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04:14:30 *** George|2 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 04:14:30 *** George is now known as Guest226 04:14:30 *** George|2 is now known as George 04:18:24 *** Guest226 has quit IRC 04:21:05 *** George is now known as Guest227 04:21:07 *** George has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 04:26:02 *** Guest227 has quit IRC 05:32:17 *** George has quit IRC 05:34:57 *** George has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 10:24:18 <dihedral> ^Spike^> [22 Jan 2014 - 22:09:28] aslong as i'm vmware certified in the end i'm happy :) <- i totally understand :-) 11:22:29 *** yorick has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:43:52 <V453000> planetmaker: FEATURE REQUEST :D ogfx+ fruit and rubber plantations aint got no snow awareness =D 11:58:55 <planetmaker> yes, that's actually true 11:59:04 <planetmaker> please open an issue. It's a valid request 12:05:10 <V453000> =D 12:09:08 <V453000> there you have it 12:09:35 <V453000> top priority stuf 8D 12:10:20 <V453000> well maybe after http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/6236 XD 12:11:27 <planetmaker> the problem with 6236 is that it sounds easier than it is. there's a limited amount of cargos which can be available. 12:11:37 <planetmaker> It works with what we have now, they can all be used. 12:11:49 <planetmaker> But that assumption ceases to hold when including toyland cargoes 12:11:57 <V453000> o 12:12:15 <V453000> well that makes toyland SAD though :D 12:12:18 <V453000> hm. 12:12:34 <planetmaker> so it needs intelligence on which can be combined etc 12:12:47 <V453000> I Guess it would require something like "presets" instead of "enable all" chance 12:12:52 <V453000> but hm 12:12:59 <V453000> yeah 12:13:22 <planetmaker> yeah. And 'presets' kinda changes the grf fundamentally 12:13:38 <V453000> aye 12:13:54 <V453000> what is the limit? 12:14:09 <planetmaker> while I totally agree with the feature request it currently feels like a rewrite. Which feels meh :| 12:14:21 <planetmaker> 32 cargoes 12:14:51 <V453000> I mean, e.g. leaving out gold/diamonds/valuables/coal is already 4 extra "dead end" cargoes 12:15:07 <V453000> could put a big red text for people to disable something in case? :D 12:16:15 <planetmaker> hm... 12:16:24 <planetmaker> 31 default labels 12:16:31 <planetmaker> http://newgrf-specs.tt-wiki.net/wiki/CargoTypes 12:16:45 <V453000> oh yeah I already had notepad open to write them all down =D 12:16:47 <planetmaker> then the problem is about cargo chains 12:17:09 <planetmaker> an industry can only accept 3 and produce 2 cargoes 12:17:12 <V453000> limitede amotn of chains? 12:17:31 <planetmaker> but I guess the toyland chains simply could be considered separate 12:17:35 <planetmaker> so that would simply add up 12:17:36 <V453000> right, well toyland doesnt collide with other industries ... might with houses, but that could be solved with shops? 12:17:41 <V453000> exactly 12:18:02 <planetmaker> hum 12:18:24 <planetmaker> without that type of integration it's rather easy 12:18:29 <planetmaker> i.e. just adding those chains 12:18:46 <V453000> would be awsum 12:18:52 <planetmaker> straight forward at least. I don't say it's done in short time 12:19:00 <V453000> understood :) 12:19:02 <planetmaker> probably needs graphic modifications 12:19:13 <V453000> I already know that most coding takes about 2 or 3 shitloads of time 12:19:21 <V453000> yay for snow awareness of cola wells =D 12:47:55 <dihedral> V453000> [23 Jan 2014 - 12:40:48] planetmaker: FEATURE REQUEST :D ogfx+ fruit and rubber plantations aint got no snow awareness =D <- no need for this winter :-P 12:49:07 <V453000> LOL 12:49:21 <V453000> SOUNDS REALISTICALLY 12:50:50 <planetmaker> hey, I totally love winter :) 12:51:24 <V453000> I totally love THIS winter 12:51:27 <V453000> (without that white shit) 12:52:33 <planetmaker> I would like to have that for two weeks or so 12:52:38 <planetmaker> then winter can be done with 12:52:50 <V453000> :D yes, quite so 12:52:51 <planetmaker> but so far I missed the impression of winter. That's sad 12:53:03 <planetmaker> so first some serious snow to get the "winter was here" feeling 12:53:26 <planetmaker> but no need for a 8 weeks drag through muddy weather 12:53:47 <V453000> I dont miss the impression of white shit everywhere at all XD 14:21:33 <dihedral> <V453000> (without that white shit) <- good job i know you're not black and being racist :-P 14:24:33 <planetmaker> omg... that's a thought gone a loooooooong looooong detour 14:25:52 <V453000> NICE :D 14:26:50 <V453000> well dihedral has been thinking about it for 1,5 hours so it had to take a long detour :P 15:41:45 *** oskari89 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:44:50 <DevZone> Project Dutch Trainset build #55-push: SUCCESS in 1 min 8 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/dutchtrains/55/ 16:11:46 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:18:30 <DevZone> Project NML - NewGRF Meta Language build #228-nightlies: SUCCESS in 44 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/nml/228/ 16:48:37 <DevZone> Project Dutch Trainset build #56-push: SUCCESS in 1 min 7 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/dutchtrains/56/ 17:22:01 <DevZone> Project Japanese Buildings build #89-nightlies: SUCCESS in 15 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/jpbuild/89/ 17:33:59 <DevZone> Project Finnish Rail Infrastructure - Rails build #203-nightlies: SUCCESS in 8 min 13 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/frissrails/203/ 17:48:08 <DevZone> Project Iron Horse build #621-nightlies: SUCCESS in 1 min 20 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/iron-horse/621/ 17:51:11 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:06:11 <DevZone> Project Dutch Trainset build #57-push: SUCCESS in 1 min 7 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/dutchtrains/57/ 18:12:44 <DevZone> Project Building sprite test project build #1-push: FAILURE in 2.5 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/sprite-tests/1/ 18:13:21 <DevZone> Project Building sprite test project build #2-push: STILL FAILING in 2.4 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/sprite-tests/2/ 18:14:31 <DevZone> Yippee, build fixed! 18:14:32 <DevZone> Project Building sprite test project build #3-push: FIXED in 22 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/sprite-tests/3/ 18:46:51 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:56:03 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:11:57 <DevZone> Project Dutch Trainset build #58-push: SUCCESS in 1 min 5 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/dutchtrains/58/ 19:39:17 *** skyem123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 20:48:32 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 20:56:05 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:06:33 *** oskari89 has quit IRC 21:16:37 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:29:51 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 21:30:08 *** skyem123 has quit IRC 21:59:27 *** Supercheese has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:00:50 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 22:16:37 <Alberth> planetmaker: if you want to code, this program finds non-white-ish rectangles in 8bpp images http://devs.openttd.org/~alberth/rectangles.py for example http://paste.openttdcoop.org/show/3020/ 22:17:44 <planetmaker> nice, interesting :) 22:18:07 <Alberth> it's not so fast, but faster and more accurate than doing it by hand :p 22:19:00 <planetmaker> very usefule for that. In many cases size is known, exact location not 22:19:55 <Alberth> it fails with lots of false positives if you try some text for example, but that's probably tmwftlb to fix 22:20:49 <planetmaker> my sprite sets usually have no text :) 22:20:50 <Alberth> I had to reduce the white-ness requirement, one image by zeph had (255,255,255) and (252,252,252) as white :p 22:21:07 <planetmaker> 252 might be intentional and supposed to show ingame? 22:21:19 <planetmaker> or in places where it should not be in-sprite? 22:21:48 <Alberth> it was clearly outside a rectangle 22:22:29 <Alberth> but I guess it was another case of paint.net causing havoc :) 22:22:56 <planetmaker> yeah, I could have known from DanMacK that paint.net is horrible with palettes 22:23:31 <Alberth> hmm, it should be extended to handle 32bpp too? 22:24:57 <planetmaker> 32bpp might not have white but transparent 22:27:20 <Alberth> BaseGroundTile_32bpp.png has lots of white, or maybe it's an intermediate result towards the 8bpp image? 22:27:46 <planetmaker> http://devs.openttd.org/~planetmaker/patches/desert_nogrid_4x32bpp.gimp.png <-- hm, looks white-ish, too.... 22:28:44 <Alberth> not exactly white, but a light colour :p 22:30:07 <planetmaker> but gimp shows it as transparent 22:30:17 <planetmaker> so that might be a property of how the browser shows it 22:30:31 <planetmaker> zeph's 32bpp look different... 22:30:39 <planetmaker> though with zbase it's transparent, too 22:30:47 <planetmaker> (and it needs to be) 22:30:52 <Alberth> finding a rectangle from such a shape is more work, you need to do flooding 22:31:25 <planetmaker> basically what nml does in the cropping procedure 22:32:17 <Alberth> that finds "holes" for splitting images into pieces? 22:32:40 <Alberth> I thought it just looked whether the edges could be moved inwards 22:33:07 <planetmaker> not exactly. It gets a rectangle and cuts away transparency down to the smallest rectangle possible without cutting non-transparent stuff 22:33:10 <planetmaker> yeah 22:33:50 <Alberth> so you'd get one very wide sprite if you feed nml that desert image :p 22:34:01 <planetmaker> yes 22:34:17 <planetmaker> but of course that algorithm can be adopted 22:34:38 <planetmaker> basically indeed by a flooding algo like you said 22:35:38 <Alberth> ah well, in case you get bored of books in the weekend, now you have something to play with while coding :) 22:35:41 <Alberth> night planetmaker 22:36:41 <planetmaker> :) good night, Alberth 22:36:52 <planetmaker> was heading there before I saw your line :) 22:37:22 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone