16:47:47  <Zevensoft> people would click ignore signal
16:47:49  <Zevensoft> then boom
16:48:05  <Zevensoft> dead trains everywhere
16:48:16  <Prof_Frink> Zevensoft: I prefer the term 'kablamo'
16:48:30  <Szandor> [O[pen]]TT[D[Patch]] is better
16:48:47  <Sacro> Brianetta probably remembers me in the old PBS days where that happened anyway
16:48:59  <Brianetta> You do keep reminding me (:
16:49:03  <Szandor> bah, nonscrolling screen means I reply to things that happened hours ago
16:49:12  <Sacro> Brianetta: yes, and im still trying to get that save to work
16:49:21  <Prof_Frink> Szandor: Still no TTO/TTWE
16:49:25  <Sacro> im proud of that 8 train pileup... was my biggest yet
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16:52:37  <Ailure> People would more likely crash trains on purpose
16:52:47  <Ailure> so midgame it looks more like a battlefield than a game of openTTD
16:52:54  <Sacro> Ailure: it wasnt on purpose :(
16:53:00  <Sacro> just it removes the head of the train first
16:53:02  <smeding> that's the only reason my friend has OpenTTD
16:53:10  <Sacro> and when the head was removed, it free'd the PBS block
16:53:10  <smeding> crashing trains and trucks.
16:53:22  <Ailure> reminds me about the first multiplayer game I got togetrher with a few friends
16:53:24  <Sacro> so a train would enter and slam into the wagons :(
16:53:32  <Ailure> midgame they went all nuts and was crashing trains and making stupid loops
16:53:43  <Ailure> and made trains keep hitting trucks
16:53:59  <peter1138> Sacro: great feature that
16:54:04  <Ailure> Almost making me want to make a patch
16:54:09  <Ailure> that makes it impossible for a train to hit a truck
16:54:19  <Sacro> peter1138: i lost 8 TRAINS :|
16:54:38  <Ailure> heh about PBS
16:54:45  <Ailure> I have a savegame where I use it
16:54:45  <LSky`> "Perhaps a really stupid question, but where can I register to play multiplayer games online? "
16:54:49  <LSky`> thats a pretty stupid question
16:54:50  <Ailure> but I don't see that much of a use for it
16:55:06  <Sacro> Ailure: PBS is a godsend when you build networks like i do
16:55:19  <Sacro> actually... none of my networks work without it
16:55:26  <Prof_Frink> peter1138! signalsbetweentiles!
16:55:32  <Ailure> heh
16:55:39  <Sacro> Prof_Frink: i *think* KUDr is doing that
16:55:54  <Prof_Frink> KUDr_wrk! signalsbetweentiles!
16:56:03  <peter1138> nice compatible change that
16:56:04  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:56:13  <Ailure>,%207th%20Aug%201967.png
16:56:18  <Ailure> would probably reveal alot how I build networks
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16:56:32  <peter1138> still that station?
16:57:00  <Ailure>,%202nd%20Apr%201955.png
16:57:04  <Ailure> I like small layouts
16:57:10  <Ailure> well or rather
16:57:12  <Ailure> not overly big
16:57:34  <Ailure> sometimes I trade effectivity for looks
16:58:12  <Ailure> I do have a PBS signal on that game though
16:58:21  <Ailure> that game is my "let's try miniIN" game
16:58:45  <peter1138> feh
16:58:50  <peter1138> no brake vans
16:59:25  <Ailure> hehe I didn't know what they were used for :P
16:59:31  <Ailure> Well I do know
16:59:40  <Ailure> but I didn't back then
16:59:54  <Ailure>,%2030%20okt%201975.png
17:00:01  <Ailure> only time I ever used PBS
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17:00:12  <Ailure> and only becuse I didn't want to rework parts of that network
17:00:18  <PandaMojo> lol
17:00:58  <Sacro> my biggest one was played over about 36 hours straight
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17:02:17  <Ailure> I dunno what my biggest one is
17:03:14  <Ailure> if I were constantly building in my games I probably would have huge networks
17:04:45  <Ailure> I seem to like only cover 30% of a 512x512 map before I get bored
17:05:26  <Ailure> if you say taht a average openttdcoop game covers 100% of a map
17:05:29  <Ailure> at the end
17:06:21  <Sacro> lol
17:06:30  <Sacro> i think this one had 6 players
17:06:33  <Sacro> covered nearly all the map
17:14:35  <Zavior> PBS makes terminusstations like billion times more efficient
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17:16:21  <Eddi|zuHause2> i use PBS all the time
17:16:29  <Sacro> Zavior: yep
17:16:35  <Eddi|zuHause2> damn that station looks ugly, Ailure
17:16:40  <Zavior> Can't play without :)
17:17:36  <Ailure> the major terminal?
17:17:37  <Ailure> lol
17:18:12  <Eddi|zuHause2> the graphics totally not fit TT
17:18:38  <Ailure> The toronto station dosen't clash that much
17:18:42  <Ailure> though the cargo part does
17:18:48  <Ailure> it looks more like Simcity 2000
17:18:55  <Ailure> It's only filler though
17:19:01  <Ailure> belive me, it looks better than having tons of company signs
17:19:29  <Ailure> I'm planning to put a intercontinal airport there :P
17:19:51  <Eddi|zuHause2> i believe i saw a newstations set with airport tiles (eyecandy)
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17:21:46  <Ailure> I thoughjt you meant the railway layout was ugly at first XD
17:23:28  <Eddi|zuHause2> no, i mean the graphics
17:23:36  <Bjarni> "Perhaps a really stupid question, but where can I register to play multiplayer games online? All I can find is a link to login, but can't find anything to register." <-- Nice one :D
17:24:05  <Ailure> Would be funny if there was a metaserver requring login
17:24:15  <Ailure> but apart from keeping stats, there wouldn't be any need to have a login xD
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17:41:53  <Bjarni> 	<Ailure>	but apart from keeping stats, there wouldn't be any need to have a login xD <-- actually if we create a central account system, it can be used to protect games against lamers, who spoils the games
17:42:18  <Sacro> i dont spoil them per se
17:44:07  <PandaMojo> OpenTTD is not a dairy product.  It's a series of bytes!
17:44:34  * lws1984 takes a byte
17:44:36  <lws1984> mm..tasty
17:45:55  <Bjarni> I mean a server could prevent people from joining if the central server got complains from a several users about that user
17:46:19  <Bjarni> but how to prevent multiple accounts from a single person...
17:46:52  <BobingAbout> so... hows this faces code work?
17:47:19  <Zevensoft> hrm
17:47:38  <Zevensoft> I'm getting unresolved external symbol from _sdl_upperblit
17:47:40  <Zevensoft> thats odd
17:47:40  <Bjarni> BobingAbout: read the diff (or talk to jez)
17:48:08  <BobingAbout> nah, i got the patch diff, what about the original?
17:48:58  <KUDr> BobingAbout:
17:49:24  <KUDr> all is under links there
17:52:10  <BobingAbout> right
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18:31:13  <CIA-2> belugas * r7121 /trunk/town_cmd.c: -Fix(r1): Tell the town that this player has built a statue only if it really did happened
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18:56:27  <Wolf01> ello
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19:16:33  <CIA-2> glx * r7122 /branches/MiniIN/ (41 files in 5 dirs): [MiniIN] -Sync with trunk r7070:r7121
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19:25:53  <Tron_> Belugas: <--- maybe of interest, not finished though
19:26:37  <Belugas> Tron_ : reading :)
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19:28:35  <Belugas> i think i see what you're doing
19:28:45  <Belugas> yeah seems sensible
19:29:06  <Belugas> i'll save it and work on it soon, as time permits it
19:29:09  <Belugas> tnaks
19:29:12  <Belugas> grrr
19:29:15  <Belugas> thanks!
19:29:37  <Zevensoft> arg
19:29:39  *** tokai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
19:29:42  <Zevensoft> this late declare stuff is annoying
19:29:50  <Tron_> Belugas: <--- test case
19:30:03  <Tron_> this what?
19:30:43  <Zevensoft> you cant declare variables after a function
19:30:51  <Zevensoft> really really annoying
19:31:17  <peter1138> ...
19:31:19  <peter1138> btw
19:31:40  <peter1138> BuyRights should probably fail if someone already has rights
19:31:49  <hylje> :o
19:32:08  <Zevensoft> goddamnit
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19:32:41  <Belugas> peter1138: true
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19:36:30  <Belugas> Did i missed anything?
19:37:05  <peter1138> -ed
19:37:56  <Belugas> hehe :)
19:38:08  <Zevensoft> why is making doublesize mode in sdl so hard :(
19:38:21  <PigCell> hi all, I have a question about the miniIN and the forums are effing slow for me today:   in multiplayer my friend gets kicked off my server whenever the savegame exceeds 500kb or so
19:38:44  <PigCell> she can reconnect but she'll get kicked off right again
19:39:16  <Sacro> She?
19:39:48  <PigCell> I don't think that's related to the problem :P
19:39:52  *** Tron_ is now known as Tron
19:39:53  <PigCell> this time...
19:39:56  <Sacro> PigCell: well...
19:40:10  <Sacro> is it a desync, or what?
19:40:12  <peter1138> lol
19:40:15  <PigCell> yeah
19:40:20  <peter1138> sacro gets all excited...
19:40:24  <PigCell> either desync or just connection lost
19:40:27  <Sacro> peter1138: err... yes...
19:40:45  <PigCell> only happens after more than 10 or so game years
19:41:00  <Sacro> hmm, on an ide cable you have blue black and grey, which is HDD, DVD and MOBO?
19:41:03  <PigCell> when the map info is over 500kb
19:41:08  <Sacro> PigCell: are you using any grfs?
19:41:12  <PigCell> yes
19:41:14  <PigCell> could that be it?
19:41:29  <Sacro> PigCell: actually, what are the upload/download speeds?
19:41:46  <peter1138> well
19:41:51  <peter1138> is pause on join enalbed?
19:41:55  <Tron> Sacro: blue is mainboard, black is master, gray is slave
19:41:56  <PigCell> yep
19:42:11  <PigCell> but even when I leave it paused she'lll get kicked off after a minute or two
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19:42:29  <peter1138> what does the server state the reason as?
19:42:32  <Tron> set the drives to cable select when using one of those
19:42:47  <Sacro> Tron: thanks :)
19:43:19  <Sacro> hmm, is it grey or gray...
19:43:22  <PigCell> Sacro: we both have DSL and no excessive downloading so bandwidth shouldn't be problem
19:43:27  <peter1138> grey!
19:43:57  <Sacro> PigCell: it seems strange that its when the filesize exceeds 512k
19:43:57  <peter1138> PigCell: kicked off even if pause is left on? ...
19:43:59  <peter1138> hmm
19:44:05  <Tron> of course "grey"
19:44:08  <Tron> i'm terribly sorry
19:44:12  <Zevensoft> anyone know why SDL_BlitSurface doesnt work?
19:44:16  <PigCell> yes
19:44:22  <peter1138> zorry
19:45:07  <PigCell> it doesn't happen on "vanilla" openttd ever
19:45:15  <Tron> Zevensoft: maybe you could be more vague, then we have more fun guessing what you mean
19:45:19  <PigCell> only on the miniIN
19:45:26  <PigCell> but so far every single time ._.
19:45:26  <Zevensoft> hrm
19:45:28  <peter1138> the server should say something like connection lost or client too slow, or something
19:45:43  <PigCell> it says "connection lost"
19:45:49  <Tron> PigCell: what's the exact reason the server states, everything else is useless
19:46:11  <PigCell> sometimes it's also "desynce error"
19:46:17  <PigCell> -e
19:46:27  <Zevensoft> nm tron
19:46:36  <peter1138> if you get desync errors when it's paused then something screwy is going on
19:46:37  <Tron> there's no "also", it only gives one error message
19:46:40  <peter1138> otoh, if it's the miniin...
19:47:28  <PigCell> well it could be a grf ... I was looking around for a nice set and found one on the coop site
19:47:30  <Zevensoft> "unresolved external symbol _SDL_UpperBlit referenced in function"
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19:48:08  <PigCell> but hten again.. all the grfs work
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19:48:08  <hylje> MAYBE YOU DIDNT IMPORT THE _SDL_UpperBlit FIRST
19:50:14  <Zevensoft> how
19:50:29  <Sacro> hylje: caps :p
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19:53:44  <hylje> Sacro: oh, really?
19:53:53  <Sacro> hylje: ya, really
19:54:05  <Zevensoft> yeah and what you said meant nothing
19:54:09  <hylje> Sacro: no way
19:54:15  <Sacro> hylje: ya way
19:58:50  <PigCell> hmmm dedicated server seems to work
19:58:53  <PigCell> so far
19:58:59  <PigCell> let's see
19:59:16  <Tron> Darkvater?
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20:00:51  <Tron> STR_SEND_TO_DEPOTS and its associated strings STR_TRAIN_DEPOTS__DEPOT_ONLY, ... are problematic, to say the least
20:01:33  <Tron> you can't translate this to german in a sensible way, because you need different prepositions
20:01:55  <Tron> well, you could put them in the secondary strings, but it's rather pointless
20:02:07  <Tron> it should be just 4 strings instead of 1 + 4 strings
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20:35:34  <Darkvater> Tron: pong
20:36:10  <Sacro> 36 minutes... impressive
20:36:18  <hylje> nice latency
20:37:18  <Darkvater> town-action buyrights should probably show up as a newsmessage...
20:37:20  *** tokai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
20:38:14  <Darkvater> << why is the cost linked to build-industry?
20:38:26  <Darkvater> better to link it to _price.town_action or something
20:39:17  <Tron> don't ask me
20:39:24  <Tron> -	cost = (_price.build_industry >> 8) * _town_action_costs[p2];
20:39:35  <Darkvater> ah
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20:42:05  <peter1138> strange innit
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20:44:46  <Belugas> bye bye...
20:44:49  <Belugas> vpn reconnection...
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21:07:49  * peter1138 sighs
21:10:00  <hylje> wut
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21:11:13  <Born_Acorn> peter1138! newise
21:11:15  <Born_Acorn> !
21:16:59  <Konsumbrot> dedicated server didn't help PigCell's problem.
21:17:33  <PigCell> dbg: [NET] recv() failed with error 10053
21:17:34  <PigCell> dbg: [NET] Closed client connection
21:17:43  <PigCell> says the server
21:17:54  <PigCell> and I got kicked off as well
21:17:55  <PigCell> grr
21:18:26  <Konsumbrot> such a nice start, too.
21:19:03  <PigCell> ._.
21:19:28  *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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21:41:36  <peter1138> nini
21:42:08  <Sacro> nigiht peter1138
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21:52:20  <Konsumbrot> and it does the same thing when I host.
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22:00:45  <CIA-2> KUDr * r7123 /branches/bridge/yapf/yapf_rail.cpp: [bridge] - Fix: [YAPF] assert when train on the bridge tried to find a depot. (Rubidium)
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22:22:24  <BobingAbout> ping
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22:23:10  <glx> BobingAbout: missing ping target :)
22:23:16  * BobingAbout slaps himself and starts getting carried away
22:23:17  <Sacro> glx: that always amuses me too
22:23:43  <BobingAbout> ping sacro
22:23:48  <Sacro> i wonder if i leave my mouse on the base unit eventually it'll start charging
22:23:57  <Sacro> BobingAbout: pong
22:24:09  <BobingAbout> sacro: ping
22:24:22  <Sacro> BobingAbout: pong
22:24:37  <BobingAbout> ok, thats enough of pingpong
22:24:48  <Sacro> lws1984: SYN
22:25:14  <BobingAbout> you got your new PC yet?
22:25:16  <Sacro> hmm...
22:25:26  <Sacro> BobingAbout: jon has got everything except the mobo, cpu and ram
22:25:36  <Sacro> and i need to pick up a tft, and some batteries for my mouse
22:25:40  <BobingAbout> thats basicly the PC
22:25:52  <BobingAbout> you can have a CRT
22:25:52  <lws1984> Sacro_: ack!
22:25:54  *** Rexxie [] has quit [Quit: edgepro: There are two kinds of people, those who finish what they start and so on.]
22:26:03  <Sacro> i have the sound card, graphics card, case, 7.1 speakers, case, psu
22:26:14  <BobingAbout> you have 2 cases?
22:26:26  <Sacro> BobingAbout: no...
22:26:33  <BobingAbout> what graphics card you got?
22:26:41  <Sacro> 7950GT OC
22:26:49  <BobingAbout> OC to what?
22:26:55  <Sacro> errm...
22:26:57  <BobingAbout> i have a 7950GX2
22:27:05  <Sacro> good question that...
22:27:17  <BobingAbout> mines only a 1.2GHz
22:27:28  *** PigCell [] has joined #openttd
22:27:30  <BobingAbout> there was a 1.3GHz version, but it was an extra £50
22:28:01  <Sacro> 565/1430
22:28:19  <BobingAbout> 1.2 GHz, thats better than my PC in my bedroom
22:28:28  <BobingAbout> and this thing has 2 of them in there
22:28:57  <Sacro> :|
22:29:05  <Sacro> OCUK have an 8800 that has a built on radiator
22:29:16  <BobingAbout> radiator?
22:29:17  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
22:29:27  <Sacro> for water cooling
22:29:32  <BobingAbout> k
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