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01:05:01 *** liq3 has joined #openttdcoop 04:01:54 <maxtimbo> !clcalc maglev 4 04:01:59 <maxtimbo> @clcalc maglev 4 04:01:59 <Webster> maxtimbo: A maglev Curve Length of 4 (7 half tiles) gives a speed of 392km/h or 245mph 04:02:23 <maxtimbo> @clcalc maglev 3 04:02:23 <Webster> maxtimbo: A maglev Curve Length of 3 (5 half tiles) gives a speed of 336km/h or 210mph 04:02:35 <maxtimbo> @clcalc maglev 2 04:02:35 <Webster> maxtimbo: A maglev Curve Length of 2 (3 half tiles) gives a speed of 264km/h or 165mph 05:33:46 *** Mothership_Q has quit IRC 06:28:49 *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop 06:41:52 *** SteveT has joined #openttdcoop 06:42:56 <SteveT> !password 06:42:56 <coopserver> SteveT: partly 06:43:06 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 06:43:12 <coopserver> *** stevet has joined 06:43:13 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 06:46:28 <coopserver> *** stevet has left the game (Leaving) 07:53:27 *** Hiddenfunstuff has joined #openttdcoop 07:54:32 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 08:29:54 *** SteveT has quit IRC 08:39:12 *** Progman has quit IRC 09:10:54 *** maxtimbo has quit IRC 09:52:02 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop 09:52:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus 10:24:15 *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop 10:24:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite 10:51:37 *** sbn has joined #openttdcoop 10:56:31 <sbn> Hello 10:57:27 *** Jam35_ is now known as Jam35 10:58:48 <V453000> hyhyhy 11:00:38 <sbn> What up 11:59:57 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop 12:00:02 <happpy> !players 12:00:02 <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, noone is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 12:01:03 <happpy> !date 12:01:03 <coopserver> Apr 29 2452 12:27:34 <sbn> what up V453000 12:27:51 <V453000> doing some things for work, playing openttd in free time :) 12:28:03 <happpy> hi 12:29:56 <sbn> V453000 it's sunday. leave the work 12:30:03 <V453000> cant do :) 12:31:02 <sbn> Let me setup my bnc so I'll idle in here as well 12:32:39 <sbn> bbl 12:34:25 <V453000> good idea :) 12:35:57 <happpy> !ip 12:35:57 <coopserver> happpy: ps.openttdcoop.org:3983 12:45:37 <happpy> !date 12:45:37 <coopserver> Apr 29 2452 12:52:05 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 12:52:10 <glevans2> !pw 12:52:10 <coopserver> glevans2: colpos 12:52:20 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 12:52:25 <coopserver> *** glevans2 has joined 12:52:26 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 12:52:36 <coopserver> *** glevans2 has joined company #1 12:52:37 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 12:53:16 <happpy> hi 12:53:27 <happpy> !pw 12:53:27 <coopserver> happpy: colpos 12:53:38 <glevans2> how are you happpy? 12:53:55 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 12:54:00 <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined 12:54:02 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 12:54:05 <coopserver> <happy train sport> good 12:54:09 <coopserver> <happy train sport> how ar u 12:54:22 <coopserver> <glevans2> decent 13:01:13 <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined company #1 13:01:31 <coopserver> <happy train sport> ther sume thin rone at this 13:01:48 <coopserver> <happy train sport> at my sing this 13:03:29 <coopserver> <glevans2> what is wrong about it? 13:03:43 <coopserver> <happy train sport> goods train get lost on that bit 13:05:10 <coopserver> <happy train sport> ar wate 13:05:46 <coopserver> <happy train sport> k chek train 422 13:06:00 <coopserver> <happy train sport> u see 13:06:11 <coopserver> <happy train sport> ther get lost i think on the 4 ml 13:06:28 <coopserver> <glevans2> not enough options? 13:06:42 <coopserver> <happy train sport> dont no 13:10:32 <coopserver> <happy train sport> ar now i see y 13:10:59 <coopserver> <glevans2> ? 13:11:19 <coopserver> <happy train sport> i think i no y sume gods train get lost 13:11:30 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yep 13:11:37 <coopserver> <glevans2> why? 13:11:41 <coopserver> <happy train sport> see my sing this 13:11:56 <coopserver> <happy train sport> ther good trains will not go on this 13:13:28 <coopserver> <happy train sport> bur i chek the train line and can not enrey thin rone 13:14:32 <coopserver> <happy train sport> this so werd 13:20:37 <happpy> v453000 ther sume thin werd going on the slh 07 plonka as dun paper goods pick up trains ar get lost ther ar going to a cola pick up to rejoin the ml a gen 13:21:05 <happpy> i chek the ml but can not find eney thin rone its werd 13:24:54 <coopserver> <glevans2> happy, look at sign 'this signal maybe?' 13:27:01 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer fixs it now 13:27:05 <coopserver> <glevans2> happy train sport: there are 2 backwards signals 13:27:47 *** sbn is now known as sbn2 13:28:17 <coopserver> <glevans2> the trains were trying to tell you that there was a problem 13:28:30 <coopserver> <glevans2> but they leave it up to you ti fix it 13:28:49 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer 13:29:18 <coopserver> <happy train sport> i just fixsing the overflow paper pick up 13:30:58 *** sbn has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:09 <happpy> wb sbn 13:32:07 <sbn2> test 13:32:14 *** sbn2 has quit IRC 13:32:20 <sbn> aight bnc is working now 13:34:55 <coopserver> <glevans2> happy train sport: I am deleting your other signs about trains not using the line 13:35:28 <coopserver> <happy train sport> i think its k now 13:39:11 <coopserver> <happy train sport> so how lone have u been play on this server glevans2 13:39:44 <coopserver> <glevans2> on and off for several years 13:40:18 <coopserver> <happy train sport> nice 13:42:31 <coopserver> <happy train sport> i need to redo my oil drop of on the stable server but mite be hard whive the space 13:50:45 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 13:52:36 <sbn> there we go 13:52:38 <sbn> it's all fixed now 14:06:58 <sbn> wauw look at me 14:07:04 <sbn> playing instead of thinking for once 14:10:50 <coopserver> <happy train sport> have fun 14:10:53 <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined spectators 14:10:57 <coopserver> *** happy train sport has left the game (Leaving) 14:16:00 *** Mothership_Q has joined #openttdcoop 14:18:15 <Mothership_Q> ey 14:18:33 <coopserver> *** glevans2 has joined spectators 14:18:34 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 14:18:49 <coopserver> *** glevans2 has left the game (Leaving) 14:19:53 <sbn> jo Mothership_Q 14:24:02 <sbn> anyone able to give me some info on the following? http://www.skyblownet.com/dump/junction.png 14:24:09 *** happpy has quit IRC 14:25:32 <V453000> just tunnel the crossings 14:27:53 <sbn> of the ml? 14:28:15 <sbn> o you mean the crossing at the station 14:29:14 <sbn> but I need a dedicated hub for the drop off station don't I? 14:29:37 <sbn> I can move my mainline though 14:29:39 <sbn> that would help 14:49:26 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop 14:49:30 <happpy> !date 14:49:30 <coopserver> Aug 30 2458 14:49:35 <happpy> !players 14:49:35 <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, noone is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 14:53:53 <sbn> V453000 what about this? http://www.skyblownet.com/dump/junction0.png 14:56:38 <sbn> It's starting to look like a junction isn't it? 14:59:11 <happpy> ar u trying to doo a slh 15:01:54 <sbn> something like that yeah Hazzard 15:01:56 <sbn> happpy 15:02:13 <sbn> I am building a slh now but at a different section 15:07:10 <happpy> sbn have a look at this 15:07:12 <happpy> https://photos-1.dropbox.com/t/2/AABLzrdCyRFnDW3xPzFPCq4oSlEFINbx6qLPcmtGb6Rhlg/12/343583926/png/32x32/1/_/1/2/screenshot.png/EK687dcCGKYBIAcoBw/p72u1m6vhToyjAnjf5z7xSm1NgrNOHeqEIzZOevQlj0?size=800x600&size_mode=2 15:07:21 <sbn> Error (403) 15:07:23 <sbn> can't see it 15:07:39 <happpy> werks for me 15:07:44 <sbn> Make sure it's public 15:07:59 <happpy> i got dropboxs 15:08:28 <happpy> that public thin i can not find it 15:10:42 <sbn> can you reupload it to www.imgur.com ? 15:11:48 <Razaekel> !date 15:11:48 <coopserver> Aug 30 2458 15:14:26 <happpy> k dun 15:15:33 <happpy> http://imgur.com/6D3yrbJ 15:15:34 <Webster> Title: Imgur (at imgur.com) 15:16:10 <happpy> hi <Razaekel 15:20:01 <sbn> First try at a decent SLH: http://www.skyblownet.com/dump/slh01_0.png 15:20:12 <sbn> this might not work for my CV though 15:23:40 <happpy> thats will work for LR ML 15:26:50 <sbn> is what I have currently yeah 15:28:25 <sbn> What if I have a station to the left of my mainline and to the right of my mainline 15:28:31 <sbn> do I still us the same SLH 15:28:41 <sbn> or should I make 2 (one for the left, one for the right) 15:30:17 <happpy> will if u see my slh 01 if u doo a drop of u mite need to doo LLRR slh 15:34:14 <sbn> V453000 15:36:56 <Jam35> same SLH then bridge back to opposite side is easiest 15:37:06 <Jam35> done in majority of cases 15:37:36 <Jam35> or build it both sided for the challenge 15:37:43 <Jam35> 3.5 way hub 15:37:51 <sbn> k 15:38:01 <sbn> I'll go for the first suggestion 15:39:04 <Jam35> your first image has merge before split, generally a bad idea 15:39:20 <sbn> http://www.skyblownet.com/dump/slh01_0.png <= this one? 15:39:29 <Jam35> no 15:39:33 <sbn> ow yeah I see 15:39:41 <sbn> it should be the other way around at the dropoff station 15:40:11 <sbn> but if I want split before merge 15:40:19 <sbn> I'll need two bridges extra? 15:41:47 <Jam35> same amount but longer with minimum fuss 15:43:35 <sbn> www.skyblownet.com/dump/junction1.png 15:43:37 <sbn> like that Jam35 15:43:59 <sbn> ? 15:44:53 <Jam35> exactly :) 15:46:48 <Jam35> signal after the bridge would be nicer 15:47:03 <sbn> I added a prio to the new bridge 15:47:07 <sbn> it's not in teh screenshot 15:48:24 <sbn> or what signal after the bridge do you mean? 15:49:32 <Sylf> You have the long red bridge, with no signal between the bridge and line merge 15:49:49 <sbn> a like that 15:49:50 <sbn> ok 15:49:52 <Sylf> so, as soon as a train start crossing the bridge, it's blocking all traffic on the ML 15:50:18 <sbn> I need to add a space between my ML tracks to get that done 15:52:14 <Jam35> or build a parallel line from bridge straight down for a couple of tiles 15:52:24 <sbn> damnit 15:55:49 <sbn> like this Sylf Jam35 http://www.skyblownet.com/dump/junction2.png 15:56:22 <Jam35> yep 15:57:10 <sbn> because S curves dont slow down 15:57:12 <sbn> makes sense 15:58:25 <sbn> gtg later 15:58:33 <Jam35> bb 16:09:19 <happpy> how things sylf 16:11:26 <Sylf> this map looks absolutely horrid. I'm gonna load it in a minute 16:12:05 <happpy> k nice 16:29:33 <V453000> sup :D 16:37:50 *** liq3 has quit IRC 16:41:20 *** maxtimbo has joined #openttdcoop 16:45:07 <Webster> Latest update from openttd: Pineapple Baseset Kickstarter <http://www.openttd.org/en/news/220> 17:54:30 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop 17:54:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus 17:56:27 <sbn> jo Maraxus 17:56:35 <Maraxus> hi 18:43:09 <sbn> 1024x1024 for a single player game is indeed a bit much 18:43:44 <V453000> how bout dat https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20419525/psg300_04.sav 18:44:44 *** StarLite is now known as Guest699 18:44:47 *** Maraxus_ has joined #openttdcoop 18:44:49 *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop 18:44:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite 18:45:23 *** Maraxus_ has quit IRC 18:51:21 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 18:51:56 *** Guest699 has quit IRC 18:53:57 <sbn> lol made an other slh 18:54:16 <sbn> it defeats the purpose because I connected all industries to that and now my main line past the slh is useless 18:54:17 <sbn> xD 19:08:01 <Webster> (003) [622845281181302785] @OpenTTDNews> Today we want to raise your attention to an external project: http://t.co/hIZiTTj0pL 19:46:37 <Mothership_Q> hey everyone 19:50:21 <sbn> jo 20:43:44 *** Mothership_Q has quit IRC 20:47:05 *** Progman_ has joined #openttdcoop 20:51:20 *** Mothership_Q has joined #openttdcoop 20:52:18 *** Progman has quit IRC 20:52:31 *** Progman_ is now known as Progman 21:17:35 *** Jam35 is now known as Jam35_ 21:29:39 *** LSky` has quit IRC 22:18:41 *** Progman has quit IRC 22:22:34 *** StarLite has quit IRC 23:45:46 *** Hiddenfunstuff has quit IRC