Log for #openttd on 27th September 2008:
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00:03:30  *** Vikthor [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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00:09:22  <Eddi|zuHause> gesundheit
00:09:59  <ccfreak2k> Who made the lovely ASCII diagram for DrawBox()?
00:15:46  *** Bjarni [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:16:12  <ccfreak2k> Excellent.
00:16:18  <ccfreak2k> I fixed the opengl patch. :3
00:16:28  *** ecke [~ecke@] has quit [Quit: ecke]
00:20:12  *** Yeggstry is now known as Yeggzzz
00:31:00  <Chrill> the BR 'HST', which train IS that? :p
00:31:44  <Chrill> from the br trainset
00:32:54  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit []
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00:35:18  <ccfreak2k> I would say the HST.
00:42:34  *** davis- [] has quit [Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.2 :: )]
00:47:34  *** Chrill [] has quit [Quit: poop]
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01:12:53  *** bleepy [] has quit [Quit: Annoying things to do at a discount store #72: Sample all the fragrances in the perfume department.]
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02:00:46  *** Dred_furst [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
02:16:42  * Sacro installs TortoiseHG and VisualHG
02:26:32  *** Sacro [~Ben@adsl-87-102-39-137.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
02:31:24  *** Fuco [~dota.keys@] has quit [Quit: Quit]
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03:36:15  <ccfreak2k> Quick sanity check:
03:36:31  <ccfreak2k> openttdtest/trunk/src/rev.cpp says it's Autogenerated.
03:36:37  <ccfreak2k> Should I distribute it with a patch?
04:30:03  *** Jezral [~projectjj@] has joined #openttd
04:37:03  <ccfreak2k> Blah.
04:37:11  <ccfreak2k> Opengl patch is still broken. :|
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09:33:42  <Wolf01> hello
09:36:33  <Alberth> hello
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11:36:07  <hnsz2002> hi! why not available rss feeds on new website?
11:37:30  <TrueBrain> is it does do be
11:38:31  <hnsz2002> i dont see that...
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11:38:43  <TrueBrain> most real browsers show it next to the url
11:38:53  <TrueBrain>
11:38:55  <TrueBrain> else use that link
11:39:21  <hnsz2002> wow.. thank you!
11:39:51  <petererer> That was a bit rapid... an industry disappeared 3 days after the news message :o
11:40:11  *** Swallow [] has joined #openttd
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11:42:00  <petererer> Hmm, Celestar's vehicle detail scrollbar is screwed :o
11:46:18  *** Tim [] has joined #openttd
11:47:56  * Wolf01 is thinking about mouse gestures for ottd
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11:59:52  <Alberth> 'advanced settings' re-organized:
12:04:14  <frosch123> "max distance from edge for oil refinieries" -> "economy" tab after "Industries of same type can be..." ?
12:04:42  *** avdg [] has left #openttd [Konversation terminated!]
12:07:00  <frosch123> "disable electric rails" after "allow building very long bridges" ?
12:07:02  <Alberth> maybe instead move all those build things in economy to construction instead?
12:07:49  <frosch123> IMO "construction" referts to player initiated building, while "economy" is town or industry initiated
12:08:21  <Alberth> elrail moved
12:09:18  <frosch123> "road vehicle queueing" could also be under pathfinder stuff...
12:09:53  <Alberth> ok, moving distance oil refineries too
12:11:07  * frosch123 wonders where to put "vehicles never expire" and "multiple newgrf engine..."
12:11:08  <Alberth> yes, that would be better, I didn't really like its current place
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12:11:46  <frosch123> maybe "never expire" after "disable servicing when breakdowns..."
12:12:13  *** ecke [~ecke@] has quit [Quit: ecke]
12:13:07  <frosch123> "allow more realisically sized catchment..." maybe after "max station spread" ?
12:14:01  <Alberth> 'never expire' doesn't really fit in 'servicing' imho
12:14:49  <Alberth> catchement area moving seems like a good idea
12:16:05  <Alberth> new orders are 'non-stop' by default should get a new place now
12:16:44  <frosch123> in the loading stuff?
12:17:25  <Alberth> 'vehicles never expire' to the top of vehicles?
12:17:43  <frosch123> "allow roadstops on town owned roads" maybe a bit earlier, e.g. after "adjacent stations" ?
12:18:20  <Alberth> good idea, moving never expire to loading stuff (bottom)
12:18:44  <frosch123> hmm, the "non-stop" thingie fits to the "allow depot orders" stuff
12:18:52  <Eddi|zuHause> <petererer> That was a bit rapid... an industry disappeared 3 days after the news message :o <- i'd blame Belugas ;)
12:19:57  * frosch123 has no idea about the "interface" tab
12:22:28  <Alberth> "allow roadstops on town owned roads" one up, after 'nonuniform stations'? ('nonuniform stations' and 'adjacent stations' belong together imho)
12:22:42  <Eddi|zuHause> "allow more realisically sized catchment..." <- i think that is misnamed, it has absolutely nothing to do with realism
12:23:11  *** fonso [] has left #openttd [Kopete 0.12.7 :]
12:23:14  <Gekz> lol
12:23:22  <Gekz> logical perhaps
12:23:23  <Gekz> realistic no
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12:23:58  <Alberth> frosch123: I have lost the 'non-stop' thingie. What option is that exactly?
12:24:09  <Eddi|zuHause> "more diverse" pherhaps?
12:25:42  <Alberth> How does onw change the words of strings? (such that Translator people will catch it too?)
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12:27:12  <Alberth> frosch123: nvm, found it. it's the "new orders are 'non-stop' by default"
12:27:51  <Eddi|zuHause> translated strings are automatically invalidated when the english string changes
12:28:01  <Eddi|zuHause> at least i hope so :p
12:29:08  <Alberth> I'd like to be sure before changing texts
12:29:13  <Eddi|zuHause> hm... there might be too little new things in colonization...
12:29:20  *** Nazcafan [] has joined #openttd
12:29:22  <Nazcafan> hello
12:29:56  <Alberth> hai
12:30:04  <Eddi|zuHause> the overall game complexity seems lower than in bts
12:30:14  <Alberth> bts?
12:30:18  <Nazcafan> A couple of months ago, someone help me to setup my openttd.cfg so I could use true type fonts
12:30:22  <Eddi|zuHause> beyond the sword
12:30:56  <Alberth> Eddi|zuHause: euh, ok
12:30:56  <Nazcafan> but now, I seems that when I ask to use Bitstream Vera Sans, all the text becomes illegible
12:31:37  <Eddi|zuHause> i mean you had all the ressource management, and religions, and corporations, lots of diplomacy options
12:31:51  <frosch123> Alberth: changing texts should be separated
12:31:55  <Nazcafan> Did something change in openttd?
12:32:51  <Alberth> frosch123: in what sense? as a seperate issue, as a seperate .diff file, or something else?
12:33:18  <frosch123> separate diff
12:33:19  <Alberth> (i have 3-5 .diff files anyway for this change)
12:33:37  <Alberth> ok
12:34:46  <Nazcafan> here is the faulty openttd.cfg :
12:34:55  <Nazcafan> if someone con have a peek at it
12:35:10  *** Phoenix_the_II [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:35:13  <Nazcafan> I use a debian lenny box and the bitstream fonts are indeed installed
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12:38:32  <James_013> hey people
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12:40:47  <frosch123> :)
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12:43:28  <Alberth> frosch123: Some people always seem to be in a hurry :)
12:43:45  <Nazcafan> :-/
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12:48:00  <Alberth> Nazcafan: Didn't even know you could do that in OpenTTD, let alone I can tell you how
12:56:35  <frosch123> Nazcafan: have you tried putting the value in " quotes?
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13:01:03  <Alberth> Eddi|zuHause: I found the number things to manage in original CIV already quite high, and usually it gets worse with newer versions
13:01:38  <Nazcafan> frosch123: I'll try that
13:02:07  <Nazcafan> frosch123: sorry, I was out to throw some garbage
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13:02:32  <Eddi|zuHause> what seems to be cool in colonization is the automatisation of trade
13:02:47  <Eddi|zuHause> and the new way of getting founding fathers is quite interesting
13:03:06  <Nazcafan> frosch123: nope, fonts are still illegible
13:03:45  <Eddi|zuHause> most other things are pretty much the same as in the original
13:04:17  <Eddi|zuHause> the promotion system is taken over from civ4
13:05:34  <Nazcafan> frosch123: the font seems to be recognised, since wen I put a nonexistent font name, I get a warning and openttd sets back to the default font
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13:16:51  <Alberth> Eddi|zuHause: 'allow more realistically sized catchment areas' -> 'more diverse catchment areas' ? doesn't sound right to me, to be honest
13:17:25  <Eddi|zuHause> well, all it does is "do not make all stations have the same catchment area"
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17:08:38  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: frosch * r14407 /trunk/src/autoreplace_cmd.cpp: -Cleanup (r14406): Remove a redundant test. (thanks SmatZ)
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17:25:20  *** Yeggzzz is now known as Yeggstry
17:25:53  <petererer> Speaking of autoreplace.
17:26:30  <petererer> If it can't happen, due to things like not enough money, it would be helpful if it wasn't actually attempted.
17:29:05  <frosch123> you mean some cost-under-estimating precheck?
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17:40:20  <petererer> Actually just a simple check for the minimum amount as per the patch setting.
17:40:51  <petererer> I had it set to £100,000, with only half that amount in the bank.
17:41:05  <petererer> It still sent RVs to the depot.
17:41:19  <frosch123> that won't work, when you replace a not too old expensive engine with a cheap one, you will gain money, so the money limit does not take effect
17:41:42  <fonso> after the do { ... } loop starting in viewport.cpp:1138 psd doesn't point to ps anymore. Is that on purpose? This means we are bubbling a different sprite than we compare in the next for() iteration, doesn't it?
17:42:19  <frosch123> or are you talking about fs#1762 again?
17:46:02  <fonso> My idea to solving FS#119 would be changing the sorting algorithm so that we can always partition the vector into a sorted and an unsorted part and then presorting the whole thing by type of sprite, so that foundations end up in the front to begin with.
17:46:37  <fonso> After that they are only moved when there is a specific reason to do so.
17:47:08  <fonso> Ah well, difficult to explain ...
17:47:53  <frosch123> fonso: that is already the case, ViewportAddLandscape() is called before ViewportAddVehicles()
17:48:35  <fonso> Aha
17:49:19  <fonso> But bubble sort can mix them up too easily.
17:49:32  <frosch123> it is not bubble sort
17:49:56  <frosch123> bubble sort is an algorithm for transitive orders
17:49:57  <fonso> It says it is in line 1136 and it looks like it is
17:50:38  <fonso> you compare a sprite to all following ones and then subsequently exchange them until it arrives at the correct postion.
17:50:41  <frosch123> 1336 btw
17:50:53  <fonso> yes
17:50:54  <frosch123> and I somehow forgot to remove this misleading comment
17:50:54  <fonso> sorry
17:51:18  <fonso> so what is it supposed to be?
17:52:06  <frosch123> it moves ps2 in front of ps1
17:52:35  <fonso> A different algorithm might be able to sort them by "hard" criterions seen in the if-clauses before but at the same time not move unrelated sprites around
17:52:57  <frosch123> it does not move unrelated sprites around
17:52:59  <fonso> Thus keeping more of the original order intact for soft criteria
17:53:44  <fonso> It looks like it does in the do { ...} loop
17:53:59  <fonso> especially with psd3 not pointing to ps
17:54:21  <fonso> (and I'm wondering why that works at all)
17:54:55  <frosch123> the do loop moves all sprites starting from ps to ps2 one position further to create space to insert ps2 in front of ps
17:55:24  *** fjb_ is now known as fjb
17:56:07  <fonso> and after that psd points to the sprite at *(ps + 1)
17:56:58  <frosch123> no psd is unchanged
17:57:03  <frosch123> in fact it points at ps2
17:58:19  <frosch123> you can consider psd as the separator between sprites in their final order and sprites which are still being sorted
17:58:28  <fonso> ah, OK
17:58:32  <fonso> now I see it
17:58:38  <fonso> sorry for my ignorance
17:58:53  <frosch123> blame the comment :)
17:59:21  <fonso> so it tends to sort things to the front of the array
17:59:37  <frosch123> yup
17:59:43  <fonso> is the array drawn from the front to the back or the other way round?
18:00:22  <frosch123> hehe, "front" and "back" are kind of ambiguous here :)
18:00:36  <frosch123> but the sprite at index 0 is drawn first
18:01:24  <fonso> orudge: have you tried to sort everything in the other direction? I suspect the sprites at low indices are more mixed up wrt the original order than sprites at high indices.
18:01:48  <fonso> But I have to leave now, sorry.
18:01:50  <fonso> Bye
18:04:05  <petererer> Well, have you orudge?
18:07:47  <frosch123> fonso: fyi: the fence at the runway causes to plane to be inserted where it ends up
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18:49:29  <dih> anybody here familiar with tcl by any chance?
18:50:16  <TrueBrain> dih: I doubt anyone wants to publicly say yes to that ;)
18:50:28  <dih> nonofair
18:50:39  <dih> they can pm me :-P
18:50:43  <dih> hihi
18:53:35  *** tokai|noir [] has quit [Quit: It's like, wah.]
19:03:03  <petererer> " could not be found" :o
19:03:37  <dih> yep
19:03:38  <dih> i know
19:03:42  <dih> have a dns issue right now
19:03:49  <dih> what can i do you for?
19:04:13  <petererer> I wanted to have a play with autopilot.
19:04:43  *** Bjarni [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
19:04:49  <petererer> ARGH
19:05:02  * petererer gets pissed off with audio software that keeps crashing.
19:05:05  <dih> autopilot is not at
19:05:23  <dih> autopilot or ap+ ?
19:05:47  <dih> petererer, ^
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19:08:18  <petererer>
19:08:44  <dih> that's odd
19:08:48  <dih> oh - no it's not
19:08:49  <dih> hehe
19:09:19  <dih> ap + is at
19:09:32  <dih> and autopilot is at
19:10:48  <petererer> Ta
19:11:15  <dih> ap+ documentation is at
19:12:59  <petererer> Gah, DJPlay sucks.
19:13:19  <petererer> Choosing tracks to play seems to be directory-structure only.
19:13:24  <petererer> There's no previewing...
19:13:58  <petererer> Just 5 audio outputs that need mixing.
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19:42:18  <Eddi|zuHause> this is bad... these other guys declared war, and now i overran them with my 5 guy army... and now i have twice the amount of colonies to get to 50%, and i have to defend twice the amount of colonies also...
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19:57:10  <TrueBrain> the latest stargate atlantis is VRY good ... :) :)
19:57:11  <TrueBrain> VERY
19:57:22  <Eddi|zuHause> right... i knew i forgot something :p
19:57:40  <Eddi|zuHause> it's the "half" final, right?
19:57:43  <TrueBrain> yeah, wanted to remind you
19:57:48  <TrueBrain> I didn't hear you about it so ..
19:58:03  *** Vikthor [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
19:58:18  <TrueBrain> half final?
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19:59:43  <Eddi|zuHause> they used to have a break in the middle of the season, i.e. after 10 episodes
19:59:56  <TrueBrain> just read that it is cancelled .. but not till January, pfew :)
20:00:31  <Eddi|zuHause> well, yes, they won't order a new season, but this season still continues...
20:00:45  <TrueBrain> You scared me there :p
20:00:53  <TrueBrain> this is a cliffhanger episode, but in 2 weeks the next one is..
20:01:11  <TrueBrain> (wow, bad english)
20:01:35  <petererer> ARGH, FUCKING JACK
20:01:57  <TrueBrain> jack?
20:01:59  <TrueBrain> @seen jac
20:01:59  <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: I have not seen jac.
20:02:01  <TrueBrain> @seen jack
20:02:01  <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: jack was last seen in #openttd 5 days, 4 hours, 34 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <jack> they go to depot, when they need
20:02:40  *** letto [~letto@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:03:07  <TrueBrain> haha, that was kind of unexpected :)
20:03:19  <frosch123> fucking -> depot
20:03:21  <frosch123> obvious :)
20:05:31  <peter1138> jackd
20:05:39  <TrueBrain> I never understood jackd
20:05:40  <TrueBrain> never ever ...
20:13:39  <peter1138> Well, I do ;)
20:13:56  <peter1138> Just it has a habit of kick clients out randomly.
20:14:00  <peter1138> *kicking
20:14:19  <Eddi|zuHause> btw they also said that they were going to continue SGA the as DVD movies like they did with SG-1
20:14:33  <Eddi|zuHause> -the
20:22:45  <fjb> Why do 4500 people want to visit a 350 people town?
20:24:08  <TrueBrain> Eddi|zuHause: I read :) Too bad the movie is the end of the season final ...
20:24:20  <TrueBrain> fjb: because they are looking for houses
20:24:46  <fjb> Ah, good cause.
20:24:55  <fjb> That explains it perfectly.
20:26:49  <Ammler> fjb: many tourists village are like that
20:27:12  <fjb> But there isn't even a hotel...
20:27:20  <Ammler> :-)
20:27:46  <frosch123> fjb: canibals :)
20:28:19  <fjb> :-P
20:29:11  <fjb> The hidden indistry of PBI.
20:29:16  <fjb> industry
20:31:05  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
20:32:35  <fjb>
20:37:06  * petererer grumbles at industries closing down when they're being serviced.
20:37:42  <fjb> Georges ECS?
20:37:48  <petererer> PBI.
20:37:54  <fjb> Oh.
20:38:33  <fjb> Didn't happen to me with PBI, but often with ECS.
20:49:46  *** Yeggstry is now known as Yeggs-coding
20:51:06  <Eddi|zuHause> so... where do i get a big enough army to protect 13 colonies from the home country?
20:52:17  <frosch123> is "independance" still the only winning goal? and can it be disabled?
20:54:39  <Ammler> Eddi|zuHause: cheat some tanks
20:55:16  <Eddi|zuHause> i think there were three options at winning goal
20:55:30  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, you could disable them, like in civ4
20:55:45  <Eddi|zuHause> Ammler: great idea, why did i not think of that?
20:55:50  <Ammler> :P
20:56:00  <Ammler> fjb: that is strange, indeed.
20:57:46  <fjb> I bet the town council hired that people to get a railway station.
20:58:31  <Ammler> you should keep that for celestart/peter
20:58:43  <Ammler> I consider that as bug.
21:01:38  <fjb> Maybe they only piled up because only to busses are serving that town.
21:04:04  *** TinoM [] has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
21:08:26  <Eddi|zuHause> damn... i capture a few colonies, transport the raw materials to my central town, and suddenly the industrial production goes off the charts... my galleon can hardly handle the cargo now...
21:09:00  <fjb> Now that town has 4 busses circling there and a railway station. Almost more vehicles tham houses...
21:09:19  <fjb> Eddi|zuHause: What are you playing?
21:09:26  <Eddi|zuHause> colonization
21:09:43  <Ammler> oh
21:09:47  <Eddi|zuHause> or rather "Civilization IV: Colonization"
21:10:18  <Ammler> colonization was also nice
21:10:43  <fjb> Is that a Civ IV addon?
21:11:01  <Eddi|zuHause> no, it's standalone, using the Civ IV engine
21:11:52  <Eddi|zuHause> hm... "Merlin 2008"... is that worth watching?
21:11:57  *** Vikthor [] has left #openttd []
21:13:08  <Ammler> how was the KITT btw
21:13:10  <Ammler> ?
21:13:23  <Ammler> was it that cool as the original?
21:13:30  <Rubidium> fancier than the original
21:13:45  * Rubidium would like the 3000 model, not the 2000 model
21:13:59  <petererer> Gah, there it goes again :o
21:14:14  <Ammler> sorry
21:14:31  <Ammler> I just read you talked about, but couldn't read it...
21:14:35  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not quite sure how i find knight rider yet... the story line seemed a bit overloaded
21:26:40  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:27:10  <TrueBrain> Eddi|zuHause: we will see with the second episode :)
21:27:22  <TrueBrain> oeh, there is a new Merlin
21:32:42  <Ammler> nice titles <oldserie> <year>
21:39:17  <Eddi|zuHause> well, it's been going like this for years already
21:40:15  *** grumbel [] has joined #openttd
21:41:51  <Ammler> Battlestar Galactica was first, or was there another?
21:45:03  *** [com]buster [] has quit [Quit: Operator, give me an exit]
21:46:02  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has joined #openttd
21:46:20  <Eddi|zuHause2> wtf was that...
21:46:53  <Eddi|zuHause2> my computer is inventing more and more different ways to crash without any apparent reason
21:48:34  <FauxFaux> It wants you to replace it with something expensive.
21:50:57  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
21:51:32  <ln> Eddi|zuHause2: get a mac
21:51:53  <Eddi|zuHause2> doesn't save me from mysterious hardware failures
21:52:09  <ln> no, but it's Crash Different
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22:02:57  <Eddi|zuHause2> whatever
22:04:00  *** elmex [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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22:10:43  <ln> nw: prison break 4x02
22:15:52  *** Ben_ [~Ben@adsl-87-102-39-137.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
22:16:25  <SmatZ> my car 'died' today ... I had to be towed... I hope it won't cost much to fix it :(
22:18:08  <Eddi|zuHause2> you get a problem when the cost for towing alone surpasses the worth of the car ;)
22:18:22  <SmatZ> hehe :)
22:18:28  <SmatZ> my father towed me
22:18:36  <Nite_Owl> did it make a dead car noise or just go quietly
22:19:11  <SmatZ> but the black smoke going out of the exhaust doesn't sign anything good
22:19:19  <SmatZ> rather quietly
22:19:41  <SmatZ> it's a diesel... I though the 'turbo' died but it was doing smoke even at 1k rpm...
22:19:46  <SmatZ> after a while
22:19:48  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: glx * r14408 /trunk/src/openttd.cpp: -Fix (r9205): generation seed set using -G was always overwritten by -g
22:21:01  <Nite_Owl> Quietly can be better. At least you know nothing broke loose inside the engine.
22:23:29  *** Sacro [~Ben@adsl-87-102-39-137.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
22:23:32  <Wolf01> 'night
22:23:39  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
22:24:02  <SmatZ> good night all
22:25:06  <Nite_Owl> Although the last time my car died it went quietly and the alternator burned out taking all of the major engine wiring with it. Cost a fortune to fix due to the sideways mounting of the engine. - L8r SmatZ.
22:30:37  <dih> @seen Brianetta
22:30:37  <DorpsGek> dih: Brianetta was last seen in #openttd 23 hours, 10 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <Brianetta> Since it doesn't exist yet, the performance of its stereo is... wanting.
22:36:30  *** Ben_ is now known as Sacro
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22:59:40  <Ammler> he, that was fast: <-- any chance for a exception to console commands?
23:00:38  *** Nite_Owl [] has quit [Quit: Read You Soon]
23:01:12  *** grumbel [] has quit [Quit: Client exiting]
23:05:18  *** Mortal [] has quit [Quit: [FATAL] Client error: Memory leak - More RAM needed. More! More! More!]
23:06:45  <ccfreak2k> Sounds like a good patch to me.
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