Log for #openttdcoop on 2nd June 2020:
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04:34:36  *** keoz has joined #openttdcoop
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07:41:37  <Webster> Latest update from openttd: OpenTTD 1.10.2 <>
09:10:56  <coopdiscord> <happpy> 🥳🥳🤑
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14:34:55  <coopdiscord> <IvanLeshev> MacOS crash is still isn't fixed
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15:06:41  <coopdiscord> <happpy> it shord  be
15:07:08  <coopdiscord> <happpy> Fix: [OSX] Possible crash on failure to set colourspace (#8181)
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15:20:30  <coopdiscord> <keenriser> "This is a "maybe" fix, I'm not sure of the actual cause but let's try the one point where we make an assumption about a pointer being non-null."
15:20:32  <Webster> Title: Fix #8066: Try another fallback colourspace if first one fails by nielsmh · Pull Request #8181 · OpenTTD/OpenTTD · GitHub (at
15:21:40  <coopdiscord> <keenriser> At least it should give a better error message if it's actually the color_space pointer 🙂
15:24:30  <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by happpy:
15:24:31  <coopdiscord> @keenriser  a player  try the new openttd but no  good  sam problem  in mac
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15:35:33  <coopdiscord> <IvanLeshev> > At least it should give a better error message if it's actually the color_space pointer 🙂 Crash reason is still 'segmentation error' for me
15:35:50  <coopdiscord> <IvanLeshev> I can send the crash.log file if you want to
15:36:21  <coopdiscord> <happpy> will yeah  because  at less we no more info
16:19:41  <coopdiscord> <keenriser> I'll see if I can borrow our office mac over the weekend and get gdb setup
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