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00:03:20 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> you know the balancer is up ahead right? 00:03:43 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oh 00:04:23 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Loeky 00:04:28 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> That would leave four 00:04:56 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> okay 00:05:02 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I guess that would do 00:05:20 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> so we are finshed? 00:05:25 <coopserver> <loeky> just get the trains going 00:08:28 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I luv me trees 00:10:34 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ???? 00:10:52 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> It was working fine before 00:10:55 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Why destory it? 00:12:11 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Oh 00:12:15 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Okay Let me remake it 00:16:37 <coopserver> <loeky> it can be more compact when diagonal runs in the ther way 00:16:45 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oh 00:17:02 <coopserver> <loeky> not all to all now but the flow will be good lets see it 00:17:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> it not really meant to be all to all 00:18:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Why do people always do that type of priotory? 00:18:46 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> is it even more ffective? 00:19:11 <coopserver> <loeky> what type? 00:19:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> using a external track to prortatize instead of one only 00:20:28 <coopserver> <loeky> then you can make the prio longer then 2 tiles we realy need 3*tl to not slow ML at all 00:21:08 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> but you could easily still do it without the external track by using a combo 00:22:00 <coopserver> <loeky> no that will just link the bocks togheter 00:22:09 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oh 00:41:55 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop 00:41:55 *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark 00:43:13 <Mark> !pw 00:43:13 <coopserver> Mark: wander 00:43:17 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 00:43:19 <coopserver> *** Mark has joined 00:43:20 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 00:43:23 <coopserver> <Mark> howdy 00:43:27 <coopserver> <loeky> yo 00:43:29 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> hi 00:44:20 <coopserver> <Mark> shortfield jammed 00:44:31 <coopserver> <loeky> the network i rebooting 00:44:36 <coopserver> <Mark> oh ok 00:45:38 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Everyone, let go to stations that have a lot of cargo and add more trains for them :D 00:46:09 <coopserver> <loeky> not now the network is still getting up to speed 00:46:18 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> k 00:46:19 <coopserver> <Mark> lets get everything running smoothly first 00:47:13 <coopserver> <loeky> utrain your overflow jamed 00:47:34 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> where? 00:47:51 <coopserver> <loeky> fram on slh 05 00:47:59 <coopserver> <loeky> lonfinford 00:48:10 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ? 00:48:17 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oh 00:48:47 <coopserver> <Mark> i think the prios at bbh02 are too long 00:49:25 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> There was a stoped train 00:49:30 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> that just stopped flow 00:49:31 <coopserver> <loeky> there is not that much traffic behind that side 00:51:58 <coopserver> <loeky> i presume that there still many lost trains that needs clear 00:52:19 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> no 00:52:26 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> they are finding there way back 00:52:54 <coopserver> <loeky> yep but it the can still bottelneck bh 02 00:53:33 <coopserver> <loeky> slh 04 has lost off trains truning round 00:59:04 <coopserver> <loeky> fixed wrong signal 00:59:26 <coopserver> <Mark> me too 00:59:49 <coopserver> <Mark> you should watch your block lengths 01:00:25 <coopserver> <Mark> you want to leave signal gaps so waiting trains never block a split 01:00:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> me? 01:00:41 <coopserver> <Mark> loeky: 01:00:47 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> k\ 01:01:40 <coopserver> <loeky> wont alsways keep max flow then 01:02:03 <coopserver> <Mark> bbh02 join isnt flowing at all :P 01:02:37 <coopserver> <loeky> yeah all of slh 05 is probably turning in it 01:03:13 <coopserver> <Mark> no offense but the balancing doesnt work at all 01:03:25 <coopserver> <loeky> at bbh 02? 01:03:38 <coopserver> <Mark> yes 01:06:23 <coopserver> <loeky> seems to be clearing up now 01:06:32 <coopserver> <Mark> yes cause i fixed it :P 01:06:38 <coopserver> <Mark> but whatever 01:07:17 <coopserver> <Mark> slh05 is jamming now 01:07:33 <coopserver> <loeky> and the lost trains ar gone but yeah those splits keep full flow 01:08:15 <coopserver> <loeky> tehre are overflow on all stations so no ML stopper 01:09:16 <coopserver> <Mark> well i guess everything is moving now 01:09:22 <coopserver> <Mark> do we want a new game yet? 01:09:37 <coopserver> <loeky> bbh 03 is still full 01:09:38 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I want to 01:09:49 <coopserver> <loeky> do what you like 01:10:22 <coopserver> <loeky> also on wecome server (-: 01:11:09 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> The merger is not good 01:11:11 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> :D 01:11:39 <coopserver> <Mark> im working on it 01:12:06 <coopserver> <loeky> there for all to all is better now 1 side get prio 01:13:24 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Why not merge the 3 lane before BBH 03 01:14:02 <coopserver> <loeky> then you merge to often evry time making trains stop 01:14:27 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> sure, but in this case the third lane isnt busy 01:14:38 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> so it would just be a once a while case 01:14:49 <coopserver> <loeky> we can improve that 01:15:08 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> :D 01:15:11 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ANOTHER TRAIN 01:15:22 <coopserver> <loeky> thats no improvent (-: 01:15:27 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ikr 01:15:50 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> should we just stop the flow again? 01:15:55 <coopserver> <loeky> no 01:16:13 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oh 01:16:19 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> wait I know one thing that would help 01:16:45 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> now it the matter of waiting 01:20:20 <coopserver> <Mark> who uses pbs with exit signals? 01:20:26 <coopserver> <Mark> like !here 01:21:06 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> mistake 01:21:08 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> xd 01:22:36 <coopserver> <loeky> #51 still in propper route 01:22:57 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> it 01:22:59 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> wow 01:23:09 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Im so annoyed with this group of train 01:24:17 <coopserver> <loeky> no keep entry and exit on same slh this wil just confuse things imo 01:24:37 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ? 01:27:21 <coopserver> <Mark> dont add more trains untill everything is running please 01:27:29 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ... 01:27:34 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> yeahhhh 01:27:58 <coopserver> <Mark> there is no point, more trains will just slow traffic down more resulting in less cargo picked up 01:28:14 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I just added a new station 01:28:23 <coopserver> <Mark> i know 01:29:08 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> there isnt any problems 01:29:32 <coopserver> <Mark> yes there is 01:29:37 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> where? 01:29:41 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oh nvm 01:34:15 <coopserver> <Mark> dont 01:34:19 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> k 01:36:10 <coopserver> <Mark> whats flow protection supposed to do anyway? 01:36:52 <coopserver> <loeky> prevent ML block it just an overflow on a drop tation 01:37:03 <coopserver> <Mark> drop stations dont need overflows 01:37:13 <coopserver> <Mark> im sorry but its going to go 01:37:38 <coopserver> <loeky> no hard feelings 01:44:43 <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (general timeout) 01:45:18 <Mark> !pw 01:45:19 <coopserver> Mark: margin 01:45:25 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 01:45:28 <coopserver> *** Mark has joined 01:45:29 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 01:46:50 <coopserver> <loeky> #150 driving around empty 01:47:27 <coopserver> <Mark> omg bbh03 is completely missing a connection 01:47:38 <coopserver> <Mark> oh wait 01:47:40 <coopserver> <Mark> its way over there 01:48:05 <coopserver> <loeky> (-: 01:49:54 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> i think we are done now 01:50:26 *** Progman has quit IRC 01:50:28 <coopserver> <Mark> have you made a new map yet? :P 01:50:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> no 01:50:43 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I just thought someone might of already 01:50:51 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Im not even sure if we are done 01:50:58 <coopserver> <Mark> theres still shit to be fixed here 01:51:09 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> like what? 01:51:39 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> If you are thinking about the temp slh5 it working as a proper slh 01:52:27 <coopserver> <loeky> the temp sh 05 started of as a single bridge so it has already been expanded 01:53:13 <coopserver> <Mark> yea its actually not too bad right now 01:53:14 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> What can we do about bhh 02 01:53:29 <coopserver> <Mark> food plant exit probably needs 4 lanes 01:53:47 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> nah 01:53:50 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> it flowing 01:53:55 <coopserver> <Mark> not really 01:54:05 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oh 01:54:24 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> let do 3 01:54:36 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> so for every lane there is four platforms going to it 01:54:49 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> then add a balancer 01:55:11 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> it already in place 01:55:13 <coopserver> <Mark> might need to rebuild that station 01:55:25 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> the food pickup? 01:55:28 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> or the drop? 01:55:34 <coopserver> <Mark> drop 01:55:37 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> true 01:55:43 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> it pretty messy 01:55:59 <coopserver> <Mark> it looks nice 01:56:13 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> h,, 01:56:15 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> yeah 01:56:17 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> bit 01:56:28 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> if we gonna add 3 lane output 01:56:31 <coopserver> <Mark> dont just stop traffic] 01:56:33 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> then we gonna have to 01:56:43 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> rebuild it 01:56:58 <coopserver> <loeky> just need more platforms easy to add 01:57:18 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I think it the matter of the output 01:57:49 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> i know how to add more 01:58:47 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> xxx 01:59:11 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> there is a bloody truck in there 01:59:49 <coopserver> <Mark> just fixed the waiting bays for now 01:59:55 <coopserver> <Mark> might be enough 02:00:52 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> should we add more platform? 02:00:58 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I got a idea how to 02:01:08 <coopserver> <Mark> i think its fine 02:01:17 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> k 02:01:37 <coopserver> <Mark> bbh04 westbound needs to be balanced 02:01:39 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> look at the food pickup 02:01:54 <coopserver> <Mark> yea thats cause you stopped traffic to the drop 02:02:04 <coopserver> <Mark> it will be fine, it has an overflow 02:02:09 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> k 02:02:52 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Should we do a old fashoned balancer for BHH 04? 02:03:00 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> BBH 04 02:03:43 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ... 02:05:53 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I dont think the unbalanced merge is causing any problems actually 02:06:17 <loeky> slh 03 is still reboting lol 02:06:48 <coopserver> <Mark> looks like too many trains and no overflow' 02:06:57 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> SLH 03? 02:07:13 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I think it doing fine 02:07:23 <coopserver> <loeky> low rating when no service 02:08:11 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> maybe it needs some more trains 02:08:36 <coopserver> <Mark> all right shits moving it seems 02:08:48 <coopserver> <Mark> im a bit hesitant to start a new game cause i broke the autopilot last time 02:08:54 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ? 02:08:59 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> autopilot? 02:09:13 <coopserver> <Mark> thingy we use to start new games 02:09:24 <coopserver> <Mark> dont ask me, got no idea how it works 02:09:27 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> airplanes? 02:09:31 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Money cheats? 02:09:37 <coopserver> <Mark> no for the server 02:09:41 <coopserver> <Mark> never mind 02:09:42 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oh 02:09:45 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> xd 02:09:57 <loeky> just make the new map V can probaby load it later 02:10:12 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> k 02:10:17 <coopserver> <Mark> what kind of map would we like 02:10:27 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> How about muti island? 02:10:55 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> With a ton of isthumus 02:11:30 <loeky> long and using logic trains have not seen them used much 02:12:03 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Guess we should play with Auz or FIRS 02:12:20 <coopserver> <Mark> new firs is pretty cute 02:12:29 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Auz are pretty realistic 02:12:47 <coopserver> <loeky> those gold truck are doing there job very well (-: 02:12:49 <coopserver> <Mark> i dont know what auz is 02:13:14 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Oh it just a industral set / props mod 02:13:24 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> it have 96 industries i think 02:14:15 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I dont know but the stations might be sketchy looking because Auz industrial buildings have rail tracks or roads entering to them 02:14:36 <coopserver> <loeky> bbh 04 has most waiting trains rest flow is good 02:15:05 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> let add some more trains 02:15:11 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> And see how the network stands 02:15:51 <loeky> dont over do it 02:15:57 <coopserver> <Mark> fine but if you fuck it up you better fix it :P 02:16:02 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> xd 02:16:04 <coopserver> <Mark> it wont take much to break 02:16:22 <coopserver> <Mark> im not doing any expanding here 02:16:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I think once I add the needed trains, it gonna break 02:17:09 <loeky> jsut make sure not to add trains to bbh 04 02:17:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ... 02:17:42 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> That means pretty much every station 02:18:06 <loeky> i know (-; 02:18:20 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> you .. 02:18:26 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Im gonna still add more trains 02:18:27 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> lel 02:24:01 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> omg 02:24:09 <Mark> !save 02:24:10 <coopserver> Saving map... 02:24:11 <coopserver> Map successfully saved to game.sav 02:24:17 <Mark> !transfer 02:24:17 <coopserver> Mark: (transfer <Game Number> <savegame> [Server ID or channel]) -- Transfers 'savegame'. Destination directory and name are configured in ofs-transfersave.py. Game number is used to uniquely name the destination file. Warning: this is the only command where the optional Server ID is the last argument 02:24:28 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> There so much wood trains that is cloging the SL 02:24:32 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> MSL 02:25:22 <loeky> it needs more platfroms 02:25:25 <Mark> !transfer game.sav 328 02:25:25 <coopserver> Mark: Error: 'game.sav' is not a valid integer. 02:25:28 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> im gonna make it 02:25:35 <Mark> !transfer 328 game.sav 02:25:35 <coopserver> Mark: Attempting to transfer game.sav 02:25:41 <coopserver> Transfer done. File now at http://www.openttdcoop.org/files/publicserver_archive/PublicServerGame_328_Final.sav 02:25:52 <Mark> !dl 02:25:52 <coopserver> Mark: !download lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x 02:25:53 <coopserver> Mark: http://www.openttd.org/en/download-trunk/r27927 02:25:57 <Mark> !help 02:25:57 <coopserver> Mark: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Soap 02:27:23 <loeky> you are not komming from a programming background 02:27:31 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ? 02:27:55 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> me? 02:28:14 <loeky> mark is looking up how to load a new game 02:28:28 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oof 02:28:43 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> why? 02:29:34 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> now a balancer is in order 02:30:03 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> or not 02:30:58 <Mark> yea im a carpenter :P 02:31:18 <Mark> i know nothing about admin stuff 02:31:29 <Mark> V453000 02:31:30 <Mark> help? 02:32:17 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> I sense a traffic problem somewhere 02:32:34 <Mark> !rcon set max_trains 750 02:32:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> idk where 02:33:22 <Mark> ^Spike^ 02:33:53 <Mark> guess Europe's asleep right now 02:34:22 <loeky> i am not ( but i should be) 02:34:30 <coopserver> <Mark> :) 02:35:02 <Mark> well i got a map ready to go 02:35:09 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> wait 02:35:09 <Mark> but no idea how to upload it 02:35:10 <coopserver> <loeky> dont see any isuse some part are slow but not stoping 02:35:12 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> there is one 02:35:14 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> problem 02:35:19 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Slinwood again! 02:35:28 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> The farm is not working fast 02:35:46 <coopserver> <loeky> it never has 02:35:54 <coopserver> <Mark> :D 02:36:03 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> take a look 02:36:08 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> SLH 06 to slinwood 02:36:32 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> wow 02:36:35 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> JUST WOW 02:36:36 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> xD 02:36:54 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> It because of the farm 02:37:38 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> but now it fixed 02:39:39 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Shouldnt someone archeve it first before we insert the new map? 02:40:13 <coopserver> <Mark> nah well probably scrap this 02:40:24 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> why? 02:40:29 <coopserver> <Mark> jk 02:40:41 <coopserver> <Mark> i saved it 02:40:45 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> k 02:41:22 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Did you hear about a new train game? 02:41:44 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> It like a new openttd but with 3rd grahpics 02:41:50 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> but just only trains xd 02:42:26 <coopserver> <Mark> better graphics = less trains 02:42:39 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> lol it still in beta dou 02:42:45 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> but so true 02:42:58 <loeky> what is it called 02:43:04 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> let me get it up 02:44:00 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Railway Empire 02:44:07 <coopserver> *** Mark has joined spectators 02:44:13 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Wait no it not 02:44:15 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> wrong game 02:44:23 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> it called Mashinky 02:45:42 <loeky> looks promesing 02:45:47 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> yeah 02:46:16 <loeky> im off gn 02:46:26 <coopserver> *** loeky has joined spectators 02:47:08 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Did you ever check out Lt Joker's verison openttd 02:47:14 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> It really good 02:47:39 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> It have unlimited grf and also more tools 02:47:54 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> -.- 02:48:04 *** loeky has quit IRC 02:48:06 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> oops wrong face ! 02:48:15 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> Also it have programmable singals 02:48:21 <coopserver> *** loeky has left the game (general timeout) 02:59:50 <coopserver> *** Mark has joined company #1 03:00:01 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> lol jam at BBH 05 03:00:55 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ? 03:01:04 <coopserver> <Mark> fixed 03:02:13 <coopserver> <Mark> inline balancers like that one are useless 03:02:19 <coopserver> <Imutrainfolks> ik 03:24:33 <Imutrainfolks_> Mark did you see the 3 mile bridge and island? 03:24:39 <Imutrainfolks_> It so betful 03:29:23 *** PeterV has joined #openttdcoop 03:30:37 <Imutrainfolks_> Go on the server PeterV 03:34:19 <coopserver> *** Imutrainfolks has left the game (Leaving) 03:35:34 <coopserver> *** Mark has joined spectators 03:35:35 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 03:37:03 <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (general timeout) 03:43:57 *** Mark has quit IRC 03:51:40 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop 03:51:40 *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark 03:54:59 *** Imutrainfolks_ has quit IRC 05:43:44 *** Mark has quit IRC 05:46:09 *** PeterV has quit IRC 05:46:39 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop 05:46:39 *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark 05:49:25 *** PeterV has joined #openttdcoop 07:04:29 *** PeterV has quit IRC 07:42:14 *** dr_gonzo has joined #openttdcoop 07:42:50 *** dr_gonzo is now known as Guest420 07:44:42 *** Mark has quit IRC 08:15:27 *** Guest420 has quit IRC 08:52:36 <happpy> hi 08:53:51 <happpy> mark do u have dropbox 08:58:47 *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop 09:05:19 *** happpy has quit IRC 09:12:04 *** happpy_ has quit IRC 09:43:24 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop 10:03:58 *** happpy has quit IRC 10:14:16 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop 10:26:12 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 12:22:32 <happpy> !players 12:22:32 <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 12:30:34 *** happpy has quit IRC 14:27:38 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop 14:28:10 <happpy> !players 14:28:11 <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 14:32:20 *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop 14:36:14 *** happpy has quit IRC 14:36:20 *** happpy_ is now known as happpy 15:33:48 *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop 15:33:59 *** happpy has quit IRC 15:34:15 *** happpy_ is now known as happpy 17:40:47 *** PeterV has joined #openttdcoop 17:48:49 *** PeterV has quit IRC 18:23:19 *** PeterV has joined #openttdcoop 21:28:44 *** theholyduck has quit IRC 21:28:44 *** Sylf has quit IRC 21:28:57 *** Sylf has joined #openttdcoop 21:28:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sylf 21:29:06 *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop 21:43:59 *** PeterV has quit IRC 22:10:50 *** PeterV has joined #openttdcoop 22:20:54 *** PeterV has quit IRC 22:53:05 *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop 22:54:09 *** happpy has quit IRC 23:03:05 *** happpy_ is now known as happpy 23:05:09 *** PeterV has joined #openttdcoop 23:13:13 *** PeterV has quit IRC 23:14:05 *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop 23:19:19 *** happpy has quit IRC 23:19:40 *** happpy_ is now known as happpy 23:54:18 *** happpy has quit IRC 23:59:16 *** PeterV has joined #openttdcoop