Log for #openttd on 5th February 2022:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
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07:54:04  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on pull request #9739: Copy server invite code to the clipboard automatically
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08:54:43  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] AlphenLLC opened issue #293: [tr_TR] Translator access request
09:03:42  <TrueBrain> so ... andythenorth just sneaks in these days. Not even a hello? :D :D
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09:21:08  <Gustavo6046> which do you think is the worst advisor from simcity 4?
09:21:28  <TrueBrain> check channel name ... checks question... you sure you ended up in the right place? :P
09:21:47  <Gustavo6046> hey, it's the closest I know! :P
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09:53:34  <andythenorth> I am not talking here
09:53:47  <andythenorth> nobody responded to my multiple-GS-in-one-game solution
09:54:01  <andythenorth> My Ideas Are Very Important
09:54:17  <TrueBrain> sorry, I thought your client was resending messages from last year :P
09:55:00  <andythenorth> maybe it was? o_O
09:56:09  <andythenorth> I keep thinking I'll do some GS
09:56:12  <andythenorth> then I don't
09:56:28  <andythenorth> dealing with stuff like suspend-resume functions is a bit too much like real programming for my brain
09:56:31  <TrueBrain> I keep thinking I will do something useful today .. then I don't :P
09:56:49  <andythenorth> I almost never think that
09:56:57  <andythenorth> I usually try and find something lolz
09:57:38  <andythenorth> hmm what performance analysis tools does GS have?
09:57:46  <andythenorth> _dp_ seems to have some, but maybe in a patched client
09:59:13  <_dp_> my performance analysis tool is called GSDate.GetCurrentDate() xD
09:59:15  <andythenorth> so much of GS seems to be about performance issues, but I don't know what tools we have to help with that :P
09:59:29  <andythenorth> _dp_ lol that's identical to my python performance tool
10:00:02  <andythenorth> can GS log to a file?
10:00:05  <andythenorth> or is that a security risk?
10:00:25  <andythenorth> the in-game log is pretty shitty, nice we have it and all but it's got problems
10:03:00  <TrueBrain> fix them! :P
10:03:30  <Gustavo6046> andythenorth, GS as in the MIDI thing?
10:03:59  <andythenorth> General Synth?
10:04:02  <andythenorth> no
10:04:07  <andythenorth> GameScript
10:05:24  * andythenorth looks how to write a file from C++
10:06:24  <Gustavo6046> oh :p
10:07:24  <andythenorth> all the google results have a cookie box
10:07:25  <andythenorth> meh
10:07:53  <andythenorth> ok PDFs can't have cookie boxes, I found a PDF about <iostream>
10:09:11  <andythenorth> or maybe <cstdio> is what I need
10:09:23  <_dp_> fstream is what you need
10:10:32  <andythenorth> hmm we write crash logs
10:10:37  <andythenorth> maybe I can copy-paste that
10:11:48  <_dp_> you can patch GSLog to print to console if it doesn't already and just redirect stdio
10:12:33  <andythenorth> it writes GS errors to stdout
10:12:44  <andythenorth> maybe if I log everything as error, that will work
10:14:28  <andythenorth> seems GSLog.Error doesn't do that
10:46:55  <Gustavo6046> andythenorth, fstream is in <iostream> (which is C++); fopen/fwrite/fread/fclose are in <stdio.h> (which are C)
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12:24:53  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] glx22 commented on issue #293: [tr_TR] Translator access request
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18:05:44  <nielsm>  wasn't there some bug with how timeouts are measured in one of the recent versions, or...?
18:06:58  <_dp_> there's and it's probably been in the game forever
18:08:03  <_dp_> though his problem seems to not be as much because of the bug than that default timeouts are just not enough in that case
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18:11:47  <_dp_> btw, there is a somewhat related issue that map size arrives way too late to be useful for showing the progress
18:39:00  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DorpsGek pushed 1 commits to master
18:39:01  <DorpsGek>   - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
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20:50:04  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Maegrom opened pull request #9809: space
20:50:56  <LordAro> nice.
20:51:11  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro closed pull request #9809: space
21:00:28  <TrueBrain> Lol
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