Log for #openttdcoop on 20th September 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:01:08  *** pugi has quit IRC
00:04:15  <TheRisen> well, I am off for today
00:04:22  <TheRisen> gn8
00:04:43  <Niavmaii> Night
00:04:45  <Niavmaii> Thanks for the help
00:05:41  <TheRisen> np at all
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00:36:15  <DrPizza> What are all the fake stations for?
00:36:44  <DrPizza> (in the tutorial map)
00:37:08  <DrPizza> are they just there to add penalties to the pathfinder?
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00:56:39  <Sylf> which fake stations?
00:57:14  <DrPizza> there are lots of things on the tutorial map labelled "fake station"
00:57:57  <Sylf> I see one...
00:58:08  <DrPizza> I thought there were several
00:58:12  <DrPizza> dotted around
00:58:50  <Sylf> I see only one, as a part of Bumblewell Docks
00:59:03  <Sylf> and that station isn't serving any purpose
01:23:21  *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop
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01:54:37  <DrPizza> kirbies suck
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02:50:17  <DrPizza> !password
02:50:17  <PublicServer> DrPizza: scrubs
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09:26:23  <TheRisen> hi there
09:26:28  <TheRisen> !playercount
09:26:28  <PublicServer> TheRisen: Number of players: 1 (0 spectators)
09:26:49  <TheRisen> !password
09:26:49  <PublicServer> TheRisen: daubed
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09:51:02  <PublicServer> <avdg> -_-
09:54:49  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00014658:
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11:48:37  <Thomas_> how is the welcome server irc channel called?
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11:50:27  <KenjiE20> #openttdcoop.stable
11:51:08  <kuch3n> thanks
11:56:33  <V453000> Kenji alive \o/ :p
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12:00:04  <avdg> wb
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13:26:44  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
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13:27:02  <PublicServer> *** Player has changed his/her name to Intexon
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13:31:38  <dihedral> looks like someone was unhappy ....
13:31:41  <Webster> Title: Transport Tycoon Forums • View topic - [Patch] Watch Other Companies GUI (at
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13:39:56  <planetmaker> let me guess who annoyed him
13:47:34  <hylje> threw up a tantrum
13:47:42  <dihedral> planetmaker, guess
13:48:32  <^Spike^> is that a million dollar question? :)
13:48:55  <avdg> no, a one million billion question :p
13:49:43  <dihedral> wasn't me if that is what you are trying to say ;-)
13:49:55  <^Spike^> not what i'm saying :)
13:50:16  <dihedral> ^Spike^, you just want the money :-P
13:50:19  <dihedral> :-D
13:50:40  <^Spike^> well if you have it laying around somewhere... i willingly donate my account nr ;)
13:51:09  <SmatZ> dihedral: what happened?
13:51:37  <dihedral> sure, give me your account number, your online-banking details, username, password, ... i prefer a 'pull' over a 'push' you know? don't worry, i'll handle it for you though at no extra charge :-P
13:52:03  <^Spike^> :)\
13:52:09  <dihedral> SmatZ, i don't exactly know, i reported his post to my thread, a day later all i see is [..]
13:52:22  <^Spike^> shamefully you would need to login within 60secs cause else the login code expires :D
13:53:11  <dihedral> ^Spike^, just give me all the details i need, preferable enough to do 10 transactions, as i do not want to transfer a lump sum ... *cough* from my account
13:53:37  <^Spike^> i still need to do most work... ;)
13:53:53  <^Spike^> 10 times using my random reader to generate codes that are valid for 1 min or so :)
13:53:55  <^Spike^> too much work :)
13:54:19  <dihedral> you're lazy :-P
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13:55:49  <planetmaker> well. seems history has been re-written and deleted. So nothing I can quote anymore.
13:58:51  <dihedral> still, that should not have had effect on the other patch of his
14:00:07  <dihedral> could have made a usefull remark also
14:00:09  <planetmaker> nor should him running a goal server have an impact on comments to his comments ;-)
14:00:45  <planetmaker> still his behaviour is highly childish, to say at least.
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14:02:20  * dihedral never commented on that :-P
14:02:55  <planetmaker> that's not true. I can quote on that
14:03:26  <dihedral> do :-)
14:07:40  <dihedral> i commented on things like letting openttd handle mysql connections
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14:10:41  <planetmaker> »» 16:07:09 < Muxy> i say so cause everybody know that Muxy likes heavilly patched servers»» 2010-08-16 16:47:10 <dihedral> then Muxy does not deserve any support
14:11:28  <dihedral> planetmaker, that is not a negative remark on running a goal server, that is a negative remark as to complaining about 'bugs'
14:11:32  <dihedral> and that on a patched server
14:11:51  <dihedral> without trying to even confirm that the bug exists in an official build
14:12:41  <dihedral> that kinda defeats the entire bug report
14:12:48  <planetmaker> »» 21:54:30 < Eddi|zuHause> Muxy probably has goal servers in mind...
14:12:48  <planetmaker> »» 21:56:39 < dihedral> that's kinda what made me "oh my word" on it - as the entire post is a bunch of rubbish :-P
14:13:05  <hylje> "please reproduce on unpatched build"
14:13:50  <dihedral> that is out of the context:
14:13:52  <dihedral> 21:56:07 < Eddi|zuHause> and alone skipping the savegame download needs a separate protocol
14:13:57  <planetmaker> :-)
14:14:04  <dihedral> meany
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14:14:25  <planetmaker> I know I'm mean. Still there's a history to it. Of being not kind to eachother
14:14:51  <dihedral> if you knew how many chats i had with those luukland boys
14:15:12  <dihedral> trying to include what they could use
14:15:46  <planetmaker> dih, but the full quote from 16th August is "no patch" on that server
14:16:08  <planetmaker> so he claimed to report a bug on an unpatched trunk.
14:16:45  <planetmaker> Then stated, that he said 'unpatched' as everybody knows that he *usually* uses patched builds. And then you said that he then doesn't deserve support...
14:16:55  <planetmaker> Which he did, when he uses unpatched builds
14:17:58  <planetmaker> <-- easy reference
14:19:58  <dihedral> had a chat with him after that
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14:32:22  <sharpy> !password
14:32:22  <PublicServer> sharpy: frocks
14:32:34  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
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14:37:47  *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop
14:38:11  <PublicServer> *** Intexon joined the game
14:38:16  <PublicServer> <Intexon> hi
14:39:50  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00026DD4:
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14:54:51  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0002DE15:
15:13:46  <PublicServer> *** sharpy has left the game (connection lost)
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15:18:42  <olleman> whoops
15:18:46  <olleman> looks like I forgot to log out
15:18:52  <PublicServer> *** olleman has left the game (connection lost)
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15:39:25  <Ammler> windows guys, how do I resize a windows ntfs partition?
15:39:48  <Ammler> (with legal free tools)
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15:41:19  <Ammler> Do I need .net 2.0, if I have .net 4.0?
15:42:42  <dihedral> <- can that help?
15:42:43  <Webster> Title: How to extend a data volume in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, in Windows 2000, and in Windows Server 2008 (at
15:44:27  <Ammler> dihedral: I were there already with search too :-)
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15:45:06  <Ammler> and that tool doesn't help because of dynamischen Datenträger
15:45:20  <Ammler> no idea, what that means, though
15:46:56  <Ammler> I guess, the easiest is to make a new disk and mount both disk on linux and copy the old with dd
15:47:36  <Ammler> (without mount)
15:47:57  <Niavmaii> What's this I hear about mounting?
15:49:18  <dihedral> Ammler, would parted or gparted help?
15:49:29  <dihedral> would have to boot with a live cd, but could be possible
15:52:54  <Ammler> yeah, trying..
15:58:44  <Aali> did you ever run a FIRS coop game?
16:00:32  <dihedral> Aali, PSG1 was the FIRS(T) :-P
16:00:43  <dihedral> sorry - that was just smiling at me :-P
16:01:12  <V453000> @psgsave 188
16:01:12  <Webster> PSG 188 Archive entry;
16:01:20  <V453000> @psgsave 168
16:01:21  <Webster> PSG 168 Archive entry;
16:01:25  <V453000> ^
16:01:29  <Aali> dihedral: thats a terrible joke
16:01:39  <V453000> 178 actually :)
16:01:42  <V453000> 188 and 178
16:02:40  <dihedral> yes, i know, Aali - but i could not resist :-S
16:03:34  <Aali> dihedral: dont worry, jesus still loves you
16:03:40  <Ammler> hehe, PSG1 wasn't the FIRS(t)
16:03:53  <Aali> PSG188 was exactly what I was looking for
16:04:07  <Aali> with RVs moving supplies back to primaries
16:04:12  <Ammler> wb Aali btw. :-)
16:04:21  <V453000> Aali: iirc we had different settings there though
16:04:30  <Aali> I figured I wasn't the first person to come up with that
16:04:42  <V453000> industries were allowed to die if they didnt have enough supplies
16:04:54  <V453000> which wasnt really well manageable in large scale :)
16:05:13  <Aali> Ammler: I'm not back
16:05:22  <Aali> Ammler: don't tell anyone I'm here
16:05:30  <V453000> he is still gone btw
16:05:35  <Ammler> ah, you never were gone :-)
16:06:06  <Ammler> is2 could use some updates :-P
16:06:39  <Aali> lalalalalala can't hear you!
16:07:00  <V453000> does anyone use that thing anymore?
16:08:07  <Ammler> the last release was from last december
16:08:17  <V453000> ok :D
16:08:32  <Ammler> but there were mostly at least one MP server on
16:08:38  <Ammler> dunno, how it is now
16:08:48  <V453000> dont know about any
16:12:35  <Niavmaii> Lol, oh god I'm scared D:
16:12:52  <Niavmaii> I just built my first 2+1->2
16:12:58  <Niavmaii> And now I need to add signals ._.
16:15:50  <Niavmaii> Lmfao, yep
16:15:52  <Niavmaii> Messed it up already
16:19:08  <planetmaker> Niavmaii, is your other nickname actually TruePikachu?
16:19:26  <Niavmaii> No? O.o
16:19:52  <planetmaker> ok :-)
16:21:08  <Niavmaii> Why?
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17:12:12  <PublicServer> *** Amm1er joined the game
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17:16:57  <Hylkevd> !dl win32
17:16:57  <PublicServer> Hylkevd:
17:18:05  <Hylkevd> !password
17:18:05  <PublicServer> Hylkevd: enrich
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17:29:15  <Ammler> dihedral: feature request for ap+ :-)
17:29:23  <Ammler> don't allow pm from banned people
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17:35:12  <roysvork> !dl win32
17:35:12  <PublicServer> roysvork:
17:35:16  <V453000> Ammler: got it too :p
17:35:40  <Ammler> ?
17:35:55  <V453000> message from CB
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17:43:16  <Niavmaii> o_o
17:45:58  <Ammler> I told hime to use /msg...
17:46:16  <PublicServer> *** Intexon joined the game
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17:46:21  <roysvork> !Password
17:46:26  <roysvork> !password
17:46:26  <PublicServer> roysvork: enrich
17:46:43  <dihedral> Ammler, don't allow messages from people not in the channel
17:46:53  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
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17:47:03  <Ammler> dihedral: just teh password command
17:47:39  <PublicServer> *** roysvork has left the game (connection lost)
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17:47:48  <dihedral> you mean banned in game?
17:47:51  <dihedral> that will not work
17:47:58  <roysvork> boooo, my laptop cant handle it :/
17:48:11  <V453000> dih: well he isnt banned on #openttd :p
17:48:36  <roysvork> who would have thought openttd of all thing would be so cpu intesive :)
17:48:51  <dihedral> which banned do you mean?
17:48:57  <dihedral> channel? openttd?
17:49:06  <PublicServer> *** Intexon has left the game (leaving)
17:49:08  <Ammler> the channel, where ap is in
17:49:24  <dihedral> then do not let it handle !password if the person is not in the channel
17:49:27  <Ammler> but I guess, it is easiest to just output password to the channel
17:49:39  <dihedral> in fact, set it so it does not allow ony chat from people not in the channel
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18:22:26  <olleman> still building huh
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18:43:36  <Niavmaii> Mooo
18:44:17  <Niavmaii> V453000: OpenTTD2: Seallife actually sounds crazy badass. :p
18:44:31  <Niavmaii> Or some crazy interplanetary thing xD
18:44:48  <V453000> moo.
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18:55:20  <planetmaker> mäh
18:55:38  <V453000> moo?
18:56:04  <planetmaker> mäh mäh
18:56:24  *** TheRisen has joined #openttdcoop
18:56:31  <TheRisen> hi there
18:56:34  <TheRisen> playercount
18:56:37  <V453000> quack quack :)
18:56:38  <TheRisen> !playercount
18:56:38  <PublicServer> TheRisen: Number of players: 0 (0 spectators)
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19:24:51  * TheRisen slaps Niavmaii around a bit with a large fishbot
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19:26:07  <TheRisen> niavmaii, what is your game doing?
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19:26:57  <Niavmaii> Being silly. >_>
19:27:18  <Niavmaii> I managed to replicate the hub on the next junction :x
19:27:23  <Niavmaii> And now I need to do the other one
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20:10:03  <TheRisen> wow, i just finished my first 4+4-> joiner
20:10:13  <TheRisen> *4+4-->4
20:10:27  <V453000> depends what technique you using ;)
20:11:27  <V453000> you can always show me if you need feedback :p
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20:18:46  <TheRisen>
20:18:48  <Webster> Title: - Dvvnlbbrb.png (at
20:19:10  <TheRisen> if u want to have a look at it
20:19:21  <V453000> oh this way
20:19:45  <V453000> TL3?
20:20:01  <TheRisen> TL4
20:20:22  <planetmaker> missing quite some signals, TheRisen ?
20:20:30  <V453000> it isnt done probably :p
20:20:35  <SmatZ> TL4 for slow trains :)
20:20:42  <V453000> but still, it will be quite slowly reacting :p
20:20:50  <SmatZ> hmm though there are some TL1 curves
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20:21:04  <V453000> that too :)
20:21:11  <V453000> but mainly the splits into choices will make trouble
20:21:24  <V453000> most likely, anyway
20:21:35  <planetmaker> depends upon the signaling
20:21:40  <planetmaker> I think it will be ok, though
20:21:41  <jondisti> !password
20:21:42  <PublicServer> jondisti: enrich
20:21:58  <planetmaker> I'd tune the 1st one at least. there the track layout is not optimal
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20:22:16  <V453000> :)
20:22:24  <TheRisen> do it like the other ones?
20:22:39  <planetmaker> yes
20:23:03  <planetmaker> TheRisen: each branch should at best be able to hold one entire train
20:23:07  <planetmaker> or be much shorter
20:23:36  <TheRisen> that will be fixed in use
20:23:52  <TheRisen> i don't know exactly how long the waitng bays should be
20:23:55  <SmatZ> "fixed in use", huh?
20:23:58  <SmatZ> you know TL :)
20:24:38  <TheRisen> yes
20:25:03  <SmatZ> [22:21:01] <SmatZ> hmm though there are some TL1 curves <== should be "CL1"
20:25:44  <TheRisen> at the double bridges, yes
20:26:47  <SmatZ> also, the way you put exit signals won't work
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20:26:58  <SmatZ> because the combo will be green when at least one of exits is green
20:27:05  <SmatZ> not "only when both are green"
20:27:06  <TheRisen> ouch
20:27:14  <TheRisen> of course
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20:29:23  <V453000> @coopstats
20:29:23  <Webster>
20:29:27  <V453000> hmm havent seen this in a while :)
20:29:40  <V453000> oh :D shit
20:31:12  <SmatZ> V453000: you and Vitus are the most aggressive people here :p
20:31:24  <V453000> yes cause he slapped he like 10 times in a row :D
20:31:37  <SmatZ> :)
20:32:12  <PublicServer> *** jond1sti has left the game (leaving)
20:32:24  <V453000> hmm the 38k lines remind me that I should really finish that damn blog article already :D its endless
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20:32:36  <SmatZ> :)
20:32:51  <SmatZ> @seen PeterT
20:32:51  <Webster> SmatZ: PeterT was last seen in #openttdcoop 3 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, 38 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: <PeterT> !screen
20:33:01  <V453000> I need only images but when I add images, I add another 20% of text :D
20:33:31  <SmatZ> :)
20:34:34  <TheRisen> argh, fuck it
20:34:48  <V453000> TheRisen: thats how I do it :p
20:35:07  <TheRisen> i fucked up 80% of my prios
20:35:10  <TheRisen> damn it
20:35:12  <V453000> xD
20:35:13  <V453000> oh
20:35:15  <V453000> thats bad :
20:35:17  <V453000> :)
20:35:22  <TheRisen> YES it is
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20:35:50  <TheRisen> i have to rebuilt the whole thing
20:36:11  <V453000> be patient :)
20:36:26  <V453000> I rebuild large stuff often :) usually cause a few tiles (mostly ONE freaking tile :D)
20:36:54  <V453000> SmatZ: im still here, only dissapeared from stable :P
20:36:58  <SmatZ> oh :)
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20:37:04  <V453000> article dive :p
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21:01:03  <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game
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21:09:17  <TheRisen> !playercount
21:09:17  <PublicServer> TheRisen: Number of players: 1 (1 spectators)
21:09:53  <TheRisen> !password
21:09:53  <PublicServer> TheRisen: enrich
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21:17:58  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> does the wood coal exit rly need an additional lane?
21:18:12  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> it's getting along quite good
21:18:19  <PublicServer> <avdg> I don't know, but I bet its a yes
21:19:46  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> what else is to do?
21:20:08  <PublicServer> * avdg studies !this lane
21:20:24  <PublicServer> <avdg> there seems no single space on that line
21:21:19  <PublicServer> <avdg> and still, not jamming at the begin of the ml (join)
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21:22:01  <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm
21:22:11  <PublicServer> <avdg> and if there is a gap, its filled very quickly
21:23:34  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> should we penalize this joining track?
21:23:41  <PublicServer> <avdg> don't know
21:23:47  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> to make trains prefer another one
21:24:05  <PublicServer> <avdg> penaltilize can really result in unknow stuff
21:24:07  <PublicServer> <avdg> or nothing
21:24:51  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0002827D:
21:25:49  <PublicServer> <avdg> don't do that :p
21:25:56  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> i was too slow
21:26:06  <PublicServer> <avdg> no, not only for that reason
21:26:24  <PublicServer> <avdg> look upstream
21:26:34  <PublicServer> <avdg> there are many small jams on it
21:27:08  <PublicServer> <avdg> compacting the space will only result in bigger slowdowns
21:28:41  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> the middle lane has a much higher joining capacity
21:28:48  <PublicServer> <avdg> but not that much
21:29:02  <PublicServer> <avdg> detouring a bit of traffic may already result in an overfull line
21:30:44  <PublicServer> <avdg> look what happens when the line is at full capacity
21:31:47  <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm
21:32:05  <PublicServer> <avdg> takes long time before that jam restarts
21:32:50  <PublicServer> <avdg> <!small jam 2 <- better result
21:34:12  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> i don't see a jam
21:34:18  <PublicServer> <avdg> watch the speed
21:34:32  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> yes they are slowing down tehre
21:35:12  <PublicServer> <avdg> thats a capacity loss
21:35:26  <PublicServer> <avdg> but if you solve that one, you still have many of them further
21:36:07  <PublicServer> <avdg> check ! < small jam 3
21:36:17  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> are trains slowing down, when heading diagonal?
21:36:23  <PublicServer> <avdg> yes
21:36:58  <V453000> use higher signal density? :p
21:37:00  <V453000> should work
21:37:29  <V453000> unless you have absolute packing like we had in PZG13, it should work :)
21:37:32  <PublicServer> <avdg> in the end it is some kind of micro optimizing
21:38:00  <PublicServer> <avdg> solving this will only move the jam if you aren't carefully enough
21:39:02  <PublicServer> <avdg> good place is before a split, but not any split will allow such a high troughput
21:39:20  <PublicServer> <avdg> filter by "slowdown fix experiment"
21:39:39  <PublicServer> <avdg> I had to move the split to get quite good results
21:39:51  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00028231:
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21:40:39  <PublicServer> <avdg> what also could work is using the tricks of the bridges
21:40:45  <PublicServer> <avdg> parallel tracks
21:40:57  <PublicServer> <avdg> but using them too much and you have a new line :p
21:42:18  <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game
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21:49:38  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> these little jams affect the overall capacity of the network not that much
21:50:21  <PublicServer> <avdg> no, but they can make the diffrends between a new line which is hard to build or not building one
21:50:27  <PublicServer> <avdg> but that just 1 option
21:50:57  <PublicServer> <avdg> jam?
21:50:59  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> jam?
21:51:02  <PublicServer> <avdg> :p
21:51:28  <PublicServer> <avdg> looks like the jam is located arround slh07
21:51:36  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> slh 06
21:51:38  <PublicServer> <avdg> but I'm not sure
21:51:41  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> is full
21:51:48  <PublicServer> <avdg> oh
21:52:02  <PublicServer> <avdg> :p
21:52:08  <PublicServer> <avdg> too much traffic
21:52:14  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> and thatjammed back the wohle line
21:52:56  <PublicServer> <avdg> maybe better to install an overflowlane till the next bbh
21:53:22  <PublicServer> <avdg> slh 07 is full
21:53:40  <PublicServer> <avdg> someone removed that overflow
21:53:46  <PublicServer> <avdg> what caused the jam :p
21:54:13  <PublicServer> <avdg> nederlanda oil
21:54:29  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> yes
21:54:48  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> probably due to the rebuilt of slh7
21:54:51  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00032221:
21:54:53  <PublicServer> <avdg> nope
21:55:09  <PublicServer> <avdg> nederlanda oil had always moments when it needed an overflow
21:55:11  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> why are people doing this then?
21:55:13  <PublicServer> <avdg> donno why
21:55:41  <PublicServer> <avdg> overflows are kinda anti-patterns
21:56:07  <PublicServer> <avdg> not because they are bad
21:56:56  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> we need to rebuilt it
21:57:05  <PublicServer> <avdg> or re-add the overflow
21:57:17  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> y
21:57:22  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> that's what i meant
21:57:52  <PublicServer> <avdg> that should help for now
21:59:16  <PublicServer> <avdg> cleanup :)
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22:01:37  <Deamonhunter11> !password
22:01:41  <PublicServer> Deamonhunter11: blithe
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22:02:05  <PublicServer> <avdg> hi
22:02:15  <PublicServer> <Deamonhunter11> hello
22:02:25  <PublicServer> <Deamonhunter11> still on this one
22:02:35  <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah
22:02:51  <PublicServer> <avdg> and we are only 200 trains further
22:09:52  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0002F480:
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22:24:29  <TheRisen> gn8 guys
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22:26:12  <Niavmaii> Gnate?
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