Log for on 8th July 2017:
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05:26:29  *** Supercheese has joined
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07:59:25  *** adf88 has joined
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15:27:19  <adf88> hi
15:27:19  <adf88> I have a few patches
15:27:19  <adf88> these are really straightforward fixes
15:27:19  <adf88> would anyone like to take a look?
15:27:19  <adf88>  - an unused line and missing 'this->' here and there
15:27:21  <adf88>  - fix some shift-clicking (don't close the tool when querying cost)
15:28:09  <adf88> in the "Engine preview" window there are Yes/No buttons
15:28:25  <adf88> i decided just to do nothing when shift-clicking the "No" button
15:29:04  <adf88> unlike to "Yes" button, no command is hooked to "No" button
17:40:24  *** Deactivated has joined
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21:41:32  *** frosch123 has quit IRC
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23:00:00  *** Supercheese has quit IRC

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