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07:10:51 *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:22:25 *** yorick has quit IRC 11:22:36 *** yorick has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:38:51 *** oskari89 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:19:38 *** oskari892 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:26:26 *** oskari89 has quit IRC 12:37:44 *** Supercheese has quit IRC 13:19:46 *** oskari89 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 13:26:27 *** oskari892 has quit IRC 13:37:21 *** LSky` has quit IRC 13:37:36 *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:38:48 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:50:25 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:47:26 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:51:53 <DevZone> Project World Airliner Set build #534-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 47 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/worldairlinersset/534/ 16:58:10 *** LSky` has quit IRC 16:58:16 *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 17:01:23 <frosch123> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/pd2bmlgjz <- i wonder whether to apply some form of alignment to make it look nicer 17:01:36 <frosch123> not sure how or whether at all 17:06:31 <Alberth> I am not even sure these things mean anything to a regular nml user 17:06:32 <planetmaker> not sure whether that is needed 17:07:10 <Alberth> the whole point of nml is not to dig around in action X (0 <= X <= 0x14) 17:07:35 <frosch123> well, better than nml suddenly says: sorry, you cannot add more 17:08:08 <frosch123> they are limits, once you reach them, you are in trouble 17:08:54 <planetmaker> I do agree it makes sense to give these info to the power users. There are several who reached one of these and then wondered about whether it's a bug 17:08:56 <Alberth> fair enough 17:09:00 <planetmaker> we got a bug opened each time :) 17:09:17 <frosch123> well, i would like to see them on jenkins 17:09:18 <planetmaker> and it can indeed help during programming to keep them somewhat known 17:09:40 <planetmaker> frosch123, that is easy to get, even when it's non-default output 17:09:41 <frosch123> there are some things which can be optimised, would be nice if jenkins gave an overview over random projects 17:09:55 <planetmaker> that can also be done 17:10:44 <frosch123> how would you achieve it via jenkins? 17:10:55 <Alberth> analyse log output? 17:10:58 <frosch123> you would not want to touch all makefiles 17:11:13 <DevZone> Project OpenGFX+ Landscape build #71-push: SUCCESS in 23 min: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/ogfx-landscape/71/ 17:11:16 <frosch123> Alberth: i mean passing a "-v" option to nmlc 17:11:23 <frosch123> if the info would not be default 17:11:42 <Alberth> export NML = "nml -v" ? 17:11:59 <planetmaker> http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/ogfx-landscape/push/LATEST/release.txt <-- I have that file. Calling nml another time would be expensive, but ^ could do the trick 17:12:10 <planetmaker> calling with non-default parameter 17:12:22 <planetmaker> though it's easier if it's default. Agreed 17:12:53 <Alberth> test for presence of NML_VERBOSE environment var :) 17:13:17 <planetmaker> https://rhodecode.openttdcoop.org/misc/files/0b70b2c0dd0ba8a6298ad8d1f206760f46c3c599/compiler/jenkins_build.sh <-- but here the call could be adjusted for all projects with one modification 17:13:28 <planetmaker> line 66 17:13:57 <planetmaker> and yes, we could also set an environment var 17:20:37 *** LSky` has quit IRC 17:21:48 <frosch123> env var sounds wrong to me :p 17:21:51 <frosch123> who does that? 17:22:08 <frosch123> omg... 17:22:18 <frosch123> what do you expect to be the most critical limit of yeti? 17:22:54 <V453000> wat 17:23:09 <frosch123> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/p5tx1phjb <- maybe we should make it default, and highlight 90% in red or something :p 17:23:35 <Alberth> :D 17:24:03 <frosch123> V453000: my yeti checkout is not the newest (2014-09-25), but you are doing something wrong with industry tiles 17:24:07 <frosch123> you only have 10 left 17:24:28 <V453000> idk tell Sylf 17:24:34 <V453000> best open an issue on devzone :D 17:24:40 <V453000> SYlf already found that issue 17:24:44 <V453000> was adding an industry 17:24:47 <V453000> and ran out of them 17:24:52 <frosch123> ok :p 17:24:58 <frosch123> so, how long will it take to pull? 17:25:02 <V453000> I think he solved it by making one industry tile show different sprites 17:25:03 <V453000> idk 17:25:14 <V453000> probably all sprites 17:26:47 <frosch123> http://devs.openttd.org/~frosch/diffs/nml_sprites/ <- anyway, >= 80 is new or very different to wednesday 17:27:00 <frosch123> i mean >= 70 17:28:30 <frosch123> the biggest thing that affects exising projects is probably having to add ".nmlcache" to .hgignore 17:34:19 <Alberth> :O lots of new diffs 17:34:42 <Alberth> I need to make some food first :) 17:34:48 <frosch123> :) 17:37:02 <frosch123> not much new yeti, less than 15 minutes pull 17:37:28 <frosch123> that gives hopes that recompile is not much slower :p 17:40:36 <V453000> what are you trying to do frosch123 ? :D 17:41:28 <frosch123> first goal was to make yeti compile on 32bit systems 17:41:36 <frosch123> next goal was to print id usage 17:41:45 <frosch123> remaining goal is partial compilation 17:42:18 <V453000> very interesting :) 17:43:05 <V453000> good luck! :P 18:04:34 <frosch123> aw, more 3B 18:05:08 <frosch123> encoding crawled to 3k, jumped to 15k, now back to encoding more 3B 18:07:47 <V453000> 3B is animated :) 18:15:48 <Alberth> paramters old typo, 760 (action6.py, around line 20) 18:19:06 <Alberth> I wonder about having a class for the statistics 18:19:25 <frosch123> they are quite different 18:20:11 <frosch123> there is even a class for id ranges, but it is only used for temporary registers and labels 18:20:21 <frosch123> subtle differences everywhere :) 18:24:04 <Alberth> patches look fine 18:28:32 <frosch123> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/pvxk4oocq <- new yeti, two tiles less :p 18:32:31 <Alberth> add more industries to get less used tiles? :) 18:33:02 <frosch123> well, changing them would break the savegame, so maybe sylf will only do that when really hitting the limit 18:33:28 <frosch123> Alberth: thanks for review :) 18:33:41 <frosch123> i fixed the typo, i guess it's time to push, and see what sets break :p 18:33:55 <Alberth> :) 18:35:24 <Alberth> I never actively switch to a different version of a newgrf in a game, and I keep all old stuff, so savegame compatibility is not a big issue for me :) 18:35:45 <V453000> savegame compatibility with industries is a bit meh tbh 18:36:30 <Alberth> frosch123: It's nice that you move nml forward 18:40:38 <DevZone> Project road-hog build #461-nightlies: SUCCESS in 36 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/road-hog/461/ 18:53:19 <DevZone> Project opengfx-mars build #164-push: SUCCESS in 2 min 15 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/opengfx-mars/164/ 18:53:36 <DevZone> Project Townnames - German build #106-push: SUCCESS in 7.6 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/german-townnames/106/ 18:53:39 <DevZone> Project NML - NewGRF Meta Language build #371-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 49 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/nml/371/ 19:00:09 <frosch123> hmm i recall that an nml push would trigger some other projects 19:00:15 <frosch123> but i see none on jenkins 19:16:10 <frosch123> wut? why does xussrset define cargo items? 19:18:10 <frosch123> hmm, custom cargo icons 19:19:16 <V453000> xd 19:19:19 <V453000> sounds silly 19:19:48 <frosch123> no idea what it actually does, if ecs is present, it redefines all cargos 19:19:55 <frosch123> with possibly different properties 19:20:08 <frosch123> anyway, i thought it was a bug in my nml :p 19:25:36 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:25:38 <frosch123> oh my, all these grfs have such different stats 19:27:21 <frosch123> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/p2ismpyfy <- :p 19:32:02 <frosch123> ("generated/pnml/orchard_piggery.pnml", line 56939) <- generated code :p 19:42:30 <V453000> XD 20:04:03 <frosch123> wow, nuts doesn't use a single temporary action2 register 20:04:40 <frosch123> i wonder whether we can create a content matching algorithm 20:04:57 <frosch123> detect author by nml statistics 20:08:03 <V453000> wtf is action2 register :R 20:08:05 <V453000> :D 20:09:40 <frosch123> to translate for you: 20:09:55 <frosch123> "Concurrent Action2 registers" means the grf is complicated 20:10:08 <frosch123> "Concurrent spritegroups:" means the grf is terrible organised 20:10:23 <frosch123> "Concurrent Action10 labels" means the grf is configurable 20:11:36 <frosch123> ogfx+landscape and firs perform quite well under those stats 20:15:25 <V453000> hm :D 20:18:17 <frosch123> i didn't dare to write that in the output though :) 20:48:19 <michi_cc> Checked CETS yet? eddi-nml partial compilation might complicate that though. 20:49:26 <frosch123> oi, i had a question for you 20:49:47 <frosch123> michi_cc: does reusing graphics in container 2 only benefit filesize, or also spritecache size in ottd? 20:51:00 *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:04:30 <michi_cc> The sprite cache is indexed by SpriteID and contains a raw pointer to the blitter data, which means filesize only for now. Changing that would mean another indirection with a counter for each raw data. 21:07:50 <frosch123> hmm, SpriteID also need to be consecutive in spritesets 21:08:00 <frosch123> so that cannot be changed either 21:18:27 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 21:27:04 <frosch123> planetmaker: any idea what "documentation" is mentioned in #2785? 21:27:27 <frosch123> i have no idea what could be documented there, so i would suggest to close the issue 21:31:23 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:32:33 <Rubidium_> frosch123: I think it's about the scoping 21:33:20 <Rubidium_> though the current behaviour is pretty typical, *except* when you were used to templated with the C preprocessor 21:33:43 <Rubidium_> which might've been the pitfall triggering the initial issue 21:34:19 <Rubidium_> having said that... 21:35:37 <Rubidium_> how does it behave in https://paste.openttdcoop.org/padrqyuvz ? 21:36:08 <Rubidium_> will the ground sprite be sprite 2 or 4? 22:21:27 *** LSky` has quit IRC 23:31:30 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 23:43:22 *** Zuu has quit IRC