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00:00:03 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hmm like, if there is a congestion in a line, puting a depot overflow wouldnt help mitigate the problem for a definite solution? 00:00:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> most likely not 00:00:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> also, when we have a line somehow full, trains should choose other lines 00:00:38 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> like,trains souldnt get scatered blocking other paths 00:00:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> if they would be allowed into the depot, the line wouldnt ever fill 00:01:20 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> ah ok, now I see 00:01:28 <theholyduck> V453000, this whole refit thing + slow trains does sort of mitigate the arctic farm problem right? 00:01:42 <theholyduck> less train time doing nothing, and slower surges 00:01:43 <theholyduck> etc 00:01:44 <V453000> there is no arctic problem :) 00:01:59 <theholyduck> don't farms stop producing in zeh wintar? 00:02:02 <V453000> no 00:02:05 <V453000> only with some grfs 00:02:08 <theholyduck> or is that only on the temperate+artic one 00:02:09 <theholyduck> ah :P 00:02:11 <V453000> yes 00:02:22 <theholyduck> well the refit method does still mean less wasted trains 00:02:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed 00:02:32 <theholyduck> or rather, less time spent with empty ones 00:02:34 <PublicServer> <KyleS> now my entrance has improved presignal logic :o 00:03:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> that makes no sense kyle :) 00:03:05 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :S 00:03:07 <theholyduck> the thing about presignal logic is that quite frequently it doesnt do what you want it to do 00:03:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> it works thesame way without it 00:03:20 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> lol 00:03:20 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i was thinking 00:03:22 <theholyduck> and or is completely useless 00:03:26 <PublicServer> <KyleS> if a train were here 00:03:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 00:03:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> then it would close down 00:03:38 <PublicServer> <KyleS> then the combo signals would close down 00:03:39 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah 00:03:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> but the same thing would happen with only the combos 00:03:46 <PublicServer> <KyleS> but otherwise it makes no diff 00:03:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> like this 00:04:00 <PublicServer> <KyleS> oh 00:04:00 <theholyduck> atleast, fancy presignal logic is bound to make weird shit happen 00:04:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> But 00:04:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> if you did it this way 00:04:25 <theholyduck> its why i'm using simple and normal signals for my new thingy 00:04:32 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i'm going to test :D 00:04:35 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i can't see how it works 00:04:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> we Could say that it improves this mechanism by ~1 tile of response time 00:04:41 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah... :P 00:04:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes :-D 00:04:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> keep it, we got space for that 00:05:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> and it is an improvement 00:05:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> minor, but it is 00:05:08 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i know 00:05:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i'm just going to try it out :) 00:05:24 <theholyduck> so v, why does these trains have so hillariously much power? 00:05:31 <theholyduck> the accelration is like.. instantanious 00:05:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> because they rock 00:05:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> AL-10 from UKRS. :) nothing else to say 00:05:56 <theholyduck> V453000, it doesnt corespond with reality all that much now does it? 00:06:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> I guarantee you havent seen so packed lines when we have high traffic 00:06:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> theholyduck: from what I read from ukrs readme, they are "futuristic" category 00:06:32 <theholyduck> PublicServer, well i ment 00:06:35 <theholyduck> the laws of physics :P 00:06:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> also they are available in ~2018 00:06:43 <PublicServer> <KyleS> thanks for encouraging me to try to compactify, V ... otherwise my junction would be even larger ;-) 00:06:50 <theholyduck> putting that much power in a single engine 00:06:56 <theholyduck> and then, pulling the whole train 00:06:59 <theholyduck> with only that engine 00:07:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> yw KyleS 00:07:04 <theholyduck> is bound to creat problems 00:07:10 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Im off to bed. 00:07:11 <theholyduck> its not like steel on steel has the highest levels of friction 00:07:13 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> night lads. 00:07:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> theholyduck: stop thinking real :D 00:07:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya leg 00:07:22 <theholyduck> V453000, well my point was 00:07:24 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd has left the game (leaving) 00:07:26 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> c ya 00:07:30 <theholyduck> a train like that could never, PRACTICALLY exist 00:07:32 <theholyduck> in the real world 00:07:39 <theholyduck> its awesome for game use 00:07:45 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hmm gears? 00:07:46 <theholyduck> i just don't see how it would ever happen in reality 00:07:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> ... 00:07:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> dude 00:08:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> this is a game not reality ... 00:08:06 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 00:08:11 <theholyduck> V453000, i'm not complaining, i'm just observinv 00:08:13 <theholyduck> *observing 00:08:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> dont ANYHOW connect it with reality pls 00:08:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> anyhow 00:08:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> this is just a bunch of pixels amazing your eyes, possibly with some 0 and 1 values 00:08:40 <theholyduck> V453000, i unlike you don't think entirely in isometric 00:08:49 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 00:08:58 <PublicServer> <KyleS> you mean i can rotate in reality?? 00:09:01 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :O 00:09:56 <theholyduck> i mean, i can conceptualize north, south, east, west, left and right in isometric. but doing it the way you seem to do it, i'm too connected to reality for that 00:10:08 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> a farm has surged near your !networkplan V 00:10:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> Wun-Qu: sure, it is curious 00:10:42 <theholyduck> V453000, i was thinking about hooking up the farms next to my food thingy 00:10:45 <theholyduck> with rv's 00:10:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 00:10:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> dont 00:10:51 <theholyduck> :P 00:10:59 <theholyduck> well i realized it would ruin the thing 00:11:02 <theholyduck> so i figured i shouldnt 00:11:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> kind of 00:11:04 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> dont you like farms? 00:11:12 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> they are cool 00:11:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> we like farms 00:11:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> but these are badly positioned 00:11:26 <theholyduck> Wun-Qu, well, it would remove the need for the empty trains 00:11:29 <theholyduck> if we used rv's 00:11:35 <theholyduck> and using trains in that location = effort 00:11:51 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> bad posioned would add dificulty for the gameplay 00:11:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> not really 00:12:02 <theholyduck> Wun-Qu, well they're positioned right next to food drop 00:12:13 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> ah ok 00:12:18 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> nvm then 00:13:33 <Razmir> !password 00:13:33 <PublicServer> Razmir: mortar 00:13:37 *** Barbaar has quit IRC 00:14:31 <PublicServer> *** Razmir joined the game 00:14:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi :) 00:14:48 <PublicServer> <Razmir> :) 00:17:36 <PublicServer> *** Razmir has joined company #1 00:17:53 <PublicServer> <KyleS> zomgzzzzzzzzzzz 00:17:54 <PublicServer> <KyleS> rawr 00:17:59 <PublicServer> <KyleS> just one last connection 00:18:01 <PublicServer> <KyleS> -_-;; 00:18:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> be more patient :) 00:18:15 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :o 00:18:24 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i need to get up and take a short break i think 00:18:29 <PublicServer> <KyleS> been sitting too long -.- 00:18:51 <PublicServer> <KyleS> taking a break brb in 20 min or so 00:19:04 <PublicServer> <KyleS> (or less) 00:19:55 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> finally I am starting to understand this mess, its kinda simple actually 00:20:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> dont you want to tell me you consider some of my constructions a mess :P 00:21:09 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> but if a mess works great then its damn cool :D 00:21:35 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> take it as a cumpliment 00:25:07 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> so presignals logic doesnt work? 00:25:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> why wouldnt it 00:26:06 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> dont know, I though you guys said it a little while ago 00:26:11 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> bleh nvm 00:29:17 <theholyduck> Wun-Qu, it WORKS but if you cock up only ever so slightly. it can backfire 00:29:45 <theholyduck> the benefit is also debatable 00:30:02 <theholyduck> in quite a few cases 00:30:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> you are debatable :) 00:30:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> lets start with presignal logic as priorities ;) 00:33:27 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> my elbow hurts :/ 00:33:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> elbo? 00:34:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> why that 00:34:29 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> damn human junction, I dont know, cant remember if I hit anything either heh 00:37:29 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hmm primary industries produce more resources as long as trains keep transporting it? or it depends on grfs? 00:37:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> the first 00:37:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> but grfs can have great influence 00:38:01 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> I see 00:38:05 <PublicServer> <KyleS> zomg 00:38:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> but Most of the time we play without industry grfs 00:38:08 <PublicServer> <KyleS> done! 00:38:51 <PublicServer> <KyleS> filling the lake back up ;-) 00:38:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 00:40:05 <PublicServer> <KyleS> is it ok to build above snowline here? ... pretty much everywhere is snowline :S 00:40:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> sure :) 00:43:24 *** De_Ghosty has joined #openttdcoop 00:45:26 <PublicServer> <Razmir> I connected some primaries, hope its OK 00:45:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh yes :) 00:48:07 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 00:48:14 <PublicServer> <KyleS> its challenging to just extend the lines onto the mountain 00:48:15 <PublicServer> <KyleS> -_- 00:48:22 <PublicServer> <KyleS> without major terraform 00:48:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 00:50:23 <PublicServer> <Razmir> oh, I see I could put the wood trains I built to some other group, it is 42:0:5:0 (no other difference than towndrop, am I right?) 00:51:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> ? 00:51:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> keep them in the group you cloned them from 00:52:01 <PublicServer> <Razmir> sure, but why are there four groups? only difference I found is different towndrop 00:52:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 00:52:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> important difference though 00:52:45 <PublicServer> <Razmir> two groups have no trains, one has five and one more than 40... 00:52:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 00:52:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> its fine 00:54:44 <PublicServer> <KyleS> V, take a look :O 00:54:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> whats wrong 00:55:02 <PublicServer> <KyleS> no, it's all finished :D 00:55:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> btw these signals are bad 00:55:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> 2 reasons: 00:55:21 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :S 00:55:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> first: of both of the 2ways are red 00:55:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> trains will go south even if they have to go north 00:55:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> second: it makes signal gap of 2 :P 00:55:44 <PublicServer> <KyleS> true 00:57:00 <PublicServer> <KyleS> there :-) 00:58:40 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> I prefer terminus stations then RORO. They look better. V that station for goods drop and goods pickup is amazing 00:58:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> you might want to check wood drop ;) 00:58:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> :( thx 00:58:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 00:59:37 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> its damn compact 01:00:43 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> how many trains are there? 01:01:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> barely any 01:01:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> 130 roughly 01:01:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> 110 on the network 01:01:22 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hmm it was 40 a while ago no? 01:01:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> well 01:01:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> some while ago, it was 40 for sure 01:01:42 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> lol 01:01:47 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> yea 01:02:54 <PublicServer> <KyleS> you forgot to sign SLH 11 V :o 01:03:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> thx :) 01:03:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> np 01:07:42 <PublicServer> <Razmir> Jumbos on field airports? :) 01:07:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh ye 01:07:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> noise crap 01:11:03 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hmm ok I think I am leaving now 01:11:10 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> c ya dudes 01:11:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> seeya 01:11:14 <PublicServer> <KyleS> cya 01:11:23 <PublicServer> <Razmir> g8 01:11:36 <PublicServer> *** Wun-Qu has left the game (leaving) 01:11:48 *** Wun-Qu has quit IRC 01:12:03 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i like the 5->2 mixer at the wood drop :-) 01:12:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> "lazy yet effective" 01:12:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> be its motto 01:12:39 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :-P 01:14:33 <PublicServer> <KyleS> hmm 01:14:37 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ze food plant drop 01:14:44 <PublicServer> <KyleS> has the old stations 01:14:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> O_o 01:15:55 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i thought it had newgrf stations previously.. 01:16:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> no idea 01:16:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> I just filled in the pickup 01:16:25 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ah 01:16:38 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah i'm going to give the drop some candy 01:17:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> paper mill is fully candied now 01:17:43 <PublicServer> <Razmir> really nice :) 01:17:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 01:27:01 <PublicServer> <Razmir> is the signal in deadend of TrainReverser 2k needed? 01:27:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> probably not 01:27:42 <PublicServer> <Razmir> ok, but it will not hurt anyone :) 01:27:55 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it's dangerous! 01:27:56 <PublicServer> <KyleS> D: 01:28:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D 01:28:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok 01:28:54 <PublicServer> <Razmir> pidgeons sitting on it? shitting on traindrivers? 01:28:55 <PublicServer> <KyleS> that is truly some amazing candy o_o (at the paper mill) 01:29:14 <PublicServer> <KyleS> even fully loaded candy trains 01:29:17 <PublicServer> <KyleS> OM NOM NOM 01:29:22 <V453000> !rcon set town_growth_rate 0 01:29:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh suur :) 01:38:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> why not :) 01:38:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> many parts of the station work the same way 01:38:36 <PublicServer> <Razmir> to be clear it is not way for trains 01:39:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> its just candy :) 01:40:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> dont touch it pls :) 01:40:43 <PublicServer> <Razmir> ok 01:44:00 <PublicServer> <Razmir> :) 01:44:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 01:46:04 <PublicServer> <Razmir> have a good game, bye 01:46:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya 01:46:18 <PublicServer> *** Razmir has left the game (leaving) 01:47:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> ook :) 01:47:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> im off 01:47:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> need some sleep 01:48:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya 01:48:23 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 01:48:23 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 01:54:14 *** Razmir has left #openttdcoop 02:13:12 <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (leaving) 02:13:16 *** KyleS has left #openttdcoop 02:44:09 *** theholyduck has quit IRC 03:05:06 *** gr00vy has quit IRC 03:05:39 *** gr00vy has joined #openttdcoop 03:09:01 *** Desrik has joined #openttdcoop 03:20:06 *** KyleS has joined #openttdcoop 03:20:14 <KyleS> !password 03:20:14 <PublicServer> KyleS: anvils 03:20:29 <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game 03:21:39 <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (leaving) 03:25:58 *** TD has joined #openttdcoop 04:25:55 *** devilsadvocate has joined #openttdcoop 04:32:46 *** Desrik has quit IRC 04:45:49 *** KyleS has left #openttdcoop 04:55:36 *** desrik has joined #openttdcoop 05:03:08 *** desrik has quit IRC 05:05:49 *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop 05:19:51 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 05:27:27 <Mazur> Goods Mornings, all 'round. 05:34:05 *** Desrik has joined #openttdcoop 05:34:22 <Desrik> anyone have any experience with autopilot? 05:38:29 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 05:38:29 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 05:42:23 *** zlw has joined #openttdcoop 05:42:32 <zlw> !password 05:42:32 <PublicServer> zlw: treads 05:43:03 <zlw> Hello? 05:43:19 <PublicServer> *** 0zlw joined the game 05:45:26 <PublicServer> *** 0zlw has joined company #1 06:00:43 <PublicServer> *** 0zlw has left the game (leaving) 06:01:27 <maza> [B[C/win 67 06:02:09 <maza> oops. fail 06:25:46 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 06:25:54 <Tray> !password 06:25:55 <PublicServer> Tray: goosed 06:26:48 <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game 06:32:32 *** ninjamask has joined #openttdcoop 06:32:58 <ninjamask> !password 06:32:59 <PublicServer> ninjamask: goosed 06:33:07 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 06:33:08 <PublicServer> *** ninjamask joined the game 06:35:56 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop 06:35:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^ 06:39:12 *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop 06:44:44 *** perk11 has quit IRC 06:47:14 *** Desrik has quit IRC 06:49:40 *** desrik1 has joined #openttdcoop 07:01:42 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (connection lost) 07:01:43 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 07:01:45 *** Tray has quit IRC 07:03:14 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop 07:15:17 *** zlw has quit IRC 07:18:37 *** TD has quit IRC 07:19:31 *** zlw has joined #openttdcoop 07:19:56 *** pugi has quit IRC 07:19:58 <zlw> !password 07:19:59 <PublicServer> zlw: squads 07:20:23 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 07:20:24 <PublicServer> *** 0zlw joined the game 07:20:30 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Hello? 07:20:33 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> hi 07:20:56 <PublicServer> <0zlw> You done any building] 07:21:26 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> connecting some coal right now 07:21:41 <PublicServer> <0zlw> I'm a bit more of a spectator 07:21:52 <PublicServer> <0zlw> i'm new to all of this 07:23:16 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> this server or the game? :D 07:23:23 <PublicServer> *** Amm1er joined the game 07:23:24 <Ammler> !playercount 07:23:24 <PublicServer> Ammler: Number of players: 4 07:23:28 <Ammler> oh 07:23:29 <PublicServer> <0zlw> openttdcoop 07:23:49 <PublicServer> <0zlw> I am a bit acclimatised with the game 07:27:38 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings crash 07:27:39 <PublicServer> Ammler: you are not allowed to use !rcon 07:27:46 *** Ammler has left #openttdcoop 07:27:47 *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop 07:27:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ammler 07:27:56 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings crash 07:27:56 <PublicServer> Ammler: All settings with their current value: 07:27:56 <PublicServer> Ammler: vehicle.plane_crashes = 0 07:27:56 <PublicServer> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value 07:28:08 <Ammler> !rcon set plane_crashes 1 07:29:29 <Ammler> hmm, is the crash thing a cheat? 07:30:07 <PublicServer> <0zlw> where 07:30:16 <Ammler> !rcon set plane_crashes 07:30:16 <PublicServer> Ammler: Current value for 'plane_crashes' is: '1' (min: 0, max: 2) 07:30:19 <Ammler> !rcon set plane_crashes 2 07:30:24 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> what? 07:30:46 <PublicServer> <Amm1er> I wonder why those planes don't crash on those small airports... 07:30:53 <PublicServer> <0zlw> oh 07:31:00 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Just check 07:31:05 <PublicServer> <0zlw> advance settings 07:31:12 <PublicServer> <Amm1er> I set it higher... 07:31:15 <PublicServer> <0zlw> probably off 07:31:24 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Cheat then 07:32:23 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> not that we would need the money airplanes anymore though 07:32:36 <PublicServer> <0zlw> So what are you doing 07:33:48 <PublicServer> <0zlw> You there? 07:33:53 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> connecting new ressources 07:34:06 <PublicServer> *** Amm1er has left the game (leaving) 07:34:07 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Yeah where 07:35:13 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> look for !!here 07:35:53 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Plane crash 07:36:34 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> postable coal 07:36:49 <PublicServer> <0zlw> iS postable a city? 07:37:14 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> yes 07:37:58 <Ammler> [09:35] <PublicServer> <0zlw> Plane crash <-- \o/ 07:39:19 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Plane crash 07:39:22 <PublicServer> <0zlw> 219 dead 07:39:25 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Mindcurch 07:40:15 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 07:41:09 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Well that route looks allright 07:41:16 <PublicServer> <0zlw> even if the production is very low 07:42:14 *** desrik1 has quit IRC 07:43:24 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> usually everything will be connected 07:43:42 <zlw> I can understand that 07:43:51 *** heffer has joined #openttdcoop 07:44:10 <PublicServer> <0zlw> well when she leaves those plane crashes happen 07:44:16 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> you connecting something too? 07:44:38 <PublicServer> <0zlw> No 07:44:47 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> you can :D 07:44:51 <PublicServer> <0zlw> I just want to observe otherwise i'll probably screw something up 07:45:12 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> connect the wood or coal here next to me 07:45:29 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Connect it to your rail? 07:45:42 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Or the sideline hub 07:46:17 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Okay you've got it 07:46:45 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> to the sideline 07:46:53 <PublicServer> <0zlw> gotcha 07:47:06 <PublicServer> <0zlw> WHat are the terraforming rules? 07:47:09 <PublicServer> <0zlw> For this server 07:47:28 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> as low as possible 07:47:43 <PublicServer> <0zlw> SO not no terraforming 07:48:00 <PublicServer> <0zlw> i'm just trying to work out where to place the station 07:48:02 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> yep 07:48:35 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> but try to avoid it 07:48:59 <PublicServer> <0zlw> whoops 07:49:04 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> ok you do that 07:49:13 <PublicServer> <0zlw> You intend me to place a 3 one there riht 07:49:25 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> yep 07:49:40 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> TL for this game is 3 tiles 07:49:51 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Oh 07:49:56 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Sorry for some reason though 4 07:52:46 <PublicServer> <0zlw> thatnks 07:53:23 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> I see trains 07:53:46 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Was struglling a bit to get that to work 07:53:52 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> now signals 07:56:23 <PublicServer> <0zlw> My fault 07:57:02 *** ODM has quit IRC 07:57:24 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Thanks for the help 07:57:29 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> you can drag signals 07:57:30 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Sorry about that screw up 07:57:36 <PublicServer> <0zlw> I know 07:57:45 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> nah no problem 07:57:50 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> wood is yours 07:57:55 <PublicServer> <0zlw> I was just trying to get them to fit in roughly two 07:58:00 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> and sign your work 07:58:38 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Its a 0 not O 08:01:51 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Does that work 08:02:00 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> looks good 08:02:17 <PublicServer> <0zlw> anyway 08:02:20 <PublicServer> <0zlw> I need to get off 08:02:25 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Ill be back later 08:02:29 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> sec 08:03:04 <PublicServer> <0zlw> Sorry no time to set up trains 08:03:17 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> did it 08:03:26 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> trains on the way 08:03:29 <PublicServer> *** 0zlw has left the game (leaving) 08:03:30 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 08:03:42 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> we have premade trains 08:03:54 <zlw> I know 08:04:00 <zlw> but they need to be programmed 08:04:05 *** zlw has quit IRC 08:04:17 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> you just need to change the 1st station 08:04:39 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> there is a trainyard in the down corner to copy 08:05:57 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has joined company #1 08:05:58 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 08:10:47 *** roboboy has quit IRC 08:13:01 <PublicServer> *** ninjamask has left the game (leaving) 08:13:02 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 08:13:06 *** ninjamask has quit IRC 08:26:56 *** ralph09 has joined #openttdcoop 08:27:03 <ralph09> !password 08:27:03 <PublicServer> ralph09: scruff 08:27:13 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 08:27:13 <PublicServer> *** ralph joined the game 08:27:24 *** Phazorx has joined #openttdcoop 08:27:24 *** Webster sets mode: +o Phazorx 08:29:23 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 08:45:05 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has joined spectators 08:45:06 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 08:50:22 *** ralph09 has quit IRC 08:52:20 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 08:53:17 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop 08:54:33 *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop 09:06:59 <leg3nd> !password 09:06:59 <PublicServer> leg3nd: panned 09:07:21 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd joined the game 09:08:25 *** ralph09 has joined #openttdcoop 09:21:21 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 09:21:22 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 09:57:18 *** heffer has quit IRC 09:58:25 *** roboboy has quit IRC 10:09:59 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 10:16:15 *** learningottd has joined #openttdcoop 10:20:44 *** Doomah has joined #openttdcoop 10:21:10 <Doomah> !password 10:21:10 <PublicServer> Doomah: tights 10:21:42 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 10:21:42 <PublicServer> *** Doomah joined the game 10:24:48 <PublicServer> <Doomah> what are all those refit centers for? Breakdowns enabled? 10:24:52 *** learningottd has quit IRC 10:25:21 <PublicServer> <ralph> trains get refit eg. after dropping livestock they pick up food 10:25:36 <PublicServer> <ralph> see the notes in the bottom corner of the map 10:25:37 <PublicServer> <Doomah> ooh :O that's quite smart :D 10:27:37 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd has joined company #1 10:33:53 <PublicServer> *** Doomah has left the game (leaving) 10:42:08 <V453000> ellow 10:42:16 <PublicServer> <ralph> hiya 10:42:41 *** Tray has quit IRC 10:42:46 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 10:42:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> any news? :) 10:43:21 <PublicServer> <ralph> not from me... 10:48:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> I founded some farms 10:49:16 <PublicServer> <ralph> ok 10:50:37 *** Doomah has quit IRC 11:00:10 *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop 11:02:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> I have to say this time the trainyard is really helpful 11:03:09 <PublicServer> <ralph> yeah its essential! 11:03:37 <theholyduck> !password 11:03:37 <PublicServer> theholyduck: captor 11:03:46 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck joined the game 11:03:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> quack 11:03:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> [hi] 11:04:05 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yo 11:07:30 <PublicServer> <ralph> ah, I made the mistake of cloning more trains for a station, but forgetting to refit them. 11:07:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 11:07:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> clone thm from the trainyard 11:07:50 <PublicServer> <ralph> because the trains i was cloning from were carrying food at the time 11:08:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> if you clone the trainyard, nothing can go wrong 11:08:45 <PublicServer> <ralph> but when trains are already servicing the station, you want to clone from them to share orders? 11:08:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> ooh 11:08:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> sure 11:08:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 11:11:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> I just love arctic games 11:11:31 <PublicServer> <ralph> lol 11:11:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> the landscape is so much fun 11:11:45 <PublicServer> <ralph> its fun to build through the valleys isn't it :) 11:11:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> exactly 11:13:01 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> question.. 11:13:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 11:13:06 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the marked out slh13 11:13:11 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> what direction is that supposed to be in? 11:13:23 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> because both seems to be reaasonably covered by pre-existing slh's 11:13:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> I thought about the south 11:13:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> but true 11:14:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> on the other hand 11:14:11 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> sotuh has 2 slh's covering it, north has 2 slh's covering it 11:14:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> SLH 10 should cover the south rather than that valley 11:14:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> there is soo much space to cover 11:14:28 <PublicServer> *** ralph has left the game (connection lost) 11:14:35 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> oh yeah 11:14:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> it can be basically both sides 11:14:42 <ralph09> !password 11:14:42 <PublicServer> ralph09: martin 11:14:52 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> so make 13, hook the slh 10 industries up to that one 11:14:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> the hub turned south, but covering also a bit of north 11:14:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> no no no 11:14:59 <PublicServer> *** ralph joined the game 11:15:24 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> thats west 11:15:26 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> not south :P 11:15:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> like that valley 11:15:48 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and that area is covered by slh08 isnt it? 11:16:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> I wouldnt stress 08 too much 11:16:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> its good to have more SLHs 11:16:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> rather than some almost-requiring LL_RR 11:17:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i figured we could give slh10 deep south coverage and take up some of the "slack" with a new slh 11:17:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 11:17:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> SLH 08 the same 11:19:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> make it reall VERY compact 11:19:40 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well i figured to try and make it fit the landscape perfectly :p 11:26:13 <PublicServer> *** ralph has left the game (connection lost) 11:26:24 <ralph09> bye then 11:26:28 *** ralph09 has quit IRC 11:26:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya 11:34:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> paper mill is an endless candy party :D 11:38:10 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Hello 11:38:21 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> i think i forgot to go spec :> 11:38:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 11:38:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> its fine :) 11:39:07 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> the brainmelter is looking fine now. :> 11:39:21 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> cant wait to see it with alot of trafic :> 11:43:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> its nice that we can use all the bridges but one :) 11:43:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> thanks to 160 kmh trains 11:45:53 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has joined spectators 11:45:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> lunchy 11:51:24 *** Barbaar has joined #openttdcoop 12:06:48 *** heffer has joined #openttdcoop 12:08:26 *** thgergo has joined #openttdcoop 12:11:30 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> v, what do you think about my slh? 12:11:45 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i tried to follow the landscape with it, but that made it marginally large :P 12:16:06 *** benom has quit IRC 12:21:02 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has joined company #1 12:21:11 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> v, take a look at mah slh! 12:21:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> I corrected one bad signal but otherwise fine 12:21:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> im still not sure about the pre-bridge signalling, but as long as it works ... 12:22:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i think it will 12:22:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> its just weird and has no reason imo 12:22:30 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well, habit :P 12:22:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> pretty bad 12:24:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> I love these trains 12:24:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> UKRS <3 12:26:50 *** Jokke has joined #openttdcoop 12:27:03 <Jokke> hey guys 12:27:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 12:27:19 <Jokke> how is it going? 12:27:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> sweet 12:27:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> come join 12:27:41 <Jokke> will ;) 12:28:13 *** learningottd has joined #openttdcoop 12:28:18 <learningottd> !dl 12:28:19 <PublicServer> learningottd: !dl autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|win32|win64|win9x 12:28:31 <Jokke> soon finished the building? 12:28:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> ? 12:28:37 <learningottd> !dl win32 12:28:37 <PublicServer> learningottd: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r19894/openttd-trunk-r19894-windows-win32.zip 12:28:43 <Jokke> !password 12:28:43 <PublicServer> Jokke: teller 12:28:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> there is no other stage than building now 12:28:57 <PublicServer> *** Jokke joined the game 12:29:25 <theholyduck> learningottd? 12:29:37 <V453000> ooh :) 12:29:39 <V453000> hi 12:29:40 <PublicServer> <Jokke> nice, trains has started to run 12:29:46 <learningottd> ? 12:29:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> welcome :) 12:30:00 <theholyduck> learningottd, your name is intresting :P 12:30:09 <theholyduck> because openttdcoop is like, the last place most people go to learn openttd 12:30:16 <learningottd> heh. when im all educated i will change it 12:30:35 <learningottd> huh? i thought you guys were the authorities on how to build nice networks 12:30:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> rly? 12:30:56 <theholyduck> learningottd, i always thought we were the authorities on how to build crazy and mad networks 12:30:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> theholyduck: I believe you are learning openttd atm ;) 12:31:10 <theholyduck> V453000, i'm learning openttdCOOP 12:31:21 <theholyduck> i used to be able to build normal and good looking network 12:31:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> bullshit :) 12:31:27 <learningottd> crazy and mad networks is what is cool .D 12:31:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> openttdcoop is just our organization of insanity 12:31:41 *** Razmir has joined #openttdcoop 12:31:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> but you still learn openttd :P 12:32:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> V453000: sure, but once you go balanced LLLRRR 12:32:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> you never go back 12:32:07 <Razmir> !password 12:32:07 <PublicServer> Razmir: teller 12:32:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed 12:32:09 <learningottd> ^^ 12:32:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> that is the same in all games 12:32:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> this is like the top level 12:32:27 <PublicServer> *** Razmir joined the game 12:32:30 <PublicServer> <Razmir> hi 12:32:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> once you start playing world league in starcraft 2, you also wont play with your room mates ;) 12:32:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 12:34:38 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> :> 12:38:04 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 12:39:29 <learningottd> !password 12:39:30 <PublicServer> learningottd: vipers 12:39:59 <PublicServer> <Jokke> hmm, how to make town drop 02 accept goods when its a mile away from the city? 12:40:02 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> remember to change your name :P 12:40:11 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> station walking 12:40:38 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it does accept goods and food and whatnot 12:40:44 <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 12:40:51 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> essentially, there are some station tiles inside the city 12:40:56 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> connected to the town drop 12:41:02 <PublicServer> *** learningottd joined the game 12:41:07 <PublicServer> <Jokke> you place a station and build another next to it, and deleite the first.. to repeat? 12:41:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> the oil-styled one is town drop 12:41:11 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> naw 12:41:20 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> hold ctrl when building a staion tile 12:41:29 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and select what station to connect it to 12:42:28 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> v, now that my station has higher traffic 12:42:29 <PublicServer> <Jokke> oh, i see.. does this work without grfs? 12:42:33 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i see a intresting pattern :P 12:42:34 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yes 12:42:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> essentially, almost all trains gets to load as long sa the traffic is high 12:42:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> not really 12:43:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> because the trains loading are filled by the trains unloading 12:43:05 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and when those trains comes to loading 12:43:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> not always 12:43:14 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well yeah, but the ratio of that 12:43:21 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> is much higher as long as traffic is high 12:43:24 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> when traffic drops off 12:43:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> its fine ... 12:43:33 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the last couple of trains uses depots out 12:43:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 12:43:40 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but when traffic is high, none does 12:43:45 <PublicServer> *** Razmir has joined company #1 12:43:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> we will see later 12:43:55 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well i was just making an observation on what happens 12:43:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> because if too many come 12:44:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> then they really fill them 12:44:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> so some really have nothing to pick up at all 12:44:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> from what I played, the "not full" trains amount slightly increased over time 12:44:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> but no big deal 12:46:17 <PublicServer> * theholyduck takes a stab at slh15 12:46:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok 12:46:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> I will go for 16 THEN 12:46:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> caps :) 12:47:11 <PublicServer> *** Razmir has joined spectators 12:48:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> ugh 12:48:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> why do I make merge to the town drop :D 12:49:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> hmm lets keep it already D: 12:49:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well, you only really need split from town drop :P 12:49:19 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 12:49:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 12:49:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> exactly 12:52:33 <PublicServer> <Jokke> how do you make refit orders, and skip if load is less than 10 percent and stuff? is there a wiki page on that? 12:52:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> there probably isnt, but it is under the "Go To" 12:53:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> ther is an arrow so you can roll the menu of the go to 12:53:29 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> if you want to make new trains, just use the trainyard 12:53:30 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> :P 12:53:37 <PublicServer> <Jokke> ;) 12:54:11 <PublicServer> <Jokke> I could make some passenger trains 12:54:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 12:54:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> are they in the plan? 12:54:36 <PublicServer> <Jokke> ok then. 12:58:48 <PublicServer> *** learningottd has left the game (leaving) 12:58:53 *** learningottd has quit IRC 12:59:30 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> leaving us allready? 12:59:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> learned enough 12:59:45 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> :> 12:59:58 <PublicServer> <Jokke> :=) 13:00:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> &) 13:01:08 <PublicServer> <Jokke> sick! paper pickup looks sweet 13:01:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 13:01:26 <PublicServer> <Jokke> how do you do that? 13:01:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> just making stations 13:01:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> the industrial stations are best for it 13:02:14 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> u just had to have a train be standing there for eye candy :> 13:02:43 <PublicServer> <Jokke> but its not all an .grf? 13:02:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is 13:03:06 <PublicServer> <Jokke> cool 13:03:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> leg3nd: it is also so nobody can come (including me) and go with dynamite tool 13:04:12 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> hehe :> 13:04:48 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> but it looks sweet the paper pickup :> 13:04:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> yeah :) 13:04:58 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> u used some time on that :> 13:05:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> *some* 13:05:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> its fun, I like candying 13:06:31 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> yeah its nice. making the game look almost new :> 13:09:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is especially awesome with the refit game 13:09:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> because there is often some cargo 13:09:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> normally we tend to have the station empty 13:12:33 <PublicServer> <Jokke> do we got a coal drop of somewhere? 13:12:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> see trainyard 13:12:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> or plan 13:13:30 <PublicServer> *** Razmir has left the game (connection lost) 13:26:34 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> .... 13:26:45 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why are trains always trying to route through my slh? 13:27:06 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> v,halp 13:27:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> ? 13:27:23 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i tested it earlier without the slh connected, and it works 13:27:28 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but when i hook up the end points of the slh 13:27:31 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> trains occationally route through it 13:27:37 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> for no apparent reason 13:27:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> lets try 13:28:16 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i could always put some reverse pbs in place 13:28:19 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and see if that helps 13:28:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> nah 13:28:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> when you lead the SL farther, it shouldnt happen 13:28:39 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ok :P 13:28:46 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but fornow, just connect it like that? 13:28:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 13:29:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> why would we have this loop there :( 13:29:09 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> no idea :P 13:29:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> btw they dont choose it 13:29:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> idk why 13:29:22 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well, i dunno why it happens either 13:29:28 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i just occationalyl see trains in it 13:29:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> could be some lost ones :) 13:31:19 <PublicServer> <Jokke> lol, im making train 364 =) 13:31:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> dude 13:31:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf 13:31:35 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why do we have ungrouped trains? 13:31:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> copy it from the trainyard 13:31:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> these ungrouped are candy 13:32:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> that is my job :) 13:32:14 <PublicServer> <Jokke> ok, will do ;) 13:32:23 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and yeah, train orders are complex 13:32:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is there for a reason ... 13:32:30 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> so copy a train from the trainyard 13:32:35 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and use that 13:32:54 <PublicServer> <Jokke> so i will copy one the coal ones and rute it to my station? 13:33:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 13:33:13 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> copy the coal one. then replace the random primary 13:33:31 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> oh wait, coala ones doesnt have that 13:33:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> its the same for all trains 13:33:39 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 13:33:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> they have the random primary too 13:33:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> now they do :p 13:34:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why does the coal train 13:34:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> have shared orders? 13:34:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> omfg 13:34:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> I see 13:34:46 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> some of the other trains 13:34:48 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> have "shared" 13:34:50 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> orders aswell 13:34:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> TRAY 13:34:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> You are dead 13:36:24 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> train 15 has shared orders among others 13:36:37 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> time to fix :P 13:36:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> I will kill somebody 13:37:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> Tray Again! 13:37:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> dead x2 13:37:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i'm fixing train15 13:37:16 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> atm 13:37:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> I see 13:37:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf... 13:37:50 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> there, train 15 is fixed 13:38:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> no it was wrong from what I saw 13:38:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> now its fixd 13:38:28 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ah, you got to skip aswell? 13:38:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 13:38:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> but there were some stations twice, and town drop 02 with 03 13:38:48 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i just copied the orders from another wood train and replaced all instances of 2 with 3 13:38:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> why ... 13:38:58 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> V453000: i was fixing that at the same time 13:39:06 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> V453000: because when you delete shared orders 13:39:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> you delete all orders for that train 13:39:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> you could just copy these of the previously shared 13:39:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> ... 13:39:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> and replace primary 13:39:26 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> admitedtly 13:39:39 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i did replace all instances of 02 with 03. 13:39:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> well, they were still there 13:39:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i dunno if it migrated 13:40:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> whatever, it is done 13:40:19 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but yeah, now its all done :P 13:40:36 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> also. 13:41:01 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> we need a gigant flashing, DO NOT HOLD CTRL WHEN COPYING A TRAIN 13:41:02 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> sign 13:41:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> BTW Jokke: excessive stationwalk at Great Bodgrove Rives Mines 13:41:22 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 13:41:43 <PublicServer> <Jokke> ah ok, where does the line go? 13:41:45 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> is 1 tile excessive stationwalk? 13:41:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> or do you mean slh hookup? 13:41:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> I already removed the walk 13:41:59 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> V453000: ah 13:42:05 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> how far away was it? 13:42:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> was walked to the southern mine 13:42:25 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> hmm looks like we eventuely need to increase Food plant drop 13:42:32 <PublicServer> <Jokke> like 20 tiles or so.. 13:42:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> Jokke: 50 13:42:55 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well we might, but extending it is a bit effort 13:42:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> rather make another station 13:42:59 <PublicServer> <Jokke> haha, ok x) 13:43:07 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> V453000: isnt that NORTH of the station? 13:43:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> leg3nd: everything is ok 13:43:14 *** snc has quit IRC 13:43:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> no that is south 13:43:34 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Well yeah now. but eventuely we need. 13:43:45 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but it doesn transfer gold 13:43:46 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> since its busy now. but no jams or waits yet :> 13:43:49 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it transfers coal 13:43:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> so that stationwalk did nothing 13:44:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> it transfers both 13:44:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> which is also a mistake 13:44:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> god 13:44:17 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ah 13:44:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> Jokke: please make 1 station per 1 cargotype 13:44:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> and 1 train per station might also be a bit low 13:45:25 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> this game really needs to implementa a flashing sign function 13:45:36 <PublicServer> <Jokke> lols 13:45:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> it happens every game ... 13:45:39 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> hehe holy 13:46:24 <PublicServer> <Jokke> wow, so the station turns into candy if you build it next to an industry? 13:46:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 13:46:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> you have to select the station 13:47:16 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> v, whats the policy on feeder services in this game? 13:47:22 <PublicServer> <Jokke> could just select standard 13:47:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> why the hell would you need feeder 13:47:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> when we have a shit-ton of SLHs 13:47:57 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> 2 stations thats too far away for walking, but too close to make me happy about seperate stations .P 13:47:59 <PublicServer> <Jokke> sick why is it 4 trains comming to the mine? 13:48:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> theholyduck: stop being lazy 13:48:29 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> because mine production grows if there is always trains loading at the station :P 13:48:42 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> *primary 13:49:17 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i see a unsigned food sstation 13:49:25 <PublicServer> <Jokke> same for the gold? 13:49:31 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> Jokke: same for any primary 13:50:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> who built the stations hooked up to 13:50:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> slh13? 13:50:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> :P 13:50:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> mey 13:50:29 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ah, just wondering 13:50:33 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> seeing as they werent signed 13:50:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> I tend to forget 13:51:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> alo if you look at the sign list, /V453000 starts to look a bit ridiculous 13:52:13 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Anyone building at my sign 13:53:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> me -.- 13:53:11 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Okay :> 13:53:11 <PublicServer> <V453000> im doing too many things at once 13:53:26 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> why does that not surprice me :> 13:55:17 <XeryusTC> !password 13:55:17 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: skewed 13:55:24 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 13:55:31 <XeryusTC> awesome, i rebooted my pc and was greeted with some 15 error messages 13:55:49 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Wow u on vista :> 13:57:43 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 13:57:46 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> hello 13:57:50 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> nice map 13:58:19 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (leaving) 13:58:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> hey smatzy 13:58:22 <PublicServer> * XeryusTC goes building slh 12 13:58:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> ooh D: 13:58:26 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> bye smatz 13:58:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi XeryusTC :)) 13:59:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> XeryusTC: I think that hub wouldbe bes if going to the north-west 13:59:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> btw 13:59:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 13:59:30 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> lies 13:59:32 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> 4way :P 13:59:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> fine :) 13:59:51 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> west is already served mostly anyway :P 14:00:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> only by one SLH 14:00:03 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> and remind me to not zoom out all the way :P 14:00:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> lagggy? 14:00:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> already? 14:00:48 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> seems so 14:01:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> we have only a handsome of trains 14:01:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> *handful :D 14:01:27 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> not even 400 14:01:34 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> possibly a complex network or sth :P 14:01:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> lol :) 14:01:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> the trainyard is too cpu heavy I guess 14:02:18 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> possibly 14:02:32 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> are stationary trains cpu heavy? 14:02:35 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> although orders arent evaluated _that_ often 14:02:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 14:02:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> I think it is fine 14:03:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> conditional orders shouldnt be any more demanding than the normal ones I suppose 14:05:26 <PublicServer> <Jokke> brb ;) 14:06:35 *** dih has left #openttdcoop 14:06:54 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> interesting to see u work XeryusTC 14:07:07 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> I'm just fiddling about 14:07:18 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Still looks like u know what u are doing :> 14:07:43 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> good, because i dont have a clue actually :P 14:07:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D 14:08:06 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> hehe well as long as it looks like it. the ilusion is complete :> 14:08:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> leg3nd: XeryusTC is the oldest playing member 14:08:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> you might have heard that already :P 14:08:46 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> it's true 14:09:11 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> oldest like Age or in time in opencoop ? 14:09:20 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> time 14:10:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> he is about 55 years old though 14:10:03 <Ammler> he looks like oldest 14:10:05 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> cool cool. then u have some old tricks to show the yongsters :> 14:10:19 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i'm just rehashing old stuff :P 14:10:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> leg3nd: dont ever copy XeryusTC :P 14:10:42 <Ammler> @help password 14:10:42 <Webster> Ammler: (password <nick> [<password>]) -- Sets the NickServ password for <nick> to <password>. If <password> is not given, removes <nick> from the configured nicks. 14:10:52 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> I try not to copy any. :> 14:11:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 14:11:03 <Ammler> Chris_Booth: maybe that ^ 14:11:23 <Ammler> nickserv sounds suspicious thought 14:11:25 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> i hardly learn by copy :> 14:11:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> not entirely copy but also similar-style :P 14:12:19 <Chris_Booth> its not password 14:12:24 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> :> 14:13:28 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Damn GF is forcing me to go buy shoes for the wedding we are atending on saturday :< 14:13:35 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> why cant i just wear my snickers :> 14:13:46 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i usually eat snickers :P 14:13:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D 14:14:00 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> hehe. 14:14:02 <hylje> loan some fancy shoes from ye gf 14:14:16 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yeah, go in high heels :P 14:14:35 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> hylje, hehe i would be the person the whole party is talking about then. :> 14:14:39 <Ammler> @help user password 14:14:40 <hylje> is that bad 14:14:42 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> sorta not the point :> 14:14:46 <Ammler> @help user set password 14:14:46 <Webster> Ammler: (user set password <name> <old password> <new password>) -- Sets the new password for the user specified by <name> to <new password>. Obviously this message must be sent to the bot privately (not in a channel). If the requesting user is an owner user (and the user whose password is being changed isn't that same owner user), then <old password> needn't be correct. 14:14:54 <Ammler> Chris_Booth: ^ 14:14:56 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Anyway bbl 14:14:59 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd has joined spectators 14:15:11 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> cya 14:15:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> by 14:15:59 <PublicServer> * theholyduck has gone on a train adding spree for empty stations 14:16:07 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> we're now at 416 trains 14:16:12 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> zomfg 14:16:19 <Chris_Booth> thanks Ammler 14:21:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> I just fixed that CL you go there, XeryusTC 14:21:43 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> which one? 14:21:52 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> on the joiner? 14:21:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 14:22:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> the joining trains would slow 14:22:14 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hmm, that isn't a slow anymore IIRC 14:22:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> not anymore 14:22:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> it was like this: 14:22:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> and this slows :) 14:22:36 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hmm, i thought i tested that last game :o 14:22:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> you tested this : 14:23:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> but not with the +1 turn 14:23:08 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yes, that's the same :o 14:23:11 <PublicServer> <V453000> it isnt 14:23:18 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hmm, odd :o 14:23:45 <PublicServer> <V453000> 111 kmh 14:23:56 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 14:24:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 14:24:13 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> hi 14:24:16 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hello 14:28:23 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> BBH 04 is going jam 14:28:45 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> @gap 3 14:30:02 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> its slow allready 14:30:17 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> go fix 14:30:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> I suppose this would help a bit 14:30:52 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> do i have to? 14:31:14 *** Boyinblue0 has joined #openttdcoop 14:32:09 <Boyinblue0> Hello :) 14:32:24 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> Hi green boy 14:32:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 14:32:31 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> slh 12 done i guess 14:32:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> Chris Booth: the issue was in the merger 14:32:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> bad waiting gaps 14:32:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> should be fine now 14:33:13 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> i dont get that strange storage area 14:33:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> its just a normal waiting bay for 2 trains ... 14:33:27 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> somebody added more signals to it 14:33:33 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> after i made it :P 14:33:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> theholyduck: I did 14:33:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> so it actually works 14:33:44 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> :P 14:33:53 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> the diamond starage bay 14:34:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> Chris Booth: yeah we know 14:34:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> its there just in case 14:34:10 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> if that fills the hub wil be broken 14:34:17 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> sure. 14:34:29 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but if its not there and that area fills 14:34:33 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the hub will be broken 14:34:52 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> how is that any diffrent? 14:35:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> it isnt 14:35:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the storage ads a bit of extra failsafe 14:35:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> I wouldnt use the word failsafe as it means something specific :) 14:36:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well, its there if the traffic from the 1 side is ever so high that my prio based balancer clogs 14:36:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> I know 14:36:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> but then it has to unclog somehow ;) 14:36:25 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> heh :P 14:36:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> just screw that, as long as it works 14:36:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well i mostly added it for shits and giggles anyway 14:36:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> Chris Booth is just trying to annoy you :P 14:37:24 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> i am not trying to do anytihng 14:37:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> exactly 14:37:33 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 14:38:07 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 14:38:28 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 14:38:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 14:38:36 <Boyinblue0> !grf 14:38:36 <PublicServer> Boyinblue0: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/GRF (Version 7.3) 14:41:49 <Boyinblue0> Do the grf's go in the /data folder? 14:42:16 <Boyinblue0> !dwin32 14:42:19 <Boyinblue0> !download 14:42:19 <PublicServer> Boyinblue0: !download autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|win32|win64|win9x 14:42:24 <Boyinblue0> !download win32 14:42:24 <PublicServer> Boyinblue0: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r19894/openttd-trunk-r19894-windows-win32.zip 14:45:28 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> trains steadily rizing... 14:45:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> ofc 14:46:08 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> its cool to see trains riding a route youve build yourslef :p 14:46:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed 14:46:25 *** elmz_ has quit IRC 14:46:27 *** elmz has joined #openttdcoop 14:46:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> especially if they do what you expected them to do 14:46:54 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> yep 14:47:07 *** snc has joined #openttdcoop 14:47:53 <Boyinblue0> !password 14:47:53 <PublicServer> Boyinblue0: tilted 14:48:11 <PublicServer> *** Boyinblue0 joined the game 14:48:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 14:48:18 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> I must say your station is very nice indeed V 14:48:28 <PublicServer> <Boyinblue0> hi 14:48:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> the wood drop? :) 14:49:13 <PublicServer> <Boyinblue0> Train 217 seems to be having a problem 14:49:14 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> I think it is p[epper drop 14:49:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> ooh :) 14:49:43 <PublicServer> <Boyinblue0> :) 14:49:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> good :) 14:51:20 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop 14:53:02 <PublicServer> <Jokke> hey! im back 14:53:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> hy 14:53:08 <theholyduck> V453000, i noticed a problem with goods drop 14:53:09 <theholyduck> wel "Problem" 14:53:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> hmm which one 14:53:42 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> during even medium loads, if 2 trains exit from the same station cluster at the same time 14:53:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> no trains can enter that station cluster 14:53:56 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> essentially, if 1 train is waiting to go into the depot 14:54:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> I rather ask which drop you mean 14:54:06 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it blocks the entrance to the other platforms 14:54:09 *** Wun-Qu has joined #openttdcoop 14:54:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the oone called goods processing drop 14:54:20 <Wun-Qu> !password 14:54:20 <PublicServer> Wun-Qu: twines 14:54:20 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the terminus style one 14:54:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> I know about that :) 14:54:43 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i figured you might, but its a bit suoptimal 14:54:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> I already said I dont know how will it do under load 14:54:46 <PublicServer> *** Wun-Qu joined the game 14:54:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> as long as it works ... 14:55:11 <PublicServer> <V453000> the solution to this would be just moving the platforms 1 tile 14:55:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> no big deal 14:55:21 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yeah 14:55:23 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> that would work 14:55:52 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> Hey! 14:56:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 14:56:12 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i'm alive again 14:56:18 <PublicServer> <Jokke> sweet 14:56:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> XeryusTC: you had a missing track at the newest SLH :P 14:56:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> I filled in 14:56:47 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> oh? 14:56:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> just a mistake 14:56:56 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> oh, i see a missing track :P 14:56:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> 2 tiles of track missing 14:57:08 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i see an entire connection missing :P 14:57:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> naaahh 14:57:26 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yay, somebody is finally using my my slh15 14:57:27 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yes i do :) 14:57:32 *** KyleS has joined #openttdcoop 14:57:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> ohthre :D 14:57:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok 14:57:43 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> XeryusTC: well, slh's close to towndrop doesnt need connections in all directions :P 14:57:52 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but i guess you're talking about some other place 14:57:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> theholyduck: this one isnt close to town drop 14:58:10 <KyleS> !password 14:58:10 <PublicServer> KyleS: twines 14:58:24 <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game 14:59:56 <PublicServer> <KyleS> the food plant drop entrance is jamming 14:59:56 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> fixed ;) 15:00:02 <PublicServer> <KyleS> but i don't know why 15:00:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> trains keep making dumb choices 15:00:13 <PublicServer> <KyleS> <_< 15:00:14 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> hmm, theres some weird missing signal stuff town drop4 15:00:25 <PublicServer> *** Boyinblue0 has left the game (leaving) 15:00:45 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> slh 12 should be fixed now 15:00:46 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why is all the traffic comming on 1 line? 15:01:21 *** Boyinblue0 has quit IRC 15:01:39 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i think because there isn't enough traffic for the hubs to be balancing yet 15:01:40 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> see, the adding of presignals didnt exactly help :P 15:01:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> to f ood drop :P 15:01:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it causes other sorts of jams :P 15:02:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> I dont see any jams 15:02:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> not right now 15:02:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it was a traffic surge 15:02:27 <PublicServer> <KyleS> occassionally a train will try to turn at the first entrance 15:02:30 <PublicServer> <KyleS> when it is red 15:02:31 <PublicServer> <KyleS> O_o 15:02:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> omg what is this signalling 15:02:53 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i didnt add the presignals :P 15:03:03 * V453000 gives theholyduck a mighty slap 15:03:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and they don't seem to help :P 15:03:09 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> V453000: where? 15:03:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i didnt add the presignals! 15:03:21 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it like the other entrance bit 15:03:55 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ZOMG 15:03:58 <PublicServer> <KyleS> a train 15:03:59 <PublicServer> <KyleS> coming in 15:04:02 <PublicServer> <KyleS> on the 2nd line!! 15:04:04 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> weee! 15:04:17 <PublicServer> <KyleS> oh its just going to the side line 15:04:18 <PublicServer> <KyleS> boo 15:04:20 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i could add the station balancing to fix the problems anyway 15:04:22 <PublicServer> <KyleS> false alarm 15:04:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> no dont 15:04:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> everything is ok 15:04:38 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> who converted the normal signals to pre ones anyway? 15:05:14 <PublicServer> <KyleS> we shall never know :o 15:05:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> nobody wants a slap :P 15:05:32 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i know that presignals fails hard on stations like that 15:05:39 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i learned that lession the hardway 15:05:47 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :P 15:05:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> lesson 15:06:01 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> who is adding all the extra signals? 15:06:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> v? 15:06:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> me 15:06:08 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ok :P 15:06:19 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> looking at this though 15:06:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> but it might not be a very good choice :) 15:06:32 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why does my first row of depots 15:06:35 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> have pbs? 15:06:42 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> its not like they actually need it there 15:06:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> dont ask me lol 15:07:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> the other part doesnt need it either btw 15:07:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it does 15:07:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> I would make this rather: 15:07:23 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the bridges 15:07:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> ooh 15:07:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> meh 15:07:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> just see the outermost two 15:07:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 15:07:43 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> :P 15:07:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well sure, those dont need to be 15:07:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i just made them that way for consistency 15:08:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> this way the depotted trains give way to the fuller ones 15:08:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> not like it mattered ... 15:08:26 <PublicServer> *** Jokke has left the game (connection lost) 15:09:52 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> what was the point of that prio edit? 15:09:59 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the prio lenght is essentially the same :P 15:10:03 <PublicServer> <KyleS> nay 15:10:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it is slightly longer 15:10:26 <PublicServer> <KyleS> if a train is in the merge after the bridges 15:10:31 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it has priority 15:11:23 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 15:11:26 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 'lo 15:11:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 15:11:34 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hi 15:11:35 <PublicServer> <KyleS> o hai mazur \o/ 15:12:31 <PublicServer> <Mazur> No less that 16 SLHs. Neat. 15:12:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i built one :o 15:12:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> there shouldnt be no more either :P 15:13:22 <PublicServer> <Mazur> With mthis kind of weather, I was disinclined to stay behind a computer. 15:13:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> here is shitweather 15:13:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> understandable 15:14:01 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> it is awesome out here :P 15:14:28 <PublicServer> <Mazur> First real pleasant days this year. 15:14:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> at least I can be here all day xD 15:15:03 <KyleS> i'm out for a bit, ttfn 15:15:10 <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (leaving) 15:15:14 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Have fnu. 15:16:25 *** dasprid has joined #openttdcoop 15:17:04 <dasprid> planetmaker, hey there :) 15:17:16 <planetmaker> moin dasprid 15:17:23 <dasprid> lange nit gesehen 15:25:35 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 15:32:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf is happening at SLH 05 15:32:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> you need only one connection for that oil 15:32:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> ... 15:32:43 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i didnt bother checking where its going 15:32:44 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> :P 15:32:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> OMG 15:32:52 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ooops 15:32:55 <PublicServer> * V453000 slaps theholyduck 15:33:04 * dasprid slaps theholyduck 15:33:09 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> oil is northbound right? 15:33:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> sure 15:33:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is west btw 15:33:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> nort west to be exact 15:33:28 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well yeah, west here 15:33:32 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but north on the map 15:33:48 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ok, that was a pointless exercise in making space 15:34:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> the exercise was a fail too btw :) 15:34:22 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well yeah 15:35:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> lets leave there at least some waiting space 15:35:33 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> err 15:35:37 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why am i loading coal trains? 15:35:49 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i think my brain is broken 15:36:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> I wanted to tell you :P 15:36:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> err 15:36:55 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> wut? 15:36:56 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> oh 15:36:59 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> forgot full load 15:37:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> omg 15:37:11 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yeah i suck 15:37:20 <PublicServer> * theholyduck goes to cry in the corner 15:37:25 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> actually, looking at the clock 15:37:34 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i forgot to eat anything today 15:37:37 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and its 1737 15:37:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D 15:37:39 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> that might be my problem 15:37:50 <PublicServer> * theholyduck goes to get some food 15:37:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> brain bork 15:37:57 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck has joined spectators 15:38:15 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck has left the game (connection lost) 15:43:12 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd has left the game (connection lost) 15:48:35 <PublicServer> <Mazur> We choose the fartest TOWNDROP train for Gold and Coal? 15:48:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> no, we choose town drop 04 15:48:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> read plan, damn 15:48:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> or see trainyard 15:49:06 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah yes, Only one option. 15:49:34 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Very intelligent, Mazur. 15:51:10 <PublicServer> <Mazur> And we _replace_ the first order with the primary, not simply add it before, right? 15:51:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> guess :) 16:01:35 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 16:01:41 <leg3nd> !password 16:01:41 <PublicServer> leg3nd: clumps 16:01:57 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd joined the game 16:02:02 <PublicServer> *** Owen joined the game 16:02:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 16:02:14 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Hi hi :> 16:02:17 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 'lo., boys. 16:04:15 <PublicServer> <Owen> Thinking about BBH02 logically, it's really three T junctions.. 16:04:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 16:04:51 <PublicServer> <Owen> Well, three half Ts anyway :p 16:05:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> well 16:05:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> which hub isnt that :P 16:05:12 <PublicServer> <Owen> 01 :p 16:05:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> you only have them farther from each other 16:05:18 <PublicServer> <Owen> 01 is just a monster 16:05:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Three L's is what you're looking for, or three _s? 16:05:36 <PublicServer> <Owen> But I suppose you have a point 16:05:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> 01 is three &s :P 16:06:19 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost) 16:06:27 <V453000> !password 16:06:27 <PublicServer> V453000: canoed 16:06:49 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 16:07:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Greswich Mines & Windsay Mines connected. 16:09:09 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 16:16:47 *** theholyduck has quit IRC 16:17:00 *** ralph09 has joined #openttdcoop 16:17:03 <ralph09> !password 16:17:03 <PublicServer> ralph09: canoed 16:17:13 <PublicServer> *** ralph joined the game 16:17:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> HI 16:17:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> caps :) 16:29:21 <XeryusTC> GET RID OF ALL CAPS! 16:29:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> first 600 caterpillars :) 16:29:47 <Mazur> Even baseball caps? 16:30:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> mainly these, Mazur 16:34:48 <PublicServer> <Owen> I've just realised how apt a name Cerberus is for '02 :p 16:34:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 16:35:06 <PublicServer> <Owen> It is,after all, a three headed junction :p 16:35:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> I thought that was the point :D 16:35:31 <PublicServer> <Owen> Lucky coincidence :p 16:35:38 <PublicServer> <Owen> I just wanted a name :p 16:35:55 <PublicServer> <Owen> I accidentally picked a great one :p 16:36:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> btw who sticked there the "brainmelter" name? :O 16:36:11 <PublicServer> <Owen> Me :P 16:36:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> thought so :) 16:37:08 <PublicServer> <Owen> Better name for a junction than Muhammad *cough XeryusTC cough* 16:37:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 16:37:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> its a cool name :) 16:43:03 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 16:47:14 *** NukeBuster has joined #openttdcoop 16:48:59 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 16:49:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 16:49:38 <PublicServer> <Mazur> A spoke in the wheel... 16:50:05 <XeryusTC> OwenS: Muhammad is a good name for a hub 16:51:04 <OwenS> Nah. Its a terrible hub name 16:52:22 <XeryusTC> why? 16:52:32 <XeryusTC> it is about as awesome as Sjaak 16:52:42 <^Spike^> xD 16:52:44 <XeryusTC> but slightly more offensive to some people :P 16:52:57 <^Spike^> i'm so gonna stay out of this discussion and just get popcorn :) 16:53:11 <PublicServer> * V453000 joins Spike 16:53:21 <XeryusTC> :D 16:53:25 *** roysvork has joined #openttdcoop 16:53:31 * ^Spike^ hands VLongNumberICantRemember a bucket 16:53:36 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 16:53:37 <roysvork> !password 16:53:37 <PublicServer> roysvork: deeded 16:53:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> ooh cool 16:53:52 <PublicServer> * V453000 hands Spike a Czech Beer 16:54:06 <PublicServer> *** Roysvork joined the game 16:54:10 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 16:54:19 *** Wouterr has joined #openttdcoop 16:54:35 <Wouterr> good evening 16:54:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 16:54:48 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 'lo, Wouterr 16:54:54 <Wouterr> !password 16:54:54 <PublicServer> Wouterr: deeded 16:55:05 <PublicServer> *** Wouterr joined the game 16:55:14 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> evenin 16:55:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> some oil wells invaded your plan 16:55:22 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> wow, 650 trains alredy 16:55:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> you got there a memorial though :P 16:56:37 <Wouterr> on my plan? 16:56:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> inside it :) 16:57:16 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hehe 16:57:17 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> invaders! 16:57:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> must die 16:58:20 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> and the city also decided to expand 16:58:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed 16:58:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> there was our road 16:58:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> and town growth was on when we grew the town drops to accept goods 17:01:32 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 17:01:32 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 17:03:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Gresdhattan Heights connected. 17:03:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 17:05:29 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> gold trains have such a boring order list 17:05:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed 17:05:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> coal too 17:05:55 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Guess what I build first. 17:06:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> XeryusTC: we could add a few more to the refitters :) make them unload the 10% they could otherwise waste 17:06:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> and raise that to 20% or more 17:06:45 <PublicServer> <V453000> but ... I would keep it as it is :) 17:09:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> bitches! 17:09:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> oil trains from the east go through wood drop 17:10:11 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> cool 17:11:21 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> did u ever look at the route wood trains from SLH 02 have to take to go to the wood drop 17:11:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 17:11:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> no matter 17:12:05 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> 3d cinema! 17:12:10 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> awesome 17:12:11 <XeryusTC> V453000: what do you mean, raise the amount from 10% to 20%? 17:12:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> currently they go to refit if they are under 10% 17:12:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> ifwe raised it to 20% and made them unload the 20%, and THEN refit 17:13:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> it would not waste anything and they would be more effective 17:14:13 <XeryusTC> possibly 17:14:24 <XeryusTC> but that would mean that they should have the ability to turn around 17:14:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> well you could walk the pickup station to the refit center 17:16:58 <XeryusTC> hmm 17:17:06 <XeryusTC> but you possibly have to visit the pickup station twice 17:17:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> 05 17:17:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> XeryusTC: no, they just drop it back, refit and leave 17:17:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> the next ones pick it up 17:19:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> basically you just add one order 17:19:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> between the refit center waypoint and depot 17:20:44 <XeryusTC> yes, but trains have to leave the station first before the conditional order gets evaluated 17:20:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> of course 17:21:02 <XeryusTC> which means they pick up, evaluate and possibly re enter 17:21:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> they pick up, evaluate, go through waypoint, go to 2nd walked part of the pickup station, refit 17:21:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes, no problem 17:21:37 <XeryusTC> hmm, that might work 17:21:53 <XeryusTC> if you have a refit centre like at the food plant 17:22:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> there you could just make the depots a turn-around-er 17:22:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> I think with some more or less modifications it could be applied anywhere 17:28:15 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Hmm, Greswichwon't let me build the actual station. Oh well, the track is already in place, so when they are more lenient again, we build the station and run the trains. 17:28:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> try now 17:29:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Cheater 17:29:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> the other town was retarded 17:31:12 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Duh. 17:31:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Might be useful to actually tgell them to _fully_ load, Mazur. 17:31:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 17:37:14 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has joined spectators 17:37:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> lets see what belongs to the fridge 17:42:47 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> bah, slow trains are slow 17:42:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> ffuuu 17:42:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 17:42:57 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> lol, still on that eh 17:43:00 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> tis true 17:43:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> its enough 17:43:19 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> it's ok on a map this small 17:43:33 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> and better for us n00bs 17:43:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> this map is standard 17:43:36 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> more forgiving 17:44:11 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> Ahh is it? I've been playing on a 1024 square one 17:44:23 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> this is default 17:44:31 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> 1024x256 is the second default 17:44:36 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> everything else is non standard 17:44:56 <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (leaving) 17:45:16 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> how many trains can the server handle before it starts to die? 17:45:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> and it isnt much easier Roysvork ... joins are easier, but for exampsle bridges (sync or length) is more fragile 17:45:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> we will see :P 17:45:45 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> woop woop 17:46:10 *** pugi has quit IRC 17:48:06 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> wtf @ bbh4 17:48:15 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> it has a sign on a bridge saying long to prevent jams 17:48:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> I also wtf ed 17:48:31 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 17:48:58 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> I like SLH 07 17:49:10 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> thanks :) 17:49:24 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> particularly for the alternative spelling of muhammad 17:49:33 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> the british media always use 'Mohammed' 17:49:58 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> heh, i wasnt sure how it is spelled in english 17:50:08 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> there are many ways 17:50:15 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> in dutch we spell it like Mohammed too, but the americans seem to prefer Muhammad :o 17:50:29 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> then maybe we should change it ; ) 17:50:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> I prefer beer 17:50:38 <Wouterr> lol 17:50:42 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> beer! 17:50:58 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hmm, good point 17:51:00 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> no beer for me yet, I have yet to be active tonight 17:51:01 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> weekend is now :D 17:51:01 <Wouterr> good idea V :) 17:51:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D 17:51:29 <PublicServer> <Roysvork> and I'm also double booked with a meeting which is a bit shite 17:52:06 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> fixed bbh 4 a bit :P 17:52:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 17:52:17 *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop 17:52:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> ducky infrastructure 17:52:38 <theholyduck> V453000, wut? 17:52:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> read up 17:53:00 <theholyduck> V453000,i just joined 17:53:16 <theholyduck> !password 17:53:16 <PublicServer> theholyduck: reload 17:53:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> XeryusTC fixed your bbh 04 17:53:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> a bi 17:53:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> t 17:53:29 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck joined the game 17:54:22 <PublicServer> * theholyduck fixes various signal gap issues on town drop 04 17:54:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> I wonder where 17:54:45 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> around the depots 17:54:50 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> rather 17:54:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 17:54:55 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> above them 17:55:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> there are signals 17:55:19 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i fixed them 17:55:36 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> at here 17:55:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> stop using OpenGFX 17:55:45 <PublicServer> <V453000> makes you blind :P 17:55:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i'm not 17:55:50 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> V453000: there WAS one 17:55:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> good : 17:55:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i use openttd 17:55:56 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> err 17:55:59 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> original 17:56:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> always 17:56:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok ok :) 17:56:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> good, thx 17:56:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> there was a looong signal gap there 17:56:19 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> of like 6 missing ones 17:56:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) ok, I found a similar one nearby a while ago, so it is quite possible :D 17:56:45 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has joined company #1 17:57:08 <theholyduck> V453000, well i was checking on one i remember seeing at town drop 17:57:16 <theholyduck> before people distracted me with food drop issues 17:57:20 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well i was 17:57:25 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> * 17:57:30 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and then, i saw some new ones 17:57:53 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> somebody is adding extra many signals 17:57:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> :P 17:58:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> why not, its diagonals :) 17:58:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> but traffic shouldnt be that high there 17:58:24 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> diagonals dont need a higher signal frequency 17:58:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> they dont 17:58:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> but the auto-signalling fucks up 17:58:46 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> true 17:59:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> and with these engines the gaps can become significant really 17:59:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> wee, my station is experiencing higher loads and its still working 17:59:18 <PublicServer> * theholyduck feels proud 17:59:21 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> get proper engines then ;) 17:59:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> sidewas 17:59:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> ys 18:01:10 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> bah, use two way signals after pbs splitters 18:01:21 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> they dont always work correct otherwise it seems 18:01:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed 18:01:49 <PublicServer> <ralph> we've got some coal trains taking a route through the paper mill on the way back from town drop 4... 18:01:54 <PublicServer> <Owen> Wow 18:01:55 <PublicServer> <Owen> 3s latency 18:02:03 <PublicServer> <Owen> Hmm... 18:02:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh wtf ralph :D 18:02:04 <PublicServer> <ralph> those going to 'accstock heath mines 18:02:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed 18:02:26 <PublicServer> <ralph> :) 18:03:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> this game should get building ontop of tunel entrances 18:03:13 <PublicServer> <ralph> seems odd to me - doesn't seem the shortest route at all 18:03:21 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> atlest as a newgrf option 18:03:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> go die duck :) 18:04:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well, it would allow lazier building 18:04:07 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> though, while we're at wishing for magic 18:04:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> diagonal tunels/bridges 18:04:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> I hate you :( 18:04:18 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> would be awesome aswell 18:04:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> whoa Accstock too, Ralph? 18:04:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> ff:o 18:04:52 <PublicServer> <ralph> oh yeah? 18:05:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> that is a hell of a detour 18:05:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> dumb trains 18:05:15 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> thats a pretty cool trick by putting paper drop infront of wood drop to make it look like its passing through the station a bit 18:05:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> HA 18:05:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> lets throw shit on XeryusTC 18:05:46 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> is it XeryusTC's fault? 18:05:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> XeryusTC: missing connection in SLH 12 :) 18:05:57 <PublicServer> <ralph> we could load the entrance with backwards presignals to prevent other trains from chosing that path? 18:06:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> raplh: no 18:06:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> the issue is elsewhere 18:06:15 <PublicServer> <ralph> yeah I thought so too 18:06:18 <PublicServer> <Owen> Whats the purpose of the depots at the foot plant? 18:06:30 <PublicServer> <Owen> Re-Refitting? 18:06:33 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yeah 18:06:36 <PublicServer> <Owen> Aah 18:06:46 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the second set is refit for empty trains 18:06:57 <PublicServer> <ralph> perhaps that SLH 12 has no entry for trains from the south! 18:07:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> as I just said 18:07:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 18:07:15 <PublicServer> <ralph> I'm on it :) 18:07:20 <PublicServer> *** Roysvork has left the game (leaving) 18:07:21 *** roysvork has quit IRC 18:13:37 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> looking at slh12, 18:13:42 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> there are some absurdly long prios 18:13:55 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> compared to the instant acceleration of these trains 18:15:29 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> on a not so related note, v, i need an opinon 18:15:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf? 18:16:19 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the 2 industries west of msh03 18:16:27 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> hook it to slh01 or 07? 18:16:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> fuck them 18:16:34 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ;( 18:17:12 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> the farm to 1 and the coal mine to 7 :) 18:17:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 18:17:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> dont 18:17:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> if we want to expand, they will be fucktards 18:17:43 <PublicServer> <Mazur> holyduck: Hood them up from Lenshaw Ridge, perhaps? 18:17:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> Mazur: you are dead 18:17:55 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Or hook. 18:18:03 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving) 18:18:10 * Mazur is dead. 18:18:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D 18:18:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf 18:18:20 <Wouterr> lol 18:18:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> come back or I kill you! :D 18:18:31 <planetmaker> braaaaiiiinzzz! 18:18:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> yaa 18:18:47 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 18:18:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> zomfg he is here again! 18:19:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> :P 18:19:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Who is? 18:19:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> you cant talk you are a ghost 18:19:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> That's what _you_ think. 18:19:58 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Just you wait until you want to go to sleep..... 18:20:14 <Wouterr> hmm, not a ghost, must be a zombie then!! 18:24:03 <theholyduck> V453000, are you still polishing your selection of knives for when tray comes back? 18:24:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh yes 18:24:20 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> oh, slh 12 has trains :D 18:24:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> rip rip stab stab 18:24:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> XeryusTC: your SLH 12 had a missing connection :P 18:24:45 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i see :o 18:24:56 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> suddenly loads of bridges appeared right through the middle :o 18:25:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> yee 18:25:13 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> could've done it more graciously 18:25:16 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> like around the mitter :P 18:25:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> :-D ok 18:25:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> this is funny 18:25:37 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> at least for the eastern part :P 18:25:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> :( 18:26:29 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ah, we're almost at 800 trains nao 18:27:28 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Looks like we will be before these woods traijns are back. 18:27:35 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> no wonder why it was still so compact even for a 4 way :P 18:27:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D 18:29:46 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has joined company #1 18:30:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> ellow 18:30:17 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> ei 18:30:26 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> 344627733 18:30:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> 0 18:30:35 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> :D 18:30:42 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> ... 18:31:59 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> :O slh12 came out of nowhere :O:P 18:32:00 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> V453000: this is better IMO 18:32:11 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes :) 18:32:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> as you wish 18:32:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> less of a hack 18:32:24 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> be more imagining next time :P 18:32:36 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> isnt gigant hacks the reason we play this game? 18:32:38 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> or imaginative :P 18:32:55 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> theholyduck: this is not TTDP, this is a proper decompile :P 18:33:02 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> :D 18:33:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D wtf 18:33:19 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> V453000: all those bridges :( 18:33:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> :)))) 18:33:32 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> it still feels pretty big... :S 18:33:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is 4way 18:33:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> or 3.5 way ... 18:33:55 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> hmmm 18:34:06 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i 18:34:11 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> that extra track crossing the ML is still ugly :P 18:34:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> its much smaller than what i normally build 18:34:15 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> is 4 way absolutely neccecary? 18:34:22 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yes 18:34:25 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> fun times 18:34:55 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> more track then distance :O 18:35:17 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> who created the gigant signal gap in the middle of my bbh? 18:35:20 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i dislike all of those bridges now :O 18:35:39 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> there, fixed it 18:37:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> how could some fucking city be called livershaw springs when it is winter all around it ... 18:37:53 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> hey guys 18:38:02 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> Greswich Heights 18:38:09 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why is there 4 trains 18:38:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> fora 18 ton mine? 18:38:28 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Because it takes that long to drop and come back. 18:38:41 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why is 2 trains waiting then? 18:38:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> w/e keep em 18:39:02 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well i'm not gonna remove them, it just looked a bit excessive 18:39:32 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> excevive would be a que of 4 trains 18:40:18 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oh, that's the one I forgot the Full Load initially. The mine will grow, though, and hte trains are in noone's way. 18:41:12 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined spectators 18:41:57 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined company #1 18:42:11 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined spectators 18:42:28 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd has left the game (connection lost) 18:45:40 *** Vitus has joined #openttdcoop 18:46:22 <Wouterr> hmm lets make the builders board 18:47:26 <PublicServer> <ralph> :) 18:48:27 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i like goods drop :) 18:48:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> there are 4 18:48:52 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> the processing ;) 18:48:55 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> not the town drops :P 18:48:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> aahh :) 18:49:18 <PublicServer> <ralph> yeah its a great station to watch 18:49:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> I thought we could make the "reloading" station at the secondaries ... thre is nice space 18:49:26 <Vitus> !password 18:49:26 <PublicServer> Vitus: gloats 18:49:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> if we ever chose to do so 18:49:51 <PublicServer> <Owen> Goods is officially mad 18:49:55 <PublicServer> *** Vitus joined the game 18:49:59 <PublicServer> <Vitus> Hey 18:50:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 18:50:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i like my food station 18:50:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> Owen: you consider everything mad 18:50:11 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it might not be as cool looking as goods 18:50:16 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but its mine! 18:50:24 <PublicServer> <Owen> V453000: No. Just your stuff. 18:50:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh what a coincidence 18:50:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> :P 18:50:54 <PublicServer> <Owen> Its also awesomeness incarnate, so... :p 18:51:02 <PublicServer> <Owen> Not as awesome as the Hypnotizer though... 18:51:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok :D 18:51:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> the hypno could be added here 18:51:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> but ... 18:51:40 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> whats with the !connect me sign 18:52:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> idk 18:52:20 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> there used to be a farm there i guess 18:52:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> even if there was an industry 18:52:26 <PublicServer> <Owen> It seems me and Xeryus started a naming thing going :p 18:52:27 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why does "joint after split" 18:52:30 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> amuse me? 18:52:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> whoever placed that sign there should be shot 18:52:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> Owen: i started it by naming v's junctino 18:52:48 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i think 18:52:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> AHA 18:52:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> now bash each other 18:53:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> D: 18:53:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> who added tha sign 18:53:06 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> theholyduck: i thought of giving it a human name though :P 18:53:23 <PublicServer> <Owen> theholyduck: I placed the sign though :p 18:53:24 <KenjiE20> everything is maned Bob 18:53:28 <KenjiE20> named* 18:53:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> :d 18:53:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> bob means shit in czech 18:53:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i wish there was more traffic in the brain melter 18:53:48 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> :D lol 18:53:55 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it would look much better fully loaded 18:54:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i think 18:54:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> it isnt the end I suppose :) 18:55:55 <theholyduck> i remember another much less compact "brainmelter" 18:56:03 <theholyduck> sean's 5 way junction 18:56:19 <theholyduck> that thing was hueg 18:56:30 <theholyduck> and took forever to make modifications to 18:56:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> I dont envy the one who modifies this :D 18:56:46 <tycoondemon> savegame? 18:56:48 <tycoondemon> theholyduck? 18:56:50 <KenjiE20> wasn't that just two 3-ways jammed together, is some weird way? 18:56:52 <theholyduck> tycoondemon, its a while back 18:57:03 <theholyduck> KenjiE20, naw i seem to remember it being a propper 5 way 18:57:05 <theholyduck> essentially atleast 18:57:21 * theholyduck goes to find the game 18:58:14 <KenjiE20> @psgsave 143 18:58:14 <Webster> PSG 143 Archive entry; http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/PublicServer:Archive_-_Games_141_-_150#gameid_143 18:58:20 <theholyduck> yeah, 143 18:58:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> 143? o_O 18:58:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> how come I dont remember 18:58:42 <V453000> that isnt that old 18:58:44 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hmm who's connectiong that farm at MSH03? 18:58:56 <theholyduck> Wouterr, i'm not 18:58:56 <KenjiE20> because it was naff 18:58:56 <V453000> ooh this one 18:59:03 <theholyduck> v told me to abandon it 18:59:12 <KenjiE20> also I was wrong, it's 3x 3-ways 18:59:14 <KenjiE20> :P 18:59:27 <Wouterr> yea i know, but someone is building it now 18:59:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> WTF 18:59:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> HELL 18:59:44 <tycoondemon> now this 4 way has hardly any traffic 18:59:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> V453000 rage 18:59:57 <PublicServer> <ralph> :) 18:59:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> active 19:00:11 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> v has another angrytiem 19:00:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> also 19:00:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> who the F. word is that? 19:00:17 * Vitus hides in corner. 19:00:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D you? 19:00:24 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> lol 1 tunnnel for 6 platforms 19:00:30 <Vitus> Why not? 19:00:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> it blocks 19:00:42 <tycoondemon> nice docks 19:00:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> want that to die 19:00:52 <PublicServer> <ralph> I just couldn't bring myself to go over that mound! 19:00:53 <theholyduck> tycoondemon, in 143 or? 19:00:58 <theholyduck> i think i built the docks in 143 19:00:58 <tycoondemon> in 143 19:01:05 <theholyduck> well me and sean 19:01:34 <tycoondemon> trains are faster here 19:01:39 <Vitus> The fact that I'm just watching the game doesn't mean I shouln't be able to hide in corner, right? 19:01:47 <PublicServer> <ralph> wtf? 19:01:48 <Vitus> We all know almighty V. rage :D 19:02:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> rage over 19:02:04 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving) 19:02:04 <PublicServer> <ralph> what was wrong with the approach? 19:02:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> next rage upcoming: on Tray join 19:02:52 <XeryusTC> why? 19:03:21 <Vitus> Shall we hide again? 19:03:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> shared orders with trainyard 19:03:42 <KenjiE20> o.O 19:03:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> he will be executed or eaten alive 19:03:45 <KenjiE20> >.< 19:03:47 <KenjiE20> O.o 19:03:50 <PeterT> ... 19:03:54 <PublicServer> <Vitus> Little jam at !jam :P 19:04:01 <PublicServer> <Vitus> The station got too many trains 19:04:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> whee 19:04:13 <tycoondemon> havent found a five way yet :O 19:04:35 <KenjiE20> tycoondemon: bbh01, it's 3x 3ways :P 19:05:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> it sucks imo :( 19:05:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> but im just weird, right 19:05:58 <tycoondemon> hmmm 19:06:09 <PublicServer> <Owen> V453000: What sucks? 19:06:10 <tycoondemon> I just see a lot of tracks crossing echa other :P 19:06:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> that "5way" 19:06:29 <PublicServer> <Owen> :( 19:06:51 <tycoondemon> more like an "all the way" :P 19:06:56 <OwenS> KenjiE20: BBH02 is more 3x3ways... BBH01 is one intergrated junction 19:07:05 <KenjiE20> it's 3x 3ways 19:07:29 <KenjiE20> tis fairly clear by the minimap layout 19:09:09 <OwenS> KenjiE20: I know what you mean... But they're all overlaid on top of one another 19:09:54 <OwenS> All Ts are fundamentally three Y splits conjoined; but overlaid together. BBH02 is three separate Ys 19:10:19 <OwenS> but /most are/ overlaid** 19:11:02 <tycoondemon> that map is too small for long trains 19:13:24 *** heffer has quit IRC 19:15:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> HOLY 19:15:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> FUCK 19:15:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> kill me 19:15:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> kill me 19:15:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> please 19:15:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> kill me 19:15:17 <theholyduck> what now v? 19:15:21 <tycoondemon> emo 19:15:22 * theholyduck gets his mercy shotugn 19:15:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> THE 19:15:24 <theholyduck> *shotgun 19:15:26 * Vitus shoots V453000. 19:15:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> fucking 19:15:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> same 19:15:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh hell 19:15:35 <theholyduck> V453000, somebody used shared orders? 19:15:40 <theholyduck> on trainyards? 19:15:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 19:15:43 <Vitus> lol 19:15:45 <PublicServer> <V453000> the other rage 19:15:52 <theholyduck> somebody hooks up the wrong station? 19:15:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> omg 19:15:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes, that farm again 19:16:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> lol ralph 19:16:11 <PublicServer> <ralph> oops forgot to connect it! 19:16:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> gah 19:16:20 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> poor v 19:16:33 <PublicServer> <ralph> there, all sorted 19:16:40 <PublicServer> <ralph> I trust there are no other issues with it? 19:16:41 <theholyduck> ralph09, 19:16:41 <PublicServer> * V453000 dead 19:16:44 <theholyduck> the problem is that it EXISTS 19:16:57 <theholyduck> ralph09, its out of the way of anything and also in the middle of the way 19:17:06 <theholyduck> ralph09, thus, we shouldnt hook it up 19:17:22 <PublicServer> <ralph> oh, ok if that's how it goes. 19:17:35 <PublicServer> <ralph> I thought the earlier problem was my little tunnel, I didn't realise. 19:17:37 <theholyduck> which is why i asked v and he said no, then Vitus hooekd it up and it got deleted 19:17:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> I didnt say no 19:17:49 <theholyduck> ralph09, oh, so you were the guy the first time around aswell? 19:17:50 <Vitus> I didn't hook anything 19:17:52 <PublicServer> <ralph> lol, I wasn't aware of all that!! 19:17:57 <Vitus> I just hid in corner 19:17:58 <PublicServer> <ralph> lol yeah that was me! 19:18:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> I said something like " OMFTF DAMN HELL NO!" :P 19:18:05 <Vitus> But that doesn't mean I did something :D 19:18:09 <theholyduck> V453000, :P 19:18:18 <theholyduck> V453000, well i atleast ask before i hook up borderline weird places 19:18:31 * theholyduck wants a pat on the back 19:18:40 <theholyduck> after all that slapping you did to me earlier 19:18:50 * OwenS thumps theholyduck on the back 19:18:51 * V453000 gives theholyduck a kick in the face =D 19:19:00 <PublicServer> <ralph> I thought all industries were green for hooking up. what's the word in HQ? 19:19:02 <OwenS> Combo! 19:20:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> god :-D 19:20:10 <tycoondemon> present 19:20:19 <PublicServer> <Vitus> :P 19:20:22 <PublicServer> <Vitus> lol 19:20:27 <PublicServer> <Vitus> Yeah, that'll do the trick :D 19:20:48 <PublicServer> <ralph> before I go on connecting industries, is there anything I should know? 19:20:51 <PublicServer> <Vitus> We need landmines 19:21:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> ralph: I think all are connected 19:21:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> but about this case ... dont connect a farm that isin the middle of a MSH 19:22:15 <Wouterr> ralph look at !connect me 19:22:30 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 19:22:32 <PublicServer> <ralph> lol thanks :) 19:22:34 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 19:22:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> that is a good one :) 19:22:57 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> u are welcome 19:23:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> join it to SLH 19:23:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> 10 19:23:21 <PublicServer> <ralph> yes wonderful 19:23:32 <PublicServer> <ralph> it'll be my pleasure :) 19:34:35 *** pugi has quit IRC 19:34:56 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 19:46:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> I wonder what would I build if I was high 19:47:43 *** ninjamask has joined #openttdcoop 19:47:51 <ninjamask> !password 19:47:51 <PublicServer> ninjamask: cozily 19:47:56 *** cifvts_ has quit IRC 19:48:15 <PublicServer> *** ninjamask joined the game 19:48:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> ninjamoves! 19:48:38 <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has joined spectators 19:51:59 <PublicServer> *** sonic joined the game 19:52:02 <PublicServer> <sonic> heya 19:52:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 19:54:19 <KyleS> o hai 19:54:36 <KyleS> !password 19:54:36 <PublicServer> KyleS: gashed 19:54:46 <KyleS> -o` 19:54:53 <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game 19:55:14 <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost) 19:55:17 <KyleS> lol fail 19:55:52 <snc> @gap 19:55:52 <Webster> snc: (gap <trainlength> [<split>]) -- Returns minimum and maximum signal gap sizes for 2,3 and 4 linesplits with <trainlength>. If <spilt> is given it will return the gap sizes for <split> (+/-) 1. 19:55:55 <snc> @gap 3 19:55:56 <Webster> snc: For Trainlength of 3: <= 9 needs 2, 10 - 14 needs 3, 15 - 19 needs 4. 19:56:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> what fails 19:56:58 <KyleS> my connection 19:56:59 <KyleS> :( 19:57:01 <KyleS> or my computer 19:57:03 <KyleS> or both ! 19:57:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> he 19:58:05 <KyleS> i wish there were more advanced ways to manage trains en masse ... like, "go to depot and remove/add x numbers of <insert train/car name here> 19:58:19 <KyleS> so if i start with 5-tile trains i can easily change to 3-tile trains 19:58:19 <KyleS> :P 20:01:23 <hylje> depots could have fancy programming 20:01:34 <hylje> and the orders could remain in the granularity of go to depot x 20:02:37 <KyleS> that would be nice :-) 20:05:15 <hylje> perhaps depots should be groupable (and orders be directed to these groups)... 20:05:33 <hylje> perhaps depots could be built more elaborately rather than being blackholes 20:06:48 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck has left the game (connection lost) 20:07:12 <KyleS> also it would be nice to have a list of depots like there is a list of stations 20:09:00 <KyleS> ha, i think it would be quicker to sell all my trains, build a trainyard with new 3-tile trains, and then use clone to repopulate the network ;-) 20:09:45 *** TD has joined #openttdcoop 20:10:21 *** Progman has quit IRC 20:16:04 <PublicServer> *** sonic has left the game (connection lost) 20:18:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> ooh I see theholyduck upgraded his hub to single tunnels :P 20:18:47 <theholyduck> V453000, wut? 20:18:48 <theholyduck> where? 20:18:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> bbh 04 20:18:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> you forgot one tunnel 20:19:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> there was a minor jam right now 20:19:07 *** devilsadvocate has quit IRC 20:19:08 * theholyduck bets its somebody elses fault 20:19:09 * theholyduck joins 20:19:10 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 20:19:14 <theholyduck> !password 20:19:14 <PublicServer> theholyduck: alases 20:19:27 <theholyduck> every time so far you've blamed something on me 20:19:30 <theholyduck> its been some other guys fault 20:19:32 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck joined the game 20:19:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) ok 20:19:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> somebody tripled one tunnels 20:19:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> but reduced the other 20:20:06 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yeah, somebody made the gap longer 20:20:13 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it used to be nine long 20:20:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> I also think so 20:20:26 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> thus the double tunels 20:20:41 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> now somebody made it longer and trippled it 20:22:28 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> there we go, fixed the problems caused by somebody fixing my junction 20:22:33 <PublicServer> * theholyduck huggles v 20:22:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 20:23:24 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> we could make that merge north of that line "cleaner 20:23:32 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> by just extending the line right onto it :P 20:23:37 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> err 20:23:38 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> split 20:23:45 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> extending the bridge stuff onto it :P 20:23:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> the merger was just slow 20:23:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> should be better now 20:23:58 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i ment split :P 20:24:11 <PublicServer> <V453000> nah 20:24:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> omg 20:24:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> I H.ATE 20:24:21 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i like it better when it looks like that :P 20:24:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> this 20:24:27 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> you don't ? 20:24:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> this seriously sucks 20:24:40 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> what does? 20:24:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> you have to use it this way: 20:24:51 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> double signals? 20:24:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> and penalize the second track 20:25:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> otherwise it can FAIL 20:25:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> anyways, no reason to do it that way 20:25:16 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it still looks prettier! 20:25:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> you must use 2way only on the first 20:25:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> and the penalty further 20:25:31 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ah, so the 1 way acts as a penalty? 20:25:41 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> oh. 20:25:42 <PublicServer> * theholyduck sees 20:25:47 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well its prettier this way! 20:25:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> no it is complete shit 20:25:54 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> double penalty? :P 20:25:55 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 20:26:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 20:26:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> why not :) 20:26:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> so what we did 20:26:22 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> was make it prettier 20:26:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> we longered the bridges, we used emergency signalling and we made it suck 20:26:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> cool 20:26:38 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> ;( 20:26:41 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> you make me sad 20:26:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> it sucks. 20:27:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> people tend to repeat such stuff 20:27:15 <PublicServer> * theholyduck goes to cry in the corner :P 20:27:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> and be sure they wont use proper signals as I showed you 20:27:27 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well i use that all over because it looks pretty and is simple to use 20:27:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> lazy basterd 20:27:58 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> heh, i'll remove the places i used it 20:28:01 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i know 20:28:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> you dont have to :) 20:28:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> but try to use the normal way 20:28:40 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i mostly use it due to space consideration in corners 20:28:43 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop 20:28:45 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> like in slh15 20:28:50 <PublicServer> * theholyduck is fixing it now 20:28:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> I dont use and I have compacter hubs :P 20:29:02 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well you have mad skills :P 20:29:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> that is subjective feeling 20:29:31 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> in the second place i'll employ your hack instead because there is really no room to do it the normal way 20:29:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 20:29:51 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> there we go 20:29:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> it works well this way 20:29:58 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> fixed all my usages of that design 20:30:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> but you have to use it so :) 20:30:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> yeah 20:30:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> thanks 20:30:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> you see ... now you spend some space on the penalty to make it work 20:30:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> so the space is ~equal 20:30:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> you just use it elsewhere :) 20:30:39 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> exactly :P 20:30:41 <PeterT> @quote add <Ammler> why does someone limit bridges?<PeterT> to make the game harder<Ammler> what is easy with long bridges?<planetmaker> Ammler: building long bridges ;-) 20:30:45 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but it stops me from moving tons of lines 20:30:49 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> or finding a diffrent place to split 20:30:55 <PeterT> @quote add <Ammler> why does someone limit bridges?<PeterT> to make the game harder<Ammler> what is easy with long bridges?<planetmaker> Ammler: building long bridges ;-) 20:30:55 <Webster> PeterT: The operation succeeded. Quote #30 added. 20:30:58 <PeterT> @quotes 20:30:59 <Webster> #openttdcoop quotes: latest quotes - http://hyru.ath.cx:60080/~kenji/ottdcoop/quotes/ 20:31:29 <V453000> PeterT: quotes posted by you are really outstandingly funny 20:31:48 <KenjiE20> @quote add "<@V453000> PeterT: quotes posted by you are really outstandingly funny" 20:31:48 <Webster> KenjiE20: The operation succeeded. Quote #31 added. 20:32:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> WTF BBQ jam :) 20:32:10 <PeterT> V453000: You had to be there. 20:32:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok now I solved 20:32:24 <PublicServer> <Vitus> Phew 20:32:31 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> where was a jam? 20:32:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> slh 04 20:32:45 <PublicServer> <V453000> 5 20:32:46 <PublicServer> <Vitus> Just look for lots of scrapped metal :D 20:33:05 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> lawd 20:33:20 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> "i made a crashie in my pants" 20:33:37 <PublicServer> <Vitus> I got a name for it! 20:33:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> -.- 20:34:02 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> whats with ralph and loving to hook up stuff way out of everythings way? 20:34:06 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> like bohall valley 20:34:09 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> under the voteboard 20:34:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> he is just a good minion and connects everything :) 20:34:58 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> err 20:35:01 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> guys 20:35:12 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> geadingney woods 20:35:28 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> why is there 6 trains waiting in line there 20:35:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> 260 forest 20:35:43 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> 7 trains. 20:35:54 *** heffer has joined #openttdcoop 20:36:00 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well i realize the forest is huge 20:36:07 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but have anyone heard of the concept of overkill? 20:36:29 <PublicServer> <Vitus> You mean like... killing fly with tank? 20:36:32 <PublicServer> <Vitus> :P 20:36:45 <PublicServer> <V453000> I added some platforms to reduce your bitching potential :P 20:36:56 <PublicServer> <Vitus> :D 20:36:58 <XeryusTC> !password 20:36:58 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: pantie 20:36:59 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> theres still 3 trains waiting 20:37:06 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 20:37:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi XeryusTC 20:37:34 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hello 20:37:46 <PublicServer> <Vitus> Hey 20:38:11 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> awesome how solar flares can cause earthquakes... 20:38:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> wa? 20:39:00 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> according to this movie i'm watching they can 20:39:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> interesting porn 20:40:10 <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (leaving) 20:40:12 *** devilsadvocate has joined #openttdcoop 20:44:30 *** `real has joined #openttdcoop 20:44:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> bbh 04 improved 20:45:23 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined company #1 20:46:02 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 20:47:28 *** Qanael has joined #openttdcoop 20:47:33 <PublicServer> <Vitus> lol... Tresberg Forest yet again 20:47:45 <PublicServer> <Vitus> cloged all the way to ML 20:47:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> cunt 20:48:22 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I was startoing on an overflow, but I'm not that quick at them, yet. 20:48:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> nah 20:48:41 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oh, differen forest. 20:51:24 *** Testney__ has quit IRC 20:51:48 <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has joined company #1 20:52:32 *** NukeBuster has quit IRC 20:54:32 *** TD has quit IRC 20:54:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> the brainmelter is starting to kick in :) 20:54:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> occassionaly 20:55:44 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> the NE exit of it is alredy quite bussy 20:56:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> yea I meant mainly that one 20:56:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> that was the greatest question if it is going to work 20:56:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> so far it seems to be better than expected 20:58:21 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> 380 trains assigned to town drop 4 20:58:31 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> *426 20:58:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 20:58:51 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> going to become a jammy place in the future 20:58:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> 440 for goods processing 20:59:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> note that these trains do more that one thing 20:59:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> so these numbers are higher 20:59:36 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> true 20:59:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> funny that we have 6 train types 20:59:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> basically... 21:01:32 <Jokke> !password 21:01:32 <PublicServer> Jokke: mishap 21:01:46 <PublicServer> *** Jokke joined the game 21:02:00 <PublicServer> <Jokke> hey! 21:02:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> h 21:02:05 <Wouterr> hi 21:02:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> i 21:02:41 <PublicServer> <Jokke> wow! a lot more trains is running now =) 21:02:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed 21:03:13 <Wouterr> i want 1000 more :) 21:03:31 <PublicServer> <Jokke> lol! my computer is lagging already 21:03:57 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well we are at 1k trains 21:04:08 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> which seems to be the treshold for a lot of people 21:04:08 *** Phazorx has left #openttdcoop 21:04:58 <PublicServer> <Jokke> tresshold my computer atleast :P 21:06:41 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost) 21:07:55 <PublicServer> <Jokke> Train Reverser 2000 :) 21:08:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> does it fail already? 21:08:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 21:08:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok :) 21:11:00 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 21:13:15 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop 21:16:03 <PublicServer> *** Vitus has left the game (connection lost) 21:16:10 <Vitus> I'm going off, take care 21:16:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya 21:16:29 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> cya 21:17:05 *** Vitus has quit IRC 21:18:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh damn 21:18:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 21:18:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 21:18:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> NO 21:19:10 <PublicServer> <Jokke> crashed any trains yet? 21:19:12 <Wouterr> ? 21:19:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> ninjamask did make trains for town drop 01 onto town drop 03 SL 21:20:15 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> argh did I ? 21:20:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 21:20:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> I already fixed 21:20:55 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> thanks 21:21:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> well np, just clone from trainyard next time 21:21:18 <KyleS> !password 21:21:18 <PublicServer> KyleS: thrill 21:21:36 <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game 21:21:54 <PublicServer> <Jokke> cya some other time guys.. 21:21:55 <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost) 21:22:00 <PublicServer> *** Jokke has left the game (connection lost) 21:22:11 *** Jokke has quit IRC 21:31:26 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> huh ninjamask 21:32:10 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> yes ? 21:32:23 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> looking at the coal mine at SLH08 21:33:14 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck has left the game (connection lost) 21:33:25 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> lol 21:37:18 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> why hide tracks? 21:37:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> ? 21:37:39 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> i like the snow 21:37:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> aah :D 21:37:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> yeah thats funny 21:39:03 <theholyduck> hmm, i guess i can always play until my internet game "date" starts 21:39:13 <theholyduck> !password 21:39:13 <PublicServer> theholyduck: kegged 21:39:24 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck joined the game 21:39:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> ? 21:39:40 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i'm going to play either hoi3 or eu3 tonight :P 21:39:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> what is that 21:39:50 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> but the only person i know who can actually play it with me 21:39:53 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> lives in the us 21:40:04 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> 2 ultra grand scale and complex strategy games 21:40:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 21:40:14 <PublicServer> <ralph> good game EU3 :) 21:40:19 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> essentially, we have to plan out times where we both have time to play 21:40:29 <theholyduck> ralph09, i've played eu1,2, and 3 :P 21:40:37 <PublicServer> <ralph> I've never played multiplayer, must be good 21:40:42 <PublicServer> <ralph> nice! 21:40:42 <theholyduck> + all the hoi games, + vicky, ck, 21:40:44 <theholyduck> and so on and so forth 21:40:47 <OwenS> Eu? Hoi? 21:40:55 <theholyduck> i think i own essentially every paradox entertainment gamee 21:40:57 <PublicServer> <ralph> you're a diehard fan of theirs then! 21:41:00 <theholyduck> OwenS, europa universalis 21:41:02 <theholyduck> hearts of iron 21:41:05 <PublicServer> *** Razmir joined the game 21:41:13 <theholyduck> PublicServer, well my dad gave me eu1 when i was a little kid :P 21:41:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 21:41:18 <theholyduck> err 21:41:21 <theholyduck> ralph09, 21:41:23 <PublicServer> <Razmir> hi, hows it goin? 21:41:28 <PublicServer> <ralph> yeah 21:41:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> fucking awesome 21:41:46 <theholyduck> V453000, until tray gets here 21:41:50 <theholyduck> then the awesome stops and the rage starts 21:41:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 21:41:56 <ralph09> lol 21:41:58 <OwenS> Bah. Historic RTS. 21:42:14 <theholyduck> OwenS, well they're not rts's like starcraft is an rts 21:42:23 <Wouterr> what's the story about u and tray? 21:42:29 <OwenS> theholyduck: Why? 21:42:42 <theholyduck> OwenS, diffrent scale, diffrent levels of complexity 21:42:49 <theholyduck> and propper simulated economies 21:42:54 <theholyduck> among some things 21:42:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> tray just shared orders with the trainyard 21:42:57 <OwenS> Heh 21:43:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> no big deal :) 21:43:12 <theholyduck> OwenS, in a NORMAL rts game 21:43:13 <Wouterr> oh :) 21:43:19 <theholyduck> you build uinits, controll them on a tactical level 21:43:22 <theholyduck> maybe research. 21:43:30 <PublicServer> <ralph> like civilization 21:43:37 <theholyduck> all paradox games on the other hand 21:43:41 <PublicServer> <ralph> (can't wait till civ 5 comes out) 21:43:43 <theholyduck> have diffrent focuses 21:43:46 <theholyduck> lets take hoi for instance 21:43:59 <OwenS> I'd say I'm a Total Annihilation person. Had many 6+ hour games of that 21:44:03 <theholyduck> it has a simulated weather system, a fully working ingame economy, a political system, a espionage system 21:44:06 <theholyduck> a supply transfer system 21:44:07 <leg3nd> !password 21:44:07 <PublicServer> leg3nd: kegged 21:44:13 <theholyduck> where you control units on a divisonal level 21:44:23 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd joined the game 21:44:25 <theholyduck> while also dealing with the chain of command, the build up of your divisions 21:44:37 <theholyduck> while doing research and production of defenses, units, navies, 21:44:38 <OwenS> So its a micromanagement sim 21:44:39 <theholyduck> and so forth 21:44:46 <theholyduck> but. in real time 21:45:01 <theholyduck> so its like civ but with 20 times the complexity 21:45:05 <theholyduck> in real time 21:45:07 <OwenS> So a war takes 2 weeks of your time to even begin, and continues for 3 years? 21:45:07 <ralph09> holyduck I think you make it sound a *little* more realistic and indepth than it is! 21:45:13 <ralph09> Its still a game at the end of the day 21:45:18 <theholyduck> ralph09, no really :P 21:45:21 <ralph09> : 21:45:24 <theholyduck> those are all things you HAVE to deal with 21:45:24 <ralph09> ) 21:45:33 <ralph09> true 21:45:34 <theholyduck> ralph09, and thats before you get into victoria 21:45:40 <ralph09> ooh! 21:45:46 <theholyduck> now victoria was seriously hardcore 21:45:56 <theholyduck> hoi is pretty easy by victoria standards 21:46:14 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd has left the game (connection lost) 21:46:34 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd joined the game 21:46:37 <theholyduck> oh and hoi also has the pictures of every world leader in every country during the entire 1936-1948 period 21:46:52 <theholyduck> for all the major countries it has the names and pictures of all the people with a rank of major general or higher 21:46:59 <theholyduck> for all the smaller ones, just the names 21:47:01 <theholyduck> etc, 21:47:01 <ralph09> nice. those games are a very good history and geography lesson 21:47:07 <theholyduck> its a gigant history wank. 21:47:14 <OwenS> So when is someone making one of these games set in a time period post 1975? 21:47:25 <PublicServer> <ralph> in 2075 21:47:35 <theholyduck> OwenS, well paradox is pretty much the only company making these games 21:47:37 <PublicServer> <Razmir> my notebook cant keep up with the traffic here :( 21:47:43 <PublicServer> <Razmir> bye 21:47:50 <theholyduck> currently, they only cover the range of 1066->1948 21:47:54 <PublicServer> *** Razmir has left the game (leaving) 21:47:56 <theholyduck> actually. with the hoi2 range 21:48:00 <theholyduck> 1066-1961 21:48:02 <theholyduck> i think :P 21:48:11 <theholyduck> unless ck started earlier than i remember 21:48:25 <theholyduck> either way, they havent made a game covering the period after 61 yet 21:49:19 <theholyduck> but yeah, its games for people who loves history, strategy, and multitasking 21:50:08 <OwenS> I love strategy and multitasking, but it somehow to me sounds to me utterly boring 21:50:23 <theholyduck> OwenS, heh, well its games for the specially intrested 21:50:43 <theholyduck> i think victoria sould only a couple of thousand copies 21:50:44 <theholyduck> world way 21:50:45 <theholyduck> *world wide 21:51:03 <OwenS> How did they pay for the development? ... 21:51:07 <OwenS> As said, I'm a Total Annihilation person :p 21:51:20 <theholyduck> OwenS, well all they really need for a game is to develop a map 21:51:24 <theholyduck> some extra graphics 21:51:26 <theholyduck> and internal game logic 21:51:30 <theholyduck> its not manpower intensive 21:51:51 <theholyduck> its only with their latest games they even got 3d unit symbols 21:52:49 <theholyduck> either way 21:52:55 <theholyduck> for that game that only sold a couple of thousand copies 21:53:01 <theholyduck> they're doing a remake :P 21:56:55 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> weee. my storage jam protection was neeeded! 21:57:03 <PublicServer> <theholyduck> if it hadnt been there the ml would have jammed just now 21:57:20 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 21:57:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> sure, it provides some buffering :) 21:58:02 <theholyduck> i love it when i'm right 21:58:03 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 21:58:18 <Paul2> welcome to my world. 21:59:59 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> Gotta love 640x480 :> 22:00:05 <PublicServer> <leg3nd> else it will crash. HEHE 22:03:13 <PublicServer> *** leg3nd has left the game (leaving) 22:05:26 <PublicServer> *** theholyduck has left the game (connection lost) 22:07:01 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> train 132 has an invalid order 22:07:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> hm awesome 22:07:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> can you please sell that train and train 841? 22:08:32 <PublicServer> <Wouterr> alright 22:08:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> thanks 22:09:26 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 22:09:30 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> hello 22:09:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 22:12:01 <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has left the game (leaving) 22:12:07 <Wouterr> gn all 22:12:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya 22:12:18 *** Wouterr has quit IRC 22:12:58 <Chris_Booth> !password 22:12:59 <PublicServer> Chris_Booth: yokels 22:13:34 *** Desrik_ has joined #openttdcoop 22:14:12 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 22:14:32 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 22:16:39 *** Desrik_ has quit IRC 22:17:08 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (leaving) 22:19:26 <PublicServer> <ralph> bye all 22:19:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> bye 22:19:33 <PublicServer> *** ralph has left the game (leaving) 22:19:35 *** ODM has quit IRC 22:19:44 *** ralph09 has quit IRC 22:23:51 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 22:32:16 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 22:32:24 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> oh the paper and oil processing doesnt accept oil and paper 22:32:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> xD 22:32:38 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (leaving) 22:32:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> my fault 22:35:00 *** heffer has quit IRC 22:36:07 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 22:36:11 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (leaving) 22:36:20 *** desrik1 has joined #openttdcoop 22:36:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> ? :D 22:36:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> too much beer? 22:36:38 <SmatZ> I am testing one patch :) 22:36:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 22:43:02 *** OwenS has quit IRC 22:49:57 *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop 22:49:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster 22:50:14 *** zowareS1 is now known as zowares2 22:50:28 *** zowares2 is now known as zowares3 22:50:53 *** zowares3 is now known as desrik 22:53:17 *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop 22:53:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster 22:58:00 * PeterT looks at the OwenS 22:58:07 <PublicServer> <Owen> ? 23:01:01 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC 23:01:51 *** Wun-Qu has quit IRC 23:02:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> WTF! 23:02:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> D: 23:02:36 <PublicServer> <Owen> ? 23:02:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> Owenm that is you toying with head 3? 23:02:43 <PublicServer> <Owen> Yes 23:02:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> big jam 23:02:47 <PublicServer> <Owen> Silly Maglevs :p 23:03:11 <PublicServer> <Owen> Hence why I'm toying with it :p 23:04:25 <PublicServer> <Owen> It may be safe to say its actually further south that things have jammed 23:04:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> the westernmost track gets low load 23:05:03 <PublicServer> <Owen> Yeah 23:05:33 <PeterT> OwenS: oh, just cuz of your ZNC disconnect ;-) 23:05:46 <OwenS> PeterT: I'm curious about that too... 23:05:53 <OwenS> The ZNC shut down... 23:05:56 <PeterT> how? 23:06:00 <PeterT> are you admin of this ZNC? 23:06:00 <OwenS> Dunno 23:06:13 <OwenS> Presumably crash 23:06:31 <PeterT> crashes don't usually output * OwenS has quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net) 23:06:35 <Webster> Title: ZNC (at znc.sourceforge.net) 23:06:39 <OwenS> Suspicious 23:06:41 <PeterT> that are usually like "remote host closed the connection" 23:06:47 <PeterT> *those 23:07:00 <PeterT> ooh, I can't wait until 0.090 :-) 23:07:21 <PublicServer> <Owen> V453000: Done some swizzling to move load to the western line 23:07:28 <PeterT> http://en.znc.in/wiki/ChangeLog/SVN OwenS 23:07:29 <Webster> Title: ChangeLog/SVN - ZNC (at en.znc.in) 23:14:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> new map feature! 23:15:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> no I just need to re-order a few trains :D 23:15:48 <PublicServer> <Owen> Huh? 23:15:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> from now on 23:16:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> the trains at goods processing 23:16:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> that have <25% goods loaded 23:16:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> ... they will drop these goods back 23:16:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> and then refit 23:16:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> I only need to order the trains that way, but the station is ready for that :) 23:16:37 <PublicServer> <Owen> Cool, how? 23:16:54 <PublicServer> <Owen> Ooh 23:16:55 <PublicServer> <Owen> I see 23:17:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> train 1098 has the orders already 23:17:05 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> great, i was just wondering what was that station for... 23:17:08 <PublicServer> <Owen> Heh. I thought they were goning back to the real goods center 23:19:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok I will have to turn on some other music then 23:19:27 <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hmm I gotta go, c yall 23:19:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> psy trance makes brain a bit out of orer 23:19:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> order 23:19:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya 23:19:35 <PublicServer> <Owen> Heh 23:19:42 <PublicServer> *** Wun-Qu has left the game (leaving) 23:20:52 <PublicServer> <Owen> Over the past few days I've been listening to, variously, prog rock, sountrack music, turkish rock, and now drum and bass. Real mix... 23:21:06 <PublicServer> <Owen> (And yes, the turkish rock is a real oddity) 23:21:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> well consider that I listen to psy trance and melodic death metal ... 23:21:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 23:21:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh yeah 23:21:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> I have arabic techno 23:21:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> also pretty odd 23:21:35 <PublicServer> <Owen> Awesome :p 23:23:48 <PublicServer> <Owen> The volumes been cranked up rather loud recently :p 23:24:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 23:24:07 <PublicServer> <Owen> The music kinda demands it :p 23:24:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> hehe 23:24:32 <PublicServer> <Owen> Its not loud enough until somethings resonating :p 23:24:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> or entirely demolished :D 23:24:52 <PublicServer> <Owen> (TBH, with a subwoofer, that doesn't require excessive volume) 23:25:45 <PublicServer> <Owen> Wow, stuff seems to all be going Heads 2<>3 23:26:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> farms are wild 23:27:23 *** Razaekel has quit IRC 23:28:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) Town Drop 04 is quite full 23:29:33 <PublicServer> <Owen> Well its basically taking all the traffic through head 3 :p 23:30:00 <PublicServer> <Owen> So 3 packed lanes of traffic 23:30:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> sure :) 23:30:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> well it aint that packed yet 23:30:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> these trains are able to pack like mad 23:30:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> you can see that in some waves 23:31:30 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> lower as 10 is to low 23:32:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> ? 23:32:20 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> checking the leaving trains of goods pickup since a few mins 23:32:43 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> either empty at all 23:32:56 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> or at last 25 of 150 load 23:33:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> im just going to make the mechanism work 23:33:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> for now the trainyard is re-ordered 23:34:11 *** pugi has quit IRC 23:36:31 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> yeah but the threshold should be lower as 20 or 25 23:36:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> why 23:36:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is 25 now 23:36:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> what I am setting 23:37:05 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> ah ok 23:37:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> whatever it should or not be, it is mainy about the fact that such feature is there, I never actually counted what exact number it should be ;) 23:37:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> but it works, and improves how it works :) 23:37:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> so it is ok 23:38:19 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> whee the 1st train used it :D 23:39:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> 2nd :P 23:39:59 <PublicServer> <ninjamask> yah 23:43:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> I wonder how heavy traffic could possibly be there :D 23:43:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> but I believe it will be ok 23:45:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> you wouldnt believe how uncomfortable it is when you work with a train list and they flash as they refit and change colours :D 23:48:20 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 23:48:48 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (leaving) 23:50:02 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 23:50:27 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (leaving) 23:57:52 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC