Log for #openttd on 10th June 2016:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:04:41  *** JacobD88 [] has quit [Quit: JacobD88]
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02:50:48  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
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07:53:05  <edgar> hello is there anyone currently online that could help me out with a compile issue i am having on visual studio 2015?
08:01:38  <edgar> well if anyone can help this is my issue that is the errors
08:03:25  <edgar> i have installed openttd useful 6.0 correctly i believe. i put the shared include files into C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include and the win64 files into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\lib\amd64 folder what am i doing wrong
08:14:59  *** Samu [] has joined #openttd
08:15:06  <Samu> hi
08:16:24  *** TheMask96 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
08:18:19  <edgar> hi and i found out that i can compile in 32 bit just not x64 uggghhh oh well 32 it is for now i hate giving up
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08:52:52  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
08:53:39  <Wolf01> o/
08:57:45  <Wolf01> mmmm V453000, the 0.12.34/35 disappeared again from steam, I only have 0.12.33 on the dropdown, wtf?
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10:52:15  <Samu> I found a not-really-a-bug with company road vehicle list
10:52:35  <Samu> there is the list with groups, and the list without groups
10:53:15  <Samu> the list with groups can have the size reduced to only 4 road vehicles, the other without groups, can only be reduced to 6
10:53:39  <Samu> window resize
10:55:46  *** zeknurn [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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11:01:14  <V453000> sounds wtf Wolf01 , no clue
11:04:47  *** Arveen [] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
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11:20:44  *** Wormnest [] has joined #openttd
11:21:21  <Samu> according to Path of Exile devs, steam doesn't cope well with versions being released too often
11:21:47  <Samu> same issue maybe with that game?
11:22:36  <Wolf01> PoE releases 4 times at day, every time I run steam there's a PoE update
11:23:56  <Wolf01> I think Factorio 0.12.35 became the new stable, so they removed the test branches
11:25:56  <Samu> i dont know the size of Factorio
11:26:28  <Samu> PoE updates a big .ggpk file, a 7GB file everytime they need to patch it... steam does not like it
11:26:34  <Samu> keks
11:27:54  <Samu> it annoys me that they release hotfixes every new seasons
11:28:11  <Samu> so i stopped playing it
11:29:09  <Samu> besides, they're releasing too many useless mtx content that only bogs down performance
12:41:37  *** Snail [] has joined #openttd
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13:04:24  <Eddi|zuHause> doesn't PoE have like 20 hotfixes after each release?
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13:09:11  <Samu> Wormnest: hi
13:10:13  *** Compu [] has joined #openttd
13:12:03  <Samu> 2 AIs have finished the 100 year test
13:12:10  <Samu> terron and admiral
13:12:20  <Samu> admiral wins
13:13:40  <Samu> i'm retesting nocab without autosaving, and passworded so no one joins
13:14:02  <Samu> i'm retesting roadrunner, because of a bug with company 0
13:16:31  <Samu> and today i started 3 new AIs, teshinet, cluelessplus and borkai
13:16:58  <Samu> currently running all 8 servers, so 8 AIs
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13:33:08  <Samu>
13:33:18  <Samu>
13:33:46  <Samu> i swear i uploaded it as .png
13:40:34  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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13:40:44  <Wolf01> o/
13:40:45  <Alberth> moin
13:49:29  *** JacobD88 [] has quit [Quit: JacobD88]
13:53:30  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
14:01:23  <Samu> otvi server is extremely slow :(
14:01:51  <Samu> I was hoping it would improve
14:01:59  <Samu> but it's becoming slower and slower
14:02:40  <Samu> by the look of it, it will take 3 more days to finish
14:02:43  <Samu> maybe 4
14:03:25  <Alberth> it doesn't like large maps?
14:12:21  <Wolf01> I laughed way too much
14:12:56  <_dp_> god I hate openttd strings, formatting smth like time is a nightmare
14:19:23  <Samu> no, it doesn't seem to be map size issue
14:19:43  <Samu> it was running fine all the way to 5000, once it got there, it started slowing down majorly
14:19:52  <Samu> 5000 rvs
14:20:08  <Samu> but now it's so slow, to the point it pains me to watch it
14:21:44  <Samu> mogulai also seems to be slowing down, but not that bad as otvi
14:21:51  <Samu> still it's noticeable
14:21:55  *** JacobD88 [] has joined #openttd
14:23:55  <Samu> map size is 1024x1024
14:24:38  <Samu> admiralai also had 5000 rvs and didn't slow like that
14:34:04  *** shirish [~quassel@] has joined #openttd
14:35:08  <supermop_> half day of work today, but have no work to do
14:35:44  <supermop_> had to rush to get everything out earlier in the week, so now just waiting to hear back from clients and contractors
14:36:19  <supermop_> would be a good day to volunteer some more pixel bashing but andy's not here
14:46:12  *** Myhorta [] has joined #openttd
14:46:18  <_dp_> is there any control code that just consumes argument without printing anything? I'm sick of dragging STR_EMPTY everywhere %)
14:46:45  <Eddi|zuHause> there used to be a {SKIP} but it was removed/deprecated
14:47:32  <_dp_> crap
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14:48:51  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not entirely sure why, though
14:48:58  <_dp_> and strings always requiring same number of arguments makes it rly annoying
14:50:21  <Eddi|zuHause> (where "not entirely sure" means "i strongly disagree")
15:00:46  <_dp_> wonder if I can use plural forms to do leading zeros...
15:01:55  *** JacobD88 [] has quit [Quit: JacobD88]
15:08:13  <Samu> im spying inside openttd.exe servers
15:08:31  <Samu> kernel time, user time
15:08:36  <Samu> page faults
15:09:01  <Samu> i/o priority, handles, gdi handles
15:09:28  *** HerzogDeXtEr [] has joined #openttd
15:11:50  <Samu> i dont know what to look at
15:11:58  <Samu> cycles?
15:14:06  <Samu> nevermind.\
15:14:16  *** TheMask96 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
15:14:37  <Samu> wanted to figure out why otvi was so slow
15:16:19  <Samu> - check it out, how slow it is
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15:22:37  <Samu> gonna try debuglevel script=9, see what it prints
15:24:46  <Eddi|zuHause> unlikely
15:25:07  <Eddi|zuHause> leading zeroes make no sense without a monospace font anyway
15:27:20  <_dp_> Eddi|zuHause, not always true:  16:05
15:28:09  <_dp_> I mean time)  18:25:07
15:28:55  <_dp_> but yeah, doesn't seem to be possible with plurals sadly
15:28:56  <Samu> - scroll down
15:29:05  <_dp_> had to do all combinations of leading zeros for time
15:29:17  <Samu> why is otvi trying airports? i disabled it
15:29:21  <Samu> :\
15:30:06  <Samu> dayum, otvi log just filled 1 MB of text in a matter of minutes
15:33:05  <Wormnest> I guess it doesnÂŽt check whatÂŽs enabled or not
15:39:35  <Eddi|zuHause> _dp_: have you checked how the timetable/24h patches do this?
15:40:26  <Eddi|zuHause> _dp_: anyway, leading zeros is not something you should handle in the string, but in the GUI code.
15:41:07  <Eddi|zuHause> like, adjust the code for {DATE} to handle time formats
15:41:13  <_dp_> Eddi|zuHause, no, but patches can do more stuff
15:41:32  <_dp_> I'm not making a patch, just a gs, sort of
15:42:07  <_dp_> and strings is all gs have for gui :(
15:42:21  <Eddi|zuHause> well, you can request a code change if you have a proper case
15:42:28  <Eddi|zuHause> instead of getting lost in workarounds
15:43:24  <_dp_> what I'd really like to see for code change is using python formatting syntax or smth like that
15:43:31  <_dp_> don't think that even gonna happen
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15:44:08  <Eddi|zuHause> well, printf formatting is a bit too dangerous to expose to user provided content
15:44:19  <_dp_> and current system is just way too limited, I have to do workarounds all the time :(
15:45:55  <_dp_> Eddi|zuHause, what's wrong with printf formatting? I'd say it's implementation that's dangerous
15:47:15  <Eddi|zuHause> there are some questional bits in printf
15:49:44  <supermop_> this thing looks cute:
15:49:46  <supermop_>
15:50:49  <_dp_> Eddi|zuHause, can't think of any but whatever, I like new python style more (in c++ fmt:: uses it)
15:51:19  <supermop_>
15:51:52  <supermop_> scratch build some EMUs with every bogie powered?
15:51:57  <Eddi|zuHause> _dp_: even then, combining that with the openttd language system is tricky
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15:57:17  <_dp_> Eddi|zuHause, yeah, that's why I don't see it ever happening)
15:57:47  *** rahtgaz [] has quit [Quit: I'll be Bach]
15:58:06  <_dp_> Eddi|zuHause, honesly, what I miss the most is ability to include raw strings
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15:58:14  <_dp_> which is disabled for whatever reason
15:58:43  <_dp_> like that time I already have as string, could pass it no problem
15:58:50  <Alberth> storage of displayed text, I think
15:59:19  <_dp_> Alberth, no, it can store raw strings
15:59:40  <_dp_> Alberth, there is just if (game_script) break;
15:59:54  <_dp_> gs can't use raw strings, period
16:01:04  <Alberth> well, there is the 'free raw string afterwards' problem
16:01:11  <Alberth> especially after loading a save game
16:03:25  <Samu> i think borkai has a memory leak, it has yet to stop rising mem usage
16:03:42  <_dp_> Alberth, not sure it even needs to be allocated, it's already stored inside the encoded string
16:04:39  <_dp_> Alberth, also, looks to me that's already solved
16:06:23  <Alberth> could be
16:06:36  <_dp_> Alberth, sub_args_need_free[i] = true
16:08:07  <_dp_> Alberth, from what I can see there is all code for raw strings, if not for that one if they would work just fine
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16:11:40  <Eddi|zuHause> _dp_: now hunt down when that line was added, and check out why it was added
16:12:05  <_dp_> Eddi|zuHause, I think I even did that once...
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16:15:44  <_dp_>;a=commit;f=src/strings.cpp;h=9d7aec3fe74bfb4580f4eb3e278f1d92b8412b47
16:19:10  <_dp_> that commit description doesn't rly explain why it has to ban raw strings...
16:19:46  <_dp_> though I probably see how they can be dangerous with current implementation
16:19:56  <_dp_> which doesn't mean they can't be done properly
16:22:06  <_dp_> in case of gs simply tracking allocated raw string pointers and checking them before use would solve the problem
16:23:14  <Samu> pretty sight
16:23:16  <_dp_> though would be nice to use strings from openttd lang files too
16:24:20  <Samu> ah rats, print screen doesn't detect the real virtual resolution, i'll do it with bandicam
16:29:53  <Samu>
16:29:56  <Samu> there, better
16:30:46  *** NoShlomo [~NoShlomo@] has quit [Quit: NoShlomo]
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16:46:55  <Rubidium> _dp_: StringIDs in openttd are ints (from compiling on) and the value that belongs to a particular string is undefined in the grand scheme of things (I can say in r12345 STR_BLA = 100, but that doesn't mean it's 100 in r12344 or r12346)
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16:49:55  <greeter> greetings openttd :-D
16:50:34  <Samu> I don't usually consider road piece usage amount, but gee... NoCAB is horrible
16:50:48  <_dp_> Rubidium, yeah, I know that. not saying it should be done simply by passing string id around)
16:51:03  <Samu> nocab is orange in that screenshot
16:51:25  <Samu> i wonder what it will look like when it gets to 2050
16:52:53  <Alberth> one orange world :)
16:54:48  <frosch123> next time use green
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16:58:19  <Samu> 296,211 road pieces for nocab
16:58:47  <Samu> 75,210 road pieces for otvi
16:59:06  <frosch123> that's barely 2%
16:59:11  *** Myhorta [] has joined #openttd
16:59:23  <Samu> 62,093 for mogul
16:59:36  <Samu> 62,026 for bork
17:00:08  *** glx [] has joined #openttd
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17:00:27  <Samu> an teshinet is the clean one with 13,781 pieces
17:01:02  <Samu> but he doesn't have that many vehicles yet, he's kinda slow compared with the others
17:02:46  <Samu> actually, i got a feeling he crashed, let me check
17:03:39  <Samu> bah, he really did
17:03:40  <Samu> dbg: [script] [0] [S] Your script made an error: the index 'station_id' does not exist
17:04:11  <Samu> okay, stopping his server
17:04:53  <Samu> server 7
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17:12:27  <Samu> Wormnest: TeshiNet crashed, do you have a suggested AI to test?
17:12:46  <Samu> road vehicles ai
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17:17:22  <Samu> TeshiNet, 1st Apr 1967.sav last month he was alive
17:17:36  <Samu> and the server was already in 1977
17:17:40  <Samu> damn, im slow
17:17:48  <andythenorth> o/
17:18:01  <Samu> hi
17:18:20  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
17:19:36  <Samu> nice, it crashes shortly after with the same error, think i can report this
17:24:15  <Samu>
17:36:23  *** gelignite [] has quit [Quit:]
17:37:13  <Alberth> o/
17:38:46  <Samu> gonna try DictatorAI
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17:39:40  <Mazur> Which version Ottd?
17:41:26  <andythenorth> bah
17:43:01  <Mazur> Ah,. trunk runs it.
17:43:14  <Mazur> r27595
17:43:27  <Samu> im running on 1.6.1-RC1
17:43:48  <Mazur> Crashed while loading.
17:44:57  <Samu> teshinet version is that on bananas
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17:45:20  <Samu> let me recheck the save
17:45:30  <Mazur> Nah, just looking out of curiosity, not looking to help you here.
17:47:52  <andythenorth> chibi trucks are too short
17:47:57  <andythenorth> non-chibi trucks are too long
17:48:00  <andythenorth> silly old game :P
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17:49:59  <Alkel_U3> hm. My openttd.cfg has close to twice as many lines as a fresh one from all the patchpacks I've been playing with in last 3 years
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17:55:33  <andythenorth> hmm
17:55:42  * andythenorth waited a week before redrawing all trucks, again
17:55:45  <andythenorth> wise move perhaps
18:00:15  <supermop_> yo
18:01:10  <supermop_> 3 hours ago i was bored and itching to mess about with pixels, andythenorth
18:01:36  <andythenorth> and now? o_O
18:02:23  *** Ttech [] has quit [Quit: Este é o fim.]
18:03:02  <supermop_> almost the end of half-workday
18:03:31  <supermop_> actually technically its already over but i ended up having one more thing to do at last minute
18:03:54  <supermop_> and now i am fantasizing about a N or Z gauge tram layup
18:06:05  <supermop_> just a little thing that could sit on a shelf - maybe a plank of nice australian hardwood, with some brass rails CNC routed into it
18:07:14  <supermop_> prototyped on this:
18:07:15  <supermop_>
18:07:30  <supermop_> three lay ups
18:08:51  *** NGC3982 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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18:09:04  <andythenorth> I keep thinking of building some micro train layout
18:09:06  <andythenorth> but eh
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18:09:20  <supermop_> cheat at a maglev:
18:10:03  <supermop_>
18:10:38  <andythenorth> I just use the kids’ oval
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18:15:16  <supermop_> looks very american andy
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18:15:16  <supermop_> need some BR large logo EMD units in there
18:19:49  <Wormnest> Samu: DictatorAI sounds fine although it tends to crash too not sure which rv AI you havenÂŽt had yet
18:19:55  <supermop_> you need some uniformed operators:
18:22:42  <Wormnest> For the rest go to the wiki and sort on road vehicles:
18:23:48  <Samu> nice, i wasn't aware of that article
18:25:03  <andythenorth> dunno if I have enough power on this train yet
18:25:05  <andythenorth> only 7 units
18:27:43  <supermop_> you've got some free track space until the tail of the train
18:29:34  <Alkel_U3> that remids me of that guy who tried to use a looping superlong train for high-throughput belt replacement in Factorio
18:29:52  <Samu> brokai ram usage is already in 4.1 GB
18:30:07  <Samu> there's something wrong
18:30:12  <Samu> bork*
18:30:35  <Samu> I hope it doesn't take all of the 16 GB
18:32:02  <mz-e520> pro tip: when you're laying down electrified track, don't accidentally make one of the ten or so stations you put down first non-electrified
18:32:17  <mz-e520> "Train 21 is lost" >_<
18:32:38  <greeter> i always laugh when i get messages like that. i always think "It's on a set of tracks, how can it be lost?"
18:32:49  <mz-e520> hehe
18:33:31  <greeter> my own game is a farce right now. i just spent 8 million dollars bribing town authorities. not exactly a sound business strategy
18:35:11  <mz-e520> amused at: 1. demolish one building. 2. plant a load of trees to make the authorities happy again. 3. goto 1
18:35:23  <mz-e520> that'll teach them to put a town where i needed my track to go
18:35:40  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
18:35:43  <mz-e520> (the town was completely eliminated)
18:35:46  <greeter> done that a few times lol
18:35:55  <greeter> oh lol, never completely razed the town
18:36:20  <mz-e520> they wouldn't have wanted to live next to the oil refinery anyway
18:36:59  <greeter> ah, perhaps not
18:37:19  <greeter> i know there's a couple of refineries in my current game they wouldn't have wanted to be close to. there's one i have like 20 trains servicing right now
18:39:27  <mz-e520> ♥
18:39:42  <mz-e520> they do seem to eat resources, i could never get enough oil into them
18:39:45  <mz-e520> pitiful yield
18:43:14  *** Defaultti [] has quit [Quit: Quitting.]
18:43:21  <greeter> i can't get enough trains into this one. the refinery is putting out anywhere from 1,200 to 1,600 goods crates per month
18:43:59  <Alkel_U3> meanwhile, I'm almost done setting up my own server
18:44:20  <greeter> nice :-D can't wait to help test it
18:44:22  <Alkel_U3> I shown my lazy who's the boss today :P
18:44:28  <greeter> very nice
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18:47:10  <greeter> course the oil fields seem to be pretty high yield for the most part. some of them are even producing upwards of 50 passengers per month
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18:49:52  <andythenorth>
18:50:16  <greeter> lol nice
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19:00:17  <Alkel_U3> I'm not sure if FIRS 2 Extreme is good for MP but there aren't that many to try out :P
19:00:56  <ST2> we have 2 with FIRS 2, and Extreme :P
19:01:00  <greeter> lol that's ok, i expect to have my dreams crushed in this game, kind of like going to work for subway :-P
19:01:33  <Alkel_U3> ST2: but with some sort of citibuilder or goal script, right?
19:01:49  <ST2> 1 is CB other CV
19:02:03  <ST2> and yes, both with goals
19:02:08  <andythenorth> extreme is daft :P
19:02:14  <andythenorth> unless you have some GS
19:02:50  <ST2> should be fun with BusyBee ;)
19:03:25  <Alkel_U3> probably, but I let beer guide my hand on this for now :-)
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19:03:37  <greeter> that's always fun
19:07:02  <Alkel_U3> I would not neccesarily use the word 'always' :P
19:11:59  <greeter> lol
19:19:15  <andythenorth>
19:19:27  <supermop> now that i am home for the weekend, i will also beer
19:19:30  <andythenorth> plausible? ^^
19:19:41  <greeter> hmm i'm not sure
19:20:24  <supermop> andythenorth: they just pile it higher in there
19:20:37  <Alkel_U3> I'm really looking forward to those. I've been playing way too many games only with eGRVTS
19:20:42  <V453000> BUT 2 IS SAME AS 4, UNLEASH RIOT
19:20:45  <andythenorth> these sizes bugged me
19:20:51  <V453000> and yeah, just make cargo heaps differ
19:21:10  <supermop> beer or belts?
19:21:15  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
19:21:28  <Alkel_U3> if you beer too much, you need a belt
19:22:09  <Alkel_U3> and... why not both?
19:22:21  <supermop> i need a belt because i havent beered enough last few years
19:22:27  <supermop> and now my pants are too big
19:22:45  <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: this implements ‘roughly the same size’, I think it works
19:22:45  <Alkel_U3> well, you need to beer just right :-)
19:23:33  <supermop> but i have some rudimentary belt sprites and want to play a game where i can dump off piles of ore and watch it get steadily fed into a mill
19:24:12  <supermop> also: need to pick up a suit i had altered
19:26:48  <Samu> back
19:27:01  <Samu> just had dinner, borkai ram usage is 4.6 GB
19:27:19  <Samu> still rising
19:27:43  <Alkel_U3> lucky RAM is so cheap, eh? :P
19:28:27  <supermop> i want to play a multiplayer game where i can build a somewhat intricate passenger network with others, and not have it melt my computer due to being 2048^2 map
19:28:41  <Alkel_U3> Well, I had to upgrade from 6 to 12 GiB recently when I put some mods into Cities: Skylines. It bit off 9 GiB right off the start
19:30:00  <Alkel_U3> I'm aware there might be more resource-intensive games than this, but for me it's still kinda hard to grasp that a game would need that much :D
19:30:06  <Samu> i dunno, something is wrong with borkai, average ram usage for the other AI games is ~300MB
19:30:38  <Samu> even NoCAB is at a much lower ram usage
19:30:41  <Samu> at 900
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19:34:18  <supermop__> yo Alkel_U3 what are the settings on your server
19:34:30  <Alkel_U3> ok, so I spent 20 mins searching for the tar that contains pb_trax.grf to find out it isn't in content_download but the other manual directory for some reason and now I realized I don't actually want/need this grf in this setup
19:34:54  <supermop__> slash can i join it
19:35:14  <Alkel_U3> sure, I'm almost done
19:36:13  <Alkel_U3> then you can look yourself - I'm not sure if pasting the openttd.cfg would be helpful :D
19:37:12  <supermop__> the server i found is locked
19:37:40  <supermop__> ok i'll grab a beer while you work
19:39:44  *** supermop [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
19:39:59  <Alkel_U3> yeah, I've been reseting it every few minutes so I didn't want to disappoint anyone who would join. But i left it advertised so I have easier time testing it from a client :-)
19:40:03  <Alkel_U3> it's done
19:41:06  <Alkel_U3> oh crap, I destroyed last cold beer. Gotta fill up the fridge
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19:46:39  <Alkel_U3> I thought I'd be gettin enough for the weekend. I'm naive.
19:49:11  <Alkel_U3> greeter, supermop__: it finally seems to be bent according to my wishes, have a look if you wish
19:53:54  <supermop__> ok
19:53:56  <Alkel_U3> although, on the other hand, I might have made tha map a tad bigger or the industry a bit less scarce :D
19:54:26  <Alkel_U3> next time
20:05:56  <andythenorth> hmm
20:06:18  <andythenorth> maybe the gen 4 truck (40t, last one in the list) should be longer?
20:06:30  <supermop__> damnit breakdowns on?
20:06:49  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
20:07:18  <Alkel_U3> reduced :P
20:08:13  <Alkel_U3> yeah, I find a lot of people not liking those but I don't like it when there's nothing enforcing not running a 50 yrs old engine
20:08:35  <andythenorth> shorter cab, longer body? o_O
20:08:37  <andythenorth> or longer truck?
20:08:40  <andythenorth> longer truck :P
20:13:46  *** Arveen [] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
20:14:17  <andythenorth>
20:14:23  <andythenorth> or
20:14:47  <andythenorth> V453000: commentatory plz? ^
20:20:50  <Wolf01> he can't, too much 0.13 hype :P
20:21:19  <supermop__> my damn boats keep breaking down
20:21:20  <Alkel_U3> seriously, where is it
20:21:39  <Alkel_U3> my damn trai keep not doing much profit :P
20:21:55  <Alkel_U3> how can I miss so many letters
20:23:26  <supermop__> also should have started with shorter trains, these 5 tile ones are taking too long to load, so they break down once they set off
20:23:33  <Alkel_U3> also I blew large portion of my money right at the start on going through rock tiles, which is now as expensive as building on water (which is even more expensive). Which I forgot about
20:24:40  <Alkel_U3> also I should have mentioned that terraforming is prohibitevly expensive
20:25:48  <supermop__> also i set up this aluminum -> bldg mat. -> bulk terminal -> bauxite chain to have lots of transfers, so now i have a tone of vehicles that cant make any profit until the process bootstraps a bit
20:26:15  <Alkel_U3> arrgh, also I accidentaly gave the cargo train a pax engine :/
20:26:52  <supermop__> and of course the critical link are these slow as hell ships
20:26:54  <Alkel_U3> s/accidentaly/ignorantly/
20:27:48  <Alkel_U3> ok, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who made several poor decisions :D
20:29:06  <Alkel_U3> althoughmine might be poorer
20:31:39  <supermop__> hopefully this tram will keep me solvent until this metal starts to pay off
20:32:37  <Wolf01> you are making me want to start a new ottd game, but I already have 4 other games to play
20:33:07  <Wolf01> or 459 if I count steam ones
20:33:25  <Alkel_U3> aand I sold the engine without checking if I can buy a replacement
20:33:29  <Alkel_U3> damn
20:33:39  <Wolf01> undo?
20:34:35  <Alkel_U3> unable :(
20:34:42  <Wolf01> no autosave?
20:34:48  <Alkel_U3> multiplayer
20:35:03  <Wolf01> heh, you're screwed
20:35:56  <Alkel_U3> not entirely, I had enough money from selling the tracks to set up a short intercity tram
20:36:21  <Alkel_U3> but it will be ages before I can afford to expand :(
20:37:25  <Wolf01> :/
20:37:48  <Alkel_U3> wow, the beer really adds on difficuilty :D
20:38:03  <Alkel_U3> now I see much better spots to set up the route
20:39:14  <andythenorth> saw this truck last week :P
20:39:18  <andythenorth> small world
20:42:47  <Alkel_U3> nah, I'm going to die anyway
20:44:02  <andythenorth> stupid trucks :P
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20:47:33  <supermop__> ok buying a passenger train was a mistake, this town only produces 40 at most
20:48:36  <Alkel_U3> yeah, the town set is kinda cargodist compatible :D
20:50:55  <Alkel_U3> aaand I'm screwed completely :P
20:52:06  <Alkel_U3> tried to rebuild the tram to horse-drawn carriages to cut down on infrastucture maintenance - can't even build the last required piece of road between the depot and road
20:53:27  <supermop__> hope you dont want an 810 ton frisco bay freighter
20:53:52  <Alkel_U3> sure, do want
20:53:53  <supermop__> because i got exclusive trial of a ship i'll never be able to afford
20:54:13  <Alkel_U3> :D
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20:58:41  <andythenorth> silly ship set
20:59:10  <Samu> question, which blitter mode would be the least cpu intensive, in theory
20:59:33  <glx> 8bpp no anim
20:59:45  <Alkel_U3> null?
21:00:07  <Samu> ok, will try, it's for spectating
21:00:23  <supermop__> got an offer to buy you out, but i can't afford it!
21:00:38  <Alkel_U3> likewise, a few months ago :P
21:00:54  <andythenorth> goodnight
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21:01:04  <Alkel_U3> in my case, there's not much to buy, appart of the debt :P
21:02:17  <Samu> i dont have 8bpp no anim
21:02:39  <Samu> List of blitters:         32bpp-anim: 32bpp Animation Blitter (palette animation)    32bpp-optimized: 32bpp Optimized Blitter (no palette animation)       32bpp-simple: 32bpp Simple Blitter (no palette animation)         32bpp-sse2: 32bpp SSE2 Blitter (no palette animation)         32bpp-sse4: 32bpp SSE4 Blitter (no palette animation)    32bpp-sse4-anim: SSE4 Blitter (palette animation)        32bpp-ssse3: 32bpp SSSE3 Blitter (no palette ani
21:03:19  <glx> oh 8bpp are gone ?
21:03:21  <Samu>     8bpp-optimized: 8bpp Optimized Blitter (compression + all-ZoomLevel cache)        8bpp-simple: 8bpp Simple Blitter (relative slow, but never wrong)               null: Null Blitter (does nothing)
21:03:28  <Samu> didnt fit
21:03:30  <glx> ah
21:03:41  <glx> 8bpp-optimized then
21:03:55  <glx> or any 32bpp without anim
21:03:57  <Samu> ok, ty, then i turn animation off
21:04:06  <_dp_> but null blitter is definitely the least cpu intensive
21:04:16  <Samu> i can't spectate with that one
21:04:48  <Alkel_U3> good, I'm out. Can try again :P
21:06:41  <_dp_> oh, and wasn't even the first one to suggest it
21:07:12  <_dp_> so many people here who are better than me in giving useless answers :p
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21:16:15  <Samu> interesting, cpu usage went down from 96-100% to about 92-95%
21:16:25  <Awesome_Scampis> pew pew
21:17:18  <Samu> seems like the default I am using is relatively heavy
21:18:17  <supermop__> ok i got my beer out Alkel_U3
21:18:53  <Alkel_U3> supermop__: I'll go grab some more, too, then :-)
21:21:21  <Awesome_Scampis> I'm the Snoop Dogg of buslines
21:21:23  <supermop__> really need to buy more boats to keep the rating up at these docks
21:21:32  *** NGC3982 [] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
21:21:39  <supermop__> might cheap with  some always loading trucks
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21:23:03  <Alkel_U3> really need to buy more beer
21:23:17  <Alkel_U3> last two outside the fridge, yeesh
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21:24:38  <supermop__> damn you snagged that southern hotel i had my ey on
21:24:57  <Alkel_U3> I've noticed it recently :-)
21:26:59  <Awesome_Scampis> have some beer over. Anyone want some?
21:27:13  <Alkel_U3> send it over via ctcp
21:29:11  <Alkel_U3> well, beerparty over TCP/IP isn't ass great as a real one :I
21:29:29  <Samu> borkai reached 5.00 GB ram
21:29:33  <Samu> :(
21:30:06  *** Myhorta[1] [~Myhorta@2001:8a0:ed7d:1301:1a67:b0ff:fe91:1823] has joined #openttd
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21:35:42  <Awesome_Scampis> *filters land vehicle list for beer transports*
21:39:02  <supermop__> got to go to dinner soon
21:39:15  <supermop__> assuming my company wont last while i am afk
21:39:31  <Alkel_U3> I'm actually considering a midnight snack, too :P
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21:41:32  <supermop__> who on here wants to be the steward of supermop transport?
21:41:40  <supermop__> pw is 'mop'
21:44:09  <Alkel_U3> kinda funny how folks spring for the coal line without even looking at the cargo payment rates :P
21:44:50  *** Myhorta[1] [~Myhorta@2001:8a0:ed7d:1301:1a67:b0ff:fe91:1823] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:46:16  <Samu> in 43 years, borkai uses 5 gb ram, how much ram would borkai use in 100 years?
21:46:23  <Samu> math, help!
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21:47:09  <Alkel_U3> I estimate "hella"
21:48:11  <Samu> 43/5
21:48:54  <Samu> erm... 5/43
21:49:22  <Samu> *100
21:49:26  <Samu> 11.6 GB RAM
21:49:32  <Samu> eh, i can handle that
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21:49:39  <Samu> think im fine
21:50:25  *** Quatroking [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
21:50:43  <Samu> hopefully no other AI starts going crazy about ram
21:51:03  <Alkel_U3> do you assume linear growth?
21:51:22  <Samu> yes, :(
21:58:22  *** aard [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:08:18  <Samu> - can u guess which one is borkai?
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22:52:49  <Samu> I just submitted BorkAI issue to the forum,
22:52:57  <Samu> I don't think it's normal
22:55:37  <Alkel_U3> well, time to hit the hay, gnight
23:00:42  *** shirish [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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23:15:04  <Samu> heh... borkai crashed apparently
23:15:11  <Samu> let me see
23:15:45  <Samu> yup, the script died unexpectedly :(
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23:29:46  <Samu> I wonder if it's a limitation of NoAI, actually
23:30:07  <Samu> the 4 GB barrier for the working set was reached
23:30:35  <Samu> and shorlty after it crashes
23:31:01  <Samu> without any other error, just a simple line dbg: [script] The script died unexpectedly.
23:32:26  <Samu> - posted it
23:32:33  <Samu> k so now im off to bed
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23:46:58  <Wolf01> 'night
23:47:05  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]

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