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At least I figured out what´s going on that´s already the start of a solution 15:44:34 <Samu> Alberth: I'm sorry, I can't figure out how to do this 15:46:11 <Samu> meanwhile I was reviewing my own code, fixed a few issues, and at the same time I learned why I did it the way I did 15:46:16 <Alberth> Wormnest: remove the airport of the orders of all aircraft, then destroy it 15:46:36 <Samu> there's something I can try to do 15:46:40 <Alberth> not sure if aircraft could get rerouted to it for maintenance in the meantime 15:46:53 <Samu> there is at most 2 tiles that will be terraformed 15:47:21 <Samu> i can compute the variables for the DoCommand and for the MakeClearedObjectArea 15:47:29 <Alberth> so probably a cycle of "try to demolish, if failed, check for aircraft going there, reroute 15:47:58 <Alberth> with a big question what to do if you don't find such aircraft :p 15:48:10 <Alberth> crash would be my guess :p 15:48:29 <Wormnest> Alberth: Well the thing is I intend to rebuild an upgraded airport so I´d prefer to keep the orders of the planes going there 15:48:31 <Samu> so that I would only call these two functions once or twice 15:48:48 <Samu> avoiding the whole repetition 15:48:58 <Wormnest> But shouldn´t be too hard checking if planes are above airport 15:49:14 <Alberth> Wormnest: ah, I used to defert all aircraft to it to the next station, then quickly replace it 15:49:36 <Alberth> until some sneaky AI used that space in the mean time :p 15:49:38 <Wormnest> In fact it might make the current check even simpler :) 15:49:59 <Wormnest> hehe that happens :) 15:50:14 *** ToffeeYogurtPots has quit IRC 15:50:44 *** ToffeeYogurtPots has joined #openttd 15:51:26 <Alberth> Samu: what value of "this" did you refer to? 15:52:04 <Samu> i can't figure how or even why would I calculate corner heights 15:52:36 <Samu> i tried something 15:52:48 <Samu> getting the best height range of all the 6 corners 15:52:57 <Samu> but there was cases of ties 15:53:07 <Alberth> of course there is 15:53:43 <Alberth> it's also in your current solution, although you may have never realized that 15:53:51 <Samu> range 5 to 8, the best height would be 6 or 7 15:54:14 <Alberth> how do you get 5 to 8 in 2 tiles? 15:54:26 <Alberth> oh, steep tile? 15:54:30 <Samu> steep slope 15:54:31 <Samu> yes 15:55:09 <Alberth> 5 to 9 would be possible? 15:55:16 <Alberth> but never mind 15:55:16 <Samu> i forbid terraforming steep slopes on my code though, so i could probably exclude these there too 15:56:05 <Samu> but hmm okay, I got a tie, 15:56:14 <Samu> 6 or 7, but it would only use one of these 15:56:29 <Samu> i couldn't figure what to do next 15:56:36 <Alberth> there are many more ties, eg 3 corners at height 5 and 3 corners at height 6 15:56:48 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd 15:56:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai|noir 15:56:52 <Alberth> just pick one, imho 15:57:20 <Alberth> you could take surrounding tiles into account to further reduce tarraforming 15:57:49 <Alberth> but eventually, I think you will encounter several equivalent solutions 15:58:17 <Alberth> either refuse to do them, and let the user decide, or pick one 15:58:27 *** glx has joined #openttd 15:58:27 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx 15:58:54 <Alberth> if they are equally good, it doesn't matter which you end up with 15:59:37 <andythenorth> can't AI close airport? 16:00:35 <Samu> gonna rewrite the code I had yesterday 16:00:44 <Samu> I deleted it meanwhile 16:00:47 <Samu> brb 16:02:54 <Wormnest> andythenorth: Yes airport was closed but then planes waiting to land start accumulating flying around above the closed airport 16:03:40 *** tokai has quit IRC 16:08:16 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd 16:11:24 <Gustavo6046> Qui sunt illis, obliviscatur fecimus magna in praeteritum? Ad praeterita nostris obliviscatur equalus ut monumentum obliviscatur! Nostris praeterita tergo adducere nostrum! 16:16:01 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd 16:17:21 *** Thedarkb has quit IRC 16:18:26 *** Flygon has quit IRC 16:44:05 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd 16:51:23 <Samu> this is what I had yesterday 16:51:25 <Samu> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/p3elkxu0z 16:51:52 <Samu> line 66 to 96 17:04:06 <Samu> i'm missing something, seems incomplete 17:06:20 <Samu> how do i count the number of corners of the same height 17:06:28 <Samu> with the same height 17:10:21 <Samu> counting corners 17:10:37 <Alberth> why do you want to know? 17:10:38 <Samu> to determine the best_h 17:12:20 <Alberth> why not compute the amount of absolute deviation for each height between and inclusing min to max ? 17:12:47 <Alberth> and take the height with the smallest deviation 17:13:10 <Alberth> or rather, take *a* height with the smallest deviation 17:13:47 <Samu> have to google smallest deviation 17:14:23 <Alberth> abs(wanted_height - current_height) 17:14:36 <Alberth> sum them for all corners 17:15:03 <Alberth> that's the total deviation for a wanted height 17:15:26 <Samu> i dont know how to get the wanted_height 17:15:39 <Samu> to get to the wanted_height :( 17:15:50 <Alberth> "smallest" means to select that wanted_height with the smallest sum 17:15:57 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 17:16:05 <Alberth> try all heights 17:17:17 <Alberth> for (wanted_height = min_height; wanted_height <= max_height; wanted_height++) { ... } 17:18:29 <Samu> for (int h = min_h; h <= max_h; h++) { 17:18:34 <Samu> isn't that similar 17:18:54 <Alberth> seems that way 17:19:28 <Samu> delta = max(delta, Delta(h, corners[c])); 17:19:42 <Alberth> there are only around 3 heights to try at most, or so. Don't make it more difficult than needed 17:21:17 <Samu> isn't Delta the same as abs? 17:21:29 <Samu> gonna try, brb 17:22:12 <Alberth> don't know, I never said Delta 17:22:45 <Alberth> you could use least square method, but likely not relevant either 17:24:11 <Alberth> if you dared opening a book, you'd just know what things mean, instead of trying it all, which is horribly inefficient 17:27:47 <Samu> looks like I dunno what deviation means :( goota learn 17:31:51 *** ToffeeYogurtPots has quit IRC 17:32:19 *** ToffeeYogurtPots has joined #openttd 17:51:33 *** Naksu has joined #openttd 17:52:05 <Naksu> hello, any idea what might be causing weird jitter when trying to scroll with mouse2 instead of the actual scrolling happening 17:52:08 <Naksu> the screen just shakes 17:52:36 <Alberth> windows? 17:52:41 <Naksu> yes 17:53:17 <Alberth> I mean, as in, windows is what is happening 17:53:22 <frosch123> it's broken in w10 since november update 17:53:35 <frosch123> switch to left-mouse-button scrolling for now 17:53:37 <Alberth> https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=77042 don't have windows, so no clue, but here is the topic 18:10:25 *** Thedarkb has quit IRC 18:11:26 <Samu> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/po85kouwx 18:11:32 <Samu> was that it? I guess not :( 18:15:47 <Alberth> best_h needs to be initialized 18:16:15 <Alberth> min_h would be a valid value 18:16:37 <Alberth> otherwise looks fine to me 18:17:36 <Alberth> last_sum initialization is a bit weird, why MAX_TILE_HEIGHT? 18:18:22 <Alberth> actually last_sum is better named best_sum 18:20:47 <Samu> oh, right, it's not MAX_TILE_HEIGHT, it's a sum 18:20:58 <Samu> so, INT_MAX or so? 18:22:53 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd 18:34:46 *** Gustavo6046 has quit IRC 18:53:49 <Alberth> 6 * (max_height - min_height) ? 18:53:59 <Alberth> INT_MAX works too 19:04:40 *** ZexaronS has joined #openttd 19:12:04 <Samu> how to detect a tie? :( 19:12:56 <Samu> if (there is a tier) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_SITE_UNSUITABLE); 19:13:17 <Samu> tie* 19:18:41 <peter1138> Hmm, so what's needed to set up a dev environment on Windows these days? 19:19:10 <peter1138> Last time I fiddled I was using the Linux subsystem and X11, which isn't going to be helpful for ^ that bug. 19:24:33 *** Thedarkb has quit IRC 19:25:28 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd 19:26:15 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd 19:26:46 *** Gustavo6046 has joined #openttd 19:26:54 <peter1138> Hmm, I already have VS 2015 Community apparently. I wonder if it actually supports not-.Net 19:28:53 <andythenorth> docker? :P 19:29:33 <peter1138> Ooh, it's building. 19:29:43 <peter1138> Hmm, need the build dependencies though. 19:30:55 <peter1138> "This is an archived release of openttd-useful 6.0, released on 2015-10-03 07:18 UTC." 19:31:01 <peter1138> I guess that is reasonably recent. 19:41:01 <peter1138> Gosh, it built. 19:43:46 <Samu> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/pxbdzvrr4 19:43:53 <Samu> lol 19:44:29 <Samu> my drawing of 2 tiles 19:58:12 <peter1138> Hmm, I'm guessing that after sending SetCursorPos() we're now getting the new position back immediately, as it's "moved". 20:05:33 <frosch123> did you read the fs task? 20:05:39 <frosch123> it has a lot of detail information 20:06:06 <peter1138> Didn't see it. 20:06:36 <frosch123> https://bugs.openttd.org/task/6629 20:08:18 <peter1138> Yeah, basically what I figured. 20:08:42 <peter1138> It's buggy behaviour that just happened to work before. 20:08:52 *** DDR has quit IRC 20:12:05 *** Thedarkb has quit IRC 20:14:36 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd 20:15:39 <Samu> how to detect a tie? :( 20:16:44 <Samu> if the sum of an h equals the sum of another h and they're both the best_h 20:16:55 <Samu> return error 20:17:02 <Samu> can't figure it out 20:17:31 <Samu> in case of a tie, don't terraform (and don't construct the depot) 20:18:42 <peter1138> ==? 20:21:59 * peter1138 grumbles at documentation that doesn't tell you what includes to... include. 20:28:53 <Exec> Hey. For some reason, I can't move the camera with the right mouse. Any idea what gives? v1.7.1. 20:29:25 <peter1138> Haha 20:29:27 <Exec> It's like "it wants" to move but it can't. Moves a few pixels but gets straight back to the original position 20:29:37 <peter1138> Windows 10. Enable left-click dragging and use that instead for now. 20:30:04 <Exec> What. :D How could that be? 20:30:28 <Exec> Yeah, left one works. In what way W10 fscks it up? 20:31:40 <peter1138> Nothing really, the latest update it just exposes a long-time OpenTTD bug. 20:31:42 <peter1138> -it 20:33:57 <glx> 1709 changed some things and "fixed" a behaviour that used to work 20:35:53 <Exec> IIRC there was some bug with raw mouse input, back with W8.1.1 or W10.0, is it related to that? 20:36:08 <glx> maybe 20:36:22 <peter1138> No, we don't use raw input. 20:36:29 <glx> I read there was a problem with raw input since 1703 20:36:55 <glx> or without it but fixed by enabling raw input in some games 20:37:07 <peter1138> Yeah, it's a problem without it. Same as ours. 20:37:26 <peter1138> Anyway, I'm trying to use it, but stdafx makes it not work. Hmm. 20:38:13 <peter1138> Probably where we define a target platform. 20:38:34 <peter1138> The raw input stuff is only in XP+, not 95/2000. 20:38:37 <glx> btw I like the details provided in FS6629 comments 20:39:17 <peter1138> Yeah 20:39:37 <Exec> FS as in flyspray? 20:39:42 <glx> yup 20:39:47 <Exec> oh 20:39:52 <Exec> I'm used to bugzilla :D 20:39:56 <glx> https://bugs.openttd.org/task/6629 20:40:48 <peter1138> Exec, anyway, yeah, I was already looking at this issue when you mentioned it. 20:40:58 <peter1138> Hence setting up the dev env etc./ 20:47:59 *** Alberth has left #openttd 20:48:10 <Exec> One other question: Isn't a dedicated server supposed to run with ipv6 and 4 at the same time? 20:48:37 <peter1138> Yes. 20:49:25 <Exec> I only see mine with "(IPv6)" in the list but not one without it (I see other servers having two there). 20:51:17 *** mindlesstux has quit IRC 20:51:28 <V453000> frosch123: could you please have a look at https://paste.openttdcoop.org/pe0ftojpc ? I'm clearly doing something wrong, and I have no idea what getbits(extra_callback_info1, 8, 8) is, tt-wiki said it https://newgrf-specs.tt-wiki.net/wiki/NML:Vehicles at Composing vehicles from multiple sprites ... NML now compiles but the vehicle only draws the 0: spriteset_wagon_wheel; .. the 100 or 1 at the second entry has no difference :) 20:52:07 *** mindlesstux has joined #openttd 20:53:20 <peter1138> glx, frosch123, i attached a patch that works for me on windows. 20:53:53 <peter1138> i can't enable rawinput support as we target earlier windows. 20:58:25 <Exec> I think my server is not running on ipv4 only ipv6, which config line can I change to listen on both? 20:58:38 <peter1138> Why do you think that? 20:58:58 <Exec> My friend can't connect. I can. He has only ipv4 connection, I have both. 20:59:14 <Exec> Also, the server browser only shows the "(IPv6)" only 21:00:26 <peter1138> dbg: [net] [tcp] listening on IPv4 port (IPv4) 21:00:26 <peter1138> dbg: [net] [tcp] listening on IPv6 port [::]:3979 (IPv6) 21:00:34 <peter1138> You should see that in the server log. 21:00:48 <frosch123> peter1138: isn't that the same as when setting queued_warp to false? 21:01:30 <Exec> wow 21:01:36 <frosch123> V453000: it should be a "1", otherwise i see nothing wrong 21:01:58 <Exec> I restarted the daemon. It listens on ipv4 too now. Did something break the interface? 21:03:47 <peter1138> frosch123, hmm, i guess i'm basically ignoring the queued_warp thing. not sure how to handle that. 21:04:09 <frosch123> iirc the queued_warp is set differently for different video drivers 21:04:15 <frosch123> sdl on linux behaved different to win32 21:04:59 <frosch123> on some platforms the setcursorpos applied immediately, on some it did not affect already queued mouse events 21:05:26 <frosch123> on w10 it now does neither 21:05:41 <frosch123> it does neither take effect immediately, nor does it queue a specific event 21:05:45 <peter1138> I think it does matter. 21:06:36 <peter1138> Hmm, I dunno. All I can say then is this *appears* to work for me, on Windows. 21:06:52 <peter1138> Maybe accidentally :-) 21:08:21 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 21:08:32 <peter1138> frosch123, I see what you mean now. That parameter is meant to account for this. 21:08:40 <peter1138> But if it's different depending on version... Hmm. 21:08:43 <V453000> what should be 1, the 100? 21:08:45 <frosch123> https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=31&p=1193550#p1193311 <- it's that 21:08:47 <V453000> yeah that makes sense but neither works 21:09:13 <frosch123> but the problem with that approach is that it reverts the "fix" that prevents ottd to scroll to the other end of the map when lagging 21:09:53 <peter1138> Deleted it. 21:11:14 <peter1138> I wonder if the "fix" needed with this new behavour in the November update. 21:11:18 <peter1138> +is 21:12:11 <peter1138> I should be able to make the game lag. Large map + debug build... :D 21:12:51 <glx> hmm load an ottdcoop save 21:13:18 <Exec> peter1138: Large map with maximum cities and industries 21:14:02 <peter1138> Still building a 2048x2048 map. 21:15:14 <peter1138> I remember when a full recompile took 12 seconds on this thing ;) 21:20:50 <peter1138> seems like too many bandaids there :( 21:25:11 <peter1138> frosch123, so can we set "false" when using the November update, and true before that? Somehow? :S 21:25:47 <frosch123> when i looked at the logs from november update, both true and false would be wrong 21:26:00 <peter1138> Hmm, false works for me. What would be wrong about it? 21:26:18 <frosch123> it's completely non-obvious at which position in the event series the warp takes place 21:27:05 <frosch123> false assumes that setcursorpos directly affects the next event 21:27:40 <frosch123> if ottd lacks and multiple events are queued, you multiply the move-distance by the amount of queued events 21:28:04 <frosch123> while the external sources from msdn claim that setcursorpos would happen immediately 21:28:21 <frosch123> the logs show that that is neither true before or after the november update 21:54:28 *** Progman has quit IRC 21:58:09 *** Stimrol has quit IRC 22:27:52 *** andythenorth has left #openttd 22:48:24 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 23:00:25 *** Arveen2 has joined #openttd 23:04:25 *** PressureLine has joined #openttd 23:05:05 *** Arveen has quit IRC 23:29:57 *** Flygon has joined #openttd 23:32:37 *** Chrill has joined #openttd 23:57:16 *** Wormnest has quit IRC 23:58:26 <Wolf01> 'night 23:58:29 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC