Log for #openttd on 28th April 2017:
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00:17:31  *** Biolunar has quit IRC
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09:37:57  <Wolf01> o/
09:41:54  <crem> \o
09:47:51  <Alberth> o/
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15:50:43  <supermop_> quiet today
15:52:50  <Wolf01> Yeah, not even hopping people or huge netsplits
15:54:34  <supermop_> better wade out into new york harbor with some cable cutters
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16:45:17  <Alkel_U3> anyone uses weechat here, too?
16:45:37  <Wolf01> What is it?
16:46:18  <Alkel_U3> are you asking about weechat or the issue with it?
16:46:27  <Wolf01> Weechat
16:46:32  <Alkel_U3> IRC client
16:47:06  <Alkel_U3> so with the number of people here I'm kinda assuming yes
16:47:26  <Wolf01> I still use plain mirc
16:49:25  <Alkel_U3> when it comes to IRC I'm a terminal freak :-) (also relay clients). Point is, there's a vulnerability fixed 6 days ago, so an update is not an unsound idea
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17:20:54  <LordAro> Alkel_U3: irssi 4 lyfe
17:21:39  <Alkel_U3> LordAro: well don't get me started, that's sort of like vim vs emacs :D
17:22:22  <LordAro> vim
17:22:24  <LordAro> :p
17:22:33  <Alkel_U3> great... XCOM crashed while I switched focus to write a reply...
17:22:46  <Alkel_U3> ok, that I agree with :D
17:22:59  <LordAro> heh
17:23:34  <Alkel_U3> I learned to use vim through installing Pentadactyl to Firefox
17:25:06  <Alkel_U3> although "I use vim because I couldn't figure out how to quit" is perhaps more amusing
17:25:41  <LordAro> i spend a lot of time on remote servers, nano is too basic, emacs is too silly
17:45:46  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27860 trunk/src/lang/gaelic.txt (2017-04-28 19:45:37 +0200 )
17:45:47  <DorpsGek> -Update from Eints:
17:45:48  <DorpsGek> scottish gaelic: 4 changes by GunChleoc
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17:49:37  <andythenorth> o/
17:49:41  * andythenorth been busy
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18:02:27  <quiznilo>
18:02:35  <quiznilo> clever or autistic?
18:02:37  <quiznilo> who knows
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18:52:26  <andythenorth> quak
18:58:16  <frosch123> moi
19:13:03  <peter1138> oink
19:13:49  <Wolf01> Quak, o/
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19:49:33  <supermop_> is it as nice out in europe as it is here today?
19:49:43  <supermop_> no one spending any time indoors?
19:50:01  <andythenorth> fricking cold
19:50:08  <Wolf01> I'm just returned from the pub
19:50:53  <supermop_> its 80 something here
19:50:58  <supermop_> bright sun
19:51:07  <supermop_> and i've been in meetings all day
19:51:11  <Wolf01> 80 potatoes?
19:51:28  <Wolf01> 14°C here, strong wind and rain for 3 days
19:51:29  <supermop_> something, may as well be potatos
19:51:39  <supermop_> works out to about 30 turnips
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19:55:12  <supermop_>
19:55:30  <supermop_> still get emails about this stuff
19:55:36  <supermop_> wish i was still there
19:57:04  <supermop_> i wonder if they exercised the option to buy more E-classes
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20:14:08  <andythenorth> such
20:14:12  <andythenorth> is it pixels?
20:16:33  <LordAro> voxels
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20:32:17  <peter1138> cubicles
20:33:17  <quiznilo> the best primary industry station in a FIRS/Wierd Time Skew world
20:43:50  <supermop_> bought ramps
20:44:52  <supermop_> quiznilo: is there a reason trains serving 1 station are forced to service, and those serving the other are not?
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20:58:07  <quiznilo> welp
20:58:32  <andythenorth> supermop: eh how to fix this?
20:58:35  <quiznilo> all trains pickup at A and dropoff at B... they spend the majority of time idling at A
20:58:47  <andythenorth> 16 industries looks very sparse
20:59:01  <supermop_> andythenorth: whats wrong with it?
20:59:11  <supermop_> add more that do the same thing?
20:59:12  <quiznilo> so I put depots all over the pickup stations, and generally ignore dropoffs because usually they're already serviced when they get to dropoff
20:59:19  <andythenorth> the other basic economies have around 19 industries
20:59:43  <andythenorth> printing works? :P
20:59:48  <quiznilo> seal clubbing?
20:59:51  <quiznilo> whaling?
21:00:00  <supermop_> quiznilo: its not canada or norway
21:00:06  <quiznilo> oh right
21:00:16  <supermop_> andythenorth: export iore to english bloomeries
21:00:28  <andythenorth> maybe
21:00:43  <supermop_> would be simple and timelessly swedish
21:00:56  <andythenorth> bulk terminal could accept it
21:01:10  <andythenorth> I could also import grain, and re-add flour mill and brewery
21:01:23  <supermop_> fmsp but no farms?
21:01:32  <supermop_> add a 'rye' farm
21:01:46  <supermop_> im sure mb will appreciate rye as a new cargo
21:01:54  <andythenorth> fmsp -> forest only
21:02:02  <andythenorth> partly because it comes from explosives factory :P
21:02:17  <supermop_> seems overkill for felling trees
21:02:29  <andythenorth> actually, it comes from trading post
21:02:31  <andythenorth> ah I remember
21:03:03  <andythenorth> something about fertiliser and farms
21:05:43  <supermop_> beer seems appropriate, not sure if port->beer->port is fun though
21:06:36  <supermop_> seems a bit light on manufacturing
21:06:55  <andythenorth> yair
21:07:15  <andythenorth> dunno if hunting camp works
21:07:18  <andythenorth> it kind of should
21:07:26  <supermop_> how willing are you to rename fmsp to forrestry supplies when this economy is active
21:07:30  <andythenorth> nah
21:07:32  <andythenorth> mess
21:07:38  <andythenorth> tried it
21:07:38  <supermop_> chainsaw factory
21:07:51  <andythenorth> alcohol -> hunting camp? o_O
21:08:15  <supermop_> beer->ice fishing hut
21:08:38  <supermop_> for minnesota = scandinavia
21:08:51  <andythenorth> :D
21:08:53  <supermop_> minnesota also exports a lot of iore, or did
21:08:55  <andythenorth> ice fishery
21:08:55  <peter1138> been looking at this rainfall river generator
21:09:00  <peter1138> so many damned options :S
21:09:04  <supermop_> peter1138: good?
21:09:07  <andythenorth> can’t it just flow down?
21:09:24  <supermop_> parameter: water flows up
21:09:31  <andythenorth>
21:09:37  <supermop_> parameter: lava
21:09:44  <peter1138> supermop_, well the sample pic looks nice
21:10:26  <peter1138> 15 configurable settings
21:10:32  <peter1138> seems excessive
21:11:00  <supermop_> minnesota = sweden for cases of last names, chainsaw use, iron ore, grain farming, maybe some logging?
21:11:18  <andythenorth> does it get results peter1138 ?
21:11:32  <supermop_> peter1138: ive never used it, but from reading the thread i wished it would do more erosion
21:12:11  <supermop_> biggest peeve in rolling new maps is hydrologically unsound valleys
21:12:38  <supermop_> and most time i spend in any editor, even when using heightmaps, is fixing them
21:14:16  <andythenorth> maybe hunting camp should accept fmsp
21:16:16  <supermop_> hunt elk with explosives?
21:16:25  <andythenorth> supermop_: without iced lakes, fishing holes are tricky :P
21:17:31  <supermop_> i feel like you are maybe getting too hung up on primaries at this point
21:17:36  <supermop_> this isn't australia
21:18:35  <andythenorth> I wonder if food sources are lacking
21:18:42  <andythenorth> could put the fricking farm back :P
21:18:56  <supermop_> make it make grain?
21:19:08  <supermop_> or is that boring?
21:19:14  <supermop_> the food farm kind of blew
21:19:19  <andythenorth> I’m at 20 cargos now with Iron Ore
21:19:22  <supermop_> nice
21:19:32  <supermop_> thats probably fine
21:19:47  <supermop_> farms are nice to cover flat areas with fields
21:20:25  <andythenorth> alcohol from farm? o_O
21:20:37  <supermop_> ha
21:21:07  <supermop_> export ore, get parts? parts are used for twist lock connectors by ikea factory?
21:21:23  <andythenorth> :P
21:21:28  <supermop_> i guess thats mnsp
21:21:34  <andythenorth> import allan keys
21:21:37  <andythenorth> #5
21:21:49  <andythenorth> in that flattened s shape
21:22:00  <supermop_> but was thinking like forged bits and castings, which a higher value manufacturing plant uses
21:22:19  <andythenorth>
21:22:42  <supermop_> im sure the chainsaws have some imported parts that were cast from steel that ultimately came from a swedish mine
21:24:33  <supermop_> take iore to trading post as it only has one input so far?
21:25:23  <andythenorth> I thought it best not to mix the explosives :P
21:25:54  <andythenorth> now that you mention it, I actually like that it’s unbalanced there
21:26:21  <andythenorth> you’re going to be making explosives to grow the wood chain
21:27:25  <peter1138> yeah well
21:30:36  <andythenorth> supermop_: could have done a gold mine
21:30:38  <andythenorth> but eh
21:30:42  <supermop_> yeah
21:30:46  <supermop_> i never got gold
21:30:58  <andythenorth>
21:31:01  <supermop_> i guess as a kid its fun to get lots of gold
21:31:14  <andythenorth> gold -> trading post
21:31:26  <andythenorth> 4,300t / year
21:31:33  <andythenorth> oops
21:31:43  <andythenorth> several 0s wrong
21:31:47  <andythenorth> 4.3t / year
21:32:12  <supermop_> gold ore is maybe more interesting than elemental gold, because you have to do something with it
21:32:37  <supermop_> but one armoured truck per year is going to be odd
21:33:01  <andythenorth> it’s blah
21:33:40  <supermop_> "5.12 grams per ton"
21:34:13  <peter1138> heh
21:34:39  <supermop_> maybe an alaska economy centered around supplying and servicing the exotic dredging/sluicing machinery
21:34:54  <supermop_> with gold claims as blackholes
21:35:14  <andythenorth> :P
21:35:20  <supermop_> take delivery of heavy machinery, but don't give you anything to carry back
21:35:52  <supermop_> because the prospector can carry the year's haul in his suitcase back home
21:36:19  * supermop_ watched few episodes of some gold mining reality show
21:37:11  <supermop_> the manufactured drama on the show was more about buying and getting a new back hoe shipped in
21:37:26  <supermop_> not trucking out trainloads of gold
21:37:29  <Wolf01> Wtf are nvidia drivers 417MB now?
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22:00:00  <supermop_>
22:00:04  <supermop_> who'll bite?
22:04:02  <RedirectLeft> aw
22:04:06  <RedirectLeft> someone replied before I did :(
22:04:32  <RedirectLeft> One time i try to be helpful :p
22:04:32  <peter1138> heh
22:04:54  <ST2> that will double the chances of him/her read the solution xD
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23:46:57  <Wolf01> 'night
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