Log for #openttd on 10th March 2014:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:05:28  *** Myhorta [] has joined #openttd
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01:06:39  <Flygon__> To whoever maintains the Swedish Houses set
01:06:53  <Flygon__> The Flats (under construction) artwork's a tad bugged
01:07:38  *** Flygon__ is now known as Flygon
01:08:47  <Flygon>
01:14:56  *** Aristide [~quassel@2a01:e35:2eb9:64b0:1e4b:d6ff:feca:6b69] has joined #openttd
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06:02:54  <Flygon_> Ever wish you could copy-pasta train stations?
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06:31:57  <rubidium> nope... how realistic is it that there are two stations that are equal?
06:32:55  <V453000> well done rubidium :D
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07:19:45  <Flygon> rubidium: Depends on the area, really
07:20:07  <Flygon> Urban areas can easily have copypaste being used
07:21:31  <V453000> not like many newGRF sets dont use their own "copypaste" preset stations
07:25:21  <Flygon> Hmm
07:25:31  <V453000> e.g. japanese stations
07:25:44  <V453000> many ISR stations for cargo
07:25:46  <V453000> etc
07:29:10  <rubidium> I've never been confused by two stations looking too much alike, and I've seen quite a lot of them
07:31:06  <rubidium> the only time I got confused is when I was only shown the schematic tracks (without track names and such)
07:36:35  <Flygon> Arf, sorry if I'm slow to reply
07:36:38  <Flygon> Incredibly drained
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08:24:34  <George> Hi, can anybody here help me with web translator error report?
08:24:47  <George> Base lang string: {BLACK}You have won!{}You needed {WHITE}{NUM} year{P "" s} and {NUM} month{P "" s}{BLACK} to achieve the goal.{}That is worth {STRING}{BLACK}!
08:25:01  <George> Translation: {BLACK}ППзЎравляеЌ, вы пПбеЎОлО!{}ВаЌ пПтребПвал{P ся Псь Псь} {WHITE}{NUM} {P гПЎ гПЎа лет} О {NUM} Ќесяц{P "" а ев}{BLACK} Ўля ЎПстОжеМОя целО.{}Результат: {STRING}{BLACK}!
08:25:10  <George> Error: String parameter -1 is out of bounds for plural queries {P ..}
08:25:17  <George> How to fix that?
08:25:55  <George> In this case I have to use different words, not different endings
08:26:50  <George> Year-> 1 гПЎ, 2 гПЎа but 5 лет
08:27:40  <George> What to do?
08:30:33  <George> Or there is an other reason for error?
08:35:39  <planetmaker> you need to give the positional information
08:35:44  *** ChickeNES [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
08:36:06  <planetmaker> possibly
08:36:24  <planetmaker> {P 0 "" s}
08:36:32  <planetmaker> {P 1 blubber blah}
08:36:42  <planetmaker> to reference the appropriate occurance in the base string
08:38:38  <George>
08:39:16  <George> Looks like the problem is that NUM goes after the {P }
08:39:50  <George> As you can see removing {P ся Псь Псь} provides no error
08:40:47  <George> so how should I show that I reffer next {NUM}
08:41:08  <planetmaker> iirc 0 should always be the first occuance of {NUM}
08:41:20  <planetmaker> 1 the 2nd etc
08:42:00  <George> Ok, I changed to 0 and now it does not report error
08:42:45  <planetmaker> Only if no explicit number is given, it should always refer to the preceeding one
08:43:12  <George> Ok, hope it would work right in game :)
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10:15:36  <planetmaker> @logs
10:15:36  <DorpsGek> planetmaker:
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10:53:30  <fjb_mobile> Moin
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18:04:42  <andythenorth> o/
18:04:47  <Alberth> evenink
18:04:56  <planetmaker> \o
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18:11:51  <andythenorth> where is game? o_O
18:12:05  <andythenorth> or should I make an RV set first?
18:12:44  <planetmaker> I might need to setup new server if we want to play. V occupied our prozone one :P
18:13:36  <andythenorth> :P
18:13:40  <andythenorth> want to?
18:13:41  <Alberth> the last game was tooooo boring, waiting forever for building a few track tiles
18:13:53  <andythenorth> needs the correct save ;)
18:14:25  <andythenorth> do we need a checklist? :P
18:14:38  <planetmaker> would make sense to have one, yes
18:14:52  <planetmaker> could abuse (coop?)wiki for that
18:15:14  <andythenorth> yup
18:15:15  <planetmaker> there's one for the typical publicserver games. But that's not suitable for the gamestyle discussed for these games
18:15:39  <andythenorth> discuss here, or straight into wiki?
18:15:56  <planetmaker> just go straight for wiki
18:15:59  <planetmaker> it can be edited
18:16:09  <planetmaker> and a first version is always good to start a discussion
18:16:21  <andythenorth> planetmaker: does wiki have SSO with anything else?
18:16:23  <andythenorth> I have no account on it
18:16:39  <planetmaker> yes, single sign-on. With itself :P
18:16:47  <Alberth> :)
18:17:12  <andythenorth> oic :P
18:17:38  <planetmaker> coop has no tru3brain to pull that off ;)
18:18:16  <andythenorth> what is the right place to add it?
18:18:21  <andythenorth> (the checklist)
18:18:32  <andythenorth>
18:18:32  <andythenorth> ?
18:19:03  <planetmaker> yeah, that's the publicserver one
18:19:31  <Alberth> implement loading an height map for a game? :)
18:19:34  <planetmaker> How do we call this gamestyle?
18:19:52  <Alberth> andy's goals :p
18:20:13  <planetmaker> goal server?
18:20:22  <planetmaker> coop goal server?
18:20:31  <planetmaker> we never really play competitive, do we?
18:20:47  <Alberth> we don't, indeed
18:20:53  <Alberth> touchdown! server
18:21:29  <Alberth> a bit too cryptic perhaps ;)
18:21:56  <planetmaker> let's call it goal server. That's good
18:22:55  <andythenorth> the publicserver guide is quite nice and detailed :)
18:23:04  <andythenorth> but for this a tl;dr checklist would do
18:23:15  <planetmaker> agreed
18:23:41  <planetmaker> but thanks. I wrote that guide originally :)
18:27:57  <LSky> was there a way for admins to move players/or the admin themselves to a company? that, or clear/change a company's password?
18:31:46  <planetmaker> rcon move X Y
18:32:03  <planetmaker> X and Y are clientID and companyID respectively
18:32:27  <planetmaker> companyID 255 is spectator
18:32:52  <planetmaker> clientID 0 is server itself
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18:35:19  <LSky> thanks
18:37:01  <LSky> are you sure server is 0, not 1?
18:37:17  <V453000> 666
18:37:28  <planetmaker> no, I'm not sure
18:38:15  <Taede> server == 1
18:38:38  <Kjetil> rcon move 666 0 "Gates of hell just open up near samville" "Supplies: Heat, Requires: Passengers"
18:39:03  <planetmaker> lool
18:39:12  <planetmaker> sounds like a nice idea for GS + NewGRF though :)
18:39:33  <planetmaker> andythenorth, where are thou? :D
18:39:38  <Kjetil> :)
18:39:39  <LSky> gotta be: rcon password "move 666 0" though
18:39:49  <LSky> or it wont work
18:39:58  <planetmaker> yes.
18:40:15  <planetmaker> I always use soap irc<->openttd bridge and that spares me quotation marks
18:40:32  <andythenorth> planetmaker: sounds like a pikka thing ;)
18:40:55  <planetmaker> down under is hell? Sounds about alright :P
18:41:14  <LSky> yeah i havent figured out the admin functions of the irc bridge yet
18:41:44  <andythenorth> hot as hell in brisvegas some days ;)
18:41:45  <LSky> all in good time
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18:47:57  <andythenorth> planetmaker: dumb question, how do I wiki?
18:48:03  <andythenorth> I have never understood wikis :P
18:48:36  <andythenorth> or specifically, how do I add a page?
18:48:48  <planetmaker> create an invalid link, follow it, edit
18:49:15  <andythenorth> I can't edit the front page?
18:49:22  <planetmaker> that's right
18:49:25  <planetmaker> but every other
18:49:58  <planetmaker> I thought you just link from the map creation page you found
18:50:32  <planetmaker> A small sentence in the introduction like "For the goal server see special instructions [map settings goal server|here].
18:50:34  <planetmaker> "
18:53:23  <andythenorth> will do ta
18:55:11  <Alberth> Apparently, nfo outputstream does borrow stuff from the binary output stream in nml
18:56:01  <Alberth> someone(tm) messed up the inheritance hierarchy :)
18:56:08  <planetmaker> he :P
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19:03:37  <andythenorth> oh
19:03:46  <andythenorth> no edit rights until I confirm my email :)
19:04:25  * andythenorth stopped checking email christmas 2012
19:05:44  <Alberth> hmm, then you may have a few emails  :)
19:05:48  <planetmaker> what's your login, andythenorth ?
19:07:47  <andythenorth> I have checked mail
19:07:51  <andythenorth> confirmed
19:10:49  <andythenorth>
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19:13:04  <andythenorth> lo fr
19:13:56  <Alberth> he osch123
19:14:11  <andythenorth> frosch123: where is your GS results page?
19:14:32  <Alberth>
19:14:42  <Alberth> that one?
19:15:21  <andythenorth> yup
19:15:26  <andythenorth> added it to the Goal Server page
19:15:38  <andythenorth> will we make a game for play tonight?
19:15:41  <andythenorth> time is ticking :)
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19:24:21  <andythenorth> lo pikka boo
19:24:27  <Pikka> might do
19:24:39  <Alberth> not for me
19:25:12  <andythenorth> Pikka: is it game tonight?  Or making?
19:25:15  * andythenorth might do making
19:25:44  <Pikka> making is always good
19:25:55  <Pikka> I've been playing sillies in motion deux
19:26:11  * andythenorth RV makings
19:26:18  <Pikka> huzzah
19:26:42  <andythenorth> we'll see
19:26:45  <andythenorth> might be rubbish
19:27:25  <Pikka> rubbishlorries.grf
19:27:44  <andythenorth> yeah
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19:28:29  <andythenorth> or making Squids
19:28:40  <andythenorth> Pikka: do you want to draw this big bloody catamarran for me?
19:28:47  <andythenorth> I really have no motivation to do it :P
19:28:55  <Pikka> well
19:28:59  <andythenorth> it's the only thing really blocking a release of Squid :P
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19:29:18  <andythenorth> I could renderise, but I haven't CGIed for about 10 years
19:29:26  <Pikka> didn't you have a bigbloodycatamaran already?
19:29:33  <andythenorth> it's not good
19:30:11  <andythenorth>
19:30:16  <andythenorth> I could just delete it from the set
19:30:34  <Pikka> I could do it I suppose, but not right now.
19:30:35  <planetmaker> lol, Pikka :) yeah, I word it more strongly :D
19:31:32  <planetmaker> though I think the main problem that guy faces is: OpenTTD does not support TTDPatch savegames ;)
19:31:55  <planetmaker> but I'm not exactly sure what rules apply there with grfs... so... :X
19:33:08  <rubidium> well, it does 'best effort, but no guarantees'
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19:35:44  <andythenorth> do we think this 'ocean tiles' thing is a go?
19:36:00  <andythenorth> I am about to change Squid to remove the issue...
19:36:05  <andythenorth> which I think is a boring decision
19:36:33  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
19:36:34  <andythenorth> guess how I remove the issue?
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19:37:11  <peter1139> DROP TABLE issues
19:37:45  <andythenorth> correct approach :)
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19:42:40  <Wolf01> hey all
19:42:54  <andythenorth> o/
19:42:54  <frosch123> ciao
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19:52:09  <andythenorth> hurr
19:52:28  <andythenorth> so my idea was to have RV rosters matching to Iron Horse train rosters
19:52:37  <andythenorth> e.g. Brit, Euro, North American, etc
19:52:57  <andythenorth> dunno if Brit and Euro RVs are sufficiently different
19:53:05  <andythenorth> or rather, I do know, because I'm a truck nerd
19:53:19  <andythenorth> but eh, does it matter?
19:53:39  <andythenorth> maybe just Euro?
19:54:29  <Wolf01> eh, it's like: "we don't know what it is, but let's revive it, what could happen?"
19:55:21  <andythenorth> it's a low risk apparently
19:55:27  <andythenorth> I like low risks
19:55:32  <andythenorth> like chernobyl
19:56:45  <Zuu> Hmm I need to teach PAXLink to not waste its inital loan on statues :-)
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20:29:31  <andythenorth> oops
20:29:33  <andythenorth> stuck on names :P
20:29:36  <andythenorth> stupid blockers
20:29:42  <andythenorth> Pikka: what shall I call them?
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20:31:07  <Pikka> call whom?
20:31:12  <andythenorth> road vehicles and such
20:31:16  <andythenorth> normally I have some theme
20:31:26  <andythenorth> like mountains or shipping areas or glaciers or whatever
20:31:28  <Pikka> Hmm
20:31:36  <Pikka> I have no idea! :D
20:31:40  <andythenorth> for IH Dan did it
20:31:42  <andythenorth> way easier :P
20:31:48  <andythenorth> where is collaborator? :P
20:31:54  * andythenorth hates working 100% alone
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20:38:20  <Zuu> The cargodist minimap overlay is quite nice for visualizing the results from the pair optimzer in PAXLink :-)
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20:52:35  * andythenorth finds names
21:10:06  <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: how many pax is your ideal tram?
21:21:00  <planetmaker> depends on the tram?
21:21:04  <planetmaker> and the route?
21:21:45  <andythenorth> Eddi normally has concrete answers for most stuff :)
21:24:39  <Pikka> 45
21:24:57  <Pikka> for articulated or double-decker, imo
21:25:05  <Pikka> 30 for single car
21:25:09  <frosch123> that's a bus size
21:25:17  <frosch123> not a tram size
21:25:19  <andythenorth> I am thinking quite a lot more
21:25:46  <andythenorth> haven't used trams in ages though
21:25:48  <frosch123> tram capacity should be right in the middle between a bus and a normal-sized train
21:25:57  <andythenorth> I am thinking 60-100
21:25:59  <frosch123> normal sized train being 5-7 tiles
21:26:33  <Pikka> ridiculous
21:26:40  <frosch123> 100 pax sounds abuot right
21:27:14  <andythenorth> ridilicous?
21:28:06  <Pikka> well
21:28:19  <Pikka> I think of trams as being buses, but if you want to think of them as light rail, I suppose it's reasonable :P
21:31:50  <andythenorth> :)
21:32:30  <andythenorth> ooh
21:32:31  <andythenorth> a truck
21:32:35  <andythenorth> in my game
21:32:37  <andythenorth> how exciting
21:33:31  <planetmaker> usually a tram is also twice as long as a bus
21:33:46  <planetmaker> as one of the long busses, those with articulation
21:34:00  <andythenorth> I can find 'realistic' UK capacities for double trams across a wide range :)
21:34:10  <andythenorth> but for gameplay, 60 or 80 seems about right
21:34:11  <andythenorth> and 30mph
21:34:19  <andythenorth> this is 1940 or so
21:36:15  <Pikka> planetmaker: these are not twice as long as an articulated bus
21:36:17  <Pikka>
21:36:26  <Pikka> but like I said, depends what you're thinking of as trams :)
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21:37:57  <andythenorth> this kind of stuff
21:38:00  <frosch123> why would anyone build such a thing?
21:38:30  <andythenorth> 16-93 seats + standing
21:38:47  <Pikka> realistic capacities, psh
21:40:02  * andythenorth is shocked
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21:40:58  <frosch123> 16 seats :p
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21:43:13  <andythenorth> when is trolley roadtype?
21:45:24  <Pikka> when any roadtype, approximately
21:50:08  * andythenorth sticks to diseasels
21:50:29  <andythenorth> we can't just set a bit for powered tarmac? :P
21:50:37  <andythenorth> and same for tram track?
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22:00:16  <andythenorth> I need to get rid of all this train crap :)
22:00:27  <andythenorth> my trucks are well over-complicated, they are made up of three parts :P
22:00:40  <planetmaker> o_O
22:02:22  <frosch123> night
22:02:25  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Quit: be yourself, except: if you have the opportunity to be a unicorn, then be a unicorn]
22:02:50  <andythenorth> I think next I need to unwrite a lot of code
22:02:55  <andythenorth> maybe I should start from scratch :P
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22:18:07  <juzza1> always a good idea
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22:18:59  <DorpsGek> Commit by zuu :: r26396 /trunk/src/script/api (11 files in 4 dirs) (2014-03-10 22:18:53 UTC)
22:19:00  <DorpsGek> -Add: [script] AI/GS APIs to get cargo waiting from/via other station
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22:43:17  <Eddi|zuHause> looks like i just missed andy...
22:44:44  <Eddi|zuHause> <Pikka> I think of trams as being buses, but if you want to think of them as light rail, I suppose it's reasonable :P <-- a tram typically replace 3 busses
22:45:35  <Eddi|zuHause> also, don't just consider seats, consider seats+standing for capacity
22:48:28  <Eddi|zuHause> my CETS capacities per tile are 80/100/150 (express/normal/commuter), trams usually being narrower than trains should be something less than the commuter one, so 100-120 sounds reasonable
22:48:56  <Eddi|zuHause> 80 is the capacity of the default trains
22:49:18  <Eddi|zuHause> (two wagons of 40 capacity fit on one tile)
22:50:25  <Eddi|zuHause> for road vehicles you could use something like 60/90/120 (long-distance bus/city bus/tram)
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