Log for on 1st June 2013:
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03:54:58  *** tycoondemon has quit IRC
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07:41:46  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r25312 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
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13:39:31  <frosch123> <- theoretically improve the smallest size computation for numbers
13:39:44  <frosch123> though i am not sure whether there is really a font where 8 is not the widest
13:42:54  <Alberth> seems fine
13:43:11  <Alberth> if it is not, this won't fix the issue :)
13:44:15  <frosch123> it does not fix fs5562, if you mean that :p
13:44:20  <frosch123> fs5562 is smoething different
13:44:27  <Alberth> I do :)
13:45:38  <frosch123> but i first thought that fs was this, and now i need to free my working copy :p
13:46:12  <Alberth> :)
14:30:42  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r25313 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
14:37:15  <frosch123> lol, silly me
14:37:34  <frosch123> that diff ofc totally breaks when '0' is the broadest :(
14:39:44  <frosch123> so, the digit with thingie was in fact the issue, just that i broke it differently now :p
14:41:39  <Alberth> that makes two of us, I also missed it ;)
14:42:12  <frosch123> my fs diff was also wrong :p the padding was already added later in the function
14:52:14  <frosch123> <- so, this fixes both my last revision, and actually fs#5562 :)
14:54:19  <frosch123> hmm, if they all have width 0, i do not assign any value :p
14:55:19  <frosch123> changed it to "int width = -1;"
15:02:14  <Alberth> with some tricky bits in it :)
15:02:47  <Alberth> looks like it should work
15:07:25  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r25314 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
15:46:46  <Rubidium> planetmaker: which #openttdcoop server could be used to check cargodist for desyncs and other issues?
15:47:00  <planetmaker> play-testing?
15:47:09  <Rubidium> yup
15:47:20  <planetmaker>
15:47:29  <Rubidium> ah, that's offline now
15:47:29  <planetmaker> one server for every purpose :-P
15:47:32  <Rubidium> good ;)
15:49:04  <Rubidium> fonsinchen: is rebasing almost finished, or should we just try the current cargodist HEAD? (i.e. fire the CF 'now')
15:49:25  <planetmaker> sure, why not
15:50:27  <Rubidium> although... rebasing might introduce some issues, so the current one *might* be more stable
15:52:25  <Rubidium> then I propose gcbf20a25-cd ;)
15:53:29  <Rubidium> a.k.a. cbf20a25e46f3324c4a6686182b00d4a89291d65 of git://
15:58:54  <fonsinchen> I've pushed all the code and the result can be compiled.
15:59:38  <fonsinchen> I'm pondering what to do with 62faba97 and where to add the asserts
15:59:48  <fonsinchen> That can take some time.
16:00:16  <fonsinchen> When I'm done with that I'll reorder all the stuff and beautify it a bit.
16:00:55  <fonsinchen> Let me know when you start the server. I'll join.
16:01:17  <Rubidium> that depends on planetmaker
16:01:22  <fonsinchen> Oh, actually it would be good to add the asserts before that.
16:01:30  <fonsinchen> Give me some minutes ...
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