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00:06:44 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 00:07:48 *** loeky has joined #openttdcoop 00:10:51 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop 00:14:15 <loeky> !players 00:14:15 <coopserver> loeky: There are currently 0 players and 1 spectators, making a total of 1 clients connected 00:15:56 <happpy> what's up loeky 01:03:15 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop 03:31:22 *** Mark has quit IRC 03:49:04 <loeky> !players 03:49:04 <coopserver> loeky: There are currently 0 players and 1 spectators, making a total of 1 clients connected 03:56:30 *** loeky has quit IRC 07:57:04 <Arveen2> g'morning slacker 07:57:35 <Arveen2> s 08:15:16 *** Sova has joined #openttdcoop 08:43:19 *** orudge` has quit IRC 08:43:29 *** orudge` has joined #openttdcoop 08:45:54 <V453000> yo 08:51:31 <Lejving> fagets 08:57:16 <Arveen2> sup potato 09:06:06 *** Arveen2 is now known as Arveen|Work 09:13:43 <V453000> dum as brix lol 09:14:49 *** happpy has quit IRC 09:20:09 *** orudge` has quit IRC 09:20:39 *** orudge` has joined #openttdcoop 09:20:58 <Arveen|Work> wat ? 09:22:07 <Arveen|Work> aw fukk. i forgot to look at logic trains last night 09:23:36 <V453000> XD 09:23:45 <hylje> look at them! 09:27:53 <Arveen|Work> hmmm 09:28:01 <Arveen|Work> that was a extra grf right ? 09:29:04 <Arveen|Work> http://blog.openttdcoop.org/files/osai/logic_train.grf ? 09:29:32 <V453000> it's from bananas 09:29:37 <V453000> but I guess it would be similar-ish 09:30:07 <Arveen|Work> yeah i have no bananas access from work 09:30:38 <Arveen|Work> and running ottd in a rdp sessions is horrible 09:30:43 <Arveen|Work> -s 09:59:18 <V453000> xd 09:59:51 <V453000> well it's basically just a Lev1 with maximum power and you can set the speed to whatever you like 10:00:54 <Arveen|Work> and it can pull cargo wagons ? 10:01:42 <V453000> yes 10:02:10 <Arveen|Work> somehow i was thinking it cannot pull anything 10:02:30 <V453000> possibly because it's rarely used that way, and NUTS doesn't allow it 10:02:54 <V453000> in NUTS for balance reasons, and we rarely use logic engine grf alone because it's in NUTS 10:02:56 <Arveen|Work> maybe i was trying that with the NUTS logic trains 10:03:11 <V453000> possibly 10:13:15 <V453000> so where is Lejving with his statz 10:15:22 <Arveen|Work> i dunno 10:16:11 <Arveen|Work> 2.5 hrs ago he was busy insulting people :P 10:16:15 <Arveen|Work> but nothing since then 10:17:36 *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop 10:17:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite 10:17:49 <V453000> puny human lifeforms can't be insulted 10:19:49 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop 10:23:01 <Arveen|Work> :D 10:27:51 <Arveen|Work> well, time for lunch break - laters 11:09:38 *** Sova has quit IRC 11:26:31 *** Sova has joined #openttdcoop 11:48:08 <Arveen|Work> and im back 11:48:22 <happpy> wb 12:05:54 <Lejving> Arveen|Work, you forgot quoatation marks in "work" 12:06:04 <Arveen|Work> why ? 12:20:44 <V453000> well if you are scheming about openttd at "work" ... :) 12:21:48 *** Furryman has joined #openttdcoop 12:22:04 <hylje> "work" 12:22:24 <hylje> openttd is a good shortcut into werkloos 12:53:32 *** Furryman has quit IRC 13:15:15 <Lejving> been painting all week and today I put up a shelf 13:15:17 <Lejving> fucking mr handyman here 13:16:00 *** Compu has quit IRC 13:16:58 <V453000> wot\ 13:17:05 <V453000> like actual work? 13:17:07 <V453000> no. 13:19:12 <Lejving> nah not real work 13:19:16 <Lejving> I get paid in beers and food 13:22:15 <Arveen|Work> "beers and food" 13:22:22 <hylje> multiple beers, one food 13:22:44 *** Compu has joined #openttdcoop 13:24:30 <Arveen|Work> hows the plan situation looking ? 13:25:35 <Lejving> good since you're not making a plan 13:26:14 <Arveen|Work> i never made a plan 13:50:59 <V453000> XD 13:51:04 <V453000> we can start building probably 13:51:07 <V453000> once Jam35 is around 13:52:13 <hylje> can't have a network without a Jam 13:55:59 *** Sova has quit IRC 14:50:53 *** AzureSpeed has joined #openttdcoop 16:49:37 <Jam35> people can start without me if you like 16:49:46 <Jam35> I might be a couple of hours 16:50:32 <Jam35> did I win then? or only by default cos no other plan? 16:56:59 *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop 17:00:11 <Lejving> you won by being Jam35 17:00:28 <Jam35> haha right :) 17:00:56 *** happpy has quit IRC 17:01:09 *** happpy_ is now known as happpy 17:05:32 <Lejving> I suggest we wait until you're on Jam35 17:05:48 <Lejving> if anyone decides to do a plan or anything until then otherwise we go with yours 17:23:31 *** Arveen|Work is now known as Arveen|Home 18:07:24 *** loeky has joined #openttdcoop 18:13:17 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop 18:13:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus 18:13:59 <Maraxus> !pw 18:13:59 <coopserver> Maraxus: fairly 18:14:12 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 18:14:20 <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined 18:14:21 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:21:54 <Lejving> hey Maraxus you making a plan? 18:22:01 <Maraxus> no 18:22:35 <Lejving> cool looks like jams plan it is then 18:25:06 <loeky> !data 18:25:12 <loeky> !date 18:25:12 <coopserver> Aug 06 2112 18:25:36 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 18:33:08 <loeky> !passwoord 18:33:12 <loeky> !password 18:33:12 <coopserver> loeky: dmusic 18:33:19 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 18:33:21 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 18:33:22 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:34:17 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to loeky 18:38:04 <coopserver> *** loeky has left the game (Leaving) 18:38:10 *** loeky has left #openttdcoop 18:39:00 *** happpy has quit IRC 19:04:01 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop 19:34:45 <coopserver> *** Maraxus has left the game (Leaving) 19:53:19 *** dr_gonzo has joined #openttdcoop 19:53:50 *** dr_gonzo is now known as Guest2308 19:55:51 <Arveen|Home> !pw 19:55:51 <coopserver> Arveen|Home: speedy 19:55:55 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 19:55:58 <coopserver> *** Ar-to-the-veen has joined 19:55:59 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:56:48 <coopserver> *** Ar-to-the-veen has left the game (Leaving) 20:07:40 <Jam35> !players 20:07:40 <coopserver> Jam35: Spectators: Client 5933 (Lejvingbot) 20:08:13 <Lejving> kek 20:11:04 <Jam35> !update 20:11:04 <coopserver> Starting update... 20:15:26 <coopserver> Game successfully updated 20:15:27 <coopserver> Game saved. Shutting down server to finish update. We'll be back shortly 20:15:29 <coopserver> Server Shutting down 20:15:30 <coopserver> Disconnected from #openttdcoop - Public Server (www.openttdcoop.org) 20:16:02 <coopserver> Server is starting 20:17:24 <Lejving> how come we needed update? 20:17:49 <Jam35> we don't need it technically 20:18:00 <Lejving> !dl win64 20:18:00 <coopserver> Not connected!! 20:18:28 <Jam35> but we also serve as a testing ground here... 20:18:40 <Jam35> !apconnect 20:18:40 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:18:42 <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Public Server (www.openttdcoop.org) (Version r27742) 20:18:55 <Lejving> anything fun on any new revisions though? 20:18:57 <Lejving> !dl win64 20:18:58 <coopserver> Lejving: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r27742/openttd-trunk-r27742-windows-win64.zip 20:19:05 <Jam35> idk actually :) 20:19:16 <Lejving> what da afuuuq 20:19:21 <Jam35> but it's been a while... 20:19:39 <Jam35> !dl 20:19:39 <coopserver> Jam35: !download lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x 20:19:40 <coopserver> Jam35: http://www.openttd.org/en/download-trunk/r27742 20:20:18 <Lejving> !pw 20:20:18 <coopserver> Lejving: insert 20:20:21 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 20:20:25 <coopserver> *** Lejvingbot has joined 20:20:26 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 20:20:27 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 20:20:43 <coopserver> *** Lejvingbot has joined spectators 20:20:44 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 20:21:36 <Lejving> btw Jam35 I think we should change pos of 3x 20:21:55 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 20:21:59 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined 20:22:00 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 20:22:06 <coopserver> *** Lejvingbot has joined company #1 20:22:07 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 20:22:16 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> what about that for 3x? 20:22:29 <coopserver> <Jam35> yes ok 20:22:36 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> 4 way not optimal :) 20:22:48 <Jam35> 3.5 way really 20:22:59 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> still I guess 20:23:03 <Jam35> would have been fun 20:23:03 <Jam35> nm 20:23:10 <Jam35> this is preferable 20:23:28 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> btw I made some logic 20:23:36 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> becuase I was bored 20:23:49 <coopserver> <Jam35> I saw but I don't think we need to do anything there now 20:24:22 <coopserver> <Jam35> I swapped some so should be alll used now 20:24:23 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> hmm ok 20:24:35 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined company #1 20:24:44 <coopserver> <Jam35> could even do that 20:24:52 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> yeah that'll make more sense 20:25:43 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> my ocd is telling me to make 5x mirrored to 1x 20:25:48 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> but I can handle it :D 20:28:11 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> how much of a bad idea is that for 3x? 20:28:53 <coopserver> <Jam35> well 20:29:00 <coopserver> <Jam35> it will get used as shortcut 20:29:19 <coopserver> <Jam35> so you need a through line as well 20:29:33 <coopserver> <Jam35> as well as drop, pick 20:29:50 <coopserver> <Jam35> and two directional in/out 20:30:01 <coopserver> <Jam35> may as well build hub imo 20:36:38 *** Arveen|Home has quit IRC 20:41:45 *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop 20:42:03 *** happpy_ has left #openttdcoop 20:52:59 <Maraxus> @topic change 2 s/682/742/ 20:52:59 *** Webster changes topic to "Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG#325 (r27742) | STAGE: Planning | www.openttdcoop.org | Help for newcomers: https://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart | Other game channels: #openttdcoop.stable , #openttdcoop.pro | TS3: voice.openttdcoop.org | Enjoy your stay!" 21:07:16 <Jam35> @stage building 21:07:16 *** Webster changes topic to "Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG#325 (r27742) | STAGE: building | www.openttdcoop.org | Help for newcomers: https://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart | Other game channels: #openttdcoop.stable , #openttdcoop.pro | TS3: voice.openttdcoop.org | Enjoy your stay!" 21:07:23 <Jam35> @stage Building 21:07:23 *** Webster changes topic to "Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG#325 (r27742) | STAGE: Building | www.openttdcoop.org | Help for newcomers: https://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart | Other game channels: #openttdcoop.stable , #openttdcoop.pro | TS3: voice.openttdcoop.org | Enjoy your stay!" 21:07:48 <Jam35> network is plotted out... 21:08:30 <Lejving> let's rock n roll! 21:09:17 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> we cna use clena purr? 21:09:40 <coopserver> <Jam35> I think V is right when he says blue/yellow is better 21:09:45 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> but for ml? 21:09:50 <coopserver> <Jam35> they give a stat boost 21:10:15 <coopserver> <Jam35> I suppose unless it is a point of acceleration 21:10:24 <coopserver> <Jam35> then clean is fine 21:10:32 <Maraxus> !pw 21:10:32 <coopserver> Maraxus: denial 21:10:42 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 21:10:44 <coopserver> <Jam35> blue/yellow add power and TE 21:10:47 <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined 21:10:48 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 21:10:56 <coopserver> <Jam35> so unless we are accelerating there 21:11:00 <coopserver> <Jam35> who cares 21:13:10 <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined company #1 21:14:53 *** Arveen has joined #openttdcoop 21:30:01 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> I want you ack for the rhythm attack 21:30:05 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> coming down on the floor like a maniac 21:30:10 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> i want you back so clean up the dish 21:30:12 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> by the way 21:30:14 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> HOW MUCH IS THE FISH? 21:30:45 <coopserver> *** Maraxus has left the game (Leaving) 21:30:51 <Jam35> hahaha 21:31:00 <Jam35> he hates you singing 21:31:03 <Lejving> rip 21:31:20 <Lejving> maybe he was going to the mark to look how much the fish is 21:31:26 <Lejving> market even 21:31:43 <Jam35> na 21:31:45 <Jam35> closed 21:33:19 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> maybe he went to mcd 21:33:23 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> to check out fish burgers 21:34:23 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 21:34:32 <Jam35> ok now he has 21:35:14 <Lejving> @gap 5 21:35:14 <Webster> Lejving: For Trainlength of 5: <= 11 needs 2, 12 - 18 needs 3, 19 - 25 needs 4. 21:35:36 *** StarLite has quit IRC 21:43:19 <coopserver> <Jam35> I'm done 21:43:22 <coopserver> <Jam35> too tired 21:43:25 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (Leaving) 21:43:28 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> weak 21:43:29 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> but gn 21:43:37 <Jam35> no bed yet 21:43:44 <Jam35> just not into building 21:43:48 <coopserver> <Lejvingbot> heh 21:44:05 <coopserver> *** Lejvingbot has joined spectators 21:44:06 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 21:44:42 <Jam35> headache for last 2 days doesn't help either 21:44:53 <V453000> still 16 mins before sleeping 21:44:54 <Lejving> bro I know dat feel :( sucks as hell 21:44:56 <V453000> njoy :) 21:45:44 <Jam35> no it's Saturday 21:45:51 <Jam35> and yes not great 21:45:58 <Jam35> need eye test I think... 21:46:25 <Lejving> I ahve glasses 21:46:28 <Lejving> fucking blind without em 21:46:43 <Jam35> I should but don't 21:46:57 <Jam35> I had some to pass my driving test 21:47:40 <V453000> I have glasses as well but I might need stronger 21:47:46 <Jam35> well, to pass the 'read that number plate' part 21:47:52 <V453000> staring into a screen 24/7 probably ain't helping 21:47:56 <Jam35> me too 21:48:21 <V453000> or I just start taking meth so that I see things I haven't seen before 21:48:23 <V453000> same effect 21:49:15 <V453000> nyway 21:49:16 <V453000> gnight 21:49:24 <Jam35> :D gn 21:51:46 *** Guest2308 has quit IRC 22:21:24 *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop 22:21:37 *** happpy_ has left #openttdcoop 22:37:32 *** happpy__ has joined #openttdcoop 22:45:19 *** happpy has quit IRC 22:45:43 *** happpy__ is now known as happpy 23:43:04 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop